Math games for preschoolers 3 4 years old. Didactic math games for preschoolers. Above, below - very easy

Right up to school, the leading activity of the child is the game. In the game, children learn letters and numbers, study the world around them, get acquainted with the basic concepts and laws of physics, astronomy, biology.

  • What should young mathematicians 3–4 years old know and be able to do?
  • What games to offer little ones to study the "queen of all sciences"?
  • How to make home development classes as effective as possible?

Let's figure it out together!

Necessary knowledge base

Before drawing up a math lesson plan for children 3-4 years old, you need to figure out what kids of this age should know and be able to do:

  • concentrate on the task for at least 5 minutes;
  • fold a pyramid
  • collect puzzles from 4 or more fragments;
  • be able to find differences between objects according to 3-4 features (color, size, temperature, shape, etc.);
  • find the same/similar objects in the presented set;
  • find unnecessary objects in the presented set;
  • operate with mathematical concepts "one", "many", "more", "less", "equal";
  • count up to 5 in direct order;
  • know the numbers from 0 to 5;
  • show the hidden number on the fingers;
  • demonstrate spatial orientation skills (understand where the top and bottom are, where the right / left hand is; understand the meaning of the prepositions “in”, “on”, “for”, etc.);
  • know the basic geometric figures: circle, triangle, rectangle;
  • understand and use generalizing words: furniture, dishes, clothes, toys, vegetables, etc.

Effective developmental mathematics classes for children of primary preschool age are built according to a plan that takes into account the amount of knowledge needed by children aged 3–4.

Games for the development of logic in 3-4 years


Remove a few pots with lids from the kitchen cabinet. Try to choose dishes that differ in color, size, material.

Remove the lids and lay them out in random order.

  • Come on, baby, pick the right lid for each saucepan!

When the child copes with the task on his own or with your help, discuss with him what dictated his choice:

  • for a large pot - a large lid;
  • for red - red
"Friends Comrades"

Prepare a few items that can be grouped according to their purpose. Such a game task helps to develop logic, attentiveness, and find a connection between various objects.

For the game you can take:

  • gloves and socks;
  • felt-tip pens and an album;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • comb and hairpin;
  • items of toy or real dishes.

You can use one item from a pair, and replace the second with a picture. If the kid does a good job, try replacing all the items with pictures.

"Find differences"

Difference games perfectly develop attentiveness, and if you immediately indicate how many differences you need to find, then they also train mental counting.

Choose pictures for the baby to find the differences. Sign on them how many differences you need to find. Each difference found, the child must circle with a pencil and put a dash on the piece of paper. When the task is completed, the dashes are counted to see if all the differences are found.

Games with geometric shapes for children 3-4 years old

For the games that we have prepared, you will need two sets of geometric figures made of thick cardboard. Each set should include circles, ovals, triangles and squares of different colors and sizes.

"Repeat the picture"

Designing from flat geometric shapes is an excellent simulator for the development of logic, memory, mindfulness, figurative and spatial thinking. For children of primary preschool age, the task should be simple and understandable.

Lay out pictures of geometric shapes in front of the child, commenting on your actions. The kid should repeat the picture according to your model.


Geometric figures cut out of cardboard are an excellent counting material with which it is convenient to practice comparison skills, as well.

Lay out the figures in two rows:

Ask your child to complete your tasks and answer questions.

  1. Count how many circles are in the picture.
  2. Count how many triangles are in the picture.
  3. Count how many green figures are in the picture.
  4. Count how many red figures are in the picture.
  5. Which figures are more: red or green?
  6. Which shapes are more: triangles or circles?
"Geometric Sorter"

Use your set of geometric shapes to practice children's skill in sorting objects according to a given attribute.

The kid must follow your verbal commands:

  1. Place three green figures in a row.
  2. Lay 2 circles side by side.
  3. Arrange the triangles in order from smallest to largest (pre-select three triangles of different sizes from the kit).

If it is difficult for a child to comply with your verbal requests, let him act according to a visual pattern for now. The main thing is to comment on what sequences and according to what principles you lay out from the figures.

Mathematical physical education

Friends, do not forget that kids 3-4 years old need to move a lot. Let's combine fun outdoor games with math learning!

"Jumping gallop"

Turn on funny children's songs and invite the child to warm up a little. During free dances, voice commands in the format:

  • two swoops;
  • three floods;
  • one squat;
  • five slopes.

Probably, at first you will have to perform the movements together with the child, but very soon the baby will cope with such a fun math task on his own.

"Merry round dance"

The more players there are, the more fun the game will be. it a good option entertainment for children's day birth. But in the absence of a company, you may well lead a mathematical round dance together with a little one.

Before starting the game, repeat with the child where his right hand is, and where is his left. Explain where the center of the circle is. Agree that with the “up” command, you need to stop and, standing on your toes, stretch the handles up, and with the “down” command, squat down.

And now you can start.

We walk in a circle to the music, following the commands of the leader:

  • go to the left;
  • go up;
  • went to the center;
  • let's go down.

This game teaches orientation in space, develops auditory attentiveness, trains the skill of teamwork.

"One, two - there is a rocket"

One, two - there is a rocket. (Straight arms raise up)
Three, four - the plane. (Straight arms spread apart)
One, two - clap your hands. (clapping hands)
And then for each account. (Walking in place)
One two three four. (clapping hands)
Hands up, shoulders wider. (Straight arms raise up, lower through the sides down)
One, two, three, four (clap hands)
And they were on the spot. (Walking in place)

  1. Knowledge and skills are formed and accumulated gradually. Do not expect that after the first lesson the baby will remember and learn everything that you wanted to convey to him. Consistency, gradualness, consolidation and repetition are the invariable stages of successful teaching of mathematics in preschool age.
  2. Do not forget for the successful completion of tasks. And keep in mind that diligence is also an occasion for reasonable praise.
  3. During games in which you need to count objects, allow and even recommend that the child count by pointing his finger at the object of the account. Gradually, unobtrusively, but confidently introduce the concepts of ordinal and quantitative accounts.
  4. Mathematics is not only counting. Moreover, do not rush to teach your baby to count. Work on the development of logic, learn to generalize and systematize, and the score, organically woven into the outline of the lesson, will be mastered on its own, by the way.
  5. You can learn in the game not only at home. Count the stairs as you leave the house, notice round and square objects as you walk, look at the page numbers in the books you read before bed.

Friends! We wish you happy and effective parenting. See you soon!

