Panorama geoinformation system. Gis panorama - miscellaneous. Import and View

Electronic map system "PANORAMA"

GIS "PANORAMA" is a database management system for electronic maps designed to create and update vector, raster and matrix maps, use them to solve a wide range of applied tasks, as well as to develop applications.

The system allows you to:

Maintaining a cartographic database;

Maintaining an attributive (semantic) database;

Establishment and maintenance of links between cartographic objects and attributive (semantic) databases;

Maintaining classifiers and reference books;

Formation and output of reporting, analytical and presentation materials;

Graphical information in the system can have a raster or vector representation. For vector data, there is the possibility of layered representation. A layer set can contain up to 255 layers, each of which contains a specific set of vector objects (up to 65,535 types of objects in total). Sets of geo-objects form cartographic compositions, which are displayed by conventional symbols of the appropriate scale. Each object can be associated with certain attributive information (up to 65,535 characteristics). All information about symbols is contained in the classifier, which can be edited by the user.

GIS "PANORAMA" allows you to combine individual nomenclature sheets into an area (up to 255 sheets in one area). In the process of creating a map, generalization issues are resolved cartographic image depending on the given scale. All cartographic and semantic information is stored in the SXF exchange format, it is possible to convert data into exchange formats of other systems: F1M, F20V, DXF, F20S, etc.

GIS "PANORAMA" is implemented in the form of dynamic libraries with a documented interface, which allows you to use individual libraries in C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, and so on.

Together with the GIS "PANORAMA" additional modules can be supplied to solve some applied problems. R

System of accounting and registration of land users (SUZ)

Allows you to maintain databases:

Land plots with their main properties (encumbrance, restriction on use, etc.)

Register of land holdings;

Land owners

Register of land users;

Land relations

Register of land relations;

Building a matrix of heights. The matrix may contain heights that reflect the absolute or total terrain. The absolute relief is built on the basis of data on the earth's surface, represented by contour lines, elevation marks, water edges, etc. The total relief is created on the basis of the absolute relief, taking into account data on terrain objects (forests, settlements, power lines, etc.). The matrix of heights is formed on a separate sheet, area of ​​work or terrain. DEM displaying is possible in the form of 2D or 3D representations. This procedure serves as the basis for solving the problems of predicting flooding or drainage of territories.

Complex "Geodesy". This is a specialized complex for solving applied problems and processing data from field measurements. It is designed for automated processing of data from field geodetic works and subsequent calculations, namely, for building and adjusting data from polygonometric and theodolite traverses.

The advantages of GIS "PANORAMA" include low requirements to the hardware. Even new versions can function normally on a computer FROM 386 processor and 4 megabytes of RAM.

GIS Panorama - 3.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

  1. The performance of the "Panorama" system is several times higher (both when displaying and when processing requests for data selection) than similar systems.
  2. With the same functionality, the cost of Panorama is about 2 or more times lower.
  3. The panorama is rapidly evolving through close contact with users.
  4. Panorama is fully localized for Russia.
  5. Panorama is a standard in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, so it is easier to certify it for use in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service and large state corporations.
  6. The ability to order specialized versions directly from the creators of the Panorama system in a short time at reasonable prices.
  7. Availability of certified map material, which is made using the Panorama system, and which is certified in it.
  8. In Panorama, the storage of cartographic data is much more compact.
  9. Conventional signs on the electronic map correspond to paper originals in terms of appearance and size when displayed on the screen and printed.
  10. The system is easier to use.
  11. Based on Panorama, Internet/Intranet GIS technologies have been developed.
  12. The presence of specialized components for the development of GIS applications in Delphi / C ++ Builder, which have wide functionality.
  13. The system kernel has been ported to various platforms (Windows, Windows CE, Linux, QNX, Intel processors, Sparc, Mips) and is used for application development.
  14. Provides multi-user operation local network with a multi-sheet, multi-layer map together with raster and matrix data; building orthophotomaps, 3D models, geological matrices (multilayer), solving geodetic problems, etc.

General information about GIS Panorama

Geoinformation systems are actively used to solve scientific and practical problems, including planning and management at the city, regional and federal levels, a comprehensive multi-aspect study of the natural and economic potential within the regions, design and operation of oil pipelines and highways, environmental monitoring. Today, it is impossible for a modern specialist to do without a wide range and effectiveness of the use of geoinformation systems.
The complication of the infrastructure of society, its development requires more careful and thoughtful management of resources, mastering new means and methods of information processing.
Desktop geoinformation system "PANORAMA" provides a high visibility display of heterogeneous information, the convenience and power of tools for analyzing reality. At the same time, low requirements for technical means, ease of use and maximum openness of the system will allow specialists in various fields to use the GIS "PANORAMA" in any areas of their professional activities.

