Upgrading crew skills in wot. How to choose perks (skills) in World of Tanks? General subjective characteristics of different skills and abilities in World of Tanks

And especially for freebies with a choice of skills and abilities, you can’t go wrong! In this article, I will give some valuable recommendations for selecting perks for different classes of vehicles in the World of Tanks.

The most important skill in World of Tanks!

To begin with, I would like to immediately decide on the first perk for the crew commander. This, of course, is the "Sixth Sense", which is also called the "light bulb". This skill allows the tank commander to feel the light, as they say, "spinal cord". At the same time, after 3 seconds from the moment of light, a light on the screen lights up. This is the most valuable perk in World of Tanks. It must be downloaded on all tanks, including tank destroyers and even ART SPGs.

However, like all skills, Sixth Sense only starts working after 100% learning. Therefore, you will either have to ride for a very long time with the “inoperative” first perk, or choose some other skill for the commander and then, after the first skill is pumped up to 100%, retrain the commander.

Actually, if you are a donor, it is recommended to choose some other skill (for example, "Repair" or "Disguise") and then retrain the commander. If you don’t have 100-200 gold for retraining, choose the “Sixth Sense” for the commander and wait until he pumps it up to 100%.

IsoPanzer Perk Pickup Video Guide

Video guide on the selection of perks from VSPISHKA

General subjective characteristics of different skills and abilities in World of Tanks

Below is a general description of skills and abilities. I draw your attention to the fact that the characteristic is subjective. My opinion may not coincide with your subjective opinion. It should also be remembered that skills are active in World of Tanks as they are learned, while skills begin to act only after 100% learning (usually it is recommended to learn skills, and then reset skills and teach the tank crew new skills). Be careful!

Overview of the skills of the World of Tanks

General skills and abilities

Repair: The most important skill for the crews of heavy and medium tanks, allows you to quickly repair internal and external modules, especially important when repairing downed tracks.

It should be remembered that the "Repair" skill is considered as the average for the crew, i.e. to get a 100% repair, you need to fully upgrade it to all crew members. So, if you pump “Repair” to the Gunner, Driver and Loader, and pump the “light bulb” to the Tank Commander, then the average repair rate for the crew will be 75%.

Skills such as "Disguise" and "Fire Fighting" work in a similar way.

Disguise: the most important skill for the crews of light tanks and small tank destroyers. It is considered as the average for the crew.

Firefighting: it is pumped out on heavy and medium tanks according to the residual principle. It is considered as the average for the crew.

The Brotherhood of War: the skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5%, thereby increasing the characteristics of the tank by 2.5%. Usually pumped out on tanks to reduce the reload time of the gun and increase the rate of fire. It is recommended to use together with the "Fan" equipment (which gives another 2.5% to the characteristics of the tank). Please note that this skill takes effect only if it is pumped out to 100% for all crew members without exception.

Skills and abilities of a tank commander

Mentor: a moderately useless skill that gives bonus experience to other members of the tank crew (i.e. at 100% of the skill, the most "backward" member of the tank crew gets experience = experience earned during the battle). Useful on tanks with a small crew (such as MS-1 or ELC AMX), because. allows you to significantly speed up the pumping of the crew. However, since the Commander already has a lot of useful perks, in general it is not recommended to take it.

Eagle Eye: it makes sense to take for fireflies with a high view. It is generally not recommended to take tanks with a low view.

Handyman: according to the description, almost imba, in fact - about nothing. If you want, see for yourself.

Expert: an unnecessary skill.

Sixth Sense: the most useful, most important skill in World of Tanks.

Skills and abilities of the radio operator

A radio operator on a high-level vehicle is almost never found in its pure form. Usually this specialization is combined by the Tank Commander.

Radio interception: the action is similar to the “Eagle Eye” of the Tank Commander. The recommendations are also the same. By the way, this is the only really useful skill for the Radio Operator.

From the last forces: in theory, this skill gives a chance to get some experience and credits for dealing damage and destroying enemy tanks in your light. In practice, nothing.

