Poker texas hold'em game rules for beginners. Texas Hold'em: rules of the game. Dealer and mandatory bid

To start playing online poker-rooms, you need to learn the rules of Texas poker. They are not so complicated, but include a lot of important nuances that the player needs to know. In order to better understand the rules, it is recommended that after reading this article, play poker for free chips - this will help you understand the material faster and gain practical experience in real game. The proposed material does not contain instructions on how to win at poker, but sets out the rules for playing Texas Poker for dummies. The illustrations accompanying the text will help you better understand what is at stake!

The rules of Texas Hold'em poker are partially similar to other card disciplines, but they also have their differences. Therefore, if you know how to play, for example, Five Card Poker or Oasis, you still need to learn these rules.

The goal of Hold'em poker is to win the pot. The player has two options to take the pot - to win it at the showdown, opening a combination stronger than the opponents, or earlier, knocking out all opponents from the bidding on any of the streets.

Texas Holdem Poker - Table Rules

The rules of Texas Hold'em poker can vary within the discipline itself. So, tables and tournaments for this type of poker can differ quite significantly in terms of game conditions. This should be taken into account, since knowledge of these features will be useful to you later when choosing tables and strategies. Hold'em tables may differ in the following parameters:

Number of players - can be from 2 to 10, while at the table a ceiling can be set for the number of empty seats. For example, only two people can play at a 2-max table, while two to nine can play at a 9-max table. The minimum number of participants is always two! If you are seated at a 6-max table with three players, more poker players can join you at any time until all the seats are filled.

Betting limits – the format of the table may differ according to the betting rules. Therefore, there are three types of betting format - no-limit, pot-limit and limit Hold'em, the rules of which differ in the size of the maximum possible bet in the auction. So, when playing Limit Hold'em, the rules do not allow you to bet or raise more than the blind in the first two auctions and more than two blinds in the next. In a no-limit game, the maximum bet can be any size, and in pot-limit - no more than the size of the pot.

Required rates – at cash tables, the size of mandatory bets does not change during the game. In tournaments, they gradually increase, with the exception of some exotic formats.

These rules are changeable - they may differ for two different tables. They should be taken into account when choosing a table, as the game conditions affect the strategy. In online poker rooms, it is easy to sort the tables by the size and format of bets, as well as by the number of participants.

Compulsory Bets and the Dealer

Before a new distribution or game at the table begins, participants put down mandatory bets - blinds. Their size is negotiated in advance by the participants of the game (in an offline game) or by the rules of the table (in poker rooms). Since the blinds are posted in turn, they do not change from hand to hand, which puts all players on an equal footing (except in tournaments). The blinds are posted first by the two players to the left of the dealer.

Dealer - This is the participant in the game who distributes the cards. However, if the cards are dealt by the croupier or automatically, as in online rooms, the position of the dealer is still indicated by a special chip - Button, which moves clockwise.

The player who sits closer to the dealer makes a mandatory bet of a smaller size - the small blind, and the participant in the distribution sitting to his left - the big blind twice as large. In the next hand, the obligation to post the small blind passes to the poker player who previously placed the big one, and he, in turn, is placed by the player sitting on the left, who did not make any bets in the previous hand.

Sometimes the Ante bet is also used, which can revive the game - make it more dynamic, since the pot will be larger and more attractive. Ante is a mandatory bet that is made by all participants every hand. But it is rarely used at cash tables, but it can be present in tournaments, especially at high levels.

Texas Hold'em Rules - Dealing Cards

The Texas Hold'em poker rules provide for several streets of card distribution, for each of which bidding is carried out. But let's focus on the maps for now, so you don't get confused. They are distributed in four stages, each of which has its own name:

Preflop - players receive two cards each, while each participant in the game can see only his own. They are called pocket;

Flop - three cards are laid out on the table and are visible to all participants in the distribution (common cards or board);

Turn - the fourth card is added to the common ones;

river - The fifth card is added to the common ones.

