Corsairs GPC how to collect all the skulls. What unique things and where to find them? City of lost ships

Guys, don't mess with your brain and don't waste your time looking for unique items. Here is a list of all items in the game and it shows how to enter them through the console: Codes for all items in corsairs.

Here's how to enter:
First, activate the console. There is an engine.ini file in the game folder.
Open it with notepad and find the lines:


Replace it with:

During the game, press the button to bring up the console window.

After that, in the console enter:
xxx is one of the listed codes

Here is an example:
(Parentheses are required)
If everything is entered correctly, then the number 1 will appear next to the code.

Chest (Chest)
Locked chest. It obviously has gold in it.

Coins (Cursed Pearls)
Rare black pearl. Sacred for some, curse for others (-50 luck).

Incas_idol (Golden Idol)
The golden idol is the key to the Aztec temple. According to legend, should open a passage to the artifact. The thing is clearly cursed... (-30 swordsmanship, -30 luck, -30 defense, -30 hit, -20 pistols, -20 authority).

Incas_collection (Treasures)
A diverse set of items dear to the heart and wallet made of gold and precious stones.

Piece_of_legend (Tablet)
Half of a clay tablet covered with ancient Aztec writing.

Notes_of_legend (Legend entry)
The text of an ancient Indian legend, transcribed on paper.

Copyes_of_legend (Copy of the legend)
A copy of the text of an ancient Indian legend.

Letter_1 (Sealed Letter)

A package sealed with the seal of the Governor General of Curaçao. Addressed personally to the commandant of Fort Orange.

Letter from the Governor-General of Curaçao, Peter Stavesant, addressed personally to the head of the buccaneers, Edward Mansfield.

A top secret state dispatch from the Governor-General of French Tortuga Bertrand d "Ogeron, addressed personally to the Governor of Curaçao, Peter Stevezant.

Letter addressed to the Governor of Porto Bello. Written by the Governor of Havana, Don Francisco Oregon y Gascon.

Letter addressed to the Governor of the Dutch provinces, Peter Stuevesant. Written by the Governor of Tortuga, Bertrand d'Ogeron.

Letter addressed to Jean David. Written by the Governor of Tortuga, Bertrand d'Ogeron.

Letter_2 (Sealed letter)
The letter is sealed, in order to find out its contents - you need to read it, but for this you will have to open it.

A letter written in Spanish. Signed by Manoel Rivero Pardal, addressed to the governor of Santiago, José Sancho Jimenez.

A top secret state dispatch signed by the Governor-General of Curaçao, Peter Stavesant, addressed personally to the Governor of Tortuga, Bertrand d "Ogeron. In case of any danger, immediately destroy it.

Itmname_letter_open (Opened letter)
The letter looks like it has already been read. The recipient may not even notice.

I, Peter Stavesant, by the authority vested in me, order that the fortifications of the fort be strengthened urgently and that all necessary measures be taken to successfully repulse a possible attack by the British ...

Senor, our expedition has been successful - La Vega has been destroyed. In addition, we took a good booty - 600 thousand in gold doubloons. I am sending the galleon you have dispatched with a detachment of garrison soldiers back to Santiago. I'll be with you later...

I understood everything. I am ready to follow you wherever you go. Today, after midnight, I will open the door of our house, you will need to carefully sneak into the house and pick me up. I wait.

Letter_notes (Unfinished letter)
Forgive me Juan, I must follow my heart. Today I received news of the arrival of a man who will take me to him...

Order (Promissory note)
A counterfeit promissory note secured by all of Isabella's movable and immovable property. With the help of these bills, Salvator stole his wife's money.

Letter_Albermal (Letter signed by Duke Albermal de Monck)
A letter signed by the Duke of Albermal and sealed with the seal of the English Parliament. Addressed to the Governor of Jamaica, Sir Thomas Madiford, in person.

EngTradeLicence (License of the English East India Company)
License of the English East India Company, allowing you to visit the cities and ports of the British colonies. Issued #sAction_date#y. and valid for #sValidity#.

FraTradeLicence (License of the French East India Company)
License of the French East India Company, allowing you to visit the cities and ports of the French colonies. Issued #sAction_date#y. and valid for #sValidity#.

SpaTradeLicence (Spanish Trade License)
Spanish trade license issued by the Escorial to visit the cities and ports of the Spanish colonies. Issued #sAction_date#y. and valid for #sValidity#.

HolTradeLicence (License of the Dutch West India Company}
License from the Dutch West India Company to visit the cities and ports of the Dutch colonies. Issued #sAction_date#y. and valid for #sValidity#.

Trust (Credential)

Letter of Credence to the Commandant of Fort Orange from the Governor-General of Curaçao, Peter Stuevesant. Issued to confirm the authority to purchase and transport a consignment of coffee, black, mahogany and sandalwood to Willemstad. Guarantees preferential purchase prices.

Secret Letter (Secret dispatch.)
A package of documents for the governor of #sCity#. #sMayor# is waiting for him as soon as possible.

Statue1 (Statue)
A stone statue, simple and unsightly, the idol is the patron of artisans. Of course, it is not very big, but still stone, and damn heavy. (+30 repairs).

Statue2 (Statue)
Small stone statue.

Statue3 (Statue)
Small stone statue.

Massoni_papers (Papers by Valentin Massoni)
Papers from which it follows that the barque with ammunition is now on the Fala de Fleur, waiting for an escort ship.

Artifact (Artifact)
A mysterious artifact that you found in an ancient temple. When you hold it in your hands, the skin tingles noticeably.

Itmname_story_gramota (Documents)

Itmname_map_Pearl (Map of pearl crafts)
A map showing pearl fisheries.

Itmname_map_beliz (Map of Belize)
A map showing the surroundings of Belize City.

Map_santa (Map of Santa Catalina)
A map showing the area around the city of Santa Catalina.

Map_bermudas (Map of Bermuda)

Map_jam (Map of Jamaica)
A map showing all the island's settlements and routes.

Map_cuba (Map of Cuba)
A map showing all the island's settlements and routes.

Map_hisp (Map of Hispaniola)
How to get to the city and to any secluded place on the island, you will understand from this map.

Map_antigua (Map of Antigua)

Map_barbados (Map of Barbados)
Not a very accurate map of the island.

Map_cayman (Map of Cayman)
Desert island map.

Map_Curacao (Map of Curacao)
Approximate map of the island, but you can travel with it.

Map_guad (Map of Guadeloupe)

Map_TORTUGA (Map of Tortuga)
All the sights of the island are shown on the map.

Map_dominica (Map of Dominica)
Desert island map.

Map_martiniqua (Map of Martinique)

Itmname_map_trinidad (Map of Trinidad and Tobago)
A map with which you will not get lost.

Map_nevis (Map of Nevis)
Map of the island for beginner travelers.

Map_sm (Map of San Martin)
Using this map, you can easily get to the right place.

Map_terks (Map of Turks)
Map of a wild island, compiled by an unknown person.

Map_maine_1(Map west of Maine)

Map_maine_2(Map south of Maine)
A unique map that includes a large piece of land.

Map_panama(Map of Panama)
Map of the Isthmus of Panama.

Map_maracaibo(Map of downtown Maine)
Map of the Maine section with the cities of Cartagena, Maracaibo and Caracas.

Map_cumana(Cumana Map)
Map of Maine's section with the city of Cumana.

Map_puerto (Map of Puerto Rico)
A map showing the location of the most important places on the island.

Map_full (Treasure map)
This map shows the place where, supposedly, the treasure is located. But you can only find out by visiting it.

Map_part1 (Part of treasure map)

Map_part2 (Treasure Map Part)
This is a piece of the map where the location of the treasure is indicated. You can find out where it is only by finding the missing parts of the map.

LegransMap (Legrans Map)
Map showing the location of the treasure of Laurent de Graaf. It is indicated here that the treasure is located in a grotto on desert island Turks.

Patent_england (Patent of England)
A patent issued by the office of His Majesty Charles II Stuart confirms that you are in the service of England. This imposes obligations on you to protect the interests of the state and maintain the ship in accordance with the charter.

Patent_portugal (Patent of Portugal)
Patent for the capture of merchant ships of other states.

Patent_holland (Patent Holland)
A patent issued by the office of His Majesty William III of Orange confirms that you are in the service of Holland. This imposes obligations on you to protect the interests of the state and maintain the ship in accordance with the charter.

Patent_france (Patent of France)
A patent issued by the Office of His Majesty Louis XIV confirms that you are in the service of France. This imposes obligations on you to protect the interests of the state and maintain the ship in accordance with the charter.

Patent_spain (Patent of Spain)
A patent issued by the office of His Majesty Charles II of Habsburg confirms that you are in the service of Spain. This imposes obligations on you to protect the interests of the state and maintain the ship in accordance with the charter.

Map_bad (Cheap map)
Map made by the discoverers of the New World. The fuzzy outlines of the islands on parchment that has yellowed over time do not allow us to accurately determine the current location.

Map_normal (Normal map)
This map is made by ordinary merchants. Titles major cities and the precise coordinates of the islands are all that is required for trading in these waters.

Map_good (Great map)
A copy of the map of the legendary pirate Francis Drake. It has almost everything that a real sea dog needs.

Bible (Bible)
A mysterious biblical book written in an unknown language.

ShipsJournal (Ship's journal)
Captain Gay's logbook.

Inventory of the shipment of valuables to Spain.

Powder_mummie (Mummy Powder)
Powdered part of a mummy. For this part of the world - a rarity.

Rock_letter (Tablets)
Stone tablets with runic inscriptions.

Azzy_bottle (Lamp)
Ancient oriental lamp. Reliably soldered from all sides, unknown runic symbols are pressed through on tin soldering. A strange thing, very light for a metal object.

Malyava (Malyava)
Thief's note.

Unarmed (Unarmed)
The ability to stand up for yourself with the help of what is always there - your fists.

Ascold_rabble (Small scrap)
Small scrap for housework. Using it as a lever, the earth cannot be turned over, but it is quite possible to move something heavy from its place, deftly using a thin and pointed end.

Rabble (Poker)
Old, rusty poker. It can hardly be called a weapon, but it is quite heavy and has a strong handle.

Lead1 (knuckles)
Sharp spikes and a comfortable grip allow this brass knuckles to serve as a good tool in the hands of a master.

Blade1 (Dusak)
Just a rusty piece of iron; even the brace that once protected the hand fell off from old age ...

Blade2 (Bretta)
Musketeer rapier. Such weapons were used by musketeers in the military service of various states.

Blade3 (Malkus)
A steel saber with a heavy blade that can cut through any mail.

Blade4 (Kutlas)
Saber with a short, wide blade. An ideal weapon for boarding fights. And, nevertheless, this is the weapon of a simple pirate, and not an officer, and, moreover, not a captain.

Blade5 (Dagger)
An ordinary dagger that is only good for close combat with an unarmed opponent.

Blade6 (Schiavona)
An elegant and deadly sword of Venetian mercenaries from Dalmatia.

Blade7 (Saber)
Ordinary soldier's saber. The weapon is simple, but cuts well.

Blade8 (Maltese sword)
Sword of the Knights of Malta. This sword is good for both attack and defense.

Blade9 (Italian rapier)
Graceful rapier of the Italian masters. Beautiful and at the same time dangerous weapon in capable hands.

Blade10 (Katzbalger)
Short sword of the German mercenaries. It was used mainly for outrages and debauchery, therefore it is not very suitable for protection.

Blade11 (Scottish broadsword)
A type of broadsword common in Scotland. Perfectly suited for both defense and attack.

Blade12 (Sea Cleaver)
A weapon common among military sailors. The thing is quite ordinary, but made to last.

Blade13 (Estok)
With this sword, you can easily break through any block; and even the strongest armor is unable to protect against his powerful piercing blow.

Blade14 (French Rapier)
The lightness of the blade of this rapier allows you to inflict lightning-fast injections on the enemy. A very effective weapon for dueling fights, as well as for a fight with several enemies.

Blade15 (Italian sword)
This sword is over a hundred years old, but it hasn't affected it in any way. Needless to say, the Italian gunsmiths knew their stuff.

Blade16 (Spanish sword)
Swords of this type were often preferred by the Spaniards. The blade of this sword bears the mark of one of Toledo's finest craftsmen.

Blade17 (Flamberg)
Germanic sword, equally adapted for both stabbing and slashing.

Blade18 (Crackmart)
A weapon popular with English and French sailors. For a saber, perhaps a little heavy.

Blade19 (German Rapier)
A simple but effective rapier forged in Germany.

Blade20 (Naval officer's broadsword)
The insanely sharp blade of this beautiful weapon is capable of cutting through almost any obstacle in its path.