Of all the variety of software offered on the GIS market, the end user is often not completely satisfied with any one option. This cannot be a disadvantage of specific systems, this is a natural phenomenon - it is difficult to satisfy all the requirements for GIS: firstly, there are too many of them, and secondly, they may contradict one another. Not the last role here is played by the convenience when working with the system tools, data formats, as well as the compatibility of various GIS. Moving in the wake of solving many problems, the "PANORAMA" system provides an opportunity for both beginners and professionals to perform tasks of any complexity and various directions. The development team managed to put together a powerful and flexible tool for working with heterogeneous input information, processing and using it as high-quality raw materials or finished, certified products. The basis of the GIS "PANORAMA" is a specialized database management system for electronic maps, which allows you to create vector electronic maps, raster electronic maps, raster background maps (up to 16 million colors), matrix electronic maps (matrices of relief heights, matrices of heights of terrain volumes, matrices of properties of terrain sections). One of the advantages of the system is the ability to develop additional application tasks in 32-bit operating systems Oh. During its existence since 1991, PANORAMA has proven itself well in the DOS environment, and at the current testing grounds of various operating systems. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is one of the fastest GIS.

A vector electronic map can contain several thousand sheets of electronic maps. The size of a separate sheet - the area of ​​the displayed territory, can either correspond to a standard map sheet (for example, 1:200000, 1:5000, etc.), or be determined by the user in each case separately, that is, the sheet size is unlimited. All objects on the sheet have their own localization (linear, areal, signature, etc.), and they are all divided into layers - "HYDROGRAPHY", "ROAD STRUCTURES", "RELIEF", etc. 256 types of layers are allowed, and taking into account the localization of objects, there can be more than 1000 of them. Only one sheet of an electronic map can contain up to 4 billion objects. The "PANORAMA" system quickly and very flexibly manages the composition of the display by layers, localization, or individual characteristics of map objects. The volume of a raster or matrix map can be up to 4 GB, and the volume of a vector electronic map can be up to several terabytes (TB). The "PANORAMA" system allows storing user data - weather data, information about the movement of vehicles, data on radio visibility conditions, and so on, separately from terrain maps, using a subset of the vector map structure. This approach has the following advantages:

  • together with one map of the area, any number of different user maps with their own classifiers can be displayed simultaneously;
  • user map can be displayed together with raster and matrix maps;
  • the same user map can be simultaneously displayed on different maps terrain and edited by different users;
  • the user map has its own classifier, which is independent of the map classifier.
The creation, updating and distribution of terrain maps and custom maps can be performed independently by different services from different sources. A graphical representation of an object can be stored in an object record, which makes it easy to convert data from DXF, MIF/MID, etc. formats. Attribute data may be stored in an external relational database. The connection with the database is performed by the unique number of the object on the map. Thanks to a well-thought-out approach to the data structure, the system has the ability to quickly and flexibly search for objects on the map - by number, type, name, as well as a combination of any characteristics of objects in a certain respect. The basic exchange format is the SXF format in binary and text forms. The formats of Roskartografiya, the Customs Union of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as DXF and MIF / MID are supported.

The visualization of the contents of the database of electronic maps is carried out in conventional symbols adopted for topographic, geographic survey, cadastral and other types of maps. Broad powers are granted to create (add) custom symbols that characterize the terrain or map objects depending on certain specifics of the information owner or external influence factors. At the same time, the system supports, without any additional time costs, various coordinate systems and initial projections. Editing of electronic map information is performed using the service functions of the system. Creating, moving, deleting, copying, changing electronic map objects - this is not a complete list of the system's capabilities. All these functions and more can be performed using the graphical user interface.

To work with a vector map in the "PANORAMA" system, a whole set of service functions is provided. Creating and editing electronic map objects, performing calculation operations (determining areas, lengths, height directions, sectioning the terrain, building zones around objects, building intersections for displaying processing results on an electronic map - this is not a complete list of these capabilities. Joint processing of vector, raster and matrix data, as well as their arbitrary shift relative to each other, allows not only to create an electronic map, but also to make operational changes depending on the events taking place on the ground.There is the possibility of outputting an image of an electronic map in various combinations to external printing devices.

The program is implemented as a set of dynamic libraries (DLL) with a documented interface ("MAPAPI"), which allows using individual libraries in C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro and others. Special components (Gis Tool Kit) have been developed for developing applications in the Delphi/C++ Builder environment.

