Walkthrough Dino Crisis 1. Dino Crisis full walkthrough. This amazing and dangerous world of dinosaurs. It’s not scary to gain weight, it’s scary to live with this problem

If you have played resident evil, then mastering the controls in the game will not be difficult for you. But if you haven’t played (shame on your gray head, you need to know the classics!), Then you will be killed a couple of times before you get comfortable with the keyboard.
Z - inventory
B - aim
C - activate / shoot (when B is pressed)
V - running

Combined weapon
All three types of weapons that are in the game can be upgraded. For example, how to upgrade a pistol. To do this, select it first in the inventory. Then in the same window (and not in the one where cartridges are chosen) you will select spare parts for the pistol, that's all.

Generator area
Regina, Rick and Jail speculate about what happened here in the end. After Rick leaves, go to the back room and take the key. The rack can be moved. There is always something useful on the shelf. Go with Gail to the room with the generator (go to the wire door you just left). Don't forget to search the torn body you find along the way. Gail will remain to guard the entrance, and you have to restore the power supply. Go into the room with the generator, go to the window with fuses. The color of the fuses must match the color of the switches, arrange them in the following order: red, blue, green, gray. Lower the switches... Something happened outside.
Leave the room with the generator. Captain-a-an? Where are you?
It can't be a dinosaur! If you are not playing on Easy, then it will not be so easy to kill the raptor, it is best to run away. But be careful, this creature can jump over fences.

control room
Enter the building through the blue door and climb through the ventilation (well, not a girl, but Batman!). Go down through the first vent. There is a sign on the wall - Control room, which means we have a road here. Enter the computer room and talk to Rick. Go back to the corridor, the locker (E-Box) on the wall is a kind of chests from Resident Evil, but in order to open them, you need keys (Plug), in any new E-Box you can take items from previously opened lockers (Access button ). Behind the door under the vent will be a room where you can sign up. Turn on the energy (red light on the wall), read the files in the computer. In the nightstand you can find Plug. Get shotgun, DDK Disc H and Panel Key II. Behind the corpse of a man (that's who messed up the door!) - a cabinet with an electronic lock (Code: 0375) you will find Entrance Key. When you want to leave the room, you will be asked to sign up.

Locker Room""s
Be careful with the reptile! She can be locked with laser beams in a cul-de-sac, but it is better to kill her. Exit to the hall with stairs (double door, open the large door using the Entrance Key. Go outside, take the DDK Card N from the chewed corpse. Return to the hall and go up to the second floor. (The cabinet above can be moved under it either drugs or a first aid kit .)

second floor
Watch out, there are two raptors here! One ripped off the sofa and wanders along the corridor (sometimes you can find him sleeping), the second will appear later. Another overgrown lizard lives in the bar (door opposite the window). You can just put her to sleep - you will not go here again. To get weapon parts, enter the code: 7687. Combine them with a pistol - it will become a little stronger. Exit back to the corridor, next to the tattered sofa, the door, the code for it: HEAD. A dying scientist is waiting for you in the room. Talk to him. Go a little further and if you get too close to the window... Meet him! Tyrannosaurus Rex himself! The worst part is that he can't be killed. The creature will break the glass and devour the scientist, slip past the tyrannosaurus to the door. Go back to the same room. In the right corner of the room there is a stand with awards - act on it first LEO card (in the first slot) then SOL card (in the second slot) it will open, enter the code: 705037 get L Key Card.
Go down to the first floor, open the lock in the door under the stairs by entering the code: NEWCOMER.

training room
In the office, read the notes, take what you need from the red locker on the wall. Go to the Training Room (door on the left), where Rick seems to have seen someone on the monitor. Raptors that suddenly appear in the corridor can be stunned with a cold shower (green button on the wall on the right). Hide from them behind the laser wall and shoot them with a pistol. In the Training Room (a room with computers) take the B1 Backup Generator Key (on one of the computers), be careful you will be attacked by a raptor! When the Danger! sign is on, you need to press all the buttons (actually, of course, the shooting button, but it’s unlikely that you will remember which of them is shooting at that moment, then Regina will push the creature away and Jail will be able to shoot the reptile. Go turn on the backup generator It's outside, behind a metal mesh door, not far from where you started the game. A wooden box, you can move it - there is usually a vial of chemistry under it. You need to go down the stairs. Take a spare fuse from the locker on the wall and put it on in the empty slot behind the glass. Put the fuses in this order: red, blue, green, gray. Lower the switches. Move the rack next to the levers, you will find another Plug. Now you need to return to the Control Room (the room where Rick is sitting), but before sign up for this!

Scenario selection
A signal came asking for help, the saboteurs do not know from Cooper (radio operator, you and I know that he was eaten at the beginning of the game) or from Tom (our spy) and Rick is going to go see who of ours survived. Gail insists on going to the dungeon because he noticed a man who looks like Dr. Kirk on the monitor. After Rick and Jail fight, you will have a choice - go after Jail (first option) or Rick (second option). Better go after Rick, otherwise your conscience will torment you later.

1. Follow Gail
Follow the captain, go down the stairs and see the dinosaurs (well, the Lost World!), do not pay much attention to them. Go to the room on the right, rummage around in the cabinets to find a first aid kit and Plug, take the Soldier ID Card. Leave the room (you can save here). Go through the other door, meet Gail. When he runs after Dr. Kirk, open the door to the right of the bars. As soon as you approach the shield on the wall, a raptor will jump out of it. Danger inscription again! If you tap the keyboard fast enough, the raptor will be electrocuted. Go through the double doors, collect your inventory and pay attention to the corpse. Now act like you would go after Rick. That is, climb the stairs to the street and go through the door covered with a metal mesh.

2. Follow Rick
Follow Rick (through the south door, this is back outside). Finish or run past the two Raptors, feel free to pick up shotgun shells along the way, and go through the brown door to the street. Oh shit! Pterodactyl! Fight off the winged one and pick up the dropped weapon. Walk forward until you see a gate with the inscription R-6, there is a door on the right - we go there. (Take the key from the wooden boxes to open the E-box.) In the room you will find Tom (this is our man who spied on Professor Kirk). Get a DDK disc and don't forget to take another DDK disc from the table. Now get out onto the roof (the second door in the same room) and run away from the pterodactyls as quickly as possible! Go down the stairs, the puzzle with six computers and pipes is solved like this. The computers are located as follows (top view):

6 (blue) 1 (red)

3 (green) 4 (green)

2 (red) 5 (blue)

Now you need to activate them in the order they are numbered. That is:
1. Top right - choose red color.
2. The bottom left is also red.
3. Left middle - green.
4. The right middle is also green.
5. Lower right - blue.
6. Top left - last blue.

Come upstairs, you damned pterodactyl again! But this time, aerodynamic conditions are on your side. Well, long-winged, hit the fan? It serves him right! Good thing he didn't drag Regina along with him. Go to where you saw the very first pterodactyl, press the button on the platform-elevator. Go back to Rick and Tom and take them with you. When you go down, Rick will ask you to clear the path. Climb the ladder to the control panel and program the crane to unload containers:

First program:
2 up, 1 down, 1 left, then hook (hook) and execute (start)
Second program:
1 to the left, release (release), execute (start)
Third program:
2 up, 1 down, then hook, start,
You can go down, go between the containers, there is a door on the right for you... Oh! Lots of little dinosaurs eat the big raptor. See what happens to poor Tom (even in death he won't want to give us the Uzi!). Don't forget to take the Soldier ID Card, now we will need to turn on the elevator.

Go to the room with a red sign on the door, first of all, pick up the Finger print device (small computer) and DDK Disc E. Go through the hall to the street (where the crumpled yellow lights are). Going to the right, you will see the remains of the poor scientist, act on his body Finger print device. Return to the Office room (this is through the corridor where you doused the raptors with water) and use the Military ID Card on the blue computer. Enter the code: 47812. Regina is now allowed secret access. Return to the two elevators (through the door under the stairs in the hall), now you can go down. In the elevator, you will meet with another prehistoric suitcase, which has not yet had time to attach a handle.

B1 Hall
computer room
In order for the door to open, enter the password: LABORATORY. But, having gone out into the corridor, do not rush to turn off the laser wall - behind it are two rather hungry creatures that can be easily shot. In the Computer Room, find a computer with a blue display and three stripes on it, to unlock the laboratory door, enter the password: 5037. In the same place, take the tool (I think it's a gas key) from the red box, however, you can do this and later.

Research Meeting Room
In the Research Meeting Room (white room with a table in the middle) take the DDK Disc E. You will also find the Plug on the bookcase.

In the Gas Lab, in order to neutralize poisonous gas, press the blue (first), red (second) and green (third) buttons in the following order:
Blue, blue, green, red.
The guy in the lab will give you a B1 Key Chip, if you kill him (and the temptation is great :)) you won't get a small key. When you pick up the already motionless body of a scientist, a raptor will jump into the camera. Lock him up there and gas him to death.

data base room
In the Data Base room (a room with three rows of cabinets), use the B1 Key Chip on the computer with the monitor in the wall, the code is scratched on the key itself - 3695. In the same room you can find additional parts for your pistol (Hand Gun Upgrade Part), they lie between cabinets. Now use the Key Chip to open the data base machine (a closet-like unit with a glowing green stripe). You will receive an R Key Card (and the L Key Card was already found in the room where the tyrannosaurus rex nearly ate you).

computer room
Go back to the Computer Room, use the Key Card "" on one of the access devices (large blue screen around the edges). Gail will come to the aid of Regina. The screen will rise, revealing another door. Password: ENERGY. In this small room (Simulate room) behind the bookcase you can find shotgun upgrade parts. Return to the Computer Room.

computer room
Use the gas key and open the data base machine. You have to solve a simple puzzle, like tags. Follow the steps in the following sequence:
Rotate the right picture to the right once.
Do not rotate the left picture, put it as it was.
Rotate the middle picture to the right once.
After that, two options will appear again:
1. If you like to fight - go with Jail. You will have to shoot at the raptors, but you can easily run away from most reptiles. You need to go to where you moved the containers.
2. If you still want to break your head - go to the Simulate room and suffer with the computer. You have two attempts to remember and retype the characters that pop up on the screen, so keep a pen and paper nearby. If it doesn’t work out, don’t be discouraged, go to point #1.

