(sport version). What? Where? When? (sports version) Sports rating what where when

Rules of the game "What? Where? When?" for 2016
(the rules may be changed, supplemented and adjusted during the season)

1. General Provisions

1.1. 2 teams take part in the game - "Team of TV viewers" (hereinafter referred to as TV VIEWERS) and "Team of Connoisseurs" (hereinafter referred to as CONSISTS).
1.2. TV VIEWERS ask questions to EXPERTS, and EXPERTS in 1 minute must find the answer to the question posed.
1.2.1. If the MASTER answers the question correctly, they earn a point.
1.2.2. If the CONFIDENTS answer the question incorrectly, the TV VIEWERS get a point. In addition to the point, the Viewer, whose question the EXPERTS could not answer correctly, receives a cash prize.
1.2.3. The correctness of the answer is determined by the Host of the game.
1.2.4. EXPERTS have the right to answer a question without a minute of discussion. If this answer is recognized as correct, then the EXPERIENCERS receive an "extra minute" for discussion, which they can use when searching for the correct answer to one of the questions of this game, including in the BLITZ, SUPERBLITZ sectors, in the "Decisive Round".
1.3. The game goes up to 6 points. The team with 6 points wins the game.
1.4. The gaming table is divided into 13 sectors. In 12 sectors there are envelopes with questions from viewers sent by mail. In the 13th sector, questions from TV viewers are played, received via the Internet during the game.
1.5. What question will be asked to the CONSISTENTS is "determined" by the arrow of the spinning top. If the arrow points to a sector that has already been played, then the CONFIDENTS are asked a question from the next sector in a clockwise direction.
1.5.1. If the top arrow "chooses" the 13th sector, the computer randomly chooses one of the questions that have arrived on the Internet up to that point. The 13th sector can drop no more than 1 time per game.
1.5.2. On the gaming table, one of the 12 sectors may turn out to be a SUPERBLITZ sector.
There are 3 questions in this sector. At the gaming table - 1 player (by the decision of the captain).
The LEADER asks the EXPERT questions from the TV VIEWERS, and the EXPERT must find answers to them in 20 seconds. In order to win the SUPERBLITZ sector, the EXPERT must correctly answer all three questions.
1.5.3. Also on the gaming table, one of the 12 sectors may turn out to be a BLITZ sector. There are 3 questions in the BLITZ sector. At the gaming table - the whole team. The HOST puts the TV VIEWERS' questions to the CONFIDENTS, and the CONFIDENTS must find answers to them in 20 seconds. In order to win the BLITZ sector, the EXPERTS need to correctly answer all three questions.
1.6. Once per game, a team may take "Club Assistance". A team can use the "Help of the Club" if it is inferior to the TV viewers in the score. "Club Help" is taken after the main minute of discussion. The club has 20 seconds to express and substantiate their versions. After that, the team must respond. "Club Assistance" does not apply to the SUPERBLITZ sector and the Decisive Round. Any person present in the hall can participate in the "Help of the Club".
1.7. In the 2016 season, a team of CONSISTERS losing to TV VIEWERS with a score of X: 5 (where X is from 0 to 4) can ask the LEADER for a discussion "MINUTE IN CREDIT".
1.7.1. If the LEADER and defender of the interests of TV VIEWERS are ready to give the team this minute, then the experts get it. The captain of the team can ask for a "MINUTE IN CREDIT" after the main minute for discussion, or after an additional one, or after the "Help of the Club".
1.7.2. "MINUTE IN CREDIT" can be taken in the BLITZ and SUPERBLITZ rounds. In this case, it can be used to find the correct answer to only one question out of three.
1.7.3. If the team was "helped" by "MINUTE IN CREDIT" and it won the round, then before the end of the game it is obliged to return it, that is, to answer some of the remaining questions without a minute of discussion.
If the BLITZ sector falls out, then the team will return the "MINUTE IN CREDIT" by answering all three questions without discussion. If the sector is SUPERBLITZ - the remaining MASTER must answer all three questions without thinking.
1.7.4. When the score is 5:5, the LEADER forcibly takes a minute from the team for discussion.
1.7.5. You can also return "MINUTE TO CREDIT" at the Decisive Round.
1.8. In the Winter Series, CONSISTS have the right to take the Decisive Round.
Experts who scored 5 points in the course of the game, but can no longer bypass the team that played in the previous games of the series without the Decisive Round, can ask the Host for the right to play the Decisive Round. If the Host satisfies the request of the EXPERTS, then the score of the game becomes 0:0, one expert remains at the table. Winning the Decisive Round is worth 6 points.
If the SUPERBLITZ sector fell out in the Decisive round, then the ZNATOK remaining at the table must answer three questions - each for 20 seconds.
If in the Decisive round the BLitz sector fell out, then the ZNATOK remaining at the table must answer three questions - each for 20 seconds.
If by the time of the Deciding Round the team has not given the "MINUTE ON CREDIT", then in this case the EXPERT must give the answer (answers) without reflection.
In the Decisive round, you cannot take "Club Help".
1.9. In the Winter series, "RULE OF REMOVAL FOR INCORRECT ANSWER" is possible.
If the team of CONSISTS gave the wrong answer to the question of the TV VIEWER, then the player who answered it is removed from the table. If in the next round the team loses again, then the next answering player is removed, and so on. Once a team wins a round, game table all previously deleted players are returned.

