Rules of war strategic troops. Useful tips for playing the "rules of war of nuclear strategy". What emitters give in the Rules of War

I will make a reservation “on the coast”, in my article I will not tell you about various bugs and hacks of the game. If someone wanted to read about this, then you are not to me. I will only tell those secrets that are based on the experience of other players. After all, everyone knows that starting any event, even if it is new game, without knowing the elementary rules and nuances, you can make a bunch of mistakes. These are the secrets I will tell you about.

  • Invite your friends to play Rules of War - Nuclear Strategy. The more friends and allies you have in the game, the bigger your army will be. And the defense is stronger.
  • When entering the game daily, as well as during the game, various bonuses will appear in your sector: uranium, titanium, credits. You can also collect bonuses in the sectors of your friends.
  • Crystals in the game are better spent on improving the army, in other cases it is not profitable.
  • It is cost-effective to improve resources only up to the tenth level. In the future, their payback decreases by almost 2 or even 3 times.
  • Since the increase in the sector is expensive, you should not get carried away with the development of factories. There is little income, but an expensive place is occupied.
  • It is not advisable to build a black market building, the place is occupied and there is no benefit.
  • When building towers, gate walls, it is worth considering that they will cost less if you complete the task of building them. Otherwise, they cost at least 25 crystals.
  • Each time you increase the perimeter and build new walls, you will have to demolish the previously built fortifications (walls, towers), i.e. pay twice!
  • All erected fortifications of the perimeter: towers, walls, etc. are meaningless for defense if there are no troops in the perimeter at the time of the attack.
  • Warehouse and bank protect only half of the resources from the capacity.
  • In order to protect yourself from robberies, do not store more than 50% in the bank and in the warehouse, in this case the enemy will take away only 5%.
  • To protect yourself from robberies, you should improve the warehouse and the bank.
  • You can only rob another player for 80 resources.
  • When attacking, do not take defensive troops with you. And vice versa. Do not use attacking troops in defense.
  • But it is better to keep the occupied sector with defensive troops, and remove the occupation by attacking ones.
  • For the occupation, you will only receive a rating, crystals receive only first places.
  • Robbery of an occupied sector automatically removes the occupation from it.
  • If you are occupied, you should not immediately remove the occupation. The enemy who has occupied you will not be able to rob you and other opponents too.
  • Until the ninth sector, no one can attack you. Therefore, you have time to improve your troops. Also send your army for reinforcements to the sectors, so you can increase it.
  • Allies get to each other 20 times faster than to the usual sector, in a maximum of 1 hour. The maximum travel time to a normal sector does not exceed 24 hours, even if it is ten thousand kilometers away.

Of course, there are still a lot of nuances and secrets in the game, only everyone comes to them on their own. So play and win.

After the first Launch Total Domination you will probably ask yourself what should I do to quickly get comfortable in the game? First of all, take the tutorial. game character General Lapidus will tell you about the basics of strategy, show you how game mechanics, for which certain parameters are responsible, and will also help to assemble a solid army and a large amount of resources (titanite, loans and uranium).

Training is built on simple tasks, for which you are entitled to a reward - crystals ( game currency, which is purchased for real money) and experience. Taking into account the fact that no one can attack you for five days (the game protects beginners from aggressive players in this way), do not look for trouble - at first it is very important to accumulate and not lose a serious advantage.

After the training is over, you go to free swimming. In addition, the game itself will tell you what you need to do first. Do not rush to improve all resource mines and housing complexes at once or spend endless money on building an army. You risk missing useful and vital bonuses in the form of experience and elite troops.

Assignments will generally affect all aspects of the game: create 10 soldiers, upgrade the housing complexes to level 5, research the Nuclear Batteries technology, build the Consulate building, etc. Sometimes tasks will require a large amount of resources. In order not to wait for your mines to pick them up on their own, attack your neighbors, make alliances, join clans, behave aggressively, but only within reasonable limits.

Always keep in mind one simple truth: if you attacked someone first, your opponent will surely want revenge. The goal of any attack is to steal a large amount of resources, bring them to the base and quickly spend them until they are taken from you again.

