Week themed favorite games and toys. Thematic “Week of games and toys. Directly educational activities

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week - 07.11 - 11.11)

Group: Senior Topic:"Toys".

Target:Expand children's ideas about toys; clarify the names of toys, ways to play with them; highlight the components, shape, color, material.

Final event: an exhibition of children's art "Toys from Polkhov - Maidan". Date of the final event:Thursday - 10.11

Responsible for the final event:educators.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents/social partners




Monday - 07.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning gymnastics.

D / I ""Find a place for the picture" - learn to follow the sequence. course of action.

M/I"Pick up a toy"

Target: exercise in counting items according to the named number and memorizing it, learn to find an equal number of toys.

Fizeau. I / U “Roll the ring on the floor” - learn to roll the ring in the center.

(Violetta, Mark, Tanya, Katya, Da-vid, Dima K.).

Conversation: “Everything starts with the word “hello”. Purpose: to consolidate the formulas of verbal politeness.

Lotto "Toys" - extended. representation of objects in the environment.

Circle the dots and name them.

Place information on the rules in the parent corner traffic.



Getting to know the environment. "Toys" (see "KRO" Morozov, p. 33). Purpose: To systematize children's knowledge about toys. To form a generalizing concept of "toys", to improve the ability to describe an object .; indicate its essential features, recognize the subject by description.

Physical education


Physical Culture. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Observation "Autumn landscapes" - clarify knowledge about the follower. autumn changes.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 22)

P / I "Zhmurki".

I / U "Rybalov".

Labor assignments:

We remove dry twigs and sticks on the territory of the site.

Situational conversation "Why you need to study." Purpose: to explain to children why you need to study, to broaden your horizons.

C / R game "Zoo" - form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Activate motor activity with portable sports equipment.

D / I "Describe the house."

work before bed

Telling the children of R.N. the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". Canteen duty. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to set the table, properly lay out cutlery. Talking to children about the benefits of daytime naps. Finger gymnastics "Gnome".


Exercise after sleep. hardening.

Moral education: conversation “Who offended whom?” (see V. Petrova, p. 36) - to acquaint children with manifestations of injustice.

Compilation of a descriptive story about your favorite toy. (Varya A., Nastya, Dima L., Rostik, Vlad, Yarik).

Repetition of songs learned in music lessons.

Situational conversations with children about honesty.

Duty in a corner of nature.

Role-playing game "School" (Students come to school. They are met by a teacher, conducts lessons).


Observation "Targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten" - to bring up a careful attitude to everything that surrounds us. (see G. Lapteva, p. 41). P / I "Fox in the chicken coop." I / U "Walking a snake." Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)




Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday - 08.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning gymnastics.

D / I ""Loud whisper" -

Teach children to choose similar-sounding phrases

(sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew in; . . .)

M/I"Choose a Shape" - strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric figures: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval.

FIZO. I / U “Knock down the skittles” - learn to throw the ball from the chest with two hands. (Dasha, Yana, Varya, Vlad, Dima L., Gleb).

Talking with children about the culture of behavior during meals.

Labor in the corner of nature: Loosening the soil of indoor plants. Purpose: To learn how to care for indoor plants, to give knowledge about the need to loosen the soil of plants; fix loosening techniques.

Cut out pictures of toys and paste them into an album.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Consultation "Playing, we learn nature."

Direct educational activities

Communication socialization

The development of speech. “Talking about personal impressions on the topic “Our toys”. (see Ushakova, p. 32).

Purpose: To teach to give a description appearance toys, talk about how you can play with it, what toys you have at home. To consolidate the ability to form single-root words that are close in meaning, using in speech is difficult under the suggestion











Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Observation "Autumn wind" - expand the presentation of the phenomena of autumn nature.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 25).

F/N "We are funny guys."

I / U "High-speed aircraft".

With Diana, Varya

Tanya, Mark Purpose: to fix the count to 7 (with autumn leaves).

Improving the ability of children to dress and undress independently.

Story games children's choice.

Sand experimentation.

Di. “Name whose leaf” Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish the leaves of trees.

Work before bed

Reading "I am a passenger" by T. Shorygin. Canteen duty. Purpose: to explain that the spoon and knife are laid out to the right of the plate, the fork to the left. Conversation: "The Journey of a Breadball". Purpose: to talk about the path that food passes in the human body, to explain the need for thorough chewing.


LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation "Clothes and health" (see M. Fisenko "OBZh", p. 76) - talk about the types and purpose of clothing.

« Drawing from the field of a houseplant. Purpose: To learn to draw with thin lines with a simple pencil and paint with watercolour. (Pasha, Zoya, Tanya, Mark).

Conversation on the topic "With whom and how can you say hello and say goodbye." Purpose: to fix the formulas of verbal politeness.

Role-playing games with the use of buildings. Purpose: to encourage accepted roles, role-playing behavior.

Construction: constructor - "TECHNO" - to develop thinking, modeling, dexterity and motor skills of hands.


Observation "Signs of autumn" - to develop creative imagination. (see G. Lapteva, p. 35). P / I "Entertainers". I / U "Monkey". Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday - 09.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning gymnastics.

DI"Say the opposite" -

To develop in children quick wit, quickness of thought.

M/I"Name and count" -

FIZO. I / U "Circus horses" - to learn to alternate walking and running on a signal (sub-group of children).

Ecological consciousness "Our helpers of plants". Purpose: games: to consolidate children's ideas about how to help themselves and others always stay healthy.

Work in the center of the book: selection of books about toys.

Mosaic "Lay out a toy from a mosaic" - to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.

Encourage children to independently stage familiar fairy tales.

Invite parents and children to recall folk proverbs and explain their meaning.

Direct educational activities


FEMP No. 10 (see Novikova, p. 27). Purpose: To introduce the formation of a number and the number 8. Learn to correlate a number with a number; be able to count within 8; to fix temporary representations: "morning - evening," day - night ".

Phys. culture

Artistic creativity

Physical education (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

Drawing "Toys from Polkhov - Maidan". (D. Koldina, p. 101). Target:To acquaint with the painting of Polkhov - Maidan, its characteristic elements. Learn to make patterns based on Polkhov-Maidan. painting. Cultivate love for folk art. Develop creative abilities.










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Observation "Migratory birds" - to expand knowledge about the life of birds.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 26)

P / I "At Uncle Tryphon's".

I / U "Catch the ball."

Labor: cleaning on the site - to form a culture of labor activity.

Remind children to help each other. Remind them how to politely ask and thank.

Cognitive research activity: "Parachute" Target:Reveal that air has elasticity. Understand how air force (movement) can be used.

