The influence of role-playing games on children's development. Conditions for the development of play in preschool age. Conditions and methods for the development of a role-playing game in preschoolers

Anna Grechko
Report "The influence of the role-playing game on the personality of the child."

“The game is a huge bright window through which to the spiritual world child a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the surrounding world flows in. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Preschool childhood is a short but important period of development personalities. During these years child acquires initial knowledge about the surrounding life, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed. Entire life child- the preschooler is permeated with the game, the only way he is ready to open himself to the world and the world for himself.

The game is one of the main forms of organizing the process of education, training and development of a preschooler. It is through the game that the child learns the world, prepares for adulthood. At the same time, the game is the basis of the creative development of the child, the development of the ability to correlate creative skills and real life. The game acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults, where everything is intertwined and interconnected: adult world affects to the world of children and vice versa.

A game is a kind of unproductive activity, the motive of which is not in its results, but in the process itself.

game for children: is the main content of life; acts as a leading activity; closely intertwined with work and learning; all parties involved personalities: the baby is moving, speaks, perceives, thinks; in the process games all his mental processes: thinking, imagination, memory, emotional and volitional manifestations are intensified.

plot-role playing is the main kind child play preschool age. What is its peculiarity? Describing it, S. Ya. Rubinshtein emphasized that this game is the most spontaneous manifestation of child. She has the main features games: interaction child with adults, emotional saturation and enthusiasm of children, independence, activity, creativity.

The main power supply child's role-playing game, is the world around him, the life and activities of adults and peers.

Main feature role-playing game is the presence in it of an imaginary situation. The imagined situation is plot and roles.

The plot of the game is a series of events, which are united by vitally motivated connections.

AT plot content is revealed games- the nature of those actions and relationships that bind the participants in the events

AT plot children use two kinds action: operational and visual - "as if".

Along with toys, various things are included in the game, while they are given an imaginary, playful meaning.

AT plot role-playing game, children enter into real organizational relationships (agree on the plot of the game, distribute roles, etc.). At the same time, complex role relationships (for example, mother and daughter, captain and sailor, doctor and patient, etc.).

A distinctive feature of the game imaginary situation is that child begins to act in a mental, not a visible situation. plot- role-playing is a genuine social practice child, him real life in the community of peers. Therefore, the problem of using role-playing game in order to comprehensive development child, the formation of its positive personal qualities and socialization as a member of society.

I have set the following tasks: teach the child to play, promote the unification of children in the game; tactfully manage choices games to teach children to observe during game rules, to cultivate a sense of goodwill, mutual assistance, the ability to reckon with the opinions of other children. As a result of my observations of children during plot- role playing I found out how children manifest themselves in them. For example, Kabankov Gleb, Fomin Dima learned to choose and take on a certain role, to call it words. (The game "Shop", "Hospital", "Family", "Daughters-Mothers"). Ganzha Diana, Bortina Nastya, Shkedov Hamlet during games imitate work and household activities, come up with a simple plot, using the knowledge gained in the classroom and in the process of observation, they learned to dramatize fairy tales on their own, introduce them into role-playing games. (The game "Salon", "Shop", "We invite you to the table", "Bus", "Pharmacy", "Zoo", "Kindergarten",

In order to lose different storylines, we observe the work of people of different professions, examine paintings, illustrations; read works; we have conversations; learning poems; guessing, inventing riddles; we play different didactic / games: "Who needs what to work", "Guess the description", "What's First, What's Later", "good bad", "What's gone", "Draw what it looks like", "What is it for", "What is the thing made of" etc.

In the game, children behave creatively, actualizing their imagination. They losing life experience, selecting and organizing roles and events in accordance with the desire to maintain emotional well-being. Through play, children increase their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, their attachments and dislikes, the ability to lead and convince or obey, may be to coordinate interests. All this contributes to the development of self-awareness.

Successful implementation role-playing game

Thus, it can be said that the role-playing game gives the child important knowledge and skills that will be useful to him in his future life.

The game contributes to the development of speech, cognitive activity, social adaptation and orientation activities. Successful implementation role-playing game It is possible with the skillful organization of the joint activities of the educator and children, which makes the game an exciting process.

A. S. Vygotsky believed that the formation of a child takes place in special conditions, which he called the social situation of development creating a zone of proximal development. It is determined by the content of education, which makes it possible for the child and the adult to cooperate, and this, in turn, presupposes the activity of the child and the adult in mastering various contents that are supposed, and not imposed on adults. Such cooperation can be seen in the course of a role-playing game.

We can say that an important component for gaming activity is a play space.

The play space is a corner with your favorite toys, with the right play material. Unfortunately, children's games are not always positive, often games reflect the negative aspects of life. They arise on the basis and under the influence of the received impressions.

There are two periods in the development of the child's play activity:

a) subject-game - the content of which is actions with objects

b) role-playing game - the basis, which is communication.

A game for a child is a special form of social life of preschoolers, in which they unite at will, act independently, carry out their plans, and learn about the world. Game activity contributes to the physical and mental development of the child, the development of creative abilities.

An important part of the game is the conscious attitude of children to the implementation of the rules of role-playing behavior, which reflects the depth of assimilation of reality. The role encourages children to obey certain rules of behavior and follow social norms.

While playing, the child acquires new knowledge and skills, activates the vocabulary, develops curiosity, moral qualities, the beginnings of collectivism are formed. Displays what he saw, experienced, masters the experience of human activity.

The game for the child is not an empty fun, it is a desire to be included in the world of adults.

Actual in gaming activity is the problem of educating the prerequisites for femininity in girls and courage in boys. To cultivate these qualities, it is advisable to form girls' ideas about women's social roles and a positive emotional attitude towards them, to associate their ideas with games, and the ability to reflect them in games. You can read works where the main character is a female representative, talk about her, emphasize her positive qualities.

Boys can be interested in the roles of firefighters, border guards, rescuers, draw their attention to the positive qualities of representatives of these professions.

Children should not be allowed to choose games with negative content. You need to switch the game, giving it a positive content or stop, explaining why it should not be continued.

The game gives the child a lot of positive emotions, he loves when adults play with him. Do not deprive him of this joy.

Nesterova Lyudmila Viktorovna, teacher
GBOU d / s No. 455, Zelenograd, Moscow

Department of Education of Almaty city

Almaty State Humanitarian-Pedagogical College №2

Specialty: 0101000

"Preschool education and training"

Course work

Subject: Pedagogy

Theme:"The role-playing game as a means of formation and development of will in children of middle preschool age"

Completed by: Kryukova Veronika

Head: Rengulova N.P.

Almaty 2013


Role-playing game as a school of arbitrary behavior

1 The essence and structure of the role-playing game

2 The role of role-playing games in the mental development of children of middle preschool age

3 The influence of role-playing games on preschool age

Analysis of the use of role-playing games in the formation and development of will in children of middle preschool age

1 Characteristics of activity kindergarten in Almaty №53

2 Analysis of the conduct of role-playing games in the middle group of kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty


List of used literature



Relevance of the topic. In the process of a role-playing game, children not only learn about the world around them, but they themselves are its creators, reflect in it their knowledge about real phenomena and events known to them, express their attitude towards them, which may be erroneous and requires correction.

The plot-role-playing game is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. It causes a significant change in his psyche. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Preschool childhood is a long period of a child's life, which covers time intervals from 0 to 7 years. At this time, the boundaries of the child's interaction are rapidly expanding: the framework of the family is moving apart to the limits of the street, city, country. The child discovers the world of human relations, various activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to get involved in this adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is still inaccessible to him. In addition, no less strongly he strives for independence. From this contradiction, a role-playing game is born - an independent activity of children, simulating the life of adults.

The degree of knowledge of the topic. In the study of this topic, the works of such authors as Zvorygina E. V., Gasparova E. M., Maksakova A. I., Tumakova G. A. and others were taken as a basis.

aim term paper is a theoretical substantiation of the role-playing game as a means of forming and developing the will in children of middle preschool age, based on the goal, the following were determined tasks:

Consider a role-playing game as a school of arbitrary behavior

To explore the role of role-playing games in the mental development of children of middle preschool age;

To substantiate the influence of role-playing games on preschool age;

To analyze the use of role-playing games in the formation and development of will in children of middle preschool age;

To study the analysis of the conduct of role-playing games in the middle group of kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty.

Object of studycourse work is kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty.

Subject of researchis the use of role-playing games as a means of forming and developing the will of middle-aged children.


.1 The essence and structure of the role-playing game

The game is the leading activity of a preschool child. The subject of gaming activity is an adult as a carrier of certain social functions, entering into certain relationships with other people, using certain rules in his activities.

The main change in behavior is that the desires of the child fade into the background, and the clear implementation of the rules of the game comes to the fore.

The structure of the role-playing game:

Each game has its own game conditions - children participating in it, dolls, other toys and objects.

The plot is that sphere of reality that is reflected in the game. At first, the child is limited by the framework of the family, and therefore his games are mainly connected with family, everyday problems. Then, as he masters new areas of life, he begins to use more complex plots - industrial, military, etc.