Math Games have good visibility. At the same time, the abstract thinking of numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 is formed in the child in a natural form. Familiar characters, colorful design and clear examples from life teach the child the beginnings of analysis, comparison and comparison of objects in mathematics. And the words count, addition, subtraction and multiplication will never frighten your child.
A lot of knowledge in preschool age is not easy for a child. But, perhaps, it is especially difficult to teach a baby math games. Since this happens for a child with certain difficulties, it is important not to scare him away from math at all. This means that acquaintance with the queen of sciences “mathematics” should take place in an exciting format.
Psychologists know: you can interest and captivate everyone, even the most restless child. For example, special developing mathematical games for preschool children aged 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 will create a positive atmosphere of such an acquaintance. Spending time with them, the child will, without noticing it, get acquainted with numbers, simple methods of operating with numbers, and begin to clearly navigate the concept of “more-less”.
Being engaged in solving arithmetic problems, the kid is motivated by the fact that he wants to find the correct answer. Every correct decision is a small victory, so it is a reward in itself. For him, it's a habit. play activity, during which new knowledge is unconsciously deposited. Information is obtained implicitly, in an entertaining format. So, the child does not need to be forced to study new material. And this applies not only specifically to mathematical knowledge. A young explorer is born into the world, in whom natural curiosity will not be stifled.
The free section "Math Games" is great for your child if you want to improve his knowledge of mathematics. These games are aimed at knowing the numbers. This educational section in the form of educational games will definitely appeal to the child.
In the "Math Games Online" section, the child will be able to learn how to count up to 10, correctly name the numbers, and will also be able to solve some mathematical examples: addition, subtraction, or even multiplication and division. In the examples, several answers will be given, from which he will have to choose the right one.
The games in this section are aimed primarily at teaching the child. Here you will not find entertaining games. We advise you to combine educational games with entertainers. After each material covered, include something for him to relax, so he does not get bored and will be much more diligent in engaging in educational games. Learning numbers is not an easy process, so your toddler may need help or guidance at a certain level of difficulty. Do not be lazy and sit with your child to solve these mathematical problems. This will greatly help your child master the numbers much faster. Also, do not let your child sit at the computer for too long, this also applies to the learning process, with the help of special games. The child should take a break of ten minutes after every 40 minutes of class.




Interesting math games are aimed at teaching your kid the basics of mathematics. These games develop visual-figurative thinking in children, teach them to compare, introduce them to the quantitative composition of numbers, the proposed games introduce children to numbers and their digital designations, teach them to solve simple mathematical problems.

"Who visits in the morning"

A game to compile a set of two subsets, to reinforce the concept of "one", "many", "none"

Necessary equipment: plot toys, circles of two colors: red and yellow.

◈ How we play: “Whoever visits in the morning acts wisely, taram-param, taram-param, that’s what morning is for.” Play with toys, say that guests came to us in the morning and you need to treat them with apples (circles). There are apples on the plate: how many are there? (Many.) And the guests? (Not enough.) Distribute the yellow apples first and ask, “How many more apples are left?” (Many.) "What?" (Red.) Give them out too. "How many apples are on the plate?" (None left.) “How many apples were given to each guest? (One at a time.) "How many yellow, red apples?" (A lot of). "How many apples are there?" (There are a lot of apples, among them there are both red and yellow ones.)

◈ Fixing: If you are washing apples in the kitchen, offer to arrange them on plates by color. Note that there are many apples, but among them there are many, for example, green and yellow apples (the set of apples consists of a subset of yellow and green).

◈ Ask the same questions when putting toys back in the box.

➣ Attention: What is a little, how to define it? Laugh with your child: if the sweets are delicious, we say that they are few. It turns out that "little" is a relative concept.

◈ Play the One to Many game. “What items are there in the kitchen?” (Plates, spoons.) “And one object?” (Vase, painting, etc.) In the bathroom: one mirror, bathtub, rug, many shampoo tubes, towels, etc. Outside: many houses, leaves, etc.

Button Buyer

The game teaches to use the mediated set; develops visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment needed: a coat with buttonholes, buttons, circles or chips.

◈ How to play: how to buy the right number of buttons if the child does not yet know how to count? Very simple! Act out this situation: have the child put the chips on the loops of the coat, then collect them and ask the "clerk" in the store (adult): "Give me the same number of buttons as I have chips." The “seller” puts each chip on a button and counts how many buttons need to be sold. And the “buyer” of the house must check whether he had enough buttons, whether he made a mistake? Change roles.

◈ We fix: on a sheet of paper, stick or draw two groups of geometric shapes - one under the other. Note what is more, less or equally. Fantasize with your child, come up with what the figures can be, compare butterflies and flowers, caterpillars and leaves, etc.

◈ We complicate: from each top figure, draw a path to the bottom figure - this is an equal sign (the sign itself can not be called).


The game reinforces the ability to compare two groups of objects

Required equipment: buttons of different colors, sizes and shapes.

◈ How to play: everyone at home has buttons. With their help, you can come up with a variety of games. Put, for example, round buttons up (they can be of different colors and sizes), and down under them - square. Are they equal, which are more, which are less? Or put red round buttons up and blue square buttons down.

"Where did the sparrow dine?"

The game helps the child to understand that the Value is a relative concept.

Necessary equipment: an elephant, a wolf, a bear, a hare, a hedgehog cut out from any books, magazines, in scale they should be proportional to their actual size, five squares - "cages" for animals of corresponding different sizes.

◈ How to play: show the child pictures of a bear, a wolf and a hare, find out which of the animals is the biggest, which is the smallest, which is smaller, etc. They need to be put in cages of the appropriate size.

◈ An elephant was brought to the zoo. He needs to take the largest cell. Note that the largest was the bear, and now the elephant has become. Then the smallest animal, the hedgehog, was brought to the zoo. Pay attention to how the ratio of sizes has changed: the hare was the smallest, now the hedgehog. Again compare who is the biggest, who is smaller, etc.

◈ Fixing: compare shoes by size: mother's, father's, child's and doll's shoes. Change roles: the child asks, and you show. Compare anything: clothes, furniture. Don't forget the utensils in the kitchen. And if you compare watermelon and radish? And who is bigger: the giant or Uncle Styopa? And who is smaller: Thumbelina or gnomes, or maybe Thumb Boy? On the street, compare the height of houses, trees, etc. This develops an eye.

First steps in mathematics

The game teaches to compare two groups of objects

Necessary equipment: dolls or other toys, cups.

◈ How to play: Plant five toys and place four cups in front of them. “Now let’s treat them to tea. And why did one toy cry? How can I help her?"

◈ We fix: in the future, you can bring the number of toys to 10.