Communication room
When you get to the containers, meet Doctor Kirk and Jail. The commander will ask you to sneak into the Communication room. Return to 1F Control room, go to the elevator - you will get into the Comunication room. Take another Card from the red box on the wall. Through the second door, exit to the roof and go until you see two doors, we are now on the left. Use the Card to turn on the antenna. Come out on Fresh air... Mom, T-Rex! Run away from him, hide in the corner near the door and shoot back at the Tyrannosaurus with a shotgun, usually three or four shots are enough. Run to the main hall (where the stairs to the second floor are), two pterodactyls are waiting for you behind the large sliding door. Go through the gray door, be prepared for two raptors that will jump down from above. Just run away from them (to the right door!). If you go up the stairs and go to the left, you will find a bazooka and some ammo for it (if you play on Easy, then you have it in your backpack from the very beginning)! Now you can go to T-Rex. Come back down, you have to work a little as a loader. The boxes are arranged like this (b - small boxes; B - large boxes):

You need to put them like this:

It is done like this, move: B1 - to the right, B2 - down, B3 - to the right, B4 - up and do not touch B5. If you make a mistake, just leave the room and go back in. The path is clear. Collect ammo and go through the double doors. They will show the screensaver. How got the damned T-Rex eats everything that hits! And he's not enough! He ate a helicopter, and now he is chasing you, running around the remains of the helicopter, shoot the creature with a bazooka. However, you can not shoot at the T-Rex at all, but then you have to run longer. It will take at least three shots, after which Rick will appear, now you can run to the elevator.
When the elevator stops, you will find yourself in a very filthy underground corridor. Only small dinosaurs run around here, don't pay attention to them. On your right hand there will be a door to the utility room. Ha! Many small reptiles eat a little human. Search the corpse - another access card. Leave the room and move on. On the right - another elevator, Rick is waiting for you there.

Dino Crisis
Very similar to Resident series Evil, but people are fighting dinosaurs, not zombies like in RE.
You play a female spy infiltrating a military compound on an isolated island. She is trying to find a brilliant scientist who was considered dead. His research into clean energy could solve critical environmental problems, but something unexpected interrupted his plans. Are these dinosaurs, what do they need?
You'll have to fight fast and powerful raptors, pterosaurs and giant tyrannosaurs!
There are several versions of the game (Japanese, American, European), and although they differ slightly, do not be surprised if the description in some details does not match the version you have. Now down to business...
* Basic tricks.
U.P.- forward movement;
DOWN- backward movement;
RIGHT- right turn;
LEFT- left turn;
X- running (simultaneously holding the direction on the D-pad);
O (Circle)- Action/Shoot (simultaneously holding R1);
Triangle- open the Character Menu;
R1- aiming;
R2- turn by 180 degrees,
Start- pause;
Select- game options (Game Option).
* Characters.
We will not dwell on the detailed description of the characters. The game begins with you receiving an e-mail from your contact Tom. On the island of Ibis (Ibis Island) there were serious troubles. Your task is to go to this island to save and bring out Dr. Kirk (Dr. Kirk).
You play as Regina, the Secret Task Force Agent on your Team Leader Gail.
* Item menu.
This menu has an item indicator, which has three sections: Mix, Item, Map. When you select an Item, three options appear. The first option is "Use"; the second - "Describe the item" (describe the subject); the third is "Sort The item" (the quality of the items).
The Mix menu includes similar options, except for the first one.
* List of items.
When you explore this or that complex, you will definitely find various items. These are weapons, ammunition, keys, trace clues, first-aid kits, arrows with sleeping pills and tubes for shooting them. Each weapon can be improved as the game progresses, and the ability to combine different options well will save lives in the most difficult situations and win the game.
Since the amount of ammunition in the game is very limited, you need to try to hit right on target. There is a lot of uncertainty in the game, so let's take a closer look at especially important items.
* "Patch" (pouches).
* The blue and green patches stop the bleeding, but fall off very quickly and the bleeding may resume. And in this game you will have to shed a lot of blood. Find it in the first aid kit.
* Yellow plasters contain useful wound medicines, but only heal minor wounds. If the wound is serious, they will not completely heal, although of course they are better than blue and green.
* Red patches are just super, they heal once and for all!
* Tubes (Cilinders).
The contents of different tubes can be mixed in the Mix screen and sometimes surprising results can be obtained. For example, if you mix a green tube with a yellow patch, you get a red patch. The sleeping pills in darts will become more powerful and will overwhelm dinosaurs much faster. If you want to keep it clean, then mix two red patches together to get a red first aid kit. Red arrows will just kill the dinosaur! These arrows can be obtained by mixing a full tube with a red first aid kit, but can also be found in-game if you're lucky.
How to get all this goodness? Most often you will find them behind moving objects like shelves, boxes, dead bodies, but they can also lie in the open.
Since the game changes from time to time, i.e. starting the game again, you will not be able to repeat the passed option, then really detailed walkthrough and it cannot be. You just need to carefully examine all the premises, look into all corners, understand the purpose of all traces, keys, clues and corpses. Success in each mission also depends on your understanding of the process of creating items and the ability to use weapons.
* Keys.
In this game, you will often find keys, cards and DDK disks: on tables, computers, corpses and in secret safes. It takes two discs to enter a very important room, but even this is sometimes not enough, since it is often necessary to solve difficult puzzles first to get the right password.
Here is an example of finding a password from a puzzle. It is obtained as if by subtracting the key from the code.
Code (Code): OXPYEZN
Key (Key): XYZ
Password (Password): OPEN.
Similarly, in the following example, only you need to replace the letters X, Y, Z with the corresponding "secret formula" A \u003d 1, B \u003d 2, C \u003d 3.
The code: OAPBECN
Key: 123.
Password: OPEN.
You also need identification cards(ID Card) to access computers. Don't forget to upgrade them as you progress through the game.
The Jigsaw and Power Control puzzles are quite easy, solve it without problems, but noticeably more difficult ones will come across. Don't panic, we'll get through somehow.
* Remember game.
The only way remember the game - go to a special room Save Room (SR) They are marked on the map, there is always one or two on each floor. Therefore, if you need to take a breath or get out of difficult situation, immediately run into them.
There is a curious novelty in the game - such special machines that give you ammunition and medicines in an emergency (Emergency Slots) They come in different colors (green, red and yellow), but only in red and yellow you can get ammunition. To do this, you still need to find special "plugs" (plug), which you will find in boxes, behind shelves or on the floor.
* Weapon.
The game has three types military weapons: Handgun (pistol), Shotgun (shotgun) and Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher).
The gun shoots two types of cartridges, one - 9 mm, others more powerful - 40 caliber.
The gun also has two types of ammunition, regular powerful cartridges (Shell) and weaker ones (SG). From the Gun you can launch arrows with sleeping pills.
The grenade launcher fires high-explosive and explosive grenades, the latter are much more effective against living enemies.
Note. If you play the ending as Gale, then every bullet will count, aim more accurately.
* Enemies.
Dangers are always unexpected, dinosaurs (as in life) can jump out from any direction. They hit, bite, roar and whistle! Be very careful, as we will not be able to warn you in time about the imminent danger!
Dinosaurs grab you, they can throw you like a ball, but they especially like to bite a human being if your health is not good, if your weapon is lost or it is already a corpse. However, you can always press the right buttons and save your hero.
There is absolutely no need to kill everyone you see, sometimes it makes more sense to just run away. Some dinosaurs will only be encountered once in the game, so sleeping pill arrows are sometimes the most best weapon.
It's great to set a trap for these monsters. In this way, you can kill them or evade the fight. Laser fences are located in different places of the game. They can be used as traps or weapons against dinosaurs. Be sure to make sure they are open when you want to lure the enemy there.
The gassing device allows you to put a barrier between you and the ferocious beast. It is not always effective, but sometimes it can help out.
It will take 11 pistol shots at the start to kill the Raptor, so make sure you get a shotgun before the real fun begins.
* Raptors.
The most popular dinosaurs in the game are velociraptors, they are stubborn and so dangerous. Only when you see blood can you be sure the enemy is dead. They follow you everywhere, and when it becomes completely unbearable, run to SR, you can't escape from them in normal rooms.
In the second half of the game, the raptors gradually mutate into super raptors (Super Raptor). These have a peculiar coloring characteristic of the monsters of prehistoric times, oh how hard to finish them off! Fortunately, they appear when you have already gained experience.
Nightmare monster. The first thing that comes to mind is to run away immediately. Tyrannosaurus Rex will appear as one of the bosses, so the battle is inevitable. Shoot with a gun or a grenade launcher, a gun and arrows are completely useless. He picks his teeth with such arrows instead of toothpicks when he bites you. And if possible, drape with all your might.
* Pteranolon (Pteranodon).
Huge flying monster, real death from heaven! Do not waste ammunition on them, tear your claws without thinking and preferably in zigzags! You can do it without problems if you master this technique. Well, if you still decide to finish off the deadly beast, SG cartridges are best suited.
* Pterosaur (Pterosaur).
Such deadly Dinos, it seems, have never happened in games before. They don't ambush or chase you, they just attack without hesitation. You only have a few moments to unload your weapon - preferably a grenade launcher or, at worst, a gun.
You will meet these monsters in Arsenal Storage, do not forget about it when you decide to play for Gale.
* Procompsognathurs (Procompsogna thurs).
Small corpse eaters are not particularly dangerous, deal with them without problems. Most often they revolve around corpses, crawl out of ventilation pipes, you can easily beat them even with a pistol. Only children who are fond of dinosaurs can pronounce the name, this is not available to the rest of humanity.
* Choices.
This depends on the ending. If ammo is low, you can choose Rick as a character, there are many puzzles here. Gale's fate is noticeably easier, just follow the red dots on your map and shoot everything that moves, crawls, etc. Use ammunition and arrows, don't be afraid and win.
* Walkthrough.
Easy mode (Easy mode).
You are in the first area (Area 1), head west to meet Gale. After a short cutscene, enter Room 1 (Room 1) with a green door. Take the key on the upper left shelf and don't forget about the first aid kit on the other shelf (you need to move the shelf first). Exit the room, go to the south door of room 1 and watch the video. Activate the generator and Gale will give you the key. Follow him to area 2 and go through the west door to area 3. Continue on until you see Gale and a human corpse. Talk to Gale and enter room 2 (right behind him).
Go to the end of this room and find two panels, one in front of you (1st panel) and the other - 2nd panel, on the right. Here you will find the first puzzle, it is very simple. Click the Action button in front of the 1st panel. The correct combination (from left to right) is red, blue, green, white. Or just click right button, middle, then right again. Now press the Action button in front of the second panel - this will turn on the generator. When you try to leave the room, you will hear a scream and a gunshot. Go to the exit from this room. Going outside, you will see that Gale has disappeared. Go ahead and watch the video. Then a large lizard (or small dinosaur) will pounce on you. You can kill him or run away to the 2nd zone. Return to area 1.
Rick will contact you and offer to meet you in the control room (a flashing red light on your map), enter room 3 (door to the north). Go north, watch the video, turn west and see the laser fence. Nearby is a red switch that turns off the lasers, but this can only be done when the red color changes to green. Enter the air duct, go forward, go down into the hole and find yourself in room 4 (the room behind you allows you to remember the game - SR). Go south, then a little west, you will see a door - enter through it into the control room.
Watch the video, memorize the game in SR and go to the north door. Next to the door you will see a red switch, press it, take the DDK-N (a rotating object on the left shelf). Enter the room on the left and you will see a dead man, take the Leo medal near him. Open the safe (combination " 0375 "), take the key inside, enter room 5 and watch the video.
Kill the dinosaur, turn off the laser fence, enter room 6, take the DDK-N from the drawer. Go to room 7. go up to the 2nd floor, enter room 8, kill the dinosaur, go to room 9. Don't miss the dinosaur in the corner, open the safe on the wall at the back of the room (combination " 7687 ").
Take the weapon upgrader, exit room 9. You now have two DDK-N disks, one is the code disc, the other is the key disk. Go to the door to the 10th room, press the Action button on the switch.
The code: HBCEFAGDI.
Key: Sun FGI
Password: HEAD.
Enter room 10, watch the video. Now you have a Sol Medal / After the video, take DDK-N, go around the table, and then you are attacked by a tyrannosaurus, he has already had a wonderful bite and intends to continue the meal. Immediately open fire, and after two accurate hits from a grenade launcher, he will be greatly worsened. Now use the medals Sol and Leo on the red box (on the wall) near the broken window, Sol - on the left, Leo - on the right. This time the combination is "705037". Take the L-Disk, return to the 1st floor, go to area 4 (door in the north). Near the right door you will find another corpse, exit the room, go to the south door (under the stairs), Rick will contact you. By the way, it is completely incomprehensible why these amateurs fell with an unpronounceable name and didn’t steal more corpses?
Open the door.
The code:

