Dark dungeons item guide. Tips. The best of the best

In this guide, you will get acquainted with information of this kind, which will allow you to go through Darkest Dungeon without much loss of health and unnecessary nerves. Of course, such a passage will take more time, but it will be more beautiful and cleaner. Below we'll take a look at the features of Darkest Dungeon that should never be forgotten.


Total in There are seven characteristics, each of which is responsible for certain features of the hero. They are indicated in three colors: gray, that is, static, without any good or bad effects, yellow, which means a skill improved by a perk or artifact, and red, which, on the contrary, was worsened by an artifact or perk.

Specifically, we have a basic set for RPG:

- Vitality is the usual measure of your character's survivability. This characteristic is quite easy to raise, as various armors increase it.

- Dodge - an indicator, the percentage of which determines the chance of your evading an attack. An ability of questionable suitability, as it works inconsistently.

- Resilience is a rare characteristic, which is quite difficult to increase. It increases with artifacts worn only by a certain class - the Crusader, as well as a perk, which is not easy to get to. A very good indicator that blocks a lot of damage.

- Initiative is a trait that determines the leadership of your heroes. For example, if you have 7 initiative units, and the enemy has 5, then the relay race will be transferred to you first. Everything here is clear and useful.

- Accuracy - one of the key characteristics, which is responsible for the chance of hitting. Agree that it is rather unpleasant to miss the enemy when your health is at the bottom. Many skills have a small accuracy modifier, so it's a must to download.

- Critical hit - a parameter that determines the chance of your critical hit. If it is not clear, then here is an explanation on the fingers: your heroes have regular and critical attacks, where the first deals standard damage, which is a combination of weapon strength and characteristics, and the second deals an attack that is several times higher than it.

- Attack power is one of the key parameters that determines the amount of damage dealt. Also quite helpful.

With resistance

In total, Darkest Dungeon has eight so-called resistances, each of which can be pumped up to 100% and higher. Of course, this does not guarantee you maximum immunity, as some opponents have stats like "Chance to stun = 200%", which negates your advantages.

List of resistances:

- Stunning - the game features a huge number of enemies that love to stun your heroes. Be sure to download.

- Poison - an infrequent "debuff" that imposes a tick of periodic damage on the hero.

- Bleeding is a common aftereffect of an attack, leaving the character with a lacerated wound. Applies a tick of periodic damage that is half as strong as Poison.

- Disease - Like stun resistance, disease resistance must be brought to a high level. In Darkest Dungeon, many enemies and traps apply this particular "debuff".

- Fatal blow - the stability of this type of attack allows the hero to survive after such a blow, which, in theory, should have killed him. Doesn't always work, but generally useful. By the way, if the character managed to avoid death, a "debuff" "At the door of death" is imposed on him, which makes all subsequent attacks of enemies deadly, regardless of the amount of damage.

- Knock down - gives the hero a chance to stand on his feet after the appropriate attack. Enemies rarely can drop your hero (mostly occultists do this), because they simply do not have this type of damage.

- Traps - the chance that you will fall into a trap by stepping on it.

- Negative effect - all other types of damage not included in the list.

The best of the best

There are currently fifteen heroes in Darkest Dungeon, but as is usually the case in RPGs, not all of them are equal. Some heroes are significantly superior to others - let's figure out who exactly.


Casts a valuable "buff" on the team that increases initiative, critical strike, and accuracy. He also reduces the stress of heroes using a secondary skill. Inflicts profuse bleeding. (Always put him in the fourth position in the group)


In such a gamer-unfriendly game, a healer is definitely needed, which the nun is. In addition, she can heal herself, regenerate her torch, and stun enemies. (Useful in position number three)

Treasure hunter

Has good control and a 200% chance to stun the target. By equipping it with items and artifacts with an increased stun chance, you will be able to disable even bosses.

Also in his skills, you can upgrade the “buffs” of improving intelligence and surprise, which increases the chance of avoiding a surprise for your group and lowers the same chance for enemies.