◈ We complicate: you can compare the number of objects by eye - real objects in the room, for example, glasses and cups, etc. What is more, less? If the child is at a loss, stretch the ropes or put the sticks from one object to another (this is an equal sign).

baby pencils

The game introduces the child to the quantitative composition of the number of units

Equipment needed: colored pencils of different colors.

◈ How to play: put a pencil on the table, pay attention to the fact that it is the only one - red. To the right of it, put another one, but of a different color. Now there are two of them: one is red, the other is green. So the number two consists of two units. Put another pencil, for example, yellow. Say that the number three consists of three units. Similarly, bring the score to 5-10. Remember the fairy tale about the Kid, who could count to 10. How he saved the animals. Emphasize: “How good it is to be able to count!”. What does your child think? And if everyone who was saved by the Kid is depicted in the form of circles? Stick them on and count, it turns out that your child saves the heroes of a fairy tale. Praise him.

◈ Consolidation: Play the Guess It Game. How many units does the number 3, 4 consist of? Show the numbers if the child knows them. Take different toys next time: a car, a hedgehog, a dog, a hare, etc. The number four consists of four units (one hedgehog, one car, one dog, one hare). Count from left to right and vice versa, emphasize that the number will not change from this. And if you put the toys in a circle, how can you remember from which one you started counting?

◈ Change roles. Reward your child constantly.

Bang Bang

The game introduces children to numbers

Required equipment: two hares, two carrots, numbers 1 and 2.

◈ How to play: Take two bunnies or other toys from the toy box and tell a story about their friendship. About how once they brought parcels. One box contained one carrot, and the other contained two. Why are they not equal? Find out that on one box the number "1" is drawn, so there is one carrot in the box, on the other - the number "2", so there are two carrots in it. Introduce the children to these numbers. Don't forget to equalize the gifts for the bunnies so as not to offend them.

◈ We fix: this way you can introduce other numbers (up to 10).

◈ Write these numbers in your notebook. And you can also fashion them from plasticine.

School of the Wise Owl

The game teaches to correlate the number of objects with their digital designation

Necessary equipment: cards with numbers, subject pictures or toys, Wise Owl (toy or drawn).

◈ How to play: tell the child that the Wise Owl will come to visit you. Today she brought pictures and cards with numbers from 1 to 5 to them. Show a picture that shows, for example, four cars. Let the child find a card with the number "4". Play the rest of the pictures in the same way. Will the child manage on his own, without the help of the Owl? Praise him for his efforts.

◈ We fix: we play the other way around - you show a card with the number "3", and the child must submit a picture on which three apples are drawn, etc. Change roles: the child shows cards with numbers, and you are looking for the right picture. Or maybe the Wise Owl will help him?

◈ We play the game "Delicious Numbers" in the kitchen. We take three tangerines and find a card with the number "3", etc. Do not forget to invite the Wise Owl - let him enjoy it.

◈ And if you attach the number "1" to the refrigerator, and the number "2" to the curtains? And the rest? Think. Let the child do it. If he has an interest in numbers, he will be happy to stick them on everything he finds, and you?


The game introduces the ordinal score Required equipment: toys.

◈ How to play: put toys in a row on the table. Say that the Wise Owl has come to visit you again. She will play a game with you. You need to correctly answer who is in the first (second, etc.) place. We count from left to right. "Who stands between the hare and the bear?" “There is a squirrel here. She is the second, etc. Note that if the toys are counted from right to left, then those toys that were first will be the last.

◈ We fix: toys can be placed one after another - with a train. Are you all at home? Play steam locomotive. Who will be first: mom, dad? Decide for the child. Be sure to pay attention to where the account is being taken from.

◈ Find out who is in second place - mom or grandmother, and who is in third? And if the last car becomes a steam locomotive? Will the scoring change?

◈ Are you busy in the kitchen? Play this game on new way: put different dishes on the table - a plate, a cup, a spoon, etc. Ask what is in first, second, third place. Swap dishes. Now they are different in number.

➣ Attention: the quantitative composition is a composition of units, it does not change. And the ordinal composition can change if you count in a different direction. Do not confuse!

Steam locomotive from Romashkovo

The game introduces the ordinal score

Equipment needed: chairs.

◈ How to play: put the chairs one after the other - this is a train from Romashkov. Invite children or adults to play with you. You can sing the song of the Engine from this animated film:

My merry locomotive passed the bridge;

He's slowing down now

He will invite you to board.

“Hey, friends, come here soon!

Don't push at the door

Don't meow, don't bark

Take your seat quickly."

◈ Where are we going? And even where: to the zoo, to the dacha, etc. But be sure to beat it.

◈ We fix: toys can also ride, the driver is a child.

good girl

The game teaches to solve simple problems

Equipment needed: a bowl of fruit.

◈ How we play: tell the child: “We have two apples in a vase, I will give you one. How many apples are left? Why will there be less of them? Be sure to show everything with a good example. “But how to make them more?” - The child must put one apple into the vase. Come up with similar tasks about everything that you have at hand. Use any situation for this: did you buy new shorts for your child, the third in a row? Ask, for example: "How many shorts do you have now?". Note that if we take away, then we say “left”, if we add, we say “became”.

◈ We fix: on the street you saw children sitting, one left. Offer to come up with a problem about them and solve it. If the child knows the numbers, then you can write it down.

◈ We complicate: the child must come up with an oral problem himself, and you will solve it and be sure to make a mistake. Give your child the pleasure of correcting you.

Tasks of the Wise Owl

The game teaches to solve the simplest tasks for addition, subtraction: add, subtract 2; forms visual - figurative thinking

Necessary equipment: notebook, pencil, small items.

◈ How we play: today the Wise Owl will teach you how to solve problems. Put two red circles and two blue circles in front of the child on the left, and two blue circles on the right. Tell them they are enchanted forest dwellers. Ask them to come up with a problem for them. Let the child fantasize: squirrels and leaves can be red circles. If the child can not cope, then the Wise Owl will come to the rescue. Tell her a poem:

Owl-owl, big head,

She sat on a bitch, turned her head ...

◈ We fix: we play the other way around. The child lays out circles, squares, and you solve problems. And if you are waiting for a train for a long time and you have chalk? Or do you do laundry in the bathroom and have your child help wash the toys? Come up with a problem with your child about them. This is how you prepare your mathematician for school.

fairy tale math

Materials Needed: Picture books.

◈ How we play: remember the fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip". Offer to count how many heroes of the fairy tale pulled a turnip, met Kolobok, lived in a tower. And if the characters of "Teremok" are compared in terms of height, in size? Who is the biggest, smallest? Who is smaller than a bear, but bigger than a bunny? And so on. And if they are “turned” into circles, pasted into a notebook and signed numbers under them? For example: a mouse is a gray circle, a frog is green, a hare is white, a spinning top is a large gray circle.

