The best Druid decks are the most diverse class of the Witchwood. The final stage of the game. Golem Druid Tactics

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On this page you will find a large number of top Druid decks, as well as cheap Druid decks that are more suitable for Hearthstone beginners. Except large selection decks, you can familiarize yourself with detailed guides by Druid decks. Updated to reflect Rise of Shadows maps.

New Druid Decks:





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Basic Druid Archetypes in Hearthstone

Quest Druid

With the release of the Expedition to Un "Goro" add-on, cards of a new type appeared in the game - tasks (quests). To complete the task, a specific deck is required, as a reward you can get powerful cards, which in most cases serve as a condition for victory.

First (and this moment the only) task for the druid is the Giants of the Jungle. To complete the task, you need to summon several powerful creatures. The reward is Barnabus. This is a powerful creature that allows you to play all other creatures for free, quickly fill the board and suppress the enemy.

Druid with beasts

Beast Druid is an aggressive board-oriented archetype. He usually plays in a curve and takes advantage of the synergy of beasts available to the druid. He actively uses power-ups (Mark I "Sharaj, Animal Breeder) and finishes off opponents with the help of Wild Roar, Swipe and creatures with jerks.

Druid with Kun

Kun Druid is an archetype based on the powerful Kun card, Forgotten King, and related combinations. The ability to replenish mana crystals in combination with Aviana opens up incredible opportunities for using various finishing combinations, including with Malygos and K "Thun.

Jade Druid

The Jade Druid is a new archetype introduced in the game with the release of the Mean City Gadgetzan expansion. It combines a druid-only mana-gain mechanic with a jade golem mechanic that spawns an endless stream of empowered creatures. Jade Druid excels against control decks, but can struggle against aggressive opponents.

Rump Druid

The Rump Druid is an archetype that actively uses its class mechanics to gain additional mana crystals. He usually plays large creatures in large numbers and uses provocateurs to stabilize the situation and compensate for the slow start. Rump Druid is a serious threat to control decks, but he is less confident in fights against aggressive opponents.

Druid with spells

The Spell Druid is an archetype that actively uses spells to gain additional mana crystals and deal damage. The conditions for victory can be different - for example, Malygos, small enhanced creatures or Magic giants.

How to play a druid in Hearthstone

Druid is suitable for both beginners and professional players. It is currently ranked second in the list of most popular tournament decks (behind Warlock). In rating battles and in the arena, druid decks are used less often. Each new addition is invariably accompanied by the release of new interesting cards for a druid (with rare exceptions - for example, "Goblins and gnomes").

Druid is a lot of fun to play. There are several different playstyles and their corresponding deck types. The Druid is very competitive even at high ranks, where standard opponents are usually found who have copied their decks from the Internet.

The Druid Hero Power can be used both defensively and offensively. Either way, this is a great move if you have nothing to play. For example, the priest's hero power on the second turn is often useless. This is not the case with a druid. Druid is great for arena fights, where the ability to deal 1 damage. damage and not spend an extra card at the same time comes in handy, especially in matches with aggressive opponents.

The druid has access to powerful class cards, including Innervate and exuberant growth. These spells give him extra mana and allow him to play large creatures earlier than usual. Both cards are basic, so even novice players can use this mechanic.

AoE spells are effects that deal damage to multiple targets at the same time. They are used to clear the enemy board and are especially strong in fights against aggressive opponents who often play cheap creatures (for example, warlocks and hunters). Unlike normal spells, AoE spells hit creatures with stealth. The druid's AoE spell is called scope. It deals 4 damage. damage to the main target (enemy creature or hero) and 1 unit. damage to all other targets. This is the base map available from the start.

The druid has a huge potential for finishing blows using a combo Power of nature + wild roar. This combo allows you to deal 14 damage. damage for 9 units. mana. Savage Roar is a base card and Force of Nature is an epic quality card. To get it, you have to open a lot of sets or spend 400 units. dust. Screenshot illustrates game situation, in which the druid deals 29 damage. combo damage to a terribly disgruntled freeze mage.

29 units damage in one turn!

Druids excel in long matches. In their basic set there are powerful provocateurs - watch tree, tree of wisdom(used in the very best decks to draw or heal) and tree of war(another large creature, used for defense or for attack).

