Passage of the game harry potter gof. Harry potter and the goblet of fire game walkthrough. Bonus again, now it will be - Bobutubler

Movement - WASD or directional arrows.

C - spells are chosen by the character automatically.

Z - Accio (pulling an object).

S is the combined spell of all three Magicus Extremos characters.

"Space" - confirmation of the choice. The most important key (instead of Enter).

Backspace - cancel selection, return.

Esc - pause, skip videos.

I - information on the level.

Tasty items that add energy: beans, chocolate frogs, pumpkins and muffins. The chocolate frog gives an extra life to the character you are playing as (if other characters die, they will be "resurrected" without losing the chocolate frogs). Do not pass by buckets, boxes, chests and other suspicious objects from which you can repeatedly knock out beans (hit X).

At the beginning of each level, you are asked to choose a main character. Each of the three characters has unique abilities, so I advise you to experiment and not play one Harry Potter. Then you will be prompted to either automatically select cards for each character, or assign them yourself. The card gives the character an additional specific skill (for example, the type of attack or advantage over the enemy). In order to assign cards yourself, you need to click on the “cards” icon at the top of the screen. The first closed card will be highlighted. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the available cards. Confirm your choice with a space and proceed to the next card selection. If you run out of lives, the level will have to be replayed, so choose the strongest cards.

After the level, the results are summed up. For the collected beans, you can purchase cards from six sets for each character. Each set also consists of six cards. By purchasing six small cards, you will receive a large one and can also choose it at the beginning of the level, like any small one.

There are also quest cards and creature cards (they are filled in automatically). You can view these cards by pressing C and scrolling through the Harry, Hermione and Ron cards. After you meet a new enemy, a card will appear after the level, giving you an advantage over this enemy. This card can be selected at the beginning of the level.

Quest cards (three sets) - specific tasks for each level (in the first set you need to find the disappearing card, in the second set you need to find all the dragon statues, in the third set you need to find all the evil detectors / cranes / shovels / mushrooms / gargoyles).

Some levels will have to be completed several times: for the first time - according to the scenario, then - in free passage.

There are shields hidden in each level that must be collected to unlock the next levels. Shields are large and small (mini-shields). For collecting ten mini shields, you will receive one large shield.

2. Training

Your task is to run to the bridge, killing the swamps and collecting colorful beans. How to deal with the bogweed: hit him several times (X), then hold and hold C. After the blow, the bogweed should roll over on its back, after the spell - rise into the air. When the swamp swirls and bursts, don't forget to quickly collect the beans.

Several times you will have to move aside fallen trees and stones; practice (you need to hold C and pull the tree in parallel with the arrows).

3. Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson Part One

There are no shields. Enemies are swamps.

The lesson includes the passage of three halls and the battle with the swamps. At the end of the level is a book with a new spell "Aqua Eructo".

4. Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson Part Two

One big shield. The enemies are salamanders.

This level is the passage of three halls and training in the fight against salamanders. Just like with the swamps, you need to first stun the enemy with a blow, then cast the spell until the salamander turns into some kind of funny creature (for example, a rabbit). The finishing blow and the beans are yours. You can also throw a stone at the salamander. Important: first you need to extinguish the fire, then deal with salamanders (otherwise they will be born again).

The level is purely linear. When you finish wandering through the halls, you will get to the roof. Don't forget the frogs and cupcakes, go up the stairs and put out the fire blowers. Deal with numerous salamanders. After completing the level, you will receive the first Great Shield.

5. Towers of Hogwarts

Vanishing Map, five Evil Detectors, five Dragon figurines, seven Great Shields. Enemies are shiplings and salamanders.

When you select this level, you will see the inscription on the screen: “One shield is missing to open the next level” (that is, when you find one large shield, the level automatically ends). There are three directions - Roof, Pond and Tower. The pond can only be fully completed after completing the "Herbology" level.

1) Roof (you need to run down the screen and go down the stairs).

On the way, you will almost automatically pick up Mini Shield #1. On the right in the corner is the first Evil Detector (an eye on a metal leg), which is killed by an "X" strike. Without going down, run to the left to the wall, next to which there are three cubes. The cubes need to be moved to the wall like this: below - two cubes side by side, on them - the third cube. Get on the roof. Immediately you will see the first figurine of the Dragon (disenchanted by hitting "X"). Run right along the window and take the Big Shield #1.

Reload the level. Now you will be immediately at the checkpoint. Run very fast towards the cubes. Near the wall in the parapet there is a gap and a bridge to the lower roof: a Disappearing Map hangs in the air above the bridge. If you don't make it, you'll have to reload the level.

Then go down another bridge to the lower roof. Raise explosion-cauldrons and break walls of rooms. Behind one of the walls you will find Evil Detector #2. Pay attention to the raised platforms in the center of the roof: on the first of them is Dragon #2. Having climbed onto this platform, lift it into the air and throw a cube from the second platform into some room. Break the walls of the rooms and free yourself a passage to the third platform. Drag the cube to the third platform, place it under the wall and climb up to the Big Shield #2.