Independent activity of children on a walk, games of choice.

work before bed

E. Uspensky "Cheburashka goes to school" . Review the dining room. Memorization of the poem "My toys". (see plan). game situation"Who quickly". Purpose: To consolidate the ability to undress independently and quickly.


Exercise after sleep.


Dramatization of the fairy tale "Zhikharka" Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, the ability to convey the character of the characters with gestures, voice, facial expressions.

Practice with children in finding objects of square, round, rectangular shapes.

Prak. exercise “The best bed” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to independently, quickly and beautifully clean the bed after sleep.

Construction Games in the center gaming activity"Our Neighborhood"Purpose: To continue learning how to build various buildings from building material. To develop the ability to think about the purpose and structure of the future building.


Observation "The work of people in the fall" - bring to the attention of the benefits and necessity of the work of a janitor. (see G. Lapteva, p. 34). P / I "Fox in the chicken coop." I / U "Heron on the hunt." Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Thursday - 10.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning gymnastics.

DI"Call it in one word" -

to learn to enrich objects with one word, to enrich vocabulary.

M/I"Will it be enough?" - to teach children to see the equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, to bring to the concept that a number does not depend on size.

FIZO."Get in the hoop."

Purpose: to practice throwing at a target.

(Maxim, Zoya, Christina, Pasha, Rostik, Kostya).

Conversation “Culture of food is a serious matter.” Objectives: To consolidate the ability to properly use cutlery, eat with your mouth closed, chew food silently.

C / r.i. " Kindergarten» Purpose: to teach to play, work, study together.

Games with didactic material in the center of musical development. "What am I playing?" Purpose: development of timbre hearing.

Consultation "Preparing a preschooler's hand for writing."

Direct educational activities


Speech development: The story "My favorite toy." Purpose: To teach children to make up stories from personal experience. Exercise in the formation of words - antonyms. (see Gerbova, p. 82)


Artistic creativity

Music (according to the plan of the music worker).

Application "Cut out and paste whatever toy you want" (see Komarova, p. 89). Purpose: To teach to conceive a simple plot. Fix cutting techniques. Cultivate activity, independence.










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Observation "Leaf fall" - to test knowledge about changes in nature. (see G. Lapteva, p. 28).

P / I "Burners".

I / U "Kangaroo".

labor in nature:

Cleaning the kindergarten site from fallen leaves. Purpose: to teach to create a joyful mood from the work done.

Situational conversation about what a real friend should be.

Cognitive research activity "Stones"Purpose: to develop curiosity, attention; maintain interest in the knowledge of the surrounding reality through the formulation of problematic questions; develop coherent speech.

Independent activity of children.

work before bed

Reading: V. Oseeva "The Magic Word". Purpose: to find out the sympathies and preferences of children. Canteen duty. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to set the table, properly lay out cutlery.


Exercise after sleep.

hardening procedures.

Entertainment: Literary performance - a quiz "What fairy tale are these miracles from" - continue to teach to recognize and name the presented fragments of fairy tales from which fairy tale. Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

"My Bunny" - To consolidate the skill of creating images of your favorite toy from parts, correctly conveying their relative size

(Varya, Dasha, Mark, Sasha).

Strengthening the ability to make a bed: straighten a sheet, cover with a blanket.

Talk about friendship; learn to play together, work, practice.

Role-playing game: "School" Purpose. Teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game. Acquaintance and accustoming preschoolers to the regime of school life.

Work in a corner of nature, caring for indoor plants.


Observation "Sparrows" - expand knowledge about birds. (see G. Lapteva, p. 33). P / I "Flight of birds".

I / U "Hit the target." Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Friday - 11.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning gymnastics.

DI"Finish the sentence"

the use of complex sentences.


"Tell me about your pattern" -

to learn to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

Fizeau. I / U “Knock down the skittle” - exercise in throwing a bag at the target. (Dasha, Varya, Yarik, Vlad, Mark

Situational conversation “On the rules of conduct at the table) Purpose: To consolidate the ability to take food little by little, to use a fork and knife correctly.

Games with didactic material in the center of ecological development. Lotto "Plants of the forest, garden, vegetable garden." Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about the plants of the forest, garden and vegetable garden.

D / I “Find toys by silhouettes and name them” - develop thinking, attention.

Visual information "Getting acquainted with painting".

directly educational activity



Getting to know the environment. "What is the Red Book for?" (see Volchkova "Ecology", p. 16). Target:To bring up a kind, merciful, responsible attitude towards nature, future descendants who need to leave the Earth for life; form the conviction that the beauty of nature is priceless, it must be protected.

Artistic creativity

Physical Culture

Drawing "Clown and doll" (see D. Koldina, p. 100). Target:Develop the ability to convey the figure of a person, depict facial features. Learn to draw the image of a cheerful clown and the image of your favorite doll. Bring up. independence.

Physical education in the air. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Observation "Sad time" - to expand the understanding of natural phenomena in the fall.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 29).

P / I "Geese - swans".

I / U "Get a toy."

Labor: sweeping paths on the site.

Remind the children that every day you need to monitor your appearance, clean clothes, hair.

Experimentation:"Prints of our hands" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the property of wet sand to protect the shape of an object.

C / R game "Street" - to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

work before bed

Reading E. Moshkovskaya "Resentment". Canteen duty. Purpose: to improve the ability to quickly and accurately set the table and clear the table. Finger gymnastics "Gnome".


Exercise after sleep. Walking along the massage paths.

Patriotic education:

“Ground passenger transport of the native city” (see N. Zelenova, p. 42) - to acquaint children with different types of transport in their native city, with the work of people of different professions.

Sculpting according to the idea. Purpose: Formation of the ability to think about the content of one's work; plan to follow its execution, ways of depicting.

Situational conversation about who and how to say goodbye. Playing and discussing situations.

Household work.

Game situation: "Dirty". Purpose: To consolidate the ability to maintain order in the group.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees.


Observation "Willow" - to give children an idea of ​​the role of plants in human life. (see G. Lapteva, p. 30). P / I "Magic Wand". I/U "Throw - Catch". Labor on site.

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The plan of the thematic week "Game and toys" in the senior group

"To grow up a healthy child,

kids don't need to be able to read - they need to be able to play!" Fred Rogers

Purpose: to improve the professional level of teachers on the organization of children's play activities; development in children of interest in the types of games and support for their free creative self-realization in the game; involvement of parents in an active discussion of the issues of creating conditions for the development of the child's play at home.


Educational activities

Team work

Monday Day of Russian folk games and toys.

Motto: "Our Russia is famous for its painted spoons, and is proud of Russian nesting dolls."