2. Structure of the season

2.1. The 2016 season consists of the Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter series and the Final of the year. The Spring, Summer and Fall Series consist of 5 games, the Winter Series consists of 4 games and the Final of the Year.
2.2. At the beginning of the 2016 season, the Club's teams receive places in the ranking depending on the results of games in previous seasons. The higher the team's achievements, the higher its place in the ranking.*
2.3. A team with a higher rating, with equal performance, will have priority over the rest.
2.4. The place of the team in the ranking does not change during the season.
2.5. In the 2016 season, guest teams may participate. Regardless of the result, these teams do not qualify for further participation in the games of the season.
2.6. A team that has lost its last game cannot play in the Winter Series.
2.7. A team that loses two games in the spring, summer, and fall series is ineligible for the next season.
2.8. A team that has not won a single game in the previous two seasons is also forfeited from the next season (this rule comes into force in 2017).

3. Spring series

3.1. In the first game of the Spring Series, the team that occupies the 9th place in the rating plays, in the second - 7th, in the third - 5th, in the fourth - 3rd, in the fifth - 1st place in the rating.
3.2. The team that wins last wins the Spring Series and is eligible to play in the Winter Series.

4. Summer series

4.1. Teams that did not play in the Spring Series will take part in the Summer Series.
4.2. The team that wins last wins the Summer Series and is eligible to play in the Winter Series.
4.3. The rest of the teams have a chance to play in the Autumn Series.

5. Autumn series

5.1. The teams that won the Spring and Summer Series will take part in the Autumn Series (except for the teams that advanced to the Winter Series).
5.2. The order of games in the Autumn Series depends on the team's place in the season ranking - the higher the place in the ranking, the later the team plays.
5.3. If there are fewer places in the Fall Series than the winning teams in the Spring and Summer Series, the teams ranked higher in the season's ranking will have a priority right to play.
5.3.1. If there are more places in the Fall Series than there are winning teams, then the remaining places may be taken by the teams that lost in the Spring or Summer Series. The priority right to play will be given to teams that occupy higher places in the ranking of the season.
5.4. The team that wins last wins the Fall Series and is eligible to play in the Winter Series.

6. Winter series

6.1. The first game of the Winter Series will be played either by the club's away team, or the Crystal Atom prize winning team, or a team of experts that has never lost in the 2016 season but has not advanced to the Winter Series according to the main rules.
6.2. The winning team of the Fall Series will play in the second game of the Winter Series.
6.3. The winning team of the Summer Series will play in Game 3 of the Winter Series.
6.4. The winning team of the Spring Series will play in Game 4 of the Winter Series.
6.5. The winner of the Winter Series will be the team that beats TV VIEWERS with a higher score. If this indicator is equal for several teams, the one that played later gets the advantage. This team will be eligible to play in the Final of the Year.