Blade21 (Falchion)
Heavy knight sword. There are few people who can withstand his powerful blow.

Blade22 (English rapier)
Rapiers like this one were made in England for aristocrats and nobles. Often used as a dueling or award weapon.

Blade23 (Spanish rapier)
Rapier of Toledo craftsmen with a light but rather strong blade. The weapon of choice for Spanish duelists.

Blade24 (Hurricane)
A very balanced blade that allows a hurricane to pass through enemy lines.

Blade25 (Spanish saber)
This blade comes from the glorious forges of Toledo, which not only breaks through almost any defense, but also protects its owner well.

Blade26 (Cerberus)
A rather rare blade in the Archipelago, and it is not known where its name came from. However, this short blade has always been preferred by reckless brave men and adventurers, for it is excellent not only in attack, but also in defense...

Blade27 (Morgan's Rapier)
The famous pirate's rapier, isn't it the key to his success? A razor-sharp blade, excellent balance - all this allows you to survive in any mess.

Blade28 (Tanat)
Sword of the servants of the Order of Dagon. According to legend, the prototype of this sword was forged from a meteorite that fell from heaven.

Blade30 (Cavalry Saber)
A very, very good example of the weapons of the French cavalry.

Blade31 (Dutch Infantry Saber)
An excellent example of a weapon. Not everyone will be able to resist his lightning-fast chopping blows.

Blade32 (Haudegen)
Very good heavy single-edged sword. This is a real rarity: there are only a few of these in the entire archipelago.

Blade33 (French sword)
One of the best works of French masters. Great collectible weapon.

Blade34 (Kortelas)
Genoese sword. Once such swords were armed with professional fencers in Italy.

Blade35 (broadsword)
Heavy and powerful weapons are not the best solution for a quick attack, much less defense. However, this is more than made up for by the damage it does.

Topor1 (Axe)
Boarding axe. A powerful weapon when attacking, but almost useless for defense.

Topor2 (Axe)
An effective weapon for destroying rigging, as well as for hand-to-hand and boarding fights. The sharp protrusion on the butt is able to easily penetrate any armor.

Topor3 (Hatchet)
Boarding hatchet. Effective only with a sudden attack.

Arm1 (Combat Claws)
A series of deadly razor-sharp blades will leave an indelible mark on the cooling body of its victim...

Pistol1 (Pistol)
Small cheap pistol. Dangerous only at a very short distance.

Pistol2 (Long barrel pistol)
Regular long barrel pistol. Decent range and stopping power, but it takes a long time to reload and isn't very accurate.

Pistol3 (Mortar)
Real hand gun. Great stopping power, but range and accuracy leave much to be desired.

Pistol4 (Four-barrel pistol)
Four pistols in one. It takes a long time to recharge, but it's worth it. Using this pistol requires the Marksman skill.

Pistol5 (Brother Pistol)
This pistol is a true work of art. Excellent range and accuracy of fire, fast reloading, high lethal force - a weighty argument in any dispute.

Pistol6 (Double-barreled pistol)
Great pistol with two barrels. For those times when one bullet isn't enough. Using this pistol requires the Marksman skill.

Pistol8 (Musketon)
Powerful, lethal, rather heavy and rare killing tool in these waters.

Pistol7 (Shotgun)
Weapon of another time. Why and how it ended up here remains a mystery. Using a shotgun requires the Sharpshooter skill.

Cirass1 (Regular Cuirass)
This cuirass was worn by ordinary soldiers. It does not provide good protection, but it is still able to reduce the impact force by 10 percent.

Cirass2 (French Cuirass)
This cuirass is not perfect, but worthy of consideration when encountering pirates. Reduces saber strike damage by 20%.

Cirass3 (Spanish Cuirass)
Breastplate made by the best craftsmen of Castile. Able to take a good cut from a cutlass, reducing damage by 25%. Only officers could afford to wear it.

Cirass4 (Dutch Cuirass)
Cuirass of Dutch officers. Reduces saber strike damage by 22%.

Cirass5 (Expensive Cuirass)
Breastplate of gilded metal. A sign of wealth and prosperity. Perfectly restrains any blow, reducing the impact force by 35 percent.

Nocirass (No cuirass)
Sometimes you get very tired when you wear a cuirass for a long time. Take it off, lock yourself in your cabin and have a cup of hot coffee.

Spyglass1 (Cheap Spyglass)
A simple spyglass with scratched lenses. This junk has no place in the pocket of a self-respecting captain.
Through it, you can only see the type, name and speed of the ship.

Spyglass2 (Regular spyglass)
Ordinary spyglass. The lenses are quite decent, although it can be better.
Through it, you can only see the type, name, speed of the ship and the degree of damage to the sails.

Spyglass3 (Good spyglass)
Expensive spyglass with excellent lenses. Allows you to see the smirk on the face of the enemy boatswain for a mile.
Through it you can see: the type, name, speed of the ship, the number of guns and the degree of damage.

Spyglass4 (Excellent spyglass)
Spyglass made by a craftsman, with lenses made of the purest rock crystal. It can only be better than the exclusive version.
Through it, you can see: the type, name and speed of the ship, the degree of its damage, the number of crew, guns, and what they are loaded with.

Spyglass5 (Exclusive Spyglass)
This optical instrument is more like a telescope than a spyglass. Lenses of the purest rock crystal, with a perfect fit, and the use of a tripod to avoid hand twitching, allow you to see absolutely everything, even the type of guns on the ship or in the fort.

Potion1 (Healing Potion)
An infusion of medicinal herbs that heals minor wounds.

Potion2 (Elixir)
Brewed from over a hundred rare herbs, this elixir can heal even the worst of wounds.

Jewelry1 (Sapphire)
Light, clear water-colored stone. Excellent smooth cut.

Jewelry2 (Diamond)
A true piece of jewelry art. They say, in the brilliance of the faces of this magic stone you can see your future.

Jewelry3 (Ruby)
Bright, the color of blood, ruby. Decorate your sword and give your hand hardness in the next fight.

Jewelry4 (Emerald)
Emerald. A green stone, at the sight of which the most inveterate villain in his soul has memories of a beauty with green eyes, which he left at home. (+10 prestige)

Jewelry5 (Gold Nugget)
Gold nugget - for the sake of this beautiful metal, people kill each other. What can I say - gold rules the world.

Jewelry6 (Silver ring with sapphire)
Silver and sapphire - an inexpensive combination, but how much nobility is in this ring!...

Jewelry7 (Gold ring with emerald)
Gold and emerald - looks catchy, but you are not afraid of excessive brilliance.

Jewelry8 (Bronze ring)
Bronze ring - for good luck. Your talisman. (+10 luck)

Jewelry9 (Bronze cross)
Remember the Savior. In battle, perhaps it is a small cross that will give you strength. (+10 luck)

DeSouzaCross (Cross António de Souza)
Jesuit Cross. (+30 Luck, +20 Authority, +10 Trade)

Jewelry10 (Gold ring with sapphire)

Few are worthy of such luxury, even fewer can afford it.

DOjeronRing (Ring of Bertrand d "Ogeron)
According to him, Donna Anna must recognize the person sent by d "Ogeron.

Jewelry11 (Big Pearl)
Gift of the seas, brought here from distant voyages. They say that this pearl is more than a hundred years old.

Jewelry12 (Little Pearl)
A simple, beautiful gem.

Jewelry13 (Cameo)
Cameo. Present it to any beauty - and she will wear it for the rest of her life, remembering you.

Jewelry14 (Gold brooch)
Yes, you can’t just give this little thing to a beauty. Well, maybe the queen. But only for a while.

Jewelry15 (Emerald Pendants)
The devil take you, if for such an ornament you will not achieve the favor of any woman!!! (+10 stealth)

Jewelry16 (Necklace)
It seemed like a simple decoration. But everyone will be happy with this. So give it to anyone.

Jewelry17 (Silver Bar)
Silver - a precious metal. It was used for minting coins and for making church utensils.

Jewelry18 (Gold ring with ruby)
Bright, the color of blood, the ruby ​​gives gold a kind of sophistication.

Indian1 (Irgantahul Idol)
Figurine of an Indian deity. Hearth patron. (+10 prestige and stealth, -20 pistols).

Indian2 (Statuette of a strange animal)
Who knows what it is? It seems to be a toy for little Indians. (-10 credibility)

Indian3 (Small Mosaic)
Worn out by time, but still a pretty little thing. In Europe, such a thing would cost a fortune. Here it is sold for next to nothing. (+10 trade).

Indian4 (Earth jug)
A very handy vessel for storing water or wine.

Indian5 (Markuhankatu figurine)
Statuette of a cheerful deity. By the way, it's gold. (+10 stealth)

Indian6 (Disk Akumalartu)
The golden disk of the god of war of the local Indians. (+10 medium weapons)

Indian7 (Picahuatl Idol)
Idol - the image of Mother Earth. A symbol of fertility and good luck. (+10 luck)

Indian8 (Royal Spittoon)
ritual item. With the help of this goblet, rituals were performed at the Inca court. By the way, you can also use it in the household.

Itmname_indian9 (Idol of Bakahukta)
The image of God, and besides the cup. A handy little thing, agree.

Itmname_indian10 (Yxtoikhatlu Idol)
Stunningly beautiful figurine of a deity made of pure gold with inlay. Protector of hunters. (+20 pistols, +10 hit, -20 stealth).

Indian11 (Rat god)
The figurine of this god is able to save the captain of the ship from the invasion of rats and their damage to goods.

Indian12 (Idol of Morkhahtulak)
Golden idol head. Yes, a lot of gold was spent on this head ... By the way, the idol is the patron saint of warriors. (+10 heavy weapons)

Indian13 (Ancient smoker)
Vessel for Indian incense.

Indian14 (Ihtilokstumba Idol)
A golden idol made in a very unusual style. The deity is the patron of merchants (+20 trade, -20 authority).

Indian15 (Stone disc)
The stone disk is one of the main elements of the Mayan ritual. He was bathed in the blood of the victims. (+10 prestige and defense, -10 luck)

Indian16 (Painted Pot)
A colorful, painted vessel in the Aztec style. Unfortunately, it's just a styling...

Indian17 (Tiger Figurine)
This figurine is probably of Chinese origin. How did she get here? (+10 stealth)

Indian18 (Idol of the ancient deity)
The cult of the Indians is incomprehensible to people from Europe... In particular, this idol personifies a pagan deity who controls the elements. (+20 navigation, -20 stealth)

Indian19 (Red Gold Idol)
A figurine symbolizing a god who spewed fire and lightning on those who disobeyed him. (+20 hit, +10 guns, -20 stealth)

Indian20 (Priest Scepter)
One of the attributes of the supreme power of the Maya priests. (+20 prestige and -10 luck)

Indian21 (Ceremonial Vessel)
How many hundreds of years old this vessel will probably forever remain a mystery. But the fact that a sea of ​​blood was shed into him is undeniable. The Aztec gods were bloodthirsty. (+20 prestige, -10 stealth)

Indian22 (Strange thing)
This idol is one of the oldest. Even the name of the god, whom he symbolizes, has not come down to us, but, according to legend, he is the Protector. (+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10 prestige and luck)

Potion3 (Antidote)
This liquid is a decoction of rare herbs, which is an antidote. The taste is disgusting, but if you want to live, you won’t drink like that.

Potion4 (Potion)
This potion not only cures poisoning, but also restores health.

Potionrum (Bottle of rum)
No rum can knock you off your feet, so drink faster ... By the way, if you are injured, then the alcohol contained in it will help heal the wounds.

Potionwine (Excellent wine)
The finest French wine in the Caribbean. Its relaxing action will help the body regenerate and kill harmful bacteria.

Potion5 (Grapes)
Juicy grapes will quickly restore strength and quench the strongest thirst.

Bullets fit any type of pistol and are small but deadly lead pellets.
Keep an eye on their presence, because without them the shot is impossible.
The damage dealt by a bullet is highly dependent on the type of pistol.

Mineral2 (Lute)
Musical instrument.

Mineral3 (Candles)
Thick candles made of wax and fat.

Mineral4 (Cormorant)
A big surprise is to find a dead cormorant in the chest, but it’s still better to get rid of it as soon as possible - make a stuffed animal or bury it.
(-10 prestige and -10 stealth)

Mineral5 (Old bucket)
In this bucket, you can store more non-flowing items, since it is strong with holes.

Mineral6 (Coral)
This thing is very common in these places, since the islands of the Archipelago are mainly of coral origin.

Mineral7 (Pipe)
Old smoking pipe made of beautiful yellow stone.

Mineral8 (Shoe)
Wear one shoe Bad sign. (-10 luck)

Mineral9 (Mug)
Solid pewter mug with silver edging.

