Mining mining in EVE Online - skills, modules, ships. Dull mining - debunking the myths The best mining ship in eve

It should be noted that the process of mining ore in EVE Online will completely enrich even beginners. Moreover, all this is possible from scratch in the literal sense of the word. It is for this reason that beginners are interested in questions regarding where to mine ore.

About mining in EVE Online: how to mine ore?

It should be noted that the process of mining ore in EVE Online will completely enrich even beginners. Moreover, all this is possible without effort in the literal sense of the word. It is for this reason that beginners are interested in questions regarding where to mine the ore. In addition, no less popular issue is the one where you can simply and other items, making your life easier at times. In the presented guide you will find answers to your questions. If you have not yet created an account, then you should register on the website of the presented game. The whole procedure is free! Please note that it is important to think carefully about the password and come up with the most complex one that has not been used anywhere before.

What do you need for an ore mining class?

In order to start mining, you need to purchase a ship that has a slot for a gun turret. It is thanks to this equipment that you can start mining ore after you have installed the appropriate module. However, for those who wish to be more serious about the presented process, it is much more efficient to direct all their efforts and attention to specialized drilling-type platforms, which have much more extensive ore mining capabilities, unlike other ships. In order to become a miner, you will need a ship in combination with a module or initial mining skills. Moreover, in order to get all this, you do not need to put special efforts into the process. That is why every novice player is able to start the mining process in the game.

Types of ore and places of their extraction

There are many basic types of ore in the game. However, each of them has several varieties. Each ore includes a certain mixture of eight basic types of minerals. As for highsecs, there players can find only the most common and common types of asteroids and ores. Often this is Skordit or Veldstap. If we talk about more valuable and rare ore, then the player needs to move to zero systems and forget about the protection of COCORD for a while.

Where is ore mined other than asteroid belts?

Often, users wonder where it is possible, or what places are the most accessible for ore mining, except for asteroid belts. It is important to note that the latter is not the only place where players will be able to find ore and asteroids in particular. For example, when carrying out a mission.

Is it possible to mine a lot of ore at once?

Pretty much every pilot who builds a mining career in EVE Online knows that there are other options to increase speed and efficiency. Most miners use containers that are dropped into space. That's where they store all the ore. So, you can make time work for you. It will not go for unloading and flight. However, it is important to be vigilant, because there are pilots who do not shine with honesty and can easily steal ore from a container, and subsequently destroy your ship.

Is it possible to mine the ore on your own?

It should be noted that the mining process in EVE Online can be done without grouping. Anyone can easily work individually, extracting exactly what he needs. But it is important to consider that when combined in groups, speed and efficiency can increase markedly.

How can I transport a large supply of ore?

As a rule, ordinary miners unload at the station after the hold is full. More risky workers, in order to get high profits, carry out warehousing in dumped containers, transport them at the expense of special ships for cargo. It is thanks to such transport that a large supply of cargo can be transported. Due to this technique, the miner can devote more time to mining ore.

To simplify the calculations, I will measure the ore in halko hours. 1hh - the amount of ore dug out by the Hulk in one hour.
SSP already has a methodology for changing afk profit from click frequency. Planetary. The option is not ideal, but we also take it as a basis.
All numbers through a dash are already balancing trifles to adjust as usual by eye on the test server.
The numbers are given for the maximum number of diggers that can be installed from one character. Whether it's one big digger or 10 small ones doesn't matter. There is always an opportunity to triple the production by placing diggers with 3 charms on the acc.

We make afk diggers, which, with all5 skills, dig from 1-3hh to 0.1-0.3hh. Their cargo volume changes inversely to the rate of production. In such a way that it can be left for several days at a minimum production, and for an hour or two at a maximum. Even lore explanation is good. A standard module with either more digging lasers or more cargo. No additional steps are required to make it work. They put it, set the speed of production, she digs as long as there is room in the cargo. You cannot transfer ore to the Jettyson from a digger. Only in your cargo.

100k effective hp, with 1 hour reinforcement in the middle. HP is specially small, this is the goal for the roam. Reinforcement is needed so that miners do not have to sit and wait for ninja beavers. We saw the reinforce, an hour for the training camp, we are trying to protect. For fully afk diggers, defense is useless, but for diggers with a minimum cycle and production comparable to that of the Hulk, you can get together. The same miners who previously only dug can sit on the drakes and at least drive away the nanoroum of three cynobals. A couple of T1 logisticians will quickly pump everything out.

Rob cows:
After exiting the reinforce, but before pumping out, everyone has access to cargo. At the keel, half of the accumulated drops out.

30-100kk for a digger will be fine. The price should be painful for miners to drain a dozen diggers in their cozy cul-de-sac. But on the other hand, it should be such that it generally makes sense to risk investments. Also, by increasing the price per digger, we increase the profitability of diggers with small cycles and a gang ready to fly to the defense.

1000 trifles:
To remove, reconfigure the length of the cycle and access rights can only be the one who set it. The volume of the digger is 15k, it’s not good to carry it on carpet-industries. People who dig with three charms must suffer.

We allow access to cargo to the specified charms, corps, or in general by stands. The maximum possible number of settings. We are for cooperation. A dedicated carrier on an orc (or a new specialized ship) and a defense gank is the ideal situation.

We forbid. What to do with the agra is not clear. Yes, and noobs need to frolic somewhere.

For long cycles, mega asteroids will be needed. We make a skill for +1 to the queue of asteroids in the digger. And the advanced version of this skill is another +1 per level. And there is also a maximum production distance from the installation site. You can have fun balancing the amount of ore and the distance between asteroids in gravity and in belts. With proper fit, choosing an installation site will be a non-trivial task.

I continue to collect materials from various sources on gaming issues. Today is an article about mining. It is a translation of several articles from an off site, diluted with comments. The article is not for beginners, it will not tell you exactly how to dig. It is assumed that the reader is more or less versed in the game.

Mini dictionary:
Apocalypse, Apoc - Amarr BS
Dominix, Domi, Cabin - Gallente BS
Retrivier - medium barge
Covetor - big barge
Mackinaw - Exhumer, "second generation" barge, main ice mining bonuses.
Hulk - Exhumer, "Second Generation" barge. Additional bonuses, serious resistances.
Remine - mine more efficiently.
Belt - Asteroid Belt - The asteroid belt, where they usually mine.
Respawn - Respawn in the belts of pirate NPCs actively trying to stop you from digging.
Mining Upgrades - MU (Mining Laser Upgrades in the Market) - modules increase mining efficiency, and increase the CPU consumption of lasers.
Strip Miners - installed only on barges, provide higher mining efficiency compared to conventional mining lasers.
Yield - lane efficiency. The amount of ore you mine per cycle.

1) To use or not to use barges?
2) Mining Crystals
3) How to become the best miner?!
4) Drones
5) Hulk. Buy or not?
6) Mining Ice
7) Bottom line

1) To use or not to use barges in ever online?

This question seems to come up very often. There is no definite answer to this question, but I will help you to do right choice. Apocalypse or Dominix can mine just as efficiently as the average barge. And Covetor, in turn, will “re-mine” all other ships. However, it takes a long time to level up to it (Astrogeology V, Mining Barge V) - it's about 40 days, with more or less pumped learnings, or 30 days with well-pumped learnings and +3 implants.
If you are serious about mining, you need Covetor.

I advise you to get Astrogeology IV and Mining IV as soon as possible.

Let's start with the Retriever
Average barge.

The Skills You Need Mining IV, Astrogeology IV, Mining Barge III

Using Strip Miners I, you will get something like this:
847.58 ore per cycle (180 sec)
This means that in a minute you will get 565.05 ore/minute

Continue with Apoc and Dominix
Who are they? If you are determined to mine like a serious pepper, then you probably want to join a corporation that lives 0.0.
Don't waste time in the Empire - real money is found in zeros. Apoc or Domik are the best solo miners. If you have not set foot in zeros, then, having been there, you will understand what harmful NPC pirates are in belts (not to mention real ones). You will need an assistant to deal with them if
you will be mining on a barge. What happens if no one agrees? Then the barge - not your choice - is dismantled and destroyed in no time. In such a situation, your BS will save you.

Personally, I prefer Apoc to Dom, because you can fit a couple more Miners II into Apoc. Apoc can hold 8 Mining Lasers without sacrificing 2 low slots for co-processors that can be used to boost defenses.
The lodge can also hold a rep of everything (even 3 1.5 million BS with cruiser escorts) without damaging 6 mining lasers.
Let's now compare their performance using t2 mining-lasers

Skills you need: Mining IV, Astrogeology IV

Using Miners II, we get the following:
86.4 ore per mine laser/cycle (60sec)

This means that per minute:
For Domi (86.4*6 minelasers) = 518.4 ore/minute (596.16 c Mining Upgrade)
For Apoc (86.4*8 minelasers) = 691.2 ore/minute (794.88 c Mining Upgrade)

If you are mining in an empire, then there is no point in tanking BS at all, so you can insert 3 Mining Upgrades and get about 15% increase in your efficiency. Comparing the results, one can see that the considered BS and Retriever are approximately on the same level. But Apoc can remine the Retriever with his eight t2 mine lasers.
If you have a tank in a corporation that can and wants to help you with mining, then download Covetor right away. If it doesn’t work out and you have to dig a lot alone, then your choice is the BS discussed above.

Let's finish with Covetor.
Gentlemen, I'll tell you that Covetor is a mining megamonster, a maniac, better than only two Covetor. But in order to sit on it, you have to wait a long time for pumping the necessary skills.
Let me show you what he can do.

Skills you need: Mining V, Astrogeology V, Mining Barge V

I wrote about Mining V for the first time. 6 days of boosting from level 4 to 5 for an additional 5% is worth it, especially because the fifth level of this skill will come in handy when you are going to install t2 strip miners. Learn, you won't regret it.

Using Strip I, we get the following:
1018.828 ore per Strip/cycle (180 sec)

So per minute, (1018.828 * 3 strip miners)/3 minutes = 1018.828 ore/minute

We get an increase in efficiency by 180% compared to Covetor and 128% compared to Apok (with eight miners and 3 MU). But this is only the beginning!

2) Mining Crystals in Eve online

If you're on Covetor, you might want to get yourself t2 Strip miners, which use crystals for each type of ore to work. After swinging for another 30 days, you will be able to use them. Do not even hesitate - swing on them, they are effective!
What do we get?
T1 Crystal: (360*1.625)=585
T2: Crystal: (360*1.75)= 630

Skills required for T2 Strips: Refining V, Advanced Refinery V, Metallurgy IV, Mining V, Mineral-Specific Processing up to III (T1 Crystals) or up to IV (T2 Crystals.)

Let's now recalculate in our minds how Covetor will mine with our sexy T2 Strip miners and crystals.

Using Strip II along with T2 crystals, we get the following:
1118.63 ore per miner/cycle (180sec) (from 1 MU)

This means that per minute: 1118.63 ore/minute.

We get an additional 100 units. ore per minute.

3) How to become the best miner?!

Do you want to learn how to become an uber miner? Below are the modules and skills that will help you become as efficient as possible. (more on drones later).

To be an uber solo miner, you need to have 2, and best of all 3 accounts. Why?
1 account: mining
2 account: carries
3rd account: BC or BS who would help with respawning pirates on belts

With two accounts, you can have a BC like a tank and a carrier miner all rolled into one.

With the new gang mining skills, ALL gang members get mining bonuses. But a person with a pumped Foreman skill should be in the same system as you, moreover, in open space and, of course, with you in the gang.

Here is a list of what will make you an uber miner:

Mining V - 25% yield bonus
Astrogeology V - 25% yield bonus
Mining Barge V - 15% yield bonus
Mining Foreman V - 10% yield bonus
Strips II with T2 Crystal - 75% yield bonus
Mining Upgrades - You can put 2 on Hulk (more on that below) (10% bonus to yield), or 1 on Covetor (5% bonus to yield)
Mining Implant (slot 7) - Gives a 5% bonus to yield, but is rare. Usually sold for 300-350 lyam.
Mining Implant (slot 10) - not as rare as the one in slot 7. Also gives 5% yield, usually sells for 150 million dead pale Amarr.
Exhumer V - 15% to yield (Exhumers only)
Mining Foreman Midlink (slot 10) Uberimplant. Leaves for about 500 lyam. Gives as much as 15% bonus to the efficiency of digging to the owner. It also increases the effectiveness of the Mining Foreman skill by 50% (it turns out that with the fifth level of Foreman, the bonus will be 15% instead of the original 10%). Also increases the efficiency of any foreman link module by 50%.
So: all these implants personally increase your efficiency by 25%, and the effectiveness of ganging by 10%. But you have to have cybernetic V, mining foreman V and mining director V skills, which is hard.