(You need to exclude everything from the code letters A-B-D-F-G-H).
Enter room 11. take the map in the center of the room, go to room 12, turn off the laser fence, go further and you will be attacked by two dinosaurs. If there are difficulties, then you can do the following. Before you see these two dinos, enter room 14, finish off one dinosaur, go outside and finish off the second one. Then you won't have to fight two at once. Enter room 13, take the key at the end of the room (near the white board) and the Dinos will attack you. Click X to break out. Then Gale will appear and finish off the beast.
Watch the video, enter room 14, open the north door, return to the control room and watch another cutscene. Gale will advise you to restore health. Go to area 1, enter area 5, go down the stairs to B1. You will see a panel on the western wall of this room, a green light flashes on it. Press the Action button in front of it, take the plug, insert it into the panel on the south wall. Press the right button, middle, left, right again, middle again, then right, and then turn on the generator.
Rick will offer to meet in the control room. Here in room 3 you will be attacked by a dinosaur that needs to be finished off. When you arrive at the control room, Gale will notice that he saw an incomprehensible phenomenon in the basement (B1), then Regina will receive a call from someone, probably from Tom, and Rick will offer to save him. But Gale still wants to examine the sinkhole, maybe Dr. Kirk is there. Gale and Rick will argue, the choice will be yours. If you want to follow Gale, select the first option, but if you decide to support Rick, then the second.
A). Follow Gale.
Exit the room, go down to the B1 basement and find yourself in a room
15. Go north, turn east, watch the cutscene, finish off the baby dinosaur (if you want), enter the SR and take the ID card on the table at the end of this room. Enter the room
16. Meet Gale, he was chasing someone, but Regina did not have time to slip through the closing door. Now she must take a different route, through the elevator on the 1st floor.
Enter room 17. As you approach the broken elevator, a dinosaur will suddenly jump out and attack you. Destroy it and go east, turn off the laser fence, open the door to the generator room. Return to the 1st floor, go to the 5th room, turn off another laser fence, enter room 18. Take the DDK-E and the Fingerprint Machine. Go to area IV, fingerprint the corpse, return to room 14, enter the ID card into the computer, code number " 47812 ".
Go to zone P. Rick will contact you and tell you that Tom is dead. Go to area IV, where two dinos are waiting for you, give them a good shot. Go to area VII, watch the video, get your weapon and enter room 19. Take the DDK-L, inspect the corpse and take another DDK-L disc. Go to another part of the room, take the map from the wall, enter area VIII, elude the Pterodactyl and enter room 20. Go down the stairs, pick up the item on the floor, approach the six panels on the wall.
in E

Watch the video, leave the room and instantly press the button X otherwise the game will end. If you have time, you will see a wonderful scene, then go to area VII. Press green to activate the elevator, a few more scenes will follow, after which you will find yourself in room 21. Climb the stairs, use the item found in room 20 on the crane and move the container to the side to make your way to another part of the room.
1 Select UP, DOWN, LEFT, HOOK.
2. Select LEFT, RELEASE.
3. Select UP, HOOK.
4. Select EXIT.
Go down the stairs, exit to room 17.
B. We follow Rick.
Return to zone II, go to zone VI, kill two dinosaurs here, enter zone VII and watch the video. Then take your gun, enter room 19 and meet Rick with Tom. He dies and gives you the DDK-L disk, take the second disk on the table. Enter the second part of the room, take the map from the wall. Enter area VIII, run to room 20, go down the stairs, pick up the item on the floor and approach the six panels on the wall.

1. Activate panel C and select the red button.
2. Activate panel D and select the red button.
3. Activate panel B and select the green button.
4. Activate panel E and select the green button.
5. Activate panel A and select the blue button.
6. Activate panel F and select the blue button.
Watch the video, leave the room, quickly press the button X, otherwise the game will end and deal with the Pterodactel. Go to area VII, press the green switch, return to room 19 and watch a few scenes. Now you are in room 21, go up the stairs, use the item found in room 20 on the mechanical crane. And again you need to move the boxes to clear the way to the other side.
1. Select UP, DOWN, LEFT, HOOK.
2. Select LEFT, RELEASE.
3 Select UP, HOOK
4. Select EXIT.
Go down the stairs, go to room 17, find a dinosaur in the room, get a gun, finish it off (if you want), you can go to room 15. Watch the video, enter the SR. So Tom died. Go back to room 15, turn off the laser fence, enter room 18, get the DDK-E disc and fingerprint machine. Go to area IV, fingerprint the corpse, return to room 14, use the ID card on the computer - combination " 47812 ".
Go to room 11, use the left elevator, watch the video, kill the dinosaur, and... you will find yourself in room 16, open the north door. The code:

Key: 345678.
The numbers indicate the numbers of letters in alphabetical order that must be discarded from the code (C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, etc.).
Enter room 22, disable the laser fence, finish off the two dinosaurs, enter room 23 and kill the dinosaur at the end of this room. Enter room 24, deal with two dinos, disable the fence, go to room 25 and take the DDK-E disk on the table. Exit the room, disable the fence and enter SR-2. Take the screwdriver from the toolbox, activate the computer near the yellow files. Code number " 5037 ".
Enter room 26, press the panel in front of the gas chamber (middle button, left, right), enter the chamber, watch the video and get a card with the code number " 3695 ". Examine the corpse, take the key, exit and fight the dinosaur. Lightning press the button X, sneak away from the battlefield immediately and imprison the dyno in the gas chamber. You have a simple choice, kill him or just run away.
Return to room 23, use the map" 3695 " on the computer on the left side, deal with the puzzle.

1. Press B twice.
2. Press C once.
3. Press E once.
Use the map (" 3695 ") on the crate with green light, get R-Disk, return to room SR2. On the north wall you will see a computer with switches on the right and left. Use the L-Disk on the left switch. Gale will enter the room and help you sort out the computer. Open the door. Code : THE THIRDEFNFE BALL O N H I R O R R S G S Y
Key: 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
Password: E N E

Enter room 27, examine the panel on the central table (near the brown book) - the combination is as follows: " gamma", "beta" and " alpha". Watch the video, exit the room, watch another cutscene, use the screwdriver and figure out the secret puzzle diagram ( A B C).
Panel BUT- don't do anything to it.
Panel AT
Panel FROM- turn right once.
You must install the panels in the following order, i.e. C, A and B.

Another video scene and another choice.
If you want to follow Gale, select the first option, if you want to follow Rick, then select the second.

Dino Crisis

Very similar to the Resident Evil series, but people are fighting dinosaurs, not zombies like in RE.
You play a female spy infiltrating a military compound on an isolated island. She is trying to find a brilliant scientist who was considered dead. His research into clean energy could solve critical environmental problems, but something unexpected interrupted his plans. Are these dinosaurs, what do they need?
You'll have to fight fast and powerful raptors, pterosaurs and giant tyrannosaurs!
There are several versions of the game (Japanese, American, European), and although they differ slightly, do not be surprised if the description in some details does not match the version you have. Now down to business...

* Basic tricks.

U.P.- forward movement;
DOWN- backward movement;
RIGHT- right turn;
LEFT- left turn;
X- running (simultaneously holding the direction on the D-pad);
O (Circle)- Action/Shoot (simultaneously holding R1);
Triangle- open the Character Menu;
R1- aiming;
R2- turn by 180 degrees,
Start- pause;
Select- game options (Game Option).

* Characters.

We will not dwell on the detailed description of the characters. The game begins with you receiving an e-mail from your contact Tom. On the island of Ibis (Ibis Island) there were serious troubles. Your task is to go to this island to save and bring out Dr. Kirk (Dr. Kirk).
You play as Regina, the Secret Task Force Agent on your Team Leader Gail.

* Item menu.

This menu has an item indicator, which has three sections: Mix, Item, Map. When you select an Item, three options appear. The first option is "Use"; the second - "Describe the item" (describe the subject); the third is "Sort The item" (the quality of the items).
The Mix menu includes similar options, except for the first one.

* List of items.
When you explore this or that complex, you will definitely find various items. These are weapons, ammunition, keys, trace clues, first-aid kits, arrows with sleeping pills and tubes for shooting them. Each weapon can be improved as the game progresses, and the ability to combine different options well will save lives in the most difficult situations and win the game.
Since the amount of ammunition in the game is very limited, you need to try to hit right on target. There is a lot of uncertainty in the game, so let's take a closer look at especially important items.

* "Patch" (pouches).
* The blue and green patches stop the bleeding, but fall off very quickly and the bleeding may resume. And in this game you will have to shed a lot of blood. Find it in the first aid kit.
* Yellow plasters contain useful wound medicines, but only heal minor wounds. If the wound is serious, they will not completely heal, although of course they are better than blue and green.
* Red patches are just super, they heal once and for all!

* Tubes (Cilinders).
The contents of different tubes can be mixed in the Mix screen and sometimes surprising results can be obtained. For example, if you mix a green tube with a yellow patch, you get a red patch. The sleeping pills in darts will become more powerful and will overwhelm dinosaurs much faster. If you want to keep it clean, then mix two red patches together to get a red first aid kit. Red arrows will just kill the dinosaur! These arrows can be obtained by mixing a full tube with a red first aid kit, but can also be found in-game if you're lucky.
How to get all this goodness? Most often you will find them behind moving objects like shelves, boxes, dead bodies, but they can also lie in the open.
Since the game changes from time to time, i.e. starting the game again, you will not be able to repeat the passed option, then there can be no really detailed walkthrough. You just need to carefully examine all the rooms, look into all corners, understand the purpose of all traces, keys, clues and corpses. Success in each mission also depends on your understanding of the process of creating items and the ability to use weapons.