As a result, if the game has reached the last street, five community cards will be open on the table, plus two more will be in each player's hand. However, the showdown may not go as far as the pot can be played out earlier in any of the four rounds, which you will learn about later if you read the Texas Poker for Dummies rules.

Hold'em hand rules

If you have memorized the goals of the game of Holdem, which were described at the beginning of the article, then you should remember that one of the ways to get the pot in the hand is to make a winning combination. The rules of Texas Hold'em poker include only classic high combinations, which you can see in the illustration:

These combinations can be made on the basis of seven cards (five common and two pocket). Of the seven cards to build a hand, only five are selected to make the strongest hand. From the available set of cards, the strongest possible combination is made! If the combination is five-card (Straight, Flush, etc.) all these five cards are included in its composition. If the combination requires only two, three or four cards, the highest cards are selected from the remaining cards and added to the combination, complementing it to a five-card hand. You can understand this with an example:

Here the player has three Aces and out of the seven available cards there are four more that are not included in the compiled Three of Aces. Since the eldest of them are Queen and Eight, they are also part of the hand. In this case, the Queen becomes a kicker (as the highest card not included in the combination) and if the opponent also collected three Aces, she is compared with his kicker.

Combinations are compared with each other only at the showdown! If the distribution ends earlier, they do not carry any meaning and do not affect the determination of the winner. If a showdown occurs, the pot is won by the player with the highest hand. In the table above, they are arranged in ascending order of precedence. So, Pair is under Three, and Three is over Two Pair, and so on.

Trading in Hold'em

Bidding takes place on every street and has similar names: preflop, flop, turn and river. The meaning of the auction is that the players compete with each other to see next card or perform an autopsy at a reasonable price. All bets become part of the pot. During the bidding process, poker players can announce the following decisions:

Check - the absence of a bet, which can take place if the player acts first or no one has bet before him. You can also check in the big blind if no other opponent has bet higher than the big blind. After a check has been decided, the player can only bet if one of the opponents has raised;

Beth - offer a minimum bet, which is equal to the big blind in the first two rounds of betting and two blinds in the following. This is the lowest possible rate;

Raise - a raise that exceeds the size of the bets offered by previous opponents or a bet. Raising back is also sometimes called a re-raise, although these actions can be considered similar;

All-in - a bet equal to the player's stack. The poker player puts all the chips he has and if one of the opponents equalizes, he has to wait for the showdown and the winner;

fold - the only decision after which the player ceases to participate in the distribution. He folds and loses all the chips that are already in the pot, ceasing to qualify for his drawing.

Comparing the decisions of other players and their prospects for winning, a poker player can exit the hand to avoid losses, try to increase the pot by raising the stakes, or get to the showdown with minimal investment. Some decisions can be made as a bluff, showing a weak or strong hand when there is none. However, we are studying the rules of Texas Hold'em poker for beginners, so we will not consider this issue in detail.

Bidding ends only when all players are equal. Therefore, on the same street, one player can make decisions repeatedly. For example, if he bet Bet, and the opponent offered to raise, he again needs to make a decision. In this case, he can fold, raise or even. Classic Rules Texas Hold'em poker games only allow one player to make three raises in a single betting round. On all streets before the river, after the players are compared, a new street begins - additional community cards are opened. On the river, after the bets are compared, a showdown is made.

Rebuying chips

An important aspect of the rules of Texas Hold'em is the purchase of chips. For example, in Hollywood movies, players often show how players increase the pot without limit by investing money in it when the chips are over, as well as real estate, yachts, and even wives. However, this is against the rules of poker!

In the auction, the player can only bet those chips that are already in the game - the existing stack. He cannot increase his stack if hole cards have already been dealt. In addition, there are restrictions on the number of chips that a poker player can take into play when he sits down at the table. True, players can have stacks of different sizes - one has more, and the other has less. This situation is easily solved! That the player with fewer chips must not buy more chips if the stack is not enough to equalize the opponent's bet. He can simply bet his entire stack and, if he wins, he will take a pot commensurate with his size, and the opponent will get back the extra chips.