Inventor and Repeater:- about nothing.

Skills and Abilities of the Gunner

Smooth turn of the tower: reduces spread when turning the turret, it makes sense to take on all tanks without exception, including turretless tank destroyers and art destroyers. Their dispersion decreases with a change in the angle of horizontal aiming of the gun. A very useful skill.

Weapon Master: almost always, the gunner can upgrade some other, more useful skills or abilities. Well, it's a pretty useful skill.

Sniper: literally by a few percent increases the probability of a critical module or crew. Begins to act only after 100% training, i.e. the gunner will have to be retrained for this skill! In general, nothing.

vindictive: Considering that in the game you can quite effectively shoot with blindshots (i.e. without glare at the known coordinates of a tank that has left the glare), the skill can hardly be classified as really useful. In addition, like any skill, it only takes effect after 100% learning.

Skills and Skills of a Driver

Offroad King: increases the speed of movement on soft ground. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on light and medium tanks.

Virtuoso: increases the tank's turn speed. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on tank destroyers and ART-ACS.

Smooth move: reduces dispersion when firing on the move. A very useful skill for light and medium tanks, which are destined to shoot on the move.

Ram Master: a very useful skill for tanks with a large mass and good dynamics (or at least high speed when driving downhill, like the KV-5).

Cleanliness and tidiness: reduces the risk of engine fire. must have on tanks with a front transmission / engine.

Loader Skills

All loader skills (as well as any other skills, for that matter) only work after they are 100% learned, which significantly reduces their value. Be careful! It makes sense to choose one of the skills in the event that you still put the second perk "Combat Brotherhood" and retrain the crew. Then the first perk can be taken one of the following skills. However, their value is rather doubtful in any case.

Intuition: it makes sense to take only the fourth or fifth skill, and even then, if you often use gold ammo.

Desperate: speeds up the reloading of the gun if the tank has less than 10% durability left. Not a bad skill, if you take it on a residual basis.

Non-contact ammo rack: increases hp. internal module "Ammo rack". It makes sense to take on tanks on a residual basis, and even then, only if this tank really often has an ammo rack.

Skill selection for light tank crews

Light tanks, which have equally low visibility when stationary and on the move, need to download Camouflage. It is this skill, and no other, that should be chosen first for light tanks.

It makes no sense to take "Repair" as the first skill: light tanks do not have good armor and a lot of HP, in addition, internal modules and crew are easily critted by them. It is better to repair a downed caterpillar with a repair kit, and not with a “Repair” at all.

After pumping out Disguise, it makes sense to retrain the commander to the Sixth Sense and start downloading Disguise again. Well, the third skill, you can choose "Eagle Eye", which increases the viewing range.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, Disguise, Eagle Eye, Repair
  • Gunner: Camouflage, Smooth turret rotation, Repair
  • Driver mechanic: Camouflage, Off-Road King, Virtuoso, Smooth Ride, Repair
  • Radio operator: Masking, Radio interception, Repair
  • Charging: Camouflage, Repair

Skill selection for medium tank crews

Further, it is possible to retrain the tank crew to "Combat Brotherhood" (after all, it is better for the commander to take the "Sixth Sense" perk as the first one, i.e. retraining is best done when the second perk is completely pumped out of the tank crew). Or pump individual skills like “Smooth Turret Rotation” and “Smooth Ride”.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Brothers in Arms), Repair, Disguise, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Turret Sweep
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Smooth Ride, Offroad King, Virtuoso
  • Radio operator: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Radio Interception
  • Charging: Repair (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage

Skill selection for heavy tank crews

Heavy tanks differ little from medium tanks in terms of skills and abilities. The main difference is in the size of the tanks - since heavy tanks are usually larger than medium ones, and their guns are mostly equipped with muzzle brakes, it often does not make sense to equip them with Camouflage. As with medium tanks, it is recommended that heavy tanks be upgraded with "Repair" first. Further, after the opening of the third perk, the crew can be retrained for "Combat Brotherhood".