Peas, parsley and beets - oh!**

(How many vegetables did the hostess bring?)

* * *

The lady checked in the luggage

Sofa, suitcase, bag,

Picture, basket, cardboard

And a little dog*

(How many items did the lady check in as luggage?)

* * *

In the morning at Aibolit,

Until lunch time

Treat teeth:

Zebras, bison,

Tigers, otters and beavers.

(How many different animals did Aibolit cure?)

When teaching children the basics of mathematics, it is important that by the time they start school they have the following knowledge:

- counting up to ten in ascending and descending order, the ability to recognize numbers in a row and randomly, quantitative (one, two, three ...) and ordinal (first, second, third ...) numbers from one to ten;

- previous and subsequent numbers within one ten, the ability to make the numbers of the first ten;

- recognize and depict basic geometric shapes (triangle, quadrilateral, circle);

- shares, the ability to divide an object into 2 - 4 equal parts;

- the basics of measurement: the child must be able to measure length, width, height with a string or sticks;

- comparing objects: more - less, wider - narrower, higher - lower.

One of the effective means of developing interest in a subject, along with other methods and techniques used in the classroom, is a didactic game. Even K. D. Ushinsky advised to include elements of entertainment, game moments in the educational work of students in order to make the learning process more productive.

Folk wisdom has created a didactic game, which is the most appropriate form of learning for a child.

The game occupies a significant place in the first years of children's education, at the beginning they are only interested in the form of the game itself, and then already in the material without which it is impossible to participate in the game.

During the game, children imperceptibly perform various exercises, where they themselves have to compare, perform arithmetic operations, practice mental counting, and solve problems.

Diverse game actions, with the help of which this or that mental task is solved, increases the interest of children in the subject, in their knowledge of the world around them.

Didactic games and classes give a good result only if you clearly understand what tasks can be solved in the process of their implementation. Psychologists have proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one's own positive attitude, emotions, does not become useful - dead weight.

In didactic games, it is possible to form new knowledge, to acquaint children with methods of action. Such games teach a child to understand some complex mathematical concepts, form an idea of ​​the relationship between numbers and numbers, quantities and numbers, develop the ability to navigate in the directions of space, draw conclusions.

When using didactic games are widely used various items and visual material that helps keep the lessons fun, entertaining and accessible.

When a child sees, feels, feels an object, it is much easier to teach him. Make math aids, because it is better to count some specific objects, for example, colored circles, cubes, strips of paper, etc.

If the child attends Kindergarten or a preschool school, all this he learns in special classes. But his knowledge will be stronger if you consolidate it at home.

The proposed games do not require any special efforts or costs from adults, the material for them is what is in any home, including the most common toys.

Games for the study of quantitative representations

In the course of games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions on their own. An adult equips children only with a scheme and a direction of analysis. entertaining task, which ultimately leads to a decision (correct or erroneous). A systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, a creative attitude to learning, and initiative.

How to teach a child to count? It seems that there is nothing complicated: I, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... But what to do when the baby categorically refuses to understand that after 10 comes 11, and after 20 - 21. He swaps the numbers or skips them altogether, bringing thus parents to a nervous breakdown: “Smart boy, but gets confused in such trifles! What will happen next?".

The fact is that children's memory is selective. The child learns only what interested him, surprised him, delighted him or ... frightened him. He is unlikely to remember something, in his opinion, uninteresting, even if adults insist. Therefore, the main task of parents is to make sure that the baby is interested in counting. Then the little fidgets themselves will not notice how they learn to count.


For children of two or three years old, cubes are an excellent building material. At the same age, kids are willing to get acquainted with numbers. With four-five-year-old children, it is already possible to compose examples for addition and subtraction, compose and read multi-digit numbers.

How many cubes do we have? Why not count them? It's interesting to know how many there are.

In a large room, the cubes can be laid out in one row. Even if the child is not completely solid in counting, or even completely bad, he will still carefully monitor and remember the actions of an adult (showing a cube and naming a number, moving along a row from left to right, etc.). After two or three shows, he will definitely want and try to act independently in the same way.

Several cubes of the same size are placed in front of the child. After explaining and showing, the child must independently put the cubes one on top of the other to make a turret, then a train, a high chair, a house.

"Track" - laying out several cubes in a row.

"Fence" - laying out several cubes on the edge.

"Bench" - is built from two cubes and a transverse bar on top.

"Table" - the transverse bar is superimposed on one cube.

"Gate" - the cubes are placed perpendicular to the bar. Using building material, you can also suggest building a crib, sofa, etc.

Do not set a small number of cubes, let them be at least one and a half to two dozen each time, small numbers are repeated in large ones with each recount.

Gradually increase the number of cubes, quickly and clearly show and count yourself at first. Children will definitely begin to join, echo, prompt at the slightest pause, overtake you. They themselves are interested in mastering the order of counting, moving in it as far as possible.

We count nuts

Take two saucers, each with one, two or three nuts on it, or two cards, each with no more than three dots. How many nuts are on this saucer? “Does this and this saucers have the same number of nuts, or does one of them have more?” Start by comparing one nut to three, then move on to comparing one nut to two nuts, and finally two nuts to three, before comparing one nut to one, two nuts to two, and three to three.

Account on the road

Small children get tired very quickly in transport if they are left to their own devices. This time can be spent with benefit if you count together with your child. You can count the passing trams, the number of child passengers, shops or pharmacies. You can come up with an object for each count: the child considers large houses, and you are small. Who has more?

Count yourself

Name the parts of your body, which are one at a time (head, nose, mouth, tongue, chest, stomach, back).

Name the paired parts of the body (2 ears, 2 temples, 2 eyebrows, 2 eyes, 2 cheeks, 2 lips, 2 arms, 2 legs).

Which one is more taken from?

In the morning, mother put the same number of apples on two plates for the children. By evening, there were as many apples left on the plates as shown in the figure. From which plate more apples were taken and by how many? Explain your answer.

Light up the stars

Game material: a piece of dark blue paper - a model of the night sky; brush, yellow paint, number cards (up to five).

1. “Light up” (with the end of the brush) as many “stars in the sky” as there are figures on the number card.

2. The same. Perform, guided by hearing on the number of blows to the tambourine or on the tabletop.

How many buttons?