If you do not want to spend your personal finances on creating a powerful army and arranging a base (this is not necessary), then you have another way: buy everything for resources. Yes, it's long, but you have nowhere to hurry. Over time, studying technologies and improving buildings takes a day, or even two. Some will find it tedious, but on the other hand, the game itself is not fast. The journey from point A to point B can take from five minutes to several hours.

During the development of your sector, you may also have a question: what tactics is better to choose - aggressive or defensive? The problem is that there is no single correct answer. You can play the way you like.

If you prefer to play alone, then the aggressive style is perfect for you. To do this, you need to study technologies for units, for example, for infantrymen or valkyries. Each upgrade adds +2% to attack and defense. The first units are the cheapest, but no less effective. The benefit from them increases at the moment when, after the next cleansing of the local ruins, you get artillery or air types of troops. Your damage is noticeably increased and the survivability of the army increases. It is possible that after each sweep of the sector, ordinary infantrymen will die, and the loss of equipment will be reduced to a minimum. When you have the opportunity to build shock and siege tanks, life will become a little easier.

Creating defensive units for base defense is not a must for a simple reason: they are quite weak at first, and the attacking army is usually stronger and consists of different types of troops. So you can not avoid raids from neighbors. In addition, they still won’t destroy your base, they will only steal a certain amount of resources that they can carry away, and that’s it. Accordingly, in order to always stay afloat, we advise you to attack your neighbors as often as possible. The main thing is not to forget to send troops to the bunker after the attack, otherwise you risk being left with nothing. It may take several days to create a new combat-ready army.

Someone will ask, what is the point of the game? The answer is very simple: you choose your own path and try to stay afloat as long as possible.

So, you started playing and a lot of questions arise, among which “what to do” dominates. Sometimes "what's going on". I'll try to answer.
The main task is to develop our own sector.
Complete the tasks of Lapidus - this is the easiest way to develop the sector. Crystals that are given for completing tasks, try not to spend. Your goal is Bur. A very useful thing. If there are tasks that require the cost of crystals, complete them only as part of the task. This is a sampler, further it will be many times more expensive.

First of all, take care of the economy of the sector: mines, mines (up to level 12), residential complexes (up to level 20), a financial corporation, a smelter and a uranium enrichment laboratory.
Until you build at least two thousand heavy defenses to protect the sector (gaussies, mortars, intercepts, orbits), keep the troops always, ALWAYS !!, in the bunker. There is a hornbeam, occupation, or you just went to sleep - your troops should be hidden.

The economy of the sector is the basis of the game. The main resource of the game, no matter how strange it may seem - time. You may have a bunch of all the resources, but in certain moment you will understand that you have a queue for troops for months, and in this moment there is no sense in it. As an option - the acceleration of production for crystals (real money), but this is not suitable for everyone. Another option is saving. Always and in everything. Do not get into a conflict, let others merge, the more you save, the more it will be later.
The main way to extract resources is to rob neighbors. You should not immediately rush to the attack, but you must be ready for action.

About behavior in the game in general: in a word - politeness. Treat everyone who writes to you as to the best friend. Regardless of what he writes. Trolling is as much a weapon as your army. You can be insulted on racial, national or personal qualities, far beyond the bounds of decency.

Insults can force you to attack a sector in which def has already been collected from several sectors. As a result, you will lose the army and get nothing, and the enemy will gain experience at your expense. Never avenge a raid on your sector. Revenge is not allowed in this game. The return raid is calculated, perhaps even the meaning of this raid is in your answer. Personally, in my memory there is a case when one person brought down all the sieges in the area, including mine. When I wrote to him, he replied that this was a hunt for noobs and his entire clan was in danger in his sector. And according to him, they performed very well, their personal affairs improved noticeably.

Fighting trolling - ignore or politeness. Do not answer or ridicule your opponent without overstepping the bounds of politeness. In fact, politeness is the same trolling. If the enemy sees that he cannot piss you off and he only makes you laugh, this is your victory.

How to walk to locations

Locations. Also quite an interesting thing that allows you to significantly increase your army. Let me explain by type:
Imperial (Imperial) - locations with a fixed bonus (those with a skull on the emblem). Don't touch them. In general, even the 1st level. The fact is that to break through them you need a lot more troops than for similar quests. It is better to leave them for later, when you can break through them without much cost.
Normal — all locations on the radar except quest ones.
Quest - locations of the highest level for you, for which there is a task.

