Role play hospital in the younger group. Role-playing game in the second junior group “Good Doctor Aibolit. environmental enrichment: selection

Abstract role-playing game

"Toys Got Sick"

at 2 junior group

1. Management tasks:

1).-Expand children's knowledge about the work of a doctor;

Continue to introduce the names of medical instruments (syringe, bandage, thermometer, phonendoscope).

Develop speech, imaginative thinking, activate children's vocabulary;

To develop in children auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech;

To form a conscious attitude towards one's own health;

2). To form the ability of children to take on the role of a doctor, to perform appropriate game actions, create a game environment using real objects and their substitutes.

Develop the ability to engage in role-playing interaction with peers in a short joint game(to build a role-playing dialogue, the ability to negotiate with each other in the game)

3). To cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other; form a caring attitude towards the patient.

2.Preparation for the game:

Acquisition of a new First Aid Kit.

Production of attributes: recipes, thermometers, tablets, mustard plasters.

Preparation of gowns for nurses and doctors.

Consideration of plot pictures "Hospital", "Pharmacy".

Excursion to the medical office.

Hospital talk.

D / and "Who needs what?»

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

Conversation with children “How my mother and I went to see a doctor”

Listening to the song "The doll got sick" music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Game interaction training.

Collusion training for the game.

Learning to play.

3. Long-term preparation plan for the game "Toy Hospital"





Bathrobes, hats, thermometer, bandages, phonendoscope, drugs, syringes. spatula, recipes.

The doctor examines the patient

finds out the cause, prescribes treatment.

The nurse registers the patient, writes out a prescription.

Patients are waiting for a doctor's appointment, they tell what hurts.

"Hello, please pass",

"What are you complaining about?"

"Where does it hurt?"

"How are you feeling?",

"Let's take the temperature."

Related stories



Cash register, money, empty medicine boxes, mustard plasters.

Sells prescription drugs.

"Good afternoon"

"Show, please your prescription

“And I also advise you such a medicine”

4. Game progress.

1. Techniques for creating interest in the game .The teacher draws the children's attention to the toys in the play corner. “For some reason, toys are crying, what happened to them?” (Answers of children).

The teacher reads the poem:

Our dolls are sick

Didn't even eat in the morning.

Barely open eyes,

Don't laugh, don't play

All day they are silent

Even mom doesn't scream.

The teacher tells the children, that the toys got sick and asks questions. Guys, why do you think our toys got sick? How can we help our toys?Tell me, who do you turn to for help when you are sick? So our toys need to be taken to the clinic to the doctor.

The hospital is open for all people and animals, go to it for treatment as soon as possible!

2) Game talk. Invites children to play "Hospital".(The teacher assigns roles). “Today I will be the doctor. To quickly treat all patients, to help the doctor to receive patients, a nurse is needed. Who wants to be a nurse?"The teacher explains to the children who a pharmacist is and asks who wants to be one?

The rest of the guys are patients or, if they wish, they can choose "children" who are sick (dolls, animal toys).And then we'll switch roles.The teacher chooses the main role of a doctor and promises to help, together with the children they choose the necessary attributes and start the game. In accordance with the chosen role, the educator, together with the children, remembers who and how works in the hospital: doctor - receives the patient, listens, examines, prescribes treatment; nurse - performs doctor's orders, gives injections, treats wounds, washes instruments, pharmacist sells medicines.

3) Techniques for learning to play. The educator in the role of a doctor goes to the "visitors", reminds them to take a turn to the doctor. Before entering the office, you need to knock on the "door". Entering the office, say hello, tell what hurts your daughter? The doctor is receiving. Examines each patient. Makes dressings, injections. The nurse helps him. The doctor also talks about the importance of eating right and the benefits of vitamins.

Vitamins are useful to us,
I know this for sure.
Only they are not from pills
I use.
I get them from food
Delicious and healthy.
Where are they hiding?
Very interesting.
Mom explains to me
They hide everywhere.
You are from fruits, vegetables,
Get them quickly.

(In the role of a doctor, the educator develops the plot of the game in accordance with the accepted role)

In order to enrich the plot, the teacher invites the children to go to the pharmacy for medicines, which can only be bought with a doctor's prescription.

Nurse writes a prescription for medicine, which you need to buy at the pharmacy. Patients line up and buy prescription drugs.