Be aware that you can only use one imp per slot, so the mining foreman mindlink and normal mining implant that land on the tenth slot cannot be inserted. Will have to choose.

Let's now see what we can do if we put all this on ourselves and learn it.

Ship: Covetor.

Using Strip II with T2 crystals, we get the following:
1438.24 per miner/cycle (180 sec) (with 1 MU)

This means per minute: 1438.24 ore/minute without drone mining, which is 254% more efficient than the Retriever we reviewed.

It's great, right? And that is not all!

4) Drones in Eve online

Some will say that drones are not worth it, but don't believe them, they are wrong.

Three types of mining drones available to you:
T1 Mining Drones - Ignore Them
T2 Mining Drones (approximately 600K each)
Harvester Drones (approx. 6 lamas apiece)

Required skills: Drones V, Mining Drone Operations V (25% bonus to yield), Drone Interfacing V (100% bonus to drone yield)

using T2 drones (base yield is 25):
62.5 ore/minute from drone

using Harvesters (base yield is 30):
75 ore/minute from drone

You cannot say that using 5 t2 drones will give you an additional 62.5*5 ore/minute. Because the SSR cleverly rounds up the results of the drone lane.

t2 mine drones are faster than t1 counterparts, and also faster than harvesters. Therefore, t2 drones, under certain circumstances, look better against the background of expensive Harvesters and can re-mine them.

For example:
Drone mining Bistot (zero ore after Mercoxit, 16m3) will give you:
62.5/16 = 3.9 Bistot from drone per minute. Rounding always goes down, so you get 3 units. from a drone. Harvesters will mine 75/16= 4.68 Bistot per minute, which will bring 4 units respectively. As a result, we get that Harvesters will bring 1 additional unit of ore per minute, i.e. 5 additional units from all. I'll explain later how important this is, for now just remember these numbers.

Now the most interesting.

5) Hulk… Buy or not?

The million dollar question! Hulk costs a lot of money (somewhere between 300 and 500 million). Many believe that this is an unprofitable investment. I'll tell you: if you are serious, then you need it. Now I'll prove it.

You will need approximately 25 days to learn Exhumer V (15% yield bonus).
You can put 2 MUs into it instead of one, Hulk will bring you an additional 20% efficiency. Is 20% worth three hundred lyams? Naturally! You can stock up on 500 lyam imps and get the same efficiency boost applied. But losing a ship is as offensive as an egg with a cloud of imps?

But, but, but… The best thing that Hulk can give you is that he can tank just like Dominix! Previously, you used an alto or co-corp to cover you, but now you can leave him alone and tank yourself for even more ISK hour.
The resistances and tanking capabilities of this barge will pleasantly surprise you.

Let's think fit.

3x Strip II

1x Gistii-A Small Shield Booster
1x T2 Cap Recharger
2x required Hardeners (depending on how much damage the NPC has)

2x Mining Upgrades

It all costs about 150 lyam.

Now, as usual, we will deal with exponential calculations.

Using Strip II with T2 crystals and all bonuses from skills and imps in the section "how to become a better miner" we get the following:
360 (Base yield) * 1.25 (Mining V) * 1.25 (AstroV) * 1.15 (Barge V) * 1.1 (Foreman V) * 1.75 (T2 Crystal) * 1.1 (2x Mining Upgrades) * 1.05 (Implant 1) * 1.05 ( Implant 2) * 1.15 (Exhumer V) = 1732.74 ore from mining laser/cycle (180sec)

This means that you will receive 1732.74 ore/minute per minute. This is 306% better than the Retrivier and 254% better than the Covetor discussed above.

It's great, right? Let's now see how much ISK we will receive.

A covetor with a pilot that has maxed out skills and maxed out imps will dig 1438.24 ore/minute. Digging Bistot, (after refining we get 1438.24/16=89 units per minute, which means 5349 units per hour) which costs about 9000 ISK per unit in the empire, we get after selling about 48.000.000 ISK per hour.

When digging with the Hulk, which digs (under the same conditions) 1732.74 ore/minute, which means 108 ore. Bistot, thus receiving 6480 units per hour, we will get an approximate income of 58.000.000 ISK per hour.

In short, with the Hulk you will dig about 10 more lyam in an hour than with the covetor. The difference in their cost is 280 lyams (Hulk - 300, Covetor - 20). So you will pay it back in 28 hours (280/10mil hour = 2
But you still need to transport and sell the accumulated, so a more realistic payback time is 60-80 hours. But if you sell ore directly in the zeros, then you will naturally recoup your investment faster.

Skills like mining, astrogeology, barge do not affect yield. The only thing that can affect is the Mackinaw bonus, which increases ice yield by 100%. If you dig on it, then you will dig 1000 for each cycle. The Ice Harvesting and Ice Harvesting Upgrades skills reduce the duration of the cycle, therefore, in an hour with proper pumping, you can get more ice.

Base cycle time with Harvesters I is 600 sec.
Base cycle time with Harvesters II is 500 sec.

IMPORTANT: You must wait until the cycle is complete, otherwise you will not receive a single unit of the mineral.

A Mackinaw with the Exhumer V skill will give you a 100% bonus to your ice harvesting efficiency per ice harvester, regardless of your Exhumers skill level. Each level of Exhumers gives a -5% bonus to the cycle time of each harvester. Since Mackinaw also has a negative bonus of 25% min to digging speed, leveling the Exhumers skill to level 5 will negate this negative moment, returning you to the previous 100%.

Cycle time with Ice Harvesters V and 2 Ice Mining upgrades (Harvesters I) = 405 sec.

Because you mine 2000 ore from each harvest per cycle and you can complete 8 full cycles per hour, your mining success will be 36 units. ice per hour.

Cycle time with Ice Harvesters V and 2 Ice Mining upgrades (Harvesters II) = 337.5 sec.

Because you mine 2000 ore from each harvest per cycle and you can complete 11 full cycles per hour, your mining success will be 44 units. ice per hour.

It only holds 1 MU and doesn't have the same yield bonuses as the Mackinaw, but you can put an extra strip on it.

Cycle time with Harvesters I - 427sec.
Cycle time with Harvesters II - 356 sec.

Since you can only dig 1000 per cycle, in total (for 3 harves) we get 3000 per cycle, which means:

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units ice

This means Mackinaw can dig an additional 11 units. ice at the same time. (hour)

Hulk's only merit in this aspect is that he can hold 2 Ice Harvester Upgrades against one on Covetor. The Hulk will have exactly the same cycle time as the Mackinaw but forfeit the 100% yield bonus.
The Exhumers skill does not give any bonuses to the amount of dig.

From each harvest we get 1000 per cycle, which means from 3x - 3000.
c Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units ice
c Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 33 pcs. ice

Pretty much the same as Covetor. Hulk will only dig that much a few minutes faster than Covetor.

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 36 units ice
with Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 44 units ice.

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units ice
with Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 33 units ice.

I think comments are unnecessary. Anyone who wants to dig ice efficiently sits on a Mackinaw.

Edit: There is another opinion about Mackinaw. Below, from Mahmud.

7) Bottom line

So what have we come to?
Retrivier with weak skills will dig 565 ore/minute
Covetor with good skills - 1188 ore/minute
Hulk with great skills and imps to the fullest - 1732 ore/minute (one, without tank support).

In the money by selling Bistot (9000 ISK per meal)
Retrivier - 30 lyam per hour
Covetor - 64 lamas per hour
Hulk with great skills and imps to the fullest - 93 lyamas per hour.

Don't forget about drones?
Tier 2 drones: 15 extra units Bistot per minute (3 from each of 5 drones), which means 900 extra. units per hour - additional 8.1 lyam per hour.

Harvester Drones: 20 extra units Bistot per minute (4 from each of 5 drones), which means 1200 extra. units per hour - additional 10.8 lyam per hour.

Hulk is the bomb, the dream of any serious miner. Hulk will relieve you of many difficulties and bring you big profits. Having 2 accounts, the second can be put on the transportation of accumulated, increasing your efficiency. This is a big investment, I agree, but they are worth it and very soon you will become a billionaire.

Mining may seem boring for many, but TeamSpeak or some interesting movie will brighten up your gray days.

It doesn't matter if the above story is true or not. What matters is that mining is one of the most lucrative jobs for a pilot. A successful miner will enjoy wealth and prosperity. Just take it as a postulate - the miner is the main core of the EVE universe: everything that is produced, flies, destroyed and shoots originates from the materials mined by the miner. It is the foundation of the pyramid. Without it, there would be no economy. It is for this reason that the mining profession will never disappear.

3 Mining

The basics of mining in EVE are very simple. In each system you will find asteroid belts, on these asteroids you can mine various ore, then the ore can be processed (refine) in order to obtain minerals used by manufacturers to build all sorts of things in the EVE universe. Using mining lasers, you extract ore from asteroids. A large hold is required to transport ore from the belt to the station.

In an empire (any region with a security status or simply SS between 0.5 and 1.0), the most common asteroids are Veldspar, Scordite and Pyroxeres. They contain a large amount of essential minerals, namely Tritanium, Pyerite and Mexallon. The amount of minerals that you get by processing the ore you mined depends on your processing skills and standings to the corporation that owns the station where the processing is carried out.

EVA provides a wide range of mining ships and equipment with varying degrees of efficiency. This guide is designed to help you figure out what mining is and what it is eaten with. The first point is the basics of mining.

3.1 Asteroid belts and ores

As mentioned above, each system contains asteroid belts, somewhere more, somewhere less. The main rule is that the lower the security status of the system, the better the asteroids in it (however, this rule does not apply to the number of asteroids).

If you are new to the world of EVE, I advise you to read more about the security status and how it affects gameplay. You will not go into lowsec (systems with security status from 0.1 to 0.4 inclusive) with the same ship and modules that you used in a system with SS=1.0. Of course, no one forbids you to do this, but it would be stupid! However, this is not the topic of this guide, and I will not touch on it here. So do this homework before you make a money-losing mistake!

In general, in systems 0.5 and above, you are practically safe under the protection of Concorde, which will come to your aid if you are attacked. However, you are not immune from thieves and suicidal gankers who sacrifice their ship to destroy your ship.

Let's get back to mining. Let's call all the ores you find in systems 0.1 - 1.0 "Low Ends", and the ores that are typical for zeros (0.0) "High Ends". As you may already know, higher ores (namely: Bistot, Arkonor, Mercoxit, Gnesis and Crokite) yield the best and most expensive minerals. This does not mean that lower ores are not needed, because all kinds of minerals are required in production. And finally, there is ice, which is most often used by corporations in POS installations.

Some ores can only be found in certain systems. For example, Jaspet can only be found in the Galente and Amaran systems. You won't find it in Caldari or Mathar space. And keep in mind that all ores are found in zeros. There you will find everything from Veldspar to Mercoxit, of course, not all at once in one system. It would be an overwhelming burden to describe for each system the ores contained in it. The following map is called upon to assist in finding places where a certain ore can be found:

This is a great tool for those who want to find a convenient place for mining and do not know where the ore they need is located.

It should also be mentioned that each ore has two additional variations. The first gives 5% more minerals when processed, the second - 10%. All possible variations are presented in the table below:

3.2 Minerals

Minerals are produced by processing the ore you mine. In total there are 8 types of minerals - 3 "higher" and 5 "lower". The lower minerals include Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen, and Nocxium. Higher minerals include Zydrine, Megacyte and Morphite. Higher minerals, of course, can only be obtained from higher ores, which you will only find in zeros (occasionally - in low, if related to the ore map above). Actually, this explains the difference in prices for higher and lower minerals. Below is a table of ore processing:

Let's explain the notation in the table:

First, a pack is the number of units of ore required for processing. The numbers below correspond to the maximum amount of minerals obtained during processing.

For example, consider Omber. A pack is 500 units. Let's say you mined 3467 units and brought them to the station for processing. For every 500 units at max refining yield = 100% (yes, it's possible) you will get 307 units of Tritanium, 123 Pyerite and 307 Isogen. If you divide 3467 by 500, you get 6 packs and there are still 467 Ombers left.

Everything is simplified here. Add to this the taxes for an insufficient stand (which are paid for with minerals), or a lack of refining skills. The recycling system will be discussed in the following sections. The proposed table is useful in order to determine which ore should be mined to obtain the minerals you need.