If the tank is on fire often, it makes sense to take "Fire Fighting", or wait until the gold "Automatic Fire Extinguishers" for silver appear in the game.

If the tank has a front transmission/engine, the driver should pump out "Clean and Tidy".

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Turret Swing
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Offroad King, Virtuoso
  • Radio operator: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Radio Interception, Concealment, or Firefighting.
  • Charging: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), (Disguise, Firefighting, or any of the available special skills)

It turns out that the crews of heavy tanks have nothing special to teach ?! It turns out - yes! Those. from really useful skills, you should choose those that are higher. So, I still recommend not to neglect the “Combat Brotherhood” skill. The rest of the perks are to taste.

Skill selection for tank destroyer crews

If the tank destroyer is compact enough, it makes sense to take Disguise as the first perk and sit in the bushes. If it's a monstrosity like Ferdinand, it makes sense to take Repair and tank. In general, even "Ferdinand-shaped" tank destroyers make sense to upgrade "Camouflage", because tank destroyers have a class bonus to stealth when stationary.

Repair even for “inconspicuous” tank destroyers makes sense to download in any case, for example, the second perk (or third, if you download “Combat Brotherhood”). Those. for conventional tank destroyers, we take “Camouflage” as the first perk, then “Repair”, retrain (or not) the crew to “Combat Brotherhood” and again take “Repair”.

For huge heavily armored tank destroyers, you can take "Repair", then "Camouflage", retrain the crew to "Combat Brotherhood" and start pumping "Camouflage" again. That's the whole difference.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Brothers in Arms), Disguise, Repair, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Turret Sweep
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Virtuoso, King of the Road
  • Radio operator: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Radio Interception
  • Charging: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair

The choice of skills for ART-SAU crews

The first perk makes sense to take "Disguise". In any case, it makes sense for the commander to download the “Sixth Sense”, even on the ART-SAU, the “light bulb” gives quite a tangible advantage. "Repair" on ART-SAU can not be downloaded at all.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Combat Brotherhood), Disguise
  • Gunner: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Turret Swing
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood), Virtuoso, King of the Road
  • Radio operator: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Radio Interception
  • Charging: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood)

Mini-FAQ on skills and abilities in World of Tanks

Question: will the skill "Sixth Sense" work if I transfer the commander to new tank, and he will lose 10% (or even 20%) of the main specialty?
Answer: unbelievable, but true - it will!

Crew leveling game world of Tanks affects many parameters, such as the rotation of the tank and its turret, the speed of movement and repair of the combat vehicle, the range of vision and communication, and the speed of reloading. All technical indicators of the tank improve in parallel with the acquired skills and abilities of the crew members.

There are several ways to level up a crew in Worlds of Tanks:

Pumping for game gold

The most expensive, but very fast option for crew training up to 100%. The advantages of this method:

  • It takes a minimum of time to pump.
  • Easy learning process. The user enters the personal file of each crew member and selects training at the tank academy, which will cost 200 gold per character.

The method is suitable for those users who want to quickly upgrade their crew without taking part in numerous battles.

Leveling up for silver

Crew members are trained at the regimental school. No real investment required. For 20,000 in-game silver, each crew member will be upgraded from 50% to 75%.

Upgrading your account in battles

Education without investment. The process is labor intensive and time consuming. The crew will have to weak tank to fight a lot of stubborn battles until he is pumped up to the coveted 100%.

Premium account

With such an account, the player gets 1.5 times more important skills and experience for each battle. Crew leveling from 75% to 100% will be much faster than with previous methods.

We swing on elite equipment

After receiving the "Elite vehicle" status, the player marks a special checkbox (located above the crew list) and turns on accelerated leveling. All experience earned is transferred to crew training. Team members with the lowest skill level receive double experience per battle.

Leveling on premium vehicles

Premium vehicles are a great simulator for crew training. Pumping does not require funds and retraining, it takes place in an accelerated mode.

