Solitaire 3 cards. Solitaire kerchief with three cards. How to play - rules and description

All lovers of logical card entertainment are especially pleased when new varieties of solitaires already known to everyone appear. Now, we want to offer you a variation of such solitaire as Klondike. The fact is that the classic version of this logical entertainment, according to the rules, involves opening an additional stack of cards one at a time. In the new version, the task becomes more complicated - now, instead of one, you can see three cards at once with one click, and you can first take the top one for layout, and then - as the lower ones are released - the rest of the cards.

Well, do not waste your precious time - rather turn on our logical games and choose an online solitaire called Klondike Solitaire with three cards in them to fully enjoy the innovations to the classic Klondike. site wish you a pleasant game!

Passing Tips:

To get started, wait for our solitaire game to fully load on your screens. Now you can see the cards laid out in a certain order in front of you. Your main goal in this game, as in the classic Klondike, will be the desire to fill the empty fields in the upper right corner with cards of certain suits. Moreover, these cards should lie in ascending order. You should start with an ace, then put a deuce, a three, and so on until the king.

The main layout will take place in the central part of the playing space. Try using the computer mouse to turn all the cards that are face down face up. To do this, release them by moving certain cards to stacks nearby, in descending order and alternating red and black suits. If necessary, you can use additional cards in the upper left corner, which will be opened three at a time.

The versatility of this Klondike lies in setting up the dealing of cards from an additional deck. You can choose how many cards you want to get when you click on the rest of the deck. There are not many options: 1 and 3. If you choose three cards, then the probability of solitaire convergence will decrease, but it will be more interesting to play - more logic. If it is more important for you to get closer to victory, then the option with one card is more profitable for you.


For those who are not familiar with this type of solitaire, we will briefly talk about the rules. From the computer-proposed layout of cards on the gaming table, presented in the form of a scarf, and the rest of the deck, you must collect four stacks of cards, sorting each of them by suit and card value in sequence from ace to king. When sorting, you can use card overlays, placing them on top of each other according to the seniority rule: only a card with a face value one lower than the target one can be placed on the highest card. Thus, it is allowed, say, to place an eight on a nine, a queen on a king, and so on. With such transfers, the suit is not taken into account. You can also move an entire column of already ordered cards.

We will inform experienced solitaire players and solitaire players that in this variant there are no differences from all other versions of the Klondike, with the exception of the setting for the ability to deal one or three cards from the remainder.

The undoubted advantage of this solitaire variant is its ability to work not only on PCs (personal computers: desktops or laptops), but also on modern portable electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones. And it doesn't matter what operating system controls your device, solitaire will work on Android, and on Apple iOS(used on iPhones and iPads), and on Windows.

  • If for some reason the game does not start, try refreshing the page.
  • In case there is not enough game space, expand the game to full screen using the link on the green bar at the top.
  • When transferring, especially in the three-card variation, we continue to advise you to carefully check the availability of opportunities before taking cards from the deck.

The most interesting type of Klondike solitaire is 3 cards: play without registration and see for yourself for free! Task: arrange a card deck of 52 cards into columns according to suits, using active (“highlighted”) cards.

Klondike solitaire rules for three cards

On the playing field, 28 cards are laid out in seven columns: in the first 1 card, in the second two, and so on in ascending order. The shape of the layout resembles a scarf folded in half, which served as the name. The remaining 24 make up the base and are issued at the request of the player. You need to put them in a suit, starting with aces in 4 "houses", located at the top right. The sequence is descending: we put a deuce on the ace and up to the king.

The main difference between Klondike solitaire in three cards from the usual classic one is in a limited number of active cards, which stimulates the analysis of the situation and the search for the most profitable move. Only the top card from the “bribe” can be played, it is important to attach it to the base or on open card in a collumn.

It is allowed to transfer cards according to playing field, respecting the color change and descending order. The vacated place can only be taken by the king: alone or with a pile of sequence.

Klondike solitaire strategy in three cards

The method of issuing three cards in solitaire dictates its own patterns of compilation. In the classic version of Klondike solitaire, the number of moves matters (all cards of the additional deck can be used at any time).

Access to only one card from the triple layout forces you to calculate the situation: it is worth picking up the top one from the issue, the rest are shifted by exactly one. Thus, you can calculate how many cards should be removed in order to get the right one when you scroll completely.

In the old days, it was precisely this way of making Klondike solitaire with three cards that was called “prophetic” because of the need for serious logical efforts. It was believed that a person who is able to concentrate efforts on compiling sequences can be distracted from vain thoughts, concentrate on the main thing and get the only correct answer to a question of interest. To believe or not in the miraculous property of solitaire is up to you. In any case, this good vacation! Have a nice game!

Description of the online game Klondike Solitaire 3 Cards:

The game is ordinary classic version, but there is a slight difference. It consists in the fact that in the game Klondike Solitaire 3 Cards, you can only deal three cards at a time. This fact makes the process of the game a little more difficult, and in connection with it there are new requirements and conditions that the player must adhere to, all these innovations, of course, make game process more interesting. Solitaire Klondike 3 Cards also gives individuality to the game with an exquisite graphic design that attracts attention and distinguishes this game from many like her. In this game, you have the opportunity to discard cards, and you can also very easily make the transition to the very beginning of the game process, while not suffering any losses. The game Klondike Solitaire 3 Cards will help you spend time in a cozy and calm atmosphere and enjoy the process of playing Klondike Solitaire 3 Cards. This game really deserves the attention of all fans online solitaire games, and you will certainly see this as soon as you start playing the refined and sophisticated 3 Card Klondike Solitaire. If you make a little effort and are focused and attentive, you will certainly be able to spread out Klondike Solitaire 3 Cards.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

The second in popularity, but one of the first in terms of the number of options and executions, incomparable Solitaire" in a tablet-smartphone version (although it also works fine on a PC). We will not go into the history of the appearance of this online solitaire, we will only say that Windows users have long been familiar with it, since it appeared in the earliest versions of this operating system.

Of all the variations of the Klondike, it is perhaps worth noting only two main ones, in which the rest of the deck is flipped through either one or three cards. The second option is more difficult, but the player has an idea about the cards that he will have at his disposal the next time he flips.

The conditions for the successful convergence of solitaire "Kerchief" are far from being achieved in any scenario and do not depend on the player. But at the same time, there is also no guarantee that you will fold even a successful layout, since in this case a lot depends on your attentiveness.

The version of solitaire presented by this game is configured by the player: one or three cards to distribute - you specify. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for assembling the Klondike on the pages of almost any of the similar versions.

Can download the game Klondike 1 AND 3 CARDS on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because here it is always available, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games , which develop logic and imagination, allow you to have a good rest. Relax and take your mind off things!