* Keys.
In this game, you will often find keys, cards and DDK disks: on tables, computers, corpses and in secret safes. It takes two discs to enter a very important room, but even this is sometimes not enough, since it is often necessary to solve difficult puzzles first to get the right password.
Here is an example of finding a password from a puzzle. It is obtained as if by subtracting the key from the code.
Code (Code): OXPYEZN
Key (Key): XYZ
Password (Password): OPEN.
Similarly, in the following example, only you need to replace the letters X, Y, Z with the corresponding "secret formula" A \u003d 1, B \u003d 2, C \u003d 3.
The code: OAPBECN
Key: 123.
Password: OPEN.
You also need ID cards to access computers. Don't forget to upgrade them as you progress through the game.
The Jigsaw and Power Control puzzles are quite easy, solve it without problems, but noticeably more difficult ones will come across. Don't panic, we'll get through somehow.

* Remember game.
The only way to remember the game is to go to the special Save Room (SR) They are marked on the map, there is always one or two on each floor. Therefore, if you need to take a breath or get out of a difficult situation, immediately run into them.
There is a curious novelty in the game - such special machines that give you ammunition and medicines in an emergency (Emergency Slots) They come in different colors (green, red and yellow), but only in red and yellow you can get ammunition. To do this, you still need to find special "plugs" (plug), which you will find in boxes, behind shelves or on the floor.

* Weapon.
There are three types of military weapons in the game: Handgun (pistol), Shotgun (gun) and Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher).
The gun shoots two types of cartridges, one - 9 mm, others more powerful - 40 caliber.
The gun also has two types of ammunition, regular powerful cartridges (Shell) and weaker ones (SG). From the Gun you can launch arrows with sleeping pills.
The grenade launcher fires high-explosive and explosive grenades, the latter are much more effective against living enemies.
Note. If you play the ending as Gale, then every bullet will count, aim more accurately.

* Enemies.
Dangers are always unexpected, dinosaurs (as in life) can jump out from any direction. They hit, bite, roar and whistle! Be very careful, as we will not be able to warn you in time about the imminent danger!
Dinosaurs grab you, they can throw you like a ball, but they especially like to bite a human being if your health is not good, if your weapon is lost or it is already a corpse. However, you can always press the right buttons and save your hero.
There is absolutely no need to kill everyone you see, sometimes it makes more sense to just run away. Some dinosaurs will meet in the game only once, so arrows with sleeping pills are sometimes the best weapon.
It's great to set a trap for these monsters. In this way, you can kill them or evade the fight. Laser fences are located in different places of the game. They can be used as traps or weapons against dinosaurs. Be sure to make sure they are open when you want to lure the enemy there.
The gassing device allows you to put a barrier between you and the ferocious beast. It is not always effective, but sometimes it can help out.
It will take 11 pistol shots at the start to kill the Raptor, so make sure you get a shotgun before the real fun begins.

* Raptors.
The most popular dinosaurs in the game are velociraptors, they are stubborn and so dangerous. Only when you see blood can you be sure the enemy is dead. They follow you everywhere, and when it becomes completely unbearable, run to SR, you can't escape from them in normal rooms.
In the second half of the game, the raptors gradually mutate into super raptors (Super Raptor). These have a peculiar coloring characteristic of the monsters of prehistoric times, oh how hard to finish them off! Fortunately, they appear when you have already gained experience.

Nightmare monster. The first thing that comes to mind is to run away immediately. Tyrannosaurus Rex will appear as one of the bosses, so the battle is inevitable. Shoot with a gun or a grenade launcher, a gun and arrows are completely useless. He picks his teeth with such arrows instead of toothpicks when he bites you. And if possible, drape with all your might.

* Pteranolon (Pteranodon).
Huge flying monster, real death from heaven! Do not waste ammunition on them, tear your claws without thinking and preferably in zigzags! You can do it without problems if you master this technique. Well, if you still decide to finish off the deadly beast, SG cartridges are best suited.

* Pterosaur (Pterosaur).
Such deadly Dinos, it seems, have never happened in games before. They don't ambush or chase you, they just attack without hesitation. You only have a few moments to unload your weapon - preferably a grenade launcher or, at worst, a gun.
You will meet these monsters in Arsenal Storage, do not forget about it when you decide to play for Gale.

* Procompsognathurs (Procompsogna thurs).
Small corpse eaters are not particularly dangerous, deal with them without problems. Most often they revolve around corpses, crawl out of ventilation pipes, you can easily beat them even with a pistol. Only children who are fond of dinosaurs can pronounce the name, this is not available to the rest of humanity.

* Choices.
This depends on the ending. If ammo is low, you can choose Rick as a character, there are many puzzles here. Gale's fate is noticeably easier, just follow the red dots on your map and shoot everything that moves, crawls, etc. Use ammunition and arrows, don't be afraid and win.

* Walkthrough.

Easy mode (Easy mode).
You are in the first area (Area 1), head west to meet Gale. After a short cutscene, enter Room 1 (Room 1) with a green door. Take the key on the upper left shelf and don't forget about the first aid kit on the other shelf (you need to move the shelf first). Exit the room, go to the south door of room 1 and watch the video. Activate the generator and Gale will give you the key. Follow him to area 2 and go through the west door to area 3. Continue on until you see Gale and a human corpse. Talk to Gale and enter room 2 (right behind him).
Go to the end of this room and find two panels, one in front of you (1st panel) and the other - 2nd panel, on the right. Here you will find the first puzzle, it is very simple. Click the Action button in front of the 1st panel. The correct combination (from left to right) is red, blue, green, white. Or just press the right button, middle, then right again. Now press the Action button in front of the second panel - this will turn on the generator. When you try to leave the room, you will hear a scream and a gunshot. Go to the exit from this room. Going outside, you will see that Gale has disappeared. Go ahead and watch the video. Then a large lizard (or small dinosaur) will pounce on you. You can kill him or run away to the 2nd zone. Return to area 1.
Rick will contact you and offer to meet you in the control room (a flashing red light on your map), enter room 3 (door to the north). Go north, watch the video, turn west and see the laser fence. Nearby is a red switch that turns off the lasers, but this can only be done when the red color changes to green. Enter the air duct, go forward, go down into the hole and find yourself in room 4 (the room behind you allows you to remember the game - SR). Go south, then a little west, you will see a door - enter through it into the control room.
Watch the video, memorize the game in SR and go to the north door. Next to the door you will see a red switch, press it, take the DDK-N (a rotating object on the left shelf). Enter the room on the left and you will see a dead man, take the Leo medal near him. Open the safe (combination " 0375 "), take the key inside, enter room 5 and watch the video.
Kill the dinosaur, turn off the laser fence, enter room 6, take the DDK-N from the drawer. Go to room 7. go up to the 2nd floor, enter room 8, kill the dinosaur, go to room 9. Don't miss the dinosaur in the corner, open the safe on the wall at the back of the room (combination " 7687 ").
Take the weapon upgrader, exit room 9. You now have two DDK-N disks, one is the code disc, the other is the key disk. Go to the door to the 10th room, press the Action button on the switch.
The code: HBCEFAGDI.
Key: Sun FGI
Password: HEAD.
Enter room 10, watch the video. Now you have a Sol Medal / After the video, take DDK-N, go around the table, and then you are attacked by a tyrannosaurus, he has already had a wonderful bite and intends to continue the meal. Immediately open fire, and after two accurate hits from a grenade launcher, he will be greatly worsened. Now use the medals Sol and Leo on the red box (on the wall) near the broken window, Sol - on the left, Leo - on the right. This time the combination is "705037". Take the L-Disk, return to the 1st floor, go to area 4 (door in the north). Near the right door you will find another corpse, exit the room, go to the south door (under the stairs), Rick will contact you. By the way, it is completely incomprehensible why these amateurs fell with an unpronounceable name and didn’t steal more corpses?
Open the door.
The code:

(It is necessary to exclude all letters A-B-D-F-G-H from the code).
Enter room 11. take the map in the center of the room, go to room 12, turn off the laser fence, go further and you will be attacked by two dinosaurs. If there are difficulties, then you can do the following. Before you see these two dinos, enter room 14, finish off one dinosaur, go outside and finish off the second one. Then you won't have to fight two at once. Enter room 13, take the key at the end of the room (near the white board) and the Dinos will attack you. Click X to break out. Then Gale will appear and finish off the beast.
Watch the video, enter room 14, open the north door, return to the control room and watch another cutscene. Gale will advise you to restore health. Go to area 1, enter area 5, go down the stairs to B1. You will see a panel on the western wall of this room, a green light flashes on it. Press the Action button in front of it, take the plug, insert it into the panel on the south wall. Press the right button, middle, left, right again, middle again, then right, and then turn on the generator.
Rick will offer to meet in the control room. Here in room 3 you will be attacked by a dinosaur that needs to be finished off. When you arrive at the control room, Gale will notice that he saw an incomprehensible phenomenon in the basement (B1), then Regina will receive a call from someone, probably from Tom, and Rick will offer to save him. But Gale still wants to examine the sinkhole, maybe Dr. Kirk is there. Gale and Rick will argue, the choice will be yours. If you want to follow Gale, select the first option, but if you decide to support Rick, then the second.

A). Follow Gale.
Exit the room, go down to the B1 basement and find yourself in a room
15. Go north, turn east, watch the cutscene, finish off the baby dinosaur (if you want), enter the SR and take the ID card on the table at the end of this room. Enter the room
16. Meet Gale, he was chasing someone, but Regina did not have time to slip through the closing door. Now she must take a different route, through the elevator on the 1st floor.
Enter room 17. As you approach the broken elevator, a dinosaur will suddenly jump out and attack you. Destroy it and go east, turn off the laser fence, open the door to the generator room. Return to the 1st floor, go to the 5th room, turn off another laser fence, enter room 18. Take the DDK-E and the Fingerprint Machine. Go to area IV, fingerprint the corpse, return to room 14, enter the ID card into the computer, code number " 47812 ".
Go to zone P. Rick will contact you and tell you that Tom is dead. Go to area IV, where two dinos are waiting for you, give them a good shot. Go to area VII, watch the video, get your weapon and enter room 19. Take the DDK-L, inspect the corpse and take another DDK-L disc. Go to another part of the room, take the map from the wall, enter area VIII, elude the Pterodactyl and enter room 20. Go down the stairs, pick up the item on the floor, approach the six panels on the wall.

in E

Watch the video, leave the room and instantly press the button X otherwise the game will end. If you have time, you will see a wonderful scene, then go to area VII. Press green to activate the elevator, a few more scenes will follow, after which you will find yourself in room 21. Climb the stairs, use the item found in room 20 on the crane and move the container to the side to make your way to another part of the room.
1 Select UP, DOWN, LEFT, HOOK.
2. Select LEFT, RELEASE.
3. Select UP, HOOK.
4. Select EXIT.
Go down the stairs, exit to room 17.

B. We follow Rick.
Return to zone II, go to zone VI, kill two dinosaurs here, enter zone VII and watch the video. Then take your gun, enter room 19 and meet Rick with Tom. He dies and gives you the DDK-L disk, take the second disk on the table. Enter the second part of the room, take the map from the wall. Enter area VIII, run to room 20, go down the stairs, pick up the item on the floor and approach the six panels on the wall.


