Secrets of playing sea battle on your phone. Naval battle tactics. Rules how to play sea battle on a piece of paper

Sea battle is enough simple game, but due to the fact that you cannot see the enemy ships in it, it can sometimes be quite difficult to win a battle. Although you will need to land a few random shots before the first hit, with a strategic approach to shooting you can increase your chances of winning. Also, the probability of victory can be increased by a well-thought-out placement of ships that will puzzle your opponent.

Maximization of hits on enemy ships

Shell the center playing field. Statistically, the chance of the first shot hitting the ship will be higher if you aim at the center of the playing field.

The central area of ​​the playing field with an area of ​​four by four squares with a high probability can contain a four-deck or three-deck ship.

To increase the chances of hitting an enemy ship, fire at the playing field parallel lines. Imagine the playing field as chessboard, where half of the squares are dark and half are light. Each large ship, starting from a two-deck one, will occupy at least two cells of the playing field, one of which will necessarily be dark. Thus, if you randomly shoot only even or only odd numbers of squares, then you will reduce the number of possible shots before hitting the ship.

As soon as your shot hits the enemy ship, you will stop random firing and start target shooting at the ship.

In order not to get confused with the dark and light squares of the playing field, imagine that the diagonal line running from its upper left to the lower right corner consists of dark squares. And the diagonal from the top right to the bottom left corner consists of light squares. This will serve as a guide for you to accurately determine the color of the squares you are going to shoot at.

After two misses in one area, move on to shelling the next area. If you miss twice in one area of ​​the playing field, try your luck in another area. In such a situation, you will be less likely to miss again if you cover a large area with shelling, and do not continue to shell a bad area.

Targeted shelling after the first hit on the ship

Reduce the area of ​​fire after hitting a ship. After the first hit, you need to reduce the area of ​​fire to the nearest cells horizontally and vertically around the successful shot. Unless the ship is single decked and sunk with the first shot, you will need a few extra shots to sink it.

Shoot the area around the successful shot. Shoot at the nearest cell above, below, to the right or left of a successful shot to continue shelling the ship. If a new shot on one side is a miss, next time shoot in the opposite direction. Keep shooting until you completely destroy the enemy ship. You will learn about this from the enemy himself, since he will have to announce that his ship has been sunk.

To sink even more enemy ships, repeat everything from the very beginning. After the first ship sunk, you will have to return to random shelling of the playing field (or its center) in order to find the next ship. Then repeat the targeted bombardment around the hit point until the next ship sinks. This approach to the game allows you to reduce the number of moves required to sink all enemy ships and win the game.

In the sea the battle everyone probably played - even in those days when there were no computer and electronic games, it was allowed to use an ordinary notebook sheet and a pen in order to play sea ​​battle with relatives or friends. It would seem that wins and losses in this game are distributed randomly, but in reality there is a strategy of successive shots that will allow you to win much more often than usual.


1. In the Sea Battle game, you place ten ships on your playing field - a four-deck, two three-deck, three double-deck and four single-deck ships.

2. It is more advantageous for everyone to place all the ships, in addition to the four single-deck ones, along the edges of the field vertically and horizontally.

3. Place single-deck ships randomly in any free cells of the field - this will make it difficult for the enemy to find them and give you a chance to gain time to win, because your enemy will detect multi-deck ships located along the edges of the field quite quickly. The reason for this is that the playing field consists of 100 cells, while six ships will occupy 16 cells of them.

4. By placing ships along the edges of the field, you will make only a few cells around inactive when they are defeated, while placing a three-deck ship in the center of the field will immediately make 12 inactive cells around it inactive, which means it will narrow down the search for new ships for the enemy.

5. The more energetic cells for shots the enemy has, the more likely you are to knock out his ships with a safe hit.

6. It is also true that by placing a four-deck ship in the center of the field, you lose as many as 14 empty cells around it. If the ship is placed on the edge of the field, you will lose every 8 cells. Thus, if you add up all the inactive cells remaining from the ships located at the edges, you will get enough big win in time and in the number of free fields for the enemy.

7. In order to overcome with virtually one hundred percent probability, starting the game, shoot at the center of the opponent's field. So you realize whether he has placed his ships in the center of the field, or adheres to your tactics.

8. Play in stages - if you hit a ship, go through each of its decks until the ship is sunk. Then proceed to search for another ship.