1st half of the day

Cognitive conversation “Diverse world of toys. What is he? Presentation "Classification of toys"

Organization of Russian folk outdoor games "Pyatnashki",

"Burn, burn clearly", "Brook",

"Carp and pike"

2nd half of the day

Cognitive conversation "How they played in the old days"

Drawing a folk toy "Russian Beauty"

Visiting the exhibition of dolls in national costumes (group 3)

Master class with parents: "Making a paper doll" Bereginya "

Tuesday Day of theatrical games.

Motto: “The curtain has risen and now Cinderella lives on the stage.

She is sad, laughs and sings, and after the ball the prince is waiting for her.

1st half of the day

Cognitive conversation "Toys of my parents"

Creative workshop:

drawing "Visiting a fairy tale"

Theatricalization based on the fairy tale "Chipolino" for children of the junior group

Practical lesson driving a puppet.

2nd half of the day

Video film about the Obraztsov Theatre.

Dramatization game with puppets.

Educational situation

"We walk, we play"

Wednesday Day of intellectual games and toys.

Motto: "I want to know everything!"

1st half of the day

Informative story about Robotics.

Children's laboratory: "What are toys made of?"

Exhibition "Modern Toys"

checkers tournament

"I know. Think. I win"

Board games "Imaginarium",

Monopoly, sea ​​battle»

Construction "In the city" Lego ".

2nd half of the day

Intellectual game

"Which? Which? Which?"

Solving crossword puzzles "Favorite cartoons"

O / and activity "Raznotsvet-

water", "Experience with a feather"

Thursday Day of favorite toy and role-playing game.

Motto: “Behind the shoulders of a backpack, it is full of toys. Having come to the group cheerfully, I call my girlfriends.

We love role-playing games so much: we are all teachers, doctors, tigers.”

1st half of the day

Conversation "Life of a toy"

Motor-speech miniature "The sea worries once ..."

Creative workshop for making

cultivating attributes in a s/r game

P / game with the plot content "Shaggy Dog"

2nd half of the day

Composition of riddles "My favorite toy"

Watching the cartoon "Toys"

Transform game:

"Journey to the world of toys"

Master class with parents "Toys in the kitchen from fruits and vegetables"

Friday Day of musical games and musical toys.
Motto: "Now the game is not entertainment, but with great meaning,

1st half of the day

Informative presentation about the conservatory.

Creative Workshop: Making a Noise Maker Toy

Round dance game "On the mountain is viburnum" - a game on musical instruments.

Game "Guess the melody".

2nd half of the day

Round dance game "How our girlfriends went"

The game "Name the fairy tale where the characters sing" and sing this song.

Exhibition of musical toys.


N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2017) The main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school", Moscow

MM. Borisova (2017) sedentary games and play exercises. For classes with children 3-7 years old. Toolkit. Federal State Educational Standard. Moscow


1 municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten 62 Project "Week of play and toys" Project authors: Sedova M.P., educator, Sulina R.A., educator 2015

2 Information map of the project Project type: creative and informational. Project duration: short-term (1 week). Project participants: children, educators, parents. Age of children: 5-6 years. Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", " cognitive development", Speech development", Artistic and aesthetic development», Physical development". Problem. Modern conditions life is such that often children can only play meaningful educational and role-playing games in kindergarten. In the conditions of a family, the game is not properly accompanied by adults and, accordingly, does not carry the necessary developmental content. To organize a single playing space for the development of the child in the family and preschool educational institutions is the most important task of kindergarten teachers. The task remains to fill the game of preschoolers with developing content, to develop children's interest in it. different types. In parallel, it is necessary to more actively conduct psychological and pedagogical education of parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions on the content and significance of games and toys for the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool child. Project idea. To spend with children a large number of games of various types and content, together with children and their parents to make interesting attributes for games. Goal: development of play activities for older children up to school age, enriching a familiar game with new solutions, including productive activities in it, creating conditions for creative self-expression. Project objectives For children: 1. To continue to acquaint older preschoolers with the diverse world of toys and the variety of materials from which they are made. 2. Cultivate children's interest in various types games, to support their free creative self-realization in the game. 3. Develop the speech of older children preschool age, enrich and expand children's vocabulary. 4. Develop thinking, memory, attention through didactic games. 5. Encourage the need for older preschool children to experiment. 6. To develop cognitive interest, the need for knowledge of the cultural and historical values ​​of the people through familiarization with the manufacture of toys in antiquity.

3 7. Develop the artistic and creative abilities of children. 8. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, respect for toys. For teachers: 1. To increase the level of pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in planning and conducting independent and joint play activities for children and adults, pedagogical guidance for a theatrical and didactic game. 2. Fill up the developing environment for independent activities of children. For parents: 1. To give parents knowledge about the meaning of the toy, its role in the child's play through open classes, photo report, photo newspapers, presentations and information on the site. 2. To convey information about the appropriate pedagogical selection of toys. 3. To enrich the parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family. 4. Involve the parents of pupils in an active discussion and creation of conditions for the development of the child's play at home. The main directions of the project implementation: Social and moral development. Development of productive activity. Cognitive research development. Introduction to fiction. Expected result: the formation of a careful attitude towards toys among older preschoolers, acquaintance of children with the history of toys, with their production, with folk toys; increasing the level of development of the role-playing game of children of senior preschool age; self-compilation of short stories about toys; creative approach in productive activities; development of children's communication skills, positive emotions from joint gaming activities. Enriching parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family; increasing the competence of parents when choosing a toy; an increase in the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions; active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten and the group. Replenishment of the subject-developing environment with toys, creation of a card file of lexical, mobile, folk, musical, didactic games. Preparatory stage: study and selection of material, development of the project structure, drafting thematic planning events, selection of didactic, mobile, folk, musical, vocabulary games, preparation puppet theater"Cat's House", making scenery, making a drawing for the art gallery for A. Barto's poem "Airplane", preparing a presentation on topics, learning the "Matryoshka" dance, starting the creation of a mini-museum "Folk rag doll".

