Skills (skills) of the character in EVE Online. How to speed up learning skills in EVE Online Eve skills

The system of skills (skills) of the character in EVE Online is unique in its kind, the likes of which are practically not found in any MMORPG. It is characterized primarily huge variety of skills, and secondly, a special scheme for their study and pumping. Unlike most modern online games skills in EVE Online level up regardless of their use - it takes what is required only time and nothing else. In addition, skills are pumped even when you are not in the game, which makes it possible not to waste time offline in vain.

Recruits are always in demand on any fronts! Register in EVE Online and boldly ask to join the military corporations of Russian-speaking alliances. You will always be supported, trained and will not be offended.

How Skill Leveling Works in the World of EVE Online

Your character's skill system initially provides for the character to purchase a book with a certain skill. These books are usually bought by players in the markets, however, like most game items they are originally mined by someone. Some skill books can be purchased for Loyalty Points(a special currency that is given as a reward for completing missions), while others can be obtained from a container in anomalies using a data analyzer.

If your character has all the necessary skills to learn this skill, then you can use the book at any time to teach your character this skill. You can then complete the Skill Queue in any order that suits you.

It should be noted that by default, the queue for learning skills cannot exceed one day from the moment the first skill in the queue starts learning.

You can bet on learning as many different skills as you want, but between the first and last skill, the time required to learn can't be more than a day.

Put the last skill in the learning queue that takes the longest to learn (for example, a few days). This way you will protect yourself from accidental downtime in learning skills.

Skill options in EVE Online

Each skill in EVE Online has two parameters - its difficulty and level. In total, a skill can have 5 levels - the first is obtained by using the book, the last is achieved by pumping. Leveling each subsequent level takes exactly 5 times more time than researching the previous one. The difficulty of a skill is a multiplier of the time it takes to learn it.

What character skills affect in EVE Online

In the world of EVE Online skills(they are skills) character affect every aspect of the game, down to social interactions between players. In addition to the well-known and understandable combat skills and mining skills, there are also corporation and alliance management skills, fleet management skills, and much more.

Ship ownership skills affect which ships you can control and what bonuses you will receive from controlling the ship. Almost every skill is easy increases by the same amount any indicators.

If you want to get to know the game, then initially it makes no sense for you to achieve the maximum level in all skills - 3 or 4 levels will be enough. The difference between skill levels 4 and 5 is not that big.

If you want to be a professional in your field, then without a maximum level of 5 you will not achieve perfect results.

The developers have identified a whole branch of trading skills. There are a total of 9,472,000 skill points in the branch. It will take about 6 months to study everything perfectly. Of the total number of skills, one skill stands out, which is not directly related to trade, but is related to tax easing. This Customs Code Expertise skill, description and explanation can be found below.

Accounting - base value 1.5%. The skill of keeping accounting records in order and conducting commercial transactions without harming your own wallet. With each skill level, the trade transaction tax is reduced by 10%. When learning a skill up to level 5, the tax will be 0.75%.

Broker Relations - base value 1.0%. Ability to reduce costs associated with market activities. Reducing the commission for placing orders in the trading system by 5% for each mastered skill level. When learning a skill up to level 5, the tax will be 0.75%. The cost of accommodation may also depend on the level of relationship between the capsuleer and the owner of the station where the order is made. See the plate.

The percentage of the current commission can be viewed in the game on the orders "Base Broker fee" tab.
Note: when canceling an order, the commission is not refundable. The minimum commission for placing an order is 100 claims.

Contracting - This skill allows you to enter into formal agreements with other characters. For each level of this skill, the possible number of open contracts increases by 4 (at skill level 5, 21 contracts can be created).

Corporation Contracting - You are well versed in the intricacies of contracting between your corporation and other organizations. Each level of the skill increases the number of simultaneously open contacts for other corporations/alliances that you can open on behalf of your corporation by 10, up to a maximum level of 60. This skill has no effect on the number of contracts that you can open on behalf of yourself. There is no limit to the number of contracts a corporation can issue to itself, but a corporation cannot open more than 500 public contracts.