Put on the second position. You can put any hero on the first slot, but, again, the Crusader or Barbarian will be the most valuable.


It heals well and hits all sorts of ghouls painfully. He can also repair the torch using a banner or aegis.


Like the hunter, it has a 200% increased chance to stun. His attacks of great strength can deal damage to two targets at once, standing in the first two slots.

If you wish, you can use all the other heroes. Of course, you will not find a replacement for the Jester, which reduces stress and increases the characteristics, the Nun, who is unmatched in restoring health, and also the Treasure Hunter, whose control is simply unprecedented.

About homestead equipment

Upgrade order:

- First, level up the new hero recruitment building (at least to level 1).

- Then upgrade the guild rank to the second skill level.

- Now it's the turn of the forge. In it, first of all, improve the weapon, and only then the armor.

T battle tactics

Darkest Dungeon is a classic roguelike with RPG elements that will challenge you to constantly think through your strategy. This also applies to the modernization of the estate, and the choice of skills for the heroes, and, of course, the battles themselves.

The most important thing in Darkest Dungeon is to keep an eye on the speed of the enemy and choose the right order of skills, combine them between heroes. First, stun the enemy that can attack your last slots (where healers are usually placed), or all the heroes at once.

The jester has the highest speed rank, allowing him to move first. Thus, you can immediately impose on the rest of the team a "buff" of speed, critical strike and accuracy on all heroes in the group.

Then comes the Nun or the Hunter, with which you need to stun the nastiest unit in the enemy team. The healer only has a 100% stun chance, so use it on the weakest enemy.

Having a Jester on your team gives you a 99% chance that you will go first. In this case, it makes sense to take the Barbarian into the group, who will stun the first two slots of the enemy with a 200% chance.

Thus, you can stun only on the first turn up to three enemies, and even kill one. If the stun passes by, after which the adversary hits your friends, causing them damage or hanging stress, then the Jester and the Nun will be able to neutralize all the consequences.

Legendary Artifacts

Consider what kind of artifacts are needed for certain heroes.

- jester - this the character will suit"Hawk Pendant" that increases the chance of evasion and initiative. Since he will be in the fourth position, he will unwittingly take on most of the attacks of long-range opponents. In general, the Jester has little health, so the extra dodge will come in handy.

- Priest - any artifacts that increase the initiative, as well as the accuracy of attacks at a distance, since all of her abilities are long-range. The best options look like "Book of Fury" and "Ring of the Sniper". The first will increase accuracy and at the same time remove the main defect of the Book of Rage. The book itself will increase the initiative and attack power by two units.

- Treasure hunter - based on his characteristics, a good solution would be to choose two amulets to increase the percentage of stun and the chance of evasion. This way you can even send bosses to sleep.

- Crusader - two rings to increase resistance will suit him, reducing incoming damage and giving additional units of health. Although they reduce dodge chance, positive sides rings make it the best options for the Crusader. Add a defense stance to this, as the hero becomes practically unkillable.

- Barbarian - take him the same things as the Treasure Hunter.

More about artifacts

In Darkest Dungeon, artifacts are the same problem as heroes. There are a lot of them, but God forbid half of them are really useful. Some items take more than they give, making them useless.

True, those artifacts that instead of "buffs" reduce any characteristic of stability. The fact is that all resistances grow with the level, and most opponents in the game do not have such attacks, whose effectiveness exceeds 100%.

In short, it can only be leveled up, so the negative effects from the artifacts won't affect you too much. But this applies only to the list of "Resistance".

Also in Darkest Dungeon there are such artifacts that do not give minuses at all. The Barbarian, for example, has items that increase attack power and chance to inflict bleeding without inflicting "debuffs".

Artifacts of a different kind hit a certain characteristic very hard, while giving an increase to a unique one. Bonuses from the "Ring of Fortitude" can only be obtained with the Hard Skin perk, which must first be reached.

In general, choose artifacts that either have no negative effects at all, or those that lower one trait from the "Resist" list.