3.2.1 And what should I dig?

Considering that mineral prices change daily according to the law of supply / demand, the phrase “this mineral is always in demand” does not make sense. Eve-central

( always has a great Minerals market price report with statistics for the last 180 days. If you want to start a mineral trading business (I warn you in advance that this is a very difficult hobby) or just be more efficient in your mining, you should check out this great site. No matter what you mine, here you will find those who need it. With the advent of large tonnage ships, the requirements for the amount of minerals needed to build them have increased quite a lot, so don't worry - you won't be in danger of oversaturating the market!

3.3 The beginning of a miner's career.

So, you just started playing Eve, you have motivation, but you have no idea what to do. We looked at what you can mine and what it will give you. However, you are sitting in your Ibis and do not understand where to go. This is fine. After all, that's why you're reading this section, right?

Before you do anything, I highly recommend completing the training missions if you haven't already. This will help you get comfortable with the game mechanics and interface.

Another good reason to take the training is that the agent will pay you ISKs (or even give you an implant as a reward - you can sell it on the market) that will make up your starting capital in the mining profession. Another alternative would be to join a corporation and get help there. No matter which path you choose, you will need a certain amount of ISK to get started.

3.3.1 Your first ship

The best ship for beginner miners is undoubtedly the Caldari Bantam. Please note that Bantam is not the only mining frigate. For example, the Gallentes have Navitas - it is also great for mining operations. Each race has its own mining frigate. So if you do not want to bind your fate with the Caldari or have already chosen another race, you should look at the frigate branch in the infobase - there you will find a mining frigate of your race. However, many believe that the Caldari have the best mining cruiser in EVE (more on that later), so it makes sense to train your Koldari ship skills in the early days of a mining career.

Bantam frigate

I recommend that you learn Caldari Frigate 2, then Mining 1, then go to Caldari Frigate 4 and then to Mining 4. Considering that the skill of controlling Caldari frigates gives you a 20% bonus to laser production (naturally only for Bantam'a), then one a day spent studying frigates for 4 undoubtedly pays for itself. After that, having learned Mining 4, you will be able to use T2 mining lasers, which are undoubtedly better than their T1 counterparts.

You will need to equip your Bantam with two mining lasers. It doesn't matter what you put in the medium slots - there is no equipment for the medium slots in the game that would increase the production of minerals. But you can learn the Mining Upgrades 1 skill and try to install one Mining Laser Upgrade (+5% bonus to mining volume per mining laser) in one of your low slots. Whether it fits or not depends on your Electronics skill. You should use Bantam until you have Caldari Frigate 4 and Mining 4. At this point, you should have accumulated enough ore, and you can find a decent offer to sell it.

3.3.2 Mining basics

There are two main methods of mining. The first is that you fly to the station as soon as you fill the hold of your miner (this takes quite a lot of time). An alternative is mining into a temporary container (jetcan). In the second case, you transfer the ore from the hold to the jetison container until it is full (capable of holding 27500 cubic meters). Once you have filled it, you change the ship to an industrial ship (usually called a carrier (hauler)) - a specialized ship with a large hold, designed for transportation. Don't forget to change your Jetison container at least once every 90 minutes. Such containers disappear after about two hours in space.

The main disadvantage of this method is that anyone can open your container and steal the contents. If someone takes an item from your container, then the thief will turn red to you. This means that you can open fire on him without fear of interference from the Concorde. You can also team up with your corecorps to take down the thief, as anyone in your corporation also gets the right to shoot him. But members of your fleet, who are not members of your corporation, do not have the right to shoot at the thief until he shows aggression towards them directly.

3.3.3 Industrial ships

Each race has its own set of carrier ships. A remarkable feature of EVA is that there is no restriction on the ability to pilot ships of another race in the game. Alternatively, I suggest you learn Mammoth (Minmatar).

Industrial ship Mammoth

The Mamoooth holds 16686 m3 with four Expanded Cargohold I modules and four Giant Secure Containers. Why GSC? Simply because, taking up 3000 m3 of hold space, they have an internal volume of 3900 m3. It turns out for each such container in your hold you will receive an additional 900 m3. None of the T1 trucks will achieve this volume, with the exception of the Gallente Iteron V, which requires the Gallente Industrial 5 skill, and is simply out of reach for a beginner.

However, as long as you're training on Mammoth, the Caldari Badger will be your best bet. Don't try to get Mammoth too soon, at least not before you transfer to a cruiser. Use Badger until you earn a few million ISK.

3.3.4 Joining a corporation

Joining a corporation is not required, but can be very rewarding. In any case, there is nothing to prevent this. Many corporations will accept players with casual online schedules or beginners...there are so many corporations that you are sure to find one that suits you. If you don't like something in your corporation, you can just leave it and look for another one! If you don't know where to look, visit the corporate recruiting thread on the forum or the Eve-University chat channel - a great place to ask your questions and get help!

3.3.5 Selling your ore

At the very beginning of the game, processing ore on your own will mean too much material loss. At this stage, your processing skills are too low (if any). You can sell raw ore, but I suggest you don't. Why?

90% of orders to buy ore on the market are at significantly lower prices. This is due to the fact that many miners do not understand the trading system or do not pay attention to prices and just sell ore. The buyer will collect the ore and process it. This is not a scam, but a common market strategy for understanding players. But we will not touch on this topic here. However, such a strategy hits your wallet, because you simply do not receive a real reward for your work. Joining a corporation will help here - it is very likely that there will be a person in it who has good (if not even excellent) recycling skills. For a small fee, he can process your ore. Many corporate players would rather help their co-corps for free. For them, respect is more valuable than a small amount of ISK from a beginner.

If you want to play solo, learn at least Refining 4, this alone will help you. The worst thing you can do is RMB on your ore and sell it without even looking at the price. This is the most common mistake. Open the market panel and view buy orders, don't be lazy! Each mineral has a volume of 0.01m3 (compared to ore, which takes up much more space), so it's really easy to transport! Don't be afraid to take a short trip to a station with more attractive warrants! Knowing the market is the basis for making a profit as a miner and trader, do not mindlessly sell the ore that you have put so much effort into!

3.3.6 Your first cruiser

So, you finally have the Caldari Frigate 4 and Mining 4 skill. The next stage of development is to transfer to the cruiser. Luckily, the Caldari also have the best mining cruiser, the Osprey.

Cruiser Osprey

The Osprey is a very good ship, also having a 20% bonus on loot. I advise you to learn Caldari cruisers immediately to the third level. Level 4 won't be a waste of time, but in the beginning you might want to spend those 4 or 5 days on other skills like electronics or engineering.

As for the fitting, everything is very simple. 3xT2 Miners in the upper slots, if desired, you can install modules for tanking in the medium, add a heavy rocket launcher and drones for self-defense in 0.6 systems. In low slots, as usual, we put as many mining upgrades as possible. One is placed in any case, two - with good skills (Electronic 5, Mining Ugrades 4).

The next step is to learn Astrogeology at 4. It will give you another 20% bonus to mining and will be an intermediate link on the way to moving to Mining Barges (more on them below).

After you learn Astrogeology 4 you will have a choice. You can download Caldari Cruiser 4 and/or Mining 5 (both will take about the same time). Mining 5 is a good investment of time anyway. If you plan to board the barges right away, then the four in the Caldari cruisers is not important to you, because 5 or 6 days separate you from the first mining barge. If you are planning to participate in hostilities, then 4 cruisers might be a good idea and provide 20% bonus loot.

3.4 Various lasers for mining

There are many mining lasers, and a beginner can get confused in them, so we will immediately give a plate with a list of mining lasers and their features:

Type ofExploitationMercoxit
Standard Mining LaserAny ship with a turret slot. Usually used when loot is low or the character's skill level is low.Not
Deep Core Mining LaserAny ship with a turret slot. Can be used to mine Mercoxit or any other oreYes
Modulated Deep Core Mining LaserAny ship with a turret slot. Can be used to mine Mercoxit or any other ore. Can use mining crystals to increase ore yieldYes
Mining Barge or Exhumer. Used to mine everything except Mercoxit.Not
Modulated Strip MinerMining Barge or Exhumer. Used to mine everything except Mercoxit. Can use mining crystals to increase ore yieldNot
Modulated Deep Core Strip MinerMining Barge or Exhumer. Can mine Mercoxit and any other ore. Can use mining crystals to increase ore yieldYes
Ice HarvesterMining Barge or Exhumer. Used to mine iceNot
Gas Cloud HarvesterInstalled on a ship with a free turret slot. Used to mine from gas cloudsNot

This concludes our introduction.

4 Recycling

The recycling system in EVE is not very complex, but not as simple as we would like. In total, there are five factors that affect recycling:

  1. Your Refining skill level
  2. Your Refinery Efficiency skill level (requires Refining 5)
  3. Your standing to the corporation that owns the station where the processing is carried out.
  4. Processing station equipment
  5. Your Ore Processing skill level

4.1 Calculating the amount of processed products you receive

The formula for calculating the yield of processing is as follows:

Refining Losses=[Station Equipment +(0.375*(1+[Refining Skill Level]*0.02)* *(1+[Refinery Efficiency Skill Level]*0.04)*(1+[Ore Processing Skill Level] *0.05))

0.375 - Tinoga constant (appeared thanks to Tinoga Enterprises Services). To find out the equipment of the station, open the processing panel and look to the right. The station equipment is marked with a yellow rectangle. In the event that your standing is insufficient or if you recycle at an outpost, you are subject to a tax (shown in the green box) that is calculated after refining. When we talk about recycling output, we never include tax here.. The amount you get after processing (in our case 84.5%) is nonsense, as it doesn't take into account your specialized skills, so just ignore it.

In order to have zero taxes, you need to have standing with NPC Corporation 6.7 and above. Player-controlled stations and outposts live by different rules - the owner of the station can impose any tax regardless of your standing to the corporation that owns the station.

At all stations, equipment efficiency is 50%, while at outposts it is from 35 to 50%. In addition Revelations modifications for outposts have been added, with which you can increase the capabilities of outposts. However, this is a costly business - an advanced processing modification will be very expensive. Thanks to them, you can get a 100% processing yield with 40% equipment (or even 35% with an implant - more on that later).

The very lazy can use the online refining yield calculator ( As you can see, at most NPC stations (Imperial/0.0) 100% refining output can be achieved with Refining 5, Refinery Efficiency 4 and Ore Processing 1. 5 is a waste of two weeks.

4.2 Implants for processing

AT Revelations 2.2 new implants for mining were introduced - Hardwiring - Zainou "Beancounter" H60, which reduces recycling waste by 4%. It requires the Cybernetic V skill and can be found in contracts.

This implant will allow you to have an excellent 100% processing yield in nullsec with fully trained skills even on most outposts (35%).

4.3 From the number of processed products to reality

Well, we know how much we get from processing, now we need to calculate how many minerals from one pack will fall into our hangar after processing. If you know all the pitfalls, you'll achieve 100% refining yield and zero tax, then just use the table in section 3.2 and you'll be savvy! Perhaps you still do not understand everything, so I will continue my explanations. As usual, let's look at a specific example. Let's stay consistent - use Omber to be specific!

For every 500 units of Omber, we will get 307 Tritanium, 123 Pyerite and 307 Isogen with the most researched processing. Let us not have perfect processing, but 88%. To find out what our output is, we simply take 88% of each figure. In our case:

  • 0.88 * 307 = 270.16 = 270 Tritanium units
  • 0.88 * 123 = 108.24 = 108 units of Pyerite
  • 0.88 * 307 = 270.16 = 270 Isogen units

EBA rounds down all figures relating to minerals and ores. So the fractional part is simply discarded, giving instead of 270.98 only 270, and not 271 as your knowledge of mathematics may tell you.

If you are taxed (for example 10%), then now you must deduct it. As a result:

  • (100%-10%) * 270 = 243 = 243 Tritanium units
  • (100%-10%) * 108 = 97.2 = 97 units of Pyerite
  • (100%-10%) * 270 = 243 = 243 Isogen units

Thus, as a result of processing, your hangar will be replenished with 243 Tritanium, 97 Pyerite and 243 Isogen from each pack of 500 Omber. In case of using advanced ore variations (+5%/+10%) to calculate Silvery Omber (+5%) processing products, you need to take 88% of 322 (307*1.05=322.35=322) for Tritanium, and not 88% from 307.

Naturally, an ore calculation calculator is available on the Internet (, which is intended for those who do not rummage in Excel or are simply lazy.

Well, actually everything. See...Nothing complicated!

5 Mathematical system

The previous section was not overloaded with mathematical equations. This was my attempt to start simple, but now it's time to get serious. The only way to compare ships is to compare their actual production volumes that they are capable of, and this can only be done with the help of mathematics (although nothing complicated!). If you understand the basics, you can apply it to any ship in the game, and you won't bother me with emails asking me how much I'll get in this or that case! If you ask anyway, I'll slap you, agreed?

