Outlast 2 how to find out the version of the game. How to find out the version of the game? Easy ways. Directly in the game



PAYDAY 2- a game that is 4 years old and has received over 200 different updates in its entire existence, including fixes that have added a lot of new content and transformed it.
This means frequently updating the game to play the most latest version and access all released content and players.

Although for some reason (Speedrunners, unhappy with the changes, those who missed events, curious) you had a desire to play in previous updates which are no longer available.
This guide will show you how to download past updates for the game and how to install them on Steam.
Before starting here a few things you should know about launching updates different from the latest:

  • Can be played in multiplayer with everyone who has the same version installed as you.
  • Saves are compatible with any update, even if you have content that didn't exist at the time. Switching between versions shouldn't affect your files, but it's best to be careful and create backups to avoid trouble.
  • You can use mods, but make sure your BLT/hook/mod version is compatible with your game version (if the mod author has GitHub or any similar service, you can download any version from there).
  • The process takes a lot of time and memory, also when you download any updates for PAYDAY 2, so Gigabytes will quickly take up space on your hard drive. A similar case is if you have a weak Internet connection.
  • Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive to back up the game itself and the old update files (about three times the size of PAYDAY 2 itself).
  • As stated above, you must back up the game and your saves before installing old update to avoid file corruption issues and download the latest version.
  • For those in the Update 78 group, you should be familiar with all of the installation methods shown here: they're pretty much the same, based on file replacement. This guide simply expands to all the updates that have ever been implemented ( and even unrealized updates).
Speedrunners, you can look another guide about speedrunner skips and glitches to find an update where they still worked: (Guide in English)

This part applies to PAYDAY 2. However, you must understand this method works with any accessible game on Steam. If you want to use this with other games, follow this Reddit guide that helped create this one.

Step 1: Find the update manifest

Once you have decided which version you want, you need to find out its manifest ID, which matches its internal name on the Steam servers.
You cannot directly use the update number since it is not on Steam: in any case, the update and announcement number and the current version of the game (which you can find in the game in the lower right corner of the main menu) use different systems reckoning, which is also different from Steam's.

Open your save folder: Steam\userdata\<ваш номер>\218620\remote
Copy the save file save098.sav to your backup save location, but don't overwrite the copy of your main saves. You can also copy save000.sav which is responsible for your settings in the options.

Step 4: Back up your game.

This part is not strictly necessary, in any case do it to prevent downloading all files to the latest version when you need to change back to the latest version.

Follow to your folder with PAYDAY game 2:
Copy EVERYTHING in a separate folder for backup.

Additional Notes

You need disable Steam Cloud while you are playing the old version to avoid overwriting your last saves.

In your Steam Library, right click by PAYDAY 2 and select Properties.
Click the Updates tab and uncheck Steam Cloud Sync.

Disabling Steam Updates

Step 5: Prevent Steam from automatically updating

This step is not required, but highly recommended, since the game launched through Steam may notice that the game is outdated and will try to update it.

It's best to switch to the tournament version of the game as it never gets updated.

  1. In the game properties, go to the beta version and select tornament and update the game.
  2. When the game is updated in the folder steamapps make a backup of the file appmanifest_218620.acf. Just zip it up.
If your game suddenly decides to update, turn off Steam and simply replace the appmanifest_218620.acf file from the archive with the steamapps folder. Then turn on Steam and after that the game update will disappear.

In the Updates tab in the PAYDAY 2 properties in the Steam Library, you can turn off automatic updates. Sometimes Steam will try to update the game no matter what.

To make sure Steam hasn't tried to update the game again, follow the Steam downloads folder:
Delete any 218620 folder you can find here, then create an empty 218620 folder. Click on it with the Right Mouse Button and select Properties.

In the main tab General, click Only for reading and then, select the tab Safety. click button Change, select Users from the top list and then select the first row from the bottom list Full access and check the box ban.

Crash fixes (at startup and others)

Step 7 (and a half): Delete the save file

It's no secret that switching to versions with less content can seriously mess up your save file. Especially if the interim updates are refactored the way they are written.
In particular, you are likely to encounter a problem when running an older version of the game for the first time, especially on the screen. Press Any Key.

In this case, I have to tell you the bad news that you will have to delete your precious save file so you can play.
But don't panic! Remember Step 3 where did you back up the save file? Now it's time to use the guide for its intended purpose and delete your saves without remorse and fear.
If you haven't saved your save file yet, go back to Step 3 and follow the instructions. This is your last chance before you lose everything.

You need to remove both main save file from userdata AND ALSO the backup save file ( NOT BACKUP the one that you saved with the help of the guide!) to prevent them from loading.

Userdata file:
Navigate to the folder with the main game save files: " Steam\userdata\ \218620\remote"
Then just delete the save file" save098.sav" which you will find there.
You can also delete the settings file " save000.sav" if you like, but this is usually not required.

Backup file:
Repeat the same process as above, but this time in local AppData folder: "%localappdata%\PAYDAY 2\saves\ "

Make sure Steam Cloud is disabled.
In your "Steam Library" right click on PAYDAY 2 and select "Properties".
Click the Updates tab and uncheck "Enable Steam Cloud Sync for PAYDAY 2" at the bottom.

Jam at Press Any Key

In older versions prior to Update 46, there is a bug that prevents you from going past this screen. It is connected again with the save game.
To fix it you need to do the following:

Excellent! Now you can finally launch and enjoy the game!
The game will create a fresh new save file, so you will have to start from level 0 with no money and open everything from the very beginning.
Well, not necessarily, but I won't go into detail on how you can quickly restore your progress in this guide. Google is for help. ;)


Step 6: Installing the old update

Installing the update is fairly easy. Copy all files in your Steam\steamapps\content\app_218620\depot_218621 folder (or wherever your files were uploaded, check the Steam console after uploading them), after paste them into your PAYDAY 2 folder where the current files are located ( those that you have successfully reserved): Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2.