Additional Darkest Dungeon Video: City and Preparation

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Based on the general opinion, Darkest Dungeone is considered difficult game, and therefore the information provided here can be useful both for beginners who have just launched the game, and for experienced adventurers who have been playing for more than a hundred hours, but still experiencing difficulties. For convenience, the headings are placed at the very beginning of the article - content that will allow you to choose the section of interest and not waste time on information that is unnecessary for you. Most of the points will be written from the point of view of passing the game on Stygian, which is applicable to other difficulty levels.

Difficulty levels

After the video, you will have the opportunity to click on the envelope, thereby creating a game profile. You will be offered three levels of difficulty, as shown in the illustration above.


Suitable for getting to know the game. The dungeons are shorter, and the number of lives of opponents (and bosses!) Is lower than in other difficulty levels, which is a very important element of the game. Judge for yourself - the enemy has more health, therefore, you need to spend more resources on him. If you kill the enemy with two heroes in the Light, then it is this difference in lives that will not allow you to do it on Stygian. You will need to hit third, which means that others will survive and damage you. And so, battle after battle, the team will weaken. The light will allow you to get comfortable in the game, prioritize in the dungeons, but can relax, because. The mode is really not very difficult.

Attention is important: Difficulty only affects enemy lives, not resistances!


Also suitable for getting to know the game. Yes, it is more difficult than Light, but it does not allow you to relax and teaches by trial and error, because. There is no time limit for passing. Difficulty level for those who are not afraid of the challenge of the game and are preparing to play on Stygian.

Blood Moon/Pitch Darkness/Stygian

Long dungeons, the maximum number of lives of opponents. The torch goes out faster. In addition, there is a time limit and the number of deaths.

Pitch Dark is Darkest Dungeone without The Crimson Court expansion. It has the following restrictions:

Weekly - 86.

By death - 12.

Blood Moon, respectively, includes the addition of The Crimson Court. Restrictions:

Weekly - 100.

By death - 16.

When the time runs out, or if there is no room for corpses in the graveyard, you lose.

Attention is important: To complete the game in time, it is not necessary to defeat all the bosses. It is enough to go through the Darkest Dungeon. And this will be our strategy in the passage of Stygian. After defeating the last boss, all restrictions will be lifted and you can have fun on given level complexity further, without fear of being late or burying more than necessary. In general, I do not recommend it for beginners, at least because before going to the Darkest Dungeon, it is advisable to study it well. Stygian doesn't give you that option, and going blind is guaranteed to mean death.

City and development strategy

Yes, the Darkest Dungeon does not start from the dungeon, but from the City (not counting the Old Road). Proper building not only makes it easier for you to progress through the game, but also speeds up your progress towards the final (which is quite important when playing on Stygian). The upgrade is made with four currencies, which you can see in the image above - busts, portraits, bills of sale and coats of arms.

Initially available to you: Stagecoach, Gypsy wagon, Cemetery and Family memoirs.


The most important building in this game. Without the Stagecoach, you will simply have no one to send to the dungeons. Skills and artifacts are meaningless without heroes. That is why, first of all, you will need to improve the Stagecoach. Every week, two new heroes will be brought to you (they change every week. The number does not accumulate). But there is a subtlety here, because the number of places is limited (from the very beginning - 10). Fortunately, the reserve can be expanded.

Stagecoach Upgrades:

Stagecoach Network - each level increases the influx of new heroes into the Stagecoach by one.

Hero barracks - each level expands the number of places for your heroes.

Experienced recruits - with some chance, heroes will come to Stagecoach high level.