1. Activate panel C and select the red button.
2. Activate panel D and select the red button.
3. Activate panel B and select the green button.
4. Activate panel E and select the green button.
5. Activate panel A and select the blue button.
6. Activate panel F and select the blue button.
Watch the video, leave the room, quickly press the button X, otherwise the game will end and deal with the Pterodactel. Go to area VII, press the green switch, return to room 19 and watch a few scenes. Now you are in room 21, go up the stairs, use the item found in room 20 on the mechanical crane. And again you need to move the boxes to clear the way to the other side.
1. Select UP, DOWN, LEFT, HOOK.
2. Select LEFT, RELEASE.
3 Select UP, HOOK
4. Select EXIT.
Go down the stairs, go to room 17, find a dinosaur in the room, get a gun, finish it off (if you want), you can go to room 15. Watch the video, enter the SR. So Tom died. Go back to room 15, turn off the laser fence, enter room 18, get the DDK-E disc and fingerprint machine. Go to area IV, fingerprint the corpse, return to room 14, use the ID card on the computer - combination " 47812 ".
Go to room 11, use the left elevator, watch the video, kill the dinosaur, and... you will find yourself in room 16, open the north door. The code:

Key: 345678.
The numbers indicate the numbers of letters in alphabetical order that must be discarded from the code (C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, etc.).
Enter room 22, disable the laser fence, finish off the two dinosaurs, enter room 23 and kill the dinosaur at the end of this room. Enter room 24, deal with two dinos, disable the fence, go to room 25 and take the DDK-E disk on the table. Exit the room, disable the fence and enter SR-2. Take the screwdriver from the toolbox, activate the computer near the yellow files. Code number " 5037 ".
Enter room 26, press the panel in front of the gas chamber (middle button, left, right), enter the chamber, watch the video and get a card with the code number " 3695 ". Examine the corpse, take the key, exit and fight the dinosaur. Lightning press the button X, sneak away from the battlefield immediately and imprison the dyno in the gas chamber. You have a simple choice, kill him or just run away.
Return to room 23, use the map" 3695 " on the computer on the left side, deal with the puzzle.

1. Press B twice.
2. Press C once.
3. Press E once.
Use the map (" 3695 ") on the crate with green light, get R-Disk, return to room SR2. On the north wall you will see a computer with switches on the right and left. Use the L-Disk on the left switch. Gale will enter the room and help you sort out the computer. Open the door. Code : THE THIRDEFNFE BALL O N H I R O R R S G S Y
Key: 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
Password: E N E

Enter room 27, examine the panel on the central table (near the brown book) - the combination is as follows: " gamma", "beta" and " alpha". Watch the video, exit the room, watch another cutscene, use the screwdriver and figure out the secret puzzle diagram ( A B C).
Panel BUT- don't do anything to it.
Panel AT
Panel FROM- turn right once.
You must install the panels in the following order, i.e. C, A and B.

Another video scene and another choice.
If you want to follow Gale, select the first option, if you want to follow Rick, then select the second.

07 06 2010

In the opening screensaver, we are shown the landing of a landing party on the island of Ibis, where the incident took place. Of the four people, only three remain - the T-Rex feasted on the radio operator Cooper. We're running Agent Regina. The task of the mission is to find the scientist-physicist Dr. Kirk, who worked on the creation of a new energy source.

Go out into the courtyard and follow the green doors to the warehouse. There you will find the key to the door to the generator room. If you move the rack, you can find a first aid kit. Exit the warehouse and move back. Technician Rick will contact you and inform you that there is no electricity in the complex. You need to start the generator. Go to the courtyard where we started the game and follow to the right door. Squad Leader Gale will keep you company.

On the way you will meet a mutilated dismembered corpse. It doesn't look like this guy just slipped," Gale states diplomatically. Pick up the first-aid kit from the corpse, and enter the generator room.

The task is simple - you need to arrange the fuses in the same sequence as the starting levers: “red”, “blue”, “green”, “white”.

As soon as the generator starts, run to the exit. Oh pa! Gale seems to be in trouble. Run out into the yard, where a cute dinosaur will be waiting for you. After you deal with the reptile, run to the research facility. On the way, Rick will contact you and inform you that he has reached the control room and is waiting for you there. The news that Gale has disappeared and we've been attacked by a giant dinosaur is what he'll call "great news."

Upon entering the base, you find yourself in the "office hall". Run along the corridor to the red beams and climb through the vent into the ceiling space. Run to the next hole and drop down. You have reached the "control room hall". The first door on the left leads to the "control room" itself, where Rick is eagerly waiting for you.

The short dialogue boils down to what Rick realizes - the dinosaurs are not Regina's jokes at all, but a very real threat that seems to have devoured Gale. The couple decides to stop the mission and call a rescue helicopter, but that's bad luck - Cooper left the radio, which has long been digested in the stomach of a tyrannosaurus rex. To send an SOS signal directly from the station, you need to start the second generator.

Exit the "control room", run to the right along the corridor and enter the "management office". Here you will find an optical disc with the abbreviation "Code Disc H", a green fuse, an electronic card with a picture of a medal and a dead guard with a gnawed torso. Return to the "control room hall". At the exit, you will be prompted to sign up.

Our path lies to the green locker on the wall in the hallway.

Now, having a fuse, it can be opened. This is a stowage compartment, made in the manner of the famous chests from Resident Evil. Lay out unnecessary things and run up to the vent. Rise into the ceiling space and follow to the next hatch. You will go down to the "management office hall". Rick will immediately contact you and inform you that he managed to hack part security system. Now the beam barrier directly in front of you can be disabled using the panel on the wall, but first kill the Velociraptor.

Go straight down the corridor to the "storage room". Inside is "Input Disc H", as well as tranquilizers and an anesthetic ampoule, which can be mixed together to get a stronger tranquilizer. Return along the corridor and enter the wide doors. We find ourselves in the "grand hall", which also evokes memories of Resident Evil.

Rise to the second level and enter the "hall of the 2nd floor". First through the door to the right. This is the "foyer". At the end of the room you will find a safe, the code for which is "8159" (you can find it in one of the folders in the complex). Inside is a bag with upgrades for a pistol. Exit the "foyer" and follow the door opposite. For an electronic lock with the letter "H", you need to apply "Input Disc H" and "Code Disc H". To get the password, you need to solve a simple problem.

Subtract the lower group of letters from the upper group and get the code "HEAD". Enter the boss's office. The wounded scientist on the floor will tell the saga that Dr. Kirk is an exceptional nerd, then hand over the second medal card and expire. Take "Code Disc N" from the table and go to the secret safe.

Apply both medals and enter the numerical code: "705037". Getting this code is easy - just turn over the inscriptions "SOL" and "LEO" engraved on both medals. Inside the safe is an electronic key "L Key Card". Exit the boss's room. Aaaaaaa!!! T-Rex breaks the window with his muzzle and tries to devour us. You can scare him away with a grenade launcher, or you can run past.

Go down to the first floor of the "grand hall" and approach the wide door under the stairs with an electronic lock. Rick will contact us and report that he managed to turn off the next line of protection and now we need to check the lecture room, which will now be highlighted in red on the map. You can get into it through the ventilation window in the toilet.

Run through the ceiling space and drop down into the lecture hall. Pick up another fuse from the corpse,

and enter the lecture room. Pick up the key to the generator room on the floor "B1" from the table. After that, a velociraptor will suddenly attack you, but Gale, who comes from nowhere, will come to the rescue, who will inform us that his radio is broken.

Exit to the "lecturer's hall" and move to the other end of the corridor. Enter the "office", and from there - into the "hall of the office", opening the door locked from the inside. Run out into the courtyard, move to the right and open the metal gate.

Go down the stairs to the underground generator room. Take the red fuse from the locker, add it to the others, arrange them by color, just like last time, and activate the levers. Rick will contact you and inform you that the power is coming. He will also invite you to the "control room" to discuss one issue. Follow there.

A short cutscene will show an argument between Rick and Gale. Rick suggests that they go looking for a member of the Cooper team, whose signal comes to Regina on the transmitter. Gale insists on continuing the main mission - the search for Dr. Kirk. Immediately after the splash screen, the game will offer you one of the options. Even though Cooper's fate was well known to me, I chose Rick's plan.

Run to the yard where we started the mission and take the left door. A long path leads to the "elevator compartment". You are grabbed by a huge pterodactyl and tries with all its foolishness to shandarakh against the wall. Press all the buttons until he releases you, and then run to the "elevator control room". Near the dying scientist (who is an agent sent to the station), whom everyone calls Tom, leaned Rick.

Tom mumbles something about Dr. Kirk's incredible experiments with energy, passes the "Input Disc L" to Regina, and falls into unconsciousness. Take "Code Disc L" from the table and run through the sliding door. There is a map of the elevator complex hanging on the wall, take it. Run out into the courtyard leading to the "elevator food room". Beware, there are a lot of pterodactyls around. Go down to the first level of the "elevator food room". Here you have to solve a small logical task- correctly connect the pipes.

If you collected tags as a child, this process will not take you much time. If not, then turn on the buttons on the terminals in the following sequence: "red" left row from the bottom, "red" right row from the top, "green" in both rows in the middle, "blue" left row from the top, "blue" right row from the bottom.

As soon as the pipes connect, the generator will start. Take the electronic crane control card indoors and run back. In the courtyard, a pterodactyl will attack you. Quickly press all the buttons and see how the fan blades turn it into a thick stuffing.

Head to the "elevator bay" and turn on the work terminal. Now return to the "elevator control room". Rick helps the wounded Tom up, and the whole trio descends on the elevator to level "B1".

Regina, we don't have much time, Tom is really bad, Rick worries. - Quickly free us the passage!

Climb to the second level of the "cargo bay" and apply the electronic card to the crane control terminal. To move the boxes, you need to set the computer control program.

First this one.

Then this one.

Rick carries an injured Tom away. Run forward and enter either of the two doors. You have reached the "loading materials storage hall". A cutscene immediately starts showing Rick and Tom being attacked by a Velociraptor. Unlock the generator room door, then run to the end of the corridor and enter "hall B1", which will lead to the "medical room hall". Enter the medical room.

Tom is dead...he got horrendous wounds, but the Uzi doesn't want to give up.

Shaking his head, Rick stands over the body and then briefly says to Regina, "I'm going back to the 'control room'." Pick up the ID-card from the table and head to the "management office lobby". At the end of the corridor, use the ID-card on the door with the military logo and it will open. This is the "operational control room". There's an "Input Disc E", a fingerprint scanner, and a yellow wall-mounted storage box that can be opened with a fuse. Take all the junk and run to the "management office".

On the wall, press the red switch - the computer will start and the electronic lock of the safe will be activated. The code to the safe "0426" can be found nearby, in the "storage room" (it is registered in the staff log). Please note that sometimes the codes change! If this one doesn't fit, look for a blue magazine.

The safe contains the key to the main gate of the complex and a medical kit. Run to the "front hall" and apply the key to the main door. You enter the street. In the far right corner lies the mutilated corpse of a scientist.

Apply a fingerprint scanner to his hand, take "Input Disc N" and look at the records next to the body, which will indicate the registration number (in my case - "57036"). Write it down. Now return to the "front hall" and follow the door under the stairs. We have already learned how to open such doors!