5.1 Skill system

All skills in EVE stack. If we consider the example of Mining which gives a 5% bonus to the production of your mining lasers per level, then level 4 in Mining will give you a 5% * 4 = 20% bonus.

The effects of the various skills you have already learned will in turn multiply. And, for example, with a level 4 Astrogeology skill (also giving a 5% mining bonus per level) and Mining level 4, the total mining will be:

Base laser output * 1.20 * 1.20 = XXX

In the case of a T2 Miner that has a base production of 60 m3/cycle, you will get:

60 * 1.20 * 1.20 = 86.4 m3/cycle (note that production is not rounded)

Simple enough? Let's continue!

5.2 Cycles

Cycles determine how many seconds it takes for your laser to complete a full "mining cycle". The ore you mine will appear in the hold at the end of the cycle. Name, T1 and T2 mining lasers have a cycle of 60 seconds (1 minute), and strip miners (T1, and T2), as well as Modulated Deep Core Mining Lasers II (MDCML2) have a cycle of 180 seconds (3 minutes). Ice mining will be covered in another section along with ice strips and stuff, as the ice mining system is completely different from asteroid mining.

Before we continue, you should know that strips can only be installed on Barges or Exhumers. (Mining Barges or Exhumers). People are often afraid of a long cycle and wonder what is the point of a long cycle. There is actually a big advantage… in short, your hold will actually be full at the end of each cycle. This means that when mining into a jet container (and this is how you will dig), you need to empty it every minute ... That is, you will perform the same actions 60 times per hour instead of 20 if you use strips. At first it seems that the difference is small, but then you will feel it.

5.2.1 Relation of cycles and processed products

The cycle and the amount of ore mined are directly related. Due to the difference in cycles between strips and mining lasers, it can be difficult to compare mining with a barge and mining with a battleship. It's worth dividing the barge's output by three, bringing them to a minute denominator, or converting everything to an hourly denominator, but all this is not entirely true, since EVE rounds up the amount of ore mined that you receive per cycle.

Knowing that strips work 20 times per hour, and mining lasers - 60 times, for the most accurate comparison, we will calculate the amount of Omber mined per hour. The increase in accuracy is small, but this issue is extremely important.

If the mining laser cycle (again, ice harvesters work on other principles and will be discussed later) is interrupted for any reason (an asteroid is mined or you turn off the laser), you will still receive your ore depending on the duration of the current cycle. For example, if you stop the mining laser after 30 seconds of operation, then you will receive 50% of what you should have received for the cycle.

Below is a general table on the production and cycles of each type of laser:

Ignore the crystals for now, they will be given another section. In general, this section is very helpful in calculating the efficiency of ISK / hour (more on this in one of the following sections).

5.2.2 From mining to ore

Looking at the information tabs of lasers and strips, people tend to get confused about the amount of ore they will receive. It's actually quite simple if you know how. You simply have to divide the volume of your mining per cycle by the volume of the unit of ore you are mining, discarding the fractional part of the result.

Let's get back to our Omber'y. Assuming a hypothetical production per cycle of 1789.67 m3/cycle, the amount of ore mined per cycle would be calculated as:

1789.67/0.6 ​​= 2982.78 units ->2982 units/cycle

So, you will get 2982 Ombers in your hold for each cycle… easy enough, right? And you were afraid for your brains!

The section comes to an end. I hope you didn't waste too many nerve cells on him. If yes, then you can get drunk and only after that read the sequel!

5.2.3 Production per cubic meter

Since mining lasers always mine the same volume of ore per cycle (regardless of the number of units of ore in this volume), a more useful value for estimating the amount of minerals actually mined over a given period of time is mining per cubic meter, rather than mining per pack. This value also makes it easier to calculate the cost of transporting and storing your future minerals.

The table below shows the output per cubic meter for each type of ore:

6 Mining Barge or Battleship?

This is one of the most popular questions. What to swing on - a battleship or a mining barge? What is the difference between them? What's better? All these questions will be answered in this section.

The first question you need to answer is do you want to occasionally PVP or are you aiming for a career as a professional miner and focus your character only on upgrading hardware and mining until you reach perfection (yes, it is achievable!)?

If you're not sure yet, learning to be a battleship isn't such a bad idea. The battleship digs at the level of an average mining barge (Retriever) or better, depending on the battleship you fly, and training for both options is almost the same in time ... if you decide to seriously engage in mining, then you will study on the Retriever best idea. It's time to apply the math from the previous section. Let's see how well you got it!

6.1 Battleship branch

The two most popular battleships for mining (since the release of Revelations) are Apocalypse (Amarr, tier 2) and Rokh (Caldari, tier 3). "Golden Banana" has long been considered the best, but now Rokh has taken over this title.

Both have 8 turret slots, however, Rokh has a lot more CPU, due to which this battleship can be equipped with 1 more Mining Laser Upgrade than Apocalypse. And there will still be room for a tank. In previous versions of this guide, the Dominix-class battleship was also considered, well suited for mining in the zeros. However, here too Rokh outperforms its competitors, so we will no longer consider Dominix.

None of the existing battleships have mining bonuses, so the number of turret slots and CPU play a key role among them. We already know that Rokh and Apocalypse are the best, so let's focus on those two ships.

I believe that your skills are at the level that I indicated by the time the first section ended, that is, Mining 4, Astrogeology 4. If you are not going to board the barge, then you also need the Mining Upgrades 4 skill to put as many Mining Laser Upgrades (MLU) to your battleship (in the case of barges, this will not help you). I also believe that you have the Electronics 5 skill. Mining fit is very demanding on the CPU, so if there is no fifth electronics, then you need to learn.

Keep in mind that MLU is the only factor that allows battleships to compete with the Retriever. Without the MLU, the Retriever will outperform them in every way.

6.1.1 Apocalypse

This excellent "golden banana" can be equipped with 8 T2 Miners and 3 MLUs (this requires 4x Co-Processors II and you will lose 18 CPU, so there will be no room for tanking).

Battleship Apocalypse

60*1.2*1.2*1.05^3¹ = 100.0188 m3/cycle

If we consider Omber, then: 100.0188 / 0.6 = 166.698, that is, 166 units of Omber per cycle for each laser.

If you put in 8 lasers, then for a cycle in total you will receive 1328 units of Omber or 79680 Ombers per hour. This is 20.95% more than you can get on Dominix.

1 MLU gives a 5% bonus to the production of each module, but their impact should be counted separately and not added up.

6.1.2 Rokh

Rokh appeared in Revelations , and this is undoubtedly a great ship. It gets even better when you realize that it outperforms Apocalypse in terms of mining thanks to an additional fourth MLU. In addition, he still has some CPU left to install the Medium Shield Booster or Shield Extender. If you leave 3 MLUs, then you will have a lot of CPU for very good tanking. Don't forget about the drone bay (you can stuff 5 T2 medium drones in there), which gives extra protection. But in this guide, we will consider a purely mining Rokh. You must learn that he is superior to Apocalypse as a miner anyway.

Battleship Rokh

Let's see how much production we should expect:

60*1.2*1.2*1.05^4 = 105.01974 m3/cycle

For Omber: 105.01974/0.6 = 175.0329 i.e. 175 Ombera per cycle for each laser.

If you have 8 mining lasers installed, then you will receive 11400 Ombera units per cycle. Or 84,000 Ombers per hour. Not much more, but this small advantage makes Rokh the best battleship for mining.

6.2 Barge line

Before I continue, I’ll say right away - Procurer sucks. The Osprey digs better than him, so the first barge you should learn from is the Retriever.

6.2.1 Retriever

A huge advantage of the Retriever is that it uses strip miners - this means more cycle time (less mouse actions) and it is MUCH cheaper than a battleship.

Let's say you have the Mining Barge skill 4 (3% mining bonus per level) even though you only need a 3 to fly the Retriever. Let's also assume that you have a 5 in Astrogeology, because you are going to study at Covetor! Well, at the same time, given the seriousness of your intentions, you should also invest time in Mining 5.

Mining barge Retriever

Let's see how much mining you will get from the Retriever, supplementing it with one MLU (I’ll say right away that no matter what skills, no mining barge can fit more than one MLU). As I mentioned, Mining Upgrades 1 is enough for barges:

540 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.12 * 1.05 = 992.25 m3/cycle

For Omber, this is 992.25 / 0.6 = 1653.75 -> 1653 Omber units (from each strip) per cycle. If you have 2 strip miners you will get 3306 Omber per cycle or 66120 Ombers per hour. This is 20.51% less than Apocalypse and 0.36% more than Dominix.

As you can see, Retriever and Dominix are on the same level, while Apocalypse has a slight but significant advantage over the average barge. However, this is not a cause for concern, because in a month or so you will board the Covetor, and thank yourself for choosing to fly on barges! Although for random mining, Apocalypse is a good platform that does not require special pumping.

6.2.2 Covetor

Covetor is a very, very good mining ship. It is also cheaper than battleships (about five times cheaper than Apocalypse) and provides superior loot. Although the skill requirements may seem quite high, the loot is worth it.

Thanks to the third strip, Covetor is very good!

Possible production volumes:

540*1.25*1.25*1.05*1.15 = 1018.83 m3/cycle

For Omber: 1018.83/0.6 = 1698.05 ->1698 Omber units per cycle (from one strip).

We have three strips, so 5094 units of Omber will be mined per cycle, or per hour - 101880. This is 54.08% more than the Retriever and 27.86% more than the Apocalypse.

7 Crystals

There are many misconceptions about mining crystals, how they work and whether they are worth their upgrade. To make things even more confusing, when you are shown information about your laser - it is not entirely clear, and the EVE-O database simply gives incorrect information. So let's get started...

For each ore, there are T1 and T2 mining crystals. However, crystals for Mercoxit work completely differently from others, well, yes, there will be a separate discussion about them in the chapter on this ore. I must say right away that there are no crystals for the extraction of ice, you don’t even have to look for them.

Prior to Revelations, all crystals had the same required conditions. These conditions were invented with the expectation of mining higher ores in zero. In order to satisfy these conditions, pumping was required comparable in time to pumping to Covetor - this puzzled many novice miners ... CCP made a change to these conditions, which now became dependent on the ore class. So whether to teach you skills for crystals or not is up to you.

It is easy to understand the principle of their work - the crystals are inserted into the T2 version of the strip miner or

MDCM2, which can be placed on any ship. In simple terms, the T1 version of the crystal increases the base output of the laser by 62.5%, while the T2 version gives an increase of 75%. However, in reality, the increase in production will not be equal to 75%, since T2 versions of mining lasers have a lower base output than their T1 counterparts. However, in any case, the crystals provide some advantages. We will see this below.

As we saw earlier, mining lasers or strip miners that you can stake crystals on have lower base production than their counterparts. They WILL work without crystals, but the production will be significantly less than their T1 counterparts without crystals. So don't be foolish and stick with the T1 variants of the mining lasers until you can use the crystals.

To use the T1 crystals you need the skills listed above as well as Ore Processing 3, for example Omber Processing 3. To use the T2 variant of the crystals, you will need Omber Processing 4 already.

Always remember for comparison: T1 strips have a base output of 540. T2 strips actually provide a 16.17% bonus to the base output of T1 strips. However, let's look at all this with an example:

Let's say we have a Covetor with T2 crystals, we get the output:

360*1.25*1.25*1.05*1.15*1.75= 1188.63 m3/cycle

For Omber 1188.63 /0.6 = 1981.05 ->1981 Omber units per cycle from each strip.

If you have three strip miners, you will get 5943 Ombers per cycle, or 118860 Omber per hour. As mentioned above, this is 16.17% more than on Covetor with T1 strips.

7.1 How do I calculate production volumes?

The first thing you need to know is that the EVE-O database is incorrect, so don't try to figure out how T2 strips work based on it. Moreover, when viewing information about the T2 strip, many people are simply confused.

To find out your current mining amount (taking into account all your skills and bonuses) take a look at the “Specialty Crystal Mining Amount” (green box in the picture). Ignore the Mining Amount, it will only confuse you.

This concludes the story about crystals. As you can see, it pays off to learn them, which is a good step before switching to Hulk (if you are going to learn from it). In addition, crystals can be used with MDCM2, which are great to put on battleships. And in this case, crystals bring tangible benefits.

In any case, I advise you to learn the crystals as soon as you board the Covetor.

