Unable to establish network connection on wot. Unable to connect to the World of Tanks server. Connection problem in tanks

There are a lot of complaints from players about an error in connecting to World of Tanks. In this article we will tell you how to solve the problem with the connection of three different ways and dwell on each in detail. The solution is suitable for those who, when connecting to tanks, receive the following error:

Unable to connect to server

  • The server may not be available or you may need to check your network connection settings.

Connection problem in tanks

The player himself writes about given error following:

It doesn’t go to the test server either, I play other games without any problems, I’m sitting in the TS, I write on the forum, the updates have been downloaded and installed on the test server, but I can’t enter the game. There are no mods.


Option 1.

According to our data, this problem occurs for those players who use xDSL (ADSL 2+) technology and a high-speed modem to connect to the Internet. Immediately after the previous patch, the World of Tanks server began to cut off tankers with an unstable network connection from the game. All cases spoke specifically about a modem connection, which, by the way, is high-speed and is not inferior in stability to ETTx and even xPON technology, if no more than 300 meters of a copper pair are laid from the player’s computer to the PBX. However, ADSL is able to provide Internet access even at distances of several kilometers (here the connection quality drops sharply).

Solution for option 1. If you use ADSL, try to consider alternative options for accessing the Internet using more stable PON (optics to PC) or ETTH (optics to the home with RJ-45 twisted-pair twisted pair to users) technologies.

Option 2.

These are, of course, the network settings of your personal computer, which are mentioned in the error in connecting to the tanks. This primarily includes configuring the router, NAT, issuing permissions to connect to the worldoftanks.exe file in firewalls and adding exceptions to firewalls. Also opening ports used to connect to WOT.

Solution for option 2. Places to look to check your network connection settings if the server is unavailable include:

  1. Settings of the used network card and adapter parameters (DNS, IP address, gateway in the TCP/IP protocol).
  2. Network connection settings. Namely: a shortcut through which you connect to the Internet (relevant for bridging connections); web interface of the router or modem at: with login admin and password admin (relevant for PPoE connections).
  3. Firewall settings built into the antivirus. It is done through the antivirus management program. Add an exception in blocking connections with World server of Tanks for the executable file of the same name with the .exe extension from the game folder.
  4. Windows firewall settings. Here you should also allow a connection to the World of Tanks server by adding an exception for the game.
  5. Network group settings (home, public, and others).

Option 3

This is a rare but not unimportant situation that can cause an error in which a connection to the server cannot be established. This includes blocking the player's IP address on the World of Tanks server you are trying to connect to. The MAC address (hardware address that identifies a device on the network) can also be blocked.

Solution for option 3. We recommend that you change the static IP address given to you by your ISP. If you have a dynamic IP address, it is enough to reconnect the Internet to change your IP address to a new one. In the case of blocking by MAC address, you will have to contact Wargaming with a request to unlock the MAC of your network card, modem or PC (unless, of course, you are going to change them or use another computer, modem, router and network card to connect to World of Tanks ).

As practice shows and shows repeatedly, sometimes World of Tanks servers can suddenly stop working. This is a fairly common and serious problem for most players.

Sometimes it is impossible to enter the tanks for whole hours, or even the whole day. The most affected by this are players who have bought a premium account or. It turns out that the player paid money for it, but cannot enter the game and use it. So the money just went down the drain.

In this article, we will look at the main reasons why does not it workWorld of Tankstoday. There are several problems and each of them should be considered separately.

Unable to enter the game

It happens that the network equipment of the company could simply collapse and because of this, most of the players could not log into their account. On the this moment work is underway to fix this problem. According to official statistics, the problem has been solved by more than 80%.

Unfinished session on another server

A similar problem can occur very often and it is simply impossible to protect yourself from it, especially for those players who quite often leave and enter the game. To fix the error and log into your account, you should visit the official website of the game and go to Personal Area. There is a function - "reset all sessions". In most cases, this step can solve your problem.

If this does not help, then it remains only to wait. In any case, the session will automatically end in a maximum of 24 hours. After that, the probability that you will log into your account is 100%.

Heavily overloaded servers are an equally common problem. It happens that servers simply cannot withstand the flow of players and can easily collapse. In this case, it is worth waiting until the developers restore their work. In most cases, you don't have to wait long.

Queue to the game

A similar message pops up just the same when the flow of players is too large, and there are too few clusters. Servers are heavily loaded and can't miss more players. In this case, you have to wait in line until the place is free. Basically, you will have to hang in line for no more than a few minutes, but in extreme cases, be prepared to hang in the order of ten to twenty minutes.

Tankers who have already entered the game are most likely aware of the problem and will not give you my place in order to sit in the queue again later. But as soon as one of the players leaves the game, the first person in line immediately takes his place.

Interestingly, those players who currently have an active premium account, or those who have a sufficiently large supply of game gold, have priority to enter the game.

