The best TT level 8. The best level TT8 is T32. And I will prove it to you. Tactic Tips

The first Swedish Tier 8 premium heavy tank, the Emil 1951, is entering the World of Tanks Supertest today.

Today on closed testing a newcomer from Scandinavia comes out - Emil 1951. This is a premium tank of the 8th level, with drum loading. In game terms, it can be called a light version of the upgraded Emil I: less armor, but higher mobility; minus one projectile in the drum, but the aiming parameters are more comfortable and the time between shots is shorter.
The hull of the tank will be less protected, but as compensation the vehicle will receive a new 400 hp engine, due to which the power density will increase to 15.15 hp/t. The difference is small, but noticeable - the tank will move more dynamically and it will be much better to gain maximum speed.

How will he play? It is very similar to the upgraded brother, except that it is faster - less armor, more mobility. The drum will also discharge faster: it fired three rounds and back, without too much risk.

Depending on the test results, the characteristics of the tank may change. We will announce the final performance characteristics later.

Crew: 3 people.

* Prototype of a heavy tank developed for the Swedish army as part of the EMIL project in the 1950s. The development was preceded by serious scientific research - all the necessary characteristics were previously calculated using complex formulas. Based on calculations, a draft version of the drawing was prepared in 1951, but it was abandoned in favor of later versions.

Detailed TTX Emil 1951

Machine durability 1400
Hull armor, mm 100/20/30
Turret armor, mm 180/35/20
Engine power, hp 400
Turret traverse speed, deg/s 20
Chassis turning speed, deg/s 30
Obzor, m 360
Number of shells in the magazine, pcs 3
Maximum speed, km/h 50/16
Specific power, hp/t 15.16
Armor penetration, mm 217/242/53
Damage, HP 320/320/420
Dispersion at 100 m 0.36
Aiming time, sec 2.5
Reload time between shots 2.5
Magazine reload time, sec 28
Elevation angles, degrees -12/14

Booking Emil 1951

Appearance of Emil 1951

Screenshots of Emil 1951

There is a huge variety heavy tanks: From slow, heavily armored mastodons that can "tank" enemy projectiles for a long time, to fast drummers that deal high concentrated damage in a short period of time. But all of them are united by a large margin of safety and an impressive caliber of guns.

When playing heavy tanks, don't think you're invincible. Like any combat vehicle, heavy tanks have their weaknesses. Traveling to the center of the map with the certainty that your armor, no matter how thick it is, will withstand any projectile is stupid. Soberly evaluate your strengths and the capabilities of your tank.

We have studied absolutely all presented on this moment(beginning of May 2016) heavy tanks in World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about which of them are the best.

Tier V - KV-1 (USSR)

"Klim Voroshilov" at the 5th level. If you are a beginner, a fan of the "sand bend", or just want to "farm" (yes, despite the low level, the KV-1 is able to generate income without any problems), then this tank is for you. Armoring 75 mm in a circle allows you to "tank" the shells of classmates, and a decent F-30 gun inflicts stable damage of 160 damage every 4 seconds. It is also possible to install the U-11 howitzer. With this gun and a full load of HEAT rounds (one-time damage of which is 370 and a penetration of 160 mm), the KV-1 turns into an annihilator that can spoil life even for the 6th and 7th levels. But in this case, you will have to forget about the “farm” of silver.


  • excellent booking among classmates,
  • good selection of guns
  • easy to learn.


  • lack of dynamics
  • ineffective in the stock configuration.

Tier VI - KV-2 (USSR)

C - "stability". One word can fully characterize the KV-2. In fact, we have a hull from the KV-1, a tier 5 tank, with a "birdhouse" instead of the usual turret. But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the M-10 howitzer. 152 mm at the 6th level! With this caliber, there is not much need to think about the choice of ammunition. Land mines are our everything. The damage of each projectile is 910 units when it penetrates (hello, "Borschi"!). But even if we don't penetrate the enemy vehicle, we will inflict damage in the region of 390 units, which is a serious argument even at levels 7-8. True, we pay for this with a reload time of 24 seconds, which, to put it mildly, is a long time.


  • big one-time damage,
  • good alternative 107 mm gun,
  • stable "damage" when playing on the M-10,
  • teaches calm and reasonable play.


  • the dynamics are even worse than those of the KV-1;
  • very long recharge;
  • insufficient armor at level 6.