Mineral10 (Salt bag)
This mineral is used to make a powder that gives food a rather original flavor.

SculMa1 (White Crystal Skull)

SculMa2 (Pink Crystal Skull)
One of the three skulls of the Toltecs. Three skulls brought together give strength and wisdom. (+30 navigation, +20 authority, +20 accuracy, +20 boarding)

SculMa3 (Blue Crystal Skull)
One of the three skulls of the Toltecs. Three skulls brought together give strength and wisdom. (+30 navigation, +20 authority, +20 accuracy, +20 boarding)

Suit_1 (Roll-offs)
Such clothes suit only a professional tramp. Long unwashed, it exudes a disgusting smell that can scare away any person in their right mind. (+20 stealth when worn)

Suit_2 (Clothes of the merchant)
Well-cut, made of fashionable material, such clothes suit a wealthy gentleman and only he can afford. (+20 trade when worn)

Suit_3 (Clothes of a nobleman)
Meet by clothes, see off by mind. Making a great first impression is the mission of this exquisite garment. (+20 authority when worn)

Term_arm (Metal arm)
A stony and mysterious object washed up on the shore. Looks like a skeleton brush, but metallic. The hand was sticking out of the wreckage of the ship's hull, all overgrown with algae. Obviously, it has been riding the waves for a long time. Upon closer inspection, the engraving DT2022 is visible. What this means and what kind of craftsman did it is not clear.

I can help with a few tips that may come in handy at the beginning of the game.

It would be very nice to start with trading, as the basis of the hero's capital. Completion of deliveries within the specified time brings you a reputation. Your fame spreads throughout the archipelago. What reputation you will have, so the trade will take place (the higher it is and the better the ship, the better the price the seller in the store offers you for delivery).

You can find interesting things in the chests in the residence of the governor and the pawnbroker. But the governor will eventually have guards in the room where there is a chest. And she will try to cut down all attempts at theft, however, as now the whole nation :).

(!) Also, be careful when taking passengers on board, escorting a ship or transporting cargo. Because countries that are hostile to your country under the flag that you fly are hostile to you (!). Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the task, you will lose money and reputation.

Treasure maps are also common in the game. They can be found in the tavern, they look like a pirate, with a bandana. But in return, the pirate will demand a certain amount (usually it turns out to be more than what can be found in the treasure trove; in addition to them, the chest may contain a priceless artifact that will help you improve your abilities). For example, you can collect three skulls (white, blue, and I don’t know exactly which one, maybe red). They give 20-30% increases to 4 hero abilities (I don’t remember exactly which ones). There is also an Aztec tablet that gives trade benefits but gives -20% prestige in return.

I would divide all treasure maps into 3 types: real, requiring verification and fake. Real ones are worth at least 20,000 - 30,000 gold, potential ones are about 20,000, and fakes are about 10,000. But you can recognize a fake by looking at it right away through F2 > Items > Cards. After that, you need to go to the same pirate who sold you the map. He admits that she is a fake and can challenge you to a duel (or you him). The duel can be immediately in the tavern (everyone runs away, but then the guards do not (!) Consider you an enemy), or outside the gates of the city at a certain time (5 game minutes

30 seconds present).

In the game, it is possible to increase skills with the help of idols. But 2 idols do not give double the result. But the parameters of the GG are increased by its officers. So we put the officers as boarders and give them repeating idols.
By the way, oddly enough, it is better to put people with low morality as officers. These do not go away if you rob merchants, but are otherwise the same as those with a high reputation.

At the beginning of the game, when money is scarce, when selling captured ships at the shipyard, you can sell their guns separately. The price of the ship does not decrease from this. To do this, in the "ships" menu, click on the "guns" line, a diagram of the location of the guns on the deck will appear. Click on "remove everything", and then in the shipbuilder's menu select "buy guns". It turns out 5000 - 6000 money.

Get good ship in Corsairs it is necessary, but you can actually get them (ships) for the whole game only in battles. Therefore, I advise you to take any ship, even if it is higher than your rank - with such a ship, levels are added faster.

1. Buy an officer (any).

If any country has put a bounty on your head, you will be hunted by Bounty Hunters. The larger the amount for the GG, the more people will meet him in the port, and the larger the squadron of ships at sea (if the reward

100k gold, in the port - 8 people, in the squadron - 7-8 ships).

On the land.
You land and see a bunch of thugs, don't panic, but quickly get your saber. They will not dare to say a word to you while the saber is in your hand, but if you hide it, you are in an unpleasant situation. So, after, we go to any guard, stand behind him, lay down the saber. The hunters will talk to you (either they will make a mistake or not), they will take out their sabers and start cutting. no, not you, but the guard. As a result, the entire colony took up arms against them. However, remember to be careful with your weapon, otherwise you can hit the guard - and you will not be healthy.
But don't load a previous save. If the guards are against you, and relations with this country remain the same (neutral, or friendly, then we lay down the saber and run to the end of the pier, board the ship. Then we go again, and everything is as it was. If again some gang does not decides to attack you.

In the sea.
My advice, if a not very large amount was given for the head of the GG and a small number of ships are chasing you, then feel free to go into battle with them. However, having an enemy of 7-8 ships, it is better to load the last save. The game will not withstand such a large number of ships and will crash.

A technique, like sailing even on a longboat alone, to capture any ship during boarding.
Needed: a better gun, a hundred bullets, 25-30 health elixirs and 20 minutes of free time =). Further, when boarding from both ends of almost all large ships, an elevation on the deck, to which a ladder leads. Actually, then you need to run from one elevation to another, constantly shooting from a pistol at the nearest enemy, with 2-3 shots an enemy person is killed. It is useless to fight with swords in such a situation - there are a lot of enemies. On the second attempt, I managed to capture a heavy tier 3 galleon in this way.

In the tavern you can find ship captains. He can join you if he joins, then go to the shipyard, take the ship from the man who was sitting in the tavern and sell it, and then appoint him as a boarder, look at his things and voila TAKE.
I made about 600 thousand for this.

The recipe for success, in my opinion, is this: in the game it’s more to swim in the sea, it’s useful to upgrade navigation, robbery is more profitable than trade, as soon as it becomes possible to control ships of the 1st class - get a Warship (80 guns), then sail to Bermuda, there on shipyards of the pirate settlement we do a complete tuning of our ship and get a fast, maneuverable and roomy combat vehicle - a nightmare of fat merchant caravans, capable of taking any caravan with ease, as well as completing any task according to the plot of the game.
I, having one such ship, went through the whole game, captured cities, sank the “Flying” and had a collection of 7 manovars in different ports, but did not use them (slow, clumsy and useless mountain of wood.)
If during the boarding the ship surrendered without a fight - let it go (be merciful!) Having previously taken everything of value, for this mercy you will increase the reputation and devotion of your officers (they will not scatter from you like cockroaches in the very first tavern.) Buy cards treasures at the first opportunity, they often come across exclusive items and weapons (for example, I found a good blade and 3 Toltec skulls, as well as many different figurines in treasures.)
If halves of cards with treasures come across, then before putting them together, save, and if after adding the place of the treasure does not suit you (like sailing far), then after reloading, put them together and the treasure will be in another place.
It is also useful to arrange a warehouse for the necessary goods, for example, provisions, medicines, weapons, sometimes these goods are not in the store, but they are urgently needed (you can make a ship with a spacious hold and deposit it in a port where you often go, for example, for tasks to the governor general).

So, at the very beginning, you don’t have much money, and therefore I advise you to pump at least two more levels outside the city, after that you need to save up money, it’s very easy to do. Outside the city, we go out to the cave where the skeletons are located and beat them, we collect things from them. So I knocked out a pistol and a sword. Accumulate ten thousand and you can buy a treasure map. The guy who sells the map can be found in the tavern, he will ask you for a ROUND sum of money. Check the card with f2, if the card is fake, then go to him, but he can cause a duel. If the map is not fake, then try to avoid other ships and swim to the island where they are buried. It happens that they are hidden in caves, so be careful when you take them (if the treasures are in the cave), then skeletons will attack you and when you exit, two more pirates can attack you.

When you are in the city, a person can run up to you and say about the matter of life and death (the matter of your death, so take your most the best weapon) you go to the cave where the meeting is indicated and he takes out a sword and attacks you if you kill him, then he may have a round sum of money and an excellent weapon.

I'll tell you how you can still cut down a lot of grandmas. As you know, captured ships are accepted at the shipyard at bargain prices. BUT if you leave them with the officer in the port for storage. then after a while (2-3 months of playing time) the price for them will increase as for new ones. YES, you will have to wait a long time for profit. but it will pay back many times the waste for port costs and bring profit. especially effective with ships of 3-4 classes. For example: leaving a caravel for storage, which is bought at the shipyard as captured at first for 4500 + to them there are also costs for idle time in the port of 25000. but in the end I received 89753 gold from it. I think it's worth it!

You can earn more money in a safe way those. trade, but at first, when trade is not pumped, try to find officers in taverns who have this skill pumped at least 45-50 points. and put him in the role of treasurer. then success will be guaranteed! IMMEDIATELY becomes noticeable difference in the sale! then it's up to the little things. roomy ship and zagazhnik money for promotion. so you can raise about 400-600 thousand gold in 1-2 hours of real time. and at the same time, your trading experience is rapidly catching up. Wish you success!

I think the best way to make money is smuggling. You start the game as Spain, borrow money from a moneylender or complete tasks, sail to Belize, which is located on the left of the map, buy Ebony with all the money, then sail to Santo Domingo, which is in Hispaniola, there is ebony smuggling, go to the tavern look for a smuggler, he says where to sail (this place is always on the island where you are), moor there, save (smugglers, dishonest people can take away the goods anyway :)). You sell them goods (immediately after that, the guards will come running). Wet them, then again, save, sail away and there is a ship standing there (at first it becomes your enemy, you can not wet it, but just get on the map in time). And again in Santo Domingo (the relationship does not deteriorate when trading in smuggling). In Santo Domingo you buy Sandalwood for export and sell again in Belize for import. And so here and there. I earned 1,600,000 dough on this, I sail on a Warship (Battle Ship) and in a squadron of 3 battleships.
If you want, you can buy any corsair patent from the pirates in the tavern (England, France, Holland, Spain) and do not worry about doing tasks for governors :).

A patent can be obtained by completing tasks from a person who sits in a residence and a lot then he will issue you a patent.

The main thing in the game is not money (although it’s bad without them). If you constantly have from 200k to 300k, this will be enough with your head. To gain access to ships high level it is necessary to swing the NAVIGATION (and do not believe the one who says that if you take a ship of a higher level, experience will grow faster). The experience limit depends on the class of the ship, and the smaller the class, the lower the limit.
Well, one piece of advice on how to make money.
The best way to make money is by selling ships. But at first you cannot capture the ship yourself, so use the help of the forts. When you swim around the map, run into pirates for example and sail away from them to the allied island. Then swim and stand near the city, but do not go to the location yourself, wait until you are attacked, agree with the attack (press the “attack” button and voila).
You find yourself in a location near the fort and friendly ships. Everyone is just eager to shoot at the enemy whom you brought, and you just need to have time to swim up to the enemy (when he has few crew left) and have time to board. But then again, if your plans include pumping accuracy, etc. then you can just as well shoot squadrons of 3-5 ships in the first couple.
In this way, I upgraded to rank 28 and captured 5 warships for myself (although I myself sailed on a rank 5 caravel and earned 15,000,000 money).
Good luck to everyone at sea and on land.

A lot of money. Elapsed time - 15 minutes. Profit about 7-8 million.
How? Just.
You are often asked to escort other ships to ports. Agree. Go to the store and see the cargo of the ship being escorted! If it is listed as a smuggler, then you are super lucky!
Go to the tavern, make an appointment with the smugglers (you also need to have a little smuggled cargo to agree). Come to a meeting and sell the cargo. Cargo from the escorted ship can be sold an INFINITE number of times.

How to get all the amulets.

You sail to Trinidad and Tobago, there you land in some bay (I don’t remember the name) and move on to the next location. There will be an entrance to the cave, go there and get into a small grotto, approach the ball spinning in the air and 3-4 skeletons appear, chop them all and take away the amulets. The point is that the grotto is as small as a room, and the skeletons in it appear only once and each has 1-2 different amulets. So do this fraud 10 times and get all the common amulets (pendants, crosses, rings, statues, the Aztec calendar, etc.). I even won a GUN there. By the way, it is better to go to corpses with a 4-barreled pistol.

Let me remind you: the number of amulets one character does not add up, so give each crew member 1 amulet of each type. To give an amulet to some boatswain, you need to make him a boarder, give the amulets, and again make him a boatswain.