Reload the level. Once again return to the roofs, break the walls with explosion-cauldrons to the lower left room. You will see a fountain. Hit it with a cauldron: Mini Shield #2 will appear in the stream of water. To get it, use Accio (Z).

Then break the walls to the very end on the left side, where Mini-Shield #3 is hidden in the room with the salamander, and two chocolate frogs are jumping in the other room (if you run out of lives, you can always return here and resupply). You will see a circular platform and four large dragon statues. Mini Shield #4 is hidden in one of the statues (statues are broken by cauldrons).

Run left through the fire blowers to the area with two large dragon statues. You will have to put out three hearths with salamanders, then find Dragon No. 3 behind the far left fountain. Evil Detector #3 is near the right fountain.

The fifth mini-shield is hidden in the right pillar of the tower behind you (here in this one, after I successfully broke it with a cauldron):

Then you need to hit the tower support, which is guarded by statues, with an explosion-cauldron, and pick up Big Shield #3.

2) Tower (you need to run down the screen past the stairs along the wall with bars and do not go down the stairs at the fork).

Open the bars, remove obstructing stones from the road. First, you will be shown a new enemy - the shipling. This is a very difficult opponent, because. continuously shoots spikes from a blowpipe at all characters (and as soon as it has time). You can fight the shipling in the standard way (using X), you can also drop a stone on the enemy or throw it into the abyss. Pick up Mini Shield #6. Lower the right grate, deal with the shipling, then a few more. Climb up to the platform where Evil Detector #4 is standing. There are shiplings here too, and on the right there is a break in the parapet and a bridge to Dragon No. 4. In the background you can see Mini Shield #7, which can be taken by going down the bridge through the left gap.

Climb up the tower. Depending on the order in which you complete the level, you will see two shields (Mini Shield and Large Shield) or only one Large Shield in the center. If you see only one Big Shield and a cupcake, then the missing Mini Shield will be waiting for you in another location.

Objective: put out all fire grates and kill a huge number of shiplings. One life may not be enough for your character, but don't be discouraged: if you collected chocolate frogs, they will enable the character to resurrect. Collect Large Shield #4.

3) Pond (you need to run down the screen and go down the stairs at the fork).

This part of the level is without enemies, so you can send the character with the fewest cards.

First, pull the cube under the wall and climb into the garden. Run through the fire blowers and exit to the area in front of the pond. In the center of the pond is a Big Shield, next to it is Mini Shield #8, which you need to take Accio. Then open the gate and deactivate the last Evil Detector. Put out the fire and take Mini Shield #9. Remove the cube from the wall and place it under the wall.

Climb up, open the grate and take Mini Shield #10. Drop down to the ground and pick up Large Shield #5 (alternatively, you can pick up Large Shield #6 from the ledge so you don't have to come back here and replay, but this only works with 10 Mini Shields collected).

To pick up the Big Shield #6, you need to run to it along the ledge. If your character misses the ledge with his foot and falls, it's safer to swap the dice. That is, put the bottom cube under the left wall, climb up, lower the grate and move the top cube down to the original place of the first cube. Jump onto this cube and from it climb onto the ledge on the wall where the Big Shield hangs. The last Dragon is hidden on the ledge, but in order to pick it up, you need to run past the shield (after which you will be automatically sent to the main menu). Therefore, hit X directly through the shield so as not to come back again.

With 10 Mini Shields and Big Shield #6 (from the ledge) collected, you need to reload the level and run down the screen. You will automatically stumble upon Big Shield #5.

6 Moody Trials

Disappearing map, five dragon figurines, six gargoyles. There are no shields.

These are five challenges that allow you to earn beans if you complete at least the "bronze" task. Tasks for time; it is different in every trial. Challenges can be replayed, but if you've already won bronze or silver, you can only improve your result.

The level can be completed at any time. If you downloaded it at the beginning of the game and are not yet familiar with all the enemies, some challenges will be blocked. Additional task"Gargoyles": these are decorations on the tower, located on the outside of the fence. Like Dragons, they must be deactivated with the X key.

First test: kill 10 swamps as quickly as possible with the Aviforce spell (during this spell, a flock of crows flies out of the character's wand). The tactic is as follows: stun the bog bog X, then watch which of the other two characters lifts the bog into the air, and hit the bog. You can spin the swamps yourself, then periodically one of the other two characters will kill them with Aviforce. It is advisable to choose a double or explosive blow for your character.

You need to cope faster than 3:00 minutes for the test to be counted.

The second test: to place the balls on the platforms as quickly as possible with the help of Wingardium Leviosa. Accuracy is important here (so as not to miss and not drop the ball on the floor or outside the tower), so it is better not to rush.

You need to cope faster than 2:30 minutes for the test to be counted.

The third test: as quickly as possible to break all the objects on the roof (statues and walls).

In this level, there is a Vanishing Map hidden behind the central wall. Immediately run behind the opposite wall and take it blindly. Then you can get on with the task. You need to cope faster than 2:00 minutes for the test to be counted.

Fourth test: hit the target with the bubontuber. You need to hit as many targets as possible in three minutes. The most expensive target is the one on the far left.