It is more profitable to complete quests as late as possible, because at high levels it takes a lot more experience to get a new one.

The optimal tactic is this - send infantry and maximum armored vehicles to locations. In order to always receive a bonus, after the previous bonus (for example, you received 100 cops), you need to calculate how many resources (titanite + uranium + credits) are needed to build these troops, and then merge troops in it for the same amount of resources in the next location. In this case, you will receive, as a rule, troops top level also with an increase of 50%. The whole point of the locations is the exchange of your simple troops for stronger ones.

In order to receive troops in the form of bonuses, you must try to open locations at the very moment when your warehouses and banks are full. For if they are empty, then the game is calculated in such a way that the probability of getting resources in the form of bonuses is greater precisely with empty storage

Take your time with level 100 locations. Get to it and don't punch, do 80-99. After each “weave”, the balance shifts down, so you need to drain more than you took. So the location of the 100th level only needs to be broken once, take the maximum prize and don’t touch it at all anymore. Feed her well so that the prize is sure to be.

Clan rankings in the Rules of War

By themselves, clans do not give anything, by itself, a clan is a gathering of people who say: we are strength, we are a clan, they flatter themselves, in reality, a clan is a bunch of gopniks who have huddled together and terrorize passers-by (comparison from real life), hence the question: how many they can terrorize the people? Long enough if they are close; quite ineffective, if far away.

The maximum time for troops to reach any sector is a day. In a day, you can finish building and collect def in the neighbors. Therefore, the main plus of the clan (the only one, moreover) is to collect a clan defense for an ambush and repel the enemy. There are many more disadvantages - do not attack the sectors of the allies, listen to the requests, the main thing is to follow the orders of the commanders, no matter how stupid they are, some clans also have a def tax, which is allocated to the rays.

What emitters give in the Rules of War

Capturing new emitters from Morgans is, of course, much easier than knocking out clans that have settled on old emitters.
Knowing date appearance new radiators in game Rules of war you get clear advantage because. you can prepare attack for successful capture, and also the necessary number defensive troops for further retention emitter.

So when do new emitters appear in the Rules of War game?

I confess that only the developers can know the exact date. But despite this, we can predict the date based on the past experience of the emergence of new emitters.

There is a rather truthful opinion that new emitters appear on the official server of the game every 4 months.

The first batch of emitters, which I found personally, appeared on December 14, 2012.
The following emitters appeared 16 April 2013 year i.e. almost exactly 4 months later.

How to loot in Rules of War

If your warehouses are pumped, 50% of the resources are taken (from each warehouse, but not more than 100 tons in total, this includes loans), then 5% of what you have is taken (this is perfectly described in the rules).

Countermeasures: first and foremost: you should never have a lot of resources in your sector, no one needs an empty sector! Second, if they still get you, then do the same - rivet the infantry and send it to the enemy 10 times a day. 200 infantrymen can do quite a lot in the usual non-fortified sector (fortified ones are a separate conversation), where only offs are built. Thus, you will prevent the enemy from being built, and this is already a lot, and the infantrymen are riveted quickly.

Intelligence service. It is enough to have 70-150 reconnaissance, for reconnaissance (most often) 5-10 scouts are sent: they either die or reconnoiter. If they die, it makes sense to probe - suddenly the feeder began to be built and has a bunch of troops, killing which, you can get experience. If they don’t die, then boldly go and rob the rivers.

How to distribute nanopods

Nanopods can be redistributed, but only 1 time for free. Then we invest real, so do not rush.

I suggest that everyone initially study Recycle and Mutation Cost.
You all have a lot of unnecessary loans at the moment, but believe me, there will come a moment that will not disappear anywhere when you will need loans all the time. It is credits that determine the size of your army. Recycling is your salvation. It takes a long time to study, but eventually you have to learn.

Mutation cost- speaks for itself. The amount of antigen is limited and the number of your mutated troops directly depends on the leveling of this improvement.

Further, for players who do not use the status of the elite, you can pump +1 robbery. Resources are not redundant.
It is very useful to pump the number of mines, but in fact it is worth doing after the 75th lvl, otherwise you get sick of fighting back.

