All versions of minecraft. Large selection of minecraft games online Minecraft first version play

If you are bored among the usual comfortable urban conditions, you urgently need shock therapy in the form of uncharted lands teeming with zombies. Minecraft games are preparing for you a lot of incredible adventures and amazing discoveries! Minecraft games for boys is an endless world in which everything depends on you. Only a real skillful earner and creator will be able to play Minecraft really cool and succeed in this unfriendly at first glance, but in fact a very pleasant and exciting world. Use all your ingenuity to survive and become the master of Minecraft games!

Minecraft is a game that became a hit almost immediately. Its main advantage over other games of the interesting sandbox genre is the maximum simplicity in everything. The idea of ​​the game is simple, the interface is as clear as possible, the goals in the game are the same. All surrounding virtual world Minecraft game consists of specially designed blocks (this applies to the landscape, and items with artifacts in the game, as well as the player).

In order to understand the essence of the game, you need to start with the fact that it is based on 4 special levels, four modes that are fundamentally different from each other:

creative or imaginative

You can even play using your favorite browser, but the version of the game may be outdated. In this mode, it is impossible to die, although sometimes you can still fall into a "trap" - fall into the so-called emptiness. All blocks are available in the quantity that you need right now, and the player is endowed with the ability to fly. In addition, the player's strength is increased and he can destroy the block with his strike.

survival mode

In this mode, everything is not so simple - the player must not only build, but also survive. What needs to be done for this? First of all, carefully monitor the scale of hunger and your health, find new inventory. In order to use blocks, you also need to get them. One day in this mode takes only 10 minutes, and there is a lot of work to be done. As soon as the sun sets behind the horizon, you will be attacked by various monsters, the strength of which primarily depends on the complexity of the game level.

Therefore, the primary task of every beginner is to take care of the shelter, build their own housing. If the player dies, his regeneration will take place near the bed in which he slept peacefully for the last time. Do not forget that after death all things will appear at the place of death. But do not forget that you only have half of the game day (5 minutes) to take them back, because then they disappear. If the door is wooden, the zombies can destroy it and break through.


The player has only one stock of his own lives. If a player dies, his world around him dies at the speed of a bullet. In most cases, everything will depend on the skills of the player, and on what level of difficulty he has chosen for himself.

adventure mode

The player can both receive and destroy blocks if he has the right tool.

Where to begin?

First of all, start extracting a tree, if you already have the honor of being in the middle of the forest. To get started with this important resource, 15 or 20 blocks will suffice. Do not forget about seedlings, from which a new tree can grow tomorrow, giving you new building material. If you cannot find a wooded area for a long time, do not run to the side, but move in the chosen direction until the very end. So your chances of finding the right wood will increase, and as a result, your chances of building housing and surviving will increase.

If you decide to choose Minecraft games for yourself, do not forget about the hunger parameter and collect food everywhere. Half a heart is a completely normal state for a player. If it's smaller, hurry up!

For everyone who loves to play minecraft games there are many ways! Someone becomes a warrior, someone a peasant, someone a hunter or a builder - everyone is united by one thing, in order to survive, you need to master a really useful craft, and not sit back. Minecraft flash games teach you to adapt to the most difficult conditions, find yourself, resist an aggressive external environment! Best Online Games Minecraft is available on our website for free! Challenge yourself in difficult conditions and prove to yourself and the world that you deserve your place on a square earth under a square sun.

If you come up with a second name for Minecraft, then it will sound like “Get and build!”. This phrase will clearly and concisely explain to you the whole essence of the game and its main tasks. It is the construction and extraction of resources that will occupy your main time in the game. These processes should be given the main share of attention, since they determine the level of your development in the game as a character. Only with the help of these two actions will you eventually be able to turn a lifeless and boring corner into a heavenly place where it will be most pleasant to be.

Minecraft was created in the sandbox genre. If as a child you had a passion for building sandcastles and other structures, then this game will definitely be one of your favorites. All you need to successfully complete the game - maximum imagination, perseverance, common sense and a little bit of humor, because the characters here look so funny. But do not overdo it with the construction of different structures, as some of them can sometimes be completely unnecessary. If you have energy that has nowhere to go, direct it to destroy enemies, which, by the way, are also available in this game. Developing new resources and fighting with attackers is very important, otherwise everything in Minecraft will stop and be destroyed. Do not plunge headlong into building luxurious castles on your land. You will need to live in these castles, so do self-defense at the same time so that their creator still survives and can continue to live happily in my construction masterpieces.

Time to build your Minecraft!

All Minecraft games provide users with a world of unlimited possibilities that they can use according to their own design. You can realize yourself in creativity, in military affairs, show some of your new talents and skills, and much more. However, before you feel like a full-fledged master of your Minecraft world, you will have to sweat a lot and live by the rules that circumstances will dictate.