Crew training in wot - leveling process

  1. Log into the game. Select technique. Play until the development branch opens and it becomes possible to purchase another combat vehicle.
  2. Buy new equipment (without crew).
  3. Disembark the upgraded crew from the old vehicle to the barracks.
  4. Transfer the crew to new equipment. Retrain (free - 80% leveling, for silver - 90%).
  5. Learn models and subsequent techniques. Enable Mode accelerated learning crew.
  6. Buy a tank from the next branch. Transfer the crew to it.

Acting in this order, at level 10, the player receives a crew pumped to 100%. Plus, 2-3 additional skills will be added to this.

Important moments of crew leveling in Worlds of Tanks:

  • Each tanker has his own nationality and can only drive equipment of the corresponding country.
  • When a crew member is retrained for another tank, the knowledge and skills gained on the previous one are canceled.
  • To pump the crew, tanks from the fifth level are required.
  • When training team members, it is necessary to comply with general rules pumping.

Hello tankers! This article will focus on one of the fundamental WoT features -

Rules for choosing perks for the tank crew

Hello tankers! This article will focus on one of the fundamental features of WoT - crew skills.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of crew skills, you need to initially understand how you will use a particular vehicle. However, there are perks recommended for everyone.

1. Sixth sense

Some of you probably already know that the developers plan to make this skill available to all crew commanders after leveling the main profession to 100%. However, while this innovation is in the status of "CTTS", it is worth pumping
the commander first. Lighting up 2 seconds after the light, the “Light Bulb” will often save you from a splash of PT or art. If you yourself play on PT or art, your priority in the light for enemies is even higher, and the lamp is more needed.

2. Repair

Usually this is how it is customary to start pumping the crew. First of all, the commander - "The Sixth Sense", the rest - "Repair". And this technique pays off.
After all, initially repairing a downed harp on some tanks at 100% of the main skill was more than 10 seconds! This means that you lose a repair kit and / and a significant amount of durability points without a pumped repair. But you still need to drag the fight!

3. Combat Brotherhood

This perk adds only 5% to all crew skills, so it is usually recommended in combination with ventilation that works similarly. Then you get
+10% in total, which significantly adds to the combat capability of any tank.
The exception is machines with a loading drum and without the possibility of installing ventilation (WT E100). You will definitely notice a 5% reduction in reload time on the drum. Whether or not to pump "BB" with the second perk is an individual choice.

4. Alternative second perk

If you decide not to upgrade the "BB" second, then you need to start leveling the critical flaws of the tank. Weak ammo rack? (T-44, T-54, etc.) to the loader - "Contactless ammunition rack". You play on the “crystal cannon” (borscht, waffle of the 9th level) for everyone - “Disguise”. When playing with light on LT or ST, it is worth increasing the view to increase the chance to illuminate the enemy earlier. Commander - "Eagle Eye", radio operator - "Radio Interception". For mechanical drivers of strands, it is worth advising the "Master of Ram" (for fast type IS-7
and heavy ST type E-50 M) or "Virtuoso" or "King of off-road" for clumsy cars like E-100. Accordingly, ST drivers need to be taught how to move smoothly, because you often have to shoot on the go.

5. Third perk. Customization

As a rule, with the exception of very complex vehicles like the WT E100, the third perk brings the gameplay on the tank closer to comfortable. Previously missed perks are being downloaded. On CT it is worth studying "Camouflage", "Smooth turret turn" for the gunner, machines developed by gloomy French geniuses like "bat-chat" or AMX 50B, it makes sense to think about choosing the Master of All Trades perk for the commander. The crew is often critical, sometimes they can help. It’s time for those who load on classic TTs to pump in the “Contactless ammunition rack” and “Desperate”. For gunners, drummers and tanks with a large alpha-strike, Sniper will be relevant, which will make it possible to break modules to opponents much more often.