The main features of the role-playing game are:

Compliance with the rules.

The rules regulate the actions of the child and the educator and say that sometimes you need to do what you don’t want at all. It is difficult for adults to do what they do not like, but for a child it is hundreds of times more difficult. Just like that, the ability to act according to the rule does not appear in a child. An important milestone preschool development is a role-playing game, where obedience to the rule follows from the very essence of the game.

Mastering the rules of role-playing behavior in the game, the child also masters the moral norms contained in the role. Children master the motives and goals of adult activities, their attitude to their work, to events and phenomena of social life, to people, things: in the game a positive attitude is formed to the way of life of people, to actions, norms and rules of behavior in society.

The social motive of games.

The social motive is laid in the plot-role-playing game. A game is an opportunity for a child to find himself in the world of adults, to understand the system of adult relations on his own. When the game reaches its peak, it becomes not enough for the child to replace the relationship with the game, as a result of which the motive to change his status ripens. The only way he can do this is to go to school.

In a role-playing game, emotional development takes place.

The game of the child is very rich in emotions, often those that are not yet available to him in life. Many psychologists have asked the following questions: “Does the child experience feelings or only portray them? What influence do they have on the formation of the moral character of the child? In the very depths of the genesis of the game, in its very origins, there are emotional foundations. The study of children's games confirms the correctness of this idea. The child distinguishes the game from reality, in the speech of preschoolers there are often such words: “as if”, “pretend” and “in truth”. But, despite this, gaming experiences are always sincere. The child does not pretend: the mother truly loves her daughter - a doll, the driver is seriously concerned about whether it will be possible to save a comrade who has been in an accident.

Although the child creates imaginary situations during role-play, the feelings that he experiences are very real. “Katya is a mother,” says a tiny girl, and, trying on a new role, plunges into an imaginary world. And, regardless of whether her "daughter" was bought in an expensive toy store or sewn by a caring grandmother from Katya's old tights, the little mother does not just repeat the manipulations that are supposed to be performed on babies, but feels a real feeling of motherly love for her " baby."

With the complication of the game and the game plan, the feelings of children become more conscious and complex. The game reveals the experiences of the child, and forms his feelings. When a child imitates the astronauts, he conveys his admiration for them, the dream of becoming the same. And at the same time, new feelings arise: responsibility for the task assigned, joy and pride when it is successfully completed. Game experiences leave a deep imprint in the mind of the child. Repeated repetition of the actions of adults, imitation of their moral qualities affect the formation of the same qualities in a child.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the role-playing game is a school of feelings, it forms the emotional world of the baby.

In the course of the role-playing game, the development of the intellect of a preschooler takes place.

The development of the idea in the role-playing game is connected with the general mental development of the child, with the formation of his interests. Preschool children have an interest in various life events, to different types labor of adults; they have favorite characters in books that they aspire to imitate. As a result, the ideas of games become more persistent, sometimes for a long time seize their imagination. Some games (in "sailors", "pilots", "cosmonauts") continue for weeks, gradually developing. The emergence of a long-term perspective of the game speaks of a new, higher stage in the development of game creativity. At the same time, there is not a repetition of the same topic from day to day, as happens with babies, but a gradual development, enrichment of the planned plot. Thanks to this, the thinking and imagination of children become purposeful. The prolonged stay of the child in one role makes him delve deeper into the meaning of what he portrays.

The role-playing game develops imagination and creativity.

Planning, coordination of actions in long-term role-playing games is combined with improvisation. Children outline a general plan, a sequence of actions, and during the game new ideas, new images arise. So, during the multi-day sea ​​travel» Then one or another participant of the game came up with new interesting episodes: divers went down to the bottom of the sea and found treasures, caught lions in hot countries and took them to the zoo, fed polar bears in Antarctica. The development of game creativity is also reflected in the way in which different impressions of life are combined in the content of the game. Already at the end of the third and fourth years of life, children can be observed that they combine different events in the game, and sometimes they can include episodes from fairy tales that they were shown in the game. puppet theater. For children of this age, vivid visual impressions are important. In the future (in the fourth and fifth years of life), new impressions are included in children's old favorite games. The reflection of life in the game, the repetition of life impressions in different combinations - all this helps the formation of general ideas, makes it easier for the child to understand the connection between different phenomena of life.

To implement the plan in the role-playing game, the child needs toys and various items that help him act in accordance with the role he has taken on. If the right toys are not at hand, then the children replace one object with another, endowing it with imaginary signs. This ability to see non-existent qualities in an object is one of the characteristic features of childhood. The older and more developed the children, the more demanding they are about the objects of the game, the more they look for similarities with reality.

The development of speech.

In creating an image, the role of the word is especially great. The word helps the child to reveal his thoughts and feelings, to understand the experiences of partners, to coordinate his actions with them. The development of purposefulness, the ability to combine is associated with the development of speech, with an ever-increasing ability to clothe one's ideas in words.

The development of children's imagination is directly related to the assimilation of speech. Children who are delayed in their speech development turn out to be retarded in the development of their imagination.

There is a two-way relationship between speech and play. On the one hand, speech develops and is activated in the game, and on the other hand, the game itself develops under the influence of the development of speech. The child denotes his actions with a word, and thereby comprehends them; he also uses words to complement actions, to express his thoughts and feelings. In older preschool age, sometimes whole episodes of the game are created with the help of a word. The role of the word is especially noticeable in the so-called director's games, where the child does not take on roles, as in an ordinary game, but moves dolls and other toys, talks about them. An element of directing is contained in every game with puppets. "Mom" speaks and acts both for herself and for her daughter-doll.

The fulfillment of the role puts the child in front of the need to act not as he wants, but as prescribed by the role, obeying social norms and rules of behavior.

The preschooler takes the position of another person, and not one, but different. Within the same plot, the child “looks” at the situation through the eyes of several people. Today the girl plays the role of mother, and tomorrow - daughter. Before the child opens not only the rules of behavior, but also their significance for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with other people. The need to follow the rules is recognized, i.e. conscious obedience to them is formed. In fulfilling roles, the child restrains his immediate impulses, sacrificing personal desires, demonstrates a socially approved pattern of behavior, and expresses moral assessments.

Role-playing games are built on intent. The idea is the result of the child's observation of the surrounding reality. Carrying out the plan, the child acts according to certain rules. The older the children, the wider their experience, the circle of knowledge, the greater the importance of the rules in the game. Since these games are created on the basis of observing the world around them, they closely connect each child with the society in which he lives.

In a role-playing game, the rules, roles, and plot are invented by children, and, consequently, they also determine relationships with each other.

Determining the essence of a role-playing game is not easy. This activity contains incompatible and contradictory beginnings. It is both free and rigidly regulated, direct and indirect, fantastic and real, emotional and rational.

The plot-role-playing game is an expression of the growing connection of the child with society - a special connection characteristic of childhood. Its emergence is connected not with the action of some internal, innate, instinctive forces, but with the very definite conditions of the child's life in society.

Types of role-playing games:

Games for everyday subjects: "home", "family", "holidays", "birthdays". And in these games, games with dolls occupy a large place, through actions with which children convey what they know about their peers, adults, and their relationships.

Games on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people. For these games, themes are taken from the surrounding life (school, shop, library, post office, hairdresser, hospital, transport (bus, train, plane, ship), police, firemen, circus, theater, menagerie, plant, factory, mine, construction, collective farm, army).

Games on heroic and patriotic themes that reflect the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.).

Games on the themes of literary works, cinema, television and radio programs: in "sailors" and "pilots", in Hare and Wolf, crocodile Gena and Cheburashka (according to the content of cartoons), in four "tankers" and a dog (according to the content of the movie) and etc. In these games, the guys reflect entire episodes from literary works, imitating the actions of the characters, assimilating their behavior.

"Director's" games in which the child makes him speak, perform various actions of puppets. At the same time, he acts in two plans - both for the doll and for himself, directing her actions. The participants of the game think over the scenario in advance, which can be based on episodes from familiar fairy tales, stories, or their own lives. Children "teach" the puppets of the puppet and finger theaters, the toy theater "to act" in accordance with the role they have taken on, endow them with literary or imaginary signs.

Role-playing games of children of middle preschool age do not just copy the surrounding life of the child, they are a manifestation of the free activity of children, in which, by fantasizing and imitating, they reveal their character, their understanding of life. All this is forbidden to children in adult, logical reality, where everything is reasonable and there is no place for magic. But a role-playing game cannot be considered only an experimental platform where children check, analyze the accumulated information about life; in these games, the child's need to influence the world actively, to rethink it is formed and manifested.

The following types of roles that middle-aged children take on in role-playing games have been established: the role of a specific adult, the role of a profession of a generalized type, the role of children, family roles, roles of a fabulous, carnival nature.

The change of roles in the game is the change of motives. The child is satisfied with the game only if the role-playing activities are attractive to him. If in the course of the game a plot develops where the child cannot display what is attractive to him through his role, he takes another role.