Fifth test: build a tower of five cubes in the center of the roof as quickly as possible. The cubes must be placed on top of each other, and not next to each other, and exactly in the center, otherwise they will not rise. Down you need to put dice 3, 1 and 5 (from left to right), up - 2 and 4 (because they are slightly rotated and do not hold well).

7. Forbidden Forest

Vanishing card, five Mushrooms, five Dragon figurines, seven Great Shields. Enemies - swamps, snottails, bumblebees, salamanders.

This level is the largest in area. The two Great Shields are only available after completing the Herbology level. During the first passage, many locations are closed by a high palisade.

1) Road up

The first Mini Shield is on the right at the start of the level behind two rocks.

You will then be shown a new poisonous plant, the bubontuber, which can be fired at various targets (using C). When you grab a Carpe Retractum Bubontuber and pull it back, a blue crosshair appears on the screen. Aim and shoot, releasing LMB. Bubontuber will explode, but in just a few seconds it will grow again. You can not aim anywhere and blow up the bubontuber if you need to follow the path on which it grows.

At the first fork, run along the right path and find Dragon #1. Pay attention to the fence in the background of the screen - this location must be remembered for the secondary passage.

Mini-shield #2 is hanging over the stump, it needs to be pulled off by Accio. Mini shield #3 is hanging among the poisonous mushrooms a little to the left. Shoot the poisonous mushrooms and take the Mini Shield.

Further there will be one road with swamps, which leads to the fence. To the right there is a stone platform that you need to climb onto. From here you can clearly see Mini-Shield #4 at the back of the screen: it is stuck behind three bubontubes. I didn't succeed in pulling out the shield with the help of Accio alone, so I continuously hit the bubontuber and simultaneously pulled the Accio shield. In the end, he ended up on my side of the barricade.

Then you need to extinguish a few fire lanes and climb to the second platform. Mini Shield #5 hangs here.

Follow the road to a clearing with bubontubers, fighting off the swamps. Put out the fire on the burning tree. Kill Mushroom #1 and collect Mini Shield #6.

Head left through the three Bubontubers and deactivate Dragon #2. Then fight the salamanders near the stairs. There is another Mushroom here that is hidden here:

Then open the door to the stairs, jump through the fire blowers and get Mini Shield #8. When you walk through the tree over the chasm and enter a large field with swamps, you will see Mushroom #3 in the left foreground of the screen (it is hard to see, because it is dark). Remember the fence in the background of the screen - you will come here later.

Follow the main road and kill the snottail. Get Big Shield #1. The level will automatically end.

2) Checkpoint

Now you have freedom of movement. Reload the level. Run from the checkpoint up the path for the disappearing map. Slip past the interfering swamps, leaving them with two other characters, and run out into a clearing with bubontubers. Here is a card that will quickly disappear:

To pick it up, it is advisable to hit the poisonous mushrooms with one well-aimed shot. You need to shoot at the near right corner of the mushrooms, because. further the path is wider and you can run past them. If you delay, two other characters will come running along with the swamps and interfere.

In the next clearing you will see a cube. Drag him to the checkpoint and to the clearing on the right. You will have to drag it down the screen, which is extremely inconvenient. In the clearing, a Large Shield #2 hangs in the air, which can be taken only by substituting a cube under it.

3) Road down to the left

Reload the level. From the checkpoint, run down the screen to the fence. To the left, you will see a poisonous mushroom field that used to be covered by a palisade. Clear the path and run there. Immediately on the path you will find Mushroom #4, then run to the clearing with the second snottail. After dealing with him, do not rush to take the Big Shield. To the left is Mini Shield #9, and behind the three Bubontubers at the top of the screen is Dragon #3, which can be deactivated by X right through the Bubontubers. Take Big Shield #3.

4) Road down to the right

Reload the level. From the checkpoint, run down the screen to the fence and continue to the right. You will see swamps and three stones blocking the way. After removing the obstacles, you will see bubontubers right on the road, and behind them is a field of poisonous mushrooms. Shoot the field and return almost to the beginning of the level. With this bubontuber you need to remove poisonous mushrooms from the path on the right:

You will come to a clearing with a hornhorn. Close yourself with a cube and drag it close to the cage so that the fire of the tailhorn does not interfere with the search for the necessary items. Mushroom #5 grows here:

Then you need to cross the path, find a bubontuber and shoot a field of poisonous mushrooms. Pick up Mini Shield #10, then run to the left of the cage and deactivate Dragon #4. Take the Big Shield #4 that is hanging in the middle of the fire.

Reload the level and again run towards the Horntail pen. Somewhere along the road between the fence and the path to the Horntail you will find Big Shield #5.