Buttons are used, no more than 5 pieces. Start with 3 objects in a row. Ask:

1. How many buttons are there?

2. What happens if I remove one?

3. How many will there be now?

4. Now what happened?

5. How many are here?

6. Are there still three?!

7. How many are here?

8. Is it still the same number as it was, or has it become more/less?

Questions 6 and 7 can be omitted if the child answers question 5 correctly. Otherwise, ask them so that he can think again. Carefully vary the form of question 8: change the order in which you say the same thing, more and less, because there is a high probability that the child will agree with your last word if he is not sure of himself.

Repeat the exercise, increasing the number of objects to 5 and adding or subtracting only 1 object. Be sure to confirm his answers: “Yes, there are 3 items” or “Yes, there are more” when he is right. If he says wrong, then: "No, let's try again" or "Let's see."

Count in order

Put all the mugs in a bag (bucket, box). Take out one at a time and lay it out in a row on a table or sheet of paper (the surface should be plain so that the circles can be clearly seen). Laying out circles, say "one", "two", and so on up to ten. You can take out the pieces in turn - one you, one child. Having laid out all the figures in a row, begin to remove one by one back and count backward: "ten", "nine", and so on. At the end, having removed everything, say: “Zero! There is nothing!". Playing such a game, the child will quickly learn the order of counting in both directions within the first ten.

How many figures?

Place a white sheet of cardboard or something plain. Put one figure on it and say "One!", Then the next one and call it "Two!" and up to five. See what happened. You can get five identical figures, then you will say - all red - or several others, then you can say - three red and two blue, and only five. And then start removing one at a time, involve the child in this and have fun removing and laying out five figures again, counting them back and forth. As the game progresses, change the number of multi-colored figures in your "heel" imperceptibly for the child and draw his attention to this: "Look: one red and four blue, but still five!"

After some time, bring the game to the composition of the number ten, then take twenty figures at the same time, so that you can get a whole dozen of one color, a whole one of another, nine of one - one of the other, etc.

You can use cardboard egg trays when playing (now pallets for ten eggs with a lid are sold - you just need to cut off the lid from them, or take a large tray for three dozen and cut it with a sharp knife so that you get two rows of five). By laying out coins, balls or something else in such a “ten”, the baby himself will see how much is left to put in order to get a whole ten, that when there is no place in one box, the second ten begins, he will easily remember the composition of the numbers of the second ten and beyond.

Coin games

If the baby likes to fold something, push cylinders or coins into a hole in a box, roll balls down a hill - this can also be associated with the score. The child folds, you think. He listens and tries to repeat. So the child not only remembers the sequence of counting, but can also visually see those twenty or thirty-five coins that he put in a jar.

Variants of such games:

1. Help Pinocchio. Game material: Pinocchio toy, coins (within 7-10 pieces). Task: to help Pinocchio select the number of coins that Karabas-Barabas gave him.

2. How much is in the bank. Take coins and a plastic jar with a narrow hole in the lid (like in a piggy bank), lay out a long path on the table, how many coins did you get - 12, 17, 25? Count with the baby, repeat how many coins you have. And start putting the coins in the jar, each time saying how many coins are left - it will be a game of counting down 25, there are 24, 23, 22, ...

You can lay out coins not in a long way, but in “turrets” (4, 3, 2, 1), you can get one, two, three whole turrets or more, and even a few coins separately, so tell the baby - ten, ten more, yes ten more, and four more coins - only thirty-four! Let's put it in a jar: there are 33, 32, ...

Guess how much is in which hand

The game can be played by two or more players. The host picks up a certain number of items, no more than 10 (it can be matches, sweets, buttons, pebbles, etc.), and announces to the players how many items he has in total. After that, he lays them out in both hands behind his back and asks the children to guess how many objects are in which hand. They take turns answering the question. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

How many

Choose something to count with your child. You can show him a tree on the street, for example, a poplar, and teach him to recognize him. And then give the task to count how many poplars are on the street along which you walk. You can count how many people wearing glasses passed by, how many green cars are parked on your street, or how many shops are in your neighborhood.

Who has more

This game can be played with two or three people. To play, you need a cube with dots. Buttons, cones, nuts, etc. can be used as counting material.

Place these items in a vase or box. Now take turns rolling the dice. What number falls out, so many are taken from the vase of objects. When the vase is empty, count who has more.

math game

Count everything you play. To do this, you do not need to arrange special classes with sitting at a desk. After all, you are probably playing something with a child, and here you will say: “A chicken lives here, and here there are two baby elephants.” Or “How many animals will ride the train?”. And you yourself answer so that the child begins to understand how such a question is answered: “Two cats, three horses, one camel, etc.” Specially create game situations, where the hero has to count something or give another toy or person the right amount of mushrooms, flowers, hippos, whatever.

Right there, that is, in any game, you can give elements of mathematical operations, introduce the composition of the number. That is, you act out a mathematical problem in faces and solve it yourself in front of the child using the methods available to him.

For example: “An elephant sailed to the camel on a big ship, and then two more monkeys. And the camel had three guests,” etc.

“The girl baked two pies with jam and two pies with cabbage, then put all these four pies in a basket and went to the woods to a woodcutter she knew (you portray all this as toys, and even better if you do it together, by roles). The woodcutter was just at home, and two hunters were also visiting him. The girl made tea and they all began to drink it with pies. And it turned out that everyone got one pie, since there were four people and pies, that is, equally (and give everyone a pie). The plot of the game, of course, should come from the presence of toys. Along the way, design a play space with your child: a forest, a path, and so on. Do not focus on the fact that you need to remember something or at least listen carefully. Let the child be fascinated by the game, and everything will be remembered by itself.

Account by ear

For this game you will need: cards with the same pictures, counting material, some musical instrument - a metallophone, a tambourine.

Option 1: Show the child a card with pictures and offer to hit as many times as there are pictures on the card. Count out loud: "One, two, three...".

Option 2: You knock on the metallophone, and the child, counting aloud with you, puts up the same number of toys. First, expose the toys after each hit. When the baby will easily cope with the task, complicate the task - put the toys after all the blows.

Option 3: The child puts the toys to bed, and the adult reads the rhyme.

Night rhyme

One, two, three, four, five!

Six seven eight nine ten!

Gotta, gotta, gotta sleep.

And no need to play tricks.

Who does not sleep, he will go out.

Who fell asleep will see

Valentin Berestov

Concept of two and couple

Growing toddlers still do not know how to count or recognize numbers, but they are able to learn the basic meaning of the concept of "two". Help your child make sense of this by pointing to many pairs of things: two shoes, two socks, two hands, two feet, two ears.

In a conversation with a child, use the word "two" wherever possible: "Look at these two flowers." Give the child two things: "Here are two spoons" or "Here are two toys."