You can buy more chips in the stack only between distributions! A similar rule applies to rebuy tournaments, where a player can purchase chips between hands by paying an additional tournament fee.

Determination of the winner

The rules of Texas Holdem Poker allow you to win the pot, both at the showdown and without it. You can get a win before the showdown if all other opponents have declared fold. If the bidding reached the river and all opponents equalized the bets, the pocket cards are opened and the combinations are compared. The pot gets the poker player who has the strongest hand. The rest are the losers, and a new distribution begins.

Poker Rules Texas Hold'em - Controversial Situations

You definitely need to thoroughly study the rules of Texas Hold'em poker for beginners if you plan to play at home with friends or in an offline poker room. In this case, disputes will often arise if you do not know the rules of Texas Hold'em poker. In an online game, disputes cannot arise. The fact is that the poker room program just technically cannot allow players to break the rules and strictly observes them. But what it doesn't know is that online poker players don't need to know the rules! Without knowing them, you may make the wrong decision in the auction, incorrectly assess the strength of your combination, or simply not notice it!

Hold'em poker rules may seem confusing and difficult to learn at first glance. But you just need to play this game, for example - on play chips to understand them well. You can also use simple poker simulators that are designed specifically for learning the rules of the game.

Texas Hold'em is by far the most popular of all poker variants.. All tournaments worldwide (including those played on World Series of Poker, World Poker Tour, European Poker Tour and others) offer an unlimited version of this game.

Learning how to play Texas Hold'em poker is not that difficult, but don't let the simplicity of the game fool you. Number of possible game situations so large that the game can be very difficult when played on high level. Remember the famous saying about Texas Hold'em: "You can learn in one moment, but you can improve throughout your life."

Texas Holdem Rules

So how do you play Texas Hold'em? In hold'em, players try to make the best five-card hand according to poker hands.

In hold'em, each player is dealt two cards face down, then five more cards are dealt during subsequent rounds. These open cards are called "community cards" because each player uses them to make a hand.

Five community cards are dealt in three rounds. The first three community cards are called the flop. Then only one card is dealt, called the turn. Finally, another card is dealt, the fifth and last community card is the river.

Players make combinations using the best five cards available out of seven community cards (two face-up cards and five community cards). This can be done by using both open cards in combination with three community cards, or with one card in combination with four community cards, or by using all five community cards.


Texas Hold'em is played with a standard deck of 52 cards.
The round chip is called the Button and it indicates which of the players is the dealer. After each hand is completed, it passes clockwise from one player to another.
When playing online poker, you do not have to worry about this, but in a game with friends - the dealer, in turn, will be all involved in the game.

The object of the game is to make the best combination of two of your cards and five other community cards that will be on the table. Such a combination can consist of two of your cards and three community cards, one of your cards and four community cards, or even all the community cards on the table. The player who has collected the best combination takes the entire pot, that is, the sum of all bets.


In Hold'em, there are two mandatory bets called blinds (blind bets).
The game begins with the two players to the left of the Button betting a predetermined amount before the cards are dealt.

The player after the button posts the small blind and the next player posts the big blind. The big blind is usually twice the size of the small blind. In tournaments, the blinds go up after a certain amount of time, which ensures that players are eliminated.

First betting round: preflop

The first betting round begins immediately after the cards are dealt. The first player to bet is the player immediately to the left of the player who posted the big blind.
First player:

  • must take a bet call
  • up the ante Raise
  • or fold your cards Fold

Accept a bet call- place a bet that will be equal to the big blind.

Raise the bet Raise- the player bets a larger amount of money than the previous player's bet. The size of the amount by which the player can raise the bet, depending on the type of game: in Limit games, this amount is fixed and can be limited after several rounds; in Pot Limit games, this amount cannot exceed the amount of the pot in this moment; Finally, in No Limit games, this amount can be any and is limited only by the number of player's chips.

discard cards Fold- the player places the cards face down and moves them to the middle of the table.
After that, the player does not take part in the game until the next cards are dealt, and loses all bets made by him.