4 Main stage (implementation of the project): The program of the "Week of play and toys" Morning Monday Day of the favorite toy and role-playing games“My favorite toy” Educator: Sedova M.P. The goal is to awaken Tuesday Day of creative games "City of Masters" Educator: Sedova M.P. The goal is to awaken Wednesday the Day of outdoor and folk games "And in our yard" Educator: Sulina R.A. The goal is to awaken Thursday the Day of the Book and Intellectual Games "Clever and clever" Educator: Sulina R.A. The goal is to awaken Friday the Day of Musical and Theatrical Games "Revived Toys" Educator: Sedova M.P. The goal is to awaken the exhibition of drawings "My favorite toy" (children as guides). Target - Didactic game What from what. The goal is to teach to identify the names of toys and the Folk outdoor game "Catch a fish". The goal is to develop Intellectual game"Guess the tale." The goal is to expand the reader's circle of musical staging of the nursery rhyme "Shadow-shadow" -

5 formation in children of interest in the world around them, the ability to share impressions about their favorite toy through drawing; development of speech through an artistic word, complete answers to questions, compiling a story about toys. Exhibition of favorite toys brought by children from home. The goal is to create a positive attitude, introduce peers to their toys, teach children to take care of their own and other people's toys Finger gymnastics Toys. The goal is to develop memory, motor skills, the ability to navigate in space, speech, a sense of rhythm. the material from which they are made. The game "Wonderful Palaces" (different sets of building materials for the construction of buildings). The goal is to activate the imagination and creativity of children. Visit to the exhibition "Toys from my mother's childhood". The goal is to introduce children to the toys of the past. Reading fiction: Poems by A. Barto "Toys" and the story of V. Dragunsky "Friend of childhood". The goal is to develop focused attention, imagination, to cultivate a careful attitude to toys. materiality; fix game actions in accordance with the rules of the game. zor, develop cognitive interest, activity of older preschoolers. Role-playing game "Library" (on the example of books from the series "Entertaining Atlas"). The goal is to increase interest and respect for the book; develop speech creativity in the process of games; older preschoolers have a culture of communication in the library. value attitude to folk games Mini-competition of reciters of Agnia Barto's poems from the "Toys" cycle. Purpose - To promote the formation of cognitive interest in the work of A. L. Barto. puppet show for junior group"Cat house". (together with the music director Shcherbakova V.Yu.) The goal is to create conditions for the development of stage creativity in children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities. Riddles from the chest "My toys". The goal is to determine the ability to understand the relationship between objects on the basis of answers.

6 breathing riddles of descriptive, negative, simple metaphorical riddles; the ability to explain why this is the answer. The goal is to guess the works by illustration, increasing the interest of pupils in reading works of art. GCD Outdoor game: "Who will take the toy sooner?" Purpose - To develop in children dexterity, ingenuity. “Visiting your favorite toy - Matryoshka” (together with the music director Shcherbakova V.Yu.) - an integrated lesson using a computer presentation; inclusion of the mini-concert "Friends of Matryoshka Wooden Spoons"; productive activity is the manufacture of a flat matryoshka from paper using the technique of assemblage, appliqué and paper-plastic. "Journey through the cities of folk craftsmen". The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of children about the folk art crafts of Russian masters, in particular, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel paintings. A situational conversation about the benefits of outdoor games among the people, how they arose and multiplied. The goal is to develop interest in Russian folk games. Situational conversation about the book, its benefits. The goal is for preschoolers to have an interest in the book and the need for reading; educate respect for the book. Game-lesson "Journey to the theater." The goal is to consolidate and expand children's ideas about the work of actors in the theater; the ability of children to dramatize familiar tales, to coordinate the words and actions of the character; develop intonation expressiveness, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, communication skills; educate the culture of speech communication. The goal is to create conditions for the involvement of children of older pre-

7 school age to folk traditions through folklore. Development in children of cognitive interest in folk life, in products of decorative and applied art, folklore of Russia. Continue to acquaint children with objects made of wood, a variety of toys and folk musical instruments. Walk Outdoor game "The sea worries once" (freeze the figure of the toy). The goal is the development of creative and communicative abilities, imagination, resourcefulness, erudition, attention, memory. Mobile game "Colored cars" Purpose - to consolidate the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space, not bump into each other; to develop vni- Competition of winter constructions. The goal is to create conditions for a variety of cognitive and motor activities of children in walking areas in the winter, to develop creative abilities and building skills of preschoolers. Russian folk outdoor game "Paints". The goal is to raise interest in Russian folk games Sledding. The goal is to teach to be friendly, to be able to give way to a friend. Snowball games. Hit the target game. The goal is to develop the eye of preschoolers. The game "Who's next?" The goal is to learn to take the correct starting position after the throw. Snow games. Building a fortress, a snowman. Folk outdoor game "Protect the fortress". The goal is to teach to be accurate, friendly, develop logical thinking. Music game"If life is fun." Purpose - To develop coordination of movements, attention to the sounding word Outdoor game Cheerful tambourine. The goal is to develop a sense of musical rhythm

8 Evening mania; consolidate knowledge of traffic signals; make you want to learn the rules of the road. Drawing toys with sticks in the snow develop creativity. Role-playing game "Trip to the Children's World" (with the distribution of roles by gender: boys are drivers, dad, son; girls are mom, daughter, seller, conductor, cashier). The goal is to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively; be able to dramatize interest in joint games with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot. Didactic game "What can toys do?" (individual work) - Observation of the janitor's work - to develop the ability to see the expediency of labor actions; learn to evaluate the results of work "Toy Workshop" Master class "Making a folk rag doll of spin" (joint activity with parents). The goal is to teach how to perform a Russian rag doll based on traditional technology; to instill interest in the Russian rag doll as a kind of folk art. Making a plasticine picture for the competition "Fairytale Gzhel" (Individual work, Velichko Kira). The goal is to teach the technology of plasticine application, based on the skills of the folk outdoor game "Burners". The goal is to develop coordination of movements, attention and balance. folk game"Golden Gate". The goal is to develop speed, dexterity, an eye, improve orientation in space; practice walking in a chain. Conversation "What do we know about water". The goal is to introduce older preschoolers to the properties of water, to talk about its benefits; nurture the desire to be inquisitive. Experimental games with water “Submarine”, “How to get a coin out of the water without getting your hands wet”, Lotus flowers”. The goal is to reveal the properties of water; that water can soak paper and make it heavier. Didactic game "Combine the picture by numbers and color it." The goal is to prepare the hand for writing. Individual games with musical toys "Guess what sounds?". The goal is to develop auditory perception, memory. Productive activity: making characters of Russian folk tales for the finger theater with children. The goal is to activate the creative potential of children through familiarization with the world of theater. Creative game "Mysterious shadows". The goal is to develop the imagination and creativity of preschoolers.