Customs Code Expertise - The skill of bypassing bureaucratic obstacles and customs regulations. Each skill level mastered reduces the amount of government tax on imports and exports by 10% (at level 5, the IPT tax rate will be 5%, not 10%). Does not affect the customs offices of the InterBus consortium. We focus your attention on the fact that the skill only affects part of the tax of the NPC, and not the player. The only skill that essentially does not need to be learned by a merchant. This skill will not help you in any way, except when you are engaged in planetary interaction. And this applies closer to the production and extraction of resources.

Daytrading - Allows you to change buy and sell orders remotely. With each level, the allowable range for changing orders increases. The first level allows you to change orders within the solar system. The second level increases the coverage range to 5 jumps, and with the transition to each subsequent level, this distance doubles. Level 5 allows you to change orders anywhere in the region.

Margin Trading - The ability to make potentially risky investments of your capital. Each skill level reduces the amount of ISK paid as collateral when placing buy orders. Starting with a 100% bond at level 0 (unlearned skill), then each skill level learned reduces the bond paid by 25% of the current rate. Thus, at the 5th level, the bail rate is about 24% of the maximum.

Marketing - Ability to place sell orders remotely. Each level allows you to increase the distance from the seller to the item being sold. Level 1 allows you to sell goods within the same solar system. Level 2 increases the reach to 5 jumps and doubles the reach for each level. Level 5 allows you to sell goods anywhere in the region.

Procurement - The ability to remotely place buy orders. Level 1 allows you to place buy orders within the same solar system. Level 2 increases the range to 5 jumps, and this distance doubles for each subsequent level. Level 5 allows you to place purchase orders anywhere in the region. Note: Placing "buy orders" and buying a product put on the market by other sellers are not the same thing. The simple purchase of an item in a market offered for sale by other sellers does not require skill.

Retail - Ability to organize and manage market operations. Each level increases the maximum number of open buy orders by 8.

Trade - Knowledge of the market and the skills to deal with it. Increases the maximum number of simultaneously open buy orders by 4 per skill level.

Tycoon - The ability to organize giant transactions in the trading system. Increase the allowed maximum open buy orders by 32 per skill level mastered.

Visibility - The skill of remotely purchasing goods. Each skill level increases the range of your purchase orders. The distance is measured from the station of their occurrence. The first level allows you to place remote purchase orders within the same planetary system. The second level increases the coverage range to 5 jumps, and with the transition to each subsequent level, this distance doubles. Level 5 allows you to spread orders to the entire region. Note: This skill is only needed to increase the range of remotely placed buy orders. When placing a buy order in the system where you are personally located, you can enter any range without having this skill.

Wholesale - The ability to organize large-scale operations in the trading system. Increase the allowed maximum open buy orders by 16 per skill level mastered.

EVE has a slightly unusual character development system. There are no usual "specialty classes". Instead, a very developed system of skills (skills) has been created for the players, from which you are free to choose any of your interest. The character starts the game with the skills chosen at creation, but in the future, any skills can be acquired and implanted directly into the character's brain, in much the same way as knowledge is transferred in the film "The Matrix".

Each skill has five levels of development and the preliminary skills necessary to learn it. There are many training kits on the market with which to start training: rare and common, expensive and not very expensive. Once a skill is mastered, it cannot be forgotten, and there is no need to. There is no limit to the number of skills learned or the number of skill points.

Skill training

The character receives a new skill by activating the training set. After activation, some time must pass before the training ends and the first level of the skill is learned. In order to develop subsequent levels of the skill, the training set is no longer needed, it is enough to re-put the skill into training by selecting the appropriate item in the context menu.

Training takes place in real time and continues whether the player is in the game or not, and its duration can vary from dozens of minutes to several hours and days, depending on the type of skill and its complexity. It should be noted that on one account(account) only one of the characters can train at the same time. The time remaining until the end of the current training period can be seen in the character sheet (button on the left panel) in the Skills tab.

Training kits can be purchased from the market, both from players and NPCs, the price and availability depend on the size of the supply and the magnitude of the demand.

Acquisition of all skills

The chance that a character in EVE will learn all the skills before the last level 5 is very, very low. Well, or, at least, this task is very, very difficult. Developing skills, especially high-level ones, takes a lot of time, while new skills and new ideas are constantly being introduced into the game. Approximate calculations have shown that for the full development of only all available on this moment skills need about ... three years! But during this time, even more new skills will appear in the game! From the outside, the process of character development may seem a little tedious, but the character training system implemented in EVE is unique, and is an integral part of the image of the game.