I advise you not to take amulets that increase trade and lower authority. when using them, the morale of the team will fall, the crew will ask for allowances and rebel, so you will lose more money than you will gain from trading.

Almost everyone has a problem with money and it can be solved very simply.

1. Buy an officer (any).
2. Assign an officer to the boarding position (or whatever it's called).
3. Go to the location (best in a tavern, shop, residence or street vendor).
4. Put an officer next to another person (who is always in the same place).
5. Open the officer's action menu (press enter).
6. Make *exchange* light up, but don't acknowledge.
7. Turn sharply towards the intended target and press consent.

You can pick this NPC's pockets and take what you want.

Well, everyone knows how to search the pockets of any character in the game. It is best to find a captain in a tavern who can join your squadron. You don’t take him to your place right away, but first search his pockets, he always has at least 100,000. With each increase in the rank of money, he will have more and more money. The maximum I have found is about 3,000,000.

At the beginning of the game, you can easily get the initial capital. We start in any city.
We go out to the world map and wait for the appearance of a hostile ship. It will be better if the enemy ship is a pirate one. It is VERY important to be as close to the city as possible.
Well, here it is: the enemy ship is sailing towards you; you enter the fight. You are near the fort and the fort is attacked by pirates.
If you're lucky, the fort sinks the ship and you take the rest of its goods.
If not, then the pirate ship turns around and sails away, throwing out a good part of the goods. Again, you collect his goods.
On this, you can put together an initial capital - 10-20k, but this is enough for a start. Then we hire a team and go to battle!

You start the game with 500 coins. In order to increase the starting capital, you can sell all the guns. It's also a good idea to rummage through the pockets of street vendors. They often come across such valuable things as skulls, cuirasses, etc. Moreover, the stolen junk can be immediately sold to the same merchant several times.

Everyone probably had a problem when completing the quest related to Attila. At the beginning of the game, enemies will be waiting for you in every house, and dealing with them is not so easy. Therefore, do as follows: as soon as you enter the house, do not wait for a conversation with a pirate - immediately take out your sword, thus he will not start a conversation! Kill everyone except those characters with whom you need to talk.

Everyone knows that it is not profitable to sell captured ships, but this is not entirely true. If you capture pirate ship, then it can be sold at a normal price.

At the beginning of the game, everyone has a problem with money, however, there is a way to make countless amounts of money (if you have the patience to press on the clave). I, for example, at the first level of the character earned 50 million. There was no more patience.

So so! We go into the tavern and talk with the bartender about work, before that prudently remaining. We need to get a mission to escort the ship. When we acquire it and we have a ship to escort, we need to look into the hold of this ship. Usually there are goods that can be smuggled in there, whether it be weapons, wood or provisions. If there are such things, we approach the smuggler (in the same place, in the tavern), "three" with him about the sale of illegal goods and sail to the indicated place (the bay or bay of the island on which we are). Having landed on the shore, we talk with the smugglers and sell them a batch. You can sell the goods of the ship that needs to be escorted indefinitely. Accordingly, you can cut down an infinite amount of money.

In order to get (the best weapon in KVL) you need:
1) to be sunk twice by the Flying Dutchman.
2) the second time you will have a terminator hand in your inventory, now go to the tavern and
we sleep there until the terminator comes to you for a hand (he will tell you about the shotgun).
3) now in time last fight with the "Flying Dutchman" we take him on board.
4) in one of the cabinets there is a shotgun (you can also find a statue of the rat god in the captain's cabin).

At the beginning of the game, look at the statistics of the hero and increase the points on reactions, strength and perception, up to 10, because this will be useful to us in the passage of the game. At the beginning of the game, little money and a terrible ship. This is fixable, all the wealth can be amassed by doing the work of governors and merchants. Yes, this business is annoying, but if you want big money and a good reputation, be patient. In this way I received a letter of marque and 2,000,000 million piastres. Complete the tasks of the English Governor General. When it comes to Morgan, (there will be such a mission), he will give you a task to rob the city of Belize, then you will be in the squadron of him and his friends. You can use them, swim to some convoy when you start the fight, capture a warship or higher, and Morgan's cronies can handle the rest. So, you have 2,000,000 million piastres and a good ship. Capture the city of Belize, you have looted the gold lotto, sell it and get 325487 piastres. And no codes or hacks. Net profit.

It would be very nice to start with trading, as the basis of the hero's capital. Making deliveries on time earns you a reputation. Your fame is spreading throughout the archipelago. What reputation you have, so the trade will take place (the higher it is and the better the ship, the better the seller in the store offers you a price for delivery).

You can find interesting things in the chests in the residence of the governor and the pawnbroker. But the governor will eventually have guards in the room where there is a chest. And she will try to cut down all attempts at theft, however, as now the whole nation.

Don't forget about the new feature of the game: body search (default key 1). You can come across a lot of interesting things, both from the crew and from the captain taken on board the ship.

Also, be careful when taking passengers on board, escorting a ship or transporting cargo. Since countries hostile to your country, under the flag of which you sail, are also hostile to you (!). Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the task, you will lose money and reputation.

Treasure maps are also common in the game. They can be found in the tavern at the pirate with the bandana. But in return, the pirate will demand a certain amount (usually it turns out to be more than what can be found in the treasure trove; in addition to them, the chest may contain a priceless artifact that will help you by changing your abilities for the better). For example, you can collect three skulls (white, blue, and I don’t know exactly which one, maybe red). They give a 20-30% increase to the four abilities of the hero. There is also an Aztec tablet that gives trade benefits but gives -20% prestige in return.

I would divide all treasure maps into 3 types: real, requiring verification and fake. The real ones are worth at least 20,000 - 30,000 gold, the potential ones are around 20,000, and the fake ones are around 10,000. But you can recognize the fake immediately by looking at it through F2 > Items > Cards. After that, you need to go to the same pirate who sold you the map. He admits that she is a fake and can challenge you to a duel (or you him). The duel can be immediately in the tavern (everyone runs away, but then the guards do not (!) Consider you an enemy), or outside the gates of the city at a certain time (5 game minutes

30 seconds present).

How to earn enough money and pump your luck to 100. If you like to play cards, go to the tavern and play at 21, there are always enough people who want to play there.

The easiest way to get a patent is to buy it in a tavern in a pirate settlement from a diplomat, it costs about 150k, if you don't have it, swim to another settlement.

If you bought a patent of some nation and received a title, then it is undesirable to buy another patent, otherwise your title will be lost.

When you're picking the pockets of the merchants, keep all the cards for yourself. They weigh little and are expensive. On the next sale, you will get good money. I raised 500,000 at a time.

Very often on initial stage games have a problem - where to get good weapon. There are many ways, but I will tell you one of the simplest.

First we sail to Bermuda, meet Atila there, take the quest “History beautiful Isabella”, but instead of going through it, we make it simpler:

We sail to San Juan (on Puerto Rico), moor in the bay, go to the church, ask about Isabella, go to her house, her husband is standing there, he must be killed. It is impossible to do this right away, since he just stands there, and if you chop him, he will not pay attention to it. It is necessary to climb into the chest, and then he will attack you; and now we kill him, and here's the reward - we get Kartales (medium weapon 23-70), and he will also have a breter pistol and 1000 piastres. Now you need to leave the city straight to the bay, where the ship is waiting for you. The only negative is that the Spaniards will not be very happy to see you, but Cartales is a pretty good sword, and with it you will not be afraid to walk the first 15 levels at least.

The fastest way to upgrade is "Navigation", "Guns" and "Accuracy". You need to find yourself any navigator, a ship of the line with 32-pounder guns and sail to Cape Aruba, where to fire at the fort of Caracas. The fort will not fire a single salvo in your direction! However, the operation requires at least 6000 gunpowder and the same number of cores

To capture a great ship, you need 50-100 bullets, a good blade, a LITTLE crew and some real skill. It is done like this - when boarding, you need to break out onto a large ship, there is a place on the right under the stairs between the wall and the cannon, we climb into this place and kill everyone one at a time, only one person gets into this place, more often we put blocks and fire from a pistol. Thus I captured a frigate with a crew of 100 men TARTANA with a crew of 18 men. Pure truth.

Corsairs GPC how to find treasures

I also had a funny thing with the card. Received it as a reward for the correct answer.

There is no way to get rid of her (I hope that when she enters the GPC she will disappear) but I want treasures. The caves of almost the entire lower main passed and nothing (no sounds, no inscriptions). Can anyone give me some advice before I screw it up.

Aizen You are right, I found a grotto, and there are treasures in it! my first treasures!)) thanks for the tip))
but how to distinguish a fake card anyway, suddenly come across?)

200?'200px':"+(this.scrollHeight+5)+'px');"> Hello everyone! sorry for the offtopic, someone came across a chest weighing 50 kg and a wild value, I can’t sell it to either merchants or a moneylender ((Maybe you can tell me how to be) Thanks in advance!

Hang up)) I did everything)

With a card that good citizens give for the correct googled and printed
on the printer, the answer to the quiz is often a glitch.
The position of the treasure indicated in it sometimes does not correspond to its actual location.

I somehow got a map with a guide to the "Cave between Belize and Santa Catalina" climbed all the caves there ..
I already wanted to spit on this matter, but then suddenly the devil brought it to Trinidat and for some reason I climbed into the local
cave (it seems to practice on skeletons + loot from them) and BAM - “The treasure is somewhere nearby”
found a good treasure with Bretta and a sundial + a bunch of cards and tsatsek =)

In general, if there is a map, then somewhere there is a treasure scripted for it - look for it and you will find it.

An empty chest is half the trouble. When in the chest there is a whole arsenal of axes, weighing several hundred kg in their totality. - it's a complete disaster. Firstly, the dream of precious stones and golden doubloons is collapsing, and secondly, the treasure is still found (the map is already “spoiled”), well, let’s go with oohs and such and such a mother to load ourselves and companions with pieces of iron and drag all this “treasure "to the bay, to the ship.

Despite the fact that everyone has a manual at the root of the game and everything is described in detail there, various questions begin to arise from the players. Some of the answers in this miniFAK will repeat the manual, but what can you do.

Q: The archipelago map is too big and I can't find the island/settlement I need. What should I do? So and swim blindly?
A: No, store vendors and street vendors have maps of the archipelago for sale. If you don't find them, then global map you can slow down time and press the Tab button, and look at the map. More to open real card Caribbean archipelago and look there, almost all of the geography is preserved.

Q: For some reason, all my characteristics are reduced, it is written in brackets (-X). What needs to be done to make everything okay?
A: The reason may lie in various problems. You may have a ship that does not match your navigation skill, you may also have an overweight of things or poor health.

Q: The governor gave the task to find a bandit gang. I went around all the jungle, but they are not. What's the matter here?
A: Walk through the jungle again, look into the bays. Remember, bandits can also move through the jungle. Seek and find.

Q: The governor gave the task to find an enemy infiltrator in the city. I don't know how to complete this quest.
A: There are several options: 1) He is in the house. Search all houses, incl. city ​​buildings (including the utility room of the shipyard, etc.) and the second floors of houses. 2) He is on the streets of the city. Interrogate the townspeople, find out.

Q: The governor gave the task to find the smugglers. Where are they?
A: We go to the tavern, make an appointment with them (there should be contraband goods on your ship), and "meet".

Q: At the beginning of the game, there are only three characters to choose from. How can I add more?
A: In the folder with the game Resource\Ini\texts\russian there is a file, HeroDescribe, it contains all the instructions on how to create your new character. To simply add more Persians, it is enough to change the hero_qty parameter in the same file, you need to set the parameter to 18. New models can be obtained here.

Q: A man came up to me in the city and asked me a historical question. It seems that I enter the correct answer, but he says that it does not fit.
A: Check again that your answer is correct. Try typing your answer in lower case.

Q: The "swim to" feature doesn't work? No matter how much I tried to use it, I always hear a characteristic knock.
A: This feature only works for friendly ships and forts and for the mission to sink a pirate.

Q: I can not customize the buttons for myself. It says "Button already taken". How to do it?
A: Subject.

Q: The problem is with the nation. The attitude is friendly, and the fort is firing at me / the soldiers are attacking.
Q: What is a patent? How to get it?
Q: What is reputation? How does it affect the game?
Q: How to get a license? How to use a trade license? I bought a license on a pirate island, but the fort started shooting at me.
A: You in this topic.

Q: Why can't I take the city for myself? After the destruction of the soldiers in the city, the governor does not have the required branch in the dialogue.
A: Until you pass or fail a race as a nation, you will not be able to claim the city for your own use.

Q: In the jungle in some places you can not go further, stub.
A: That's by design. Further impenetrable thickets. Look for another way, buy a map of the island.