The game starts with the Quidditch World Cup, when the Death Eaters (aka Death Eaters) have already appeared ... right there you will find confirmation that the mouse does not work, but I can say ... that's boo ... The game begins with the World Quidditch Championship Quidditch, when the Death Eaters (aka Death Eaters) have already appeared ... immediately you will find confirmation that the mouse does not work, but I can say ... that in the future this will not be a big problem ... Control: Arrows - movement (respectively: left - right, up - down) Z - Accio (can bring an object closer to the character, for example, beans) X - attack spell C - different spells, depending on which object it is aimed at, which enemy ( examples: Wingardium Leviosa, Carpe Retractum, Aqua Eructo) S - Magicus Extremos (when the gauge for this spell is full, you can press S, and then the attack (X key) will be very effective, for example, killing the enemy with one hit. Esc - menu. Moreover, you can exit the level ahead of time by selecting the appropriate menu item (!). In many levels, you can choose who exactly you will play. The two remaining heroes help (but sometimes interfere) during the passage. No choice (only Harry) when the tests (dragon; water; labyrinth; fight with Voldemort). You can choose the missions themselves, then go through something you love again. But there is a minus, as mentioned above, that for many levels you need to collect a certain number of shields - otherwise NOT Mission 1 - lessons of Protection from dark forces. To pass the level: enemies (and for the most part this is a certain type of magical creatures) need to kill all creatures through the "C" (in this case it will be Wingardium Leviosa) with stones. Continuation of ZOTS, there you need to put out the fire together (hot grates). After passing - statistics .. there about your level of experience (I had - a beginner, progressively, competently ..). The next level is the Hogwarts area. The emphasis is on the very passage of the level and on the search for signboards. The latter - there are those that you can just take, and there are those that serve as an exit from the level (!). To do this, enemies are destroyed, stones are moved ("C"). When I played ... the choice of three branches of the passage (1 - go down through the passage; 2 - opening the lattice doors, there is also a fork; 3 - at the very beginning there will be three cubes, they need to be made in the form of a ladder and climb the tower. ..). But then another one (!) is discovered, at the very beginning, as soon as you move away from the portal (starting point) you need to go DOWN (this is the part where the boilers can be broken (!) Against walls (not everything, really), statues, machine installations .. and there, as soon as you break it, there may be the required badges! (!). After that... available - Challenges Moody (Moody). It's more like a bonus level, it consists of five parts (but they don't open all at once (!)): 1 - "Sumpfkrattlers" (destruction of these creatures - you need to destroy them like this: hit them with X a couple of times so that they turn upside down, and then we lift it into the air (C) and wait until friends launch a spell at the monster (so black), otherwise the murder is not protected - my record is 1:27 - gold); 2 - "Hanging position call"; 3 - "Exploding boilers"; 4 - "Bubotubler catapults"; 5 - "Tower blocks". It is typical for bonus levels: the time is given for which you must complete the task, or do certain actions. And: gold, silver, bronze. Your level is increasing ... (mine at the moment is suitable). Forbidden forest. To destroy the poisonous mushrooms (otherwise you won't pass some places), you need to: "C" on the nearby plants, and aiming to attack the mushrooms. They are destroyed. Keep looking for signs. Fire - extinguish, also - "C". Go ahead, where the fork... you need to explore, look for the above-mentioned Hogwarts shields. To, for example, get the shield at the top - you had to move the stone (all together, "C") ... I will say right away, when you reach the end along one fork ... where there is a climbing plant and at the top of the shield, you will immediately get it you can’t (!), I even tried to drag (and how much to drag it ..) a stone that you can climb on - it didn’t work out. Come back after you learn the herbal spell! And here is the first test - the Dragon. Do you remember the Quidditch training aka flying (lesson) from the last games? Here you need to get to the end of the level in the shortest possible time (it consists of three parts). On the way - accelerating (bluish rings), but not crashing into obstacles and not falling under the fire of the dragon (!). My result - 2.52 - is bronze. By the way, for the result they can also give a Hoag shield! (I had a badge for 2.28) A bonus level was added for passing - "Challenge of a hanging position" The point is to put rounded stones on special supplies using "C". Normally it turned out - 0.52 (gold). But I will say right away - not only this, but also other bonuses ... it may not work out right away, but after training - it will work out! But now I'm back on the roof of Hogwarts, just because there weren't enough School badges... At the very beginning, I had to go down and look there! (about him - already above) By the way, fountains can also be blown up with the help of boilers, "C" on them and then controlling the flight ... blow up. And here we are at the level: Bathroom Perfect. The egg is lost almost immediately... and the heroes go looking for it. First - break the wall (not the first time it will work) with the help of boilers. There, beware of hot jets, platforms ... and creature enemies, of course. Laying the road by installing bridges ("C"), unscrewing the valves on the machine units (also "C") ... well, forgetting that some installations can be blown up, and there - cards, cards ... Oh! There is a sub-level here that you can’t immediately get to by going down from the portal platform (you will get here if you want to replay, but first you need to get to it), there will be a sewage stream ... but then there will be a bridge (!) More. .. you may notice one Hog, but you can't get close to him, water... and here, again (as in the Forbidden Forest), you need a herbal spell (to open flower petals) (!). After you find the egg, "C" on it ... you will still need to get out. Moreover, just before the entrance to the level (broken wall), there the “foresters” will attack the heroes, it’s better to immediately get to the exit (!), In any case, they walked and attacked, walked and attacked ... Access to the bonus is open: Exploding cauldrons. The bottom line is to destroy walls and statues (there are about 10-12 in total). You - the result, I got gold. As far as I can tell, for a medal - beans are added (bronze - 50, silver - 150, gold - 350 beans each) ... Returned to the bathroom It was then that a previously hidden place was discovered where there used to be a drain - now a bridge. The goal is to search for icons. Then - Herbs, herbs Yes! In this level, as soon as you find the spell book (in the herbal arbor, immediately to the left), you will know Herbivicus spells (!). Here it is useful in the levels: Forbidden Forest, Headmen's Bathroom .. Attention! And here, too, not everything immediately opens (!), Something - later. For example: at the very beginning there is an area fenced with poisonous mushrooms, in order to get to it - you need to aim for a plant, but it’s not there ... (I didn’t have it), it appeared - only after the main passage of the level. You should pay attention to places with shields ... the gazebo was mentioned above, so there will be a boiler, its wall, and then with the help of Herbivicus "a ... Or - where are the greenhouses ... But your experience is growing ... (mine, like me remember - expert). Bonus again, now it will be Bobutubler.. The point is to hit targets with plants (remember the experience of the Forbidden Forest!). Here I chose this tactic: I used only an average plant, but at the same time without misses. The score goes to points in 3 minutes (I have 130 - bronze). The second test is the lake. By the way, the GP itself does not save anyone there, it floats and only ... I hope you manage to speed up (!), I did it once (although the same key was pressed ..). Otherwise, it's too slow! Tactics against enemy subjects: when there is a whole crowd of them on the way (the second part of the level) - smoothly with the arrows "up", then "down", again "up" and in a circle, while shooting "X". When they are just swimming ... it is better to swim around on horseback (!). Next, then there is an obstacle bubbles... attack! Swimming out.. Here comes the last bonus level: Tower Blocks. Task: put the stones on top of each other on the platform in the center. all five stones. My silver score is 1.35. Now you can return to the previous levels and collect the necessary shields (I needed 11 pieces). I found most of the missing ones in the forest and the bathroom, and a couple in herbology (I didn’t go there purely out of principle, in the first passage I was spoiled by endless flying boars) (!). Well, where it is better for you to go, decide for yourself. So the end is near ... games - Labyrinth! Beware of thorns from the ground. Looking for a way out. Somewhere in 8-10 minutes you find such a walker .. The main thing is not to circle. Next: racing from ... branches. You can: right or left .. Here's the way out ... Cedric protects Harry from Viktor Krum ... and the last sublevel comes here - the rescue of Cedric stuck in the branches! There: two monsters (large, attacking, still splattering with fire), there are also thorns in two corners ... I myself: tried for a long time DIFFERENT WAYS how to kill these monsters, I tried: - with stones on them (at least that); - "X", "C" on them, but they are also kind and healthy; - I did not notice a big effect on the mentioned spines; - I tried to water and extinguish them when they hit the wall chasing me (such a moment needs to be adjusted, otherwise a lot of health is taken away if they run into you ...). As needed (!): adjust that the monster hit the wall and then his "X" th, in a row ... after one or two such attacks, all ... Last level - Voldemort You get to the cemetery right after the labyrinth, more precisely, the videos show how Harry and Cedric touch the Cup together and ... Voldemort (yes, he was reborn) wishes you only "good". Skeletons - repeatedly attack "X" (!). When you destroy them... reflecting Avada, two magics unite... this beam must be directed (!) At the skeletons, or rather, its point of contact. You don't have time to rebury everyone with a skeleton... Wold raises the statue and it hunts you (trying to purposefully fall)... it as well as the skeletons. Better this way: first deal with the skeletons. Then - a statue, maneuver while it flies, and is allowed, and when it descends ... the same beam on it. After all these blows... Yes, that's it, the end! You are watching a video... you escaped from Wold (by taking Cedric's body, by the way, only Cedric's soul is freed from Voldemort's wand), Accio on the Goblet... and there at the entrance to the labyrinth... Then... Dumbdor's speech: times change ... Credits. And you are back on the menu. If you want something - you can re-pass.