Skill Impact

Skills have several functions in EVE. They define the types of ships, weapons, and equipment that the character can use. They also determine how efficiently the available equipment is used. And finally, they give access to special, highly specialized sections of the game - researching more advanced weapons, managing corporations, managing factories, creating POS (Player Owned Structure, player-owned structures) and so on.

Skills and death

With the destruction of the ship, the life of the pilot does not end - he ejects in a capsule filled with a special life-supporting and anti-G jelly, which is usually called simply "under" (pod) or "egg" (for more details about this, see the story "" ("The Jovian Wet Grave" But if the capsule is destroyed before it is safe on the station or in another star system, then the character will die and his clone will be activated. So if you get shot, it does not mean that you are dead, pilot (although it is not visible, but it is there, exactly, exactly) can be saved in the “pod”, which can then be placed back into the ship.

If, as a result of a lost battle, it came to the "pod", then you need to be in a safe place as soon as possible and transfer to a spare ship. If there is no ship in stock, then the insurance company will provide you with a standard frigate for free, the same as at the beginning of the game.

So, in order to kill a character, you need to destroy him "under", and the consequences of this will be much greater than from a simple loss of the ship.

After the escape pod is destroyed (or "lifted"), the character's mind is transferred to the clone. The quality of the clone determines how many skill points will be retained after the transfer. At the beginning of the game, the simplest clone is provided, and as you develop, it is highly recommended to improve it from time to time, otherwise some of the skills will be lost upon death. If the memory is transferred to a clone that is designed for fewer skill points than the current one, then the character will lose some percentage of the "excess" points (but most likely not all). And this means that some skills will have to be learned again, wasting precious time. Therefore, it is better to try not to die ... But since this is inevitable, then keep an eye on your clone and update it in a timely manner.

Ways of development

Character development can be divided into two main components - combat and non-combat. Most likely, there will be no difficulties with the definition of combat activities: these are battles and actions associated with them, in addition to firing, including the restoration of the ship’s protective covers, electronic countermeasures against enemy ships, and various actions to support the integrity and efficiency of friendly ships. From non-combat activities, you can bring: character development, trade, mining, research, production, corporation management. For those who prefer more social interaction who are looking for communication and new friends, in-game channels for communication and thematic mailing lists will provide all the opportunities for this.

Attribute and Skill Guide


When a character is created, some values ​​are assigned to its attributes. Attributes in EVE are:
  • Memory
  • Intelligence
  • Perception
  • Willpower
  • Charm (Charisma)

Attribute Importance

Attributes are the most important factor in teaching skills. All skills have primary and secondary attributes corresponding to them, and the higher these characteristics a character has, the faster he will learn the skill. The largest contribution to the learning rate is made by the magnitude of the value of the primary attribute, and if it is small, then the training time will be much longer than it could be. Moreover, this difference in time can be VERY significant, especially when training high skill levels and mastering skills of a high level of complexity.

To find out what the primary and secondary attributes of a given skill are, select "Show info" from its context menu, or if the skill has not yet been learned, select the "Attributes" tab in the skill's information window. To find out your current values ​​for these attributes, select the "Attributes" tab in the Character sheet.

Attribute action

By distributing the values ​​of a character's attributes, you influence which skills he will learn the fastest. That is, if you create a character oriented combat missions, then he can be given increased Perception and Willpower, and this will lead to accelerated learning military skills, in particular skills from the Gunnery line. But such a character will also have disadvantages: if you suddenly decide to switch to a different path, say, a scientific one, then the speed of development will not be at all what it could be.


Implants allow you to increase attribute values ​​and thus save time on training. They can be bought in the market, received as a reward from an agent, or received as loot. Implants can increase the value of one of the attributes by 1 ("Limited"), 2 ("Limited - Beta"), 3 ("Basic"), 4 ("Standard"), or 5 ("Improved") points. There are also complex effect implants, but they are not covered in this guide.