Welcome to the elevator hall. Use the fuse to open the red glove box, unlock the door to the "lecturer's hall" and copy the electronic map of the complex to your database.

Run out into the "lecturer's hall" and enter the "office". Apply an ID-card, a fingerprint scanner to the computer and enter the code "57036". The ID-card will be reprogrammed in the name of the scientist killed in the courtyard of the complex, with which you can now activate the elevator in the "elevator hall".

Get down in the elevator to the floor "B1" and get into the "hall B1". Here you can find a map of the entire floor, on the left on the wall. Approach the door with the letter "L" and enter the next code. It is easy to get it - the numbers correspond to the ordinal letters of the Latin alphabet. By subtracting, we get such a word.

Enter "main hall B1". The door leads directly to the "laboratory", where you can find an infrared sight for a pistol. Exit to the "research area hall" and enter the "explorer meeting room". Take "Code Disc E" from the table, fuse for the green storage box in the hallway. It also does not hurt to read the notes on the neutralization of poisons with gas compositions and remember the numerical code "7248".

From the "research area hall", follow the corridor to the right until you get to the "server room". From the red tool box, take the repair key, and on the monitor with three blue stripes,

enter the password "7248" (this code can also change). As a result, you will unlock the door to the "gas experiments compartment". You can get there through the "explorer meeting room". In the gas lab, go to the control terminal. In the compartment lies a scientist who is in a semi-conscious state due to the high concentration of poison in the air.

To neutralize the poison, first apply green gas, then red, and finally blue. The compartment is cleared - you can enter. The scientist will give you the "B1 Key Chip" and give the soul to God. Search it and you'll find a small key labeled "Emergency". Exit the compartment.

You are attacked by a Velociraptor, but it is trapped in a test tank. Now you can poison him as much as you like. Having played enough with the dinosaur, exit the "gas experiments compartment" and follow to the "laboratory".

Approach the blue screen on the wall and use the "B1 Key Chip". The system will ask you to enter a password. It is written on the chip itself: "3695". To reprogram the card, you need to solve a simple problem.

Install the block fragment as shown in the bottom picture. It's a lot easier game in tags, so I won’t suggest anything here.

After all the manipulations in the “laboratory”, one of the cabinets will light up. Use the reprogrammed "B1 Key Chip" on it and you can take the "R Key Card". Return to the server room.

Go to the right card reader near the big blue screen and use the "R Key Card". Gale will come to help Regina, and they will simultaneously activate access. The blue screen goes to the floor, and behind it is a new door and another puzzle.

You find yourself in a "simulation room", in the middle of which a blue energy sphere rotates. Move the cabinet against the wall and take the shotgun butt. Return to the server room. Almost immediately, the protective mode, prudently introduced by Dr. Kirk, turns on - all the doors of the "server room" are blocked, there is no way out. Gale is furious and begins to frantically tap the computer keys.

Approach the cabinet with equipment (to the left of the exit from the room) and use the repair key. The door will open. In the system menu of the alarm disable unit, we are given another puzzle.

To duplicate the left figure, follow these steps: turn the right picture to the right once, do not rotate the left picture and put it as it was, turn the middle picture to the right once.

The alarm is removed. Gale immediately decides to go ahead to the evacuation site, and Rick over the walkie-talkie offers to tinker with the computer and activate the emergency exit. The game again gives you the right to choose. I decided to use Rick's plan, because for some reason I don't trust Gale (he's kind of muddy). Enter the "simulation room" and sit down at the huge terminal.

Prepare a pen and a piece of paper - you have to sweat a little. Letters will quickly appear on the screen, which will then need to be entered into the computer to unlock the three levels of protection. When this operation is finished, the escape hatch will open. Through the emergency exit, Regina will get into the "cargo compartment".

Here's Dr. Kirk. He is very hostile and does not burn with the desire to leave the island, muttering something about the pricelessness of his person. Gale comes to the rescue. At gunpoint, the doctor becomes just silk and gives Regina a card from the spare elevator. Move to the "control room", which, after the cutscene, is marked in red on the map.

In the "control room" enter the elevator and go up to the "communication room". In the locker on the wall, take the activation key for the transmitting antenna and run across the street to the "communication antenna room". Insert the key into the socket on the control panel, and the huge antenna will open the petals.

Exit the room. T-Rex will attack you from nowhere, and all doors will automatically be blocked. Run along the path and shoot at the T-Rex until the door of the "Communication Room" opens. Regina sends an evacuation request and calls for a rescue helicopter. You need to run to the landing deck, the path to which passes through the courtyard of the complex. Run into the courtyard, then through the emergency exit and finally into the "hangar". To get to the helipad, move the boxes as follows.

To unravel this the hardest puzzle I needed to drink more than one can of mash.

Run out to the airstrip and watch as the T-Rex destroys the rescue helicopter. Dr. Kirk disappears in an unknown direction. Shoot the T-Rex and then run to Rika and jump into the elevator.

The elevator breaks down along the way. Go out into the corridor and follow to the "sample room". Pick up an electronic card from the corpse of a scientist and return to the corridor. Run back and forth a bit while Rick deals with the elevator. Don't try to kill tiny dinosaurs - they will appear again and again.

Run to Rick and take the elevator to the "elevator compartment". A familiar platform will take you down to the "B3" level. Squad Leader Gale radios you and informs you that he is already on the lower level. Smart guy!

The white fuse is broken in the cargo hold. Run to the "generator room B3", take the whole module from there and approach Rick. He will install a fuse, and electricity will begin to flow into the complex.

Follow to the "control room B3", take two cards for the crane and exit to the "weapon storage". Kill two huge dinosaurs and follow to the "transport gallery" (barred door to the right of the stairs). Pick up the key and the third card for the crane, and return to the vault. Climb the stairs to the crane control room and apply all three cards to the remote control. You need to move the containers. This is somewhat more difficult than in the "cargo bay", but should not take you much time.

The goal is to organize a passage to the corpse of a worker, from whom you will pick up "Code Disc W". Return to the cargo hold where we started the generator and enter the double doors. Long corridor filled with dinosaurs

leads to the “staff lounge”, from which you will enter another corridor. Run to the second level along the metal stairs and climb through the vent into the ceiling space. Run along the ceiling to the next hatch and drop down into the "experimental room hall". Here you will find a level "C" clearance card, as well as meet a new kind of dinosaurs.

Follow the "stabilization compartment" and take "Input Disc W" there. Now run out into the corridor and head to the "explorers' break room", where you will encounter Gale. Grab the Grenade Launcher between the beds and head back to the ceiling vent to return to the "Staff Rest Lounge". On the way, Rick will contact you and inform you that he managed to disable part of the security system.

Approach the door with the letter "W" and apply the cards.

You find yourself in the "employee pass office", in which Rick immediately settles. The radio in the hand of the murdered scientist starts working - one of the survivors is in trouble on the elevator platform! Rick asks you to help the poor fellow.

First pick up "B2 Key Chip 2" and then run to the cargo hold. Terrible screams and crunching of bones are heard from the elevator speaker. And again, T-Rex turns out to be the instigator of the mess! This hulk overturns the transformer box and, having received a powerful electric shock, is turned off for a long time.

Take the white fuse from the compartment, put it back in the generator room, set the correct sequence and activate the power. Now you can raise the doors of the large elevator, from where the tyrannosaurus appeared. Collect an access card of level "E", "Input DISC D" and a fuse from the corpses, and return to Rick.

The guy will take the "E" level access card from Regina and open the experimental gateway. The passage to the coastal pier is blocked by an energy cloud. Pick up "Inpit DISC S" from the floor and run into the corridor with a vent in the ceiling. The door leads straight ahead to the "security room". Here you will find "Code DISC S" and "B2 Key Chip 1". When running through the scanner with a weapon in hand, an alarm will turn on.

To deactivate it, go to the blinking red terminals and turn off the siren. Insert your "B2 Key Chip 1" and "B2 Key Chip 2" into the computer hanging on the wall with a blue monitor, and then enter the code "0392" (it is written on one of the keys). Now you need to fold the cells, as shown in the lower figures.

It's not very difficult. Now run up to the door with a blue electronic lock and the letter "S", and enter the next code.

You find yourself in the disinfection corridor, and from it into the previously closed part of the "experimental room hall". Open the door blocked from the inside and you will enter the hall itself. Run to the left and turn off the red power beams. Ahead of you is the second "stabilization bay", where you will find "Code DISC D". Return to the open corridor to the door with the letter "D" and enter the following combination.

You find yourself in a round tunnel with two steel doors. The first one needs to be opened with "B2 Key Chip 2", the second one with "B2 Key Chip 1". So, you are in Dr. Kirk's huge research complex. In the middle is a "third energy" generator that needs to be started. Click on the control panel built into the wall, and a metal bridge will rise between the transitions. Run to the "Generator Control Room" (room with a red glow), on the lower level of which you can find "Key Card Lv". Rise to the second level again and enter the "energy block".

Near the wall lies a barely breathing researcher. Go to the blue screen on the wall

and play a little logic game, similar to the one that was in the "server" of the main complex. Return to the control room and approach the launch computer, next to which is the yellow instruction for activating the generator. Start generator diagnostic mode. Shots are fired in the next room. Run to the "power unit".

A female researcher is killed, and someone in a white coat is trying to escape. Well, of course, it's Dr. Kirk who lured us into a trap. Fortunately, Gale comes to the rescue, and once again the game gives you the choice to follow Rick's plan, or act on Gale's orders. Since the squad leader justified his trust, I chose the second option.

At gunpoint, Dr. Kirk hands you an "A" level card. Go to the doctor's library and take his fingerprints with a scanning device. Now follow the compartment marked on the map in red. In the freeze room, take the "stabilizer" and "initializer" needed to start the generator. On the way back, run into the "security room" and apply your ID-card to the computer (next to the murdered secretary). Password to enter: "31415". The card will be overwritten in Dr. Kirk's name.

Return to the "generator control room" and start the module self-test mode using the computer (next to the yellow instruction). Exit to the generator and drop down on the platform to the lower level. Install the "initializer" in the safety compartment,

and activate the launch terminal on the right.

Rise to the upper level and do the same operation with the "stabilizer". The power unit rods will move and the generator will start. After a short cutscene in which the release of energy goes out of control, and Gale is crushed by a metal pipe, run to the "Doctor Kirk's library" and help your commander.

The game again puts you in front of a choice: either run in search of Kirk who got away, or help the wounded Gale and evacuate the island. I chose the second option.

Rick, Gale and Regina walk to the docks and then to the pier. Rick hands Regina a fuel container. Fill it up from barrels by the docks

and return to the pier. The T-Rex reappears. How tired he is! Stock up on weapons and go to the docks to fight the monster. After 5-7 shots, Rick comes to your aid and... now just relax and enjoy the final cutscene.


I can’t remain indifferent to this game, I didn’t let go of the joystick, except to eat, or go somewhere there, and how my friend and I solved puzzles, called back, bragged to each other, and how we went through the Russian version is generally a joke, they made letters in Cyrillic on riddles, they had to guess. wai class. it's bad that they haven't done a remake on the computer, maybe they haven't done it yet? I still have hope that I will live to see this day.

