A game about a glass of water. Master class on the topic: “Playing on a glass as one of the means of forming spatial orientation in older preschoolers” methodological development (senior group). Game "Pour water into a glass"

Description of the flash game

Lucky Glass

Schastlivij Stakan

If you like to draw and solve puzzles at the same time, then we have the perfect option for your leisure time. This is a free flash game "Lucky Glass". Here you have to use both skills to complete the levels. So, game process built in the following way. There is an empty glass on the playing field, and in the upper part there is a tap with water. Also here you see different blocks, platforms and other surfaces along which water will "get" to the glass. In your hands is a pencil with which you need to draw a small route, a stripe or any pattern that will help fill the glass with water completely. It is all the water that should go into the glass.

To do this, you have to not only think carefully, but also implement the idea in a normal way. The drawn squiggle can be almost anything, the main thing is that it allows the water to reach the target. Then the glass will be full, and you go to new level. In total, there are 30 entertaining levels in the online logic game "Happy Glass" that are suitable for adults and children. And they definitely won't let you get bored.

Each of us, working with children, sets ourselves the goal of how to diversify activities, leisure activities, make them more interesting, exciting, find some kind of “zest”. Games on the glass can satisfy any interests and desires of the child and they like it very much, so children learn to play on the glass quickly and easily. I offer you material that will help teach children to play with a glass. To play the glass, you can use any music, children's songs, marches, for a start, "Letka-enka" is suitable, with a gradual acceleration.



Regional Methodological Association of Physical Education Instructors

Master Class

on the topic: "Playing on a glass as one of the means of forming spatial orientation in older preschoolers"

Prepared by: physical education instructor

Ermolaeva Nadezhda Alekseevna

Kubinka, 2018

Formation of spatial orientation in older preschoolers through the use of playing on cups.


Orientation in space is of universal importance for all aspects of human life, covering various interactions with the outside world, and is the most important property of the human psyche.

Cup games are another way to develop mental processes:

Concentration of attention (stability, switching of attention);

Memory (auditory, visual and motor memory);

Thinking and imagination. (remembering the sequence of exercises with a glass).

On the present stage mastery of children preschool age various types spatial orientation increases the effectiveness of such activities as cognitive, labor, productive, creative, playful and motor and the quality of preparing children for schooling.

The purpose of the master class: increasing the competence of teachers in using the game with cups in their activities, developing their creative abilities.

Master class tasks:

  • Encourage the widespread use of cup games in kindergarten;
  • Teach teachers and parents how to play with cups.

Workshop participants:teachers and parents.

Result : Students mastering the techniques of playing cups, for further application in various fields of their activity.

Master class presentation.

Each of us thinks - how to teach a child everything that is useful to him in life, how to educate and develop his basic abilities: to hear, see, move, understand, feel, invent.Preschool age is a period of intensive development of spatial representations. Although they arise early, they are a very complex process than the ability to distinguish the qualities of an object. Various analyzers (kinesthetic, tactile, visual, auditory) participate in the formation of spatial representations and ways of orientation in space.

With the help of adults, the child learns the simplest ideas about this: left, right, above, below, in the center, above, below, between, clockwise, counterclockwise, in the same direction, in the opposite direction, etc. All these concepts contribute to the development of spatial imagination in children.The constant use of games with glasses significantly contributes to the development of orientation in space relative to "from oneself", "on oneself", "other objects", "along the main spatial directions».

In the process of playing with cups, children develop:

  • Ingenuity, resourcefulness, curiosity;
  • Independent work skills;
  • Motor dexterity and coordination of movements;
  • Necessary skills and abilities in spatial orientation: left, right, bottom, top, side;
  • Speech activity (performing exercises under recitative);
  • Musical ability: sense of rhythm and tempo; coordination of movements with the nature of the musical work;

Playing with cups educates children:

  • Sense of responsibility, composure;
  • Friendly attitude towards each other;
  • Ability to work in a team.

Each of us, working with children, sets ourselves the goal of how to diversify activities, leisure activities, make them more interesting, exciting, find some kind of “zest”. Games on the glass can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. They are very popular with children. They quickly and easily learn to play the glass.