If you ask save any folder and copy and replace any file. Deleting the actual files and then putting the old ones in a folder will cause crashes on startup, so it's best not to do that and just replace the current files.

Step 7: Launching the Game

Launch the game via Steam. Congratulations, you can now enjoy your old update!

You can check the game version in the lower right corner of the main menu (remember, those numbers are different from the update numbering).


Step 8: Replace the game files

Delete the 218620 folder you created in your folder that was preventing Steam updates for PAYDAY 2. You must uncheck Deny from the second list.

If you made backups of the actual game files, copy them, then open the game folder ( Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2), delete any file inside and paste your actual files.
If you didn't, start Steam and turn on automatic updates in the game's properties. This should start downloading the latest version. If that doesn't work either, restart Steam and/or start and close the game. if nothing works, reinstall the game.

Step 9: Restoring Save Files


Like any other software, computer games are periodically updated by their developers, which improves the stability and performance of the application, adds new features and fixes bugs. Game updates are usually free of charge, unless a new version executable is installed along with the new plot addition.

Knowing the version of the application is necessary in order to create a competent service call. technical support or organize joint passage plot by several players via the Internet, since the network mode is only supported between the same versions of the game. There are several ways to find out the game version, which are applicable to most software products, and not exclusively to computer games.

Quick article navigation

Information in the game

Information about the current version of the game can be specified in the main menu of the game before starting the gameplay. To find out the version you need:

  • Start the game;
  • Pay attention to all the inscriptions that appear before the start of the game, especially the information in the main menu.

The game version can be listed in one of the corners of the screen, or in the "Credits" section ("Credits" or "Creators").

File version

The version of the main executable is usually the same as the current version of the game. In order to view the current version, you must:

  • Right-click on the game's shortcut;
  • Select "File location";
  • Right-click on the *.exe executable file responsible for launching the program;
  • Select "Properties";
  • Go to the "Details" tab;
  • View the value of the "File Version" parameter or, if available, "Product Version".

Readme file

In the folder with most games, there is usually a text document called "ReadMe" (Read me), which is a quick guide to using the program and its technical requirements. Also, the file may contain the version of the game. To find this file and find out the version:

  • Open the folder with the game;
  • Search the folder and all subdirectories using Windows Explorer tools;
  • Open the document with any text editor;
  • Examine the contents of the file, paying attention to its header.

Game site

To find out information about the current version of the game through its official website, you need to:

  • Open Internet browser;
  • Go to the official page of the game or the site of its developer;
  • Go to the "News" section ("History of changes" or "Version log");
  • Check out the latest updates.

Often the version of the game is a combination of several letters of the Latin layout and numbers. In order to find it out, today there are only a few ways, each of which is quite easy, however, not all modern users know it.

How to find out the version of the game, every user should know, since it represents almost complete information about the general development. Also, knowing the version of the game, you can understand some of the causes of errors, if any, update it in time, download suitable working modifications from the Internet, or simply and quickly fix all kinds of problems related directly to gameplay.

Method without entering the game

Sometimes it happens that a person simply cannot enter the game, and he needs the version in order to determine the cause of this problem or report it to the support service. In this case, you should go a little different way. Find the shortcut with the game on your computer, then do not run it, but right-click on it, then open the "Properties" window, where you look at the version name. Moreover, it should be noted that this should not be an ordinary shortcut on the desktop, but the main shortcut directly in the root folder.

Directly in the game

Sometimes it is better to look for the version in the game itself, since it is somewhat difficult to find out the version of the game through the folder. On the desktop or through the standard Start menu on the computer, select the game you need, and then click on its shortcut to launch. Wait for it to fully launch and you will see the main menu. The main menu in single player games is characterized by inscriptions such as " New game”, “Continue game” or “Options”. In online games, the main menu, as such, you often cannot see before entering them, so the version is indicated mainly in the window where the username and password are entered. So, we look in one of the lower corners. It will often say something like this:

  • 0.111001a;
  • v0.111001а;
  • version 0.111001a.

V or the word version simply means that the following numbers represent the version of the game. For example, this method is suitable if you play witcher 2, how to find out the version of the game that you do not know.

It also happens that sometimes the version is not shown in the corner of the game, but you can still watch it, you just need to do it differently. We find a shortcut on the computer, go to its properties, where we prescribe "console 1". After that, we go into the game, press the "~" key. This key will display special console, in which you must write the word "version" in Latin letters. After writing this word, press "Enter", after which the system will show you the current version of the game.


Sometimes it happens that in single player the version is simply not indicated in any list, and we simply don’t know how to find out which version of the game. It even happens that when you open the console directly in the game itself, either the console simply does not appear or the version is not shown. In this case, this most likely means that the version of this game is the first or that the developers do not plan to make new updates to it.

If you could not find the version of the online game, then perhaps it is indicated not by standard numbers at all, but by certain words. For example, a similar version description can be found in popular game Lineage II, where each version is indicated by a certain set of words and has a semantic name instead of a code. There are a fairly large number of similar examples today, and many find it difficult to understand how to find out the version of the game in this case, so you should clarify this fact with your game's support service.

Versions of online games are much more important for the player, because if the computer has old version, then a person not only loses various additional functions from the update, but also often cannot play at all.