7. Prizes

7.1. The best player each game of the season receives a prize from the representative of the General Sponsor - "Crystal Atom".
7.1.2. The best players of those teams that did not qualify for the Winter Series can take part in the Winter Series as part of a new team.
7.2. The viewer - the author of the best question of the game receives a cash prize - 150,000 rubles.
7.3. AT last game The Spring, Summer and Autumn series determine the Best Player; in case of victory of experts - from experts, in case of victory of TV viewers - from TV viewers. The best player of the series receives the Crystal Owl prize and 500,000 rubles.
7.4. The Best Player is determined in the Final Game of the Year; in case of victory of experts - from experts, in case of victory of TV viewers - from TV viewers. The best player receives the Diamond Owl prize and 1,000,000 rubles.

** - the team does not take part in the 2016 season

TV game "What? Where? When?" , the authors of which are Vladimir Voroshilov and Natalia Stetsenko, however, it has a number of features, the main of which is the competition of teams against each other on the same questions. Sports ChGK clubs exist not only in the countries of the former USSR and Bulgaria, but also in many Western countries (USA, Israel, Great Britain, Canada, Finland, Czech Republic) countries. Moreover, in some there are options for playing in local languages ​​(for example, in Germany "Was? Wo? Wann?").

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    ✪ What? Where? When? in Usinsk



The following types of games are known:

  • Full-time - all teams play in the same hall, questions are read out by the same presenter (examples - the final and some qualifying stages of the world championship and the championship of Russia, city championships, various festivals).
  • Synchronous - the same questions are played simultaneously on different playgrounds (in different cities and sometimes countries) with different hosts (examples - Open Cup of Russia, Open All-Russian Synchronized Championship, Cup of Cities, Cup of Provinces).
  • Telephone or online game - using various means of communication, questions are asked to the participating teams located in different places, and their answers are also received (examples - IAC Telephone Tournament - "telephone", Internet Grand Prix). This way of playing is contrary to the code of the sporting ChGK, in particular, due to the inability to control the number of participants in the team.

The championships of Russia, other countries of the former USSR, as well as the USA, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Israel are held. The strongest teams take part in the world championships.

At the Championships and festivals, connoisseurs take part not only in the sports “What? Where? When?", but also in other sports intellectual games:

  • "Own game" ("brother-in-law") - Jeopardy!, individual connoisseurs play against each other,
  • team "Own game", designed for 4 (erudite quartet) or 5 (hamsa) players,
  • "Winged" - team game in poetry
  • "Brain Ring"
  • multigame or intellectual all-around.

Synchronized Tournament

A synchronous tournament is an extramural form of competition in a sports version of the game, which provides for the coordinated holding of competitions in a short time on the same set of questions in several different settlements.

The course of the competition is supervised by the organizing committee, which has its representatives in all settlements where the game is held. Local representatives receive questions via the Internet, acquaint the hosts with them and send reports to the organizing committee on controversial answers to questions, appeals from the players and the results of past competitions. If the organizers of the tournament do not use the services of representatives on the ground, but send their representatives to all the cities where it is played to conduct the tournament, such a tournament is usually called emissary(Emissary tournaments traditionally include, for example, synchronous tournaments held by the intellectual club "Nesprosta").

All the details of the synchronous tournament are described in detail in its regulations, which must be strictly observed by the local representatives of the organizing committee.



Correctly answering a QGK question (“taking” a question) should require one or more logical steps, intuitive search, “insight”, etc. Questions that require players to directly know little-known facts are perceived negatively, and questions that do not require nothing but direct knowledge are generally outside the scope of the game (the abbreviation FZVCHGKNYA is common - “pure knowledge is not a question of the FGK”).

Common techniques for writing sports questions “What? Where? When?" are "omissions" (it is required to restore the missing words in some text) and "replacements" (it is required to understand which words were replaced).

Some questions use handouts (usually a printed picture or text).

According to the construction of the question, such varieties can be distinguished as one-move and multi-move (depending on the number of logical moves necessary for taking), “mosaics” (various facts are reported about the object of the question, by which it is necessary to determine the object), etc.