Druid class legendary cards are frankly disappointing. Many players like Cenarius, but it seems to me that it does not provide a significant advantage. Typically, a druid lacks targets to buff, and the taunts created by Cenarius don't make much of a difference to the game situation. However, this card can be used in combination with wild roar. Malorne is a new "indestructible" legendary creature from the Goblins & Gnomes expansion. However, nowadays opponents often use Evil eye and Polymorph, completely neutralizing Malorne. In addition, Malorne is vulnerable to Experienced hunter. There are neutral (and often cheaper!) legendary cards that give the druid an advantage even if the opponents instantly kill them. An example would be Doctor Boom(his name is Boom; Doctor Boom) or Ragnaros. Most likely, Malorne was conceived as part of a combo with Tree of Life but no one paid any attention to it.

Also worth mentioning is the Keeper of the Thicket. This creature silences or deals 2 damage. damage, i.e. combines the effect of two cards and at the same time has good characteristics for its cost (2/4). Druid of the Talon is another solid card that finds its way into many decks and is played in both Taunt and Rush forms.

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We continue the series of articles on basic decks. We have already told you how to make a good deck for and from the cards that you received when leveling your character to level 10 and going through the tutorial. This time we will talk about the basic deck for the Druid.

This deck is made up of basic cards - this means that all the cards that are used in it are received for training and for leveling the Druid to level 10. With obvious flaws, this deck is fairly balanced. With this deck, you will be able to defeat players who use rare, epic and even legendary cards in their decks in Play mode.

Please note that for successful game With this deck, like with everyone else, you must play it correctly and make the right decisions. To do this, we recommend that you read and.

Druid base deck strategy

Druid is a great base deck choice due to its strong base maps(e.g. Innervate, Swipe, and Wild Growth). The main goal of the deck is to take advantage of Innervate and Wild Growth and then play big minions earlier than usual. As a druid, you will learn how to manage mana and play the curve.

First of all, you should try to get starting hand Wild Growth and Illumination. They will allow you to get ahead of the enemy and seize the initiative. If you don't manage to get these cards, you can still counter your opponent by playing curved creatures.

First of all, you should learn how to properly use Insight and Wild Growth. The basic rule is: these cards should be used as soon as possible, because. over time, their value decreases. For example, a four-gem minion deployed on turn 2 will be stronger than a 7-gem minion deployed on turn five. If you have multiple Insights and Wild Growth in your hand, plan your next 3-4 turns in advance.

Card selection

In this section, we discuss some cards and how to use them effectively. We hope this information will help you succeed and shape other decks to your liking.

Insight is the key card of the deck. By deploying a strong minion early on, you can win the fight effortlessly. Frost Yeti deployed on Turn 2 (or even Turn 1 if you have the Coin) can smash the opponent to smithereens.

The claw is a powerful means of early board control. If you can't get a quick start with Innervate or Wild Growth, Talon will slow down the opponent and allow your creatures to live longer. Never use the Claw to damage an enemy character.

Mark of the Wild is a great buff that adds 4 to the board. characteristics and provocateur for only 2 crystals. River Crocolisk (on turn 1) + Mark of the Wild (on turn 2) is equivalent to Innervate + Frost Yeti.

The river crocolisk was chosen over the Bloodmarsh Raptor, as it pairs better with Mark of the Wild.

Range is one of best cards base set. It is used as an AoE spell and allows you to finish off additional targets with 1 pt. health.

Starfire is a very important card. The ability to kill a creature with 5 pts. health provides a profitable exchange, tk. in the base set, rather strong creatures have such a supply of health.

The Watch Tree is the undisputed trump card of the deck. Before setting up the tree, try to lure important spells (like Hex or Polymorph) from the enemy with Frost Yeti or Boulderfist Ogre. In addition, with the help of Innervate and Wild Growth, the tree can be placed on the first moves. The tree has great attack power and will deal a lot of damage if the opponent can't deal with it in time.

Other cards

In this section, we will look at cards that are not in the deck to determine their weaknesses.

Moonfire is not included in the deck, because. this is a very weak card. Beginners may decide that they need a free spell that does at least something. However, the number of cards in a deck is severely limited, and you can't afford to take up space with pretty useless cards.

Healing Touch is not included in the deck because it doesn't have much effect on the game situation. Another common beginner mistake is overestimating the number of health units. There are more important factors in the game that determine victory. These include card advantage, board advantage, and development pace. Spending 3 crystals on healing will not affect any of them.