Learning Zero

You can enter zero using the following questions:

How many cows are in your pocket?

How many crocodiles do we have at home? Etc.

Put 5 cubes on the table. Take one at a time and ask how many are left. First, 1 die (leaving 4), then another 1, and so on until 0 remains.

Let's treat the little animals

Put animal toys in front of your baby. Offer to "feed" them - choose a card with the same number of fruits or vegetables as animals.

Groups of animals can be changed 3-4 times in one session.

Option: the same task, but with dummy fruits and vegetables. We put a "treat" in front of each animal and count: "One carrot, two ...".

Digital alphabet

After the child has learned to count, you can proceed to the study of numbers. Toddlers usually just memorize a series of numbers from one to ten. The main thing is that the child is aware that the numbers indicate the number of specific items. Whether it's three kittens, three balloons or three apples - it is always indicated by one number. Children really like all kinds of Velcro books and magnetic numbers that can be attached to a special board, to a refrigerator or to bathroom tiles. If the baby always has the numbers in front of his eyes, he himself will not notice how he will learn them.

When the child learns a series of numbers from one to ten, the concept of "zero" can be introduced. Invite the child to count what is not. “If we have apples, we can count them. And if we ate all the apples - there is nothing left - that is, “zero apples”. The word "zero" means "nothing".

For older children (4-5 years old), tell how numbers are formed. Put ten counting sticks in a row - in ancient times, ten was abbreviated as "twenty". Place one stick on top (preferably a different color). It turns out "one" to "twenty" - "eleven". By adding one stick at a time to the top row, you will gradually reach twenty. Then you can tell how tens are formed: two tens - “twenty-twenty”, three tens - “thirty-twenty”, and so on. The exception is the number forty, which in ancient times meant "a lot", and ninety, which translates as "nine to a hundred."

When learning to count from 1 to 100, do not demand instant memorization from the child. It is most convenient to move in stages, for example, every week to increase your knowledge by one dozen. First from 1 to 10, then to 20. The next day, before learning new Numbers, repeat what you went through yesterday. You can move on only when the child has firmly mastered the previous material. So gradually you will learn to count from one to one hundred. Just remember that the baby should not remember, but understand the score. Mathematics is based on understanding, the search for patterns. The child must understand by what principle the numbers are arranged in that order, and not in reverse.

To consolidate the studied material, offer the child the following tasks:

What number comes before 5, 9, 21, 46, 85, 100.

What number comes after 8, 16, 26, 57, 82, 99.

What number is between 5 and 7, 11 and 13, 45 and 47.

What number is missing: 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.

If the score from 1 to 100 is not difficult, you can proceed to countdown. It is most convenient to demonstrate the countdown on the hands, bending the fingers, or with the help of counting sticks. It's better to start with five. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child. From what kind of thinking he has more developed: spatial or imagination. It happens that the baby easily makes complex mathematical calculations, and the reverse count causes difficulties. Don't pressure the child. Show him the countdown with concrete examples, for example, going down the elevator.

Account in the kitchen

The kitchen is a great place to learn the basics of mathematics.

Numerous games in the kitchen will help kids remember numbers and counting.

Firstly, you can make cookies in the form of numbers with your baby. This is done in the same way as regular shortbread cookies. In preparation for the next holiday, knead the shortcrust pastry, roll it out, and then, instead of stars, rhombuses and circles, cut out numbers from 1 to 9 from it with a knife. The kid will love this game, and he will quickly remember the names and designations of numbers.

Secondly, you can cook soup and salag with your child, having previously calculated how many vegetables different kind needed for this. Don't forget to wear aprons for yourself and your child - this will add seriousness to the game!

In this case, you can use verses


I clean vegetables for cabbage soup,

How many vegetables do you need?

Three potatoes, two carrots,

Onions one and a half heads,

Yes parsley root,

Yes, a cabbage roll.

Make room, you cabbage

From you in a saucepan thick!

One, two, three, the fire is lit -

Stump, get out!

Marina Boroditskaya

Ask your child to wash and cook 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 4 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, etc. Count with your child how many beans you put in the soup. When the soup is cooked, do not forget to remember together and list what and in what order you put in the pot / salad bowl. When setting the table, say how many plates you put, how many forks, spoons and knives you lay out on the table. Finally, do not forget to thank the baby for the help.

We play numbers

After studying a specific number and accounts with it can be played like this.

1. Arrange in boxes (jars of processed cheese, disposable containers for salads, etc.) cards with numbers that the child knows, and hide the closed jars in different places in the apartment. Let the kid find all the jars and put in them as many identical items as printed on the card. For unfolding, you can use buttons, mosaics, cubes, juice tubes and any similar trifle.

2. Play the “circus”: the child is a learned dog, let him follow a few of your commands, and then you show him large cards with numbers, and the baby will bark as many times as indicated on the card. Children love to draw animals.

Or vice versa: lay out cards on the floor or sofa with numbers known to the child, how many times you clap (stomp, wave your hand, crow, etc.) - the child will bring you such a card.

3. Cut out numbers from velvet paper, cardboard, plastic, etc. Put them in an opaque bag and ask the baby, putting his hand into the bag, without looking, first feel the number and guess what number he took, and then take it out.

4. Read poems about counting and numbers, learning a new number - associative memory will help memorize the image of a number.

5. Show your child a card with a number and ask: “Why is there so much in the house?”. Let him look around the apartment and count. For example, a house has 4 doors, 8 pots, 3 turtles, 1 dog...

Getting to know the numbers

To play, you will need counting cards with pictures, numbers (on cards or any other), chips.

It is best to play together. Lay out all the cards face up. Put the numbers in the box. Take turns taking the numbers out of the box. The task is to find a card with the corresponding number of items. A chip is placed on the found card. The number is put back in the box.

When the game is over, count who has more chips. It's better to do it like this - put the chips in two rows and compare whose row is longer.

guessing game

You can use yogurt boxes or plastic cups for this game. Write or stick a number on each cup. Find a toy that will fit in the cup.

This game is played together. Place cups upside down. One player turns away, and the second at this time hides the toy in one of the cups. The first player must guess under which cup the toy is hidden, and the second must give him hints. For example: the toy is hidden under the cup with the number 5. The player asks: “Under the second?”. - "No more".

Solving examples

It is better to enter them from elementary ones, for example:

1+2=3 etc.

Then complicate.

In order for the child to understand the meaning of these operations, explain with examples:

1 + 1 = 2: 1 tomato + 1 tomato = 2 tomatoes, etc.