At first, you need to devote only one thing - searching for places, and then extracting resources from there. You may need them in order to build a dwelling for your character, or to build various useful outbuildings. When these two tasks are completed, the remaining resources can be spent on improving the territory.

If the hero is not real, this does not mean that he does not need to be fed. In no case should this be forgotten, because if the main character does not have the strength, then everything that was built by him in this three-dimensional world will die out and will no longer be suitable. As in the real human world, food can be obtained here different ways and use it in different ways. You can kill any animal and eat its meat raw. But everything will be better for your character if you fry it first. In addition to the fact that fried meat in Minecraft will better satisfy your hero’s hunger, raw meat can often be poisonous, so be careful with this way of eating food. In addition to meat, you can eat bread, the grain for which you need to grow yourself.

What generally needs to be done?

In order to build different buildings, of course, tools are needed. Here they are also available, and make it possible not only to modify the relief, but also to improve materials. The developers made this feature in order to bring the Minecraft world as close as possible to the real one. Before making an item, the raw materials for it will go through several stages of processing in order to eventually turn into a quality material.

Agree, if the world of Minecraft was always perfect, bright and radiant, we would quickly get tired of this game. But the developers took this moment into account, and therefore added a drop of evil to this paradise. And this evil is presented here in the form of enemies that periodically attack the lands of Minecraft. Your hero in the game is not immortal, he can die in any danger. A very unexpected move for a sandbox, right? Watch the little ones play in the sandboxes and fight for possession of one spade. After all, when they hit each other with this spatula, they do not spare their opponent at all. Approximately the same thing happens in Minecraft when enemy soldiers attack your lands. Be extremely careful and attentive in battle, because the struggle for power is always somewhat reminiscent of a war, even in such a three-dimensional, cosmic world.

In this strategy, the consequences are closely related to what kind of decision you make during the game. Consider the outcome of events after your hero dies. First development option further developments: You wake up in your bed at the moment when the game has been rewound to the point where you fell asleep the last time. Only all those things that were with your character at the place of his death will remain there, and you will have only half an hour to return them back to yourself. Another version of the development of events can be called more humane. When the Hardcore mode was developed, the developers put into it the concept that a creation cannot outlive its creator. In the Minecraft game, this is demonstrated as the death of the world you created in the event that its character who built it dies. If this scares you and you do not want to constantly walk on the edge of a knife, risking everything that you managed to earn in the game, do not choose this mode. But fans of extreme sports are advised to play only in Hardcore mode.

Reality game

Minecraft games on our site are absolutely free, and provide only a few options for the development of events in which the main character of the three-dimensional world can die. What could be the cause of his death? Almost all. This is due to the fact that the game is as close as possible to the realities of our modern world where the danger of death really awaits us around almost every corner. Take, for example, fasting. If you constantly forget to feed your hero, and one day you completely forget about his need, he will die, as any of us would die in such a situation. Therefore, do not forget to periodically pay attention to the satiety scale of your character.

Another cause of death is the wrong way to fight monsters. You can be mistaken, and take one of them for someone you think is not. After all, among them there are not only monsters angry at you, but also friendly creatures that can be tamed. When you encounter monsters that are aggressive against the character, then you need to deal with them wisely. Sometimes it will even be possible not to risk your life if you know what not to use to cause them to become aggressive towards you. For example, if there is a generated golem in some village, then it is better not to go there. When the time is peaceful, everything is fine there, but if danger is looming, the stone guard instantly comes to life and stands on his defense, which of course can harm your hero.

There are also such enemies who will always remain them, no matter how hard you try to establish relations with them. It is to this class that zombies can be attributed. They look very disgusting distinctive feature can be called square heads and a complete lack of brains. The most annoying thing is that when you defeat them, they are no longer of any use, because their meat is not edible and your character will not even be able to satisfy his hunger with them. Unlike other opponents, who often leave behind various resources, food and tools. You can take all this for yourself, because it is earned in a fair fight.

Of course, the creation of such a masterpiece as Minecraft could not but lead to the development of similar toys. This idea has already been implemented in a large number of games that we present to you on our website. Agree that when you want to play Minecraft again after a long break, it’s not very convenient to search for your favorite game in the forgotten folders of your computer. It is much more convenient to launch it online in an instant, which we allow you to do in the section with Minecraft games.

When entering the Minecraft world, the gamer gets access to the base character. This is Steve. He has minimal skills, but he can be upgraded to a cool hero or replaced with a stronger version. Depending on which mode Steve chooses, he will be able to create, build, walk, fly, fight.