Types of basic implants:
  • Cybernetic Subprocessor (Increase Intelligence)
  • Memory Augmentation (increase Memory)
  • Occular Filter (increase Perception)
  • Neural Boost (increase Willpower)
  • Social Adaptation Chip (increase Charisma)

To use the implants, you need to have a certain level of Cybernetics skill (1st level for the Basic type, 3rd for the Limited and Limited - Beta, 4th for the Standard type, 5th for the Improved). The skill "Cybernetics" for its study requires the skill "Science" (Science) of the 3rd level of development.

For each attribute, only one implant responsible for it can be inserted. When removed, the implants are destroyed, so do not forget that once the implant is inserted, it can never be used again.

Be careful when taking risks - implants are lost upon death and cannot be covered by insurance.

Try to maximize the attributes needed in the areas you will study hard. For example, all skills from the Navigation line have Intelligence as their primary attribute, so it's worth developing it as much as possible to save on learning time, especially when developing skills to level 5.

Skills have difficulty levels - they are shown as a number in brackets after the skill name (also found in the skill info window). A skill of the second level of difficulty will require twice as much time as a similar one, but of the first level of difficulty; fifth level - five times more time and so on. And if you have low primary and secondary attributes, then developing such a skill will take a significant amount of time. In such cases, it makes sense to buy implants to increase the necessary attributes.

If you go to the "Skills" tab in the character information window ( top button on the left panel), then at the top of the window you will see the total number of skill points you have. To start developing a skill, open the line to which it belongs, find the skill you need, click on it right click mouse and select “Start Training Train to level…” and the time required to progress to the next level will be displayed. To learn a skill that you do not have, you need to purchase the appropriate training kit (the station you started the game at must have big choice). To do this, open the market window by left-clicking on the "Market" button (Market) located on the left panel, then set the "search radius" (market range) to "Only at this station" (This station only), otherwise you can buy a skill for which you have to fly somewhere. Select the “Browse” tab, then select the “Items” category, in it the “Skills” category, after which the skill lines will open. Open the one to which the desired skill belongs and buy it.

Some high-level skills can be obtained from agents.

Sometimes players buy up the entire stock of training kits available at the station, and then resell at inflated prices. If you feel like a skill is overpriced, try setting the search radius to "Constellation" or "Region" and you may find better deals in nearby systems. But in this case, you still have to fly to buy.

Try to constantly train your skills, without downtime and loss of time. If there are two hours left until the end of the training, and you know for sure that you will not be able to appear earlier than in 14 hours, then switch the training to some other skill, the training of which will not end before you can enter the game. You do not lose skill points and training time by stopping training. Whenever you continue learning, it will start right where you left off. When you can enter the game again - just switch to the original skill.

Skill Lines and Attributes

The table shows the skill lines and their associated attributes:

Ruler Attributes
Corporate ManagementMemory, Charisma
Dronesmemory, perception
ElectronicsIntelligence, Memory
EngineeringIntelligence, Memory
GunsmithingPerception, will power
IndustryMemory, Intelligence
LeadershipWillpower, Charisma
MechanicsIntelligence, Memory
Missiles (Missiles)Perception, will power
Navigationintelligence, perception
ScienceIntelligence, Memory
Social (Social)Charisma, Intelligence
Spaceship CommandPerception, Willpower (for most skills)
Willpower, Perception (skills for elite ships)
TradeWillpower, Charisma (for basic skills)
Charisma, Memory (for more advanced skills)

Attributes and Skills

Memory- the primary attribute for the "Drones", "Industry", "Corporation Management" lines. These skills are absolutely essential for those involved in mining, industrialization and science. Corporate Management skills are important for characters involved in corporate affairs.

Intelligence- Primary attribute for skills from the Electronics, Engineering, Mechanic, Navigation, and Science lines. They are necessary for those who want to achieve maximum efficiency from ships and ship devices, and for those who are engaged in science.

Strength of will- Primary attribute for Elite Ship Control (from Spaceship Command) and Leadership skills, as well as some Trade skills. As a secondary attribute, Willpower goes to most combat skills (Missiles and Gunnery). Thus, this is a very important parameter for commanders and "hardcore" fighters.