The game starts with the Quidditch World Cup when the Death Eaters (aka Death Eaters) have already appeared ... right away you will find confirmation that the mouse does not work, but I can say ... that in the future this will not be a big problem ...


Arrows - move (respectively: left - right, up - down)
Z - Accio (can bring an object closer to the character, for example, beans)
X - offensive spell
C - different, depending on which object it is aimed at, which enemy (examples: Wingardium Leviosa, Carpe Retractum, Aqua Eructo)
S - Magicus Extremos (when the scale for this spell is completely filled, you can press S, and then - the attack (X key) will be very effective, for example, killing an enemy with one hit.
Esc - menu. Moreover, you can exit the level ahead of time by selecting the appropriate menu item (!).

In many levels you will be able to choose who exactly you will play. The two remaining heroes during the passage help (but sometimes interfere). No choice (only ) when testing (dragon; water; labyrinth; fight with Voldemort).

You can choose the missions themselves, then go through something you love again. But there is a minus, as mentioned above, that for many levels you need to collect a certain number of shields - otherwise it will NOT work (!).

Passing the level itself on many items, you can attack, thereby saving beans ... there are also other items that you can (need) "collect" (or rather, conjure them): for example, there are: mushrooms, shoulder blades, small statues ..

PAY ATTENTION to the number of your lives. When you are killed (only the character you are playing as) - you will be reborn, how many times - depends on the number of chocolate frogs collected! (but no records are kept on tests ...) If lives run out, you will need to go through the level again! (I had this once, when at the level with the egg I decided to kill all the enemies, and they walked and walked ... then I noticed life, to be honest ..) But the shields found, for example, remain!

The Quidditch level is an introductory level. After the level, your progress is shown ... then the result of your efforts can be viewed through the menu (key - I), C - access to cards (they are also bought for beans, different costs - there are 15, there are 350 ..). Cards give abilities (adding strength, improving attack, plus to the character of the GG and others). Then, before the level, you can choose for each of the three heroes 3 cards with unique abilities.

By the way, there are 6 sets of 6 cards in total (what you buy), one, additional, is given after filling out one set. Ron's initial ones are the most expensive (that's how it was for me).

And to see the current one. statistics by level, how many, for example, there are small shields of Hogwarts - Esc (although the statistics do not reflect everything)

The game starts with the Quidditch World Cup, when the Death Eaters (aka Death Eaters) have already appeared ... right away you will find confirmation that the mouse does not work, but I can say ... that in the future this will not be a big problem ...


Arrows - movement (respectively: left - right, up - down)
Z - Accio (can bring an object closer to the character, for example, beans)
X - offensive spell
C - different spells, depending on which object is aimed at which enemy (examples: Wingardium Leviosa, Carpe Retractum, Aqua Eructo)
S - Magicus Extremos (when the scale for this spell is full, you can press S, and then - the attack (X key) will be very effective, for example, kill the enemy with one hit.
Esc - menu. Moreover, you can exit the level ahead of time by selecting the appropriate menu item (!).

In many levels you will be able to choose who exactly you will play. The two remaining heroes during the passage help (but sometimes interfere). No choice (Harry only) when the trials (dragon; water; labyrinth; fight with Voldemort).

You can choose the missions themselves, then go through something you love again. But there is a minus, as mentioned above, that for many levels you need to collect a certain number of shields - otherwise it will NOT work (!).

Passing the level itself on many items, you can attack, thereby saving beans ... there are also other items that you can (need) "collect" (or rather, conjure them): for example, there are: mushrooms, shoulder blades, small statues ..

PAY ATTENTION to the number of your lives. When you are killed (only the character you are playing as) - you will respawn, how many times - depends on the number of chocolate frogs collected! (but no records are kept on trials...) If lives run out, you will need to go through the level again! (I had this once when, at the level with the egg, I decided to kill all the enemies, and they walked and walked ... then I noticed life, to be honest ..) But the found shields, for example, remain!

The Quidditch level is an introductory level. After the level, your progress is shown ... then the result of your efforts can be viewed through the menu (key - I), C - access to cards (they are also bought for beans, different costs - there are 15, there are 350 ..). Cards give abilities (adding strength, improving attack, plus to the character of the GG and others). Then, before the level, you can choose for each of the three heroes 3 cards with unique abilities.

By the way, there are 6 sets of 6 cards in total (what you buy), one, additional, is given after filling out one set. Ron's initial ones are the most expensive (that's how it was for me).

And to see the current one. statistics by level, how many, for example, there are small shields of Hogwarts - Esc (although the statistics do not reflect everything)

Mission 1 - lessons of Protection from dark forces.

To pass the level: enemies (and for the most part this is a certain type of magical creatures) need to kill all creatures through the "C" (in this case it will be Wingardium Leviosa) with stones. Continuation of ZOTS, there you need to put out the fire together (hot grates).

After passing - statistics .. there about your level of experience (I had - a beginner, progressively, competently ..).

The next level is the Hogwarts area.

The emphasis is on the very passage of the level and on the search for signboards. The latter - there are those that you can just take, and there are those that serve as an exit from the level (!).

To do this, enemies are destroyed, stones are moved ("C"). When I played ... the choice of three branches of the passage (1 - go down through the passage; 2 - opening the lattice doors, there is also a fork; 3 - at the very beginning there will be three cubes, they need to be made in the form of a ladder and climb the tower. ..).

But then another one (!) is discovered, at the very beginning, as soon as you move away from the portal (starting point) you need to go DOWN (this is the part where the boilers can be broken (!) Against walls (not everything, really), statues, machine installations .. and there, as soon as you break it, there may be the required badges! (!).

After that... available - Challenges Moody (Moody).

This is more of a bonus level, it consists of five parts (but they do not open all at once (!):
1 - "Sumpfkrattlers" (destruction of these creatures - you need to destroy them like this: hit X a couple of times so that they turn upside down, and then lift them into the air (C) and wait until friends launch a spell at the monster (so black), otherwise murder is not defended - my record is 1:27 - gold);
2 - "Hanging position call";
3 - "Exploding boilers";
4 - "Bubotubler catapults";
5 - "Tower blocks".