The following players have the choice between the same three actions: accept a bet (Call), raise (Raise), or fold (Fold). Players can re-raise the bet (Reraise), the amount of which must be at least the size of the last raise.

Second betting round: flop

Three community cards are dealt to the table.

The second round of betting and all subsequent rounds begin with the first player to the left of the dealer who has not yet folded. In addition to accepting a bet (Call), raising the bet (Raise), or re-raising the bet (Re-Raise), the player can now check (Check), while not folding or betting until his turn again comes up.

In the event that a bet has been made, the player can accept it (Call), raise the bet (Raise) or re-raise the bet (Re-Raise). Otherwise, the player must discard the cards (Fold). Thus, at the end of the round, all players will make the same number of bets, except for the players who did not have enough chips. In this case, he can bet all the chips (All-In), and then one or more additional pots (Side Pots) appear, which limits the amount that he can win.

Third round of betting: turn

The fourth community card is dealt.

In limit games, the betting limit is doubled and remains the same in the last betting round.

Final Betting Round: River

The last, fifth community card is dealt on the table.
This is the last round of betting, after which the players reveal their cards and the winner is determined.


If two or more players have the same combination, then the player whose combination contains the second highest card (Kicker) wins. If no one has such a card (Kicker), then the pot is divided between these players.

  • Royal Flush- five cards of the same suit from ace to ten - A K Q J 10
  • Straight Flush- five cards of the same suit in order - 9 8 7 6 5
  • Kare- four identical cards of different suits - Q Q Q Q 4
  • Full house- three identical + two identical cards - J J J 8 8
  • Flash- any five cards of the same suit - A J 8 5 2
  • Straight- five cards in order - Q J 10 9 8
  • Set- three identical cards - 8 8 8 K 4
  • Two pairs- two identical cards + two identical cards - A A J J 7
  • One pair- two identical cards - 10 10 9 4 2
  • Supreme Card- five different cards A J 10 5 2

Remember that players build their hands by choosing five best cards of the seven available (two pocket cards and five community cards).

For example, if the board comes out 9 5 K 3 A , the player with two pocket cards A 9 collects two pair (aces and nines) and loses to a player who has 9 9 for a set (three nines).

Learning to hold 'em starts with understanding how hands are dealt and how to play, as described above. Of course, learning the rules of Texas Hold'em is only the beginning, as the next step is to learn strategy, which involves understanding what constitutes a good starting hand choice, the odds and probabilities involved in playing, the meaning of position, and getting the last action during those betting rounds. post-flop and in many other aspects of the game.

Texas Hold'em is one of the most popular types of poker. It is preferred by more than 90% of room players around the world. The popularity of Texas Holdem can be primarily explained by simple rules. Although often for beginners they seem not as easy as they really are. But if you compare them with other types of poker, it becomes clear that playing Texas Hold'em is easy. In this article, we will analyze in detail the rules of Texas Holdem Poker.

Getting Started in Hold'em

Let's start looking at the rules of Texas poker for dummies. Let's start with the fact that from 2 to 10 participants can gather at one cash table. But most often the game takes place with two, five and nine players. Accordingly, the more opponents, the more impressive the game bank will be at the end of the game. But along with this, another pattern follows: fewer rivals - higher chances of winning.

Hold'em rules are such that at the very beginning of the game - before the cards are dealt, two participants in the card game make mandatory bets. They are called blinds. The need to make them arises for those players who sit to the left of the dealer button (button). Each hand it moves clockwise, which ensures equal conditions between the players.

But why do Texas poker rules require blinds? They are necessary in order to form the initial bank. Due to this, players already have something to compete for.

