Pattern "Buttons" (light blue, blue)

Here is such a cute button) Do you think where I got it? No, I didn’t buy it, even though it looks like a button from a Jenni Bowlin chipboard set. She did it herself. And now I will tell you how to make such an ornament.

We will need: a book sheet, cardboard and Varnish to create the effect of glass from Ranger - Glossy accents. Although in fact you can take any beautiful paper and do without glossy at all.

First we need to glue a sheet of paper to the cardboard base. I took double sided tape. At the same time, you need to make sure that the strips of adhesive tape adjoin each other as tightly as possible - so that later the paper does not peel off from the cardboard base.

We get something like this:

Then we draw our buttons-circles. If you have a circular cutter, this will greatly simplify the task. If not, we arm ourselves with a compass or circle something suitable in shape. Moreover, the buttons do not have to be round - they can be squares, hearts, flowers)) Everything that your imagination tells you.

Now to cut

If you, like me, cut with scissors, then all the irregularities along the edge can be smoothed out with a regular nail file:

Then I decided to tone and age my buttons a little. To do this, with the help of a sponge, I applied distress ink from Ranger - vintage photo. In general, you can take any ink that suits the color)

Now the most important thing is to make holes) You can use a punch (in the eyelet installer), an awl, a thick needle. In general, I found round-nose pliers from my husband - an ideal thing for picking holes)))) you can make a different diameter. Before making holes - mark the place of the future hole with a pencil - so that the button does not turn out to be askew)

In principle, our buttons are ready, but you can experiment)) Leave everything as it is (1), fill them with a glossy accent (2), stick glitter on a glossy that has not yet dried (3) or use the hot embossing technique (4). If you don’t have glossy, but you want a lacquer effect, then you can use facet lacquer. Yes, and any varnish from Ranger, for example,

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Among the tasks with the parameters included in the profile USE in mathematics, a special class of tasks can be distinguished, which are almost impossible to solve with standard school methods. Often, the functions on the left and right sides of the equation have a fundamentally different nature, which does not allow the use of an analytical approach. And the complex form of these expressions makes plotting problematic. The way out in this situation can be a minimax method for solving problems with parameters, which relies on the use of monotonicity and boundedness of functions.

Some lessons may seem boring to children. And then discipline begins to suffer in the classroom, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case-lessons were created to connect school learning knowledge with urgently needed competencies, such as creativity, systemic and critical thinking, purposefulness, and others.

Thanks to the cases, you can help the student to benefit and enjoy learning, to cope with his personal problems!

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How many buttons are in the box!
Maybe even a hundred!
Here is my friend.
From the blue coat.

But - from my mother's dress ...
I sit on the bed.
Interesting activity -
Sort them out.

Wooden ones are big.
With a blue flower.
With a painted car.
With red rim.

Pebble ... Transparent to the light.
Worth postponing.
The eye is from a teddy dog...
Should be sewn on!
(Masha Lukashkina)
The charm of these small treasures for kids can be explained by the fact that the buttons were often picked up by mom B after hiding away, and adults want to imitate so much, and the forbidden fruit is sweet. Finally, you can and should play with buttons! This is mosaic and jewelry, and stamps - a variety of colors, shapes and decorations - always something much more than just buttons)
For a teacher, a basket of buttons can be a salvation and give a couple of quiet minutes when someone important comes and asks something seriously. This is a must-have item in the group for crafts and games!

Button Math Ideas:

Found on
math games lots of buttons! For example, start by counting, putting two cards with the words "yes" and "no" on the floor, how many corresponding answers the children gave to the question: "Did you button up your buttons today?". Place a button in each row next to the card.
This is where star-shaped buttons come in handy!
Of course we learn to sort! To sort by shape, here you can download colored backgrounds from geometric shapes and the names of the shapes English language. You can sort by sorters made of plastic boxes with slotted lids, by metal lids, sorting by ice cream sticks...
The geoboard turned out to be very nice!

Variable dice game

Found on

felt idea
Cards with numbers and buttons
dominoes with numbers and buttons
print colored nests with numbers - they suit us too!
In this rich album on Pinterest you can download the entire collection of pumpkins from 1 to 20 with and without frames, you can use white buttons for counting

Each player is given 5 more buttons. The player takes and clamps a few buttons in his fist, pulls it out in the direction of the other player and asks: "Even or odd?" The other player answers, if he guessed right, he takes it for himself, if he didn’t guess right, he gives his own, as much as was held in the hand of the first player. We play until one of the guys has accumulated 10 buttons.
Children stand in a circle and hold hands, a “button” is selected - a child who stands in the center of the circle. Children begin to walk in a circle with the words:
Button, you are a button
small feet
Wanted to run away
On a straight path
We'll catch you now
And sew in place.
On a signal, the children stop and make “collars” from the hands of the “button”, run through the “collars”, run into the circle and run out of it. On a signal, the gates are closed. If the "button" remained in the circle, then it was caught and sewn on (lose 2-3 times.)