It is typical for bonus levels: the time is given for which you must complete the task, or do certain actions. And: gold, silver, bronze. Your level is increasing ... (mine at the moment is suitable).

Forbidden forest.

To destroy the poisonous mushrooms (otherwise you won't pass some places), you need to: "C" on the nearby plants, and aiming to attack the mushrooms. They are destroyed.

Keep looking for signs. Fire - extinguish, also - "C". Go ahead, where the fork... you need to explore, look for the above-mentioned Hogwarts shields. To, for example, get the shield at the top - it was necessary to move the stone (all together, "C") ...

I’ll tell you right away, when you reach the end along one fork ... where there is a climbing plant and a shield at the top, you won’t be able to get it right away (!), I even tried to drag it (and how much to drag it ..) a stone on which you can climb - did not work out. Come back after you learn the herbal spell!

And here is the first test - the Dragon.

Do you remember the Quidditch training aka flying (lesson) from the last games? Here you need to get to the end of the level in the shortest possible time (it consists of three parts). On the way - accelerating (bluish rings), but not crashing into obstacles and not falling under the fire of the dragon (!). My result - 2.52 - is bronze. By the way, for the result they can also give a Hoag shield! (I had a badge for 2.28)

The point is to put rounded stones on special supplies using "C". Normally it turned out - 0.52 (gold). But I will say right away - not only this, but also other bonuses ... it may not work out right away, but after training - it will work out!

But now I'm back on the roof of Hogwarts, just missing the badges of the School...
At the very beginning, it was required to go down and look there! (about him - already above) By the way, fountains can also be blown up with the help of boilers, "C" on them and then controlling the flight ... blow up.

And here we are at the level: Bathroom Perfect.

The egg is lost almost immediately... and the heroes go looking for it. First - break the wall (not the first time it will work) with the help of boilers. There, beware of hot jets, platforms ... and creature enemies, of course. Laying the road by installing bridges ("C"), unscrewing the valves on the machine installations (also "C") ... well, forgetting that some installations can be blown up, and there - cards, cards ...

O! There is a sublevel here that you can’t immediately get to by going down from the portal site (you will get here if you want to replay, but first you need to get to it), there will be a sewage stream ... but then there will be a bridge (!)

Still... you may notice one Hog, but you can't get close to him, water... and here, again (as in the Forbidden Forest), you need a herbal spell (to open flower petals) (!).
After you find the egg, "C" on it ... you will still need to get out. Moreover, just before the entrance to the level (broken wall), there the “foresters” will attack the heroes, it’s better to immediately get to the exit (!), In any case, they walked and attacked, walked and attacked ...

Access to the bonus is open: Exploding cauldrons.

The bottom line is to destroy walls and statues (there are about 10-12 in total). You - the result, I got gold. As far as I can tell, for a medal - beans are added (bronze - 50, silver - 150, gold - 350 beans each) ...

Went back to the bathroom

It was then that a previously hidden place was discovered, where there used to be a drain of water - now a bridge. The goal is to search for icons.

Then - Herbs, herbs

Yes! In this level, as soon as you find the spell book (in the herbal arbor, immediately to the left), you will know Herbivicus spells (!). Here it is useful in the levels: Forbidden Forest, Headman's Bathroom ..

Attention! And here, too, not everything immediately opens (!), Something - later. For example: at the very beginning there is an area fenced with poisonous mushrooms, in order to get to it - you need to aim for a plant, but it’s not there ... (I didn’t have it), it appeared - only after the main passage of the level. You should pay attention to places with shields ... the gazebo was mentioned above, so there will be a boiler, its wall, and then with the help of Herbivicus "a ... Or - where are the greenhouses ... But your experience is growing ... (mine, like me remember - expert).

Bonus again, now it will be Bobutubler..

The point is to hit targets with plants (remember the experience of the Forbidden Forest!). Here I chose this tactic: I used only an average plant, but at the same time without misses. The score goes to points in 3 minutes (I have 130 - bronze).

The second test is the lake. By the way, the GP himself does not save anyone there, swims and only ...

I hope you will be able to speed up (!), I managed to do it every other time (although the same key was pressed ..). Otherwise, it's too slow!

Tactics against enemy subjects: when there is a whole crowd of them on the way (the second part of the level) - smoothly with the arrows "up", then "down", again "up" and in a circle, while shooting "X". When they are just swimming ... it is better to swim around on horseback (!).
Next, then there is an obstacle bubbles... attack! Swimming out..

Here comes the last bonus level: Tower Blocks.

Task: put the stones on top of each other on the platform in the center. all five stones. My silver score is 1.35.

Now you can return to the previous levels and collect the necessary shields (I needed 11 pieces).
I found most of the missing ones in the forest and the bathroom, and a couple in herbology (I didn’t go there purely out of principle, in the first passage I was spoiled by endless flying boars) (!). Well, where it is better for you to go, decide for yourself.

So the end is near ... games - Labyrinth!