6. Completion of customization.

The fourth perk You need to understand that each subsequent perk requires 2 times more experience than the previous one to fully pump. For the fourth, this is already - 1.68 million units of experience. So you should seriously think about which of the remaining skills will make your life easier. In this case, advice is hardly needed, by this moment you will already have an understanding (and if not, you have 42% of victories and it doesn’t matter how the crew is upgraded :)).

7. Perks of last importance

This term means: “Masking” for heavy tanks, “Fire fighting” for rarely burning tanks (it’s better to put a gold fire extinguisher, you don’t need to be afraid of spending, it will come out cheaper, because the tank will not burn at all) and similar skills.

8. Useless Perks

The developers have given birth to a number of absolutely useless perks. Most players agree that it is not worth downloading on any machine: "Inventor", "Repeater", "Expert". Such perks as "Vintage" and "From last strength" can also be classified as partially useless, because they are not applicable anywhere because of their low probability of use. Such perks are usually chosen by the overridden players for specific purposes.

Conclusion. A few simple but important tips.

BUT) " The Brotherhood of War» swings only for all crew members at the same time and starts to act at 100%.
B) it is worth distinguishing between the skills and abilities of the crew. For example, " Repair», « Disguise" and " radio interception” start to work with 1% study, gradually increasing their effectiveness, and “Lamp”, “Contactless ammo rack” and “Combat Brotherhood” only after full study.
C) the study of crew professions, although marked with percentages, is incorrect. Each subsequent percentage requires more experience than the current one.
G) " Firefighting» - not the most useful perk, because it is quite well replaced by a gold fire extinguisher. Swing 4m-5m-6m perk, excluding "fire tanks" (Germans, KV-3, etc.).
D) general principle the choice of skills and abilities: to maximize the advantages, then level the most serious shortcomings.
E) do not be lazy, test the car you are going to download, see the guides. This will help you choose the right tank and the method of pumping it. G) if possible, do not save gold, train, retrain and reset perks for gold. By the middle of the fourth perk, leveling is very slow, experience is never superfluous.

The game



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Recall that with the release of patch 0.7.2. tank personnel will have skills and abilities. Skills begin to act only when they are studied at 100%, and skills become active already from 1% study. To make it easier for you, by going through you can find a description of the skills and abilities.

What are the best skills to acquire first?

For artillery it is best to equip:

Commander first you need to pump the sixth sense skill and expert skill.
Gunner- sniper skill or vindictive skill.
Driver mechanic it is best to learn the virtuoso skill first.
loader In our opinion, it is best to learn the Intuition skill or the Desperate skill.
to the radio operator it is best to learn radio interception skill first.
After that, you can learn all the skills that are left.

For Fri Sau:

Commander- we advise you to learn the eagle eye skill first, then the sixth sense skill, the third expert skill, give the rest of the skills as you like.
gunner- here the sniper skill is definitely the first thing to learn.
Charging- optional, as all three skills: non-contact ammo rack, intuition and desperate learn depending on the style of your game. If you are sitting in the bushes and often defend yourself, then you need to learn the intuition skill first, then the non-contact ammo rack skill, and then only the desperate skill.

Driver mechanic- definitely the first thing we learn is the skill of a virtuoso.
radio operator- The ability to radio interception, then at your discretion.

Basic skills and abilities for light tanks in the game World of Tanks :

Commander- Be sure to learn the skill of an eagle eye.
gunner- definitely for the firefly, first of all we learn the vindictive skill, and then the rest as desired.
Charging- we learn the skill of non-contact ammunition, then the skill is desperate.
Driver mechanic. It all depends on the style of the game. If your main goal is to destroy artillery, then first of all we learn the skill of a smooth move, the skill of a virtuoso, then the skill of the off-road king, the rest at your discretion. If you are trying to just highlight enemies, then the first thing you need to learn is the Virtuoso skill.

radio operator. For a firefly, it is better to first learn a last-minute skill or a radio interception skill. Again, it all depends on the style of the game. If you are going to shine irrevocably, then it is better to first learn the skill with the last of your strength, and only after it the skill of radio interception.