Draw the child’s attention to the fact that in life we ​​often resort to addition and subtraction: when it’s cold, we put on another sweater, and when it’s warm, we take it off, etc.

Name all the words that remind:

- about addition: add, buy, receive,

- about subtraction: select, take, etc.

Also note that when adding, the largest number is the answer, and when subtracting, vice versa, the result is the smallest number.

Math Fishing

Consolidation of methods of addition and subtraction within 10, reproducing them from memory.

You will need drawings of 10 fish, of which 6 are yellow, 2 are red, 2 are striped.

On the magnetic mod, barely a graph, fish are placed, on reverse side which are examples of addition and subtraction. The child “catches” (takes off) a fish, reads an example for addition and subtraction. I solved the example correctly - get a fish. Whoever "catch" the fish more (solves the examples correctly) is the best fisherman.

Where to put the card

An adult lays out on the table one doll, two cups, three bunnies, four ducks, five cubes, six spoons, etc. (You can replace it with any other material.) There are also inverted counting cards here. An adult explains the essence of the game: it is necessary to lay out the cards next to the toys so that the number of circles on the card corresponds to the number of toys.

Lay it out right

Score cards are laid out in ascending or descending order. For example:

The child carefully looks at the cards and names them. Then he is asked to close his eyes (or leave the room). An adult changes the position of several cards.

For example:

After symbol the child opens his eyes (or returns to the room), puts the cards in their original position. You can ask him to put the cards in reverse order.

We study the quantity

Draw dots on the cards. Put a different number of toys in different places in the room. For example: 1 bunny, 2 bears, 3 cubes, 4 balls. Don't take too much the first time. Ask the child to find 3 toys, showing a card with 3 dots, you can not pronounce the word "three", replace it with the phrase "the same". If the child brings a different number of toys, do not rush to say it is wrong. Try to decompose each toy into a dot, close the dots with toys, you will immediately see if the dot remains unclosed, or the toy does not have enough dots.

Absent-minded artist

You need to take the necessary numbers from the set and correct the mistakes of an absent-minded artist. Then you need to count to six, indicating the corresponding number of objects in the pictures. One should ask: how many birds cannot be shown in the picture? (6)

You can start the game like this:

On Basseinaya Street

One artist lived.

And sometimes scattered

He was for weeks.

Once, having drawn birds, he put the wrong numbers in the pictures out of absent-mindedness. Take the necessary numbers from the set and correct the mistakes of the distracted artist. Now count to six. How many birds are not in the picture?

Let's Treat the Tigers

You will need toy tigers, a plate and a block of red plasticine. The kid must tear off as many small pieces of plasticine (“meat”) from a large bar as he sees tigers in front of him. Do not forget to ask the baby to name the numerals every time he tears off the plasticine. At the end, always ask the question: How much? If the baby has learned to answer it, the first basics of mathematics have been mastered by him.

The fastest postman

To consolidate the knowledge of addition and subtraction tables within 10, you can use the game.

The teacher distributes to five children the same number of cards, on the back of which an example for addition and subtraction is written. Children sitting at tables depict houses with numbers (they hold cut numbers in their hands, indicating numbers from 0 to 10).

Postmen must quickly determine the house number on the envelope (count an example) and deliver the letters to the appropriate houses (give them to children who have cards with numbers corresponding to the answers).

Whoever quickly and correctly delivers letters to their destination is the fastest postman.

math beads

From different numbers I made beads,

And in those circles where there are no numbers,

List the pros and cons

To get this answer.

Picture puzzles

1. A chicken and three chickens were walking in the yard. One chicken got lost. How many chickens are left? And if two chickens run to drink water, how many chickens will be left near the chicken?

2. How many ducklings are around a duck? How many ducklings will be left if one swims in a trough? How many ducklings will be left if two ducklings run ashore?

3. How many goslings are in the picture? How many goslings will be left if one gosling hides? How many goslings will be left if two goslings run away to eat grass?

4. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pull out the turnip. How many are there? If the cat runs after the mouse, and the Bug runs after the cat, then who will pull the turnip? How many? Grandfather is the first. The mouse is the last one. If the grandfather leaves and the mouse runs away, how many will remain? Who will be the first? Who is last? If a cat runs after a mouse, how many will be left? Who will be the first? Who is last?

You can make other problems using cards 5 and 6.

children's domino

Domino - ancient game derived from the game of dice. If you still do not have dominoes in your arsenal, it's time to get this game, because it is simply necessary for playing mathematical games.

Almost everyone knows the rules of the game of dominoes. The only thing you need to know additionally: before playing with a child of 2-3 years old, remove all chips with more than 4 dots. Add the remaining chips only when the child has mastered the rules of the game and learns to count up to four. If the child is older, then nothing needs to be cleaned.

On this " didactic material» counting up to twelve is learned quickly.

Put the number 2 on top and 4 on the bottom.

If we count together

then we get ... exactly 6!

(there is a limitless field for imagination)

Immediately write down this example using numbers, however, especially without drawing attention to this process.

We play dominoes, with halves it

we put the number 2 on top, and below ... we don’t know!

How much do you need to add to get 5?

Agree, this is almost an equation! 2 + x \u003d 5. Below the figure, write it down, explaining that when we don’t know something, we write the letter x instead.

In the future, ask to teach dolls or a bunny to solve examples for addition and equations.

Quantity and account

The game "Who will find a flower for a butterfly"

The teacher lays paper flowers around the room. Their number should correspond to the number of children playing. Then he distributes one butterfly to the children. Clarifies how many butterflies each child has. Children must find a flower nearby and plant their butterfly on it. The teacher checks if the task is completed correctly. Clarifies what is more (less): flowers or moths

Game "Bear and bees"

Children are sitting on chairs - bees are sitting in their hive houses. The teacher says: “Tanya is a bee, Ira is a bee, Valya is a bee, Sveta is a bee. How many bees do we have? “A lot of bees,” the children answer. “Seryozha will be a bear,” the teacher says and asks: “How many bears?” - One bear. The bees fly across the field. As soon as the bear leaves his lair, the bees fly away to their houses (sit on chairs). “Here the bees flew into the clearing: one bee, one more bee, one more bee - a lot of bees. There were many bees, a bear came - the bees were frightened, scattered to their houses. There is one bee in this house, there is one bee in this house, and there is one bee in this house. How many bees are in each house? - "One". - "The bear did not catch the bees and went to sleep." The game is repeated several times. The teacher fixes the attention of children on the concepts of "one", "many". For this game, you can make a hat for a bear and bees, or use contour images. After the game, the attributes are removed, while paying attention to where there is one item and where there are many: “Here is one hat, one more, one more, and together there are many”

Game "Airplanes"

PURPOSE: to consolidate the concepts of "one", "many".