The project has 4 main modes:

  1. Survival. Requires extraction and rational use of resources - to fight monsters, hunger, current dangers.
  2. Creation. Allows crafting, as well as unlimited use of blocks to change the existing world. The hero is immortal.
  3. Adventures. Offers to travel on maps, requires basic knowledge of survival. Destruction of blocks is carried out only with tools suitable for this.
  4. Hardcore. The game "in an adult way" - when a character dies, the entire game world is immediately erased from memory. It is impossible to restore the hero.

Playing Minecraft is easy and fun!

The site presents the best free collections for online games. Top headed by:

  • "Paper Minecraft" is a two-dimensional project with even more content, dungeons, blocks, maps.
  • Orion Sandbox is a Minecraft-style game where the action takes place on another planet.
  • Mine Blocks is a challenging 2D mining and world building game. Resources are located in the mines, and you can get them only with the help of special tools.

With each version and development, gamers discover new opportunities, skins, mods, maps, which makes the universe cooler and more interesting.

Virtual computer world creates for us the most incredible surrealisms, where, based on individual moments of realism, all other events are the fruit of the imagination of the authors of the toys. How will it appear before us and will we like to live in it the time that we decided to devote to the gameplay?

Offering you to play Minecraft games online, we must warn you that you are immersed in a world where everything is made of separate blocks:

  • nature;
  • people;
  • building;
  • other.

Moreover, you yourself will build this world, showing an unprecedented talent of an architect! This time everything is in your hands and depends on personal creativity. Minecraft games can be literally translated as mining games. Main character periodically appears in different game versions with the same pickaxe in his hands and with its help performs various useful actions, digging and building. By controlling it, you will feel like the creator of reality, and what it will be is up to you.

All free Minecraft games are available for your study and there is no reason to pass by such an exciting activity. Fantasists and lovers of the unusual will discover a new platform for founding own world in which everything is subject to your will. Cute houses with a personal plot will grow according to your personal desire, you just have to pre-dig more new blocks, controlling the main character. Or will it be a landing field for spaceship, or maybe you want to lay the construction of a large commercial complex? Even while playing about Minecraft, you will complete certain tasks, collect artifacts, defend the castle, or just enjoy a funny video about two friends: Jim and Duncan, who decided to relax on the seashore and did not expect the adventures that fell on them at all.

Minecraft games are always fun

Boys and girls will definitely like Minecraft games for free, but if the female half of the players prefer to create and create, practicing building magnificent houses and flower beds, then the boys will gladly fight for the liberation of their tower. There is a lot of work to be done, and you won’t get much rest in the war, especially if zombies and skeletons attack you. Use different weapons against them, and by collecting diamonds, sulfur, iron, cobblestones, bones of skeletons and zombie bodies, as well as other available bonuses, you create capital to fight against the enemy. You already have sixty-four precious diamonds, with which you have the right to buy swords and use them to keep the enemy out of your possessions, skillfully placing them on the outskirts. If the first part captured you in earnest, the continuation in the second series will delight you even more, as the developers have improved it and endowed it with new features, for example, choosing paths on the opening map. The main task is the same - not to let the hordes of invaders take over your castle, using wisely traps and combat protection.

Various Minecraft games online are available for free with a Russian-language menu, and you will find them along with those that retain their native English. But it is unlikely that this will become an obstacle for you to do a lot of useful and curious things, because even preschoolers now know the basic expressions and names that help to navigate in computer toys. Open the boldly placed game versions and you will be surprised how mesmerizing the process of building a new world will seem to you. Only the best offers for your demanding taste are available on our portal.

This toy world is not at all like the realistic 3D pictures that modern 3D shooters or MMORPGs indulge us with. Despite the simplicity of visual performance, Minecraft games are popular all over the world, and for good reason! After all, only Minecraft games allow you to feel like a real artist creating your new perfect reality. Add a little bit of fantasy, and eight-bit squares will come to life, and your own virtual world will sparkle with the brightest colors!

Earn and build!

This is how you can translate the name of this mega-popular toy from of English language, and it is these words that reflect the main essence of everything gameplay. Yes, you will have to mine and build here most of all! After all, only in this way, and nothing else, can you turn a lifeless planet into a cozy paradise where you would like to work and live.

Minecraft games belong to the so-called “sandbox” genre, and if as a child you loved to sculpt Easter cakes or even build entire sand castles, then you can approach the idea of ​​constructing your own virtual reality with real enthusiasm! All you need is your imagination and common sense. Fantasy - to come up with new and new forms of organizing your little world, and common sense - to limit this flight of thought a little and direct it in the right direction.