Hooray!!! And I'm just playing it! Solid nostalgia ..., I love old quality games.
Modern glitter shooting games at a time. Many thanks to the author! Great description of the game. Just a balm for the soul

so I also played the Russian version like Lelikcr, the current was not enough to randomly poke buttons, now I looked at the walkthrough that then I mastered the floor of the game over it will be replayed, thanks to the author


Oh how I long for a sequel! I love this game! By the way, this was the first game in which I learned how to take screenshots))).
PS Have you noticed that there are few games about dinosaurs?

I played the first part of this game for about 3 minutes. But the second part I passed 6 times! Only I never saw the last battle and the final video! My game crashed at the end

And for me, the second part was always the best ...

The games are amazing, but the first and second parts are somewhat different in genre. The first - riddles, "horrors", a dozen reptiles.
The second - tons of hungry meat that can be well fed with lead, "puzzles" that are more like hand-to-hand and gamepad puzzles, many types of dinosaurs, many beautiful species, info about dinosaurs, a twisting plot, a lot of weapons for every taste (my favorite is Dylan's Anti-tank)
Left a lot of lasting impressions

Lelikcr. I'm in shock with you.
The game for the computer was made back in 2010, and you in 2013
you write that you can not play it on your computer.
Despite the fact that the PlayStation 1 emulator has been around for seven years now.

Download to health!

Everything is fine, but in some puzzles you could find a slightly different solution, well, it's like that!
But, there is a Big BUT... You didn't write about the last safe and the code to it! And this means that the passage is not complete! Yes...

Unique mangosteen syrup is the secret to very fast and tasty weight loss!

In the modern realities of life, when there is practically no free time between hard work and home to take care of yourself, the issue of overweight is becoming more and more acute. Many people, and especially women who want to lose weight, drink a whole range of powders and pills that theoretically should help. Only in reality this, unfortunately, is not confirmed. It is absolutely not surprising - each person is unique, generalized ways to get rid of excess weight do not work.

But the fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss is different from all other products on the market. Let's see why.

It's not scary to get better, it's scary to live with this problem!

Being overweight is a nuisance that poisons the lives of the vast majority of people. Our research shows that more than 90% fat people suffer from low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their own body, which negatively affects their social and personal life.

These are not empty statements, but a fact: fullness appears for a reason, but with physical and psychological problems:

  • A risky consequence of obesity is diabetes. The disease is dangerous, first of all, because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.

  • Troubles with the heart that lead to real disasters.

  • Being overweight is followed by multiple hormonal changes. They are especially frightening because they can prevent the realization of the dream of most girls - to have a baby.

  • Women from out overweight are prone to headaches and pressure surges, which seriously complicates life and can shake nervous system. Mostly it is felt in the hot season.

  • Often, fullness leads to osteochondrosis and varicose veins.

  • And, of course, fullness affects breathing.

Fullness visually adds a person from 7 to 10 years, makes him much less attractive in the eyes of others and himself.

Unique weight loss product

The prerequisites for fullness are completely different: an inactive lifestyle, residual effects of childbirth, hormonal disruptions, the inability to eat properly due to a heavy work schedule, a tender love for sweets, and a slow metabolism. As well as numerous characteristics of those who lose weight - starting from height and age, ending with the quality of sleep. This does not always depend on the person - it is impossible to determine the settings of your body. With all this, it is necessary to deal with excess weight in the end.

Almost all popular weight loss products summarize these indicators, trying to create a product that suits absolutely everyone. We went the other way.

Mangosteen, the latest generation slimming syrup, is a drug that is created individually for the consumer, taking into account all the properties of the body. For four years we have been conducting medical research and two more - creating a formula so that you are completely satisfied with the result.

It is worth telling why our remedy was called "Mangosteen" - mongoose, like mangoes, have absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact is that the main element of the product was mangosteen - a tropical fruit from Thailand. It is famous for its low calorie content, as well as trace elements and vitamins. At the same time, buying a real mangosteen in an ordinary store and using it will not work to lose weight. Since transporting this fruit in large quantities to the CIS countries means losing most of its benefits. That's why we extract the beneficial ingredients from the fruit and then turn it all into a weight loss syrup. Among other things, approximately 30 other substances of natural origin are used in our preparation, as we are looking for the most effective ingredients.

As you noticed, all the technologies that Mangosteen, which has become quite popular, have absorbed - the powder is a thing of the past, like tablets. We constantly think about your comfort when taking our product. Therefore, we present a syrup that is easily diluted in water and then taken orally.

The effectiveness of the tool has been proven by practice. If you are interested in Mangosteen reviews, review after review from happy customers will convince you to buy. Ultimately, for both men and women, with a different list of characteristics and personal characteristics, Mangosteen is perfect - you can find real reviews from those who have tested the effect of the syrup in practice on websites dedicated to weight loss.

Where is it possible to buy this product today?

We draw your attention to the fact that it is not possible to see Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in any online store. You can order high-quality reliable products only on our website, despite the cunning of numerous scammers.

If you want to lose weight effectively and tasty, order Mangosteen - the price will pleasantly surprise you, and the country and city of residence will not be a problem. After all, we carry out delivery in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

Lose weight tasty and easy - a unique mangosteen syrup!

In today's realities of life, when due to hard work there is no free time to take care of yourself, the problem of excess weight is acute in society. Numerous people, and especially girls who plan to lose weight, drink pills and powders that theoretically help. But this, unfortunately, is not confirmed in practice. There is nothing unusual in this matter - any person is unique, the generalized version of losing weight does not work.

A fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss stands out from other products on the market. And now you will know why.

Gaining excess weight is not scary, it's scary to live with this problem!

Being overweight is a problem that poisons the lives of most people. Studies have shown that 90% of obese people are dissatisfied with their bodies and suffer from low self-esteem, which adversely affects their personal lives.

  • One of the most devastating results of obesity is diabetes. This disease is dangerous, first of all, because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.

  • Overweight women are prone to pressure drops and headaches, which can shake the nervous system and complicate life. Mostly it is felt in hot summer.

  • Being overweight is followed by multiple hormonal changes. They are especially frightening because they can interfere with the realization of the dream of most girls - to have a baby.

  • Often, fullness leads to varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

  • And, of course, excess weight affects breathing.

In addition to this, fullness visually adds to any person from 7 to 10 years, this makes him less attractive.

The main causes of fullness can be different: the residual effects of childbirth, the inability to eat properly due to a heavy work schedule, a slow metabolism, an inactive lifestyle, hormonal disruptions, a tender love for sweets. In the same way, the characteristics of those who lose weight are different - from height and age to the quality of sleep. This does not always depend on the will of a person - it is impossible to determine the settings of your body. But you have to deal with completeness.

Almost all known weight loss products summarize these indicators, trying to create a product that suits everyone. We are going the other way.

Mangosteen, a syrup for successful weight loss, is a product that is developed individually for the client, taking into account all the properties of the body. For four long years we carried out experiments, and then two more - we developed a formula so that the result obtained was successful.

It is worth telling why our remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose and mango have nothing to do with it. The fact is that the central ingredient is mangosteen - a fruit from Thailand. It has long been known for its low calorie content, as well as beneficial trace elements and vitamins. But you won’t be able to buy a real mangosteen in a regular store and lose weight thanks to its use. Since to transport the fruit to the CIS countries means to lose half of its usefulness. For this reason, we extract the beneficial substances from the fruit, and then it all turns into a rich syrup that helps to get rid of excess weight. In addition, about 30 more natural ingredients from tropical countries are used in our preparation, as we are looking for the most effective elements for you.

As you may have noticed, all the technologies that Mangosteen, which has become quite popular, have collected in itself - the powder has already been left behind, like the tablets. We think about your comfort when taking our drug. In this regard, we present a syrup that quickly dissolves in water and is drunk.

The effectiveness of our tool is confirmed. If you are interested in Mangosteen reviews, review after review from our happy customers will convince you to buy. Mangosteen is perfect for both women and men, with a different set of personal characteristics and characteristics - you can find real reviews from those who have already tried the effect of our products in practice on sites that are dedicated to weight loss.

Where can you buy this product?

Please note that it is not possible to buy Mangosteen in a pharmacy in your city or in any online store. It is possible to order high-quality products only on our website, despite the cunning of scammers.

Provided that you want to lose weight carefree and tasty, order Mangosteen - the price will pleasantly surprise you, and the country and city of residence will not be a problem. We deliver by Russian Federation, CIS countries and even to Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

The secret of appetizing and very fast weight loss is mangosteen syrup!

In the modern realities of life, when there is practically no time left between home and work to take care of yourself, the issue of excess weight becomes extremely acute. People, and especially girls, who are trying to lose weight, drink a complex of “magic” pills and powders, which, in theory, can help. But in reality, this, unfortunately, is not confirmed. There is nothing unusual in this matter - any girl is unique, generalized methods of losing weight may not work.

However, a fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss is strikingly different from other well-known products. Let's take a look at why.

It’s not scary to gain weight, it’s scary to live with this problem!

Excess weight is a nuisance that poisons the lives of most girls. Studies show that more than 90% of obese people are unhappy with their bodies and suffer from low self-esteem, which negatively affects their personal lives.

These are not empty statements: excess weight comes for a reason, but with physical and psychological problems:

  • Excess weight is followed by hormonal changes. They are especially frightening because they can prevent having children.

  • Often, fullness can lead to varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

  • Overweight women are more prone to headaches and pressure drops, which can shake the nervous system and complicate life. This is especially felt in hot summers.

  • And, of course, excess weight affects breathing.

Completeness also visually adds 7-10 years to any person, this makes him less attractive.

A unique tool for a unique you

The root causes of fullness are completely different: a love of sweets, an inactive lifestyle, residual effects of childbirth, hormonal disruptions, the inability to eat properly due to the work schedule, and a slow metabolism. Just as different are the characteristics of those who lose weight - ranging from age and height, ending with the number of hours of sleep. It rarely depends on the will of a person - since he does not determine the settings of his own body. But you have to deal with being overweight.

Almost all means for getting rid of excess weight summarize the above indicators, trying to create a drug that will suit absolutely everyone. We went the other way.

Mangosteen, the latest generation slimming syrup, is a product that is created individually for the customer, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. For four years we carried out experiments, and then for two more years we created a formula so that the result would be successful.

It is worth telling for what reasons the remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose, as well as the mango, have nothing to do with it. The fact is that the main ingredient is mangosteen - a unique fruit from Thailand. It has long been known for its very low calorie content, as well as vitamins and beneficial trace elements. But you won’t be able to buy a real mangosteen in an ordinary store and lose weight thanks to its use. For the reason that to transport this fruit to the CIS countries means to lose a huge part of its benefits. That is why we extract all the beneficial substances from the fruit, and then turn them into syrup, which makes it possible to get rid of excess weight. Among other things, about 30 other substances of natural origin are used in the preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products for you.