8 Achieving excellence

There are many skills and modules in the game that increase your loot. There is an opportunity to get the most out of all these skills and, as I call it, become the “perfect miner”. A perfect miner is one who can no longer increase his possible production in any way.

I did not describe mining links and gang modules because they CANNOT BE INSTALLED on a barge or battleship. These gang modules will be covered in another section, as Revelations had a lot of related changes.

However, Mining Foreman V is still up and running, so you can form a fleet with your alt and both will get bonuses even if you're on a barge or Hulk.

Mining Implants stack (stack), however, as you can guess, you can't put both a Highwall Mining Implant and a Foreman Mindlink at the same time.

The Michi implant is an item obtained from the COSMOS mission. This explains their scarcity and high cost. Highwall Implant is easier and more affordable. It is up to you to decide whether or not to buy them, in any case.

8.1 Mindlink not lost

From the time of Revelations Mindlink's work has been fixed, which we can only rejoice at. This is especially good due to the ability to use it with Mining Foreman Links and in squadrons.

This is a very good implant because

  1. It improves the effectiveness of the Mining Foreman skill by 50% (at level 5 your bonus will be 10*1.5 = 15%)
  2. It increases the effect of all Mining Foreman Links (gangs modules) by 50%.
Comment: Mining bonus will be visible in the attribute window, with Mining Foreman skill upgrades it will be 15% instead of 10%. This bonus does not work solo.

The inconvenience is that you must be in a squadron and be a squadron leader for this bonus to apply to you. The first bonus is given to everyone in the gank, regardless of the ship you are on, while the second one applies to Battlecruisers (BC)/Command Ship pilots with the Mining Foreman Link module active. In terms of the bonus, Highwall Implant and Mindlink are equal. Highwall gives you 5% directly, while Mindlink increases Mining Foreman V by the same 5%. However, there is an opportunity to get an additional 5%:

  1. 5% off Michi Implant
  2. 5% off Highwall Implant
  3. An additional 5% of the Mining Foreman skill, which will be distributed by a wing commander with a Mindlink in addition to you.

Ideally, you should have a max miner and a friend (or alt) with Mindlink as a wing commander. Only in this way will you become the “perfect miner”.

For example, let's look at the loot of Covetor with maximum skills and the indicated implants (without Drones):

360 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.75 = 1507.03 m3/cycle

For Omber: 1507.03 / 0.6 = 2511.72 ->2511 Omber units from each strip per cycle.

If you have three miners installed, then you will receive 7533 Omber units per cycle, or 150660 units per hour. This is 26.75% more than the Covetor with T2 strips and T2 crystals discussed earlier. Well, or for a complete comparison - 89.08% more than the Apocalypse and 127.86% more than the Retriever. Are you already starting to think that all this investment and time was not in vain?

Oh, yes… and yet the holy mother of destruction, who blessed you with a career as a miner, shows you the way with her light to the next stage of evolution… Hulk.

8.2 Improvements for wealth

Have you heard about the new mining upgrades that CCP first talked about? They were so unbalanced that they allowed Rokh to mine more minerals than Hulk'e. They cost a fortune, people spent millions and then, quietly, they were nerfed and these upgrades became meaningless. When the patch came out, the bonuses from mining upgrades were changed...those who know what I'm talking about should still be crying...thank God I didn't chase those upgrades.

As you know Hulk can have 2 MLU II... and yes, you will need to learn Mining Upgrades IV, while other upgrades only require Mining Upgrades I, but you save some ISK.

Don't forget about the Gypsy" KMB implant, which adds CPU to your ship. With it, you can install two MLUs on a Covetor!

9 Mighty Hulk

He's big, sexy and strong... he's the Mighty Hulk!

After the appearance of the Exhumers in RMR mining has become more profitable. The good news about the Exhumers is that if you fly on the Covetor, then only a few days separate you from the Exhumers.

Skiff, Mackinaw and Hulk - each ship has its own specialization. Skiff is used for Mercoxit mining, Mackinaw for ice mining, Hulk for everything else. Due to the fact that these ships are very different from each other, a separate section will be devoted to each.

Exhumer Hulk

After the debate about which is better - a battleship or a Retriever, the second important question is: "Should I buy the Hulk"? At the time of writing the first version of this guide, Hulk prices have yet to skyrocket. They were constantly increasing, which allowed them to reach the cap of 500 million ISK. Then prices approached the 100 million mark. As of today (December 2011) the price is 185 million ISK. Still, it's a lot of money, so before we lay it out we need to see if it's worth it. In general, it's worth it.

Simply put, the Hulk is a terrible mining monster. Its name quite well reflects its essence. It has 20% more loot than Covetor and can be equipped with a very powerful tank that can handle most rats (even at 0.0) or small gankers (spoiler dying on the Hulk is not uncommon).

Where does 20% come from? Well, in general, from the Exhumer 5 skill (15%) and an additional MLU that can be installed on the Hulk.

Let's do the math again, and compare the Hulk with the maximum Covetor:

360 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.05^2 * 1.75 = 1819.75 m3/cycle

For Omber - 1819.75 / 0.6 = 3032.92 ->3032 Omber units per cycle for each strip.

If you have three strips installed, then per cycle you will get 9096 units of Omber or 181920 units of Omber per hour. As mentioned above, this is 20.74% more than the maximum Covetor. Well, 175.14% more than the Retriever. Can't believe it, right?

In general, for three to four months of training, you can get an additional 175.14% of production. Still asking me if it's worth it?

9.1 Tanking the Mighty Hulk

As I mentioned above, Hulk not only digs well, but also has good tanking. In fact, with the right fit, you can solo nil by tanking rats in belts.

However, I remind you that you act at your own peril and risk. I wouldn't mine Hulk AFK (away from the keyboard), in case the tank is breached or you get ganked - you will lose over 800 million in the short period of time while the game window was minimized.

The configuration that I used for solo mining in zeros is given below. I used it until I decided that it was too stressful for me, and started the alt on a tanked Dominix.

High- 3x T2 Strips Med- 1x Gistii-A Small Shield Booster 1x Eutectic Cap Recharger 2x Gist-B NPC Specific Hardeners Low- 2x MLU

A few words about the fitting! First, it's a real configuration that works... you can replace the hardeners with a rare T1 (for example, "Anointed I EM Ward Reinforcement"), but the rest of the modules should be just that. T2 Cap Recharger won't fit, only Eutectic.

Secondly, don't even think about tanking your ship without proper engineering skills. You will need Electronics 5, and Capacitor skill level 4. Such skills will leave you exactly 0 CPU in this config (if something doesn't fit, pump Mining Upgrades) so you absolutely need to use fractional things. The Gistii Booster is the key thing in this situation!

Thirdly, you must space the strips apart (try a 20 second interval) so that the capacitor charge has time to recover. Although in the case of T1 strips this is not needed.

Finally, don't be afraid to lose one MLU by replacing it with PDU2s or faction PDUs (True Sansha/Dark Blood) to make the tank better. If you can't afford all of the above, don't even bother tanking the Hulk. This section was written to show that the Hulk is capable of single-handed mining (and quite well). In fact, he survives the NPC respawn of three battleships with an escort of cruisers ... BUT, he is not invulnerable, and there is no need to cry if you do get blown up.

9.2 Payback time

It would be quite natural to ask yourself - after how many hours will your investment begin to give you a profit, paying for itself. As we found out, it is possible to mine 21% more ore on Halka than on Kovetor. However, its cost is 10 times higher compared to Covetor.

The payback will be higher, of course, in zeros, because the ISK income per hour is higher there. To determine the approximate amount of time you should spend mining, you need to know the price difference between the Hulk and the Retriever (185 and 18.6 million ISK as of mid-December 2011) and divide it by the difference (in ISK) of the amount of ore you mine by these two ships.

We will use Bistot as an example, as one of the most expensive ores in 0.0. Bistota is currently priced at 3700 ISK/unit. Multiply the number of units of each mineral obtained by refining Bistot (use the refining table provided in this guide) by the average price of sell orders for these minerals and sum the resulting values.

  • Pyerite: 170*4.8 = 816 ISK
  • Megacyte: 170*2950 = 501500 ISK
  • Zydrine: 341*800 = 272,800 ISK

Divide the amount by 200 (the required amount of Bistot ore to process) and we get that one unit of Bistot ore, if processed, costs 3875.58 ISK. But this is subject to 100% production from processing. Let's take something in between - 3800 ISK/unit for Bistot.

The ship price difference is 166.4 million ISK.

Hulk per cycle can produce 1819.75 m3, that is, 113 units of Bistot’a for each strip. From three strips - 339 units or 6780 units of Bistot'a per hour.

For Kovetor these numbers are respectively: 1507.03 m3/cycle and 5651 Bistot units per hour.

The difference in units of ore per hour is 1129 units or in ISK - 1129*3800 = 4 290 200 ISK

Finally, to find out how long it takes to mine in order to pay off the Hulk, we divide 166.4 million ISK by 4.3 million ISK and get a figure of 38.69 hours.

To pay back the Hulk, you need to spend about 39 hours mining Bistot in zero.

(In the original manual it was only 8 hours, but Hulk's prices have gone up since then, and Bistot's price has dropped almost threefold. So the payback time, as you understand, has increased markedly - approx. Akselson'a).

10 Drones

Drones cannot be ignored as they can boost your ISK per hour. Naturally, I'm talking about mining drones if you haven't figured it out yet... however, having a few combat drones in the bay is by no means such a bad idea as it might seem at first glance. Especially in the case of an annoying interceptor in the locale.

Before I continue, I want to give you one piece of advice that you should read and remember.

Although this statement has been constantly criticized, I still believe it is true. After reading this chapter, you will understand why.

As mentioned earlier, there are two skills that affect your drone mining volumes - Mining Drone Operations and Drone Interfacing. Remember that drones cannot mine Ice and Mercoxit.

Let's see how drones differ from each other:

Did you pay attention to anything? Take a look at the speed and you will immediately see how slow Harvester Mining Drones are! What is so important about this?

Flight time!

Unlike mining lasers, drones must fly back and forth, bringing ore into your hold. They need 60 seconds to complete their cycle. Travel time to and from the asteroid is not included in this figure. Simply put, Harvester Mining Drones are twice as slow as the T2 variant, and the base production is only 20% higher... and they are not cheap!

10.1 What drones do for you

As in the case of lasers, the production of each drone is calculated individually and the amount of ore that falls into the hold is rounded down. In my calculations, I use drone skill as max, but you can change the formula to suit your skill.

As stated above, Mining Drone Operations 5 will increase the production of your Drones by 25% and Drone Interfacing 5 by 100%. We also found out which drone mining should not be used: in the examples, T2 drone mining will be considered.

25 * 1.25 * 2 = 62.5 m3/cycle

For Omber 62.5/0.6 = 104.17 ->104 Omber per cycle per drone.

If you fly five drones, then you will get an additional 520 units of Omber per cycle, or 31200 per hour. Here, however, the drone flight time factor mentioned above was not taken into account.

The problem with drones is that they lose a lot when mining bulky ores such as Bistot (volume 16 m3), as the number of ore units is rounded up each time the drone returns with its mining. This example clearly shows that even learning the Drone Interfacing 5 skill will not bring any benefit when mining most of the "higher" ores. Why?

In the best case drone production is 62.5 m3/cycle, so we get:

62.5/16=3.90 rounded down - 3 Bistot per cycle from each drone.

With the release Revelations Drone Mining Augmentator rigs have appeared (we will talk about them later), which help a little. In any case, whether to install this rig or not - the decision depends on your own prejudices.

10.2 Minimizing travel time

By bringing your ship close to the asteroids, you can minimize the flight time. If you are less than one kilometer from the asteroid, then the flight time will be close to zero. We still won't be mining 31200 Omber per hour, but we're getting pretty close to that figure. On this occasion, there was a lot of controversy about the value of Harvester or Elite mining drones, saying that the short distance removes their minus in low speed and makes them more productive than T2 mining drones.

Sounds true in theory, but in practice it is not. In my experience (and I consider it quite extensive), I have not seen any dependence on the distance at which mining takes place. At least these drones will not pay off. Moreover, their high prices mean that the loss of such drones will be a very serious blow to your wallet, and you will lose mining drones anyway. There is no panacea to solve this problem. Losses of drones, especially in zeros, is a reliable fact. Your drones will die when they encounter rats. Seeing that pirates have appeared in the locale, you will always take care of your ship first and not the drones. The chances that you will have time to recall them before you find yourself under fire will be close to zero.