Q: I swam to myself, did not touch anyone, and suddenly an inscription appeared: “Your reputation has gone down. ". As it is, I didn't do anything.
A: Reputation tends to become Common Sailor over time. Moreover, bad deeds are forgotten more slowly than good ones.

Q: At the tavern, the pirate offered to meet on the ship. There was a corresponding entry in the questbook. He went out to sea, there was no one, there was nowhere to send the boat. Sailed around the island, found no one. What to do?
A: It is not always possible to swim to the ship. The arrow is assigned in a secluded place. Search, swim around the island, swim to the bays and try to “swim to” there.

Q: Where is the unique shipyard where you can upgrade the ship?
A: In Bermuda.

Q: Where is this Fort Orange?
A: In Jamaica. It's definitely there, look for it.

Q: Where is the Isle of Maine?
A: This is not an island, mainland, coastline. In the west and south of the map.

Q: Where can I find rare items in the game?
A: In hoards. During the passage of the lines.

Q: How to get rid of rats? Eat everything, bastards.
A: Find the rat god. They do not eat everything, of the controversial only gunpowder and weapons, and even then, they do not eat, but spoil.

Q: How many quests do I need to complete to get access to the Governor General?
A: Random. From 5 to 10, about as lucky. But this number of tasks must be completed only with one governor and not fail them.

Q: Answered the question, one sword was promised as a prize. He had to lie in some kind of bay. I have looked all over the bay, but there is a completely different sword. Weird.
A: This is exactly the sword you were promised. It's just that you were given his "popular nickname".

Q: The "experience threshold" is not displayed in the character interface. Is this a bug?
A: No. Select the desired item in this interface and the desired value will automatically appear there.

Q: Slowly lowering/raising sails and loading cannons. What's the matter?
A: Few crew and/or they have low Sailors or Gunners skill.

Q: What is the limit on the number of officers? I need more officers, and I can't hire anyone else.
A: Max number of officers = Leadership*2. If this parameter is small for you, then use part-timers.

Q: Can you tell me how to get rid of an expired trade license? It is impossible to throw it out of the inventory, nor to put it in the chest in the cabin, anywhere.
A: Keep it as a memory. It will be updated when you get a license next time.

Q: Is it possible to complete several lines in one game?
A: No, just one.

Q: Are there non-generated solo quests in the game at all?
A: Yes, you need to look for them. Long and interesting.

Q: Are there Architects in the game? Can you build your own city? Is there a colony management?
A: No. No. No.

Q: Is it possible to assign officers to a companion ship?
A: No.
Q: Can PIRATES be changed during the game?
A: Only at the beginning, on the deck of the ship. Although there is another option, you can increase one skill by one point. But for this you need to complete some kind of quest.

Q: I have collected three skulls, nothing works.
A: Skulls must be of different colors.

Q: How can I get through Askold, Isabella, the quest with LG? Please describe in more detail. And preferably, a complete passage.
A: No one will write in detail. Search by yourself, have more fun. And to drive by the hand is not interesting. The maximum that they will do to you will only hint at the right path.

Q: Where are the cheats? Give me cheats! I can't live without cheats!
A: No one will give you cheats here. Learn to play. Try to turn on the sailor difficulty, slowly understand the game. Cheats will only kill the fun.

Q: Give NoCD for the game!
A: No.

Q: How to start playing? I can’t do anything, the team is not enough, there is not enough money.
A: 1) Walk through caves, jungles, learn swordsmanship, pump skills. 2) Take the quest of a merchant, a passenger from a tavern keeper (especially the quest with the delivery of a passenger to a hostile city) 3) Complete several quests from the governors. 4) When you develop well financially, hire a couple of officers to help you in various matters.

Q: How to get into a city hostile to the GG nation?
A: 1) We buy a license, change the flag to the desired one, moor in the port of the city. OR: 2) Change the flag to the one you need, at night we moor to the bay (which is closer to the city, but you have to be careful, some bays are shot through from the fort), we make our way to the city gates, we go into the city. You can consolidate success by sneaking into the tavern and spending the night in it.

Q: Where can I get manowar? It's not in the shipyard!
A: It shouldn't be in the shipyard. Look for manowar in squadrons that attack colonies.

Q: Where is Belize Island, Santa Catalina, Porto Bello, Panama, Cartagena, Maracaibo, Caracas, Cumana?
A: These are not islands, but cities. They are located on the mainland, Maine. In the question they are listed in order from West to East.

Q: Where is Tenotchitlan?
A: This is a location with a pyramid (temple). Buy a map of pearl crafts, find out.

Q: How to enable acceleration more than x2?
A: +/- on Numpad.

Q: Where can I get Askold's quest? Isabella? LG?
A: Random. Bermuda, Atilla. Drink more.

Q: Is there a pirate line in the game? Treasure of Samsa? Strange things are happening in the archipelago, the help of the church, the necromicon?
A: None of this is in KVL.

Q: A man came up to me on the street and asked a question: “. ". Anyone help?
A: Only in PM. And it’s easier to find it yourself in an encyclopedia or a search engine.

Q: Is the Indian Temple open?
A: Yes, by quest

Q: According to Isabella. He went to her house and talked to her. What to do next?
A: Run around the buildings of the city.

Q: What kind of nonsense? According to Isabella's quest, I have to make it to Belize in 15-16 days - it's impossible!
A: Catch the wind. Swim in zigzags. Use S/L (load until the normal wind blows).

Q: Isabella was stolen, found the corpse of her maid, where to look for her herself?
A: In a cave outside the city. The cave looks like a mine, look for it there.

Q: At the wedding with Isabella, four big hulks fly into the church. I can't overwhelm them.
A: Use spinning slam, berserk. Buy a good pistol, preferably not a single barrel. Be smart.

Q: Isabella is sinking with the brig Rapture! What to do?
A: You made a mistake while doing this quest. Present Isabella with some evidence that should have been found earlier. Nothing to help you now, download an early recording of the game.

Q: What is the purpose of this wedding with Isabella?
A: There are positives. For example, the improvement of health, and not sickly. There are a few more advantages, but I won't mention them. And in the end, in life, people get married for some reason, right?

Q: Quest "sink the pirate". It does not exist in coastal waters. How to pass the quest?
A: Send lifeboats to ships you can sail to. If you do not find a pirate, swim to the bays, look for ships there.

Q: The Flying Dutchman drowns me and throws me ashore. Where to get a ship? There is absolutely no money at the moment!
A: Run to the nearest town. Take any quest from the governor. Carefully look in the chests of the owners of houses. If the city is hostile to you, arrange with smugglers to transport you to another island (you can kindly ask for money for transportation from the bandits in the jungle). And it is best to keep a certain amount with a moneylender so that the money does not disappear in vain.

Q: I can't find the treasure! What's the matter?
A: 1) If you entered the desired cave, the map will disappear from your inventory and the inscription "treasure somewhere nearby" will appear on top. If this did not happen, then this is not the right cave, look for another one. 2) If the map has disappeared, then carefully search all the chests. After searching the chest where the treasure is located, skeletons should appear. It is not necessary to activate the sphere before finding the treasure, because it is pointless.

Q: I found a treasure, locked chests with gold inside, how do I open them?
A: None. They can only be sold. You will be offered a good price for them.

Q: How to get to the pearl coast?
A: Buy a pearl craft map. Everything is there.

Q: Where can I find mummy powder?
A: Interrogate street vendors throughout the archipelago so that they refuse to trade with you. You will find it sooner or later.

Q: Where can I find cursed pearls?
A: Take a quest from the mers, you might find something interesting.

Q: Is there a Kilij in the game?
A: No. His ideological heir became "Haudegen".

Q: What are buckets, candles, lutes, pots and other utensils for?
A: Well, they usually carry water in buckets. Candles are lit and the lute is played. But seriously, it’s more pleasant with trinkets, realism appears, although there is no particular benefit from them.

Q: What type of weapon is better? Light, Heavy, Medium?
A: Each has its own advantages. Heavy hits well, but a lot of energy is wasted. Light, on the contrary, hits weakly, and you can wield it for a long time. Look for options, see what your reaction is, compare, everything is known in comparison. Someone may like the "golden mean".

Q: How to prevent losses from boarding?
A: Keep track of the presence of medicines, weapons in your hold. Use buckshot to harass the enemy team.

Q: Once in a tavern I spoke with a maid, and she promised me a night of love. He just says that I'm busy right now. Is this an easter egg or what?
A: It's a dynamo, folks, a simple dynamo.

FAQ "Maps, treasures, chests".

Q: What cards are there in Corsairs: Return of the Legend?
A: There are three types of maps in the game: a large map of the Caribbean, "tactical" maps of islands and parts of the mainland, and "treasure maps". big map presented in two versions: cheap (land outlines) and regular (cities are indicated in it). There are also rumors about the existence of a "Drake map", which displays the nationality of the settlements in real time. Alas, this treasure has not yet been found by anyone ... On the maps of the islands and parts of the mainland, bays, lighthouses, roads, cities and caves are indicated: with their help, you can easily find the place you need. Treasure maps are simply handwritten details of the location of a treasure.

Q: Where to get cards and how to use them?
A: Geographic Maps can be bought in the store and from street vendors, and treasure cards are purchased from dark personalities in taverns or found in other treasures. To view the map, click on the "take" button in the item menu. To view ancient map it needs to be connected (“take” any of its halves). Also in the item menu there is a useful filter "cards": with it, you will see only the cards you have.

Q: Is it possible to do without cards in the game?
A: On the global map, you can view the archipelago by slowing down the game and pressing the tab key: at maximum zoom, the names of cities and bays will be visible (note that time does not stop in this case, and you can be attacked). In general, if you know the geography of the Caribbean well and are not playing the game for the first time, the lack of maps should not be a problem for you. But to find the treasure without indicating its location is impossible.

Q: I'm tired of carrying around a bunch of cards, how do I get rid of them?
A: Geographic maps can be deposited with an officer, stored in a chest, sold or discarded (to do this, put them in any chest on the mainland or in the inventory of the slain). A treasure map or parts of an ancient map cannot be disposed of in any other way than by finding the treasure.

Q: Where is the Isle of Maine?
A: Maine is not an island, but the common name for the Spanish southwest coast caribbean(the mainland is on the left and at the bottom of the map). There is no single map of the mainland, but merchants sell descriptions of its individual sections.

Q: I can't go inland, why?
A: This is by design: the player cannot leave the Caribbean either by sea or by land, so the roads leading inland are blocked (impassable jungle has grown in their place). If you need to get to one of the neighboring locations, look for another way.

Q: I've searched all the islands, but I can't find Fort Orange! What should I do?
A: The Dutch settlement of Fort Orange is located in the interior of the island of Jamaica, so he did not see it on the global map, where only coastal settlements are displayed. In the same way, the settlements of pirates and smugglers can be hidden from prying eyes ...

Q: What is the treasure in Corsairs: Return of the Legend?
A: Treasure is a few items hidden by someone in one of the caves of the archipelago. It can consist of several things of the same kind (for example, 80 pearls), but never - from one thing. The player can find the treasure if he knows its exact location (usually by buying a treasure card from the shadow person in the tavern).

Q: What are hoards?
A:Depending on the method of obtaining the card, there are two types of treasures. Treasures of the first level include all those found on maps from the tavern. Treasures of the second level can be found by gluing two halves of an ancient map, which are only found in other treasures. As a rule, treasures of the second level contain more rare and valuable items.

Q: For a month now no one has offered me new cards, what is the reason?
A: Perhaps you are just unlucky and visit different taverns with the card seller. To increase your chances, try to spend the night in the tavern several times. But keep in mind, if you already have a treasure map or two halves of an ancient map, then the seller will never sell new card: first you need to find the treasure already known to you.

Q: I can't find the treasure! Maybe they sold me a fake card?
A: You can tell if a card is fake by looking at it ("take" in the item menu). Always “check the goods without leaving the cash register”, and you can punish the deceiver (the money, however, will not be returned). If, upon examining the map, there is no doubt about its authenticity, then the treasure definitely exists, you just need to look for it carefully.

Q: Where to look for treasures?
A: In the caves found on every island and mainland. You may have to explore several caves - if there is one you need among them, you will know about it. To reduce the time of searching for a treasure, carefully read the description of its location and buy maps of the islands and the mainland from the shops and street vendors.

Q: How can I know for sure that I have found a treasure?
A: When you enter a cave where a treasure is buried, you will hear a beep and see the corresponding inscription, and the map with the description of the treasure will disappear. This means that the treasure is definitely hidden in this cave, and it remains to be found. If you haven't seen the warning sign, then this is the wrong cave. The treasure can be found in any chest (box, etc.) that already exists in this cave. When you open it, you will receive a warning about the find. Please note that when a treasure is discovered, skeletons guarding it appear nearby (but if you just put the local evil spirits to rest, there is nothing to worry about).