The most characteristic moment of the role is that it cannot be carried out outside the practical game action. These are actions with meaning, they are selective. Game action is a way to implement a role. There is a close relationship and contradictory unity between the role and game actions. The more generalized and abbreviated the game actions, the more deeply the system of relations of adult activity is reflected in the game.

And, conversely, the more specific the game actions, the more the subject content of the recreated activity comes to the fore, and relations between people go to the background.

The other component of the game is the rules. Thanks to them, a new form of pleasure arises for the child - the joy that he acts as the rules require. Playing a particular role, children carefully monitor how their actions and the actions of their partners correspond to generally accepted rules. The fact that a rule was singled out indicates that the first forms of self-control appear in the child and, consequently, his behavior has risen to new level arbitrariness not only in the game, but also in other, non-game situations. Playing with the rules gives the child two necessary (for school and for life in general) abilities: firstly, the implementation of the rules in the game is always associated with their comprehension and reproduction of an imaginary situation; Secondly, collective game learns to communicate with the rules.

A distinctive feature of a role-playing game is the presence of a plot. The plot is the subject of the game image, the sequence and connection of the events depicted, their totality, the way the theme of the game is deployed.

The plot of the role-playing game is recognizable, but at the same time, there are conditions for overcoming stereotypes of behavior in everyday life, which include uncertainty, independent choice, risk, surprise, and emotional involvement. Since the activities of people and their relationships, which are the content of the plot-role-playing game of children, are extremely diverse, the plots of children's games are also varied and changeable.

1.2 The role of role-playing games in the mental development of children of middle preschool age

story role-playing game preschooler

The problem of the role-playing game as the main activity is one of the most complex and controversial in psychology and pedagogy.

There are various concepts that try to reveal the nature, driving forces, possibilities, features of a role-playing game.

Observing the natural course of the neuropsychic development of children, scientists paid great attention to the conditions that promote this development and delay it, sought to determine the role of external and internal developmental stimuli at various periods of a child's life. Among the conditions for mental development, they pointed to the extremely important role of play. “With the exception of sleep and the time spent on unpleasant feelings, the rest of the time a healthy child usually uses for mental work, which for him consists of observations, games and fun.” “The main aid or instrument of mental development in early childhood is tireless mental activity, which is usually called games and amusements. With the teaching of the child to speak, a new means of development is added to them - a conversation with adults.

Scientists divided children's games into three groups, considering the developmental impact on certain mental components as the basis for classification, and gave a psychological justification for the impact of games and fun.

The first is the activities and exercises instinctively invented by the child, which help to fix in the mind clear images or traces of the received representation.

The second is games and fun to develop and strengthen a sense of self-awareness.

The third is games and fun for the exercise of the reproduction process (reproduction of impressions).

“Games are purely mental intellectual activities. There is a complete absence of an emotional beginning in them. This statement of scientists is not sufficiently substantiated, since children, especially those of middle preschool age, in the process of playing, along with intellectual activity, always have an emotional response, interest. The second feature of children's games is their continuous change, which is the sharper the younger child.

With the development of the child, the range of objects of the game is expanding more and more. At the same time, developing thinking puts into action various motor apparatuses (movement of the eyes, head, hands, movement) in space for searching for new objects and for mastering in reality those objects, a vague image of which already lives in the thinking centers of the child. The need to get acquainted with the properties of objects of the external world, with their appearance, shape, weight, resistance, flexibility and other qualities, implies the need for a huge number of models and their infinitely frequent use. Hence, there is a great variety in the objects that serve for play, and in the ways of amusement: they are diverse, as human thought is diverse.

The development of self-consciousness in a child is accompanied by many moments: muscular sensations; pain and other impressions from the body; visual representations of the shape and size of their own body. And here an important auxiliary tool for the development of visual representations is a mirror. It is one of the most instructive toys.

One and the same object of a role-playing game can serve children for different purposes. For example, throwing objects and tapping are used once to evoke sounds that the child analyzes and classifies, the other is used to practice the reproduction of ideas. This fact is explained by the fact that the picture that the child sees leaves a faint trace in his mind and is not reproduced clearly and easily enough. To capture it firmly, you need to reproduce the operation. But as soon as the child achieves this, the game loses interest for him.

The tasks pursued by the child in plot-role-playing games and amusements are of great educational importance and include all the properties of learning and the whole meaning of mental labor. Role-playing games are a school of thinking, and creativity and fantasy, manifested in them, are nothing more than phases of the evolution of the thought process. Scientists call for assisting the child in games, which can greatly alleviate the difficulties of mental development.

In addition to learning to think, a child acquires the first important concrete knowledge through games: the study of movements and objects, magnitudes and distances, the strength and coordination of their own movements (running, jumping, movement various items etc.); the study of the physical properties of objects (children admire glass, transparent objects), divisibility, etc., causality or sequence of phenomena, etc.

Role-playing games can tire a child. The consequence of fatigue is the suspension of fun and the transition to another, sleep or tears. Fatigue is expressed by variability in the goals pursued by the child, absent-mindedness and superficial transition from one object to another, deterioration in the quality of motor coordination. A sharp change in the nature of movements depends on the fatigue of the higher centers of nervous activity, in which a combination of impressions (visual, muscular, etc.) occurs and their transformation into a conscious-volitional impulse. This is how Sikorsky explains the sudden break in complex coordination, the instantaneous disappearance of subtle movements and their replacement by rough, sweeping ones.

In the games of the child, the degree of his intelligence is manifested. Intelligent children are little irritable, cry little, have good sleep, show great variety in games, their activities are distinguished by thoroughness of operations, constant progress and novelty. In irritable children in games, one can notice repetition, monotony, lack of creative imagination; pedagogical influence on these children is often not successful enough. Quite early in their games, such a feature as familiarity, stereotypedness is revealed, the lesson loses its instructive character for the child and becomes an empty pastime for pastime.

The role of play activity in the mental development of preschoolers

In the plot-role-playing game, the formation of perception, thinking, memory, speech takes place - those fundamental mental processes, without sufficient development of which it is impossible to talk about the education of a harmonious personality. The leading role of play in the formation of the child's psyche was noted by leading teachers and psychologists (K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, A.M. Gorky, N.K. Krupskaya, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A. V. Lunacharsky, D. B. Elkonin and others).

A variety of knowledge, impressions enrich his spiritual world, and all this is reflected in the role-playing game.

The level of development of the child's thinking determines the nature of his activity, the intellectual level of its implementation.

The practical tasks that a child must solve in the game differ from educational ones. The content of game tasks is dictated by life itself, the environment of the child, his experience, knowledge.

Solving game problems with the help of objective actions takes the form of applying more and more generalized game methods of cognizing reality. This means that the child solves game problems at a higher intellectual level. An important point is to establish the continuity of the content outside gaming experience and games. This is not about copying real objective actions in the game, but about their understanding and transfer to the game. A more generalized game action transfers the game itself to a qualitatively new intellectual basis. The substitution of a game action with a word is especially indicative. In gaming activity, especially favorable conditions are formed for the development of intellect, for the transition from visual and effective thinking to elements of verbal and logical thinking. It is in the game that the child develops the ability to create systems of generalized typical images and phenomena, to mentally transform them.

The plot-role-playing game activity influences the formation of the arbitrariness of behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Children concentrate better and remember more in the conditions of the game than on the direct instructions of an adult.

Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conditional space. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play actions are reduced, and the child begins to act in the internal, mental plane. Thus, the game contributes to the fact that the child moves to thinking in terms of images and ideas. In addition, in the game, performing different roles, the child takes different points of view and begins to see the object from different angles. This contributes to the development of the most important mental ability of a person, which allows him to present a different view and a different point of view, the so-called "cognitive egocentrism" is overcome.

The play activity of a preschooler is a powerful stimulus to the imagination. The fulfillment of the role, the development of the plot, encourages the child to recombine known events, create new combinations of them, supplement and transform their own impressions. Kid transforming into different characters, especially in directing, has the opportunity to look at the situation from different points of view.

An important moment in the development of the child's imagination is such an organization of the object environment, which includes, along with familiar objects with fixed functions, non-specific, semi-functional objects: waste material (boxes, reels, scraps of fabric, paper) and natural (cones, twigs, acorns). Acting with them, endowing them different meaning in different situations, using variably, the child intensively masters substitution.

Games and exercises, including mental and motor activity, require the child to switch, distribute and concentrate attention.

The development of a preschooler's voluntary memory occurs when an adult encourages the child to consciously reproduce his experience in the game, productive and speech activity, when retelling, memorizing, telling, writing stories and fairy tales, i.e. aims to "remember". It is important that the requirement to remember be caused by the needs of the activity in which the preschooler is included. The child must understand why it is necessary to memorize. The use of acquired knowledge should soon follow memorization.

Role-playing expand ideas about the environment and contribute to the development of verbal communication; dramatization games help a deeper understanding of works of fiction and activate speech; building and constructive develop constructive abilities and expand knowledge about geometric shapes and spatial relationships. The game will actively influence mental development child, if the educator enriches its content, organizes it correctly.