9 Interaction with parents to exercise in the selection of actions for objects Joint design of the wall newspaper “Our favorite toys” with children Questionnaire “Playing in your child’s life”. Purpose: to learn about what games children like, how they like to play at home. Electronic presentation "About toys seriously." Teacher-psychologist Komolova I.N. field "Gzhel" Practical lesson "Manufacturing of sports toys. Physical culture instructor Bogatyreva I.B. Master Class for parents "Folk doll - spin" using the author's presentation "Russian folk toy and its importance in the education of preschoolers." Teacher Sedova M.P. Consultation in the parents' corner "The benefits of outdoor folk games among older preschoolers." Electronic presentation "Games of our grandmothers". Speech therapist Shcherbakova I.I. Interactive game with parents "Games of our grandmothers". Physical culture instructor Bogatyreva I.B. Electronic presentation "Folk toy". Art teacher E.B. Komarova Didactic game "Find differences". The goal is the development of visual memory, attention, logical thinking. Electronic presentation "A toy is destiny". Deputy Head for VMR Bachurina O.N. Booklet "Are we playing? Let's play!" Educator Skrynnik T.P. Interactive game with parents "We play with the whole family." Physical culture instructor Bogatyreva I.B. The final stage: a photo exhibition about the “Games and Toys” week, analysis of the questionnaires “Playing in the life of your child”, presentation of the “Week of games and toys in the Fidget group”, information on the website of MBDOU d / s 62 about the week of games and toys , replenishment of the “Games for older preschoolers” card index, participation in the “Fairytale Gzhel” online competition on the “I am a teacher” website.

PROJECT "Week of games and toys" in the age group "Pochemuchki" Prepared by: Sedova M.P., educator MBDOU d / s 62 Novocherkassk 2016 Information map of the project Project type: creative and informational.

PROGRAM OF THE "WEEK OF GAMES AND TOYS" IN MBDOU KINDERGARTEN 62 Monday, 02.02.2015 Day of the favorite toy and role-playing games "My favorite toy" Name Group Physical education lesson "With loved ones

Project "Toy Park" based on the works of A. Barto for children of the 1st junior group Project "Toy Park" Short-term project 1 month from January 19 to February 13. Problem: Children do not know A. Barto's poems from the cycle

Presentation of the project on moral and patriotic education MINI-MUSEUM "RUSSIAN MATRYOSHKA" Matryoshka-Russian beauty In wonderful outfits is good! Keeps a secret and smiles In her solution, the Russian soul! Educator:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 234" of a combined type Educator of the 5th group: Androsova Elena Mikhailovna Firsova Irina Takhirovna PROJECT "Visiting a fairy tale"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 62 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH PROJECT Prepared by: Bogatyreva I.B. physical education instructor MBDOU kindergarten 62 P

Preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 4 "Kalinka" Project Funny nesting dolls Prepared by the teacher: Ivanova Anzhelika Petrovna Volzhsk 2016. Project type: cognitive-game. Type of project: creative. Project participants: educators,

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 1874" (preschool department "Aistyonok") Plan for innovative work Topic: "Formation of spirituality and universal values

MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type 24" "FOLK TOY" project for children of older preschool age Prepared by: Stepanova L.A. Durneva E. A. Relevance: Now they talk a lot about how

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten 62 of the city of Novocherkassk Project Week "Games and Toys" Compiled by Bachurina O.N., Deputy Head of

Long-term project "Folk Crafts" (for children of the older group) Compiled by: educator for visual activity Gavrilyuk N. I. As part of this project, preschoolers got acquainted with the Gorodets, Gzhel

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 48 "Rostok" Cognitive and creative project "Colorful fairy tales" (group of senior preschool age) Author compiler: Chernousova

GBOU School 1381 "Firefly" (st. Komintern 46a) Visiting card of the creative research project "Journey to the land of toys" [email protected] Participants of the OS project City, region Children of the senior

RUSSIAN FEDERATION YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY PUROVSKY DISTRICT MBDOU "DS" Snezhinka ""What autumn brought us" Ecological project in the middle group of preschool age Prepared by:

Information and creative project for children of different age groups "Folk crafts of Russia". Project type: information - creative; Project duration: long-term Project participants: children of different ages

Education Committee of the Administration of the City of Podolsk Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten 57 "Ladushki" Project "Journey through the works of Agnia Barto" Developed by educators:

Completed by: Drozhinskaya M. M. Educator of the 2nd junior group 2017 Type of project: Creative and playful, short-term. Purpose: To introduce children to the general concept of "toys"; formation of knowledge about properties,

The development of children's creativity through theatrical activities Author: Kazakova Galina Vasilievna Educator MBDOU DS OV 28 town Chernomorsky Theatrical activities in kindergarten This is a good opportunity

PROJECT WORK "IN THE WORKSHOP OF Ded Moroz". MBDOU "Sun", p. Primorka Project type: educational and creative Project participants: - pupils of all age groups; - Educators of all ages

Project on theatrical activities in the middle group "Visiting the fairy tale" Turnip ". The theme of the project is "Playing the fairy tale" Turnip ". Author compiler: E. A. Lavrukhina, educator of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 18 "Sun" Project A. Barto "Toys" Project author: teacher of the first junior group "Gnomes" Ivanova Maria Sergeevna View

Everyone should know the rules of the road! Pedagogical project Author of the project: Kramskaya Natalya Vasilievna, teacher of the Cinderella group, Lukomorye, Moscow 2016

Structural subdivision of the kindergarten of the municipal state educational institution of the secondary general education school 1 of the city of Chulym Creative project in the preparatory group for school Educator

Week of the book "THE WISE QUEEN BOOK" Plan of the thematic week from January 25 to January 29, 2016 TO 1-2 Purpose: Attracting the attention of teachers and parents to the problem of using children's books and literary

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk kindergarten 21 "Star" Pedagogical project The project was prepared by: Zemskova Evgenia Nikolaevna Educator MADOU

Relevance of the project Project in the early age group (2 3 years) "Toys" The main task of adults is to teach the child to act with toys. Uruntaeva G.A. In pedagogical theory and

Romanova Maria Sergeevna, senior educator of the highest qualification category, GBOU School 1101, Russia, Moscow. ORGANIZING AND CARRYING OUT THE THEME WEEK "GAMES AND TOYS" IN A PRESCHOOL INSTITUTION

Education Committee of the Administration of the City of Podolsk Municipal Preschool General Education Institution Kindergarten 57 "Ladushki" Project "Journey through the works of Agnia Barto" Developed by educators:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten 26 "Solnyshko", Svetlograd Information and creative project: "Folk crafts" In the middle group "Rosinka"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 3 p. Verkhneyarkeevo municipal district Ilishevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Pedagogical project "Matryoshka" Educator:

STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW "SCHOOL 874" TO "Aistyonok" Plan of the week of games and toys "We play fun, play together" Senior "Solnyshko" 07-08 academic year

Private preschool educational institution Kindergarten 209 of the open joint-stock company "Russian railways» PROJECT ON MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION WITH CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE ON

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 3 Scrabble "Project for children of senior preschool age" Folk doll "Prepared and implemented by Teacher Seksenova A.M.

MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten 200 "Sun" Passport of the mini-museum "Such different dolls" Authors: Malec O.V. Sizova O.V. Barnaul PASSPORT DATA Name of the museum: “Such different dolls” Museum profile: educational.

MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN 37 "BELL" Cognitive and creative project "Butterfly Beauty" Middle group 8 "Pansies"


Project duration: short-term (2 months) Project type: cognitive, creative and informational. Project participants: children preparatory group, educators, parents. Children age: 4-6 years old

The project "Russian folk toy matryoshka" was completed by the teacher of fine arts at the MKDOU kindergarten "Teremok", Kupino Boyko Marina Gennadievna. The highest qualification category "We are confident

Project in the senior group "Luboznayki": "All works are good, choose any!" Carried out by educators MBDOU d / s 10 Sotnikova N.A., Kovalenko V.A. Project passport: Type of project: educational and creative. Duration:


MADOU "DS 62 Chelyabinsk" Project for children 5-7 years old Theme: "The sun, air and water are ours best friends» Author of the project: Sheshukova N.M., educator of the highest qualification category 2015-2016 academic year Type

REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT “Folk crafts of Belogorye” in the senior group 1. Educators: Bujor I. V. Zaitseva A. V. Type, type of project: short-term, creative pedagogical, artistic speech. Topic:

Project on the topic: "Introducing children of senior preschool age to the origins of Russian folk culture, through familiarization with the folk doll" Compiled by the educator of the MBDOU Child Development Center, d / s 54 Degtyar

PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT “Matryoshka folk toy” of the junior group “Chamomile Educator: T.V. Podmazova 2017 “We are sure that a folk toy is, with careful study, an inexhaustible source

Report on self-education of the educator Semkiv E.V. Age from 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for the speech development of the child. Preschool children need comprehensive development speech, including

Project for children middle group"Holiday is coming soon New Year!" Educator: Semkiv E.V. Relevance of the topic: This project is aimed at familiarizing children with folk holidays, their features. Children

Project for the development of speech of children younger than the middle group “What a charm these fairy tales are” Type of project: group, cognitive-creative, role-playing, game. Duration: 9 months Project participants: children

Organization of thematic week "Games and toys". A game is a kind of unproductive activity, the motive of which is not in its results, but in the process itself. The purpose of any game is to promote self-expression of a person,

MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type 1, Shebekino" Creative research project "My small homeland" Educators of groups 4-10. 2017 Relevance of the project: “Love for the native land, native culture,

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Birch" with. Vavozh Patriotic education project “My village, my street, my home”. in the senior group "Rodnichok" Educators: Kurbatova

oksana prenz
Thematic "Week of play and toys"

Thematic« Week of games and toys»

Target weeks« games and toys» : Attracting the attention of all participants educational process- teachers and parents of pupils of the preschool educational institution to the appointment and diversity of the children's games; determination of its predominant place in the joint activities of children and adults in the preschool educational institution and the family.


To increase the level of pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in issues: planning and conducting independent and joint gaming activities for children and adults, pedagogical guidance for a theatrical and didactic game;

Develop children's interest in various types of games, support their free creative self-realization in the game;

Optimum use of available preschool game equipment, aids and materials that contribute to the activation of play activities and the development of all aspects of the child's personality;

Involve parents of pupils in active discussion and creation of conditions for development child play at home.

Working with parents:

Visual propaganda about the holding thematic week in preschool.

Conversations with parents about loved ones your children's toys.

Parent survey.

Organization and holding of joint events:

Participation in an exhibition for children

Participation in the enrichment of the game environment in groups

Working with teachers:

Consultation “Planning and conducting theme week"Game and toys» »

Organization of exhibitions of children's art.

Assistance in the development and implementation of joint leisure and entertainment.

To intensify the participation of teachers in project activities.

Assistance in conducting advisory work with parents.

Long-term plan for holding theme week"Game and toys»

No. Day weeks Themes days Work with children Work with parents

Monday 30 October"In the world toys» (opening weeks of games and toys) -"Magic world toys» (conversation with children, teacher's story about toys, viewing illustrations and various toys in the group room»

Reading fiction by A. Barto « Toys»

C/r games"Score toys» , "We're going to visit the doll Katya"

Exhibition "My lovely a toy» (children bring from home toys, together with the teacher arrange an exhibition).

Artistic creativity-drawing "My a toy» .

Creation of game situations;

"Towards the beloved toys»

Movable games according to age

fun games:

"Little Birds"

"Where the thread goes and the needle"


Games with your favorite toys. Individual consultations "Tell the children about toys that you played as a child."

Tuesday 31 October "Make toy yourself» -Drawing competition "My lovely a toy»

Construction from various types of building material, constructor "Furniture for toys»

Puppet show "Kolobok"

-Matryoshka games, roly-poly.

Conversation "What toys grandparents played (viewing illustrations);

Movable folk games: "Grandma" (skittles)

"Zhmurki" with a bell "Bubble"

Russian round dance games: "Hare dance", "Vaska-cat". Designing an exhibition of methodological literature for parents on introducing children to reading, designing an exhibition of drawings and children's favorite fairy-tale characters.

word game "Word for word"(Give children a topic "Sport" and to begin: "Stadium." The child repeats the word and adds his own; the next child repeats these two words and adds his own. etc.)

relay races "Olympiad"(Children are divided into several teams, the opening of the Olympics is held. Children compete in various sports - jumping, throwing, climbing, running, etc.

Mobile command ball games"Football", "Basketball", rackets "Tennis"

Music game "If life is fun" (Accompany the words of the song with movements.) Folder layout- shifting: "Mobile games for preschool children"

Thursday 2 November "Journey to a fairy tale" (intellectual and D/I day) "Learn the story from the illustration"

"Know the heroes of the fairy tale"

"Collect puzzles / cubes "Heroes of fairy tales"

"Color the fairytale hero"

"Find the hero of the fairy tale"

Lotto/Domino "Fairy-tale heroes"

Word game "Autumn" (Children, together with Dunno, name autumn words, correct his mistakes)

Experimental game "Rain's Journey".

game task "DON'T KNOW-ARTIST"(Dunno draws any intricate line; the child finishes it and says what the resulting image looks like.)

Mobile game "Collect a figure

building game "Children's Hunger"(Children build houses, city streets from sand and improvised materials, decorate and play with buildings)

advice for parents: “So that the fairy tale does not become boring ...”. Recommendations to choose together with the child his favorite toy and bring it to kindergarten.

5. Friday 3 November "Grandma's games» Conversation « games our grandparents"

"Hali halo"

"Hide and Seek"





"I know five names"

"Broken phone"



"Ring, ring"

"I was born a gardener"


"Daughters-Mothers" Organization of the exhibition "Forgotten or ancient a toy»

Related publications:

Late October to early November. Our group hosted the "Week of play and toys" Organized exhibitions "Toys of our parents" and "Rattle.

The exhibition "Toys of different generations" was held in the senior group. .Children brought toys from home and organized an exhibition together with the teacher.

Presentation "Week of play and toys" Within the framework of the thematic week, various types of games were organized in preschool educational institutions (role-playing, role-playing, mobile,.

Week "Games and Toys" in kindergarten Game - what could be more interesting and meaningful for a child? In the game more than in any activity.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" in Nadym"

MDOU "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group

Topic: “Week of the game. The world of toys is joy!

Compiled by: Teacher Morozyuk Yulia Anatolyevna

Topic of the week:Week of the game "The world of toys is joy"

Target: Expand interest in various types of games, knowledge about games and toys, cause joy. Conducting outdoor games, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the use of gaming equipment, manuals, tools and materials that contribute to the activation of children's gaming activities. Inviting parents to actively participate in the week, creating conditions for the development of the child's play at home.

Final event: C / R game "Toy Store"

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Working with parents

Group, subgroup




Reception of children. U / G. Game M / P “Depict a toy-doll, a car, a ball.” Conversation with children on the topic "Toys" - develop speech, knowledge. D / I "Guess the toy from the description" - for the development of thinking, memory.

Work on the development of hearing, attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds D / I "Fix parsley" (Yarik, Ilya, Deniska) Coloring on the topic. (Anton, Anya) - painting skill.

Situational conversation “My toys and how I feel about them” - we develop speech, cultivate a caring attitude. Labor - Toys in places, the ability to put things in order.

Pictures with the image of toys. Toys. Coloring books, pencils.

Introduce parents to the theme of the week. games.

1 Cognition. Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Topic: “Toys are different” Purpose: To reveal the knowledge of children about toys and what material they are made of (fabric, rubber, plastic, wood), determine the properties (soft, hard, fluffy) develop curiosity, thinking, speech. 2 Physical development. Physical training. Page 12 No. 30 Topic: “Running with stepping” Purpose: Repeat walking with the task, running with stepping, exercise in jumping forward.


Watching footprints in the snow. Recognize on the trail who belongs to, develop observation, knowledge. P / I "Shaggy dog" - running on a signal. M / P "Find a toy" - navigate in space.

Train in throwing a snowball at a target, develop an eye and the strength of the throw (Matvey, Deniska, Ksyusha, Anya). Teach snowball making (Dima, Ruslan, Milania).

Healthy lifestyle work “Proper breathing on the street” Labor-Shovel snow with a shovel to the trees.

Removable material. Target.

Reading the story of T.S. Shorygin “How the toys ran away from Masha” - develop the ability to reason, respond to a problem situation.

Color the toy according to the pattern. Train in the correct selection of colors, carefully paint over. (Matvey, Ilya)

Game situation "Let's teach Pinocchio to use cutlery."

Book by T.S. Shorygin. Coloring, colored toys.


Awakening gymnastics. hardening. game exercise"Catch the ball with your toes" K.G.N. Speech p / game "Masha and dolls" - rhythmically perform the exercise according to the text. Organize a "Toy Theater" - the ability to distribute roles, act on behalf of toys.

D / I "Fold the toy" - develop thinking, action. (Timur, Dima.V,) X-T: Exercise in modeling toys - the skill of rolling and pinching. (Tonya, Sonya, Milaniya, Artyom, Nikita)

The game situation “The doll is looking for the neatest crib” is to consolidate the skill of carefully filling the crib.

Toys. split picture. Plasticine, planks. Doll.

Invite parents to bring a toy from their childhood. Short-term project "Toys of my parents."


Watching the beauty of sparkling snow, from art. Lighting. P / and optional.

Invite the boys to play hockey - teach the technique of the game. Girls with / r game "Cafe" - from the snow to sculpt pies, cakes.

Work on life safety "Repeat the basics of safety when playing hockey"

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U / G Game m / n "Ball" - perform movement under the text. Consider toys according to the project “Toys of my parents - to develop interest, respect. P / G “One doll, two cars” - bend in turn.

Exercise in multi-step instructions “Trace the matryoshka with a pencil” (Daniel, Timur, Semyon) Train in throwing the ball to each other. (Ilya, Matvey, Anton, Anya)

Game task "Listen carefully - clean carefully"

Exhibition of toys. Pictures with the image of "Toys" Balls.

Accept toys from their parents from their childhood for the project "Toys of parents"

1 Cognitive development. FEMP see I.A. Pomoraeva page 7 No. 2. Topic: "Let's teach Buratino to count up to 4" Purpose: To consolidate the ability to count within 4, introduce the ordinal value of the number, learn to answer the questions "How much?" "Which one?" "Which place?" Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes. 2 Hood. Esthete. Development. Music. Theme: Dance "Boots", "Doll with a bear"


Supervision of the work of adults. To form an idea of ​​​​the work of the janitor, his actions. P / I "Wolf and hares" - jump on two legs, reacting to a signal. M / P "From track to track" - move exactly one after another.

Practice jumping on two legs around the wheel. (Ilya, Ksyusha, Timur, Semyon).

C / R game "Taxi" - develop a gaming skill, navigate in space.

Labor - Building a slide for dolls, slapping snow with a shovel. Experimentation. "Properties and qualities of snow"

Removable material. Attributes to the s/r game. Set for experimentation.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

Riddles on the topic "Toys" - to develop thinking, speech.

Develop the skill of neatly folding things in a locker. (Semyon, Timur, Ilya)

Game situation "Let's teach the doll how to wash hands properly"

Card file of riddles.



Awakening gymnastics. hardening. K.G.N. D / I "Name the toys in our group" navigate in space, develop speech. P / I "Stop signal" - on the development of attention, speed of reaction. Game exercise "Monkeys" - repeat after facial expressions.

Game exercise "Where?" "Where?" - to learn to use the prepositions "On" "In" "Under" in speech (Dima, Ksyusha, Rita).

Exercise in the ability to act with scissors, cut strips. (Matvey, Timur, Ksyusha)

A lesson in politeness and etiquette. “They give you a toy, you give” - the situation of communication and beat.

Equipment for hardening. Toys. Scissors, colored paper.

Consultation "What games, toys do children of this age need"


Pay attention to the clothes of passers-by - develop speech, observation. Games for children.

Individual. Conversation with Semyon about the norms of behavior on the street.

Labor - to encourage to shake off the snow from the shovels and put it in a bag.

Removable material.

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U / G game M / P “Who has a toy?” - Attention. Conversation with children “Toys at home? - Develop storytelling skills. D / I "What's gone?" - on the development of memory, speech.