In this case, the right direction is protection from enemies and the development of new resources. All this is simply necessary in order for your character not only to survive, but also to be able to live quite happily on the planet he has mastered. That is, of course, sometimes you want to be weird and build golden palaces with openwork walls, but you should always remember the main thing: first of all, you should take care of ensuring your own survival.

Reade set Go!

So, you thought it over carefully and decided: I want to create and create. And then you run all the time through the worlds of other people's fantasies, fulfilling other people's dreams ... Basta! Now you will embody only your ideas and your desires in your own virtual world.

Minecraft-style games provide you with unlimited opportunities for creativity and the realization of your most unexpected talents. But, before you feel like a full-fledged master of the new world, you will have to survive for some time - and therefore, live according to the rules dictated to you by circumstances.

You must use your first efforts to search for and extract resources. You may need resources both for building a house (it will be your resting place and refuge from enemies), and for building outbuildings. When the priority tasks are completed, you can use the surplus of extracted resources for landscaping and beauty.

Don't forget to feed your hero! As in real life, food can be obtained in different ways and consumed different ways. You can kill a mob (any edible animal) and eat its meat - but remember that raw meat is best fried. Not only does it satisfy hunger better after heat treatment, but also some of its species (chicken, for example), are generally poisonous when raw, but nothing when fried. And also food can be grown - just like grain is grown in our villages, from which bread is then made.

The Minecraft game tools give you the opportunity not only to influence the terrain around you, but also to modify the materials - just like in real world! Raw materials in this beautiful simulator are sure to go through all the stages before your eyes, from extraction to completion of processing and manufacturing of a finished new item.

Dangers and difficulties

Even in the most ideal world, the hero is sure to be haunted by enemies or some kind of trouble. Agree, if they weren’t there, the world would quickly turn from an ideal one into a boring and monotonous one! That is why Minecraft games are replete with various difficulties that you will have to overcome on the way to your own prosperity.

Let's start with the fact that your hero can… die. Unexpected for a sandbox, right? However, we all saw how fiercely two kids can beat each other with shoulder blades on a walk, if they don’t share their favorite corner of their small construction site or a cone or berry that miraculously fell on a pile of sand. Something similar is happening here, only in a world where you can really achieve a lot, the struggle for resources and territory takes on the character of real military operations.

Depending on the strategy of the game that you choose at the very beginning, the death of your character can lead to different consequences. In one of the options, after an untimely death, you will wake up alive in your bed, and the game will be rewound exactly to the moment when you fell asleep for the last time. That's just all your things and inventory will remain at the place of death of the hero - do not blame me - you will only have half a day to return everything that was acquired by overwork.

But another option is much less humane! Creation cannot outlive its creator - this is the principle that the developers of the “Hardcore” mode were guided by. And this means that with the death of the hero, the whole world, which he so carefully created with his own hands, disappears. Scary? Choose more gentle modes, but for true gamers there is only one life and only Hardcore!

Free online minecraft games provide several options for player death. So what can kill him? Yes, almost anything - the realism of this moment here is simply gorgeous. Let's start with hunger. If you disregard our advice and still forget that the character needs to be fed, he will die. It's unfortunate but inevitable if you don't pay attention to your character's satiety bar at all. Gradually decreasing the satiety value on the scale allows you to feed him in time - before it's too late.

Also, the cause of death can be incorrect interaction with monsters. In general, among them there are not only evil creatures who only dream of attacking your hero! There are quite friendly and even tameable, but there are also those who are not averse to attacking you. Sometimes aggression on their part can be avoided if you know well what can provoke its manifestation. So, for example, if there is a generated golem in the village, then it is better not to touch such a village: in normal times, a peaceful, stone guard of the village instantly comes to life with any attempts to harm his wards.

And there are enemies who will always remain so, no matter how you cajole them. It is to this variety of mobs that zombies belong - a disgusting-looking living dead with square heads. The most disgusting thing is that there is no sense even in defeating them, because even then their meat is not edible. But, by the way, other mobs after their death often leave behind resources, food or some useful artifacts - you can take them, you honestly earned them.

Minecraft and friends

Of course, what popular entertainment could not remain alone. Game development often comes down to implementing the same idea in as large versions as possible. And this is justified, because not always, missing square heads of your heroes, you want to run the installer of your favorite game, long forgotten somewhere in the bowels of the computer. It is likely that you just need to shoot from zombies or build some kind of very small world!

For these purposes, there are free online minecraft games. They don't require installation, and every little flash game contains a small but very nice aspect, loved by all true fans. Building and destruction are separated here for more fun!

If you can’t live a day without the pixel worlds of this popular computer game, you will definitely appreciate Minecraft style games! Moreover, you can play Minecraft games on this page for free. And this means that you can now play Minecraft games anytime and anywhere - as long as there is an Internet connection!