The game on the glass is universal - it can be used in joint activities with children in any regime moments, as well as in the final part in physical education and leisure activities, and even on a walk using the table. In my classes, I use games on glasses as a game technique and as a form of teaching children (orientation in space).

The analysis of games leads to the conclusion that they should be considered as exercises aimed at acquiring mastery.

There are many games in modern kindergarten. To organize a game on a glass, you do not need to create a special developmental environment, you just need to purchase glasses, you can update stickers on them on the topics of classes or leisure activities that children can make with their own hands. There are a lot of creative fantasies. In the future, I plan to create an audio library of various musical compositions with different tempos of music and a card file of poems and nursery rhymes, and I will also continue to search for new exercises in games on glasses.

Beating the rhythm in the game on the glass

Where to begin.

First stage.

Children sit on the floor in a circle with colored cups in front of them. We hide the left hand behind the back, with the right hand we pass the cups in a circle to the right with the words: “Be-rem, From-yes-eat!”. You can pass the cup under the account or come up with other words that will help in the game. For example: “We take with the right, we give with the right”;

We complicate: Clap twice, hit the bottom of the glass three times: first with your right hand, then with your left and again with your right hand: "Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap, take, give."

We complicate: Clap twice, hit the bottom of the glass three times: first with your right hand, then with your left and again with your right hand, clap once. Pass the cup to the right of the neighbor: "Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap, clap, take, give." You can use recitative. For example: Jumping, jumping two horses, but, but, but! Jumping, jumping without looking back, but, but, but! Jumping, jumping to a new city, clack, clack, clack! Horseshoes clatter loudly, clack, clack, clack! When children learn this skill, you can increase the rate of passing cups by quickly pronouncing the words of the nursery rhyme.

Now you can connect musical accompaniment. At first at a slow pace, then you can gradually increase the pace and change the musical composition.

Second phase. We practice the skill of passing the glass with the left hand to the right.

Children sit on the floor in a circle with colored cups in front of them. We put our right hand on the floor in front of us with our palm down, take it with our left hand and pass the cups in a circle to the right with the words: “We take, we give, we eat!” or “We take the left, give the right.”

We complicate: Clap your hands onceturn your right hand palm up and take a glass, thumb should be pointing down to the table.

Raise the glass and turn it over and slap the top of the glass with your left hand.

Place the glass back on the table on the left edge. Do not release the glass from your right hand.

Raise the glass again, turn it over and hit the bottom on your left palm.

Leave the glass in your left hand. Hold it at the bottom.

Slam your right hand on the table in front of you.

Move the left hand with the glass over the right and place the glass in front of the neighbor on the right on the floor upside down.

All exercises of the second stage can also be worked out gradually.First, learn to take a glass with your right hand and turn it over, then hit it from above and with an edge on the floor, then learn to pass the glass to your left hand, and hit the floor with your right. Maybe someone will come up with their own method of teaching. The training methodology is the same, at first at a slow pace, then we increase it. We connect musical accompaniment

Third stage. A combination of the two previous steps.

To do this, after the first stage, we do not rearrange the glass to the neighbor on the right, but set it aside to the right of ourselves by 15 cm towards the neighbor, then we immediately begin the second stage.

Conclusion - reflection.

Did you learn anything new from my presentation? Will the acquired knowledge be useful to you? Will you use glass games in your professional activities?


  • If you use a hard coating, you can achieve a better result.
  • The more you practice, the better you will get.
  • Practice until the song is stuck in your head, so you can pick up the beat anywhere.
  • If you don't have a glass with you, you can rhythmically clap your hands or tap your friend's back. If you have free time, you can do this with a glue stick or eraser.
  • Sing the rhythm of the song out loud or mentally. This can help the rhythm.
  • With each new attempt, do a little faster. It may not be easy, but try it anyway.
  • When looking for a glass, keep in mind that tall ones are easier to move.
  • After you get comfortable with the movements, you can try to sing along.
  • You can arrange a musical duel. Gather several teams and compete. Rule: Any number of people play. The main thing is to accurately perform movements for the driver. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Whichever team has more people left will win. Good luck!
  • Don't hit the styrofoam cup too hard. Such a glass is likely to break.