Tier VII - T29 (USA)

One of the most popular tanks at tier 7 is the T29 American Herald of Democracy. "Cheburashka", as the players dubbed it, having a practically impenetrable turret (279 mm in frontal projection), received a rather loose body with 102 mm armor in the forehead without any special slopes. And at the 7th level, such a reservation is no longer enough. It immediately becomes clear that you need to try to hide the hull, showing your solid tower, in which, by the way, an incredibly strong gun is located. With 189mm penetration and 320 damage, you won't feel weak when playing T29.


  • beautiful tower armor,
  • high armor penetration
  • good accuracy and convergence,
  • wide angles of vertical aiming of the gun.


  • large size and high silhouette of the car,
  • low mobility.

Tier VIII - IS-3 (USSR)

The tank that took place at the victory parade in Berlin, frightened the countries of the "allies" - IS-3. It has it all: dynamics that allows you to be at the forefront of the battle; the top-end BL-9 cannon with 390 damage already familiar to Soviet "heavyweights" and with increased armor penetration up to 225 mm, which can slap even machines at a higher level; there is armor both in the turret (249 mm from the forehead) and in the hull with the famous “pike nose” and “chito-screens”. Only frequent “crits” and explosions of the ammo rack can upset, since it is located in the forehead of the IS-3.


  • the strongest gun BL-9,
  • maneuverability,
  • low tank silhouette,
  • shielded boards,
  • "pike nose".


  • narrow angles of horizontal aiming,
  • often critical ammo rack,
  • small vision at level 8.

Tier IX - E 75 (Germany)

At level 7, an improved version of the "King Tiger" E75. As is common with many German heavy tanks, the E 75 is fairly well armored and has a strong gun. But, in addition to this, it is more dynamic than its predecessors. This Teutonic knight, with a decent mass of 88 tons and a good speed for a heavy tank, is able to successfully ram most of his enemies. "Eshka" is one of the most versatile heavy tanks.


  • decent dynamics for a heavy tank,
  • strong booking,
  • powerful and penetrating weapon,
  • one of the best tanks for ramming.


  • pretty big silhouette
  • not the smallest commander's cupola (bad for point-blank combat).

Tier X - IS-7 (USSR)

And at level 10, the Soviet IS-7. No matter how many years have passed, no matter how many tanks with Überlaserguns have been introduced, the IS-7 has always stood apart and has not lost its relevance. He has practically no weaknesses in armor: a monolithic tower has 240 mm in the forehead, the "pike nose" consists of 150 mm plates at a good slope ... Only the NLD (lower frontal detail) is a weakness, but if you hide it behind a small stone, you can hold back even the most powerful projectiles. The 130-mm gun, although it has a very mediocre mixing and dispersion, can inflict quite good damage of 490 HP. But for such armor and the IS-7 gun, it pays with mobility. With a top speed of 59 km/h, a tank can only reach it from a hill. But despite this, the IS-7 remains loved by many players.


  • almost ultimatum booking,
  • high burst damage
  • boards with screens,
  • does not require special skills to master.


  • weak dynamics,
  • not the best penetration for armor-piercing shells.

Well, we cannot but rejoice at your activity in the latest issue of „ . By popular demand, this time we will plunge into level 8 and see what will help us raise the statistics or how not to go into the red.
Indeed, tier 8 tanks can be called the zero line. The fact is that they farm weakly, and if you lose, you can even go into the red. This is where it is important to choose the right unit, on which you will have a better chance of winning. I want to say right away that level 8 is very demanding on crew perks, not to mention equipment. Sometimes a tank in stock is just a dull scrap metal, but in the top configuration, it tears and flies.
Pardon my digression, let's get down to the facts.
As always, we start the analysis with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

Hmm… To be honest, I expected slightly different results. But it all depends on the player and the ability to play on a particular tank. Some stuff a statue on IS-3, which is actually a very cool tank, others (like me) crush everyone into T-32 and game on IS-3 doesn't add up. There are many opinions and I will not dare to advise choosing one or the other technique. Look at the table - draw conclusions.
Well, we are moving on and next in line we have medium tanks.

medium tanks

Everything is clear here. Destroyer of all times and peoples Type 59 occupies an honorable line in our table. Those who once met this tank in battle will say dreamily: “Here I would be like that!” Unfortunately, this tank cannot be bought, but there is a good opportunity to win it. For those who are not in the know, let's move on to the news about participation in.
Looks very good according to the results of the British battles Centurion and Soviet Object 416, but I will say right away that playing on the Object is not an easy one, since it has a rear turret and this will not always be an advantage. I can advise myself M26 Pershing or drum T69.