From the very beginning, I recommend giving one level of the stagecoach network and the barracks of heroes. For now, let's leave Stagecoach alone, because it requires bills of sale(and coats of arms, by itself). bills of sale we will need to improve the Blacksmith. Now every week three heroes come to you (that's more than enough for now) and you have 13 places for heroes. What does 13 places mean? These are 3 completely different groups, ready to perform in the dungeons while other heroes are resting (treat stress, remove negative traits). When you have a list of 12-13 heroes, you can fork out for another level of the hero barracks. Why don't we upgrade the stagecoach network? The list of heroes will not keep up with too much growth and it will be useless. The only advantage is a larger selection of heroes. However, since I consider all the heroes useful and necessary, for me this plus is leveled into the accumulation of bills of sale to improve the Blacksmith. But as soon as the improvement of experienced recruits becomes available, we improve (requires busts). This will allow us to get heroes with level 1, with all the skills (level two) and equipment of the second level. That is, we don’t have to spend money on them (at first).

Gypsy Wagon, Cemetery and Family Memoirs

What you won't need.

Gypsy wagon responsible for the sale of artifacts. The prices there are terrible. You will need gold for many other purposes - treating stress in heroes, removing negative traits and strengthening positive ones, improving their equipment and skills, and simply buying supplies in the dungeon. Initially, two artifacts are available for purchase in the wagon (they change every week).

Gypsy Wagon Improvements:

Wagon size - increases the number of artifacts available for purchase.

Trading network - reduces the cost of artifacts.

Requires only to improve coats of arms and I ask you not to even look into this cereal establishment until the end of the game.

Cemetery serves one purpose - to mock you. You can go there and mourn fallen heroes who you gave a unique name and chose the color of their clothes and who died stupidly (for example, I have had a completely healthy hero die at the beginning of the dungeon from two crits in a row). As mentioned above, the Stygian Cemetery has a special role to play. There is also one City Event that allows you to resurrect a fallen hero. He will retain his level of determination, but all his skills and equipment will be level one.

Family memoirs on the contrary, they demonstrate your achievements. There you can listen to the history of this or that defeated boss(divided into three parts - one for each difficulty of the dungeon), as well as read the obtained diaries.

Blacksmith, Guild, Forester's House

Blacksmith- one of the key areas in the game that allows you to win. Responsible for improving the equipment of heroes - weapons and armor.

Blacksmith Upgrades:

Forging weapons - allows you to improve weapons.

Forging armor - improves armor.

Furnace - reduces the cost of upgrading weapons and armor.

For improvement requires bills of sale(and of course, coats of arms). You will need a lot of merchants, which is why I do not recommend spending everything on the Stagecoach. Before going to any boss, it is important to improve all the equipment of the heroes to the possible limit (that is, against the "green bosses" to the second level, "orange" to the fourth level, "red" to the maximum level - the fifth). First of all, it is better to improve the forging of weapons and armor, if not to the maximum, then to the third level, ignoring the furnace. Yes, it will not be easy to fork out for equipment, but with such a scheme, you will quickly get out of the "green" levels to the "orange" ones, which helps to increase both the cash flow and the resulting relics (busts, portraits, bills of sale and coats of arms).

Guild is another key area. Responsible for improving the skills of heroes.

Guild Improvements:

Mastery of the instructor - allows you to improve skills.

Preparation mode - reduces the cost of improving skills.

For improvement requires portraits(and coats of arms), which we will spend only on the Guild until we completely improve it. Recommendations are similar: we try to go to the bosses with the most improved skills; First of all, we invest in the skill of the instructor (up to the third level), then in the preparation mode.

Forester's house- a less useful building that allows you to buy camping skills.

Forester House Upgrades:

Bonfire - reduces the cost of acquiring camp skills.

For improvement requires only coats of arms. I started visiting the Forester's House a lot while playing Stygian. Skills that protect against night attacks are VERY important. It is also important to keep track of skill combinations - heroic ones are more useful than general ones. There are four available skills, the hero can initially have only three of them - sometimes you need to buy more. In general, there are details here that can greatly affect the outcome of your trip to the dungeon. On other difficulty levels, you can enter this building at about the same time as the Gypsy wagon.

Tavern, Monastery, Clinic

Tavern- a building dedicated to relieving stress. The negative traits of the heroes can determine the specific place where he wants to go or vice versa, he will not go to any.