Game "Glasses"

Any number of people play. The main thing is to accurately repeat the movements of the driver. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Everyone receives a glass (cup), puts it, turning it upside down, on the table or on the floor in front of him. The order of movements is as follows: with the left hand we slam on the table to the left of the glass, then with the right hand - to the right.

Touch the bottom of the glass with your left hand. We clap our hands and with our right hand we move the glass to the neighbor to the right side. We clap our hands and with our left hand we turn over the glass that we received on the left. Again with the right hand we rearrange the glass to the right, not forgetting to turn it upside down. We cross our arms and knock twice on the table so that the glass is between our hands. We spread our arms, touch the bottom of the glass at the neighbor on the right, then on the left and with the right hand we move the glass to the player on the right. Having received the glass on the left, we again move it to the right neighbor. Everything starts over. The leader sets the pace. You can come up with words that will help in the game.

Left, right and bottom.

Clap, and I give it to the right.

Clap, and I'll turn left,

I give right to right.

Cross, cross, knock on the bottom,

I give you a glass.


How to play glass

The tapping in the glass game is based on an old children's game. .

Find a hard plastic cup, it should be heavy enough (if not, you can use a bottle). You can also use a disposable paper or plastic cup, but when you're playing a song, the heavier cup will be harder to pop out of your hands.

Place the glass upside down on a table or hard surface. It should be right in front of you.

1. Clap two times.

2. Hit the bottom of the glass three times:first with the right hand, then with the left and again with the right hand. You can also hit the table.

3. Clap once.

4. Raise the glass with your right hand above the table to a height of approximately 5 cm.

5. Move the glass about 15 cm to the right and place it.It should make a pop when it hits the table.

6. Clap once.

7. Turn your right hand upside down and take the glass.The thumb should be pointing down towards the table.

We are used to playing with toys in a certain way: string the pyramid rings on a rod, insert the sorter parts into suitable holes, collect the nesting dolls from smallest to largest. But what if you approach such familiar toys with a fair amount of imagination? We offered the participants "Running Carousels" come up with games for your kids with insert cups or regular cups. The result is a collection of incredible cup game ideas that are most commonly used for making cakes or pouring water. But only not enthusiastic mothers!

The search for the missing kids

First, I selected a pair of cups, i.e. glass of the same color, but different sizes. Large cups are parents, and small cups are children. I painted eyes and tears on large cups, and only eyes on small ones.

So, trouble happened in the pyramid kingdom - the children disappeared. Unfortunate mothers do not find a place for themselves, all their eyes cried out! Our mission is to help mothers find their babies. I previously hid the children in different "corners".

The search began. For my eldest daughter, Sofya, I made riddles about a refrigerator, a washing machine, a battery, etc. And Nina gave hints (for example, where Nina sleeps). They found the children and Nina made up a pair of "mom-baby", but the game did not end there.

Math game "Lunch"

During the search, both mothers and children are very hungry, and they need to be fed urgently. This assignment was more for Sonya. I put a piece of paper with a number in each cup. Counting material was used as food. Sonya picked up the required number of chips of the corresponding color and put them into cups. Nina and I also fed a couple of families, but she was not so interested. Like this. Everyone is happy and full.

Olga Silina with her daughters Sophia 5.2 years old. and Nina 1.9 years.

Tea party with matryoshkas

It is necessary to arrange cups for nesting dolls depending on the size - a large nesting doll gets a large glass, a smaller nesting doll and a slightly smaller glass. And so on to the smallest.

Cup experiment game

Pour into the largest glass something loose, not very large and not very small. I took buckwheat. Then pour from the large one into the next in size, it fills up, and the groats remain in the large one. Again, pour into the next in size (in the direction of decreasing). We look, the glass was filled, and there was left in the larger one. And so we act to the smallest. We show the baby that the smallest is full and in all the previous ones there is some amount of cereal left. And at the end, pour from all the cups back into the largest one and watch how it gradually fills up to the very top.

This is how you can clearly show that the volume of cups is different.