D / I "Paired pictures" - compare and find the same. (Ksyusha, Rita) Improve the skill of tracing the drawing of toys. (Ilya, Antosha, Yarik)

Situational conversation "Let's teach the bear to speak polite words"

Toys. Board games. Stencils. Colour pencils.

Interviews at the request of parents.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Music. Topic: "Playing musical instruments."

2 Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. see T.S. Komarova p.56 No. 28. Topic: “Little dwarf” Purpose: To learn to convey an image in a drawing little man-forest gnome, making up the image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing the ratio in size in a simplified form. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints and a brush. Lead to a figurative assessment of finished works.


Snow watching. Pay attention to the beauty of falling snowflakes. Reading a verse. “Snow fell” P / I “Snowflakes and wind” - perform movements in a given direction. M / P “We do it like that”

Game exercise "On the bridge" - walking on an elevated surface, jumping on half-bent legs. (Saida, Rita, Dima.V, Kirill)

Experimentation "Snow and water" - to clarify the properties and qualities of snow. Labor - Clear the bench.

Removable material. Bottled water, bowl.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

Reading the story - fairy tales "Toys and old women" - reading with discussion.

Develop the skill of properly putting things in a locker. (Nikita, Ilya, Antosha)

Relaxation before bed. Listening to a musical composition.

Book. CD with musical composition.

Exhibition of creative works.


Awakening gymnastics. hardening. K.G.N. Folk game "Geese-geese" - answer verbally, running in response to a signal. Organize the game "Laboratory of transformations" - we develop and learn. C / R game "Beauty Salon" - develop game skills. Bring up. Friendly relations

D / I "Decompose by size" - clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe size of objects. (Timur, Yarik) Exercise to correctly name the distinguishing features of objects. (Rita, Sonya, Masha)

We continue to teach children the rules joint game. We cultivate friendships, the ability to negotiate among ourselves.

Inventory for the game Items, toys. Attributes to the s/r game. Didactic toys.

Invite parents - girls to bring dolls for the project “Dolls are different.


Watching the evening sky. Mark the time of day. P / I "Snow Carousel" - agreed to the text of the engine.

Develop the skill of jumping over cubes. (Matvey, Deniska, Anya, Rita)

Work on life safety "Fix the rules for staying for a walk in the evening"

Removable material.

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U/G. game M / P "Pass the toy" - on the speed of reaction. Mark the state of the weather with the children. D / I "Doll" - to learn to describe a toy, bring up. Caring attitude. P / gymnast "One machine, two parsley"

Exercise Saida, Matvey, Artyom in classifying objects according to various criteria.

The game situation "What is good and what is bad" - to form elementary ideas.

Nature calendar. Doll. subject pictures.

Consultation "Useful and harmful toys"

1 Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling. see T.S. Komarova. Topic: “Sculpting toys according to plan” Purpose: To teach children to choose the toy they want to mold at will. To consolidate the ability to transfer the form using a variety of modeling techniques. Develop imagination. 2 Physical education (on the street) see page 12 lesson 30 Topic: “Rolling the ball in the forward direction” Purpose: Roll the ball in the forward direction, run with stepping over, exercise in jumping.



Birdwatching. Learn to notice the characteristic features of the structure of birds, name. Reading a verse. "Snegiryok" P / I "Birds and a car" - run orient. In space. M / P "Flies does not fly" - to attention.

Exercise in walking and running with a change of direction. (Arina, Rita, Matvey, Anya) H-T: Draw the figures. - the ability to depict in the snow, with a stick. (Tonya, Sonya, Manya)

Suggest feeding the birds - pour bread crumbs into the feeder. We cultivate a caring attitude.

Removable material. Sports Equipment.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

Experimental activity. “What and what can turn into” - develop thinking, the ability to draw conclusions.

Game assignment "We are the owners of the group - each toy has its place"

Game situation "Let's show Pinocchio how we can use cutlery"

Items for experiments.

Exhibition of creative works.



Awakening gymnastics. hardening. K.G.N. Organize the game "Toy Museum" - develop a gaming skill, the ability to describe toys Suggest a dramatization of the fairy tale "Cat's House" Musical game "Stools" - for speed of reaction

Work on ZKR. To form the correct pronunciation of the sound "P" (Pi) Semyon, Timur. D / I "Find where the toy hid" - train in the use of prepositions "ON" "UNDER" "V" (Milaniya, Sonya, Masha)

We cultivate respect for each other "We teach the rules of a joint game"

Toys. Attributes to a fairy tale. Tambourine, chairs.

Invite several parents to sew dolls for the doll museum.


Situational observation. Fun games "Bunny from a flashlight" - Cause joy and revival.

Practice stepping over objects. Ruslan, Dima, Sonya, Masha.

Healthy lifestyle work “The concept is that you can’t take snow in your mouth”

Removable material. Torch.

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U / G. Game M / P “Pass the toy” - a game for attention and speed of hand movements. Conversation with children - What toys are sold in the Toy store - we develop memory, knowledge, speech. Outcome: C / R "Toy Store" - develop plot game skill, educate.friendly

D / I "One - many" - exercise (Dima, Sonya, Rita) in agreeing an adjective and a noun in the gender and number of "toys"

Situational conversation “Tell the stranger why you need board games, toys, p / games "- to develop knowledge, the ability to explain.

A toy. Attributes to the s/r game. Board games.

Remind parents about the sanitary day.

1 Speech development. ZKR see V.V. Gerbova page 46 lesson 4. Topic: Compilation of the story "Toys" Purpose: Exercise in compiling a story - description. Enrich and refine the vocabulary on the topic. Develop general and fine motor skills, memory, thinking, attention, phonemic processes, processes of analysis and synthesis. 2 Physical development. Physical training. Page 12, lesson 31. Topic: “Walking and running with a change in direction. Purpose: To exercise in walking and running with a change in direction of movement, in throwing the ball on the ground and catching with both hands, repeat crawling on all fours.


Tree watching. Learn to make a comparative analysis of the appearance. P / I “Do not hit the run” - to achieve an improvement in running technique, good posture. M / P “Find a doll” guideline. in space.

improve motor activity- in walking between lines 10-15 cm (Matvey, Anya, Dima) Offer to draw a tree in the snow - learn to draw straight lines. (Tonya, Sonya)

Situational conversation “How can you take care of trees in the cold season?” Labor - to offer to shovel snow to the trees.

Removable material. wooden sticks for drawing.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

D / I "Magic chest with toys" - name and determine the material from which the toys are made.

D / I “Name a toy affectionately” - improve the ability to speak affectionately by changing the ending. (Ruslan, Masha, Rita, Anya)

Labor - offer to prepare toys for washing. During lunch, we cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Chest with toys.