Poor quality questions include “coffins” (questions that, due to their shortcomings or excessive for the tournament given level not a single team from those playing in the tournament could take the difficulty; however, some “coffins” are of very high quality), “children’s questions” or “nuts” (questions that all teams took), “candles” (“illuminated” questions - that is, those that completely or partially repeat those played earlier), questions with dual answers (these are either alternative answers that fully satisfy all the facts of the question and, therefore, should be counted, or "logical duals" - answers that are as logical as the author's, but directly contradict the facts of the question, and therefore do not must be counted), incorrect questions (based on false facts - such questions can be removed by the jury of appeal if the tournament regulations provide for this).

International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?" (MAK ChGK)- an organization uniting clubs “What? Where? When" (ChGK). Created in 1989 . Since 2011, the association has united 96 clubs of intellectual games from 76 cities and regions and from 20 countries of the world (at the same time, the membership of five clubs was temporarily suspended by the decision of the IAC in 2009), as well as one international club (Internet club "What? Where?" When?") . From 2009 to 2011 the number of clubs was increased by 15.

You accidentally landed on our page... Or maybe you learned about it from your friends... Maybe you already play various intellectual games, and now you have learned about the existence of our club... It is possible that you are now at a crossroads : what club to choose, to play or not to play, what and how ... Then, in fairness, you need to make a journey into the world of Games, at least through the Internet. And we, in turn, without pretending to be a guide, will still help you in this, directing you in the right direction. All of the following has nothing to do with us and our club. For the most part, these are borrowings and generalizations. Our main goal is to help! Forward.

Main page title


Producer center "IGRA-TV" The official site of the production center "Game-TV", dedicated to the weekdays and holidays of the Elite Club of Experts. We recommend visiting, because it would be nice to know "where our Game came from ..."
International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?" Official site of the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?" (MAK ChGK), dedicated to the weekdays and holidays of the movement of connoisseurs "outside the TV screen". Everyone who wants to receive everything should periodically drop in here. last news world of connoisseurs the very first
Internet club "What? Where? When?" Official site of Internet-club "What? Where? When?" (IC CHGK). For lovers virtual games this site will be the best and complete guide. Here the "movement of connoisseurs" is presented as fully as possible.
what? Where? When? news Chronicle "What? Where? When?" -- a subsection of the IC ChGK, covering in full all the gaming activities of the movement of connoisseurs in the most detailed way
Database of Questions Base of questions - a subsection of the EC ChGK, which contains almost all the questions of various intellectual competitions played at any festival or championship in any corner the globe from 1990 to present
IAC official rating Here is everything you wanted to know about the real strength of all expert teams from around the world. In addition, here you can find announcements of all upcoming championships in the game "What? Where? When?".
Website of the game "What? Where? When? by Danil Fiodorovikh" Page of the computer version of the television game "What? Where? When?", presented to the world by Danil Fedorkovich. You can download the distribution kit and train at home for health
Intellectual games from DKSoft Page computer versions television games "What? Where? When?" and "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" presented to the world by Denis Kisilev. You can also download the distribution kit and train right at home
Connoisseur's Library Evgeny Rubashkin's page, which contains all the more or less significant works of the Players about the intricacies of the Game itself. In other words, here is everything you wanted to know about the game "What? Where? When?", But were afraid to ask...
Livejournal of connoisseurs Community of all lovers and connoisseurs of the game "What? Where? When?" in LiveJournal. Recommended for those who already have something to say to the world on the development of the intellectual Movement

Once again, I would like to note that we did not set as our goal to make a complete catalog of Internet resources that have one or another relation to the intellectual movement of connoisseurs. In addition, the sample presented above does not in any way indicate our bias. Those numerous sites and pages that exist on the net, but were not covered by us, are no less informative and interesting than those presented above. It's just that we use this "gentleman's set" ourselves when we want to learn something from the archives or the news or work out at home. The presented sites are universal in nature, containing numerous links to other resources that you can also visit if you wish and skill. So, keep it up! Plunge into the "World of Connoisseurs" - you won't regret it...