The most profitable units

We analyze which units in which situations should be built. I asked myself a question and calculated a table with the indicators of all units. By the way, the table turned out to be useful, I did not know this myself))
Column 2 shows the cost of the unit, which is used when calculating the bonus on locations.
Column 3: unit production time in seconds
Column 4: unit's attack/defense index. The indicator is accepted when the status of the elite of the 10th level is on, but it does not affect the overall percentage of attack / defense.
Column 5: Shows the ability to produce an attack/defense if enough resources are available.
Column 6: affects the location bonus. If you need to remove the bonus from the location, follow these indicators.
Column 7: all units eat. When there are a lot of them, they eat a lot. Consider the consumption of credits by your army.

Next: what to build when.
It all depends on your horns. How limited are you in resources and for what purpose are you building troops. The location calculation uses the unit's total cost. At the same time, column 6 should be used for the production of troops. In the end, this will give you a greater location bonus.
In case of a lack of resources, the same column 6 should be used, but the smallest values ​​​​should be chosen. In this case, less resources will be spent, but there will be an increase in attack / defense. Well, if you want to quickly make an attack / defense, look at column 5. By default, this is an interceptor and an orbital cannon, and by the absolute leader, an infantryman.
Therefore, I recommend for production (if resources are available):
Mortar or Gauss Cannon
Orbital cannon

With an excess of credits during production, you should build troops with the maximum price for credits: Sniper, Heavy, Pyrotechnician, Rocketeer (these have almost half the cost of credits) Liquidator, Protector; Chastener; Orbital Cannon and Fighter.

Here are the secrets of the game called "Rules of War - Nuclear Strategy". Some of them are not secrets at all, but simply knowledge on how to properly use the game mechanics to your advantage. In addition, this section will publish various tips on choosing the best strategy and tactics in this game, this, of course, will help to destroy the enemies.

Read also the following articles:

  • (Russian version / )

1. If there is a task to build a gate, wall or tower, all this will cost much less (since the task is a quest). For example, a level 4 gate and a wall will only cost 25 crystals.

2. Never use defensive troops to attack! It doesn't make sense, it's been tested, on my own experience, I've tested it more than once, also on a combat simulator. You will lose much more defensive troops that you will take with you into battle with the enemy. At the same time, you will not cause serious damage to the enemy and will not break his army, even with numerical superiority. The same is true with the defense with the help of attacking troops. All the time try to deflect the attack from the attack, and even better all the troops, then you will avoid the battle. It is also worth spending resources, then they will not go to the enemy.

3. There is a proportion between the death of troops and their number. This means that if there is only one unit in the army, then it dies only with very large losses. You can use this if you decide to buy 1 cruiser "Peacemaker", it must be sent exclusively with an escort, such an escort can guarantee the preservation of the cruiser when there are only small defensive troops.

4. Crystals need to be spent on training new troops (or speeding up the creation of new units, if necessary) and increasing resource productivity (when production is from 800/hour). Everything else is less profitable.

5. There is absolutely no need to upgrade titanium and uranium mines, meaning after reaching level 11! Obviously, it makes no sense to spend 55 thousand crystals on the 12th level, since it no longer increases the productivity of the mines. At higher levels, everything is even worse, starting from the 13th, the production of the mine begins to increase by 10, the 13th level comes out to pay off in just a year! Indeed, a whole natural year, real, not game, time. You can invest these resources in troops and plunder the surroundings. This, by the way, is a fairly obvious secret of the game, but many, nevertheless, continue to improve the mines.

6. Occupation does not give anything at all except for rating points in the table! No need to waste time. It is much more useful to rob such sectors.

7. When you are occupied, do not rush to remove the occupation! This fact doesn't do you anything particularly bad. And if some serious enemy occupied you at all, then you can assume that you are safe. He will not rob you, this time. Most likely, others will not rob you either, because they will be afraid of your serious occupier, these are two. (Note: if you rob an occupied sector, then the occupation is removed from it).