As you noticed, all the most progressive technologies that Mangosteen has collected in itself - slimming powder are already in the past, like pills. We care about your comfort when taking our product. For this reason, we present a syrup that is easily diluted in water and then taken orally.

The effectiveness of our product is confirmed. If you're interested in real people's responses to Mangosteen, review after review from our satisfied customers will convince you to buy. For both women and men, with a different list of characteristics and personal characteristics, Mangosteen is great - you can find real reviews from people who have tested the benefits of syrup on themselves on various sites dedicated to weight loss.

Where to buy this product?

We draw your attention to the fact that it is impossible to buy Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in the first available online store. It is possible to purchase quality products only on our website, despite the tricks of scammers.

If you want to lose weight tasty and carefree, order Mangosteen - the price of this treasure will pleasantly surprise you, and the city of residence will not be a problem. We carry out delivery in Russia, CIS countries and throughout Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

Unusual mangosteen syrup - how you can easily and tasty lose weight!

In today's realities of life, when between intensive work and home there is practically no free time to take care of yourself, the problem of overweight is becoming more and more acute in society. People, and especially girls, who are trying to lose weight, drink "magic" powders and pills, which, in theory, should help. However, in practice this is not confirmed. It is not surprising - every girl is unique, generalized ways to lose weight do not work.

However, the new mangosteen for weight loss is seriously different from other well-known drugs. Let's figure out why.

Gaining weight is not scary, it's scary to live with this problem!

Excess weight is a nuisance that poisons the lives of the vast majority of people. Our research shows that more than 90% of obese people are dissatisfied with their body and suffer from low self-esteem, which is reflected in their social and personal lives.

These are not empty statements: excess weight does not just happen, but with physical and psychological problems:

  • Troubles with the heart, leading to real disasters.

  • Excess weight is followed by hormonal changes. They are afraid that they can prevent having children.

  • Quite often, fullness leads to osteochondrosis and varicose veins.

  • Overweight girls are prone to headaches and pressure drops, which can shake the nervous system and complicate life. This is especially felt in the hot summer.

  • The worst consequence of obesity is diabetes. The disease is dangerous because it is often a harbinger of a stroke.

  • And, of course, extra weight affects breathing.

Fullness visually adds to any person 7-10 years, this makes him much less attractive.

A unique tool for effective weight loss

The prerequisites for fullness are completely different: a love of sweets, the inability to eat right due to a heavy work schedule, an inactive lifestyle, hormonal disruptions, a slow metabolism, residual effects of childbirth. As well as numerous characteristics of those who lose weight - starting from height and age, ending with the quality of sleep. This will not always depend on the person - it is impossible to determine the settings of your body. However, it is necessary to deal with completeness under any circumstances.

Almost all weight loss products summarize these figures in an attempt to create a product that can help everyone. We are going the other way.

Mangosteen, the latest generation quality weight loss syrup, is a product that is designed personally for the buyer, taking into account the properties of the body. For four years we conducted medical research, and then two more - we developed a formula so that you are satisfied with the result.

It is worth telling why our remedy was called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose and mango have nothing to do with it. The fact is that the key element is mangosteen, a tropical fruit that grows in Thailand. It is famous for its very low calorie content, as well as a complex of trace elements and vitamins. But you can’t buy a real mangosteen in a supermarket and lose weight with it. For the reason that to transport the fruit to the CIS countries means to lose half of its useful properties. Therefore, we extract the active ingredients from the fruit and it all turns into a syrup, which makes it possible to get rid of excess weight. Among other things, approximately 30 other substances of natural origin are used in our preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products.

As you noticed, all the latest technologies that Mangosteen has incorporated - the powder is already a thing of the past, like tablets. We are constantly concerned about the comfort in the process of taking our product. Therefore, we present a syrup that is easily dissolved in water and taken orally.

The effectiveness of our product has been practically confirmed. If you're interested in people's reviews of Mangosteen, review after review from our satisfied customers will quickly convince you to buy. Mangosteen is suitable for both women and men, with a different list of individual characteristics and characteristics - you will see real reviews from those who have already learned the result of our product in practice on weight loss websites.

Where is it possible to buy such a miracle?

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is impossible to find Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in any online store. It is currently possible to purchase quality products only on our website, despite the tricks of numerous scammers.

If you want to lose weight efficiently and tasty, order Mangosteen - the price of this treasure will pleasantly surprise you, and the country of residence will not be a particular problem. As we make delivery across the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and to Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

Amazing mangosteen syrup - lose weight smartly!

In connection with the realities of life, when there is no time left between home and work to take care of yourself, the issue of excess weight becomes extremely acute. People, and especially girls who plan to lose weight, drink a whole range of "magic" pills and powders that theoretically will help. But this is, unfortunately, not true. It is not surprising - any girl is unique, generalizing ways to get rid of excess weight may not work.

However, a fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss stands out from other drugs on the market. And now you will know why.

It's not scary to gain weight, it's scary to live with it!

Excess weight is a nuisance that poisons the lives of most of the fair sex. Our research has shown that more than 90% of overweight people are dissatisfied with their own body and suffer from low self-esteem, which negatively affects their social and personal life.

Unfortunately, these are not empty statements: fullness comes for a reason, but with serious psychological and physical problems:

  • Overweight women are prone to pressure surges and headaches, which seriously complicates life and can shake the nervous system. Mostly this is felt in the hot summer.

  • Troubles with the heart, leading to cardiac catastrophes.

  • Being overweight is followed by multiple hormonal changes. They scare that they can interfere with the realization of the dream of most women - to have a baby.

  • The worst consequence of obesity is diabetes. This disease is dangerous because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.

  • Often, fullness leads to varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

  • And, of course, fullness affects breathing.

Fullness also visually adds to any person from 7 to 10 years, this makes him much less attractive.

The causes of fullness can be different: slow metabolism, hormonal disruptions, an inactive lifestyle, the inability to eat properly due to a heavy work schedule, love of sweets, residual effects of childbirth. As well as the numerous characteristics of losing weight - starting from age and height, ending with the quality of sleep. All this does not always depend on a person - after all, he does not determine the settings of his body. But in any case, it is necessary to deal with obesity.

Almost all modern weight loss products summarize these indicators, trying to create a drug that suits every person. We are going the other way.

Mangosteen, slimming syrup is a drug that is developed personally for the consumer, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. For four long years we carried out medical research, and then two more - we created a formula so that you are satisfied with the effect.

It is worth telling why our remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose and mango have absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact is that the main element of the syrup is mangosteen - a unique fruit that grows in Thailand. He became famous for his low calorie content, as well as trace elements and vitamins. However, you can’t buy a real mangosteen in a regular store and lose weight by using it. Since transporting this fruit to the CIS countries means losing the bulk of its useful properties. That is why we extract the beneficial ingredients from the fruit and turn it all into a rich syrup that makes it possible to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, approximately 30 other plant substances of natural origin are used in the preparation, as we are looking for the most effective products.

As you noticed, all the latest technologies that Mangosteen, which has become quite popular, have incorporated - slimming powder have already been left behind, as well as pills. We think about comfort in the process of taking our drug. In this regard, a syrup was developed that is very simply diluted in water and taken orally.

Productivity of means is proved. In the event that you are interested in reviews of Mangosteen, review after review from satisfied customers will quickly convince you of the need for a purchase. In the end, Mangosteen is suitable for both women and men, with a completely different set of characteristics and features - you will see real reviews from people who have tested the product's effect in practice on various weight loss websites.

Where can you buy this product now?

We draw your attention to the fact that it is not possible to purchase Mangosteen in a pharmacy in your city or in any online store. You can buy quality products only on our website, despite the tricks of scammers.

If you want to lose weight effectively and tasty, buy Mangosteen - the price of such a treasure is pleasantly surprising, and the country of residence will not be a problem. Since we carry out delivery in the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

How tasty and easy it is to lose weight - a unique mangosteen syrup!

In connection with the realities of life, when due to intensive work there is no free time to think about yourself, the issue of excess weight is very acute in society. People, and especially girls, who are trying to lose weight, drink a whole range of powders and pills that, in theory, can help. However, in practice this is not confirmed. There is nothing surprising in this - each girl is unique, generalizing methods of getting rid of excess weight do not work.

But a fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss qualitatively stands out from other drugs. And now you can find out why.

It's not scary to gain weight, it's scary to live with it!

Excess weight is a problem that poisons the lives of the vast majority of women. Studies show that more than 90% of obese people suffer from low self-esteem and are unhappy with their bodies, which greatly affects their personal lives.

  • A risky consequence of obesity is diabetes. The disease is dangerous, first of all, because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.

  • Overweight girls are exposed to pressure drops and headaches, which seriously complicates life and can shake the nervous system. This is especially felt in the hot summer.

  • Troubles with the heart, which lead to cardiac catastrophes.

  • Excess weight is followed by hormonal changes. They scare that they can prevent most girls from fulfilling the dream of having children.

  • Often, fullness can lead to varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

  • And, of course, excess weight affects breathing.

Excess weight visually adds 7-10 years to a person, this makes him much less attractive.

A unique tool for successful weight loss

The prerequisites for fullness are different: hormonal disruptions, an inactive lifestyle, a slow metabolism, residual effects of childbirth, a tender love for sweets, the inability to eat properly due to the work schedule. As well as the numerous characteristics of losing weight - starting from height and age, ending with the number of hours of sleep. All this rarely depends on the will of the person himself - you cannot determine the settings of your body. But in the end, you have to deal with obesity.

Almost all known weight loss products summarize these indicators, trying to create a drug that will suit everyone. We are on a different path.

Mangosteen, syrup for effective weight loss is a drug that is created individually for each consumer, taking into account the properties of the body. For four years we carried out research and two more - we created a special formula so that the effect obtained was successful.

It is worth telling why our remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose, as well as the mango, have absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact is that the main element is mangosteen - a tropical fruit from Thailand. He became famous for his very low calorie content, as well as a set of vitamins and minerals. But you can’t buy a real mangosteen in a store and lose weight with it. Since to transport the fetus to the CIS countries means to lose half of its benefits. Therefore, we extract all the active substances from the fruit, and then turn them into a syrup that helps to get rid of excess weight. In addition, about 30 other substances of natural origin are used in the preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products.

As you can see, all the most modern technologies, which Mangosteen has absorbed - the powder for weight loss is already a thing of the past, as well as pills. We are constantly concerned about the comfort in the process of taking our product. Therefore, we present a syrup that is simply dissolved in water and drunk.

The effectiveness of the tool has been practically confirmed. Should you be interested in Mangosteen reviews, review after review from satisfied customers will convince you to purchase. Thus, Mangosteen is perfect for both men and women, with a different set of features and characteristics - you will find real reviews from people who have actually tried the result of the product on sites that are dedicated to losing weight.

Where is it possible to buy this product now?

We draw attention to the fact that it is impossible to buy Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in the first available online store. It is possible to order quality products only on our website, despite all the tricks of countless scammers.

If you want to lose weight effectively and tasty, buy Mangosteen - the price of such a treasure will pleasantly surprise you, and the city of residence is not a particular problem. Since we deliver in Russia, the CIS countries and throughout Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru