Secrets, hidden features and games of Yandex Alice, review. Games for Yandex alice Alice plays

Hi all! Not so long ago, Yandex developers released their version of the Internet assistant - Alice, a kind of analogue of Siri, which has long settled with iPhone owners. Today we’ll talk about what chips are and what secrets and toys Yandex Alice can offer users. People play with her in every way, ask uncomfortable questions, ask her to tell a joke or find the necessary information on the Internet. In general, if you haven’t tried it yet, go to the Play Market, download and install it, it’s insanely fun and interesting, especially in the first hours of use. For those who have a very tight imagination, ask: “Alice, what can you do?”

In addition to the above, Alice can:

  • Answer the question without opening the search (If the question is clear to her).
  • It will tell you the weather in your city and help you dress warmer.
  • It will find the necessary pharmacy, cafe or shop nearby, get directions and find out what traffic jams are in the city.
  • In the morning, it will remind you of today's date and day.
  • Launch an application or game on the device.
  • Prompt the exchange rate.

Secrets and hidden features of Yandex Alice

Alice has several hidden features, as well as some abilities that can be activated. Not many people know, but you can play full-fledged games with her, and the first game we will play with her is called “What happened before”, for starters, just say: “Alice, let's play what happened before”. However, in this mode games assistant Yandex itself will ask you questions and offer answers.

Game "what happened before" with Alice

Press your thumbs up to start the game and immediately get the first question from the robot girl.

If the answer turned out to be incorrect, the assistant will tell the background and give the dates of the appearance of a particular product. Game process and entertaining and educational, which helps to kill time usefully. The questions are very diverse, a chair or a toaster, an atomic icebreaker or a scuba gear, a TV remote control or a cassette recorder, antibiotics or a Phillips screwdriver and others. The game round ends after every 10 questions with indicators of correct answers, after which Alice will offer you to play again. You can talk endlessly, it's better to try it yourself.

City game

By the voice request “Alice, let's play cities”, you can remember your childhood and refresh your school knowledge of geography. You name the city, the assistant uses the last letter, the letters “y” and “soft sign” do not count. When the supply of cities runs out, you can always ask for help with the phrase: “Alice, give me a hint.”

More games from Alice

“I believe, I don’t believe” - you will have to rack your brains before answering the question asked.
“Let's play words” - everyone also remembers this game: from one big word you will have to make as many small words as possible.
“Guess the song” - name the line from the song that the assistant will try to pick up.
“Tell me about the day of history” - you will be told interesting and informative or just funny and funny true facts from history.
“Guess the actor” - you have to guess the star of the TV screen after five questions.
For lovers of mysticism and predictions, the games “Fortune-telling” and “Ball of Fate” have recently appeared.
Two more games were announced on the official website in the toy section for November 24 and 25, 2017: “Save the Cosmonaut” and “Wild new world”, I wonder what the developers have prepared this time, the names are tempting and interesting.


I hope you figured out what you can play with Alice from Yandex, what games she knows, someone discovered new features and chips.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, you can read and see in detail about all the features and functions. Perhaps some of the users were lucky to find out the hidden functions and secrets of the voice assistant, share with us in the comments or our group in contact and we will definitely supplement our article.

In November 2017, games appeared in the Yandex voice assistant. Some of them can be very useful for developing logic and expanding horizons, especially in children. In the summer of 2018, it will go on sale with a built-in Alice. It will also be possible to run games with a voice assistant on it.

How to play with Alice

In order to turn on the game, you first need to activate Yandex inside the application as usual (by clicking on the purple circle or by voice using the “Listen, Alice” command); and say the name of the game you want to play, such as "Let's play a word game." Games with Alice are a good way to have fun and learn.

You can exit the game mode using the "Enough" or "Stop" command.

football game

  • Start skill soccer game
  • Let's play a football game

A new game that was released specifically for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, held in Russia. In this game, Alice asks you a question and gives you several answers, of which only one is correct, you need to guess this correct answer.


  • Let's play gallows

A game in which you have to guess the word by letter.

  • Let's play guess the animal
  • Let's play guess the animal

A game in which Alice lets you listen to animal sounds and you try to recognize them.

Guess the number

  • Let's play guess the number
  • Let's play guess the number

A game in which Alice guesses the number from 1 to 100 that you will guess for her.


  • Let's play riddles
  • Let's play Riddles
  • Guess Riddles

A game in which Alice gives you riddles that you must solve. You can also ask Alice a riddle by saying "Guess the Riddles" and she will try to solve it.

Faster, higher, stronger

  • Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger
  • Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger

The game that appeared for the winter Olympic Games 2018 in South Korea in the city of Pyeongchang. Alice asks you a question and gives you two answers, and you must choose the correct one.

  • Let's play believe - do not believe
  • Let's play believe - do not believe
  • normal mode
  • Sports

Alice names a fact, and you have to guess whether it is true or not. Use the commands “I believe” or “I do not believe”, Alice says the correct answer and offers the following fact. Each round has 5 questions. Especially for the Winter Olympics Pyeongchang 2018, a sports mode has been added to the game "I believe - I do not believe", which can be selected immediately after the launch of the game.

  • Let's play guess the song

You tell Alice a line from a song, and she tries to guess it and continue the text. Something similar to the Shazam application, but not for music, but for words.

We noticed that Alice is still not good at guessing songs in a foreign language, but sometimes she can correctly guess a song in a language similar to Russian - for example, in Ukrainian.

  • Tell me about this day in history

Alice talks about historical events that happened today, for example, on November 20th. Alice names one event at a time, to find out about another, you need to say “Next” or “Next event”.

  • Let's play find the odd one

Game for children to develop logic. Alice names a few words, from which you need to choose an extra one - a word that does not fit the meaning of the rest of the words.

  • Let's play ball of fate

A game of predictions, a comical way to predict the future. You ask Alice a question, and she randomly answers with one of the options.

A similar magic ball game can be seen in many films and TV shows, such as Route 60.

  • Let's guess
  • Activate divination by the book

Alice is telling you fortune-telling from a book, 2 books are now available to choose from: “The Master and Margarita” or “Aphorisms”. You ask a question, give the page and line number, and Alice reads a passage from the book.

  • Let's play guess the actor

In the game you need to guess the famous actor by his roles. Alice gives clues until you get the correct answer. If you don't guess after 5 hints, Alice will tell you the name.

  • Let's play with words
  • Let's play with words

You and Alice take turns making small words from the letters of the big word. If you do not like the word proposed by Alice, you can think of your own. You can also ask Alice for a hint.

  • Let's play cities
  • Let's play cities
  • Give me a hint

You call Alice a city, and she in response - a city whose name begins with the last letter of yours. After that, you must name the city with the last letter of Alice's city, and so on. You can ask for a hint.

  • Let's play what happened before
  • Let's play what happened before

Alice names two inventions or discoveries, and you try to guess which one came first. After your answer, Alice gives the correct answer and gives a short background information.

  • Let's play quest
  • Let's play a fantastic quest

Virtual quest room. You yourself choose the direction of development of the scenario. We highly recommend trying this game.

Games with Alice are not all the entertainment that she has, Alice also has several comic secret commands, you can read about them at. Ask questions at