8.Secrets of movement in the game "Rules of War":

i. The maximum movement time in the Rules of War is 24 hours. That is, you will definitely get to absolutely any point in no more than 24 hours, even if it is quite far away.

ii. The speed of movement to the mines and to the allies is increased by 24 times, the maximum movement time to the mines or to the allies is 1 hour.

9. In order to protect yourself from robberies, do not leave banks and warehouses filled with more than 50%, otherwise the enemy will be able to carry away only 5% of the resources, and in the opposite case - half of all resources!

10. When you get robbed frequently, there are several effective ways to stop it.

i. You can try to just talk to the offender and ask them not to attack you for a certain time.

ii. You can spend all the resources you can in defensive troops so that the enemy, when he comes, suffers significant losses and does not take anything with him. This, of course, will slow down development, but it will repel strangers.

If you want to collect several units, then you should send them to those sectors that have not yet reached level 9, since no one can attack them. So, the army will be all safe and sound.

Robbery protection
What to do if you are constantly being robbed? You want to accumulate troops, but how? Probably many people ask these questions. There is nothing difficult to survive in this game, you just need to be guided common sense, this is, if you think about it, a small life. The main rule in this case is not to be more interesting for the robber. different ways how to implement it, we will consider.

First, remember that you should not write to another player something like: “Stop robbing me!”, “Hey, I will find you in real life and ...” Threats usually do not work or they work in the opposite direction. There is, in fact, a very high probability that the recipient will rob twice as often. If the enemy robs you, then he seeks to appropriate resources, but when you shower him with insults, you will reincarnate as his personal enemy, and he will definitely take revenge, perhaps even to his own detriment. And things will get much worse. You don't have to bring it up. Try to communicate calmly, reasonably and tolerantly, if you are not sure that this particular player robbed you, then it’s better not to write to him at all.

How to become uninteresting?

1. Wasting resources. Your warehouses should always be empty. You must not allow the warehouse to be filled with more than 50%, this has a consequence - you can be robbed of half of the total capacity of your warehouses. And when your warehouses are less than half filled, the attacker can only carry away 5%.

2. In the case when you enter the game quite rarely and do not have the opportunity to spend resources all the time, then increase the warehouses. If the extraction of resources is somewhere around 1000 / hour, then a warehouse of the 18th or 20th level is completely sufficient. During the day, the warehouse will be filled no more than half.

3. There is no less effective, but more radical way. You must spend all resources using them on defensive units. This is very expensive, but after several attempts to rob you, the enemy will definitely not be delighted. Excess titanium can be exchanged, for example, for uranium on the market 1 to 1, this is without any problems, and again invest them in defense. In addition to everything, we carry out the starting point and then the enemy loses troops, so he also leaves with practically nothing. This is how you can accumulate more troops (see below how) and further put them on defense.

4. When you are robbed by 1 enemy, or a maximum of 2, you can try to send them credits, there are quite a lot of them in the game. What for? The limit for the transfer of resources between sectors is 50 thousand per week. If you decide to transfer it all to him in actually depreciated loans, he will definitely leave you with zeros. You can read more about the limit in the article Multiplayer and bypassing the limit.

Methods of accumulation of troops.

1. Only built troops you should send for reinforcements to an abandoned city up to level 9 nearby. No one has the opportunity to attack him, so the troops will definitely be safe and, importantly, they can be returned at any time.

2. Also, so that the troops do not stand idle, you can send them to an ally (if any are available). Of course, you have no guarantee that they will be safe, but still, this is how the troops perform their immediate function.

What should I do when I am being attacked right now?

1. Most importantly, don't panic. Assess your opponent if this is his first attack. Think how much bigger army he might have. If the attack occurs after a significant period of time (from an hour), then remember this time, and then you can enter the game and take action.

2. Suppose the enemy is stronger than you, then withdraw your army. You can even try to hide them, for example, by sending reinforcements to a sector that is below level 9. Even if you are attacked by a weak enemy, it is better to think about whether it is worth spending your troops on defense, perhaps it is still better to withdraw them.

3. It's better if you spend your resources before the attack, send them to your allies, and after the attack, they will certainly be able to return them to you. I can’t imagine what will happen if you decide to put your resources on the market (in the original Travian game, the resources that were put on the market and were considered to be in the warehouse, then they could also be stolen), now this method is being tested.