This is not a panacea, but I hope this topic will help many!
Everyone is constantly asking - why can not establish a network connection?!
I've had that, multiple times. I was looking for a solution for a long time, until problems with the Internet started: Smile_honoring:
I decided this problem by opening ports for the game click: Smile-izmena:
If you think that you have already opened all the ports of the system for the game and still writes that "Unable to establish a network connection", put yourself a program to search for worms and rootkits (for me personally, they blocked most of the ports) antivirus did not help me: Smile_honoring:, I thought everything was clean until I checked the system with AVZ! So he helped me solve this, and so that this does not happen again, install a good firewall and configure it correctly: Smile_honoring:
How to use AVZ and open ports (one of many solutions):
1. Clean up the old one and create a new one checkpoint to avoid unexpected situations, you can restore the system to a previous state:
- click Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup, select the system disk, on the Advanced-System Restore tab, click Clean;
- click Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore, select Create a restore point, click Next, enter a name for the restore point and click Create.
2. Clean up temporary files via Start-Programs-Accessories-Utilities-Disk Cleanup or using ATF Cleaner
- download ATF Cleaner, run it, check the box next to Select All and click Empty Selected.
- if you are using Firefox, click Firefox - Select All - Empty Selected

- if you are using Opera, click Opera - Select All - Empty Selected
- press No if you want to keep your saved passwords
3. Please update AVZ databases
click File => Database Update => Start
4. Disable internet connections, antivirus/firewall
5. AVZ, menu "File - Run script" - Copy the script below - Press the "Run" button.
The code:
SearchRootkit(true, true);
After executing the script, the computer will restart.
After reboot, execute the second script:
The code:
As a result of the script execution, quarantine.zip will be generated. You can delete the created archive or give it to the person who writes scripts for AVZ (read the forum of this utility).
6. Download Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware, install, update databases, select "Perform Full Scan" (I recommend checking all hard drives in the system), click "Scan", after scanning - Ok - Show Results (show results) - click "Remove Selected" " (delete selected).
All information is taken from the site - forum.oszone.net
+ ZY 2
Also, just in case, scan the system with AVZ:Smile_great:
For me, it really helped!
Hope it helps you too! :Smile_honoring:
+ ZY 3
I apologize in advance for any errors in this post! I'm not a professional hacker or cracker, etc., etc.! :Smile_honoring:
So if there are amendments, I will take note with great pleasure! :Smile_great:
I'll take your pluses if this topic helped you in any way! :Smile_Default:
Dear visitors of this topic!
We kindly ask you:
Before asking any questions that concern you on this topic.
Please read the questions and answers to them, perhaps your problem has been discussed and the solution has already been described.
And if the solution to your problem is still not here, ask questions more specifically and describe the symptoms of these problems! :Smile_great:
Be sure to write the configuration of your hardware, system, methods of protecting your PC from external attacks, the method of connecting to the Internet, and possibly some other nuances that I have not taken into account!
Also make sure you have a new version router or modem firmware if used.
And disable all torrent downloads and other IP connections before starting games!
Reboot your router/modem/switch/gateway, whatever you use to access the internet.
Call the provider and ask why they won't connect the games to the servers.
A small footnote - you can try to make a quick check without a script, but first you need to correctly configure the utility, namely:
Disable Antivirus / Firewall; we turn off the Internet.
Click on the AVZPM button and enable the advanced process monitoring driver.
Then click the "File Types" tab - and check the "All Files" option.
Next, the "Search Options" tab - check all the boxes, and "Translate the heuristic analyzer to the max level!
In the right part of the window "Method of treatment" - check the box for treatment and click start!
After the operation is completed, restart the PC and turn on the antivirus / firewall and Internet access again

There are a lot of complaints from players about an error in connecting to World of Tanks. In this article, we will tell you how to solve the connection problem in three different ways and dwell on each in detail. The solution is suitable for those who, when connecting to tanks, receive the following error:

Unable to connect to server

  • The server may not be available or you may need to check your network connection settings.

Connection problem in tanks

The player himself writes the following about this error:

It doesn’t go to the test server either, I play other games without any problems, I’m sitting in the TS, I write on the forum, the updates have been downloaded and installed on the test server, but I can’t enter the game. There are no mods.


Option 1.

According to our data, this problem occurs for those players who use xDSL (ADSL 2+) technology and a high-speed modem to connect to the Internet. Immediately after the previous patch, the World of Tanks server began to cut off tankers with an unstable network connection from the game. All cases spoke specifically about a modem connection, which, by the way, is high-speed and is not inferior in stability to ETTx and even xPON technology, if no more than 300 meters of a copper pair are laid from the player’s computer to the PBX. However, ADSL is able to provide Internet access even at distances of several kilometers (here the connection quality drops sharply).

Solution for option 1. If you use ADSL, try to consider alternative options for accessing the Internet using more stable PON (optics to PC) or ETTH (optics to the home with RJ-45 twisted-pair twisted pair to users) technologies.

Option 2.

These are, of course, the network settings of your personal computer, which are mentioned in the error in connecting to the tanks. This primarily includes configuring the router, NAT, issuing permissions to connect to the worldoftanks.exe file in firewalls and adding exceptions to firewalls. Also opening ports used to connect to WOT.

Solution for option 2. Places to look to check your network connection settings if the server is unavailable include:

  1. Settings of the used network card and adapter parameters (DNS, IP address, gateway in the TCP/IP protocol).
  2. Network connection settings. Namely: a shortcut through which you connect to the Internet (relevant for bridging connections); web interface of the router or modem at: with login admin and password admin (relevant for PPoE connections).
  3. Firewall settings built into the antivirus. It is done through the antivirus management program. Add an exception in blocking connections to the World of Tanks server for the executable file of the same name with the .exe extension from the game folder.
  4. Windows firewall settings. Here you should also allow a connection to the World of Tanks server by adding an exception for the game.
  5. Network group settings (home, public, and others).

Option 3

This is a rare but not unimportant situation that can cause an error in which a connection to the server cannot be established. This includes blocking the player's IP address on the World of Tanks server you are trying to connect to. The MAC address (hardware address that identifies a device on the network) can also be blocked.

Solution for option 3. We recommend that you change the static IP address given to you by your ISP. If you have a dynamic IP address, it is enough to reconnect the Internet to change your IP address to a new one. In the case of blocking by MAC address, you will have to contact Wargaming with a request to unlock the MAC of your network card, modem or PC (unless, of course, you are going to change them or use another computer, modem, router and network card to connect to World of Tanks ).