1.3 The impact of role-playing games on preschool age

All the most important neoplasms originate and initially develop in the leading activity of preschool age - a role-playing game. A plot-role-playing game is an activity in which children take on certain functions of adults and, in specially created game, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or model) the activities of adults and the relationship between them.

In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed.

The role-playing game influences the formation of the arbitrariness of mental processes. So, in the game, children begin to develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. In the conditions of the game, children concentrate better, remember more than in the conditions of laboratory experiments. A conscious goal (to focus attention, remember and recall) is allocated to the child earlier and most easily in the game. The very conditions of the game require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played and the plot. If the child does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not remember the conditions of the game, then he is simply expelled by his peers. The need for communication, for emotional encouragement forces the child to purposeful concentration and memorization.

The game situation and actions in it have a constant impact on the development of the mental activity of a preschool child. In the game, the child learns to act with the substitutes for the object - he gives the substitute a new game name and acts with him in accordance with the name. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. On the basis of actions with substitute objects, the child learns to think about a real object. Gradually, play actions with objects are reduced, the child learns to think about objects and act with them mentally. Thus, the game to a greater extent contributes to the fact that the child moves to thinking in terms of representations.

Role play is essential to the development of the imagination. In play activity, the child learns to replace objects, to take on various ways other subjects, take on different roles. This ability underlies the development of the imagination. In the games of children of older preschool age, substitute objects are no longer required, just as many game actions are not required. Children learn to imply objects and actions with them, to create new situations in their imagination. The game can then proceed internally. Six-year-old Katyusha is looking at a photograph showing a girl resting her cheek on her finger and looking thoughtfully at the doll. The doll is planted near a toy sewing machine. Katyusha says: “The girl thinks as if her doll is sewing.” With her explanation, little Katya discovered her own way of playing.

Communication between a preschooler and peers unfolds mainly in the process of playing together. Playing together, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of another child, defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans. Therefore, the role-playing game has a huge impact on the development of children's communication during this period.

At the same time, the experience of play and especially real relationships of the child forms the basis of the properties of thinking, which makes it possible to take the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and, on the basis of this, build one's own.

The role-playing game has a very great influence on the development of speech. The game situation requires from each child included in it a certain level of development of verbal communication. If a child is not able to clearly express his wishes regarding the course of the game, if he is not able to understand the verbal instructions of his playmates, he will be a burden to his peers. The need to communicate with peers stimulates the development of coherent speech.

The influence of the game on the development of the child's personality lies in the fact that through it he gets acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults who become a model for his own behavior, and in it he acquires the basic communication skills, the qualities necessary to establish contact with peers. Capturing the child and forcing him to obey the rules contained in the role he has taken on, the game contributes to the development of feelings and volitional regulation of behavior.

Productive activities - drawing, design - at different stages of preschool childhood are closely merged with the game. So, while drawing, the child often plays out this or that plot. The animals drawn by him fight among themselves, catch up with each other, people go to visit and return home, the wind blows away hanging apples, etc. The construction of the cubes is woven into the course of the game. A child driver, he carries the blocks to construction, then he is a truck unloading these blocks, finally a construction worker building a house. In a joint game, these functions are distributed among several children. Interest in drawing, designing initially arises precisely as a playful interest aimed at the process of creating a drawing, design with a playful intent. And only in the middle and older preschool age is interest transferred to the result of the activity (for example, drawing), and it is freed from the influence of the game.

The importance of games for the mental and overall mental development of the child has been discussed above. However, the role of the plot game in the formation of moral qualities, as well as in their physical development, is no less important. With the appropriate organization of the subject-play environment, it is possible to achieve greater mobility of children in story games, combined with orientation in space. This is facilitated by the use of light large-sized structures that imitate elements of the objective environment, which, depending on the design, children can freely move in space, creating the necessary conditions for the development of the game plot.

A flexible program of children's behavior in story games creates favorable conditions for satisfying their need for movement and maintaining an emotionally positive tone. It is also important that children can join or leave a game of this kind at will, which makes it possible to avoid overwork.

Story games also have an impact on the aesthetic education of children. This is ensured, first of all, by the selection of toys and attributes that meet the requirements of high artistic taste, as well as by the appropriate design of object and play areas in the room and on the site of the kindergarten. Equally important is the aesthetics of the content of the games themselves.

Within the play activity, learning activity begins to take shape, which later becomes the leading activity. The teaching is introduced by an adult, it does not arise directly from the game. But a preschooler begins to learn by playing - he treats learning as a kind of role-playing game with certain rules. However, by following these rules, the child imperceptibly masters elementary learning activities. A fundamentally different attitude of adults to learning than to play gradually, little by little, restructures the attitude towards it on the part of the child. He develops a desire and an initial ability to learn.

In this chapter, the essence and structure of the role-playing game were considered in detail.

The structure of the role-playing game includes: role, content, rules, plot. Through play, children learn to communicate with each other. The assimilation of the moral norm among preschoolers in various situations is also considered: 1) in the verbal plan; 2) in real life situations; 3) in a relationship about the game; 4) in plot-role relations.

Relationships with peers in a role-playing game have a significant impact on the development of a child's personality, contribute to the development of such personal qualities as mutual assistance, responsiveness, etc.

In play activity, the mental qualities and personal characteristics of the child are most intensively formed. In the game, other types of activity are added, which then acquire independent significance.


.1 Characteristics of the activities of the kindergarten in Almaty No. 53

The main task of kindergarten No. 53 is to eliminate contradictions and create a kindergarten that unites, first of all, like-minded parents, unites moms and dads who equally answer questions about what is good and what is bad. The main principles concern the following points:


· maintaining the correct temperature (22oC in the game room and 19o C in the bedroom)

· maintaining the correct humidity in the room where the child is (50-70%)


· feeding the child only according to appetite, a certain set of safe foods

· deliberate restriction of food in case of signs of illness of the child

· attention to the desires of the child and the lack of examples of "well-eating children"

· menu specially compiled by the doctor, with a preference for local products, compotes - instead of cocoa, fruits - instead of fruit juices

daytime sleep

In a cool room but warm clothes

If the child does not want to sleep, or sleeps less or more - this is his right. The teacher adapts to a particular child, offering him an activity to his liking.


· outdoor activities in any weather

· preparation for a walk is the same methodologically important event for the educator as the organization of classes

· doing most of the outdoor activities

· preference active games with a professional teacher, playing with toys when the child is left to himself

The upbringing and educational process in kindergarten No. 53 was built according to the state programs "Kainar" and "Balbobek" and supplemented by many copyright programs and technologies - such as T.M. Bondarenko (complex classes for preschool children), L.G. Peterson (mathematics for preschoolers), O.S. Ushakov (a program for the development of speech for preschoolers), the Solar Circle (physical education for preschoolers), the methods of B. Nikitin, N. Zaitsev, G. Doman, M. Montessori, K. Orff and others.

Methodists, psychologists and educators pay attention not only to the education of children, but also to the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. If the baby feels uncomfortable in the garden, or he has problems in the group, the garden specialists, using special techniques, correct his behavior and the attitude of his peers towards him.

The educational and educational process in "Komarik" is divided into the following types: Game activities organized by the teacher: role-playing games, didactic games, educational games, outdoor games, theatrical games. Joint activities with children: labor education, excursions, reading fiction, moral and aesthetic education. Correctional work: classes with a speech therapist, classes with a development teacher, classes with a psychologist.

Preparation and holding of holidays: celebrating the birthday of children, holding matinees on the occasion of the New Year, March 8, Nauryzmeyramy, May 7, September 1. In order for the educational process to be useful, it must be interesting for children.

.2 Analysis of the conduct of role-playing games in the middle group of kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty

Role-playing game "Polyclinic"

Purpose: to reveal the meaning of the activities of medical personnel, to develop in children the ability to take on roles, to develop interest in the game, to form positive relationships between children, to educate children in respect for the work of a doctor.

Game material: game set "Puppet doctor", deputies, some real objects, a doctor's hat, a dressing gown, a doll.

stage. the implementation of the tasks is carried out by the educator in the position of "co-player" in a joint game with the children.

Situation 1 The educator offers the child the additional role of a patient, while he himself takes on the main role of a doctor. Educator: "Let's play Doctor": I will be a doctor, and you will be a patient. Where will the doctor's office be? Come on, as if it were an office. And what does the doctor need? And this is a jar of ointment, and this is a syringe ... "(Gradually, the child himself begins to name and arrange the necessary). The teacher puts on a hat and a white coat: "I'm a doctor, come to see me. Come in, hello. Do you have a sore throat or tummy? When did you get sick? Let's look at the neck.

Open your mouth. say a-a-a-a. Ai, ai, what a red neck. Now let's lubricate, doesn't it hurt? Don't you have a headache?

Playing with one child attracts the attention of other children. The teacher, noticing the children watching the game, says: "Do you also have something sick? Get in line, sick people, Wait."