There are small airplanes of two or three colors on the chairs. Educator. You are all pilots. Lena is a pilot, Kolya is a pilot, Ira is a pilot. How many pilots do we have? Children. A lot of. Educator. This is an airfield. The planes are there. How many planes are at the airport? Each of you will take a plane. How many planes did Zhenya take? How many planes did Ira take? Red planes are flying. Now the yellow planes are flying. All planes took off. How many planes? Children. Lots of planes. Educator. Red planes are landing. (Children with red planes sit on chairs.) Then, at the signal of the teacher, the remaining groups of planes land. During the game, the teacher constantly draws the children's attention to the number of planes: “How many planes do Kolya, Ira, Zhenya have in their hands? How many planes are flying? How many have landed? How many took off? How many sit down?

»Game "Colorful Lanterns"

The teacher gives everyone a multi-colored flashlight. At the same time, he asks the child how many flashlights he has in his hands, how many flashlights his neighbor has, what color the flashlights are. The lanterns lit up and began to dance. "How many lanterns are dancing?" - “A lot.” - “How many flashlights do Katya, Nina, Vera have?” - "One, one more." - "Morning has come. The room became light. The blue lanterns went out (the children sat down), the yellow lanterns, red and green, went out. How many flashlights does Rita have? How many flashlights does Tanya have? The children answer. Evening comes again, it becomes dark, the lanterns are lit and they start dancing. The game is repeated. After the game, the children put the lanterns in a box, naming how many lanterns Kolya, Sveta, Ira have in their hands, how many lanterns Tanya, Valya put, how many lanterns are in the box. Thus, the educator teaches children to see not only the set as a whole, but also its constituent parts, each of which is distinguished by a certain color of objects. It is necessary to constantly change the visual material: it can be flowers, dolls, lanterns, leaves, animal figures, etc.

Game "Train"

PURPOSE: an exercise in finding objects of the environment: one and many.

In different places of the room there are toys on the topics "Zoo", "House of dishes", "House of toys". Children, standing one after another, form a locomotive and wagons. The train is ready to depart. The teacher asks how many steam locomotives turned out, how many wagons. A signal sounds and the train starts moving. On reaching the zoo, he stops. The teacher asks: “What animals live in the zoo? How many? Children call: "One bear, one lion, many monkeys." The train is on its way again. The next stop is near the House of Dishes. Children tell what dishes are sold, how many of which items of dishes: “Many plates, many cups, one saucepan, one ladle, one vase, one jug, many spoons, many forks.” The third stop is near the Toy House. The game continues.

Game "Butterflies and Flowers"

PURPOSE: establishing equality between two groups of objects

On the floor at a short distance from each other, one row under the other, lie flowers. There are as many of them as there are children in the group. The teacher invites all children to imagine themselves as butterflies. Let several children say that they are "butterflies". How many butterflies? A lot of. The butterflies flew. Children, waving their arms - "wings", "fly" around the room. On a signal: "Butterflies sit on flowers!" - each child should stand near the flower lying on the floor. The teacher clarifies: on this flower - a butterfly, on this flower - a butterfly, on this flower - a butterfly. - What is more and what is less: flowers or butterflies? - Equally, how many flowers, so many butterflies. The butterflies rested and flew again. The game is repeated 2-3 times. During the game, you need to put another 1-2 flowers to make it not evenly divided. And then ask the children which is more: flowers or butterflies.

The game "Sparrows and the car"

Sparrow children sit in their "nests" - hoops lying on the floor in 2 rows at a short distance from each other. In the opposite corner of the room with a steering wheel in his hands is a child - he is the driver of the car. Educator. You are "sparrows". Each "sparrow" has its own nest. How many nests, so many "sparrows". "Sparrows" flew out of the nests, flapping their wings, they fly. Educator. A car pulls out of the garage. "Sparrows" fly away to nests. The car is returned to the garage. Educator. Did all the "sparrows" have enough nests? What more? What is less? Maybe equally? Children answer questions and the game is repeated

Game "Fast Train"

A train is built from chairs placed in a row. There can be as many players as there are carriage chairs, and more or less. Passengers walk along the platform, preparing for departure. There is a horn. Passengers take their seats. The teacher, together with the children, finds out if there was enough space for everyone, compares what is more or less: wagons or passengers. Having determined what is more, less, equally, the children hit the road. The train rushes to another station, stop - the passengers get off. The game starts again. The teacher can remove, add the number of cars, so that each time when comparing there is a new situation for the children. AT similar games it is better if there are one more items than players. This will avoid conflict situations and will not upset the children.

Game "Cat and Mice"

Exercises children in establishing equality-inequality between two groups of objects. Minks for mice are prepared for the game - chairs that stand in two rows, one row opposite the other. Mouse children are housed in burrows. The cat is sleeping. The mice came out of their holes and went for a walk. On a signal: "The cat is coming!" - all mice hide in minks. The teacher asks: “How many mice? How many cats? Have all mice found minks? What more, less, equally, as much, how much? (Children respond to different questions.) The cat is sleeping again, the mice again go out for a walk. (The teacher changes the number of minks, removes or adds one chair.) If the cat caught one mouse, they compare how many minks and mice. The cat releases the mouse, it takes its mink; now there are as many minks as mice, as many mice as minks.

Game "Fisherman and fish"

It helps to consolidate the concepts of “one” and “many”, contributes to the formation of a skill in establishing equality-inequality between two groups of objects. There are chairs in a circle, as many as there are children. Chairs are pebbles at the bottom of the river, behind which the fish will hide. One child is a fisherman. He is sitting on the beach with a fishing rod. The fish swim freely. At the signal: "There is a fisherman!" - the fish swim away and hide behind the pebbles. The teacher says: “A fish hid behind this pebble, and a fish hid behind this pebble. How many pebbles, so many fish. What is more, what is less: fish or pebbles? After the children answer, the game is repeated

Game "Birds"

Forms the ability to establish equality-inequality between two groups of objects. Each bird child makes a house for himself by laying out a cord in the form of a circle. Nests are arranged in two rows at a short distance from one another. Birds fly, enjoy the sun, sing their songs. Suddenly the wind came up, the weather turned bad, it was going to rain. The birds hid in the houses. Educator: "In this nest - a bird, in this nest - a bird." Children, considering the opposite row, compare nests and birds, establish what is more, less, equally.

The games "Butterflies and Flowers", "Beetles and Dragonflies", "Horses" are also held.



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