Objects of a vector electronic map can be logically linked to an external relational database. Various database formats are supported by means of BDE, ODBC. DB records are associated with objects through a unique 4-byte identifier within an electronic map sheet. The identifier does not change during the processing of the object and cannot be assigned to another object, even after the object has been deleted.

The same data is available for processing over the network to any number of users. When editing a map by one of the users, the data is automatically updated for all users working with this map, including on the screen. When editing the same object at the same time by several users, the object will be in the state that it received as a result of the last editing operation.

Program execution can be interrupted at any time without loss of data integrity. An object that was being edited at the time the failure or failure occurred will remain in the state it was in before editing began. Objects that were edited or created before the software or hardware failure occurred will be successfully saved to magnetic media. During editing of map objects, all their intermediate states are saved in backup files. Any erroneous action of the operator on editing, creating or deleting objects can be canceled in the same session of the program or in any following one, but before the procedure of sorting and compressing the vector map data is performed. When loading data from a faulty file in the SXF exchange format, the data located before and after the faulty section will be correctly processed. If a failure occurs on a magnetic media containing data in the system's internal format, the data can be transferred to another section of the media by performing a data sorting and compression procedure, or by uploading to a data exchange format and reloading to another media.

The program runs under Windows 95 and Windows NT. The system core and application development tools have been ported to various hardware and software platforms (LINUX, QNX, Sparc, Mips).

GIS "PANORAMA" is used to solve information and reference, calculation, navigation and other tasks in institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Military Space Forces, the Border Troops, ROSKOMZEM, GOSKOMSANEPIDNADZOR, RAO "GAZPROM", RSC "ENERGIA" , "MOGES" and others. The system is provided with large volumes of digital information about the area, which can be supplied on CDs.

Basic Licensing Principles

The Customer may simultaneously use each individual software package (license) on only one computer. If a floating license is purchased, the customer can install the software on the server and from it on an unlimited number of workstations. Simultaneous use of the software is allowed only on the number of workstations specified in the terms of the license agreement. If the software package includes tools for developing your own applications and modules, then to distribute the created applications and modules, you must purchase additional licenses (licenses for executing custom applications).

  • Fixed license - implies the presence of an electronic key at each workplace.
  • Floating license - implies the presence in the local network of one electronic key that allows you to simultaneously run the paid number of copies of the programs on any computers.

License discounts

When paying for 10 or more sets of software of the same name, their cost is reduced by 10%. The price of the software includes the cost of an annual technical support– free version updates (within the major digit of the version) by downloading updates from the site, consulting by e-mail and by phone. Each subsequent year of support is paid additionally at the rate of 24% of the cost of the purchased software (one workplace). Minimum number jobs per key with a floating license - 3. All products support multi-user access to spatial data on the network. The price of discounted software products (upgrade) includes a CD with new software versions and a special protection management program. The update is performed in accordance with the paid number of updated versions and the key numbers specified during payment.

Technical support

Free technical support is provided to users of software developed by the company's specialists for one year from the date of purchase. Technical support provides for the elimination of errors in the software, consultations (in Russian and English) by e-mail and in a special section of the website of the technical support service on the website on working days (excluding weekends and non-working public holidays RF) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Moscow time.

Licensing of academic organizations

  • As part of the licensing model for educational institutions, software products and technologies of the vendor for use in educational process are provided on preferential terms at a price of 10% of the full price of the respective product.
  • Licenses for educational institutions have the right to acquire:
  • State and private higher education institutions.
  • Educational institutions of secondary and secondary special education.
  • Courses and institutes for advanced training.
  • Training centers licensed to conduct educational activities issued by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education or other authorized state body.
  • Administrative governing bodies of educational institutions operating at the regional, regional and state levels.
  • Institutes of the system of the Academy of Sciences.
  • Public libraries and museums.

To receive a set of programs for educational institutions, it is necessary to send an official letter from the head of the educational institution by fax or e-mail indicating the number of jobs and the obligation to apply the programs for educational purposes.

The GIS includes over 100 different tasks containing a variety of tools for processing spatial information about the area.

  • Flexible spatial data classification system, smart conventional signs;
  • Support for international standards OGS, ISO 19100, IHO, ICAO and others for the exchange and display of spatial data;
  • Support for a database of parameters of national coordinate systems according to the EPSG code;
  • Support for common spatial data exchange formats;
  • Combining data from databases and data from open sources using web browser protocols;
  • A large set of extension modules for special tasks: land and real estate cadastre, urban planning, ecology, agro-enterprise management, air navigation, communication network management and others;
  • Professional editor of digital topographic, marine, aeronautical and other maps and city plans;
  • 3D analysis complex, Report editor, Form designer, GPS\GLONASS monitor and many other built-in tasks;
  • Collective remote work with data, access control and data protection based on cloud technologies;
  • Formation of graphic images that clearly illustrate the ratio of the values ​​of the selected characteristic for individual objects of the electronic map;
  • Generalization of digital maps - automated map generation small scale on large scale maps;
  • Preparation of digital maps for publication;
  • Collection of data for the maintenance of the land and real estate cadastre;
  • Support for international standards for the display and storage of maritime (IHO) and aeronautical (ICAO) data.