Situation 2 The teacher plays a doctor, two children are sick. Educator". Now let's play like I'm a doctor. I'm in my office. I have a phone. You are sick, call me and call the doctor, ding, ding! My phone is ringing. Hello! the doctor is listening, who Did you call? Katya the girl? Are you ill? Do you have a headache or a stomach ache? Did you take your temperature? How high! Tell me Katya, where do you live? I'll come to you. I'll treat you. In the meantime, drink tea with raspberries and go to bed. Goodbye! My phone is ringing again. Hello, who's calling? Boy Dima? What are you complaining about? Runny nose? Have you been ill for a long time? Have you taken drops or taken pills? Doesn't help? Come to me today. I'll prescribe another medicine for you. Goodbye!

Situation 3. The doctor himself calls the patients, finds out how they feel about themselves, gives advice. In the process of talking on the phone, the educator uses a system of alternative and prompting questions that show the variability of game actions and contribute to the further development of creativity.

Situation 4. Educator: And now I need a nurse. Come on, you will be a nurse (puts on a hat - indicates the role) Nurse, please find a patient card.

Have you called all of our patients yet? Nurse, did you write a prescription? Call sick Dasha and find out how her health is. Do pills help? Nurse, give me an injection, please.

Situation 5. A child in the role of a doctor, educator-patient. Educator: “Hello, doctor! My finger hurts, even swollen. What do you advise me? Do I need to take pills, smear with ointment or give injections? And when should I come now? Thank you.

Situation 6. Educator, doctor, I came to you yesterday. Today my toe hurts even more. Medicine doesn't help. What else would you recommend?

Situation 7. Educator: "I'm a patient, I'm calling the doctor's office. Hello! Hello, who is this? Nurse, please call the doctor. I forgot to take my pills yesterday. What should I do? And when should I come to you? Thank you. Goodbye .

Situation 8. The teacher offers the children to take on the additional roles of a nurse and a mother who brought her daughter, a doll, to an appointment. The teacher takes on the role of a doctor. The point is not yet able to talk. The teacher: “Hello, mommy, your daughter is still very small. What happened to her? Don’t you know? She cries all the time? The ears are fine, the neck is not red, now everything is clear. Your daughter's tooth is growing. It's okay. Nurse write out a prescription and tell me how to take the medicine.

At the second stage, the implementation of tasks is carried out by the educator in the position of an assistant.

In the doctor game, one child plays a doctor, another a nurse, and the rest are patients. The teacher is next to the children, but is not a participant in their game, coordinates ideas, prompts in case of difficulty.

Situation 1. In the doctor's office. Educator: "Ask how the patient felt yesterday? Have you already taken the pills?"

Situation 2. In the doctor's office. Educator: "Nurse, the phone is ringing. Pick up the phone, tell me who you are and ask what happened?".

Situation 3. In line to see a doctor. Educator: "While the patients are waiting for their turn, are they talking? Let's talk about ....."

Situation 4. One of the patients has lost the prescription. Educator: "Come into the office, tell me what happened?"

Situation 5. Educator: "Let's be a different doctor. You came to this doctor to talk about one of the patients who became very ill."

Situation 6. A sick baby who is afraid of the doctor was brought to the doctor's office.

Situation 7. All medicines have disappeared from the doctor's office. Educator, the queue is long. The patients are waiting. What to do? Think about what you can take instead of them? What can replace the syringe and the listening tube? Etc.

In stage 3, children independently play doctor. The teacher implements tasks in the position of an observer. If children have difficulties during the game, they seek advice from the teacher ("What can be done next?"). The independent appeal of children to an adult is facilitated by a partner position that ensures the acceptance of the educator as a teacher. Enrichment of the content of the game plot occurs mainly in the process of game communication with the teacher.

.Role-playing game "Shop"

Purpose: To teach to carry out game actions according to speech instructions; learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed; learn to model role-playing dialogue; to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, to determine the characters of the heroes, to evaluate their actions.

Equipment: a white coat, scales, a set of weights, models of vegetables and fruits, cubes, a set of tools for repairing a car.

Game progress. Organizing time. Guys, recently we went on a tour of the store. Can you tell me who works in the store? What are the sellers doing? Who brings groceries to the store? (Children remember the name of the professions of people working in the store.)

Want to play shop? Let's distribute the roles. Who wants to be a seller? Chauffeur? Who will buy the products? To play, you need to build a counter. (Children, together with the teacher, build a counter from tables and chairs). What products will be brought to the store? Boxes with vegetables and fruits.

Story development. We start playing. (Sellers lay out the goods in the window, prepare paper checks, drivers deliver food cubes that replace boxes of vegetables and fruits, buyers prepare paper money and line up).

I need to buy 1 kilogram of pears. Please show me what kind of pears you have. I like these ones. How much does 1 kilogram of pears cost? Here's the money, punch the check. Tell me, will they bring grapes to you? (The teacher gives a model of the behavior of the buyer, the children approach the sellers, choose and buy vegetables and fruits.) And what is this red, round, probably very sweet? (The teacher consolidates the knowledge of children about the signs of vegetables and fruits).

Tell me what did you buy? Are they vegetables or fruits? (Work is underway to differentiate the concepts of "vegetables" and "fruits.") Did you buy plums for your daughter? What else does she love? (Customers say what they bought and are going to buy more.) Don't take these bananas. They have very dark skin. They have already deteriorated. Pick something else...

Look, the truck that brings vegetables and fruits for the store has a flat tire. Now they won't be delivered on time. Who will help the driver fix the car? Maybe there are auto mechanics among the buyers?

Here's some fresh food at the store. (Sellers are updating the windows.) Who wants to be a seller now? Let's count. Who will be the loader? He must be very strong to carry such heavy boxes! He must be a real strong man! And you need to buy groceries in order to celebrate your birthday.

Who's supposed to have a birthday? Okay. It’s like I’m a hostess and I’ll tell in my ear who needs what to buy. (The teacher calls each of the children a list of 4-6 words denoting the name of the food.) Will you forget? Maybe repeat in the other ear? Well, run to the store and get in line. (Children buy goods, the teacher prompts through the description of the signs the name of what they have forgotten.)

Have you bought everything? All products are sold. Who bought sausage and cheese for sandwiches? Eggs and meat for dumplings? Milk and powdered sugar for pancakes? How is it that there was no powdered sugar? What does a bag of powdered sugar look like? Think what can replace it? … Cream for decorating a cake? What do they look like? … Go shopping. What else do you want me to cook for my birthday?

Well, now help me clean the room, otherwise the guests will come soon, and for now I will prepare a treat ... Look what I have prepared. (Children are given marmalade.) What is it made of? So what is he? (Children form relative adjectives corresponding to the names of fruits and berries.)

Game results. After the games are over, the teacher asks the children about what roles they played, whether they liked the games, who played their role well, but did not forget to help their comrades, etc.

In role-playing games, the child reproduces, as it were, models the actions and relationships of adults, penetrating into the meaning of their activities, one of the remarkable abilities of the human mind is formed in them - the ability to operate with signs and symbols.

Children play mother-daughters, drivers and pilots, kindergarten, hospital. But the same story can be played in different ways. One girl, portraying her mother, is limited to silent “feeding” of the doll, while the other talks to her “daughter”, teaches how to hold a spoon and use a napkin. It is clear that the second option is preferable, and adults should help the child play meaningfully.

An adult should be included in the game gradually, without disposing of or explaining to the child what he should and should not do.

The second chapter considers the conduct of role-playing games in kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty. Holding such games in middle groups in this kindergarten allows children to learn life by imitating the actions of adults, to play everyday situations, and to cope with them correctly, to develop intelligence. The principles of organizing a role-playing game were also studied, among which should be highlighted: 1) the teacher must play with the children 2) the teacher must play with the children throughout childhood, but at each stage deploy the game so that the children "open" and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it 3) the educator should orient the children towards the implementation of the game action.


Studying the level of development of will in children of the middle group using a role-playing game

Having studied the theoretical issues of the development of will in a role-playing game in children of middle preschool age, we moved on to experimental work, which consists of 3 subsequent stages of the experiment.

a) ascertaining stage of the experiment

b) the formative stage of the experiment

c) control stage of the experiment

15 children of the middle group took part in the pedagogical experiment

On the basis of preschool educational institution No. 53.

Ascertaining experiment

aimascertaining experiment to reveal the level of development of will in children of middle preschool age with the help of role-playing game.

Tasks of the ascertaining experiment:

1) to carry out diagnostics to determine the will in children of middle preschool age using a role-playing game.

) select diagnostic material and equipment

) to diagnose

She began her work by offering the Polyclinic Game for children of middle preschool age on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 53

Target:to reveal the meaning of the activities of medical personnel to develop in children the ability to take on roles, develop interest in the game, form positive relationships between children, educate children in respect for the work of a doctor.

As can be seen from the diagram, the subjects received the following results: 8 people showed a low level of will development (2.5), 4 people - average level(3) and 3 people showed a high level (2).

Also found that 64% of children play an important role, 25% do not play a role, and 11% play a non-essential role.

From the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we can conclude that with the help of diagnostic techniques, we found out that the development of will in children of middle preschool age is at a low level of development. And we are faced with the task of creating pedagogical conditions and conducting role-playing games, to increase the level of development of will in children of middle preschool age.