I love the book and the song Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons ! about a cat whose buttons came off one after another, and children learn from him not to lose heart, but at the same time countdown. I hope it will be translated into Russian - in the English-speaking world, so many developmental activities have already been invented with these buttons! But even without translation, it is so rhythmic and simple that the children begin to sing it with pleasure :)

dice game

print cat cards

Card file of games with buttons

Many children love to play with buttons. You can make the game with buttons fun, during which you can set various didactic tasks. Button games contribute to the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, eye, concentration, perseverance, classification skills, development of elementary mathematical representations(reinforce knowledge of colors and sizes, teach counting, etc.).

With buttons, you can make beautiful applications, use them in modeling, fill in coloring pages with them (you don’t have to stick them on a drawing), lay out the right path in labyrinths for children with buttons, glue mini-toys from buttons and even make jewelry (beads, for example). And you can also do foot and hand massage with them: we lower the arms or legs into a box with a large number of buttons, drive them with arms or legs, immerse them, and also try to grab the buttons with our fingers or legs.

For the smallest, it will be important to study different buttons more often: metal, plastic, smooth, rough, etc .; find the largest and smallest in the general set of buttons; arrange them in different piles by color or size; count the number of holes in them, etc.


Target: Create a family tree together with the child, explaining family ties.

Equipment: a tree drawn on a sheet of paper with three levels of branches symmetrically located on it, buttons.

The child needs to select a button belonging to the mother and put it to the left of the tree trunk, select the "daddy's" button and put it to the right of the trunk.

The older generation is designated by the largest buttons, the younger by the smallest.


Target: development of the imagination.

Equipment: old button.

Invite the child to think of what this button could see.


Target: to form the ability to plan their activities, evaluate their actions.

Equipment: 10 small white, 10 large white, 10 medium yellow, 10 medium green, 10 medium brown, 10 medium purple (lilac), 10 large blue, 10 large red, 10 large black.

small white buttonsmeans cleanliness, hygiene procedures,

big white - cleanliness in the house, household chores,

yellow sun, breakfast

green - peace, lunch,

brown - physical health, sleep,

purple - dusk, dinner,

blue feelings, social contacts,

red - activity, good deeds,

black - Poorly done things or refusal to complete the task.

On the eve, discuss the next day, make a button daily routine, stringing the buttons on the holder from top to bottom. At the end of the day, evaluate his actions by giving him a red or black button.


Target: develop fine motor skills, a sense of rivalry.

Equipment: buttons of different sizes and colors.

Fold the buttons in the form of a track. The more buttons lined up in the track, the longer the train.


Target: teach to correlate the diameter of the bottle opening and the size of the buttons, develop the eye and matching skills.

Equipment: buttons of different colors and sizes, a plastic bottle.

Show the child how buttons can be pushed into the neck of a bottle. Let him do it on his own.


Equipment: jar of coffee or cocoa with a plastic screw cap, buttons.

Make a slot on the lid with a knife (according to the piggy bank principle). Show your child how to push buttons through the slot. After all the buttons are in the jar, ask your child to unscrew the lid and remove the buttons. You can start the game over!


Buttons are great for sorting tasks. Together with the child, select only the largest buttons or, on the contrary, small buttons, or buttons of a certain color, and when the child grows up and learns to count, select buttons with a different number of holes on them, count them, etc.


Target: develop fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. Later, with the help of this necklace, you can conduct training sessions, for example, such as: “Learning colors”, “Learning to count”, “Large - small”, “Find the same buttons”, etc.

Equipment: button necklace. Take a thick strong thread (preferably a rope). It should be of such length that the diameter of the necklace is smaller than the child's head. Put on it a lot of buttons that differ in shape, size and color (put each button on the rope with a needle in only one hole). Tie the thread tightly.


Equipment: flat buttons of different colors and sizes, plasticine, toothpicks.

  1. Take a block of plasticine and stick a toothpick into it, after cutting off the sharp tips. Invite the child to string buttons on an unusual rod.
  2. The next time you play with your child, complicate the task by stringing buttons of a certain size or color. You can make several blanks: on toothpicks inserted into plasticine of various colors, string buttons of the corresponding colors.
  3. Insert toothpicks of various lengths and ask the child to string the buttons, drawing the child’s attention at the end to the relationship between the length of the toothpicks and the number of buttons strung on them.
  4. When playing with an older child, ask him to express his opinion in advance about whether this button will be put on the rod or not, thereby developing his eye.


To develop the baby’s creative abilities and imaginative thinking, you can invite him to lay out flowers, paths, houses, all kinds of patterns from buttons, in a word, what your imagination and the child’s imagination will tell you.


Invite the child to lay out the buttons in a certain sequence.

  • big - small, big - small, etc.,
  • red - blue, red - blue, etc.,
  • red - blue - green, red - blue - green,
  • one red - two yellow, one red - two yellow, etc.