5. End game:

The teacher announces a break for lunch, after which the children switch roles. The teacher asks the children to take off their gowns and put the medical equipment in its place.

6.Evaluation of the game:

The teacher thanks the children for an interesting game, asks them if they liked playing? Separately notes and praises children who are difficult to make contact.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children how to save their health, and what needs to be done for this. Children answer: do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.


"MDOU Kindergarten No. 81, Yaroslavl

( IIjunior group)

Prepared by educators: Dyachkova I.V.

Kolosova S.V.

Project type: cognitive and playful.

Project participants: 3-4 years.

Project type: short-term, 2 weeks from 11/01/2016 to 11/15/2016.

Location of the project: MDOU Kindergarten No. 81.

Relevance: the inability of children to deploy role-playing interaction - role-playing dialogue, the narrowness of the plot of the game.

Target: Enrichment gaming experience children, leading children to create their own play ideas.

Tasks:- contribute to the enrichment of the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline;

Develop the ability to choose a role, perform several interrelated actions in the game (doctor-patient, nurse-patient) .;

Encourage children to try to pick up attributes on their own;

Cultivate interest in the game.

Stages of project implementation.

  1. I.Preparatory stage.

Studying the conditions for the implementation of the project;

Definition of goals and objectives;

Creation of conditions for project implementation;

Preparation of equipment: a doctor's case with tools, a doctor's coat and cap, illustrations, substitute toys;

Development of a long-term work plan;

Compilation methodological manual and literature to work on the project.

  1. II.Practical stage.

Forms and methods of work.

cognitive development. Excursion to the medical office.

Tasks: - to acquaint children with the work of a doctor (examination of the throat, tell, measuring temperature with a thermometer, etc.);

Build respect for the doctor.


"Health and disease"

Objectives: to contribute to the formation of ideas about health, illness, about what helps to be healthy.

"What to do in order not to get sick"

Tasks: to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

"Health and Purity"

Objectives: to form the habit of keeping the body clean, to tell that health depends on cleanliness.

"Me and my health"

Tasks: to form elementary representations about how to take care of your health.

"Profession doctor"

Tasks: to acquaint children with the profession of a doctor.

"What does a doctor need to work"

Tasks: to acquaint children with medical instruments.

"What does mom do when I get sick?"

Tasks: to form the ability to realize the need for treatment.

Socio-communicative development.

Situation games.

"Toys at the Doctor's"

Objectives: To teach children how to care for the sick and how to use medical instruments. Introduce the concept of "hospital", "patient", "treatment".

"Journey with Dr. Aibolit"

Tasks: to teach children game actions, their implementation in a certain sequence.

"Journey with Dr. Aibolit»

Objectives: to continue work on the development and enrichment of story games.

"Katya got sick"

Tasks: to diversify the role participation of children in the game with the doll. Contribute to the enrichment of the plot of children's games.

"An ambulance takes Katya's doll to the hospital"

Tasks: to form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor-patient).

"Forest Hospital"

Tasks: to form in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, to use medical instruments during the game, to promote role-playing dialogue.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Purpose: to form the ability to play the role-playing game "Hospital".

Tasks: - to develop the ability to take on a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Learn to act with substitute objects;

To form the ability to accompany their actions with verbal designations.

The development of speech.

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Fedorino grief"; V. Berestov "Sick doll"; E. Blaginina "Sick Bunny".

Dictionary Enrichment:

Professions: Nurse, Doctor, Patient;

Tools: spatula, thermometer, phonendoscope, syringe, pipette, pills, vitamins, iodine, brilliant green, bandage, cotton wool.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Modeling: vitamins for Katya's doll.

Drawing: road sign "Hospital".

Physical development.

Daily exercises, daily walks, outdoor games, gymnastics after sleep, physical education.

Working with parents.

Ask to sew a dressing gown and a hat for the doctor, introduce books about the profession of a doctor for home reading, a screen “Healthy lifestyle of the family”.

  1. III.The final stage.

Introduction into independent activity of the main process through observations and games.

Expected result:- lack of fear of doctors;

Children will often use the role-playing game "Hospital" for games and play it with great interest.