Will development levels Experimental group Control group Low 2.52.5 Medium 33 High 22

The results obtained were placed in a table. According to the final table, we can conclude that in the group children have a diverse level of development of will. 53% of children have an average level of development, 33% a low level and a high level 13%.

Formative experiment

At the formative stage of the experiment, I drew up a work plan for this problem, which involved solving the following tasks:

1. Create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere in the kindergarten group;

. Enrich children's life experience.

. Organize a subject-developing environment.

. To develop initiative and independence of children in the game;

5. Create special pedagogical conditions for the development of will in children of middle preschool age in a role-playing game.

We included in the concept of "emotionally well-being atmosphere": establishing contacts with children, relieving emotional stress in the game, developing partnerships.

To do this, the necessary changes were made to the educational process. They abandoned direct instructions and shifted more emphasis to indirect influences through the organization of joint activities, games, game communication, the use of literature and art.

She offered the children a role-playing game "Mgazin"

Target:To teach to carry out game actions according to speech instructions; learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed; learn to model role-playing dialogue; to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, to determine the characters of the heroes, to evaluate their actions.

The level of development of the will in the field of the formative experiment: The level of development of the will Experimental group Control group High 3.53.5 Medium 33 Low 2.52.5

Control stage of the experiment

In the control stage of the experiment, I carried out the same diagnostic methods as in the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

Holding such games in middle groups in this kindergarten allows children to learn life by imitating the actions of adults, to play everyday situations, and to cope with them correctly, to develop intelligence.


A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. It causes a significant change in his psyche. Play is of great importance in the life of a child; it has the same significance as work and service in an adult. What a child is at play, so in many respects he will be at work. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game ...

The role-playing game is undoubtedly the leading activity of a preschooler. It is through the game that the child learns the world, prepares for adulthood. At the same time, the role-playing game is the basis for the creative development of the child, the development of the ability to correlate creative skills and real life. The basic needs of the preschool child find expression in play. First of all, as mentioned above, the child is characterized by a desire for independence, active participation in the lives of adults. In a role-play, a middle-aged child takes on a role, seeking to imitate those adults whose images have been preserved in his experience. While playing, the child acts independently, freely expressing his desires, ideas, feelings.

The role-playing game acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults, where everything is intertwined and interconnected: the world of adults influences the world of children and vice versa. The role-playing game is based on the perception of the presented rules, thereby orienting the child to comply with certain rules of adult life. The game, by virtue of its characteristics, is the best way to achieve the development of the child's creative abilities without the use of coercion methods. From the foregoing, it is clear what role role-playing should play in the modern world. educational process and how important it is to strive to intensify the gaming activity of middle-aged preschoolers. Hence the constant importance and relevance of considering the theory of the use of role-playing games in the upbringing and development of the child, the development of his creative abilities.\


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Rice. 1 Role-playing game "Hospital" in kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty

Rice. 2 Role-playing game "Shop" in kindergarten No. 53 in Almaty


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graduate work


Conditions for the development of play activities of a preschooler in a shelter

1.1 Importance of play in preschool childhood

1.2 The main characteristics of the game as a leading activity and form of organizing the life of preschool children
1.3 Stages of game development
1.4. Pedagogical conditions for the development of the game of preschoolers
1.5 Features of the shelter environment
1.6 The influence of the shelter environment on the play activities of a preschooler
2. Research
2.1 Study design
2.2 Results and discussion
Application No. 1
e No. 2
Application No.
The game is a multifaceted phenomenon, it can be considered as a special form of existence of all aspects of the life of the team without exception. Just as many shades appear with the game in the pedagogical management of the educational process.
A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game.
The main problems are related to the moral education of preschoolers (collective relationships, personal qualities of the child - friendliness, humanity, diligence, determination, activity, organizational skills, the formation of attitudes towards work, study). Role-playing, creative games contribute to the solution of these issues to the greatest extent.
Play activity does not arise on its own, is not invented by the child: it is set by adults who teach him to play, pass on to him the socially established ways of playing actions (how to use a toy, substitute objects, other means of depicting an image; perform conditional actions, build a plot, obey rules) (19). Mastering the Technique various games in communication with adults, the child then generalizes the game methods and transfers them to other situations. Thus, the game acquires self-movement, becomes a form of the child's own creativity, and this determines its developmental effect (9).
The family has the opportunity to give the child, in addition to ready-made toys, various household items, which help to realize the idea of ​​the game, the embodiment of the image. Mom's blouse turns into Aibolit's dressing gown, and the blanket turns out to be indispensable for building a "hut", sofa cushions become "crocodiles", and a beautiful chair " spaceship"," the royal throne ". While playing, children enter into such relationships to which they have not yet "grown up" in other conditions, namely, relations of mutual control and assistance, subordination, exactingness. Often in the process of playing there is a need for objects that The help of adults is indispensable here, but when a child is brought up outside the family, this is very difficult to do, he lacks the conditions for normal development.
Social shelters are educational institutions where children and adolescents are assisted in resolving their life problems. The peculiarity of shelters is that this is an institution of temporary residence. Since the rehabilitation program is individual for each child, the length of stay in the shelter is also individual. The child himself can apply for asylum in a shelter until his fate is decided.(1)
Once in an orphanage, children get mentally traumatized. Most children develop a sense of self-doubt, anxiety.
In shelters, the object environment is updated very rarely. Many things that are available to children from a normal family are not available to children from an orphanage. They can only play with the toys they are given. The educator is physically unable to give everyone equal attention. If in a normal family parents tell their child, for example, about different professions, then children from the orphanage do not have such experience (9).
object research is the role-playing game of preschool children in an orphanage.
Subject research are pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of a role-playing game in an orphanage.
Target to study the influence of the identified pedagogical conditions on the development of the game of a preschooler in an orphanage.
In accordance with the problem, subject, object and purpose of the study, the following tasks:
* To reveal the psychological and pedagogical content of the concept of "play space", role-playing game for children of senior preschool age
* Reveal the importance of the teacher for creating a play space for children in a role-playing game
* Determine and test in the experimental work the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of gaming activities
The study is based on the hypothesis, according to which the creation of a play space by preschool children can be successful if the teacher:
* organizes the subject environment for the development of children's game ideas;
* creates an emotionally favorable atmosphere;
* provides guidance for children's role-playing game
To test the hypothesis, we needed to conduct experimental work.
At the ascertaining stage, we need:
identify the features of the subject-play environment in junior group shelter and the level of development of the game of preschool children.
Determine the features of the teacher's work to enrich the subject-game environment and guide the game of preschool children.
· to identify the features of the development of play activities of preschoolers in the social rehabilitation center "Kozulsky".
At the stage of the formative experiment, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of the game according to the hypothesis, conduct a control cut, discuss the results, and draw conclusions.

1. Conditions for the development of play activities for preschoolers in a shelter

1.1 The value of play in preschool childhood

One of the misconceptions of pedagogical practice was that the expectation of changes in the personal development of the child was predicted only in the direction of the emergence of positive qualities and properties. At the same time, the development of the psyche is a dynamic and contradictory process. In this regard, at a certain stage of the child's development, the appearance of negative manifestations, crisis states is natural. L.S. Vygotsky wrote that if "crises in development did not arise, then they would have to be created artificially. Only through dialectical negation is it possible for the emergence of the new." (4)

The mental characteristics of a person, his spiritual appearance and moral qualities of a preschooler are formed under the decisive influence of the social environment.

Social factors that determine personality development include:

1- natural environment (climate, occupation of parents);

2- social environment (family, relatives, close friends);

3- conditions of life and activity of the child (means of communication);

4- social experience of a person;

5 - training and education, the role of which in the mental development of the individual is special, since it is "a conscious, purposeful process of influencing the older generation on the younger in order to form certain personality traits that meet the needs of society";

6 - an individual situation of development that arises because the child is not only an object, but also a subject of education and upbringing. Thanks to activity, activity and communication, external stimuli, goals and objectives that adults and the child himself set in training and education, internal experiences, there is a selectivity of activity, self-education, and interaction with the environment.

D.B. Elkonin (18) emphasized that the game belongs to the symbolic-modeling type of activity in which the operational and technical side is minimal: operations are reduced, objects are conditional. All activities of a preschooler, according to D.B. Elkonin, with the exception of self-service, are of a modeling nature.

Consequently, the main personality neoplasms of a child in the first seven years of life arise in two groups of their activities: in modeling activities (play, visual, constructive) and implement their vital functions that ensure his life. Between these two types of activity there are interconnections, mutual transitions, mutual influences. Their development has general conditions:

- developing communication with adults;

- actively developing subject environment;

- the presence of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the activity of the child, his mental neoplasms: communication, initiative, independence, creativity. In the process of employment, activities, being fixed with frequent repetition, turn into diligence, as a personality trait.

Neoformation sets for the child the social situation of development, which determines wholly and completely those forms and the path, following which the child acquires new personality traits, drawing from social reality, as from the main source of development, the path along which the social becomes individual (4) .

The basic personality characteristics that are formed in preschool age and at each stage have their own specific meaning.