It is important to remember that the small blind is always half the size of the big blind. The poker player who sits first from the button makes a small mandatory bet, and the next player posts the big blind.

Preflop and move options

So, according to the rules of the Texas Hold'em poker game, two participants make mandatory bets as part of the beginning of the game. After that comes the first stage of distribution. It bears the name preflop. Here, each party member receives two hole cards in his hand. They cannot be seen by other players, as they are dealt face-up.

This stage of the game should be given great importance. After all, even with only two cards, you can evaluate your chances of winning. After all, experienced poker players believe that if there is a weak hand on the preflop, there is simply no point in continuing the game further. They fold, thus avoiding large cash losses.

When the hole cards are dealt, the betting round begins. Its essence is that those players who no longer want to continue the game can leave it, and the remaining poker players put an equal number of chips into the game bank. Due to the equal stakes rule, the betting round can take place in several stages if one of the poker players wishes to bet more chips than other players.

As part of the trading circle, party members have the opportunity to make the following options for moves:

  • Call - to bet the same number of chips as the previous participants.
  • Fold - discard cards, which will lead to the termination of participation in the distribution.
  • Raise - raise the previous player's bet (the rest of the party must respond to this move).
  • All-in - go all-in and bet all available chips.

Please note that on the preflop, the poker player who sits to the left of the player who made the big blind makes the first move.

To better understand this stage of the game, we will analyze it with a specific example. Let's say a table is selected where 5 poker players have gathered. Two of them posted blinds of $1 and $2. The player sitting next to the player who posted the big blind goes first. Let's say he decides to call.

The turn rule then passes to the next player in clockwise order. He also calls. Whereas the next player has bad hole cards, which encourages him to fold. After that, the turn comes to the poker player who made the small blind. He previously bet $1, which means he only needs to deliver another $1 to call.

The player who posted the big blind goes last. If he wants to call, he doesn't need to bet anything. After all, his big blind counts. If he decides to raise, he bets additional chips. The rest of the participants must respond to such a move, otherwise they will not be able to continue the game. Let's say a player raises and bets another $2, those poker players who wish to stay in the hand must add a similar amount to the pot.

Flop, turn and river

Let's continue to look at the rules of Texas Hold'em poker for beginners. According to them, after the preflop comes the second stage - flop. It involves laying out three cards on the table. They are dealt openly and are available to everyone to make combinations. As many poker players say, if you didn’t manage to collect a combination of Pair and above on the flop, then you shouldn’t continue the game.

After evaluating the cards in hand and on the table, poker players proceed to the next round of betting. It is started by the poker player who sits to the left of the button. During this round of bidding, players have access to similar actions as in the previous one. They also have the opportunity to make these additional moves:

  • Check - skip the move, while the poker player remains in the hand;
  • Bet - set the desired number of chips to continue the game (available if no player has bet yet).

It is important to understand that since the players in the game can check, the flop can go without a single bet and end there. That's why mandatory blinds and the first round of bidding are so important, because only then will it be interesting to play.

The rules of Texas Hold'em provide for four stages of the game. We have considered only two above. Now it is the turn of the next, third stage, which is called " turn". Here another card is laid out on the table. It is also available for making combinations to all the remaining players in the hand. Then comes the next round of betting, according to the same rules as on the flop.

The last stage of the game of Texas Hold'em - river. It is decisive, since the fifth community card is laid out on the table. Now the players understand whether they managed to collect the intended combinations and how strong the hand turned out to be. Based on this, they proceed to the final round of bidding. It goes like the previous one.

If after the round of bidding there are at least two players left, then a showdown occurs - a showdown. Each player shows his hand in turn - in the same order as when placing chips. The rules of Texas Hold'em poker are such that the entire game bank goes to the participant in the party who managed to collect the strongest combination.

Texas poker rules do not prohibit playing with a bluff. If one of the players, even with a weak hand, forced all his opponents to fold, then he will get the entire pot.