For those who have not yet felt the difference in prices for Harvester and T2 drones, I will write directly - the latter are 200 times cheaper. I will not deny that I advised you to buy expensive ships, modules, implants. I also agree with the impossibility of statistically proving that drones are lost more often than ships, modules, and implantants. I'm just following logic. Mining drones are essentially paper - one smartbomb will send them to hell...and I assure you - they are high-priority targets for pirates who prey on miners.

For all of the above reasons, I am of the opinion that Harvester Mining Drones are an absolute waste of money. In 99% of cases, their advantage in production volume will be offset by low speed. If you fall under the remaining percentage and still think that these drones will meet your expectations, then you can fly to Jita and get an A.

This concludes the section on drones. As you can see, these are far from useless pieces. In the case of Crokite mining, they will earn you an additional 7 million ISK per hour (as usual, an approximate number), so drones should not be ignored. However, increasing drone mining should not be prioritized over barge or crystal training. Drones are good for long-term study by veterans. As usual, you are free to have your own opinion.

11 Ice mining

Mining ice is coming on very different principles. Instead of learning modules that increase production, you will be lowering the cycle time, which means more cycles per hour, which in turn means more ice per hour.

There is only one type of laser for ice mining in the game - these are T1 Ice Harvester strips and their T2 counterparts. It means that you can mine ice only on barges and exhumers.

As I said, in the case of ice mining, only the time of mining cycles plays a role. Below are the differences in this setting between Ice Harvesters I and Ice Harvesters II:

Each time the Ice Harvester completes its cycle, you will receive one piece of ice. The exception is the Mackinaw, which has a built-in bonus of 100% on ice production - it gives two pieces of ice per cycle instead of one.

Exhumer Mackinaw

The only skill that affects ice harvesting is Ice Harvesting, which reduces cycle time by 5% per level. Also, Ice Harvesters II requires the Mining 4 skill to use - but it does not change the cycle time or the amount of mining. Similar to MLU is the Ice Harvester Upgrade (IHU), which reduces the cycle time of each harvester by 5%.

The logical choice for ice mining is Mackinaw - there is no ship that can mine more. In addition, this ship is publicly available.

11.1 Outlining your cycle time

Before proceeding, you should know that unlike mining, if you have not completed a full cycle of work, you will not get your ice. The exception will still be the Mackinaw, which, if more than 50% of the cycle has passed, will still give you one piece of ice.

You may notice that Mackinaw has a 25% penalty to cycle time, but reduces cycle time by 5% per exhumer level. So if you have Exhumer 5 pumped out and you are using Ice Harvesters II, your cycle time will be:

500 sec * 1.25 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.95^2 = 317.28 sec

More specifically, every 317.28 seconds you will mine 2 units of ice from the module. If you have 2 harvesters installed, you will get 4 units of ice in 317.28 seconds.

To figure out how much ice you will get in an hour, you need to know the number of cycles that you make during this time. There are 3600 seconds in an hour. Divide by the cycle time and get 11 cycles per hour. That is 44 units of ice per hour.

11.2 Hulk or Covetor for ice mining?

While Covetor does not have an ice mining bonus, the Hulk has been provided with one hidden benefit: a 3% reduction in cycle time per level. This means that for T2 harvesters the cycle time is:

500sec * 0.75 * 0.85 * 0.95^2 = 287.67sec

You will be able to complete 12 cycles in an hour. For one unit of ice, you can get 36 units of ice per hour on the Hulk.

11.3 Ice types

Below is a table that shows the processed products of each type of ice:

The processing system is the same as discussed above, so we are not adding anything new here.

12 Mining Mercoxit

Before RMR , Mercoxit was considered the most expensive ore, as it was the only source of the Morphite mineral. And not only because of this. Among other things, for its extraction were crystals are a must, so only experienced miners with good skills could mine it. An additional factor was the large unit volume of Mercoxit ore, which made it even more difficult to mine on a commercial scale. All this was reflected in the price. Skiff solved the last problem, and Morphite prices went down like the Titanic in just a few months. Keep in mind that this business is still profitable. The truth is not as true as before: therefore, people who left the game before RMR and returning now will scratch their heads and marvel: “What happened to my money monster?”

Well, let's continue ... And we see that we need a new skill (yes, only one) - Deep Core Mining does not make sense to download above level 2, since it is a toxic and dangerous cloud that can appear when mining Mercoxit (it happened to me once) has a range of 5 km, and your lasers have a range of 15. You may wonder why the miner is so close to asteroids, but anything can happen ...

It doesn't really make sense to mine Mercoxit on anything other than Skiff, but this guide won't be complete unless I give you all the information. There are four modules for mining Mercoxit:

While MDCM2 can be used with any mining crystal on any ship, they are still worse than MDCSM2, which is a special type of Mercoxit mining strip. The normal Modulated Strip Miner II cannot use Mercoxite crystals. While MDCSM2 can use any crystals, and although its base production is 110 units lower than that of MSM2 (250 vs 360) - it does not matter.

What's really cool about Skiff is his 60% bonus on Mercoxut's loot - per level. How this affects the ISK hourly output will be shown in the next section. However, you can already estimate that with the Exhumer 5 skill, the bonus will be 300%. Not weak... especially for such a cheap ship.

In order to show the suitability of the Skif, we will accept the data that we received for the Hulk. The yield is:

250 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 4 * 1.05 * 1.375 * 1.05^2 = 3289.17 m3/cycle

The volume of Mercoxit is 40 m3, so 3289.17/40 = 82.229 ->82 units of Mercoxit per cycle.

Only one MDCSM2 can be installed on the Skif, which means you will receive 1640 units of Mercoxit per hour (20 cycles as for regular strips).

12.1 Is Mercoxit mining still profitable?

Yes, but only if you have Exhumer 5. Most pilots stop at Exhumer 4 because Hulk pilots don't want to waste 20 days for a measly 3% loot. However, the 60% bonus you forfeit for the Skiff makes a big difference (actually the same as with the Mackinaw).

Simply put, one unit of Mercoxit gives 2 units of Morphite. On the this moment(December 2011) Morphite costs 3300 ISK per item. As a result, we come to the figure of 10.5 million ISK per hour, which is very good for such a cheap ship (40 million ISK in Zhita).

In the 15th section, a summary table will be given depending on what you mine and where you fly. There you will see that Mercoxit, although not a leader, is not bad at all.

We round off with Mercoxit. As you noticed, I did not mention Mercoxit's mining on a battleship: simply because it is not feasible without crystal mining. And those who learn crystals take mining quite seriously and fly on barges.

13 Mining Foreman Links - gang modules

Gang modules were introduced in RMR , and did not work correctly. The laser optimization link (the most popular of the three) has been quietly patched to reduce laser cycle time instead of increasing production. In reality, this resulted in a much larger bonus than the loot bonus would have given, so it's for the best.

Well, enough with mathematics, a table describing all three modules is presented below:

As you can see, links by themselves do not provide any significant bonuses, but with some skills they become a truly powerful tool in the hands of a skilled pilot.

With a new system of units / wings / fleets in Revelations , just being in the gank does not bring more benefits. You must form at least a flight, and the pilot using the links must be a flight leader. This is a major change, and the skills for maximum effect are similar to what you should be farming for a Wing Commander... Oh well. In general, the skills you need to use links are:

  • leadership 5
  • Mining Foreman 5
  • Mining Director 1

it minimum requirements, but not all of these skills affect the effectiveness of links. In fact, only the Mining Director is affected from this list. Remember I mentioned Mining

Foreman Mindlink I in section 8? Now he rules! Below is a table of skills that you will need to learn up to a maximum of 5 in order to get the maximum effect of links.

  • Mining Director - Increases link efficiency by 100% per level
  • Warfare Link Specialist - Increases the effectiveness of links by 10% per level.
  • Mining Foreman Mindlink (Implant for slot 10) - increases the effectiveness of links by 50%

Remember that Warfare Link Specialist has replaced the Squadron Command skill, but everything works the same as it did. So, if you have Mining Director 5, Warfare Link Specialist 5 and Mining Foreman Mindlink

the total effect of each link will be:

2% * 5 * 1.5 * 1.5 = 22.5%

Many do not understand how the Mining Director skill works. Simply put, the base effect of the link is multiplied by the level of the Mining Director skill, which means that there will be a “5” multiplier in the equation, and not 500%, as many people think.

Now you know what you need for maximum effect and what each link does. Let's see how all this affects the miners.

13.1 Mining Foreman Links – Ice Harvesting

We have already found out that the cycle time is reduced by 22.5%, but how many additional cycles will this give us? Mathematics will help us again:

500 sec* 1.25 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.95^2 * 0.775 = 245.90 sec

Rounding up, we get 15 cycles per hour. That is 4 additional cycles.

As you can see, Mackinaw will produce 16 units of ice per hour. We can consider this a significant advantage, especially important if a whole Mackinaw group flew to the ice belt.

And finally, the most delicious...

13.2 Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization

As I said at the beginning of the section, the laser optimizing link reduces the cycle time (it doesn't work on ice harvesters, by the way) instead of giving a direct bonus to production. A cycle time reduction of 22.5% translates into an increase in production by 1/(1-0.225)=1.29 (29%)! Yes, this means that a maxed-out pilot team will increase our production by 29%! Yes, you can rejoice.

We can evaluate the operation of this link as we did with the Ice Harvesting Link, that is, count the number of additional cycles, etc. But, since we always considered ore as a production volume, and I showed that a cycle reduction of 22.5% is the same as a 29% mining bonus, we will consider it a mining bonus.

Let's see what our Hulk from the 9th section will be capable of:

360*1.25*1.25*1.15*1.15*1.15*1.05*1.05*1.05^2*1.75*1.29 = 2347.48 m3/cycle

For Omber 2347.48 /0.6 = 3912.47 ->3912 Omber units per cycle for each strip.

If you have 3 strips installed, you will get 11736 Omber per cycle or 234720 Omber per hour. We already know that's 29% more than our stuffed Hulk, so we're not surprised by that. And what about the comparison with the Retriever? Well, this is where superiority translates into numbers. 254.99%! Yes, you read that right…we can achieve amazing efficiency when we know how things are supposed to work!

13.3 Making it work

Addition Revelations introduced a new ganking system that requires a lot of understanding.

To become a squadron commander, you need to have the Leadership V skill. In addition, each level of the Wing Commander skill allows you to add one additional squadron under your command. Each level of the Fleet Command skill allows you to add one additional wing under your command.

To distribute bonuses to members of your squadron, wing or fleet, you must be a commander or must be selected as a booster. If you are a fleet commander, then you affect the entire fleet. If you are a wing commander, then you influence the pilots from your wing, and so on. The Fleet Commander can choose you as a Fleet, Squadron or Wing Booster regardless of your leadership skills.

14 Riga

Addition Revelations did not bring us, miners, an abundance of new products. In fact, the only novelty is the Drone Mining Augmentator, which acts as an implant for your ship (if this module is removed from the ship, it will be destroyed). It increases mining drone production at the expense of your ship's CPU.

Before doing anything, you need to be sure that the lack of CPU (-10%, the penalty can be reduced by 10% per Drones Rigging skill level) can render your strips useless. For example, a tanky Hulk cannot afford this rig. You can always take it out if you realize that you made a mistake, but in doing so you lose the rig itself (as happens with implants). It is up to you to decide if this rig is worth spending money on or not. With Drones Rigging 5, the CPU loss will be 5% instead of 10%, which is not much, but can still be significant.

To understand their usefulness, suffice it to say that even the T1 version of the Drone Mining Augmentator will bring me one additional unit of higher ores (Bistot, Arkonor, Crokite) from mining drones (5 instead of 4).

The next section will show the benefits of rigs in ISK equivalent/hour. Not that the prospects are too outstanding, but it is necessary to achieve the title of “divine miner”.

15 And how much money?

In this section, we'll compare different ships in terms of the ISK/hour they can achieve depending on what they're mining and the prices of different types of ores. First, you need to determine the average price per unit of each type of ore.

15.1 Ore cost

Hack on the nose, what will be presented here is the average prices, AVERAGE. The main purpose of this subsection is to compare prices for ores. Mineral prices change every day, so be prepared to open Excel and work with it to get the correct amount for the current moment.

Section 3.2 presents the ores from which certain minerals are obtained. Using this table and the prices for each mineral presented above, we can determine the approximate price of 1 unit of each ore.

OrePrice, ISK/m3
Dark Ocher129,18

We now have an estimated price for each ore (ISK/m3 is more convenient than ISK/ore since each ore has a different volume). The first thing you can see is that the higher ores are really more expensive than the lower ones.

What is important to learn from this table?