Perception is the primary attribute for most of the skills from the "Ship Control" line, as well as for "Missile" and "Artillery", and is the secondary attribute for "Drones" and "Navigation". Perception is the most important attribute for players focused on fighting. However, even if you don't think about fighting, don't forget about this skill because of the important Ship Control line, where most of the skills have high level complexity, and, therefore, with a low Perception value, it will require a lot of time. So, if you're going to be using more than just a beginner ship, it's a good idea to spend time developing the skills from the Training line that are responsible for increasing Perception.

Charm- Primary attribute for most "Social" and "Trade" skills. "Social" skills are important for those who work a lot with agents, they allow you to quickly improve the attitude (standing) to yourself, which, among other advantages, gives reduced interest rates for processing ore. Players on missions for Agents will benefit greatly from the Connections, Negotiations, and Fast Talk skills. "Trading" skills are needed for those who work with the market more often than ordinary players, those who sell and buy a lot, setting the market dynamics. For combat players, charisma is not important, except for those who are going to develop team skills from the Leadership line.

Translation © XisRaa

The system of skills (skills) of the character in EVE Online is unique in its kind, the likes of which are practically not found in any MMORPG. It is characterized primarily huge variety of skills, and secondly, a special scheme for their study and pumping. Unlike most modern online games, skills in EVE Online level up regardless of their use - it takes what is required only time and nothing else. In addition, skills are pumped even when you are not in the game, which makes it possible not to waste time offline in vain.

Recruits are always in demand on any fronts! Register in EVE Online and boldly ask to join the military corporations of Russian-speaking alliances. You will always be supported, trained and will not be offended.

How Skill Leveling Works in the World of EVE Online

Your character's skill system initially provides for the character to purchase a book with a certain skill. These books are usually bought by players in the markets, however, like most in-game items, they are initially obtained by someone. Some skill books can be purchased for Loyalty Points(a special currency that is given as a reward for completing missions), while others can be obtained from a container in anomalies using a data analyzer.

If your character has all the necessary skills to learn this skill, then you can use the book at any time to teach your character this skill. You can then complete the Skill Queue in any order that suits you.

It should be noted that by default, the queue for learning skills cannot exceed one day from the moment the first skill in the queue starts learning.

You can bet on learning as many different skills as you want, but between the first and last skill, the time required to learn can't be more than a day.

Put the last skill in the learning queue that takes the longest to learn (for example, a few days). This way you will protect yourself from accidental downtime in learning skills.

Skill options in EVE Online

Each skill in EVE Online has two parameters - its difficulty and level. In total, a skill can have 5 levels - the first is obtained by using the book, the last is achieved by pumping. Leveling each subsequent level takes exactly 5 times more time than researching the previous one. The difficulty of a skill is a multiplier of the time it takes to learn it.

What character skills affect in EVE Online

In the world of EVE Online skills(they are skills) character affect every aspect of the game, down to social interactions between players. In addition to the well-known and understandable combat skills and mining skills, there are also corporation and alliance management skills, fleet management skills, and much more.

Ship ownership skills affect which ships you can control and what bonuses you will receive from controlling the ship. Almost every skill is easy increases by the same amount any indicators.

If you want to get to know the game, then initially it makes no sense for you to achieve the maximum level in all skills - 3 or 4 levels will be enough. The difference between skill levels 4 and 5 is not that big.

If you want to be a professional in your field, then without a maximum level of 5 you will not achieve perfect results.

EVE has a slightly unusual character development system. There are no usual "specialty classes". Instead, a very developed system of skills (skills) has been created for the players, from which you are free to choose any of your interest. The character starts the game with the skills chosen at creation, but later on any skills can be acquired and implanted directly into the character's brain, in much the same way as knowledge is transferred in the movie "The Matrix".

EVE Online Skill Guide

EVE Online Skill Guide

Each skill has five levels of development and the preliminary skills necessary to learn it. There are many training kits on the market with which to start training: rare and common, expensive and not very expensive. Once a skill is mastered, it cannot be forgotten, and there is no need to. There is no limit to the number of skills learned or the number of skill points.

Skill training

The character receives a new skill by activating the training set. After activation, some time must pass before the training ends and the first level of the skill is learned. In order to develop subsequent levels of the skill, the training set is no longer needed, it is enough to re-put the skill into training by selecting the appropriate item in the context menu.