Project product: doctor's coat and cap.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Forest Hospital" for children of the second younger group

Role-playing game for children 3-4 years old "Forest Hospital"

To form in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use medical instruments during the game and name them; to promote the emergence of a role-playing dialogue, to form a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the sick person, to cause sympathy for sick toys.

Excursion to the nurse's office, reading fiction, looking at plot illustrations.

Crow with a telegram; toys: bear, bunny, cat, fox, wolf, etc.; hats, bathrobes for children; set of the game "Doctor": thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, pipette, phonendoscope.

GAME TASK: cure sick animals.

On the initial stage in the game, the educator takes the leading role - the role of the doctor, and in the future this role is performed by the children themselves (joint actions with an adult by imitation, by model).

Organizing time:
crow flies:
Kar-kar-kar? Here is a telegram for you
The teacher takes the telegram, is surprised.
I wonder from whom?
The teacher reads the telegram:
Help, help?
Send the doctor soon!
Our animals are sick
They probably ate a lot of snow!

And now they have tonsillitis, scarlet fever, hepatitis and diphtheria.
What should we do, how should we be?
How to overcome diseases...?

Educator: Are all the animals in the forest sick? How can you help them?
(Children talk).
Educator: And who, in the days of illness, is more useful for everyone and heals from all diseases? (children's answers)
Yes, doctor. The doctor has a lot of tools, medicines that he uses when he heals. Look how much the magpie brought in the bag, everything is mixed up here, let's help me choose everything that is necessary for the doctor to work
(From a variety of items, children choose those items that the doctor may need).

Syringe - inject.
Thermometer - measure temperature.
Vata - to lubricate wounds.
Bandage - bandage the wound.
Zelenka - to process a scratch.
Phonendoscope - listen to the work of the heart and lungs.
Syrup - drink for cough.
Tablets - from the temperature.
Dressing gown, cap - clothes of a health worker.
Brick, Iron, Saucepan, Ball, these items remain lying, the teacher finds out why the children did not take them.
That's right, all this is necessary for the doctor to work, and now it's time to go, the animals have been waiting for us, rather to the forest clearing to help (Let's go by train...)
Rides, rides steam locomotive
Past the trees and birches,
Choo, choo, choo, puffs
And the wheels are rattling.
Whistle loudly su-su-su
Here we are in the forest.

Well, here is the clearing, we came with you .. Look, guys, how many animals there are, but they are sad, do not smile and do not play at all ...
And here is the fox, she says, oh, I was bitten by a wasp
And doggie watchdog, his chicken pecked in the nose
The poor hippo grabbed his tummy, his hippo tummy hurts. And next to the chickens, squealing like pigs.
And this is a bunny, got hit by a tram, my bunny, my boy got hit by a tram and his legs were cut and now he is sick and lame, my little bunny.
And the cat Murka also fell ill, the unfortunate cat hurt her paw, sits and cannot take a step,
And do you have a sore throat?
Do you need to do something urgently? We must take all the animals to the hospital.
And here is the hospital, I will be a doctor, now I will put on a white coat and I will treat. (the teacher puts on a bathrobe and shows the guys how to treat)
the bunny came to the hospital. What hurts the bunny? Bunny caught a cold in his ear - he forgot to close the window.
How can we help him?
I'll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. I put it on my chest and tell you to breathe deeply. The lungs are clear, no wheezing. Let's look at the neck, open your mouth wider and say A-A-A, and now the ear. Still need to measure the temperature, put him a thermometer, raise the paw (puts a thermometer) and you have to wait a bit. Yes, the high temperature has risen, you need to urgently drink medicine to relieve the high temperature. Yes, the bunny got a cold. You need to give him pills and drip his ear. And the bunny will get better soon. Now let's write a prescription.
Educator: Guys, where are the medicines sold (at the pharmacy)
Yes, we have a pharmacy here, a pharmacist works there, he makes and dispenses medicine. See what else the pharmacist gives out (tablets, plaster, ointments, syrups, vitamins)
Well, guys, I can’t do it alone, I need helpers. Let’s all help me get to work. We put on gowns and become doctors.

A hospital for birds and animals was opened. Go get treated soon!
Children approach the animals and choose a sick animal for themselves.
Children are treated They put thermometers, give pills, sing potion. Bury the nose, sing them from the nipple, make compresses.

Educator: So we cured sick animals. Well done guys that they helped Now they are laughing, jumping, having fun.
Do you like being doctors, helping the sick? When you grow up you will be a doctor.