Key features

Advanced tools for editing vector and raster maps terrain and applying applied graphic information to the map. Support for several dozen different map projections and coordinate systems, including 42 years, PZ-90, WGS-84 and others. Support for the entire scale range - from the floor plan to the space navigation map of the Earth. The volume of one vector map can take several TB. One raster or matrix map can take up to 8 GB.

Import and View

  • vector maps from formats (SXF, TXF, OGC GML (XML), KML (Google), Arinc 424, etc.);
  • raster data (RSW, BMP, JPEG, GeoTIFF, TIFF, IMG), multispectral images(GeoTIFF);
  • DEMs, quality matrices, geological matrixes of layers, TIN-models, laser scanning data (point cloud in MTD format);
  • custom maps, work area.

Creating new maps

Creation of new maps with automatic filling of projection parameters by EPSG code or from a list of parameters in XML format.

Map export to SXF, MIF\MID, SHP\DBF (Shape), OGC GML (XML), KML (Google), DXF, S57 formats.

Professional map editor (about 120 modes)

General quality control of a vector map and control of absolute heights.

Data transformation(vector map transformation, raster data transformation, image transformation, etc.)

Data processing(pre-tile preparation of OpenStreetMap data, building a mathematical basis, summarizing adjacent sheets, merging data, building contours using a DEM)

Data control and correction(correction of object metrics, construction of labels according to the semantics of objects, control of label metrics, viewing statistics on objects, etc.)

Geodetic tasks(calculation of MSC parameters by a set of points, calculation of datum parameters by a set of points)

Designed to create labels according to the semantics of objects. In the process of creating signatures, their mutual position is analyzed to exclude the intersection of signatures.

Building three-dimensional terrain models, moving through them in real scale time. The surface of the model can be formed using vector, raster or matrix maps, the construction of an image of the objects of an electronic map, the choice of textures and coating material are provided.

Performing logical and mathematical operations on lists of objects

Construction of intersections or unions of contours of objects of one list with another. Building a common area around the objects included in the list. Selection on the map of objects of one list that have a certain spatial relationship with objects of another list (occurrence, intersection, contiguity, removal within a given distance, etc.), etc.

Network model and network analysis.

The tasks of network analysis are to find the minimum route between nodes, taking into account the values ​​of the semantic characteristics of the network edges and to find objects within a given distance from the specified node (distance graph). The network data model (road graph) is represented as custom map, containing objects: a node and an edge of a network with semantic characteristics, which store information about the network connectivity and attributes for solving network analysis problems.

Map Atlas - map manager

Map atlas support (fast transition between overlapping maps of different scales, coordinate systems and projections. Using additional module - "Map Manager" convenient systematization of metadata about cartographic resources in your local network is available.

Interactive design of information systems based on the built-in constructor of forms, reports, SQL queries. Different kinds relationships of map objects with records of database tables (from one to one to many to many). Tools for data analysis and construction of graphs, diagrams, thematic mapping, geocoding.

Creation of charts on the map based on the values ​​of semantic characteristics or values ​​of selected fields of database tables. When creating cartograms, there is the possibility of proportional and non-proportional distribution of ranges of values ​​of attributive characteristics.

Calculations on the plane and in space

Calculations on the plane and in space, taking into account projection distortions, curvature of the Earth, three-dimensional coordinates, matrixes of heights and qualitative characteristics. Performing overlay operations on multiple objects. Control of topological correctness of data. Search and selection of objects according to the values ​​of attribute characteristics, size, spatial position relative to other objects.

GIS "Panorama" allows you to create and analyze surface models that reflect the change in a given characteristic. The surface model can display such terrain properties as terrain heights, pollution concentration, precipitation, radiation level, distance from a given object, and others. The model can be formed as a matrix of heights (MTW) ​​or a matrix of qualities (MTQ).

The GIS includes over 100 different tasks containing a variety of tools for processing spatial information about the area.