However, in some distributions draws are formed - equality of hands. How are such controversial situations resolved according to the rules of Texas Hold'em poker? In this case, poker players who have collected equivalent combinations divide the game bank equally among themselves. Thus, several winners are announced.

Texas poker combinations

It is important not only to know the rules of poker Holdem, but also the principle of formation of combinations, as well as their seniority. Only then will you be able to adequately evaluate your hand and make the right decisions during the betting circles.

Let's start with the fact that when making combinations, only five cards, although seven are available to poker players within the game. Everyone decides for himself which of them to use to make combinations.

It is important to remember one more thing - there are 10 combinations in Texas poker. Suit never matters. Each of them has its own seniority. The stronger the combination, the higher the chances of winning.

Let's start looking at combinations. Let's start to analyze them from the youngest combination and go up, not forgetting to give examples for a better understanding:

  • The kicker is the highest card in the hand. For example, a player has the following combination: 2-5-9-J-K of different suits. The kicker here will be the king. If several poker players have a similar high card, then the next one will be compared to determine the winner, and so on.
  • A pair is two cards that have the same rank. Such a combination may look like this: A-A-5-9-10. In this case, aces are a pair, if the other participant has such a combination, the rank of such a combination is compared. If the opponent has a pair of queens, then he will lose to a poker player with two aces.
  • Two pairs - two cards of one denomination and two of another. Here is an example: 6-6-10-10-3. There are times when several poker players have this combination. In this case, the highest pair is compared first, and, if necessary, the lowest pair and the kicker.
  • Set (trips, three of a kind) - three cards that have the same face value. Such a combination may look like this: A-A-A-7-8.
  • Straight - five cards that go sequentially at face value. For example: 5-6-7-8-9. If several poker players have a Straight, the highest card in combination is compared to determine who will take the money at stake.
  • A flush is five cards of the same suit. Here is an example of such a combination: 8-10-J-K-A diamonds. Since the suit does not matter in Texas Hold'em poker, if there are two or more Flushes in the hand, the winner is determined by the kicker.
  • Full House - this combination forms a Pair and a Set. For example: 2-2-7-7-7. When several Full Houses are collected during the game, the poker player who takes the pot is determined by the Set. If such a combination is identical, then Pair is compared.
  • Four of a kind - four cards of the same value. This combination may look like this: 4-4-4-4-9.
  • Straight Flush - A flush in which the cards are consecutive. For example: 7-8-9-10-J spades.
  • Royal Flush is the highest combination that has one suit and starts from 10 and ends with an ace. Here's an example: 10-J-Q-K-T diamonds.

It is important to understand that collecting higher-order combinations is not an easy task. The likelihood of their formation is minimal. That is why many players aim to form weaker combinations, because even in major championships, poker players often win with a Pair or Set.

Limits in Texas Poker

Also, beginners need to have an idea about the limits in Texas poker. Then you definitely can't go wrong with a cash table. So, the following formats of playing Texas poker are distinguished:

  • Fixed Limit - Hold'em rules limit the maximum bet size. It is indicated in advance in the table name and does not change throughout the game.
  • Pot limit - the maximum bet is always limited only by the current size of the playing pot. So, by the end of the game, its value can be at an impressive level.
  • No Limit - the maximum bet is limited only by the size of the stacks of players. It is the game in this format that is characterized by dynamism and aggressiveness, since most often large sums are at stake.

Summing up

Texas poker is one of the most exciting card games that has won recognition all over the world. Millions of people have already mastered it and turned it into their hobby, and some into a permanent source of income. You shouldn't stay away. Start mastering the rules of Texas poker, and then join other players at the cash tables.

Learning the rules of Texas poker will help you navigate the online game x, or rather in poker rooms. In such games, nuances are very important, but it is not at all difficult to delve into them, as it might seem at first glance. For a clear assimilation of the rules, after the material studied in this article, it is worth trying to play with free chips.