Always attentive, with love
Our doctor is treating you guys.
When your health improves
He is the happiest of all!

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group

Target: To form in children the ability to play the role-playing game "Hospital".


To form the ability to consistently perform two consecutive actions of the plot (listens to patients, prescribes treatment, gives an injection, puts a thermometer, etc.);

Develop the ability to take on a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Encourage children to creatively fulfill the roles associated with the implementation of the action;

Learn to act with substitute objects;

To form the ability to accompany their actions with verbal designations.

Equipment and materials:


Illustration for A. Barto's poem "Bunny";

Toy Hare with a tied throat;

Role-playing corner "Hospital";

Chairs for patients;

Dressing gowns for the doctor and nurse;

Attributes for the role-playing game "Hospital": thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, medicines, etc.;

Role-playing corner "Family";

Attributes for the role-playing game "Family": different types of ice cream, cups, teapot, teapot, sugar bowl, spoons.

Preliminary work with children:


Examining illustrations;

Reading fiction;

Didactic games;

Creation and playing of game and problem situations;

Teaching game techniques.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Types of children's activities

Forms and Methods

organizing joint activities


Role-playing game "Hospital", role-playing game "Family" (accompanying plot)


Solving a problem situation

How to help Bunny?

Communication and interaction with adults and peers,

Questions for children



Examination of illustrations for the poem by A. Barto "Bunny",

Reading by pupils of A. Barto's poem "Bunny"

Game progress:

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the illustration for A. Barto's poem "Bunny", located on the easel.


Who is in the illustration?

Who knows this poem about Bunny?

(The child reads the poem by heart.

A Bunny toy appears with a bandaged neck. Bunny is crying.)


Why do you think Bunny is crying?

What hurts Bunny?

Can we help Bunny?

What do I need to do?

(Children's answers.)


Let's help Bunny and take him to the hospital. In order for us to play the game "Hospital" what do we need to cook, what may we need?

In case of difficulty, the teacher asks leading questions:

What is the doctor wearing?

What does a doctor need to work?

(Creating a play space.)


Now I will be a doctor. In order to cure Bunny faster, a nurse will help the doctor to receive patients. Who will be the nurse?

Doctor (educator):

The hospital is open for everyone, come to be treated as soon as possible. Come see a doctor. In order not to push, not to interfere with each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn.

Who goes to the reception with Zaika?

Doctor (educator):

Hello, let's see what your Bunny has with a neck? What a red throat! Now I will sprinkle you with a tincture of calendula in the neck, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give an injection to Bunny (the nurse gives an injection with a syringe). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):


Doctor (educator):

Hello, come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient (child):

I have a stomach ache.

Doctor (educator):

Let's see, listen to the patient with a phonendoscope: "Breathe, don't breathe" (the doctor examines the patient). Go to the nurse, take pills for pain (pills are substitute items for corks from drinks). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):


Doctor (educator):

- Hello, tell me, girl, what happened to you?

Patient (child):

- My throat hurts.

Doctor (educator):

Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer and you will take your temperature. No temperature. Let's see the throat, oh-oh! Throat red. To cure your throat, go to the nurse, and she will sprinkle you with tincture of calendula in the neck (sprays with a round stick).

To maintain and develop the game, the teacher uses the following techniques:

Introduction of a new game situation: "Moms bring doll daughters to the hospital",

Adding new attributes ( different types ice cream) in the game "Family" and the introduction of a new game situation: "At home after the hospital".

To form relationships in the game, the teacher uses techniques: reminders of a benevolent attitude towards each other, encouragement of politeness.

An adult directs the game, prompting interactions.


- Well done boys, interesting game we got it. An attentive nurse, greeted everyone, kind, attentive, gave injections well, measured the temperature. The patients were polite, patient, not capricious.

And for this, I will treat you with vitamins. Thank you!

Organization Options educational activities in regime moments:

  1. Playing by children in independent activity of the plot-role-playing game "Hospital".

Interaction with parents:

  1. Development and tailoring of clothes for the role-playing game "Hospital" (gowns and hats for a doctor and a nurse).
  2. Selection of attributes for the role-playing game "Hospital".
  3. Selection and printing of illustrations for A. Barto's poem "Bunny".