Training takes place in real time and continues whether the player is in the game or not, and its duration can vary from dozens of minutes to several hours and days, depending on the type of skill and its complexity. It should be noted that only one of the characters can train on one account (account) at the same time. The time remaining until the end of the current training period can be seen in the character sheet (button on the left panel) in the "Skills" tab.

Training kits can be purchased from the market, both from players and NPCs, the price and availability depend on the size of the supply and the magnitude of the demand.

Acquisition of all skills

The chance that a character in EVE will learn all the skills before the last level 5 is very, very low. Well, or, at least, this task is very, very difficult. Developing skills, especially high-level ones, takes a lot of time, while new skills and new ideas are constantly being introduced into the game. Approximate calculations have shown that it takes about ... three years to fully develop only all the skills available at the moment! But during this time, even more new skills will appear in the game!

From the outside, the process of character development may seem a little tedious, but the character training system implemented in EVE is unique, and is an integral part of the image of the game.

Skill Impact

Skills have several functions in EVE. They define the types of ships, weapons, and equipment that the character can use. They also determine how efficiently the available equipment is used. And finally, they give access to special, highly specialized sections of the game - researching more advanced weapons, managing corporations, managing factories, creating POS (Player Owned Structure, player-owned structures) and so on.

Skills and death

With the destruction of the ship, the life of the pilot does not end - he ejects in a capsule filled with a special life-supporting and anti-g jelly, which is usually called simply "pod" (pod) or "egg" (for more details about this, see the story "The Jovian Grave" ("The Jovian Wet Grave"). But if the capsule is destroyed before it is safe on the station or in another star system, then the character will die, and his clone will be activated. So if you get shot, it does not mean that you died , the pilot (although he is not visible, but he is there, exactly, exactly) can be saved in the "pod", which can then be placed back into the ship.

If, as a result of a lost battle, it came to the "pod", then you need to be in a safe place as soon as possible and transfer to a spare ship. If there is no ship in stock, then the insurance company will provide you with a standard frigate for free, the same as at the beginning of the game.

So, in order to kill a character, you need to destroy him "under", and the consequences of this will be much greater than from a simple loss of the ship.

After the escape pod is destroyed (or "lifted"), the character's mind is transferred to the clone. The quality of the clone determines how many skill points will be retained after the transfer. At the beginning of the game, the simplest clone is provided, and as you develop, it is highly recommended to improve it from time to time, otherwise some of the skills will be lost upon death. If the memory is transferred to a clone that is designed for fewer skill points than the current one, then the character will lose some percentage of the "excess" points (but most likely not all). And this means that some skills will have to be learned again, wasting precious time. Therefore, it is better to try not to die ... But since. it is inevitable, then keep an eye on your clone and update it in a timely manner.

Ways of development

Character development can be divided into two main components - combat and non-combat. Most likely, there will be no difficulties with the definition of combat activities: these are battles and actions associated with them, in addition to firing, including the restoration of the ship’s protective covers, electronic countermeasures against enemy ships, and various actions to support the integrity and efficiency of friendly ships. From non-combat activities, you can bring: character development, trade, mining, research, production, corporation management. For those who prefer more social interaction, who are looking for communication and new friends, in-game channels for communication and thematic mailing lists will provide all the opportunities for this.

Attribute and Skill Guide


When a character is created, some values ​​are assigned to its attributes.

Attributes in EVE are:





Charm (Charisma)

When choosing a school and a character's specialization, the attributes change to reflect these facts. For example, a scientist will have increased Memory and Intelligence, a fighter will have increased Strength Will, and the merchant will have increased Charisma.

Attribute Importance

Attributes are the most important factor in teaching skills. All skills have primary and secondary attributes corresponding to them, and the higher these characteristics a character has, the faster he will learn the skill. The largest contribution to the learning rate is made by the magnitude of the value of the primary attribute, and if it is small, then the training time will be much longer than it could be. Moreover, this difference in time can be VERY significant, especially when training high skill levels and mastering skills of a high level of complexity.

To find out what the primary and secondary attributes of a given skill are, select "Show info" from its context menu, or if the skill has not yet been learned, select the "Attributes" tab in the skill's information window. To find out your current values ​​for these attributes, select the "Attributes" tab in the Character sheet.