Independence is a personality quality, a peculiar form of its activity, reflecting the current level of development of the child. It provides independent, without the help of an adult, setting and solving different kind life tasks that arise before the child in his daily behavior and activities. "An independent child is a child in search, having the right to make a mistake and a pedagogically competent attitude of an adult towards it, not as a failure, but as a normal initiating moment of development. Observations have shown that for the development of a child's independence, the character, style of communication with adults is of particular importance , the degree and timeliness of their assistance to the child. Insufficient degree of independence of the child or its complete absence is often an indicator of the excessiveness of this assistance, and serves as an obstacle to realizing their capabilities in self-regulation and the development of initiative. Constant coercion by an adult and excessive guardianship of an adult form a feeling of weakness and helplessness in a child .

Initiative is manifested in all types of activities, but most clearly in communication, objective activity, play, experimentation. This is an important indicator of children's intelligence, its development. Initiative is an indispensable condition for the improvement of all cognitive activity of the child, but especially creative. Observations show that at preschool age, an enterprising child strives to organize games, productive activities, and meaningful communication. He knows how to find activities that correspond to his own desire, join the conversation, offer an interesting business to other children. The development of initiative requires a benevolent attitude of adults, who must by all means maintain and develop this quality of personality. But initiative must be reasonable and morally justified.

Imagination - E.E. Kravtsova (8) suggests that based on the analysis of L.S. Vygotsky and his students D.B. Elkonin and A.V. There is reason to consider Zaporozhets as a neoplasm of a stable period of preschool childhood - imagination. "The divergence of the visible and semantic field is new at preschool age. This is the basis of the game - the creation of imaginary situations. This new stage abstraction, arbitrariness, freedom "(4). An analysis of Kravtsova E.E. (8) of the imagination showed that in preschool age, three stages and at the same time three main components of this function can be distinguished: reliance on visibility, use of past experience and a special internal position. The main property of the imagination is the ability to see the whole before the parts, by means of the child bringing meaning to various spheres of his life. "The main line of development in preschool age is associated with the development of arbitrariness in the emotional sphere, and the psychological mechanism of the arbitrariness of emotions is associated with the development of imagination. The main activity that provides the conditions for this is children's play in all its variety of forms and types.

Creativity (creativity) - "A child's ability to creatively solve problems that arise in a given situation in a child's life and activity. The indicators of creativity include: the ability to create a new product (drawing, design, movement, etc.), which is original ", flexibility, variability and mobility. These indicators relate both to the final product and to the nature of the activity process. The novelty of the product of children's activity is subjective, but extremely important for the development of the child's personality."

The development of creativity depends on the level of development of the cognitive sphere (perception, thinking, memory, imagination), the arbitrariness of activity and behavior, the freedom of activity provided to the child, as well as the breadth of his orientation in the world around him and his awareness.

1.2 The main characteristics of the game as a leading activity and form of organizationlife of preschool children

Leading activity is activity, with the development of which major changes occur in the child's psyche and within which mental processes develop that prepare the child for a new, higher stage of his development. (10) It is well known that all these signs correspond to gaming activity. It creates a zone of proximal development and itself acts as a source of development. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized "through play activity the child moves. In this sense, it can be called the leading one, since it determines development" (5).
But children's play is not a homogeneous activity. And the leading game is not considered a game in general, but only one, its special variety - a role-playing game (18). Its value lies in the fact that it influences the process of formation of individual mental functions (thinking, memory, speech, imagination, attention), certain types of activity (constructive, visual, cognitive, communication), and the development of the personality of a preschooler child as a whole.
Essential for understanding the developmental significance of the game is the idea of ​​L.A. Wenger about the specific and non-specific influence of the game on the development of the child's personality. He notes that "the role-playing game requires the preschooler to act in an internal, imaginary plan, orientation in the system of human relationships, coordination of actions." (2) This is the specific developmental significance of play. The non-specific meaning of the L.A. game Wenger associates with a broader approach to determining the meaning of this activity. It relies on experimental data on the development in the game of arbitrary control of behavior, the initial forms of deliberate memorization, many personality traits (activity, initiative, independence, creativity, imagination, sociability, and others). In the game, children learn a variety of knowledge about the phenomena of social life, activities and relationships of adults. But all these qualities are formed not by the game itself, but by this or that particular content, which is specially introduced into children's games. In this case, the game often turns into a game technique that has didactic goals. Important is the thought of L.A. Wenger that the specific impact has the greatest value and that it should be used as much as possible for pedagogical purposes. The game fully fulfills its functions only when it is an independent activity of children (3).
The game equips the child with the means of active recreation available to him, of modeling such content that under other conditions would be inaccessible and, therefore, could not be truly assimilated. In the game, the preschooler, with the help of his movements and actions with toys, actively recreates the work and life of the surrounding adults, the events of their lives, and the relationship between them. Real actions mastered in the game with objects (toys, game material) then pass into the internal plan. In this way, the child acquires new types of not only external, but also internal, mental actions. At the same time, in the course of the game, the child acquires the opportunity to perform actions not only under the influence of the directly perceived situation, but also according to the existing plan, the game rules. The mastery of such actions, carried out to achieve the presented goal, is associated with the development of the arbitrariness of children's behavior. He attached particular importance to the development of empathy and sympathy for other people in the game. It is in the game that the moral qualities of a child's personality are formed, social relationships are established, social practice develops, real life in a team develops.
The game of preschoolers has the greatest opportunities for the mental development of the personality and the formation of preschoolers' socio-psychological readiness for joint activities.
1.3 Stages of game development

The first stage in the development of gaming activity is an introductory game. According to the motive given to the child by an adult with the help of a toy item, it is an object-play activity. Its content consists of manipulation actions carried out in the process of examining an object. This activity of the infant very soon changes its content: the examination is aimed at revealing the features of the object-toy and therefore develops into oriented actions-operations.
The next stage of play activity is called a display game, in which individual subject-specific operations are transferred to the rank of action aimed at identifying the specific properties of an object and achieving a certain effect with the help of this object. This is the climax of the development of the psychological content of play in early childhood. It is he who creates the necessary ground for the formation of the corresponding objective activity in the child.
At the turn of the first and second years of a child's life, the development of play and objective activity merges and at the same time diverges. Now, however, the differences begin to appear and the next stage in the development of the game begins in the methods of action: it becomes plot-representative. Its psychological content also changes: the child's actions, while remaining objectively mediated, imitate in a conditional form the use of the object for its intended purpose. This is how the prerequisites for a role-playing game gradually become infected.
At this stage of game development, word and deed merge, and role-playing behavior becomes a model of relationships between people meaningful to children. The stage of the actual role-playing game begins, in which the players model the labor and social relations of people familiar to them.
Scientific ideas about the phased development of play activities make it possible to develop clearer, more systematic recommendations for managing the play activities of children in different age groups (18).
In order to achieve a game that is genuine, emotionally rich, including an intellectual solution to the game problem, the teacher needs to comprehensively manage the formation, namely: to purposefully enrich the child’s tactical experience, gradually transferring it into a conditional game plan, to encourage the preschooler to creatively reflect reality during independent games.
Emotions cement the game, make it exciting, create a favorable climate for relationships, increase the tone that every child needs to share his spiritual comfort, and this, in turn, becomes a condition for the preschooler's susceptibility to educational actions and joint activities with peers.
The game is dynamic where the leadership is aimed at its phased formation, taking into account those factors that ensure the timely development of gaming activities at all age levels. Here it is very important to rely on the personal experience of the child. The game actions formed on its basis acquire a special emotional coloring. Otherwise, learning to play becomes mechanical (19).
As children grow older, the organization of their practical experience also changes, which is aimed at actively learning the real relationships of people in the process of joint activities. In this regard, the content of educational games and the conditions of the subject-game environment are being updated. The focus of activating communication between an adult and children is shifting: it becomes business-like, aimed at achieving joint goals. Adults act as one of the participants in the game, encouraging children to joint discussions, statements, disputes, conversations, contribute to the collective solution of game problems, which reflect the joint social and labor activities of people.
So, the formation of play activity creates the necessary psychological conditions and favorable ground for the comprehensive development of the child. Comprehensive education of people, taking into account their age characteristics, requires the systematization of games used in practice, the establishment of links between different forms of independent gaming and non-gaming activities occurring in game form. As you know, any activity is determined by its motive, that is, by what this activity is aimed at. Play is an activity whose motive lies within itself. This means that the child plays because he wants to play, and not for the sake of obtaining some specific result, which is typical for household, labor and any other productive activity.
All types of games can be combined into two large groups, which differ in the degree of direct participation of an adult, as well as in various forms of children's activity.
The first group is games where an adult takes an indirect part in their preparation and conduct. The activity of children (subject to the formation of a certain level of game actions and skills) has an initiative, creative character - the guys are able to independently set a game goal, develop the game plan and find the necessary ways to solve game problems. In independent games, conditions are created for children to show initiative, which always indicates a certain level of intelligence development.
Games of this group, which include plot and cognitive games, are especially valuable for their developmental function, which is of great importance for the overall mental development of each child.
The second group is various educational games in which an adult, telling the child the rules of the game or explaining the design of a toy, gives a fixed program of actions to achieve a certain result. In these games, specific tasks of education and training are usually solved; they are aimed at mastering certain program material and rules that players must follow. Educational games are also important for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers.
The activity of children in learning to play is mainly of a reproductive nature: children, solving game problems with a given program of actions, only reproduce the methods for their implementation. Based on the formation and skills of children, independent games can be started, in which there will be more elements of creativity.
To stimulate the creative activity of children in the game, the deployment of the game with the inclusion of various roles in it: from different spheres of social life, from different literary works, fairy tales, as well as the combination of fairy-tale and real characters. For example, a kindergarten teacher and policemen, a firefighter and a Baba Yaga, Pinocchio and a doctor.
The inclusion of such roles in the overall plot activates the imagination of children, their fantasy, encourages them to come up with new unexpected turns of events that unite and make meaningful the coexistence and interaction of such different characters. A.N.Leontiev in the work "Psychological foundations preschool game"describes the process of the emergence of children's role play as follows: in the course of the child's activity, there arises" a contradiction between the rapid development of his need for action with objects, on the one hand, and the development of operations that carry out these actions (i.e., modes of action) - on the other. The child wants to drive a car himself, he himself wants to row a boat, but he cannot carry out this action ... because he does not and cannot master those operations that are required by the real objective conditions of this action ... This is a contradiction ... can be resolved in a child only in one single type of activity, namely, in play activity, in play ...
Only in a game action, the required operations can be replaced by other operations, and its subject conditions - by other subject conditions, and the content of the action itself is preserved.
In this regard, the improvement of the pedagogical guidance of role play as the most developed form of preschool childhood is of particular importance. In our opinion, one of the ways of such improvement is a socio-psychological approach to a role-playing game as a certain type of joint activity, during which the participants communicate, aimed at coordinating efforts to achieve a common result. (10)
1.4 Pedagogical conditionsfor the development of the game of preschoolers