Q: I found a treasure, but then I was attacked! Help.
A: The profession of a treasure hunter is quite dangerous. In the cave where the treasure is found, you must fight off its guards (skeletons). You will also be hunted by bandits who want to get their share of the treasure (however, you can negotiate with them). Having avoided dangers on land, at sea you can meet "gentlemen of fortune" - they were also attracted by the rumor about the treasure you found. But even this danger can be avoided by having a fast ship and an experienced crew.

Q: I found several chests with money and a couple of treasures in the treasure, what should I do with them now?
A: Neither money chests nor treasures can be "opened" or "dismantled" and instead receive a bunch of gold or jewelry. These items can only be sold, or kept at home (better - in the cabin, because they are quite heavy).

Q: The treasure is so big I can't carry it away! What to do?
A: The treasure will not disappear immediately after leaving the cave, but will remain there for a while, and you will have time to run to your ship several times. You can also distribute the treasure among your officers.

Q: What can and cannot be found in treasures?
A: Treasures can contain various valuables (gold, diamonds, treasures, chests with money), weapons, armor and clothing (including rare items), as well as other items that the player can carry in his inventory (including widespread ones) . You cannot find only unique quest items in the treasures that exist in a single copy (golden cuirass, Morgan's rapier, Drake's map, etc.).

Q: I paid a lot of money for the card, but I found some rubbish! Where is the real treasure?
A: Treasure hunt is a lottery where you can not only win but also lose.
No one promised that you would earn a lot of money by finding the treasure. Without proper care, rare items can become unusable over time, and instead unique weapons you will only find a few rusty sabers. Particularly valuable treasures could be stolen even before you. In the end, card sellers also need to live on something.

Q: What determines the content of the treasure?
A: From luck. True, some people think that this is the luck of the hero, while others think that the luck of the player. Specifically, the content and location of the treasure is determined at the time of generation: for the first-level treasure, this is entering the tavern, and for the second-level treasure, it is gluing two halves of the ancient map together.

A: Search. But if you find it, you shouldn't shout about it on the forum (this is prohibited by the rules). Two halves of an ancient map.

Q: Are there other ways to get treasures?
A: Search. But if you find it, don't shout about it on the forum (this is prohibited by the rules).

Q: Where can I find the key to the chest on the balcony while playing as Blood?
A: On the table on the first floor.

Q: Do not take the blunderbuss neither by me nor by my officer. Why?
A: And it will not be taken, it is not for the face of the GG to rush about with a howitzer in his belt when there is a new type of NPC "musketeers".

Q: Started the lane as Blood, killed all the Spaniards in the city. I searched the whole city, there is no one.
A: You need to get to the shipyard and talk to your officers (fugitive convicts) there

Q: How can I get to the shipyard if it is locked?
A: Look for another entrance to the shipyard (across the sea).

Q: Where can I get the required bundle of weapons to escape?
A: The weapon is at the gunsmith in one of the houses. There are other places, look.

Q: Quest "kill the beggars". Where to look for the homeless? He is nowhere to be found on the streets, he went around all the houses, they don’t say anything in the tavern.
A: Beggars may not be in the city for several days. They can go out of the gate.

Q: Killing the beggars is the beginning of the GPC quest?
A: Let's just say- quest GPK tied to the poor. And to kill or not - decide for yourself.

Q: In the end, please tell me how to look for stones for moneylenders?
A: We are not sadists, so most places are not anywhere. Look along paths, walls, on bumps, along the edges of locations. Watch your hand. And look at the ground - objects on the ground should be visible. Even if it's hard sometimes.

Q: There is something I don't understand. Not wanting to spend big money anymore and endure fines on Cinco Llagas, I left it in the parking lot, bought a caravel, for which there are no fines. In the maintenance window, it writes about 20 thousand on the caravel. But on the day of the salary they asked 330 thousand. But there are no fines for the caravel! Where does it come from?
A: How many Shinko did you have? Sailors for the past time owe.

Q: Why the price discrepancy? When buying a ship for 50,000, I can only sell it for 400.
A: Negatives in trade skill. A ship was taken that did not correspond to the navigation of the GG. Take a lower class ship or hire a good treasurer.

Q: Does it matter what exactly he answered in the dialogue when he took the "Killing the Beggars" quest, agreed or refused? If you agree, can we fix it?
A: It only affects reputation, everything else depends on your actions.

Q: Where can I find the key that Chad Capper lost in the GPC?
A: You can't tell here, it's random. search all ships.

Q: Is it possible to play the pirate and the national line at the same time?
A: You can't run them in parallel. Before the storming of Panama, Morgan in Russian will offer to finish his affairs with the nation to its logical end, because after the storming of the nat. quests are closed. This was done not for the hemorrhoids of gamers, but so that there would be fewer posts in the topic of bugs.

Q: Where is Des Moines located?
A: Not far from Maracaibo (landing at the Cape of Unfulfilled Hopes).

Q: Are the characteristics of the quest ships standard or random?
A: The characteristics of the new (compared to KVL) quest ships are random.

Q: Tell me what to do in the quest about Edward Lowe? When I sailed to Kumana, he was on the brig, so I loaded, bought a better ship, sailed and there is no entry in the ship's log. What's the matter?
A: I bought a better ship - that's a mistake. The pirate is cowardly and does not show up if the enemy is on a ship equal in strength to his own. Yes, and if a little weaker - too. 6th grade is the right choice.

Q: I just can't get the quest about beggars. What city is it in?
A: In the main city of your nation. There you need to talk with a person who stands out from the rest of the crowd.

Q: Where can I get the Blue Bird quest?
A: In stores.

Corsairs GPC how to find treasures

A year has passed. Morgan is back in the Caribbean, and damn it, I paid him the first visit. The pirate admiral just laughed in my face. There is no brotherhood, but he offered me to get out in all four directions. Be that as it may, I have long since reconciled myself to his betrayal and have resolved to keep a good relationship. The governor of Jamaica could still be useful to me.

On one of my trips, a map accidentally fell into my hands. The captain of the pirate brig fought for her as if he were possessed by the devil. It took a long time to decipher the map, but it was worth it. Tenochtitlan... A famous but long lost city.

In the footsteps of Cortes

Chief Montezuma II himself.

By the evening of the twentieth day we arrived at Mosquito Bay. This is where our journey should begin, according to the map. Although the long journey was not easy for us, the blood boiled in anticipation of the treasure. I will never forget the fire that flared in the eyes of the boatswain after the cry: "Earth!" Cortes was here a good hundred years ago, but, according to rumors, Tenochtitlan is fraught with many more secrets. I disembarked with only a couple of my most loyal officers. I decided to leave the team on the ship, because who knows how a person will behave when his mind is dominated by the thirst for gold...

I hadn't even gone a foot from the water when a man ran up to me. He was very frightened and kept his eyes on my ship, but he managed to control himself and tell what had happened. Some time ago he was hired by a certain Don Esteban. The Spaniard was looking for a second El Dorado, and, in his opinion, the ancient Indian city kept many treasures. But something went wrong, as the enterprising captain had planned. The stranger said that they were all "devoured by the flames," and of the fifty who landed, only he remained alive. "Hellfire" appeared on the stone bridge and, most likely, was some kind of ingenious trap, but this can only be verified on the spot. Fortunately, my companions were not at all embarrassed when they heard this story, but just in case, I ordered them to stay a little behind.

It seemed that we made our way through the jungle for an eternity, but then the dense thickets suddenly parted. The city itself was not visible from here, but we were on the right track. Not only traces spoke of this, but also an Indian with a club. Traces of blood on it testified that it was this "guard" that Esteban's people met. And it was he who crushed their heads. With the worst of foreboding, I tightened my grip on the butt of the pistol, but the Indian was surprisingly friendly. In broken English, he explained that he only killed those people because they were trying to rob him. The Indian was called Montezuma, in honor of the great leader, and contrary to my guesses, he did not guard the city, but only lived next to it. He kept his story, which he told me.

Meshitli, one of the living Aztecs. Works for Miclantecuhtli to secure his afterlife.

Centuries ago, Montezuma's ancestors came to the shores of Lake Texcoco. They called themselves Mexica, and the leader of the tribe was called Tenoch. Other tribes also lived around the lake, some of them were very hostile to the newcomers. But the gods punished Tenoch to settle in these places, and no one dared to contradict their will.

Koshkoshtli, the leader of the city of Kulakan, decided to exterminate the tenochki, but the tribe managed to move to a small island in the middle of the lake. Over time, the tenochki strengthened a piece of land and even built a dam. Itzcoatl became their leader, and after a while all the lake tribes united. The new people began to be called the Aztecs, after the name of their distant ancestral home - the country of Astlan. The fertile time has come, everyone paid tribute to the Aztecs, and the waters of Texcoco turned red from the blood of the victims ...

This went on for more than a hundred years, but the Spaniards, led by Cortes, ravaged the Aztec capital and destroyed the ancient civilization. Now the city is ruled by the god of the dead - Miklantecuhtli. He raised warriors to guard the temples, and living Aztecs settled here, distant relatives of those who died a hundred and fifty years ago at the hands of Cortes.

For some reason, Montezuma was expelled from the city, but he wants to return. To do this, he needs the jade skull of Miklantecutli, and in return he is ready to tell where the weapon is hidden, "which has no equal." There is only one problem - a dam with a fire trap...

Pantheon indian gods

Aztec altar. The place is creepy, but very beautiful.

I found two ways to disable the trap on the dam. The first is to cross, risking your life, and place the totem of Camaxtli on the sacrificial stone. The second is to place two totems on the altar in front of the dam. I chose the second option, since I had all the idols with me. Unlike the deceased Don Esteban, I prepared in advance for the campaign and searched the entire archipelago and most of Maine, gathering, in my opinion, all the Aztec gods.

I installed the totem of Tlazolteotl in the niche on the left, and on the right I placed the totem of Tonatiu. Whether the trap has turned off is unknown, and what is most annoying is that there is no way to check. I decided to take the risk myself, because it was I who conceived the expedition, and not someone else. Squeezing my eyes shut, I walked very slowly across the bridge, but the fire did not appear. Montezuma did not deceive, the trap really turned off. I passed the dam and entered the city. Mechitli, another Aztec, met me at the gate. He said that there were only two people alive in Tenochtitlan: he and his brother. In addition, he warned me that Miclantecuhtli was following me and offered to make a sacrifice for him. Savage customs always seemed terrible to me, and I went on to the temple of the Great Vitality.

The heavy stone door did not budge. Even the three of us could not move her an inch. I returned to Montezuma, and he remembered that to open the temple, you need ten totems. I wanted to hit him over the head with his own club. He also told how to open the temple. You need to place all ten totems in small temples on the sides, which is against the far wall. The point is small - to return the relics to their proper places and open the damned door.

View of Tenochtitlan from the highest pyramid.

It is important: I would be happy to tell you where to look for totems, but they are randomly placed around the world. In general, follow the instructions of Montezuma, he knows where everything is. Although the places are described very vaguely.

In each of the ten temples, I was not very welcomed by the Aztec warriors. I did not expect such a reception and almost paid with my head in the first sanctuary. But where are the savage clubs before a pistol and gunpowder ... I dealt with my opponents, though not without difficulty, and placed all ten totems. The Temple of the Great Vitality is now open, and I have to visit Miklantecuhtli himself.

Advice: hide behind the columns. Enemies attack in threes, but their clubs are perhaps the best heavy weapons. It is famous for its high damage and huge stamina consumption. Try to block and dodge in time, only then attack. By the way, don't forget about Berserk.

Temple of the Great Life Force

To get to the other side, you have a little more than a minute!

I don’t know if those who guarded the temple were alive or not, but they definitely died from a rapier prick. The Aztec wars could not boast of excellent health, but they were taken in quantity. There were at least two dozen of them! And all with unearthly fire in their eyes. They did not think about protection and were eager to fight.

At the end of the path, I saw a skull on an altar in the form of a coin and took it. At the same moment, a low, muffled voice came from behind: “How dare you, mortal?” and I saw a dark figure with a skull for a head. Miklantecuhtli himself came for me, but he saw me deal with the temple guards and gave me a chance to survive. You just have to fight him, otherwise - death.

The fight was heated, each blow of the jade sword of Miklantecuhtli against my rapier reverberated through my body. It seemed that strong steel would now break like a match, although I reflected the blows of the god casually. Jumping back about half a meter, I managed to grab a pistol and fire a shot. The god of death didn't even notice the hit and swooped down on me like a hurricane. But I was not going to die and repelled the blows as best I could, sometimes I even had time to counterattack.