  • Flexible spatial data classification system, smart symbols;
  • Support for international standards OGS, ISO 19100, IHO, ICAO and others for the exchange and display of spatial data;
  • Support for a database of parameters of national coordinate systems according to the EPSG code;
  • Support for common spatial data exchange formats;
  • Combining data from databases and data from open sources using web browser protocols;
  • A large set of extension modules for special tasks: land and real estate cadastre, urban planning, ecology, agro-enterprise management, air navigation, communication network management and others;
  • Professional editor of digital topographic, marine, aeronautical and other maps and city plans;
  • 3D analysis complex, Report editor, Form designer, GPS\GLONASS monitor and many other built-in tasks;
  • Collective remote work with data, access control and data protection based on cloud technologies;
  • Formation of graphic images that clearly illustrate the ratio of the values ​​of the selected characteristic for individual objects of the electronic map;
  • Generalization of digital maps - automated creation of small-scale maps from large-scale maps;
  • Preparation of digital maps for publication;
  • Collection of data for the maintenance of the land and real estate cadastre;
  • Support for international standards for the display and storage of maritime (IHO) and aeronautical (ICAO) data.

Key features

Advanced tools for editing vector and raster maps terrain and applying applied graphic information to the map. Support for several dozen different map projections and coordinate systems, including 42 years, PZ-90, WGS-84 and others. Support for the entire scale range - from the floor plan to the space navigation map of the Earth. The volume of one vector map can take several TB. One raster or matrix map can take up to 8 GB.

Import and View

  • vector maps from formats (SXF, TXF, OGC GML (XML), KML (Google), Arinc 424, etc.);
  • raster data (RSW, BMP, JPEG, GeoTIFF, TIFF, IMG), multispectral images (GeoTIFF);
  • DEMs, quality matrices, geological matrixes of layers, TIN-models, laser scanning data (point cloud in MTD format);
  • custom maps, work area.

Creating new maps

Creation of new maps with automatic filling of projection parameters by EPSG code or from a list of parameters in XML format.

Map export to SXF, MIF\MID, SHP\DBF (Shape), OGC GML (XML), KML (Google), DXF, S57 formats.

Professional map editor (about 120 modes)

General quality control of a vector map and control of absolute heights.

Data transformation(vector map transformation, raster data transformation, image transformation, etc.)

Data processing(pre-tile preparation of OpenStreetMap data, building a mathematical basis, summarizing adjacent sheets, merging data, building contours using a DEM)

Data control and correction(correction of object metrics, construction of labels according to the semantics of objects, control of label metrics, viewing statistics on objects, etc.)

Geodetic tasks(calculation of MSC parameters by a set of points, calculation of datum parameters by a set of points)

Designed to create labels according to the semantics of objects. In the process of creating signatures, their mutual position is analyzed to exclude the intersection of signatures.

Construction of three-dimensional terrain models, moving through them in real time. The surface of the model can be formed using vector, raster or matrix maps, the construction of an image of the objects of an electronic map, the choice of textures and coating material are provided.

Performing logical and mathematical operations on lists of objects

Construction of intersections or unions of contours of objects of one list with another. Building a common area around the objects included in the list. Selection on the map of objects of one list that have a certain spatial relationship with objects of another list (occurrence, intersection, contiguity, removal within a given distance, etc.), etc.

Network model and network analysis.

The tasks of network analysis are to find the minimum route between nodes, taking into account the values ​​of the semantic characteristics of the network edges and to find objects within a given distance from the specified node (distance graph). The network data model (road graph) is presented in the form of a user map containing objects: a network node and an edge with semantic characteristics, which store information about the network connectivity and attributes for solving network analysis problems.

Map Atlas - map manager

Map atlas support (fast transition between overlapping maps of different scales, coordinate systems and projections. With the help of an additional module - "Map Manager" convenient systematization of metadata about cartographic resources in your local network is available.

Interactive design of information systems based on the built-in constructor of forms, reports, SQL queries. Various types of links between map objects and database table records (from one to one to many to many). Tools for data analysis and construction of graphs, diagrams, thematic mapping, geocoding.

Creation of charts on the map based on the values ​​of semantic characteristics or values ​​of selected fields of database tables. When creating cartograms, there is the possibility of proportional and non-proportional distribution of ranges of values ​​of attributive characteristics.

Calculations on the plane and in space

Calculations on the plane and in space, taking into account projection distortions, curvature of the Earth, three-dimensional coordinates, matrixes of heights and qualitative characteristics. Performing overlay operations on multiple objects. Control of topological correctness of data. Search and selection of objects according to the values ​​of attribute characteristics, size, spatial position relative to other objects.

GIS "Panorama" allows you to create and analyze surface models that reflect the change in a given characteristic. The surface model can display such terrain properties as terrain heights, pollution concentration, precipitation, radiation level, distance from a given object, and others. The model can be formed as a matrix of heights (MTW) ​​or a matrix of qualities (MTQ).