The results of the subtest addition of figures below the cubes of the braid. Preventive work of a psychologist at school. In what cases apply the technique

Psychodiagnostics: lecture notes Alexey Sergeevich Luchinin

15. Scythe Cubes

15. Scythe Cubes

Cubes Kos (KK) is a non-verbal intelligence test. Suggested K. Kosom in 1920

The subject is offered to make figures from colored cubes according to sample drawings. The test material consists of sixteen cubes with an edge of 2.5 cm, the sides of which are colored red, white, yellow and blue. The remaining two opposite faces are divided diagonally, with one colored white and red, and the other blue and yellow (see Wechsler's intelligence measurement scales). The set includes eighteen samples of figures, the first of which is training and is performed together with the subject. The colors of the sample patterns match the colors of the cubes, but the sample sizes are half as large. Samples are placed in the middle of a cardboard card measuring 10 x 7.5 cm.

Tasks follow in order of increasing difficulty, which is ensured by a consistent combination of the following conditions:

1. the figure can be built only from the same-color sides of the cubes;

2. to build a figure, several two-color faces should be used;

3. the figure can be folded only from two-color sides or from a combination of two-color and one-color, and the border between adjacent cubes is not indicated on the sample;

4. the sample is rotated by 45°, i.e. it stands on edge;

5. to compose figures, it is required to use an increasing number of cubes;

6. samples gradually become less symmetrical;

7. the number of colors on the sample increases;

8. The sample is not limited to the frame, so that the edges merge with the background. Samples-drawings are presented to the subject sequentially, testing stops after five successive unsuccessful solutions. Success is measured from several perspectives. The most important indicator is the time to solve individual tasks. The protocol also records the number of attempts during execution. Primary grades based on the results of tasks are translated into an indicator of mental age. In later modifications, scores are converted to standard IQ scores. The data are supplemented by a qualitative analysis of the subject's behavior.

QCs belong to frequently used tests and are widely used in both original and abbreviated versions. The value of the test is determined by the characteristics of the subject's activity, which is modeled by his tasks. The subject begins the task with the analysis of the sample by comparing fragments of the sample with the faces of the cubes. Then the generalization of the selected feature is carried out. Following this, a transition to synthesis is carried out - a statement of the correspondence between the sample and the figure assembled from cubes. According to K. Kos, in the course of solving tasks, all mental processes are involved.

There is information about construct validity Kos cubes. A significant correlation was obtained with the Binet-Simon scale of mental development (r = 0.82 in normal children and r = 0.67 in mentally retarded children). Relationships of QC indicators with the main intelligence tests, in particular, the Stanford-Binet scale of mental development (r = 0.77), Raven's progressive matrices (r = 0.81), were studied. Attention is drawn to the independence of QC indicators and tests of arithmetic abilities from each other.

The Kos cubes are most widely used in clinical psychodiagnostics ( V. M. Bleikher, I. V. Kruk , 1986). According to L. Koshcha (1976) the test is very useful when working with such diverse contingents of subjects as creative individuals with high level abilities and, on the other hand, mentally retarded persons; children with minimal brain dysfunction, impaired concentration, impaired spatial orientation; children suffering from neuroses; delayed children mental development, pedagogically launched; juvenile and adult patients with schizophrenia. The test can also be used in the analysis of the intellectual potential of healthy individuals.

In domestic psychodiagnostics, Kos cubes are most often used in the form in which they are presented in the corresponding individual subtest of the Veksler intelligence measurement scale.

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Kohs Block Design Test- a special technique for diagnosing visual-effective intelligence, in other words - a non-verbal intelligence test. It was developed by the American psychologist S. Kos in 1920.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Dice folding test (Kos Cubes)

    Classes with Nikitin's cubes

    Test screening IQ - Kohs


Principle of operation

The original version of Kos testing consists of 16 red-white and yellow-blue cubes of equal size. There are also 17 pattern cards in each test set, sorted by difficulty level. The subject is asked to fold the cubes in such a way that the pattern on the top surface of the cubes exactly matches the pattern on the card.