Anna Sorokina and son Artemy 1 year old. 10 months

We came up with a groove from disposable cups, along which we launch balls into the constructor. Our homemade device can be used in different ways: pour water, launch balls, fill in cereal.

Chernoivanov Alexandra and son Andrey 2 years 9 months.

Transparent cups were connected together with adhesive tape, and various pictures (images of animals, letters) were glued inside, cereals (peas, wheat), small toys (bear) were placed. My daughter happily shook the rattles all evening, and they are still intact. She gave bear and elk rattles with them - these are favorite toys. Tomorrow, I think, we will continue to play!

Anna Popova and daughter Euphrosinia, 1 year 10 months old, St. Petersburg.

Story games with Peppa Pig

Ksyusha herself came up with the idea of ​​laying out her favorite characters from the cartoon about Peppa according to the colors of the dresses in cups.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

  • spring - boats in the stream and snowdrops;
  • summer - meadow flowers;
  • autumn - yellow birch;
  • winter - trees in the snow and birds in the feeder.

Spring was placed on the smallest cup, summer - more, autumn - even more and winter on the largest.

First, my son and I looked at the pictures and discussed what was drawn there. Then I asked them to arrange the cups in order from the smallest to the largest - so we would know how the seasons change each other. Arranged, looked, talked.

Then we began to hide the cups under each other. Will the big glass "autumn" be able to hide under the small "spring"? Not? This means that autumn does not come before spring in the year. But can a small glass of "spring" hide under a larger glass of "summer"? Will be able! So spring comes before summer! Let's see how the cups hide under each other! First comes spring - the smallest glass, then - what time of the year, which glass will hide the largest - will replace spring? That's right, summer! Etc.

Well, at the end of the game, we built a tower by saying the reverse sequence of the seasons. They broke everything, and built it again, and broke it again. And each time they said which time replaces which and which precedes. That's how we worked out a little and had a lot of fun.

Anastasia Kalinkova and Artur 2.4 years old, St. Petersburg.

Accuracy game

We glue disposable cups on a sheet of thick cardboard and throw foil balls or ping-pong balls into them from a short distance. We sign numbers on the cups to study the account or assign points. You can stick pictures with berries on the cups. How many balls fell into a cup with raspberries, for example, how many raspberries did you earn.

Marina Berdechnikova and son Vanechka 1 year 9 months.

Did you like cup games? Save to your wall or share with your friends! Let unusual games with ordinary items will settle in your home!

Hey, this new game Lucky Glass, where you can play online in three puzzle modes at once. Practice pouring water to fill to the brim, hit the glass in the marked place and do not break it. Find the best way to play online and keep experimenting!

Recall the essence of the game "Happy Glass" (Happy Glass) is a puzzle game based on physics, with hundreds of challenges and realistic balancing. Each level has a special challenge, but a common goal: to return a smile to a sad bottle. We will help you understand the way to play and set the direction for the search for solutions, and then ourselves. The main thing is that a happy glass is sad when empty! It's time to solve his problems logically. Happy passing!

Game "Pour water into a glass"

The first challenge of the Lucky Glass game is to pour water into empty containers of different shapes and sizes. At the same time, there is no need to waste ink on drawing, the boundaries of the “water supply” are already set in advance. Simply click on the pipe and, holding the left mouse button down, release a volume of liquid commensurate with the size and shape. The glass will remain sad if there is not enough water or even one drop falls down. Try to play with concentration and imagine how much liquid will fit in a glass.

Game "Get Down"

The second puzzle tests foresight and dexterity. Because its purpose is to carefully disassemble the body of the tower from blocks in order to lower the glass without splashing water. The approach to the solution is the same as in the analysis of the Jenga tower. First remove the blocks that are least dangerous for the stability of the structure.

How to pass the most difficult levels

To get water into the glass in the third part of the game, draw the correct line. It is necessary to turn the glass over and move it to the marked place, and then fill it without loss. Solving the final puzzle will require special patience and a good eye. It is important to set the right direction and measure the force with the distance.

Try to find the best way to complete each level, and if you miss classic game"Lucky glass" visit the "sequel" of the puzzle: "!" at Allgames.