  1. Pyroxeres is the best ore available in the Empire
  2. Hemorphite is the best lowsec available
  3. Bistot and Arkonor are the best available in zeros

Looking at the market data over a wide period of time, Bistot and Arkonor will always be the best ores available in nullsec. Mineral price fluctuations can swap them, but won't throw them out of the top 3.

15.2 Ice prices

Again, these are average prices. Knowing the prices for each type of fuel, we can determine the prices per unit volume of ice:

MineralPrice, ISK/m3
white eye189,35
Pristine White Glaze227,58
Glacial Mass171,95
Smooth Glacial Mass207,28
blue ice361,04
Thick Blue Ice427,89
Clear Icicle154,85
Enriched Clear Icicle187,33
Glare Crust351,05
Dark Glitter517,1

15.3 And the winner is declared ...

Perhaps some of the readers will immediately look into this section without bothering with the wall of text above. In this guide, we have reviewed quite a few ships, and in order to compile a comparative chart, we will use the following ships from the evolution chain from beginner to digger god (i.e. me ^_^)

  1. our Retriever from Section 6
  2. our Rokh from section 6
  3. our covetor from section 7 (with crystals)
  4. our beautiful Hulk from section 9
  5. our divine hulk from section 13 ("divine miner" + boosters)

It is useless to consider all types of ores here - you can do it yourself. Purpose: to determine by eye the differences between mining in the Empire, lowsec and zero, discarding possible risks. Drones don't count here.

Mackinaw Fine Miner (Dark Glitter): 22,880,000.00 ISK/hour (as of this writing)

Skiff Fine Miner (Mercoxit): 38,244,000.00 ISK/hour (as of this writing).

15.4 Coolness of the miner

I suspect that I have flooded you with a bunch of tables and information ... Summing up, just to clarify: the best option, based on the information provided here, is the divine Hulk, who operates in a gank with a flight commander who has Laser Optimization and Drone Coordination Link (yes, yes, on commander ships can install two links, as well as on ships of large tonnage).

Most maximum income The ISK per hour achievable at the time of writing is in theory approximately 63 million ISK per hour on Arkonor with drones. Although a year earlier this figure was 112 million. As you can see, mining is no longer a huge wealth generator. This decrease in income is due to many factors, of which it is worth highlighting: new drone regions, an increase in the number of Hulk pilots, and facilitating the mining process itself.

Of course, all this is a theory that does not include the time of transportation to the station, flights of drones to asteroids and back, the termination of the laser after the asteroid dries up, etc. But anyway, mining is a great profession if you are ready to invest money and time in this business. and correctly swing your character.

Many pilots may already be preparing to go to the zeros in order to get access to the most delicious. Unfortunately, zero mining has its disadvantages - 100% processing is hard to achieve, or even impossible due to the lack of NPC stations. Moreover, nullsec is a rather dangerous place (compared to the Empire), although some believe that it is safer there than in lowsecs. And even if you can process your ore, you still need to deliver it to the empire for sale - this is already a matter of logistics.

This concludes the section. You can go to Excel, make spreadsheets to calculate your profit at current prices and current skills. You have all the information for this.

16 Rorqual - Big Mommy ORE

Outer Ring Excavation has pleased us with its novelty - the large tonnage ship Rorqual, designed to support mining in depth. It is worth saying that this ship has become very important for miners. The ship has huge skill requirements, including the costly Capital Industrial skill (the book costs 450 million ISK). Is the ship worth the cost? Read on.

Industrial large tonnage ship Rorqual

There have been all sorts of rumors about the role of this ship for months. As I mentioned above, this is a support ship, you can’t say better. It will be practically useless solo, but in the company of several Hulks, or one or two carrier ships, it is irreplaceable.

His bonuses are listed below:

  • 5% reduction in fuel consumption of in-line modules (Industrial Core) per skill level;
  • increase in the effectiveness of the operation of mining modules of intership coordination (Mining Foreman) - 10% per skill level (in expanded state);
  • increase in the range of remote pumping modules of the KBT-class shield (Capital Shield Transporter) - 50% per skill level;
  • increase in the number of hit points of drones and damage caused by drones - 20% per skill level.
  • Role Bonuses: increase in the range of research scanners (Survey Scanner) - by 900%; increase in the range of cargo scanners - by 200%; reduction in the need for computing power required to use intership coordination modules (Gang Link) - by 99%.
  • Can be equipped with Clone Vat Bay; can simultaneously carry 3 intership coordination modules

Let's see what gadgets can be installed on this ship.

16.1 The Industrial Core

With the help of the Industrial Core I module, Rorqual can be put into a state of siege, even inside the POS field. Fueled by heavy water, this module has the following key advantage - it allows the ship to compact ore on the spot using special blueprints from the market. The degree of compression for imperial low ores is 40, for other ores - 20. For ice - 10. Pretty tangible numbers. As in the case of processing, to start the compression process you need to have a certain amount of ore. Compression occurs within a minute if you do not have the appropriate skills. And 48 seconds if you learned the Industry V skill.

Let's assume that you have learned the Capital Industrial Ships IV skill. In this case, you need 750 units of heavy water (150 ISK per unit) to activate the process. The Industrial Core module lasts 300 seconds, so each cycle costs 112500 ISK. During the duration of the module, you can start the compression process 6 times (with sufficient pumping). Thus, each compression process will cost 18750 ISK. It's not all that up and running, is it?

Rorqual Siege Mode costs 1.35 million ISK per hour (preferably in a POS) if you have Capital Industrial IV. Not so much if you use a multi-miner module.

Bonus from Foreman link

In addition to compression lines, Rorqual also improves the efficiency of Mining Foreman links, which include Laser Optimization and Ice Harvesting links.

If we don't have this ship, as we found out, links bring a maximum bonus of 22.5% or a 29% increase in production. If we have the Capital Industrial IV skill, then we get:

2% * 5 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 1.2 = 27%

For production volume: 1/(1-0.27) = 1.3698 - about 37%.

In other words, Rorqual supplies the fleet with an 8% bonus for carriers or command ships. However, we cannot but agree that an 8% increase takes place when the ship is used not only for its intended purpose, that is, compression.

16.2 Capital Tractor Beam

I admit that they were preoccupied with great ideas. With a tractor range of 200 km, the Rorqual can sit comfortably on the asteroid belt, the tractor pulls itself in place, the compression is in place... you can forget about hauling!

However, in reality, it is almost impossible to see this. Indeed, for effective use, the ship must be in a state of siege for at least five minutes. And this is very dangerous. For this reason, Rorqual usually hides under the canopy of the POS.

16.3 Clone VAT Bay

If you equip the Rorqual with the Clone VAT Bay module (placed in the high slot), the ship can be used as a Cloning Station and receive clones directly to the ship. Although it seems like an unnecessary thing, there is a huge strategic advantage to be gained by using this module as a remote miner camp.

16.4 Rorqual fitting

The ship has 6 high slots, 7 medium slots, 3 low slots and 3 rig slots.

Obviously, the ship can be such a shield, like the Hulk. Whether a ship is in a POS or not, it should always be tanked. Therefore, we put one Capital Shield Booster, you can also afford EM and Thermal Shield Hardeners. Based on my many experiences, I can say with confidence that with three CCC rigs and 4 Cap Recharger II, along with shield boosters, we get the most stable tank.

CPR modules are out of the question, as they reduce shield pumping. Therefore, it is worth considering one Damage Control II with two faction PDUs - they can help a lot with tanking.

As for the high slots, you must install Industrial Core in one, and Foreman Link in one. The other four slots can be equipped with VAT Bays, Capital Tractors, or Remote hull/shield/armor repairers. What to put in depends on your skills and needs.

You must understand that my proposals are essentially standard and conservative. In my experience, you will appreciate the fastest capacitor regeneration you can get. Especially in cases where you need to quickly repair or jump away. Since the jump requires 70% of the capacitor charge, you should be prepared for short pauses if your path lies through many systems.

For large tonnage ships, I would install the best I have: Gist-X Hardeners or even a Shield Boost Amplifier.

17 Orca - Gang Mining Machine

Presented in an addendum Quantum Rise , Orca plays the role of a ship that gives huge advantages to miners. The ship belongs to the class of industrial command ships, as it distributes bonuses to mining foreman gang links. Orca equips the gang commander with superior boosting abilities. In addition, the ship has a large transport compartment and a corporate compartment. In addition to all this, the Orca carries a ship hangar capable of accommodating several ships below the battleship class.

Orca industrial command ship

The ship can also activate jump gates, making Orka a highsec champion. It seems that Orka is created as a high-sec version of Rorky, only without the possibility of compression.

Space eve online is full of riches, and a myriad of useful resources floats through the galactic voids, waiting for the moment when hardworking players collect them. With a little preparation and a small initial investment, any player can make a good fortune by becoming the workhorse of the mining industry, which is very common in EVE Online. It's time to arm yourself necessary weapons and break those asteroids!

We have divided this guide into three parts, and in the first we will deal with the general concepts of mining, necessary skills and modules. We hope that our advice will help the reader to better equip this area and start making good money through mining - mining.

Mining - this term usually describes three different kind resource gathering activities:

  1. Mining ore - extracting ore from asteroids. Basically, all beginners start with this method of mining. It does not require special skills (although the more skills, the more effective the extraction will be), and each player will be able to take on it from the very beginning. Ore can be sold or processed into minerals. The mining skill can be learned by an Alpha clone (the max level of this skill is limited to IV for Alpha clones). It does not require anything special and costs 20 thousand claims from the NPS vendor.
  2. Mining ice EVE Online - collection of resources from the so-called ice belts. Recycled ice is used as fuel for Capital Thorn's jump drives, as well as to produce fuel for starbases. This activity will require special drones and modules. But the problem is that it is not as profitable as mining due to the long respawn time of the ice belts. The ice mining skill is available to Alpha clones (the maximum level of this skill for Alpha is limited to II); to learn it, you will need the Mining IV skill and 375,000 ISK to pay with the NPC vendor.
  3. Extraction in gas clouds - evacuation of gas from interstellar clouds. Gas is needed to create various pharmaceuticals and the production of Tech 3. To collect, you will need a specialized module. The mining process is very similar to ore mining. gas production EVE Online is available to Alpha clones up to level II; it will require the Mining IV skill and will cost 24 million ISK from the NPC vendor.

In this part, we will not focus on any one of these types and will try to explain the basics of mining in a broad sense. It will mainly collect information for beginners, but it is possible that old players will find something for themselves.

Necessary skills for mining in EVE online

The importance cannot be underestimated !

The basic set of EVE Online skills will allow you to start your work as a miner, but in order to be more efficient, you need to expand the range of your skills and significantly increase their level. Don't forget that efficiency equals your income.

These skills also include the ability to pilot ships specialized in mining. Full list of skills mining, which you will need when extracting resources, are presented in the table below.

EVE Online Skill


Allows you to use lasers for mining; gives a bonus 5% to the extraction of ore per level; costs 20k ISK and can be learned by Alpha clones, but only up to level IV.

Needed for ice mining; it provides a 5% cycle time reduction, costs 375k ISK, requires Mining IV, and is available to Alpha Clones up to level II.

Needed for gas production; allows you to use equipment to collect resources from gas clouds; costs 24 million ISK, requires Mining IV, and is available to Alpha clones up to level II.

Deep Core Mining

Allows you to mine Mercoxit, one of the most expensive ores, (mined in Wormholes and nullsecs); each level of the skill reduces the chance of a toxic cloud from being mined by 20%; this skill costs 500k ISK, requires Mining V and Astrogeology V, and cannot be learned by Alpha Clones.

Allows you to analyze celestial objects, increasing ore output by 5% per skill level; costs 450k, requires Mining IV and Science IV, and cannot be learned by Alpha Clones.

Allows you to use upgrade modules for mining; costs 80k, requires the Mining III skill, and can be learned by Alpha clones up to level IV.

Allows you to equip your ship with Mining Drone Augmentor installations; each level reduces the disadvantages of Drone Rigs by 10%; this skill costs 100k ISK, requires Jury Rigging III and can be learned by Alpha clones up to level III.

EVE Online Module


Ore Mining Drones

These drones will mine the asteroid you target. They load ore into the ore bay at the end of their cycle, lasting 60 seconds, and then proceed to continue their work. The following types of mining drones are available to you: Civilian Mining Drone, Mining Drone I, Mining Drone II, "Augmented" Mining Drone, Harvester Mining Drone, "Excavator" Mining Drone.

Note: The ore output provided by the drones is quite low and this makes them only useful as extra help in the main mining.