Tasks follow in order of increasing difficulty, this is ensured by the sequence of fulfilling the following conditions:

  1. building a figure is possible only from the same-color sides of the cubes;
  2. for construction, several two-color faces should be used;
  3. the figure can be folded only from two-color sides or from a combination of two-color and one-color;
  4. sample rotated 45° (standing on edge);
  5. to compose figures, it is necessary to use an increasing number of cubes each time;
  6. samples gradually become less symmetrical;
  7. the number of colors on the sample increases;
  8. the sample is not limited by the frame, so it blends into the background at the edges.

Sample drawings are presented to the subject in a certain order, testing stops after the fifth unsuccessful solution. The test has children's and adult forms and allows you to work with people aged 5 to 75 years.

Success assessment

The most important indicator of success is the time to complete each individual task. The number of all attempts during execution is recorded. Primary grades based on the results of tasks are translated into an indicator of mental age. Currently, the most common assessment with translation into IQ indicators.

The value of testing

The value of the test is determined by the characteristics of the activity of each individual test subject, this activity, in turn, is modeled by special tasks. The test subject begins the task by analyzing the sample by comparing fragments of the sample with the faces of the cubes. After that, the generalization of the selected feature occurs. This is followed by a transition to synthesis - the identification of a correspondence between the sample and the figure assembled by the test subject from the cubes. According to K. Kos himself, in the course of solving tasks, all mental processes are involved.

Areas of use

The Kos cubes are most widely used in clinical psychodiagnostics. According to L. Koshch (1976), the test is very useful when working with such subjects as creative individuals with a fairly high level of abilities and, on the other hand, mentally retarded individuals; this can also include children with minimal brain dysfunction, impaired concentration, impaired spatial orientation; children suffering from neuroses; children with mental retardation, pedagogically neglected; juvenile and adult patients suffering from schizophrenia.

Purpose of the technique

Completing the test tasks requires the manifestation of a complex of qualities of perception, motor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial representations and heuristic abilities. Such a complex nature of tasks makes it possible to assess the ability to perform basic mental operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis), to obtain an integral characteristic of practical, visual-effective thinking, to identify the level of development of non-verbal intelligence.

Practical use

This test is a unique tool that allows you to assess the intellectual potential of a person, regardless of the level of education. In addition, the test results indicate the level of development of practical, visual-effective thinking and non-verbal intelligence.

The test is widely used in professional selection to assess the intellectual prerequisites for technical abilities, in education to identify intellectual learning opportunities, in medicine to diagnose a number of

Koos cubes are one of the most useful activities. This technique, developed in 1920 by an American psychologist and named after him, serves both to assess the level of a child's intelligence and to improve it. It is noteworthy that Koos cubes are also used for adults: there is even a system for translating the results of this test into an IQ scoring system. So, let's get acquainted with the basics of this method.

Koos cubes - features of the technique

As is clear from the above, the Kohs method is a non-verbal test that allows you to assess the level of a person's intelligence. And what are the cubes themselves - the main stimulus material in the Koos method?

These are, as a rule, wooden cubes of arbitrary size (usually no more than 35 mm3). They are painted in a cunning way: there are completely one-color, and there are also two-color ones, divided diagonally: yellow-blue and red-white. In addition to the cubes themselves, the set also contains 17 task cards. Each of them shows patterns that a child (or an adult) is invited to put together from cubes.

The very meaning of the methodology of psychological testing involves several exercises-tests for children, adapted to game form. Here are the main ones.

  1. Build a figure from only one-color sides of the cubes.
  2. Use multiple two-color.
  3. Fold a given figure (for example, a boat with a sail) from a certain combination of one- and two-color faces.

If the first images that are proposed to be folded are simple enough, then the latter become less and less symmetrical. As the complexity of the task increases, the number of cubes used to solve it also increases, as well as the number of colors on the upper face of the folded image.

Very important is such an indicator as the time to solve each task, as well as the number of attempts made. In addition to the schemes described, the child can always add independently invented patterns, using his ingenuity and spatial guidelines.

Based on the description of the Koos cubes, games were developed for Kids, playing with such cubes and completing tasks with a gradual increase in the level of complexity, they learn:

  • analysis and synthesis, comparing in mind the drawn pattern with the available cubes;
  • perseverance;
  • application of existing fine motor skills;
  • focusing your attention on one type of activity;
  • the ability to work in a team (if the kids play in pairs or groups).