9. At the very end, step by step, based on the remaining cells, look for single-deck enemy ships.

The Sea Battle game has been helping people pass the time in lessons, lectures, lunch breaks or just cold winter evenings for over 80 years. During this time, many generations have changed, but the game still remains relevant. Although it is being replaced by more modern and dynamic computer games, today it is almost impossible to find a student who does not know how to play sea battle and what it is all about. I will tell you about the rules of the game, as well as describe the winning tactics. Consider how to play sea battle.

Rules of the game

The playing field of each player is a 10x10 square on which ships are placed. The field must contain numeric and alphabetic coordinates (numbers 1-10 vertically, and letters from a to k horizontally). For classic game four single-cell ships (submarines), three two-cell ships (destroyers), two three-cell ships (cruisers), and one four-cell ship (battleship) are used. They are drawn inside the square. According to the rules, the ships must not touch. It is best to play on a piece of paper in a box, because the drawing of ships is an outline of the cells. One deck - one cell. Ships can be placed both horizontally and vertically. Next to his square, the player draws a second one, on which he marks "shots" at the enemy. When hitting an opponent's ship, a cross is placed on a foreign field. The hit player takes another shot.


  • The number of ships does not meet the rules
  • The ships are located close to each other
  • Changed field size
  • Wrong coordinates specified

Game process

  • Players decide who goes first
  • The player making the move names the coordinate on which, in his opinion, the opponent's ship is located. For example, square A1.
  • On a miss, the opponent must say "Missed!", on a hit, "Hit", "Wounded" or "Killed", depending on the size of the ship.
  • The game continues until all ships of one of the players are sunk.

How to win in a sea battle

This strategy is one of the many options for building a battle. Its essence lies in the fact that all large ships (from two to four cells) are located in one corner of the field and as compactly as possible. But single-cell ships are scattered across the rest of the field. As a result, your opponent will quickly find the grouping zone big ships quite quickly and will begin to mercilessly destroy them. At this point, he will feel like a real genius, but we know what the catch is. During the time that the opponent spends searching for small ships, you will most likely have time to understand his tactics and destroy most of the ships, thereby making him nervous. The rest is already a matter of technology. This article talked about the rules, the process of the game and gave examples of winning tactics on how to win in a sea battle. With a competent approach, all of the above can serve as a good knowledge base for getting the most out of the game.

"Sea Battle" is an exciting and simple game that does not require special tools and special knowledge. It can be played both on a computer and on paper, and only the second option was once used, since there was no other possibility. Not everyone knows how to play Sea Battle, because either there was no opportunity to learn, or there was no “teacher”. In any case, such knowledge can be useful. The rules of the game "Sea Battle" are simple, anyone can remember them, regardless of age and level of intelligence.


The game "Sea Battle" has long conquered many people. It is interesting, exciting, and most importantly - does not require any costs. To play with a person together, you will need two sheets of paper in a cage (preferably) and two pens (or 2 pencils).

"Battleship" is useful not only because it allows you to have a good time. The game also contributes to the development strategic thinking and intuition. If you and the person know each other, you have the opportunity to use information about the enemy. For example, your assumptions about how he could place the ships so that they are hard to find, how you would place if you were in his place, can be confirmed and help win.


Well, you can proceed to the main part. Now you will learn how to play Sea Battle:

1. First you need to draw two squares of 10x10 cells on a piece of paper (of course, it’s easier to draw on a sheet in a cell). Then, in both figures, put down the letters from A to K on the top row (from left to right, skipping E and Y), and to the left of the squares - the numbers from 1 to 10 (top to bottom).

2. On the left square you need to place:

  • 1 ship, consisting of 4 cells;
  • 2 ships, consisting of 3 cells;
  • 3 ships, consisting of 2 cells;
  • 4 ships, consisting of 1 cell.

Ships cannot touch each other either on the sides or on the corners. It is important that there is at least one free cell between them. Ships can touch the edges of the playing field, and they must be located only vertically and horizontally (not diagonally).

The right square must remain empty.

3. The goal of each player is to destroy enemy ships. The one who goes first (by agreement or by chance (using lots)), calls the coordinates (letter-number), looking at the right empty square. For example, E7. The opponent looks at his left drawing, where his ships are located, and answers:

a) past;
b) injured;
c) killed.

The first option means that the player has landed on an empty cell, that is, he has not landed anywhere. He marks this place in his right square so as not to choose it a second time (most often with a cross, but in any other convenient way), and meanwhile the turn passes to the second player.