Light tanks

Well, we are approaching the class of light tanks. You all already know that since patch 9.3, new LTs have been introduced into the game. Unfortunately, too little time has passed to get a clear picture, so we will omit them for now.

There is no need to talk about some outstanding values. If you compare these machines, then of course preference must be given AMX 13 90. Let's see how the new fireflies perform. In addition, the developers want to lower the view of all tanks in favor of the LT, which I think will serve as a revival of this class.
Be that as it may, we will take a look at what we have with the PT class. Who to choose, whom to bypass the distant forest.

tank destroyer

Judging by the results of our table, it is clear that the AT-15 with the Borschik have a good basis for bending. But as I said, how you will use this or that PT is of great importance. I just want to draw your attention to the fact that Borshchik is simply wildly popular with players, this cannot but prompt reflection.

Well, in the meantime, we are approaching final class our game at level 8. Of course, these are everyone's favorite (possibly in quotation marks) self-propelled guns. Who will be the leader?

Hand on heart, I can't say anything about artillery. I know that they shoot painfully, but I don’t ride it myself. So, based on the results, I can not note M40/M43 outperforming its competitors in every way. Perhaps she will be your key to victory. Ride, try, write your opinion.

Well, I'm coming to the end of our review. I hope I was able to convey to you the complexity of choosing tanks at this level. Once again I want to make a reservation that the figures at the time of publication of the article may differ slightly from reality. Write your wish, what level of technology you would like to see next time.

And I wish you success on the battlefields and see you again.

Prepared by: rho3

The main function of a light tank is to detect the enemy and transmit data about his location to the allies. Therefore, one of the most necessary qualities for a light tank is the viewing range. To quickly detect the enemy, a light tank must have a very high speed. High speed will allow a light tank to occupy advantageous combat positions in the middle of the battle map from its very first minutes.

Based on all these tactical tasks, the best Tier 8 light tank is Ru 251. This tank has a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour, which allows it to be behind enemy lines from the first minutes of the battle. Sometimes the outcome of a battle is decided by artillery, and its early detection makes it possible to predetermine the result of a duel. Tank Ru 251 has weak, like all light tanks, armor. But with its cannon, just like medium tanks, it can penetrate up to 190 millimeters of enemy armor, while causing damage up to 230 units. Combined with the tank's low profile, this gun allows it to actively fire from ambush.

Best Tier 8 Medium Tank

The main task of a medium tank is to maintain the attack, as well as to detect the enemy. For such tasks, maximum visibility from the cab is required. The best such tank at level 8 is the American T 69 tank. It has a sight range of 400 meters.

Medium tanks need to support allied heavy tanks. Lacking thick armor, they can flank the enemy and fire into the rear of the tanks. The back of the tanks is always poorly protected. In addition, most tanks have fuel tanks and an engine in it. The T 69 tank has a drum loading method, so it can fire 4 rounds in a row. When breaking through the enemy, he will be able to disable several modules at once.

Best heavy tank tier 8

For heavy tanks, there are two main battle tactics. Defensive and offensive tactics or breakthrough tactics. The role of the best tank at level 8 is shared by two tanks: IS-3 and KT (King Tiger). The King Tiger is a very slow tank, but has better armor and is suitable for long-range defensive combat. The IS-3 has good driving characteristics combined with thick turret armor. But its inaccurate gun and slow reload speed make it only suitable for close combat.

/ Reply to online game:/ Which in World of Tanks is the best level 8 tank?

Which one in World of Tanks best tank Level 8?


It is not an easy task to say which is the best tank of tier 8 in World of Tanks, since the level is high and all the tanks presented on it are good in their own way. Yes, and a lot depends on the subjective preferences of the player and his playing style.

For example, the IS-3 and T32 are attack tanks, while the Royal Tiger, aka PzKpfw VIB Tiger 2, is a defense tank.

The IS-3 has good speed and maneuverability, the turret holds damage well. But at the same time, the weapon is rather inaccurate, the viewing angle is not the largest, and the rate of fire is not up to par.

The Royal Tiger, on the contrary, has an accurate gun with a high rate of fire, but at the same time, due to the massive armor that protects it so well, it has low maneuverability and low speed.

T32 is a maneuverable and high-speed vehicle, it has good armor on the turret, high accuracy, but at the same time a small caliber of projectiles. As a result, we will give the palm, perhaps, to this particular machine. She is good in everything, except for confrontation with overall enemy tanks with powerful armor. True, skillful hands with this machine will become a huge threat to absolutely any opponent, no matter what he performs on. And in urban battles, the T32 is completely perfect.