Attribute action

By distributing the values ​​of a character's attributes, you influence which skills he will learn the fastest. That is, if you create a character focused on combat missions, then he can be given increased Perception and Willpower, and this will lead to accelerated learning of military skills, in particular skills from the Artillery line (Gunnery). But such a character will also have disadvantages: if you suddenly decide to switch to a different path, say, a scientific one, then the speed of development will not be at all what it could be.

Attribute Improvement

You are not tied tightly to the value of the attributes that were set when creating the character. Their values ​​can be increased, for example, using skills from the Learning line, which includes six basic learning skills - one for each attribute, and six improved learning skills. Plus the skill "Learning" (Learning), which for each level of its development reduces the time of learning skills by 2%.

By maxing out your basic teaching skills, you will increase each attribute by 5 points. And this is a very smart investment of time, as it will save a lot of time on learning other skills.

Some players develop learning skills to the third or fourth level, because. progressing to level 5 takes a long time, but without level 5 there will be no access to advanced training skills that allow you to increase attributes by another 5 points. Here, the development to the 5th level of advanced learning skills takes a really very long time, and here it’s already worth considering whether such an investment will pay off in the future. In any case, it makes sense to develop those attributes that are most necessary for the chosen skills.

For example, if you decide to become a fighter, then the maximum development of skills responsible for increasing Perception (like "Spatial Awareness") and Willpower (for example, the skill "Iron Will" (Iron Will)) will have the highest return. .

How to develop

Learning and developing skills as well as developing attributes takes time. Why not try to optimize this process? For most skills in the Learning line, Memory is the primary attribute and Intelligence is the secondary attribute. It turns out that it is wiser to develop the skills "Instant Recall" (Instant Recall, responsible for increasing Memory) and "Analytical Mind" (responsible for increasing Intelligence) in the first place. In addition, the attributes that they develop are responsible for the speed of learning many other skills.

Here is an example of character development that will allow you to increase training skills and attributes as quickly as possible. The calculations on which the given sequence is based are not presented here.

Instant Recall (Memory) Level 1

Analytical Mind (Intelligence) Level 1

Learning Level 1

Instant Recall (Memory) Level 2

Analytical Mind (Intelligence) Level 2

Learning Level 2

Instant Recall (Memory) Level 3

Analytical Mind (Intelligence) Level 3

Learning Level 3

Instant Recall (Memory) Level 4

Analytical Mind (Intelligence) Level 4

Learning Level 4

Schematic Ideas further development the character can be found on the EVE forums. Rest assured, at each of them this question was raised more than once.


Implants allow you to increase attribute values ​​and thus save time on training. They can be bought in the market, received as a reward from an agent, or received as loot. Implants can increase the value of one of the attributes by 1 ("Limited"), 2 ("Limited - Beta"), 3 ("Basic"), or 4 ("Standard") points. There are also complex effect implants, but they are not covered in this guide.

Types of basic implants:

Cybernetic Subprocessor (Increase Intelligence)

Memory Augmentation (increase Memory)

Occular Filter (increase Perception)

Neural Boost (increase Willpower)

Social Adaptation Chip (increase Charisma)

The use of implants requires the possession of a certain level of skill "Cybernetics" (Cybernetics) (1st level for the Basic type, 3rd for Limited and Limited - Beta, 4th for the Standard type). The very skill "Cybernetics" for its study requires the skill "Science" (Science) of the 3rd level of development.

For each attribute, only one implant responsible for it can be inserted. When removed, the implants are destroyed, so do not forget that once the implant is inserted, it can never be used again.

Be careful when taking risks - implants are lost upon death and cannot be covered by insurance.

General Tips

Try to maximize the attributes needed in the areas you will study hard. For example, all skills from the Navigation line have Intelligence as their primary attribute, so it's worth developing it as much as possible to save on learning time, especially when developing skills to level 5.

Of course, training skills from the "Training" line takes time. And in the initial period of time, this delay can leave you lagging behind those who immediately began to develop other skills. But in the long run, the time spent will pay off many times over, and you will outstrip those who started with the development of applied skills in the speed of development.