Ice Harvesting Drones

The specialization of these drones is the extraction of ice from ice belts. Their principle of operation is similar to mining drones, but they are able to mine only one unit of ice per cycle, and their cycle time is 220 seconds. You can install the following drones of this type: Ice Harvesting Drone I, Ice Harvesting Drone II, "Augmented" Ice Harvesting Drone, "Excavator" Ice Harvesting Drone.

This type of drone is often used for defense, as it can damage and destroy enemy ships. This greatly compensates for the low firepower of industrial ships. If you are going to mine resources in dangerous areas, then it is best to invest in these drones. They come in the following variants: Light, Medium and Heavy Combat Drones, Stationary Sentry Drones, Electronic Warfare and Combat Utility Drones, and Logistics Drones, which specialize in repair and maintenance.

If you are going to engage in mining Eve online, carefully prepare for this, and the above information will serve as a good help in preparation. In the next part of the guide, we will talk about the most suitable ships for mining, and here we have presented information about skills and modules.

Mining in EVE Online. Part Two: Mining Ships

In the first part of the guide about mining in the famous space MMO EVE Online, we talked about the general concepts, necessary skills and modules. The second part will be completely devoted to the ships intended for mining, and in the third part we will tell you in detail how to extract resources on one of them. This guide will be useful not only for novice pilots, but also for players with some experience. But let's not delay for a long time and proceed to the first point.

1. Mining Frigates

Description: These are entry level mining ships (Tech 1). Their characteristics do not differ in special indicators: small size, fragile body and very limited cargo space.

Ships of this type:

  • Venture - it can be called the very first mining ship, from which almost every player started. It is given as a reward for completing the second Career Tutorial mission. Its cargo bay can hold 5000 m3 of ore and comes with some bonuses to Gas Cloud Harvesting, which honestly doesn't make it the best ship for gas mining. This ship has the following list of bonuses:
    5% to income from mining (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Frigate skill);
    2. Reducing the time of collecting a resource from a gas cloud (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Frigate skill);
    3. 100% to income from mining ore and gas (role bonus);
    4. +2 to the strength of the ship's warp core (role bonus).

2. Expedition Frigates (Expeditionary frigate)

Description: Improved (Tech 2), specialized mining frigate. They can be equipped with advanced cloaking devices, as well as support bonuses in them that increase their survivability and make them suitable for nullsec and wormhole mining.

Ships of this type:

3. Mining Barges

Description: This is the next step in the development of industrial ships. Mining barges can provide the pilot with a large ore bay and good defensive capabilities (except for the Covetor class). They can work with the Ice Miners and Strip Miners modules, which means they can extract resources efficiently.

Ships of this type:

  • Retriever - the goal of the creators of this ship was to develop a large ore space, so the Retriever has 27,500 m³ in luggage.

    This huge capacity and the ability to install strong defense modules make it an ideal ship for self-mining. Also, like the other two mining barges, it fits Strip Miners and Ice Miners. His bonuses:
    5% bonus to ore storage (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill).

  • Covetor - This mining barge was designed with mining efficiency in mind, so it produces 10-20% more ore than its other two counterparts.

    But for efficiency, you will have to sacrifice the ore compartment (its capacity is only 7000 m³) and protective properties. Due to the weak case and fragile design, it is not suitable for solo mining. Ship bonuses:

  • Procurer - This mining barge traded its mining efficiency and large ore bay for durability.

    This ship is the hardest to destroy compared to the other two barges. It is capable of mining at a speed comparable to the Retriever, which, combined with its durability and defensive drone bonuses, makes it a very good option for mining in zeros, lowsecs and wormholes. He has the following bonuses:

    2. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 50% bonus to HP of drones, as well as to their damage (role bonus).

4. Exhumers

Description: These are advanced (Tech 2) variants of the EVE Online mining barges. They were designed as direct upgrades from their Tech 1 counterparts, so they not only retained their properties, but were also able to offer pilots even larger cargo bays, even more durability, and even more convenient and efficient mining.

Ships of this type:

  • Mackinaw is a modernized Retriever.

    It is able to contain a large amount of ore - 35,000 m³, and even more with the Mining Barge V skill. True, this advantage is given to him at the expense of less efficiency in extraction. This vessel is quite strong, but not as strong as the Skiff. His main field of activity still remains hi-sec. Mackinaw has the following bonuses:
    5% ore storage bonus (per skill level);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of Mining Barge);
    3. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of Exhumers);
    4. 4% bonus to all shield resists (percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill).

  • Hulk is an upgraded version of the Covetor.

    was designed only to increase efficiency. It is not difficult to guess that for this they decided to sacrifice space in the ore compartment (it now has a size of 8500 m³) and strength, which in turn makes it very easy prey for enemies. Bottom line: Hulk is suitable for mining either in co-op, or only in zero-sec. By the way, here is a list of his bonuses:
    5% bonus to the use of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. A 4% bonus to all shield resistances (the percentage is added for one level of Exhumers);
    4. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill).

  • Skiff - As an upgrade (up to Tech 2), the Procurer has been built with more durability.

    And its strength is really impressive, and with the right selection of modules, this ship can become equal to rivals even for some battleships. It also has fairly powerful engines that give out fairly high speeds. But because of this, production efficiency is lost (about 24% lower than that of the Hulk) and the size of the cargo hold (it is 15,000 m³). Its bonuses are as follows:
    5% bonus to shield HP (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 4% bonus to all shield resists (percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill);
    4. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill);
    5. 50% bonus to HP of drones, as well as to their damage (role bonus).

5. Industrial Command Ships (Industrial Command Ships)

Description: Industrial control ships were designed to support the mining fleet. They boast large cargo bays that allow you to store resources gathered by other ships. They can also be equipped with Mining Foreman Bursts, which increase the efficiency of up to 256 other ships in the fleet.

Ships of this type:

  • The Orca is a very powerful support ship, capable of holding three bursts.

    It has four compartments: ore compartment (base) - 150000 m³, cargo compartment (base) 30000 m³, fleet hangar and maintenance compartment. This large cargo space allows fleets operated by Orca to significantly extend their operations. This ship can also hold a large amount of MEdium Power modules, making it one of the heaviest transporters in the game. Orca has the following bonuses:

    3. 1% bonus to the duration and strength of the Shield Command Burst effect (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    4. A 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore mining, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    5. Reducing the time of collecting ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    6. 100% bonus to the collection of ore by drones (role bonus);
    7. 25% reduction in the time for gathering ice by drones (role bonus);
    8. 100% bonus to drone damage (role bonus);
    9. 400% bonus to using Remote Shield Booster;
    10. Ability to install up to three Command Burst modules (role bonus);
    11. 250% Tractor Beam range (role bonus);
    12. 100% Tractor Beam speed (role bonus);
    13. 500% Survey Scanner Range (Role Bonus).

  • The Porpoise is a less expensive variant of the industrial ships offered by the ORE corporation.

    But besides the reduced price, it also has a greatly reduced size: 50,000 m³ of ore bay and only 2 Command Burst modules at most. It can boast of high maneuverability, high warp speed and, as already mentioned, low price. He will also reward the fleet with his Orca-like bonuses. All of this makes Porpoise ideal for supporting your mining fleet in hazardous areas. His bonuses:
    5% bonus to cargo and ore capacity (the percentage is added for one level of the Industrial Command Ships skill);
    2. 3% bonus to the duration and strength of the Mining Foreman Burst effect (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    3. A 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore mining, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    4. Reducing the time of collecting ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    5. 50% bonus to the collection of ore by drones (role bonus);
    6. 400% bonus to using Remote Shield Booster;
    7. Ability to install two Command Burst modules (role bonus);
    8. 100% Tractor Beam range (role bonus);
    9. 50% Tractor Beam speed (role bonus);
    10. 300% Survey Scanner Range (Role Bonus).

6. Capital Industrial Ships (Industrial capital spikes)

Description: These models were designed to help with EVE Online's large-scale mining operations. They give huge bonuses to other ships in the mining fleet and are able to compress ore, making it easier to transport it in large quantities. Industrial capital spikes also have compartments for maintenance and clones.

Ships of this type:

Rorqual is the best ship to support mining.

Among its features are a large ore bay (300,000 m³), ​​a ship maintenance bay (1,000,000 m³) and a fleet hangar (40,000 m³). Due to its mining fleet bonuses and ability to compress ore, Rorqual is often used by fleets for zero-sec mining. It can also serve as a good defender due to its durability and strong bonuses to combat drones. This ship has the following bonuses:
1. Reduced fuel consumption by 5% for the industrial core (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships skill);
2. 3% bonus to the effect of Shield Command Burst, namely to its duration and strength (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
3. A 5% bonus to the effect of the Mining Foreman burst, namely in its duration and strength (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
4. Reducing the time of collecting ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
5. A 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore mining, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
6. 900% Survey Scanner range (role bonus);
7. 200% to the use of Cargo Scanners (role bonus);

In the previous two, we talked about , and , which you will need if you are going to mine. But now we will tell you about the very method of mining and show it on the example of the very initial ship - Venture. Basically, this part will be of interest to those who have just completed the training at the beginning of the game and got their first mining frigate in their hands.

Venture setup and mining strategy

In this section, we'll walk you through a very simple set up of modules that will help you get started collecting ore and protect yourself from pirates. But we don't recommend you use these settings in areas other than highsec for obvious reasons.

Also in this section will be presented some efficiency tips for players who are new to mining.

Module slot

Installed module

High Power Module I

EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser - basic mining laser with an optimal range of 16 km, with a final ore output of 50 m³ per minute and its cycle time of 60 seconds; requires Mining I.

High Power Module II

Second EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser.

Medium Power Module I

Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I - base level shield booster; it will increase the shield's resistance against all types by 25%; this requires Tactical Shield Manipulation I.

Medium Power Module II

Medium Shield Extender I - increases shield strength by 750 HP; this module requires Shield Upgrades I

Medium Power Module II

ML-3 Scoped Survey Scanner - allows you to scan the composition of gas clouds, ice and asteroids, has a scanning range of 20 km and requires CPU Management I.

Low Power Module I

Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade - increases the performance of your mining lasers, but requires more CPU resources because of them; requires Mining Upgrades I.

Small Core Defense Field Extender I - improves shield (good) and increases your signature radius (bad); this module provides 15% shield bonus and requires Shield Rigging I.

Second Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I - increases the thermal resistance of your ship, as well as the Signature Radius; it grants a 30% bonus to Thermal Damage Resistance and requires Shield Rigging I.

Hobgoblin I - light reconnaissance drones with limited offensive capabilities. Two of these might be enough to create a defense against NPC pirates roaming the high-sec asteroids; to control them, you will need Light Drone Operation I and Drones III.

Now that everything is set up, you need to find the asteroid belt (they can be found through the overview menu), go to it, scan it with the Survey Scanner and start mining.

The next question is what to do with the mined ore. There are two main options: you can either sell it or recycle it. Refined resources are more expensive, but the refining process requires a fee (if you have Refining V, Refinery Efficiency V) and a tax (but it can be avoided if you improve your relationship with the station owner to the right level). You must predict your income from resource processing and compare it with the amount you receive from the normal sale of resources; then choose the best option.

How to improve mining efficiency?

  • Use the Jettison function. Instead of flying to the station to empty your ore bays, you can drop your cargo into a storage container and continue mining. After finishing your work, you can change your mining ship to a ship with a large cargo hold and pick up your containers. This will save a lot of time that you would have spent flying back and forth. But there is one problem: your containers can be stolen while you are working. And although such an act is considered a high-sec crime, this does not stop most players.
  • Use secure shipping containers. This is a safer, but also more expensive variation on the Jettison strategy. To do this, you must buy a lot of secure cargo containers (since they have a limited capacity) and deploy them in the Asteroid Field. When your ore bay is full, you drop into these containers, and when they are full, change ship and collect containers.
  • Use Mobile Tractor Units. This strategy is by far the most expensive. You need to buy Mobile Tractor Units, structures that make it much easier to collect loot, and then deploy them to the asteroid field. This structure will pick up materials dropped near them. The use of these works is similar to the use of cargo containers. However, remember that structures only last 48 hours (after that time they will disappear) and can be destroyed by enemy pilots.
  • Group up with other players. Being in a group, you can share responsibilities among yourself: one will mine, the other will transport the extracted resources to the station. The only disadvantage that may come up during your work is that you will have to share the income. A more advanced version of this tactic is used by industry corporations.

This concludes our lengthy guide. In this part, we told you the strategy and basic setup for beginner miners. This guide will be a great help for those who have just started playing, but some tips may be suitable for experienced players.

But if you need help, you can always count on the site site. Here you can, and many other useful and.