This is a great way to practice the game without spending any money. This article does not explain how to win at poker, but only explains in detail to beginners the existing rules of Texas poker. In Texas Hold'em, the rules are similar to other card games, but also slightly different. So having experience in other games will make it easier to understand, but it's still worth learning the rules below.

Winning the pot is the main goal of the game. The player can do this in two ways. Either knock out all rivals from the auction, or open more winning combination

Poker table rules Texas Holdem

The rules can be slightly modified directly within the game. Significant differences are visible on the tables and tournaments in this type of poker. Knowing about such features can be useful when you need to choose tables and strategies. Types of tables for Hold'em may differ:

  • by the number of players. The minimum number of players is 2, and the maximum is 10. A limit on the number of free seats is set for each table. For example, a 6-max table can be played by two to six people. As long as there is vacancies, other players can sit at this table and join the game. The maximum allowed number of players at a 2-max table is two, at a 9-max table it is nine, and so on.
  • by betting limit. There are three types of bets that differ from each other by the amount of the maximum allowed bet: no-limit, pot-limit and limit Hold'em. In no limit, you can bet on any amount. In pot limit, it cannot exceed the size of the entire pot. And in Limit Hold'em, it is not allowed to bet above the blind in the first two auctions and above two blinds in the next.
  • By the size of the required rates. The size of the mandatory bet usually does not change throughout the game. And when there is a tournament, the stakes increase. An exception may be some exotic formats.

The above rules are subject to change. Two different tables will have different rules, which is important to consider when choosing a strategy for successful game. AT online poker room the number of players, the format and size of the bet affects the formation of a particular table.

Dealer and mandatory bid

Before the beginning new game or distribution, the players must make a mandatory bet - the blind. The size of this bet is discussed between the players in advance (offline game). In the poker room, the size of the required bet is set by the rules of the table. The blind cannot change after each hand. In addition, it is placed in turn, which equates all players to the same position (tournaments are an exception). The two players to the left of the dealer are the first to make a mandatory bet.

The dealer is a direct participant in the game who deals cards. If there is a croupier or automatic distribution in the game, the dealer is present and has a special chip - the button, moving clockwise around the table.

The participant of the game, sitting next to the dealer, must put the small blind (the mandatory bet is the minimum in size). And the player who is on the left hand of the dealer puts the big blind (double the small bet). This player will post the small blind next time. And the participant sitting on the left bets big, because he has not bet before.

There is also the concept of Ante bet. It's also a mandatory bet. It enlivens the game, adds dynamism and increases the bank. All players bet it with each new distribution. Ante is used most often in a tournament, but it is rare at a cash table.

Rules for Dealing Cards in Texas Hold'em

For every street where cards are dealt in Texas Hold'em poker, there must be an auction. The distribution of cards occurs in stages, and each stage has a specific definition:

  • Preflop - each participant in the game has a pair of cards that no one else sees. These are the so-called pocket cards;
  • The flop is three cards laid out on the table that all players can see. They are also called community cards or a board;
  • Turn - another card laid out to the previous three;
  • River - The fifth card added to the rest on the table;

All five cards will be open on the table when the game reaches the last street. And two cards are still in hand. The bank can be played in each of the auctions, so the game may not reach the showdown.

Hold'em combinations

Having understood the main goal of poker, it is important not to forget that the main way to win the pot is to make a winning hand. In Texas Hold'em poker, it is allowed to make high combinations that are classic. These combinations are based on seven cards (preflop and the main five cards).

Of all seven cards, the player must choose only five to make the strongest combination in his opinion. If such a combination requires five cards (Flush, Straight, etc.) this is a five-card combination. When only two or three cards are needed, to complete the combination, the highest cards from the player's possession should be taken. For example:

The player has three Aces and four other cards that are not included in the Three of Aces. Let's say he has the highest cards Queen and eight. These cards are part of the hand. The queen is not included in the combination and is the highest card (kicker). If another player also has Aces, the winner will be determined by the seniority of the kicker.