Skills have difficulty levels - they are shown as a number in brackets after the skill name (also found in the skill info window). A skill of the second level of difficulty will require twice as much time as a similar one, but of the first level of difficulty; the fifth level - five times more time and so on. And if you have low primary and secondary attributes, then developing such a skill will take a significant amount of time. In such cases, it makes sense to buy implants or develop skills from the "Training" line to increase the necessary attributes.

If you go to the "Skills" tab in the character information window (top button on the left panel), then at the top of the window you will see the total number of skill points you have. To start the development of a skill, open the ruler to which it belongs, find the desired skill, right-click on it and select "Start Training Train to level ..." (Start Training Train to level ...), this will highlight the time needed to progress to the next level. To learn a skill that you do not have, you need to purchase the appropriate training kit (the station you started the game at should definitely have a large selection). To do this, open the market window by left-clicking on the "Market" button (Market) located on the left panel, then set the "search radius" (market range) to "Only at this station" (This station only), otherwise you can buy a skill for which you have to fly somewhere. Select the "List" tab (Browse), then select the category "Items" (Items), in it the category "Skills" (Skills), after which the skill lines will open. Open the one to which the desired skill belongs and buy it.

Some high-level skills can be obtained from agents.

Sometimes players buy up the entire stock of training kits available at the station, and then resell at inflated prices. If you feel like a skill is overpriced, try setting the search radius to "Constellation" or "Region" and you may find better deals in nearby systems. But in this case, you still have to fly to buy.

Try to constantly train your skills, without downtime and loss of time. If there are two hours left until the end of the training, and you know for sure that you will not be able to appear earlier than in 14 hours, then switch the training to some other skill, the training of which will not end before you can enter the game. You do not lose skill points and training time by stopping training. Whenever you continue learning, it will start right where you left off. When you can enter the game again - just switch to the original skill.

Skill Lines and Attributes

The list shows skill lines and their associated attributes:

Ruler Attributes

Corporate Management Memory, Charisma

Drones Memory, Perception


Engineering Intelligence, Memory

Gunnery Perception, Willpower

Industry Memory, Intelligence

Leadership Willpower, Charisma

Learning Memory, Intelligence

Mechanic (Mechanic) Intelligence, Memory

Rocketry(Missiles) Perception, Willpower


Science, Intelligence, Memory

Social (Social) Charisma, Intelligence

Spaceship Command Perception, Willpower (for most skills) Willpower, Perception (skills for elite ships)

Trade (Trade) Willpower, Charisma (for basic skills)

Charisma, Memory (for more advanced skills)

Attributes and Skills

Memory is the primary attribute for the Drones, Industry, Corporation Management, and Learning lines. These skills are absolutely essential for those involved in mining, industrialization and science. "Corporate Management" skills are important for characters involved in corporate affairs.

Intelligence is the primary attribute for skills from the Electronics, Engineering, Mechanic, Navigation, and Science lines. They are necessary for those who want to achieve maximum efficiency from ships and ship devices, and for those who are engaged in science.

Willpower is the primary attribute for the Elite Ship Control (from Spaceship Command) and Leadership skills, as well as some of the Trade skills. The secondary attribute of Willpower goes to most combat skills ("Missiles" and "Artillery" (Gunnery)). Thus, this is a very important parameter for commanders and "hardcore" fighters.

Perception is the primary attribute for most skills from the "Ship Control" line, as well as for "Missile" and "Artillery", and is a secondary attribute for "Drones" and "Navigation". Perception is the most important attribute for combat-oriented players. However, even if you don't think about fighting, don't forget about this skill due to the important Ship Control line, in which most of the skills have a high level of difficulty, and therefore, with a low Perception value, they will require a lot of time. So, if you are going to use more than just a beginner ship, it will not be superfluous to spend time developing skills from the Training line that are responsible for increasing Perception.

Charisma is the primary attribute for most "Social" and "Trade" skills. "Social" skills are important for those who work a lot with agents, they allow you to quickly improve the attitude (standing) to yourself, which, among other advantages, gives reduced interest rates for processing ore. Players on missions for Agents will benefit greatly from the Connections, Negotiations, and Fast Talk skills. "Trading" skills are needed for those who work with the market more often than ordinary players, those who sell and buy a lot, setting the market dynamics. For combat players, charisma is not important, except for those who are going to develop team skills from the Leadership line.