The forces were already leaving me when the god of death stopped. "You passed the test, you can take the jade skull." Before he disappeared, he told me that the Indian by the lake was Chief Montezuma II. Nearly a hundred and fifty years ago, he turned his back on the gods and wanted to convert to Christianity in exchange for his life. But the deal fell through, and Montezuma was cursed. Until the end of eternity, he must walk the banks of Texcoco, but with the help of a jade skull, he may be able to find eternal rest. After meeting with the god of death, I was no longer surprised by anything.

Altar of Miklantecuhtli and a jade skull on a plinth.

It is important: God has about five thousand hit points. Stock up on health bottles and be sure to learn a critical hit. It is best to use a critical weapon. Judge for yourself: you can make four or five hits heavy, no more. Easy - at least ten. It does not matter that the damage from the rapiers is less, but the chance of landing a critical hit is higher.

I found a ceremonial jade dagger in a chest near the altar of Miclantecuhtli. What is it for? Maybe it is them, like a key, that opens the entrance to the temple of the White Gods?

Climbing the endless stairs, I walked around the temple and saw the image of some god. Instead of a mouth, he had a slit that matched the size of a dagger blade. I inserted the weapon and heard a soft click. The door of the temple opened, and behind it the notorious "most powerful weapon" was waiting for me. Montezuma did not disappoint.

Here is the god of the dead. Something is wrong with his figure, don't you think?

On a note:“that weapon” is a shotgun. Where he came from is unknown. But it shoots with ordinary bullets, reloads almost instantly and takes up to two and a half thousand hits. Well, how?

On the way out of the city, I met Montezuma. He needs a skull to resurrect the Aztecs and conquer all nations. Naturally, I refused to give the skull. Then the former chief attacked me, but the fight did not last long. Just one shot from a miracle weapon sent him to the realm of eternal rest. The jade skull gives power over the dead, so I was able to deprive Montezuma of immortality. Yes, and curses too.

We sailed at dawn. All the valuables found in Tenochtitlan, I gave to the team. Or rather, we divided the treasures fairly, but I don’t need a few idols, even if they are pure gold. In the ancient city of the Aztecs, I got much more - the confidence that there are still so many mysteries and wonders in the Caribbean Sea that more than one generation of daredevils will suffice.

City lost ships

Returning to Port-Royal, I decided to take a break for a couple of weeks. The return journey from Tenochtitlan was very difficult. We were exhausted by the heat, and the wind seemed to have something against the Sea Wolf. For several days we dangled on the water, like an empty trough, in complete calm. On the tenth day, a storm came up and literally pulled out one of the masts. Several sailors were swept out to sea and we lost sight of them. The Sea Wolf reached Port Royal a month later - without supplies, almost without water, with a leak that the ship's carpenter could not find, although the water arriving in the hold indicated that there was still a hole. I instructed the ship to be repaired at the nearest shipyard, and I myself went to the tavern. After paying for a whole week in advance, I fell asleep.

The next day, rested and well slept, I decided to go to the shipyard and shop. At the same time, it was worth visiting the governor and reporting on his privateering activities. But on the way to Mr. Mediford, a man intercepted me. Bald, with a black bandage on his head - a spitting image of a pirate. He introduced himself as Oliver Trust, a merchant, and offered me a deal. For a million doubloons, I must kill all the beggars and beggars in all the cities of the archipelago. It's tempting, but something seemed strange to me. Well, what kind of resistance can a tramp put up? The trust could easily recruit thugs, take even the smallest ship, buy trade licenses, and sweep the colonies with a punishing sword. Even according to the most conservative estimates, this action would not require more than half a million. But no, he hired me. Something is not clean here...

Three days later we sailed from Port Royal and headed for Havana. I decided to methodically explore the cities and ask the beggars about this Trust. In the Pirate Settlement, luck awaited me. A tramp told me that another beggar in Martinique might know what was going on. In a slight bewilderment, I headed for Martinique. Where did the tramp get such information? I bet - these ragamuffins are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

Arriving in Martinique, I easily found the right beggar. Or rather, he himself found me, as soon as I got off the ship. The beggar said that Peter Stevesant, the Governor-General of Holland, was involved in the order. An unexpected turn, but after a trip to Panama and adventures in the Indian capital, I was not afraid to ask questions even to the sea devil himself ...

In the evening of the same day I sailed for Curaçao, and on my arrival at night secretly searched the governor's residence. Everything was clean. Just in case, to secure an alibi for myself, I asked the innkeeper to wake me up at dawn and locked myself in my room in front of him.

In the residence of Stavesant, one chest turned out to be very curious. Its lock was so cunning that I could not open it no matter how hard I tried. In the end, I even tried to break it by firing a pistol, but it was of little use. On the lock, as, indeed, on the chest, there was not a scratch left. In addition, security came running to the noise, but they did not have time to catch me. We need to come up with something, but what?

key keeper

Over a glass of bourbon drawn from my own stock, I contemplated how to steal something from the chest. The second time they won’t let me conjure over the lock, so you either need to find the key or drag the whole chest. The first was not possible, because Stevesant is not just anyone, but the governor general. The second option also fell away, because the chest simply would not fit through the door. Yes, and it does not look like a fluff. My sad thoughts were interrupted by the bartender.

“Mr. Frost, you have been drinking alone for several hours now, and I know from experience that a person who drinks alone is either a miser or is very puzzled by something. Captain, can I help you with something?

- There is one thing. Maybe you know who can make the key? I've lost the key to the box, and I don't want to break it open - it's too expensive.

- Yeah, that's a problem. But I think there is a solution. See that drunkard? This is the best key keeper in the entire archipelago. Just wait until he sobers up.

After listening to the advice of the bartender, I sat down with the drunkard and struck up a conversation. Hill Corner, that was the name of the master, confirmed that he can make any key at all, but it also costs a lot of money. I had to agree, because I really had no other choice.

It is important: the master of keys takes three quarters of all your money. Having lost thirty million, I decided to boot up and put the money in the officer's pocket. Leaving a hundred doubloons, I turned to the key keeper and honestly paid two-thirds. If there are no officers at hand (which is very likely), give the money to the moneylender for safekeeping.

Two days later I went to order. But in the house, not only the key keeper was waiting for me, but also four soldiers who were extremely unhappy with my request. So dissatisfied that they decided to deal with the client right on the spot. Well, so much the worse for them. The short fight ended in my favor, and I took the key. It remains only to open the chest and find out what's the matter.

In the chest I found documents: a letter from Oliver Trust to the authorities. It said that the beggars would soon be destroyed (by no other than me) and would no longer spread rumors about the island. Unfortunately, the letter was cut off approximately in the middle, and there was no exact information in it. I decided to return to Martinique and find out what this mysterious “Island” is and what is going on here. A beggar under pressure said that the missing Teaser Dan was talking about some kind of Island of Justice. But where it is, he does not know exactly. But he gave me the key of Teaser Dan, but what it is for is not clear. I'm going back to Curacai to Mr. Peter Stuevesant.

A trip to Curaçao yielded nothing. Stevesant pretended not to know anything and sent me on my way. I decided to go the other way: find a representative of the Dutch West India Trading Company and find out from him how they are connected with this strange story.

If you want to find a person for a deal, go to the pirate settlements. A sort of islands, free from politics. From the first diplomat, I learned that a sales representative can be found in the city of Marigot, on San Martin. But what surprised me the most was that his name was Oliver Trust. Are bosses and subordinates the same person? Very strange, but I have a thread. I'll ask Mr. Trust better.

Arriving on Marigot, I found Trust's house, but we did not manage to talk. He attacked me and I had to kill him. After searching the house, I found the second part of the letter indicating the location of the Island. Well, thank you, Mr. Trust.

Justice Island

I went to where the Island is supposed to be, but I got caught in a storm. Survived miraculously. Half of the crew was washed into the sea by the first wave, and the second turned my brig into a pile of boards.

It is important: sailing to the GPC is best on the cheapest ship, without a team and supplies. Do not forget to give the money to the moneylender. Keep at least two hundred thousand with you, and deposit the rest.

Mr. Oliver Trust offers a million for the destruction of all the beggars in the archipelago.

Overcoming the walls of waves, I swam to some silhouette in the distance. It was a ship, and not one. Many broken, half-sunk ships. On one of them I saw a man and swam up to him. Maybe someone got saved? Swimming closer, I realized that this man was not from my ship. His name was George Stokes, and he told me that this was the Isle of Justice, but this name has not been used for a long time. Now this place is called the City of Lost Ships. And, like any city, there are laws and rules. You can’t kill the inhabitants, you can’t steal from them, you can’t dismantle sunken ships in order to build something. Apparently, I'm a prisoner here, but first you need to register and talk with Chuck Capper, the head of the city. I didn't expect such a reception... The captain, miraculously saved, who lost his entire team, and here - about the laws and the mayor...

Looking around the not very hospitable city, I wandered into a tavern, where I learned why no one should leave the "island". The fact is that the ring of shipwrecks is kept afloat only when all its components are interconnected. It is worth removing at least one ship, and that's it - the city will lose stability. It will start moving, all bridges and ladders will break. In addition, it is not known how the remaining ships will behave. Some can sink or capsize, and people live inside broken pelvises.

I learned from the innkeeper that Teaser Dan was here, but it's not worth talking about him, you can get a lot of problems on your head. Dan was the first who managed to escape from the city, and even get to the mainland! Kapper was simply furious and forbade even his name to be pronounced. I decided to personally talk to the authorities, and it would not hurt to register. Overcoming unstable ladders and suspension bridges, I went to the San Augustin, to the admiral's residence of Capper.

The Greatest Man

The island is not so fair as they say about it. Kapper's beautiful words "everyone has the right to life" crashed against the wall of robbery in a big way. He confiscated my weapons and money, leaving only a fiftieth of the available doubloons. It's good that I stashed the best weapons earlier, on one of the ships.

The residence of Admiral Kapper is, in fact, two ships grappled with each other.

It is important: hide the weapon in the chest on the Fernando Diffundura. It's better to hide everything in general. Chad does not take totems, letters and keys. The rest - spyglasses, pistols and sabers - will be taken away without batting an eyelid. By the way, I had Morgan's rapier, so I decided to find a secluded place to hide it. The cuirass should also be covered.

After the "expropriation" (one of the laws of the City: "what was yours became common"), I went back to the tavern. All the same, I have little money left, which means that I have the opportunity to rest for a few days. Although a bed on a half-flooded vessel somehow does not fit in with comfort, the Fleuron, converted into a tavern, cannot be blamed for the lack of comfort.

Four days later, the storm subsided, and although the clouds still clouded the sky, the wind drove them to the east, so good weather was a matter of a couple of days. I carefully climbed aboard the Esmeralda galleon and made my way to the local shop. Even here, isolated from the world, people buy and sell. In addition, the bartender Hill mentioned in passing that the merchant had a map of the city, and for me it would not be superfluous. After telling Sandra Gomez that Jost was demanding a huge amount of money for the card, I received a promise of a discount. You just have to wait a day, and tomorrow come to the store.

It is important: the card is very expensive, so you need to necessarily talk to Sandra Gomez. Judge for yourself: Eric Yost wanted to sell it for almost two hundred thousand, and gave it away for one and a half the very next day.

Here on this "Caspers" wanted to sail away from the City. Did not have time.

Hill called me to the tavern and suggested that I go down to the cellar to talk privately. The meeting will take place at midnight, because the Teaser case is extremely important, but it does not fit well with the laws of the City. Extra ears, in general, to anything. Brunner said that Dan often visited the Fernando Diffundur flute, which stands on the outskirts, separate from the city. What he did there is unknown. The ship is not connected to the city, because it has broken into two parts and, most likely, is about to sink. Apparently, he caught on a reef, but still no one dares to visit it. Why not a convenient hiding place? And yes, I have the key. We need to see what Teaser was hiding there.

And he hid, I must say, a lot. In the gap, right between the halves of the ship, I found a decent supply of potions, as well as weapons (very handy!), bullets and a pistol. In addition, there was also a letter proving that Teaser had arrived on the mainland. He took the key to the chest with him! But Dan himself could not build a ship, which means that someone helped him. Hill thinks it was Andre Labore, the carpenter.

Advice: in order not to roam all over the city, ask the townspeople where they saw the person you need.