Do-it-yourself Koos cubes

Koos cubes can be purchased at the store, ordered online, or made on your own. The latter option is preferred by mothers and fathers who devote a lot of time to the development of their children, and often by parents of babies with minor developmental disabilities, such as minimal brain dysfunction, impaired spatial orientation, and various neuroses.

The easiest way is to download a scan of a paper cube on the Internet, print it on a color printer and glue it. This will require a minimum investment of labor and time from you.

A slightly more complicated option is to make wooden cubes and then paint them. The resulting result will delight you and your children for a longer time than paper or cardboard cubes.

Also keep in mind that when making Koos cubes with your own hands, you can choose the level of difficulty yourself - for example, make them only two-color. The construction of given figures is possible from 4, 9 or 16 multi-colored cubes.

Cubes of Koos - unique thing for the development of the child. With their help, you can add patterns of varying complexity for children from 1-7 years old! Games with these cubes train perseverance, spatial thinking, imagination, a sense of symmetry and the ability to achieve results.

What is the essence of this original puzzle game, and why has it become so popular among mothers and children around the world? Let's figure it out!


American psychologist and author of tests of intellectual development Samuel Kos came up with a unique technique back in the 1920s, which is actively used today. And cubes with different-colored sides are considered the best system diagnosis of intelligence in children.

Feature of Koos Cubes

Koos Cubes (also called "Kos Cubes") are a set of colored pieces. Most of them are painted in 2 colors, some are monochrome.

In the set you can find cubes with sides of the following colors:

  • red
  • white
  • white-red
  • yellow
  • blue
  • blue-yellow

This is how the original cubes that Kos came up with look like. They also come with special cards or an instruction book with tasks of varying degrees of complexity and a transcript of the results.

Cubes of Kos are a classic, which today is being successfully superseded by Nikitin's developmental technique. Which is based on the methodology of the American psychologist Kos, but has an expanded range of tasks, and there are more cubes in it. Nevertheless, it is in no way inferior to the original and is called "Fold the pattern" (photo below).

How to play with dice

With the help of cubes, you can test the child's intelligence, or you can simply develop his thinking and imagination, turning the task into a game!

For the test, the kid is given a card with a task and for a while he must collect a picture from the top of the cubes, which must match the image on the card. As a rule, 4-5 tasks are used for the test with increasing complexity:

  • first, the child creates a pattern only from the same-color sides of the cubes;
  • in the second task, several cubes with two-color sides are added;
  • then the monochrome cubes are removed, leaving only the colored ones;
  • with each new task, you should add a figure or choose a complex pattern.

Usually testing lasts 20-25 minutes or until the moment when the child fails several tasks in a row. As a rule, children aged 4-5 years are tested in this way, but this technique can also be used for adults.

Children perceive the test as a fun puzzle, training perseverance. Psychologists, on the other hand, can assess the child's ability for elementary analysis, comparison, synthesis, and strategy. To successfully complete the task, the child uses motor skills, visual coordination, spatial thinking, and logic.

Application of Koos Cubes

Initially, Koos cubes, like Nikitin's Cubes, were used by educators and psychiatrists to diagnose the level of development of children. They were used to assess the degree of intelligence development in children who had speech problems or were recovering from injuries.

But over time, the cubes moved from doctors' offices to kindergartens and schools, and then to homes where there are children.

Today, Nikitin's cubes are in almost every home, classes with them train perseverance, willpower, the ability to bring things to the end, logic and concentration.

Do-it-yourself Nikitin and Koos cubes

Koos Cubes or Nikitin's "Fold the Pattern" Cubes can be purchased at any large toy store or ordered online, but you can also make them at home.

Do-it-yourself Nikitin's cubes can be glued out of paper by cutting out a template according to a special pattern, and coloring the finished paper cubes with colored gouache.

Some mother needlewomen buy wooden cubes without a pattern and paint them with wood paint or stick a coating of colored paper, self-adhesive on top.

Try this useful technique for early child development! Good luck with your experiments!