You can compare the combinations of participants after the showdown. When the hand ends early, each player's combination is irrelevant and does not determine the winner. At the showdown, the winner is determined by the presence of the highest combination in hand. He takes over the bank.

Betting in Texas Hold'em Poker

In poker, betting is called the same as distributions (preflop, flop, turn, river). They are carried out on every street and the main goal of the participants in the game is to open the cards at an acceptable price, or to find out which one is next. Each bet increases the pot. While the auctions are going on, the players make decisions. They may announce:

  • Check- when the bet is completely absent. This can happen when a participant in the game makes the first move or there were no bets before this move. It is also acceptable to check during the big blind, provided that other players have a lower bet than the blind. If a poker player has decided to Check, he will be able to bet only if one of the other players raises theirs.
  • Beth is the minimum bet. The big blind in the first two rounds is equal to this bet. And in each subsequent round, Bet is equal to two blinds.
  • Raise- a raise bet that is larger than the bets made by other players. In response to a raise, the opponent can make a response, the so-called re-raise.
  • All-in– type of bet, equal to the stack of the participant in the game. The player can bet absolutely all his chips. At the same time, if another participant in the game equalizes the bet, they wait for the showdown to determine who won by the highest cards.
  • fold- the participant of the game must stop participating in the distribution of cards. The player folds his cards and gives back his chips invested in the pot. He no longer claims to win.

Each participant in the game, having compared his abilities and the moves of his opponents, has the right to withdraw from the distribution so as not to incur losses. Also, the player can raise the stakes, thereby increasing the bank or reach the showdown, investing minimally. Very often, players make decisions by bluffing, demonstrating a winning or losing combination, in fact, they do not have one.

As soon as all participants in the game are equal in terms of rates, the auction stops. Each participant has the right to make a second decision on the same street. For example, one of the players bet Bet, and the other player raises. Then the first player must again make a decision.

He has the right to fold, equalize the bet with the opponent's bet or raise it. In Texas Hold'em, the rules allow a maximum of three raises per round per player. When all participants have equalized, additional community cards can be opened and a new street will begin. After that, all bets are compared, and all cards are shown.

Additional chips

Buying the required number of chips is an important part of the rules of poker. What people are used to seeing in films about mortgaging real estate, money, and other property is an absolute lie. There is no other way to increase the pot except for chips. This is a strict rule of any poker.

During the auction, players can invest the chips already in the game - the stack. The player does not have the right to increase the stack by dealing pocket cards. In addition, the rules limit the number of chips for players. But their stacks may differ in size. This situation can be easily resolved.

The player with fewer chips is not allowed to buy more to compare with the other player's bet. He has the right to bet completely with his stack and, if he wins, take a pot that is identical in size to his. In this case, his opponent will take back the remaining chips.

Buying additional chips is only allowed between hands. The same rule applies to tournaments, where during the rebuy, the player must pay an additional tournament fee.

How to determine the winner

According to the rules of Texas Hold'em, the pot can be won with or without a showdown. If all players fold, the only one who doesn't fold is the winner. Having equalized all bets, and when the bidding reaches the river, the players open their pocket cards and compare combinations to determine the winner. The one with the strongest combination wins. The remaining participants lost and can start a new game.

Controversial moments in Texas Hold'em

If you want to not only play poker, but also win, a beginner needs to study the existing rules and various nuances of the game as carefully as possible. The emergence of controversial situations - a common thing in any game. This is the difference between an online game and a regular one. Breaking the rules is simply technically impossible.

In addition, the program of the poker room itself follows them strictly. While this does not exempt players from learning existing rules. Indeed, in this case, it is possible to make an erroneous decision that will cost money. Ignorance of combinations will also entail a loss.

There is absolutely nothing complicated in poker, as it seems to beginners. Confusing and difficult to remember combinations are learned over time, and the game turns into a pleasure. In addition to self-reading the rules, there are special poker simulators, thanks to which you can hone your skills.