Wild Roar has been removed from the deck because without access to the Force of Nature, it is of little use. Feral Roar is usually used in decks with a lot of small creatures. There are no such creatures in our deck, so the value of the roar is significantly reduced.

Changing cards

Of course, the base deck can be improved different ways. As you get new cards and dust, you will be able to make some replacements.

If you have Naxxramas open, consider following cards:

2x Delicious Zombie instead of 2x Claw. Delicious Zombie is usually more useful than Claw, as allows you to make a better exchange. However, the mechanics of these cards are different, so you can use one copy of the Claw and one zombie if necessary.

2x Slime Belcher instead of 1x Naga Healer and 1x Hero of Stormwind. Slime Belcher is one of the best cards in Naxxramas. There are very few good cards worth 5 crystals in the base set, so Belcher will be a worthy replacement. We are removing one Hero of Stormwind from the deck, as there aren't enough creatures to get the most out of a hero.

Listed below are other successful substitutions from expert kits. It should be noted that it is not worth spending dust to create these cards. It will be better to get them from the sets, and the dust will still be useful for you to create budget decks.

2x Druid of the claw instead of 2x Shieldbearer Sen "genie. Druid of the claw - very good creature worth 5 crystals. By replacing shield bearers with druids, you can flatten the mana curve and spend crystals more economically.

2x Harvester Golem instead of 2x Shin Dorei Priest. Harvest Golem is one of the best cards in the expert set. It is used in many decks. small creatures due to Innervate and Wild Growth are used quite rarely.

Guide changes history

  • 05/25/2015 - the deck has been updated
  • 04/03/2014 - the deck has been updated.

Jade Druid is a new top druid deck built around jade golems, each next golem gets +1/+1, up to a maximum of 30/30.

The Jade Idol allows them to be summoned indefinitely, and protects you from Fatig damage, which is very effective against slow control decks like control warrior.

Reno matches are favorable to us, but if Reno lock or a magician gets into a tempo, they can steal the victory from you, while one Kazakus can be grabbed.

Aggro pirate matches are very difficult, using Wild Growth on the second turn leads to a strong backlog, and as a result, a loss.

Here it increasingly depends on the hand of the opponent, rather than yours. So let's do right choice and hope for the best.

In the starting hand...

with control:

with aggro and mid:

Replacements for Jade Druid

To increase your chances with aggro decks, replacing Living Roots with one Herald of Doom will help you. This will clear the board and force the opponent to trade more often than to punch the face.

With control decks, we change the same Living Roots for another Auctioneer. Thus replacing an ineffective spell with a card that will significantly speed up your victory.

Genre card games loved by people all over the world. Therefore, when Hearthstone was released, it immediately gained popularity due to the use of all famous heroes Blizzard. Today we will tell you about how to choose and use the Druid deck correctly. Hearthstone requires luck in the game, and it all depends on how you will use the cards, so all the tips will be advisory in nature, but they will not guarantee you victory.

The foundation

If you already have experience playing for other characters, then you should know that it guarantees you to receive basic class cards up to level 10. Thus going and base deck Druid. Hearthstone provides this class with a large number of spells geared towards gaining a mana advantage in the early turns. Therefore, your main deck must have 2 Illumination cards and at least one Wild Growth card. The main mistake many players make is to use these two types on the first turn. It seems that you gain an advantage by having an extra crystal before the opponent, but in fact you miss the opportunity to put a minion for 5 mana on turn 3, and this can be a decisive factor in the duel.

In addition, the Druid has a fairly versatile hero power. He, like a mage or a rogue, gets the opportunity to deal 1 damage, but at the same time protects himself. And since "armor" stacks can accumulate, either gradually attacking the opponent's character, or removing cards from the table, you will increase your vitality.


So, having dealt with the features of the class, let's discuss what a Hearthstone druid deck for beginners should look like. We already agreed that you should have Innervate and Wild Growth in your hand, but what other spells will you need?

Without fail, take the "Sign of the Wild" and "Claw". These inexpensive spells will come in handy when you decide to buff the main creature on the board or want to help take out a fat enemy creature. In addition, they are useful in that you can heal your "beast" with their help. For example, a furious warrior who gives you an attack when you use a hero power.

Another indispensable spell is Swipe. Kills the enemy with 4 hp and deals damage to all other creatures. It is especially effective against paladins and druids who spam the board with a lot of cheap and weak creatures.

"Starfire" - useful, but expensive card. 5 damage will allow you to remove a lot of really strong enemy creatures, but the cost of 6 mana is a very strong shortcoming.