After the conversation, I returned to my room and slept almost until morning. It was necessary to find Labor, and other cases appeared. For example, a certain Pedro Hurtado offered me to make good money by breaking into the Esmeralda, and Dominique Legros asked me to give a bottle of wine to his friend on the Tartarus. It is very fortunate, by the way, that in Dan's hiding place I found as many as ten such bottles. At the same time, by the way, I will find out where Leighton Dexter disappeared. Royel Haag said that he and the admiral had some disagreements, and then the pirate disappeared. Haag thinks that Capper killed him, but he only noticed that the pirate was guarding the gold he wanted to steal. Gold is on Tartarus, that is, in prison.

We meet Hurtado at noon on the deck of the Esmeralda, which means I still have plenty of time. I’ll just have time to visit the guard on the Tartarus, and maybe even find the candles for the parish that Padre Angel asked me to find.

big conspiracy

Mechanic Henrik Wedeker, master of all trades.

I couldn't find Layton in prison. The guards refused to talk and, of course, they did not open the only closed door. But this is a ship, not a house. I decided to examine the outer side of the ship for holes, as the prison was fairly flooded. I dived into the sea directly from the side of the Tartarus and, rounding the ship, found what I was looking for. A hole in the hull led to the same locked chamber. Inside, I found a corpse, or rather, not a corpse, but already a skeleton, chained to the wall. Apparently, Dexter has been "guarding" Capper's gold for a very long time. The chest, by the way, also stood in the cell, but locked with a key. Later in the city, I learned that Capper had recently lost a key of some kind and was now prowling all over the city.

It is important: the key appears in a random place. But pay special attention to Fury, Protector, Carolina and San Augustine. Running around is worth it, there is a solid jackpot in Capper's cache.

As for the two friends, I handed a bottle of wine to Thomas, but instead of being happy, he asked me to tell Dominic that he would cut off his ears. After studying the problem, I found out that Thomas thinks that Dominic molested his young lady ... In general, a quarrel over stupidity. Having run as a courier, I was able to reconcile my friends and received a simple key as a reward.

On a note: all chests in the City are locked. In addition, they are divided into three types: simple, medium and complex. The higher the level of the chest, the better the items in it. Once you receive the key, you do not need to look for a new one - it will not disappear after opening the box.

With this key, by the way, I opened the chest in the store, where I found the candles for the parish. Only now I couldn’t take everything away right away, I had to return more than once. And every time I had to wait until the attentive shopkeeper turned his back on me. Theft is punishable by death. As a reward for a good deed, the padre blessed me, and I did not expect a material reward.

It is important: the priest does not give the reward, he only activates "fast transition". Considering the labyrinths of the City, this skill is literally worth its weight in gold.

After dealing with minor matters, I met with Labor, and we decided to talk about Teaser away from the witnesses in the cabin on the Protector corvette. However, Labor betrayed me. He came to the meeting not alone, but with a "policeman". I had to kill them here. Luckily they didn't tell the admiral about me. Now we need to do something, otherwise, sooner or later, Capper will figure me out and send me to the bottom with a load around my neck.

I returned to the tavern and told Hill about everything. The situation has become very unpleasant. It is practically impossible to hide the corpses imperceptibly, it remains only to shift the blame on someone. But to whom? Brunner offered to steal one of the Narwhal Clan's amulets and put the blame on them. It remains only to go to the Velasco and set up an ambush in the back room at the bow of the ship.

I didn't have to wait long. Literally immediately, one of the “narwhals” showed up and began to threaten me. Oh, if he knew in advance why I'm here, he would come with a whole gang. However, he was alone, and the first bullet hit him on the spot. I removed the five-pointed star sign and took it to Capper.

The admiral took the bait, and I sighed more calmly. In addition, he talked about how the clans appeared. The sea did not choose who entered the City. Some were decent people, others were pirates. The latter did not get along very well with the former, so Capper decided to give them two ships in full ownership. So there were two clans - "Narwhal" and "Casper". What these groups do inside their ships is of no concern to anyone. They have their own laws there, and all the inhabitants know about it. Some do not interfere in the affairs of others, and the clans observe the laws of the city "above". Having finished his story, Capper instructed me to destroy the "narwhals". I did not count on such a turn of affairs, but in order to maintain a reputation, I will have to get my hands dirty. Three of Capper's men are already waiting for me at the Velasco.

This is the advice: stock up on healing potions and load the gun. Inside "Velasco" there are a lot of aggressive "narwhals". However, if you've already been to Tenochtitlan and haven't given the shotgun to Capper, this fight will seem very easy. However, like everyone else.

So, "narwhals" in the past. I returned to Capper and reported on the mission. There are no suspicions now, and I also received a good reward for the raid.

It is important: the reward is given depending on the losses. If one is killed, get ten thousand, and if everyone survives, as much as a hundred!

Phoenix platform. Diving suit lies in a room opposite the faucet.

I told Hill about everything, and he offered to rest for a couple of days for now. And he still has to find out something. For some reason, the bartender is sure that nothing good will come from the destruction of the Narwhal to the City, but he says nothing more.

A few days later, Brunner shared his suspicions. He thinks that something incomprehensible is going on in his tavern, some kind of conspiracy or something. In general, he advised me to come to the wine cellar at midnight and hide behind a column there. It's not uncommon for the Admiral to talk to someone, but Hill can't find out what. As soon as he approaches, they immediately fall silent.

At ten minutes to twelve I was already behind the column. The secret conversation, however, was really interesting. Chad Capper and an unknown from the Casper clan discussed the "case". He guessed that the carpenter was killed by someone else, and not by the "narwhals". I have become a convenient tool in his hands, and now no one will prevent Kapper and the Caspers from sailing away from the City. Here is a bastard, what to expect from a pirate ...

However, I killed their carpenter and now they have resources but no ship. In addition, the stranger mentioned some kind of mechanic. Maybe he is our salvation? Whatever the case, I won't let Capper's dreams come true. He should not be governor of the Caribbean.

I told Hill about everything, and he promised to find out who this mechanic was, but when I went into the tavern, another person was in charge of the counter. Florence Slot, the new bartender, told me that Hill was found dead in the very wine cellar where I had been hiding that night. It was discovered by waitress Armo Dulin. In tears, she told me that before she died, Hill asked her about the mechanic, but she did not know who it was. Then he went to the cellar, and two hours later he was found dead.

It was like a mast had been dropped on me. So what's now? It so happened that Hill was the only guide in this city, and now I'm on my own ... But so much has already been done. I think that the murder is the work of Chad himself. Apparently, someone informed him that Brunnen was sniffing around something, and Kapper killed him.

reverse action

Local crabs bite very painfully. I do not recommend sticking fingers in claws!

I went to Chad to sort out the Hill case. But he only advised not to get into it, hinting unambiguously that you can pay with your health. Now everything has finally fallen into place. Also, right before the meeting, I dropped in on the Eva and saved Cecile Galard from three Caspers. She said that she had been living in the City for almost ten years. When she appeared, there were only four ships and five people. The city was floating, but a mechanic named Henrik Wedecker was able to connect the ships together and make sure they didn't move. However, then he began to scream about some kind of danger. And since he was a little out of his mind, no one believed him. Later, Kapper set the laws, and the mechanic and everyone who knew about him began to disappear. But no one asked questions. The San Gabriel passed into the hands of the Caspers, and it became dangerous to talk about Wedecker. You need to pay a visit to the master, but first deal with the "caspers". First, as promised, I told Armo that Hill's death was the work of the clan.

However, the first beauty of the City is a brave girl. She offered to lure the "Caspers" one at a time, appointing dates for them at night. Naturally, instead of her, I will come to the meetings.

The first "date" went well. I met Denis Hopfer aboard the Ceres Smitty and put a bullet in his chest. Although the ship is standing next to the Casper base, no one heard anything. Back at the tavern, I told Armo that everything worked out. She promised to call someone else, so I think the Casper clan will soon thin out a lot.

It is important: stand on the stern of the Ceres Smitty, otherwise the Caspers will run to the noise of the fight.

The second date went according to the same scenario, but on the third, instead of one "Casper", several people came to the meeting at once. I wanted to remind them of decency - the third one is superfluous - but in response I received a confession from one of them - Juan Cabo. Armo is dead and he killed Hill Brunner. In addition, the arrogant "Casper" decided to deal with me and brought two friends to the meeting. The faithful rapier did not disappoint, and the Caspers remained lying on the deck of the Ceres Smitty. Now you need to tell about the death of Armo to her boyfriend Thomas.

Together with Thomas Boyle, we went to the San Gabriel to take revenge on the Caspers and destroyed them all to one. Unfortunately, Thomas did not survive the assault. Several robbers shot at him at once, but he fought bravely, despite severe injuries.

After dealing with the clan, I found Wedeker and told him everything that had happened recently. In addition, I suggested that he arrange for the election of a new admiral - naturally, with my person as a candidate - but the mechanic cut me off in mid-sentence. The fact is that the City can sink to the bottom at any moment. All ships are held only by three hooked on the reef. None of them can swim on their own, so in a big storm we can all drown!

However, the mechanic is not so simple. He does not want to do anything for nothing and demands a million and a half doubloons for the ship. The amount for the City is not too big, but you still have to carefully climb the ships in search of chests.

The very next day I collected the necessary gold. It was difficult, several times I almost got caught, but I had the money with me and I went to Wedeker. Having paid for the ship, I learned that it still needs to be freed from the captivity of other pelvises. Henrik already has a winch ready to pull the frigate, but he dropped the gear into the water, and is afraid to go down to the bottom. He says that some creatures have bred there that eat people, and offers me to go down to the bottom. There is nothing to do, there is no other way.

Dressed on the platform "Phoenix" in the invention of Wedecker, I went down under the water. It turns out that the creatures eating people are huge crabs. And they did not fail to try to bite me. A pistol does not work underwater, but it is quite possible to wield a rapier. I dealt with the crabs and found a gear behind one of the piles of rocks.

It is important: the gear appears in a random place. Look - you can dive several times, but an additional descent into the water costs thirty thousand. I note that the first chest will justify the costs. And don't forget that you only have six minutes before you run out of air.

Going upstairs, I gave the missing part to Wedeker and went to collect everything necessary for the trip: provisions, medicines, bombs, cannonballs, knipples, buckshot, gunpowder and weapons. I bought canvas and boards from Jost, and I arranged with the housewives about the cores. They don't care about this crap. There was one problem left - Chad Kapper has weapons and gunpowder, and he is unlikely to give them up.

It is important: to collect everything you need, you will need three bottles of wine, fifteen bunches of grapes and ten bags of salt. The latter is very tight, but you can find it on the Fury.

Chad Capper has only a few moments left to live. Now he will attack me.

As I expected, Capper refused to give me what I needed, but one of the "policemen" - John Workman - agreed to move everything where necessary, but took a promise that I would take him with me. With the preparations finished, now you need to assemble a team. Fifteen people, I think, is enough.

Bypassing the inhabitants of the city, I was able to somehow recruit a minimal team. Many refused and did not believe me, but still the majority were already tired of such a life, and they did not doubt the words of the mechanic. I tried to warn Capper, but he only threatened me with death. All those who refuse to be rescued think that the City will weather another storm.

When I returned to the San Gabriel, I was met by Mendoza and told that Wedeker had just been taken away by two "policemen". We'll have to rescue the mechanic, because without him we won't be able to free the ship. What's the use of him if he goes down to the bottom with the whole city? I ordered Felix to go to the corvette, and I myself went to Capper.

As soon as I entered his residence, Capper hit me like a hurricane. He prepared an ambush, but together with Workman, we quickly put an end to his power in the City. It remains only to save Wedeker, and he is on the Tartarus.

It is important: in the last stage of the Cities of the Lost Ships quest, you will be blocked from fast travel.

After killing the head of the prison, I tried to open Wedecker's cage, but I couldn't. We must find the key! However, the mechanic said he was staying here in the City. He, as a scientist, really wants to test his theory. But even if the city does not sink, it will start a new life here with those who remain. But already without the admiral, clans and other villains.

I decided to leave Wedeker here, because it is his right. I need to get on the corvette. To do this, you need to swim to the second mast of the Fernando Diffundur, and as quickly as possible. The storm is gathering strength, there is no time.

When I got out of the bowels of the Tartarus, more than half of the city lay under water. Unfortunately, the mechanic was right. I gathered all my strength and sailed to the Diffundur, and there I got over to the corvette War Dog and set sail from the Isle of Justice. Who knows, maybe over time it will again “overgrow” with ships?

The evening wind easily drove the corvette. Such days in the Caribbean are not uncommon. No wonder many believe that this is paradise ... Andrew Frost, standing at the helm, ordered the team "to do anything, just do not interfere." Wind, sails, taut shrouds and the quiet creak of wood... Andrew always considered the ship to be an extension of his body, but this time he himself became the "extension". Corvette "Dog of War" went to new adventures, cutting through the blue-green expanse of the Caribbean Sea...