Almost all authors who describe or study role play unanimously note that its plots are decisively influenced by the reality surrounding the child. The question of what exactly in the reality surrounding the child has a decisive influence on role-playing is one of the most significant questions. Its solution may lead to a clarification of the actual nature of role-playing, to a solution of the question of the content of the roles that children take on in the game.
Not every work of fiction has an impact on the emergence of play in children. Only those works in which people, their activities, actions and relationships with other people are described in a vivid and accessible artistic form make children want to reproduce their main content in the game. (eighteen)
The results of the studies outlined above show that role-playing is especially sensitive to the sphere of human activity, labor and relations between people, and that, consequently, the main content of the role that the child takes on is the reproduction of this particular side of reality. (eighteen)
A.P. Usova writes, “The development of the plot proceeds from the performance of role-playing actions to role-models in which the child uses many means of representation: speech, action, facial expressions, gesture, and an attitude corresponding to the role” (16).
"The activity of the child in the game develops in the direction of the image of various actions (floats, erases, cooks, etc.).
The action itself is shown. This is how action games are born. The activity of children takes on a building character - building-constructive games arise, in which there are usually no roles either. Finally, role-playing games stand out, where the child creates one or another image. These games follow two noticeable channels: directorial games, when the child controls the toy (acts through it), and games where the role is played personally by the child himself (mother, pilot, etc.)" (16).
The development of the game depends on many factors. The first is the proximity of the theme of the game to the experience of the child. Lack of experience and ideas becomes an obstacle in the development of the game's plot. Also, the development of the plot is determined by how coordinately the roles develop in the game.
Usova notes that the games of children already at the age of three are of a plot nature, and in this direction the game intensively develops until the age of seven. It establishes that the driving principles that determine the game consist in the child's gradual mastery of the role played in the group of children. Initially, the game consists of everyday activities performed by children: cook, wash, carry (3-4 years). Then there are role designations associated with certain actions: I am a mother, I am a cook, I am a driver. Here, in these designations, along with role-playing actions, role-playing relations appear, and finally, the game ends with the appearance of a role, and the child performs it in two ways - for the toy and himself.
Usova's attempt to understand the mutual transitions from one stage to another seems important to us. So already in the games of younger children, she finds elements that lead to further development games: in game actions - elements of the role, and in role-playing actions - the future role. (16)
N.Ya. Mikhailenko suggests that the transition to the performance of the role is associated mainly with two conditions:
* attributing not one, but a series of actions to the same character (mother - feeds, walks, puts to bed, reads, washes; doctor - listens, gives medicine, gives an injection, etc.).
* accepting the role of the character, which is given in the plot of the game, on yourself.
The path of development of the game goes from a specific objective action to a game role-playing action: eat with a spoon, feed with a spoon, feed a doll with a spoon, feed a doll with a spoon - like a mother. (12)
In the emergence of the game, the following stages can be distinguished (they were established by F.I. Fradkina):
1. The stage of specific manipulation with an object, in contrast to the earlier "non-specific" manipulation, when the child makes the same movements with different objects (waves, knocks, throws.).
2. Independent reproduction by the child of individual elements of actions or a series of actions. Children are characterized by imitation of the actions of an adult in a similar but non-identical situation, transferring the action to other objects. A qualitative leap in development, associated with the emergence of a real word as a means of denoting an object, brings the emergence of a real game closer.
3. This stage is characterized by the creation of a special game environment, the reproduction of the actions of another person-teacher, the use of substitute objects. The action with the object is carried out according to the game meaning, and not the permanent meaning of the object. In games, the child independently reproduces not individual actions, but entire plots, acting either for the teacher or for the doll. The subject is used repeatedly, but the action is couplet, not plot.
4. The next stage is the appearance of renaming in game situation. At first, the child calls substitute objects by a different name in accordance with the function that they perform in the game, but identification with another person and assigning his name to himself is still absent.
5. The last stage. The child calls himself and his playmate (doll) the name of another person.
All of the transitions listed above require guidance from adults, and each of them requires special ways of guidance.
Principles of organizing a role-playing game (the concept of N.Ya. Mikhailenko - N.A. Korotkova) (12, 17):
1. The teacher must play with the children. He must take the position of "playing partner". The educator's strategy should be to challenge the children to use a more complex, new way of building play.
2. The teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each stage the game should be deployed so that children immediately “discover” and learn a new, more complex way of building it.
3. At each stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary, when developing playing skills, to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of the game action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or peers.
At the stage of formation of conditional play actions, an adult must develop predominantly "one-volume and one-character" plots as a semantic chain of actions.
At the stage of formation of role-playing behavior, a multi-personal plot as a system of interrelated roles, which unfolds through the interaction of characters, should become a support for the teacher.
At the stage of formation of the ability to build new plot games, the teacher must develop "multi-volume" plots that involve a combination of various events.
In the pedagogical process in relation to the game, there are two interrelated components:
1. a joint game between an adult and children, during which new skills and abilities are formed.
2. independent children's game, in which the teacher is not included, but only provides the conditions for its activation
For children, the connection between the role and the actions in which it can be embodied, the role meaning of actions, remains hidden. This connection between role and related activities does not arise spontaneously and must be revealed to the child by adults.
The development of the game is connected with the logic of mastering objective actions and the selection of an adult as a model and carrier of human forms of activity and relationships. All this does not happen spontaneously, but under the guidance of adults (18).
Thus, the game of preschoolers will develop if the teacher:
1. Organizes the subject environment:
* gradually introduces toys (the subject-play environment must necessarily change flexibly, depending on the content of the knowledge gained by children, on the playing interests of children and the level of development of the game).
* correlates the plot of the game with the child's experience of interaction with the outside world.
2. Provides game guidance :
Helps to attribute not one, but a number of actions to the same character
Helps the child to take on the role of the character that is given in the plot of the game
plays with children
provides conditions for the activation of independent play of preschoolers
puts children in front of the need to use more complex, new plots for building a game
orients the child both to the implementation of the game action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or peers.
· The relationship between the role and related activities should be disclosed to the child by adults.
3. Provides a favorable atmosphere:
Creation of trusting relationships
Lack of criticism in evaluating children's activities
Attention to every child
1.5 Features of the shelter environment

Social shelters are educational institutions where children and adolescents are assisted in resolving their life problems.
The peculiarity of shelters is that this is an institution of temporary residence. Since the rehabilitation program is individual for each child, the length of stay in the shelter is also individual. The child himself can ask for asylum in a shelter until his future fate is decided.
Once in an orphanage, children get mentally traumatized. Most children develop a sense of self-doubt, anxiety (9). The image of an adult is distorted from a friend, he turns into a dangerous and malicious adviser. This causes fear in the child, anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to change the image of an adult in the eyes of a child. Yu.B. Gippenreiter (6) recommends:
1. Unconditionally accept the child.
2. Actively listen to his experiences and needs.
3. Be (read, play, study) together.
4. Do not interfere with the activities with which he copes.
5. Help when asked.
6. Maintain success.
7. Share your feelings (trust).
8. Constructively resolve conflicts.
9. Use friendly phrases in everyday communication.
10. Hug at least 4, and preferably 8 times a day.