Now let's look at creatures. Our choice, of course, is small, but what can we do? Use Frost Yeti, Acid Ooze, and Cleric Shin Dorai early in the game, and replace Ooze with Bloody Marsh Raptor if needed.

For the second half of the match, the following cards will come in handy: "Shield bearer Sei" Gene "," Naga Healer ". A good option would be to use Boulderfist Ogre. Remember that with the card" Innervate ", you can use these creatures much earlier than the enemy .

At the end of the match, when the enemy doesn't have strong spells like "Liquidation", "Burial" and others that instantly remove spells from the table, you can use your trump cards - "Hero of Stormgart" and "Watch Tree".

For beginners

If you have already played Hearthstone, opened several sets, but you are still far from the legend, then you may need cards that are not difficult to obtain. In a pinch, you can create them from dust for a relatively low cost.

So what else can a Hearthstone Druid deck contain. Budget or not, the following cards are useful.

Faerie Whelp is immune to targeted spells, but has the same stats as Bloodmarsh Raptor. Playing such a card in the first two turns, your opponent will be forced to either spend an AoE spell or make a trade with the help of other creatures. With all this, the dragon receives bonuses from other creatures (for example, the "Hero of Stormgart").

"Delicious Zombie" is able to replace the "Claw", as it allows you to more profitably exchange creatures, but only for this. It is useless to damage the hero with them, because after death he will still restore 5 hp to the enemy.

Many cards can be replaced with Druids. They are absolutely universal, because they allow you to choose the aspect you need at the moment. And since Hearthstone is a situational game, it is precisely such creatures that are in great demand at any stage of the match.

It would also be nice to replace "Starfire" with a similar card - "Starfall". It costs 1 mana less, but is also situational, since you can deal 2 damage to all enemies with it.


The Hearthstone Druid deck is versatile in many ways. But even here you can find cards that do not really fit into the big picture.

For example, "Wild Roar". Very useful when you get "Force of Nature" or make a deck of many small creatures. Until then, it is much more profitable to keep a beast of the same mana instead.

Healing Touch is very effective in the late game and can be a great help in an Expert deck. In the basic options, restoring 8 health for 3 mana is wasted crystals.

Moonfire is a free spell, but only deals 1 damage. It is very difficult to imagine such a situational map. If you are not using creatures with increased spell power, then this map will be a dead weight for the whole match.

As you can see, in Hearthstone deck"Druid" has many different variations even in its basic configuration, unlike some other classes, in which many cards are not used at all.


Finally, it's time to talk about more advanced decks. For example, what can get after one of the additions Hearthstone Druid? The Naxxramas deck contains many useful cards for all classes. Let's look at what you can get in normal mode.

Possessed Creeper will be useful for Decks based on Feral Roar. Deathrattle will allow you to summon additional creatures before the dash.

The Nerubian Egg is one of the bases of the Eggdruid. You can either activate it yourself with the help of "Wild Roar", while also exchanging it for someone else's creature, or use it as insurance in case the enemy uses mass spells.

"Meksna" can become a good tank in combination with many buffs inherent in the Druid class. Use Mark of the Wild on her and heal with Healing Touch if necessary.

Slime Belcher is a wonderful taunt minion used in many decks of most classes. Most importantly, to remove him from the battlefield, the enemy will need either "silence + damage", or two hits, taking into account the appearance of a new provocateur.

The rest of the creatures from this Hearthstone adventure are a stretch to accept in the Druid deck, as they can be replaced with more suitable options.


Finally, let's look at some Hearthstone legend. allows you to collect a wide variety of decks, but the "On dragons" option is especially successful. Now we will briefly describe the deck that became a legend in season 22.

Of the spells, both the already familiar Illumination, Swipe, Wild Growth, and the slightly more rare Wrath are used to get extra cards.

For normal creatures, you can use Delicious Zombie, Brann Bronzebeard, Master Hunter, Claw Druid, Tree of Wisdom, and Dr. Boom. These cards are included at the expense of their abilities to help maintain board control. When you have received it, you can start using dragons.

What dragon hearthstone cards deck "Druid" can use with maximum efficiency? The expensive Nefarian, Ysera, Alexstrasza, Chromaggus will definitely come in handy for you. With Innervate, you can put them on the board much sooner. Of the cheaper and non-legendary dragons, it is worth using the "Twilight Guard", " Azure Dragon", "Wonderwing Dragon", as well as creatures whose abilities depend on the presence of dragons in the deck - "Blackwing Technician" and "Blackwing Destroyer".