Equipment: a small piece of plain fabric (square or rectangular) or a sheet of colored cardboard. Lay out the pattern. In this game, mathematical concepts are worked out: below, above, left, right, in the upper (lower) left (right) corner, in the center, etc.


Equipment: three sets of buttons of different colors, or their sizes. This game is aimed at learning color or size. Depending on the goal, we select the task that we set before.

  • Lay out three flowers from the buttons, which will differ from each other in color
  • Lay out three flowers: a small one - from small buttons, a medium one - from medium ones, a large one - from large ones.


Equipment: basin with water, nets, buttons.

We give the child a net and ask him to catch only red “fish” (red buttons), then only yellow ones, etc. For children who are already learning to count, you can complicate the task: catch 3 red and 2 yellow "fish".


Equipment: number cards.

Opposite each number, we ask the child to lay out the corresponding number of buttons.


Equipment: houses of different colors, buttons.

Return the buttons to their houses by color.


Equipment: two identical sets of buttons (it is desirable that the buttons are of different colors, shapes, sizes) 9 pieces, two cards of 9 cells - 3 by 3.

First, consider the buttons with your child - where is the largest, where is the smallest, are there buttons of the same color, shape.

  • The teacher takes one card, the child takes the other. Distribute the buttons in the same way. In his field, the teacher lays out a combination of 2-3 buttons. Have your child repeat this on their card.
  • Show the laid out buttons to the child, giving them the opportunity to remember them. Then cover the card with something. The task of the child is to lay out a similar combination on his playing field from memory. We open and check.


Equipment: plastic bowls.

Lay out various patterns on plastic plates without using any templates.


Equipment: green and yellow buttons.

From the buttons of a certain color, you need to pick up leaves for the tree (depending on the time of year).


Equipment: silhouettes of cars without wheels.

Offer to pick up wheels by color, size.


The first player puts a button on his index finger and turns to the second player. He must move this button to his index finger, while other fingers cannot be used.


Equipment: 7 buttons.
Choose a playing field, for example, a carpet. Gates are made on one side (buttons are placed at a distance of about 10 cm from each other). They also make gates on the other side of the carpet.
The remaining three buttons are balls. To make a hit, you need to click a button with your finger. Moreover, you can only hit the button that is between the other two. The players shoot at the goal in turn.


Equipment: an odd number of buttons. An even number of players take part in the competition.
At the signal of the leader, the players begin to collect buttons. You can collect one at a time without raking everything at once. Do not push other players or block their buttons. The one who collects the most buttons wins.

Players stand at the boundary line, each with the same button in his hand. On the count of one-two-three, the players try to put the button as far away from themselves as possible. You can lean forward, stretch your arms. But you can not leave the place, throw a button. The one who falls to the floor is out of the game. And the one who puts the button furthest wins.


  • Looking for the biggest button
  • looking for the smallest button
  • looking for a button with three holes,
  • looking for a triangular button,
  • looking for the biggest red button.
    The main thing is to collect all the buttons in a box after each round (so that none of the participants can peek in advance).


Equipment: thread (about 40 cm), five buttons with four holes each.

The task of each player is to string all the buttons on a thread in such a way that the thread passes through all the holes.


Fill a spacious box with buttons. It is desirable that there are a lot of buttons. And now with the child:

  • put your hands in the box;
  • move your palms along the surface of the buttons;
  • grab the buttons into fists, slightly raise and unclench your fists;
  • plunge your hands deep into the "button sea" and "swim" in it;
  • rub the buttons between the palms;
  • pour them from palm to palm;
  • first with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands grab a “pinch” of buttons, release;
  • pick up a variety of buttons one at a time: large, elongated, square, smooth, etc .; roll it between your palms, gradually increasing the range of motion;
  • the same movements can be made with the outer sides of the palms.
    Now move the box to the floor:
  • immerse bare feet in the box;
  • make circular movements;
  • immerse your legs deeper into the buttons, wiggle your toes;
  • touch the buttons with your toes;
  • rub the buttons between your feet;
  • grab the buttons with your toes, lift and unclench your fingers.


Dip your hands in the “button sea” and catch a “fish”.
(Let the child take any button).
- What "fish" did you catch: big or small; smooth or rough; round or square?
What color is your "fish"?
- Is it light or heavy?
- Warm or cold?
And now I'm going to fish. Take my fish. What is she?
Is it really... (small, smooth, slippery, cool, light)...?
Now let's put our catch in the bucket. Let's close our eyes. Dip your hand in the bucket and find your fish. Why are you sure that this is your fish?


Equipment: colorfully illustrated book.

Pour the buttons into a linen bag. Tell your child: “Let's play loto. I will take the buttons out of the bag. You will name their color. If you find this color in the picture, then you get a button and put it on the picture - in the place that is the same color as the button.

Red, yellow, blue,

Choose any ball.

To keep the ball

Need to tie a ribbon

We will take ribbons in our hands

And we will find the ball by color.