Basic skills for heavy tanks in the game World of Tanks:

Commander- First you can learn the jack of all trades skill or the expert skill.
gunner- First of all, we learn the skill of a sniper.
Charging. Basically it's up to you here.
Driver mechanic. If you are on heavy tanks, then you can learn the skill of a ram master and, if possible, pinch enemies. For most heavy tanks, we recommend learning the smooth move skill first.
radio operator- the skill of radio interception, then the skill of the last forces.

For medium tanks:

Commander- learn the skill of an eagle eye, then an expert.
gunner- the skill of a smooth turn of the tower, then we learn the skill of a sniper.
Charging– we recommend learning the non-contact ammo rack first, since medium tanks often die due to the explosion of ammo racks.
Driver mechanic- first of all, the skill of a virtuoso, and then the skill of a smooth move, or vice versa.
radio operator- the ability to radio interception must be taught first, then at will.

In the game World of Tanks, the characteristics of any tank are greatly influenced by Crew skills and abilities. After all, the pumped crew increases the speed of the tank, the rotation of the tank, the turret of the tank, gaining speed, aiming, reloading, communication and visibility range. That is, almost all technical indicators of the tank improve with the improvement of the crew. That's why everything best players WoT have 100% upgraded crew with 4 or more skills and abilities.

Buying a new tank

When buying a tank, you are offered a choice:

  1. Hire a crew for free, trained in 50% of the main specialty.
  2. Hire for 20 thousand credits each crew member trained in 75% of the main specialty.
  3. Hire for 200 gold each crew member trained in 100% of the main specialty.

A crew with 75% is an order of magnitude better than a crew with 50%, and a crew with 100% is an order of magnitude better than a crew with 75%. You do not have to buy a new crew for each tank, you can transfer your upgraded crew from tank to tank when you study all the tanks in one nation. And by the 10th level, your crew will come up with at least one skill or skill already pumped. Yes, crew transfers cost money (200 gold or 20,000 credits for each crew member), but these expenses will more than pay for themselves. If you don't have gold coins, then transfer for credits, even if you lose 10% of the crew's skill. This loss is in many cases preferable to pumping out the crew on a new tank from scratch.

The choice of skills for the tank crew in WoT

Upon reaching 100% of the main specialization, each crew member will be able to choose their own skill or ability. The skill starts working when it reaches 100%, and the skill starts at the beginning of pumping and improves as it grows. The maximum skill value is obtained when reaching 100%. Some skills are common to all crew members, such as camouflage, firefighting, and repairs. And some are inherent in some members of the crew, for example, a mentor and a sixth sense can only be studied by the crew commander, the king of off-road - only the driver, desperate - only the loader.

For the crew of each tank, you need to choose your skills and abilities. For example, disguise does not suit German heavy tanks, since they are huge and this skill does not really affect their stealth. Ram Master is not suitable for artillery or fireflies, because they have low health and weight. Ramming in such cases will practically not cause damage to the enemy, but most likely will lead to the death of the tank itself. Take responsibility for the choice of skills and abilities for your crew. After all, you can change skills, but for this you will have to pay a considerable amount of loans (with a loss of 10% of the skill) or gold. It's no secret that it will take about 16 million experience to pump all the skills and abilities, and this is many months of work. A few players can boast of crews with 5 pumped skills or abilities, most players freeze at two or three pumped skills. If you do not have time, but you need a well-trained crew to win in random, company battles or championships, contact us and we will help you upgrade your crew's skills and abilities.

How to quickly pump the crew

Mandatory conditions for crew leveling

For pumping you will need:

  1. Premium account.
  2. Guard tank level 8 or higher, on which we can pump the crew. On it we can tick "Accelerated Crew Leveling" which will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.
  3. If you have premium tank tier 8, then check the box in the order form, because such vehicles have an additional 50% bonus to crew experience. Accordingly, we can upgrade your crew faster and cheaper.