Beware of thorns from the ground. Looking for a way out.
Somewhere in 8-10 minutes you find such a walker .. The main thing is not to circle. Next: racing from ... branches. You can: right or left .. That's the way out ...
Cedric protects Harry from Viktor Krum... and the last sub-level comes here - the rescue of Cedric stuck in the branches!
There: two monsters (large, attack, still splatter with fire), there are also thorns in two corners ... I myself: for a long time I tried DIFFERENT ways how to kill these monsters, I tried:
- stones on them (whatever that);
- "X", "C" on them, but they are also kind and healthy;
- I did not notice a big effect on the mentioned spines;
- I tried to water and extinguish them when they hit the wall chasing me (such a moment needs to be adjusted, otherwise a lot of health is taken away if they run into you ...).

As needed (!): adjust that the monster hit the wall and then his "X" th, in a row ... after one or two such attacks, all ...

Last level - Voldemort

You enter the cemetery right after the labyrinth, or rather, the cutscenes show how Harry and Cedric touch the Cup together and...

Voldemort (yes, resurrected) only wants the "good" for you.

Skeletons - repeatedly attack "X" (!). When you destroy them... reflecting Avada, two magics unite... this beam must be directed (!) At the skeletons, or rather, its point of contact. You don't have time to rebury everyone with a skeleton... Wold raises the statue and it hunts you (trying to purposefully fall)... it as well as the skeletons. Better this way: first deal with the skeletons. Then - a statue, maneuver while it flies, and is allowed, and when it descends ... the same beam on it.
After all these blows...

Yes, that's it, the end!

You are watching a video... you escaped from Wold (by taking Cedric's body, by the way, only Cedric's soul is freed from Voldemort's wand), Accio on the Goblet... and there at the entrance to the labyrinth... Then... Dumbdor's speech: times change ...


And you are back on the menu. If you want something - you can re-pass.

Do any of you have the walkthrough for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? Send. and got the best answer

Answer from Werewolf[active]
Basically like this:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The game starts with the Quidditch World Cup, when the Death Eaters (aka Death Eaters) have already appeared ... immediately you will find confirmation that the mouse does not work, but I can say ... that in the future this will not be a big problem ... .
Arrows - movement (respectively: left - right, up - down)
Z - Accio (can bring an object closer to the character, for example, beans)
X - offensive spell
C - different spells, depending on which object is aimed at which enemy (examples: Wingardium Leviosa, Carpe Retractum, Aqua Eructo)
S - Magicus Extremos (when the scale for this spell is full, you can press S, and then - the attack (X key) will be very effective, for example, kill the enemy with one hit.
Esc - menu. Moreover, you can exit the level ahead of time by selecting the appropriate menu item (!).
In many levels you will be able to choose who exactly you will play. The two remaining heroes during the passage help (but sometimes interfere). No choice (Harry only) when tested (dragon; water; labyrinth; fight with Voldemort).
You can choose the missions themselves, then go through something you love again. But there is a minus, as mentioned above, that for many levels you need to collect a certain number of shields - otherwise it will NOT work (!).
Passing the level itself on many items, you can attack, thereby saving beans ... there are also other items that you can (need) "collect" (or rather, conjure them): for example, there are: mushrooms, shoulder blades, small statues. .
PAY ATTENTION to the number of your lives. When you are killed (only the character you are playing as) - you will respawn, how many times - depends on the number of chocolate frogs collected! (but no records are kept on trials...) If lives run out, you will need to go through the level again! (I had this once when, at the level with the egg, I decided to kill all the enemies, and they walked and walked ... then I noticed life, to be honest ..) But the found shields, for example, remain!
The Quidditch level is an introductory level. After the level, your progress is shown ... then the result of your efforts can be viewed through the menu (key - I), C - access to cards (they are also bought for beans, different costs - there are 15, there are 350 ..). Cards give abilities (adding strength, improving attack, plus to the character of the GG and others). Then, before the level, you can choose for each of the three heroes 3 cards with unique abilities.
By the way, there are 6 sets of 6 cards in total (what you buy), one, additional, is given after filling out one set. Ron's initial ones are the most expensive (that's how it was for me).
And to see the current one. statistics by level, how many, for example, there are small shields of Hogwarts - Esc (although the statistics do not reflect everything)
Mission 1 - lessons of Protection from dark forces.
To pass the level: enemies (and for the most part this is a certain type of magical creatures) need to kill all creatures through the "C" (in this case it will be Wingardium Leviosa) with stones. Continuation of the ZOTS, there you need to put out the fire together (hot grates).
After passing - statistics .. there about your level of experience (I had - a beginner, progressively, competently ..).
The next level is the Hogwarts area.
The emphasis is on the very passage of the level and on the search for signboards. The latter - there are those that you can just take, and there are those that serve as an exit from the level (!).
To do this, enemies are destroyed, stones are moved ("C"). When I played ... the choice of three branches of the passage (1 - go down through the passage; 2 - opening the lattice doors, there is also a fork; 3 - at the very beginning there will be three cubes, they need to be made in the form of a ladder and climb the tower. ..) .
But then another one (!) is discovered, at the very beginning, as soon as you move away from the portal (starting point) you need to go DOWN (this is the part where the boilers can be broken (!) Against the walls (not everything, really), statues, machine installations .. and that