The second option means that the player got into a multi-deck ship (occupying from 2 to 4 cells). Having marked the right place on his card, a person has the right to the next move until he misses. So, if after shouting E7 the answer “wounded” followed, the player can call either E6, or F7, or E8, or D7 to finish off the wounded ship (by the way, this is not necessary, you can temporarily leave it alone and look for others) . The second player again answers "by", "wounded" or "killed".

The third option means that the enemy ship has been destroyed. If this happened from the first move, then it was single-deck (consisting of one cell), which can be called a great success. If from the second (for example, after E7 the player said E6), then it is double-deck, etc. After knocking out the ship, as well as after being wounded, the player moves until he receives the answer "by".

4. The turn passes from one player to another in case of a miss and is delayed by one of the opponents in case of a successful hit. The person who first finds and destroys all enemy ships wins.

Other variations

Sometimes "Battleship" is on paper, and sometimes on a computer, as mentioned earlier. And if for the first option you need a real, live opponent, then in the latter case you can play with robots. True, firstly, it will not be so interesting (the reaction of the enemy when you sink his ship is priceless), and secondly, the opportunity to peep into the enemy fleet is absolutely excluded (we all understand that some people strive to cheat).

One way or another, it is not difficult to come up with other, more advanced versions of the game, it all depends on the imagination of the players and their desire / ability to experiment. It is important to immediately clarify all the rules, because if it is not clear to every person how to play the Sea Battle, the rules of which you came up with, nothing good will come of it, quality game will not work.

For example, you can add more cells to the "battlefield" (not 10x10, but 20x20, for example), and then either leave the number of ships or increase them. You can complicate the task so much that all the ships that the enemy needs to find are single-deck. You can make mines, when hit on which the enemy misses one turn. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to know everything in moderation.


That's it, now you've met new game and you know its rules. The question "how to play Sea Battle" should be settled. From now on, you and your friends will have something to do during boring lessons / lectures or at work, if there is an opportunity to be close to each other and write on sheets of paper.

If you have not tried to play Sea Battle, then most likely you have been abandoned by aliens. Because in the to-do list of a Russian schoolboy, the game "Battleship" is marked as "a sure remedy for boredom" and today is the time to make sure!

Let's learn how to play Sea Battle online - in Russian for free and without registration. You don't even need an opponent - fight the computer! Let's start with the basics.

Rules how to play sea battle on a piece of paper

Original Battleship - Classical board game on tactics and attentiveness, where two players were supposed to draw 2 10 × 10 grids on a piece of paper in a cell with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. The first is a field for placing your fleet of 10 ships so that the opponent does not see. The second is a battle plan with a mark of moves towards the enemy.

The fleet consists of:

  • 1 "four-deck battleship";
  • 2 "three-deck cruisers";
  • 3 "double-deck destroyers";
  • 4 "single-deck boats".

When placing, a distance of 1 cell must be taken into account (ships should not touch either sides or sterns).

Each player in turn calls the other the possible coordinates of the target and, according to the answers: “past”, “wounded” or “killed”, he orients himself in the situation - he tries to build a strategy for destruction and analyze the plans of the opponent. Hitting the ship is rewarded with the right to make one more move.

AT online version you don’t need to draw anything in a sea battle and mark the coordinates of each point too - the computer will do this automatically and complement each move with a funny animation. You start playing first and can follow the statistics of moves.

How to arrange ships to win in Sea Battle

The most vulnerable targets are four-deck and three-deck ships, they are easy to identify if you shoot at an interval of three cells. Usually they are placed far apart, but in the same diagonal, at an angle. Get around this rule - put the ships more closely - all large vertically or horizontally.

Keep in mind the mandatory distance between the occupied positions: there can be no other targets within a radius of one cell from the wrecked ships.

Try to reduce the area of ​​occupied areas and confuse the enemy - place the smallest ships "in plain sight".

The enemy will definitely shoot near the point of impact to determine whether the downed warship is located - vertically or horizontally. To gain time and provoke a mistake, change the spatial arrangement of ships of the same type and use the edge of the grid to the maximum.

Think like an adversary. In most cases, enemy ships are located at a distance from each other, to complicate the task of identifying them, hit randomly, but remember the placement rules (there cannot be other occupied positions within a radius of one cell).

Ready to test how effective this method of playing Battleship is? Open the game in full screen and have a good battle! We are waiting for your results in the comments.


Use the computer mouse to click on the ship and hold the mouse down to drag the battleships onto the grid.

To change the position in space (turn horizontally or vertically) - hold Ctrl while the boat is out of the grid and only after that click and drag.