Hello dear site readers!

Today, your attention is a selection of the best decks of the Druid class. Fans of Malfurion can rejoice: this is truly the most versatile and diverse class to date, with an unusually large number of different archetypes, each of which has its own advantages. Of course, not all Druid decks are equally strong, some are more for the "fan", but the very fact of such a wide range of archetypes draws attention to itself. So, get comfortable and choose a deck to your liking!

Deck Taunt Druid Witchwood

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Taunt Druid slightly passed recent times. It's no secret that Zoolok, breaking into the meta so quickly, undermined the morale of many slow decks. Taunt Druid did not escape this fate either - as a result, the meta said goodbye to the lion's share of representatives of this archetype. However, he can still compete for a place in the sun: Taunt Druid is still one of the most popular (if not the most) decks of the class.

Deck Token Druid Witchwood

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Token Druid is perhaps the most aggressive of all members of the class. If other archetypes have to wait a long time to play their combinations, accumulate resources and defend silently, then this one is ready to keep opponents on their toes from the middle of the game. Even a Big Spell Mage can't overcome his board-filling combinations, because you need to clear two waves of creatures at once, and it's not so easy to find such a number of AoE removals for a small price.

Big Druid Deck Witchwood

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Big Druid showed himself even before the rotation standard mode while assisted by Y'Shaarj and Lord Deathwing. Now Big Druid has changed somewhat and uses other assistants. The most interesting thing about this deck is that it is incredibly versatile and open to experimentation. The player can choose heavy creatures to their liking, there are practically no restrictions. There are versions with and without Hadronox, some prefer Tyrantius, some prefer Deathwing, and this is not the limit of possible variations. Big Druid can make impressive combinations with Master Oakheart, fill the table in an instant and win thanks to giant creatures.

Deck Malygos Druid Witchwood

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Malygos Druid was a meta destroyer quite recently, a couple of weeks ago he suddenly started to destroy everyone in his path. It is sad that the peak of his fame is behind him, and now the ubiquitous Zoolok is reaping the fruits of popularity, but Malygos Druid has remained a quite competitive deck even now. A beautiful, beautiful and complex deck to perform - it's all about Malygos Druid.

Whirlwind Deck Druid The Witchwood

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Spindly Druid or Mill Druid is a great way to remember how the good old mill decks work, which seemed to fade into oblivion after the Vashj'ir Oracle. This archetype has found other methods to burn opponents' decks, with the help of the King of the Sagging. A slow and patient mill deck will not leave indifferent any fan of this style of play. The disadvantage is that it is seriously inferior to aggression, but if you choose a mill deck to move up in the rating, be prepared for hard and intense fights.

Big Spell Deck Druid Witchwood

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Who said Big Spell Druid is a relic of the past? Most recently, the xBlyzes player took the top 10 Legends with his help, and this says a lot. Big Spell Druid is a rare archetype at the moment, but you shouldn't discount him. This is a great tempo deck that can beat many slow opponents. Yes, it is inferior to aggressive decks, so the popular Zoolock and Odd Rogue can be difficult, but if you decide to choose Big Spell Druid to move forward on the ladder, you should obviously be ready for difficulties. This is a great option for those who are tired of the monotony and want to conquer the heights with something unusual for today's meta, as well as for those who want to revisit the familiar style of play and just nostalgic.

Deck Druid on Devilsaurs Witchwood

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Druid on Devilsaurs is perhaps the rarest guest on the ladder, this combo deck was played a lot more often about a month ago. However, it is a worthy choice for lovers of fun and beautiful combinations. It vaguely resembles Taunt Druid, as it uses the beast synergy with Witchtime and Carnivorous Cube, so the playstyle is largely identical to Taunt Druid. However, this deck is more aggressive and, with good luck, can defeat an opponent in 2-3 moves.

So, the list of the most interesting Druid decks has come to an end. The class is really striking in variety, the Druid performs in a variety of roles, allowing you to choose heroes to your liking. From aggressive to slow, from combos to midrange decks, Druid has just about everything.

What surprises will Hearthstone bring to its fans in early August? What Druid decks will be popular then, and is there something in store for players that they couldn't even imagine? Perhaps the most popular deck will be Druid on the ancients? Share your wildest guesses in the comments.

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