The tavern has three upgradable establishments: a bar, games, a brothel.

Two improvements are aimed at speeding up recovery from stress, two to reduce the cost of treatment, and two to increase the space for heroes. Needs to be improved portraits(and coats of arms). In general, I do not recommend investing in this institution until the end of the game (until you improve the Guild and build all the buildings in the Outskirts that require portraits)

Monastery- a building similar to the Tavern.

Three upgradeable locations: cloister, transept, and hall of repentance.

Needs to be improved busts(Yes, coats of arms too). I do not recommend upgrading until the end of the game (until you upgrade the Asylum and build all the buildings in the Outskirts that require busts). I often send heroes to the Monastery, because. there they cannot lose / drink gold, artifacts, although both there and there have their own nuances. For example, heroes can generally disappear for a week or two (while occupying a slot in a building). Anywhere heroes can get negative traits (related to the fact that they do not want to visit given place, or vice versa, will visit only him).

clinic- ranks among the most useful buildings. Allows you to remove negative traits and consolidate positive ones. The trait is the straw that can win you a fight or lose it. That line, that nuance that can remain behind the scenes, but have an impact all the time. In general, this is an important aspect of the game. Also cures diseases.

Asylum Improvements:

Library of treatment - reduces the cost of removing / fixing traits.

Medical devices - reduces the cost of treating diseases and raises the chance to cure more than one disease.

Patient rooms - increases the number of places for heroes.

For improvement requires busts (+ coats of arms). First of all, I recommend to improve the treatment library to the maximum - this is important here, and then, the patient rooms. Last but not least, medical devices (although you can improve it for a couple of levels at the beginning). It’s better not to get diseases at all, and if you get them, then some heroes can cure them right during the campaign! Therefore, often there is simply no need to spend money on treatment and improvement of this branch.


The prices for the buildings of the Outskirts are unaffordable until the middle-end of the game. In addition to the price in relics and gold, the construction requires blueprints, which can be obtained by defeating bosses (or during an event). In general, when playing the game for a while, I managed to build only one building before the battle with the final boss, so I can’t give any special recommendations here. For other complexities, you can imposingly rebuild everything.

Build the City first, then move on to the Outskirts.

Bank - adds 5% of the amount in your treasury. Allows you to forget about savings with the right handling of money and fork out even for artifacts in the Gypsy wagon.

Cartographer's Tent - Torchlight is more useful.

Barn - Gives some free food in front of the dungeon, allows you to heal a little more health from food (by 15%). Not so important, because in the group of heroes, a healer is required.

Puppet theater - the stress of unoccupied heroes is reduced by 10. Allows you to save money on stress treatment.

Blood filling shop - 2 bottles of blood/week. A very useful building that allows you to ignore the location of the collection of blood in the Courtyard.

And 6 buildings aimed at improving each hero. Build according to your own preferences and strategy.

So, let's sum up. First of all, we spend bills of sale to improve the Stagecoach (one level per network and barracks, and then, as needed, we expand the barracks); we spend portraits on upgrading the Guild to the maximum; bills of sale - to upgrade the Blacksmith to the maximum and busts - to upgrade the Asylum to the maximum. After that, you can build the buildings of the Suburb, and lastly, spend money on the remaining buildings - first on the Monastery and the Bar, then on the Gypsy wagon. Improve the forester's house as needed, but, in general, also last.

The latest DLC released for Darkest Dungeon called The Crimson Court has made players sweat a lot due to the high difficulty level. If you have already tried your hand and could not achieve significant results, there are for you that will help you survive.

The Courtyard

The first two quests will take you to The Courtyard and The Ponging Hives. If you can't access the first location, you'll need to take two excursions to the ruins first.

Before entering The Courtyard, you need to familiarize yourself with the supplies and provisions in the inventory. Items you should have on hand are bandages, anti-poison, and holy water or blood.

Most of the enemies in this quest will have low resistance to bleed attacks. Therefore, gather a group based on this type of attack, and also back up your team with a Plague Doctor. She has the ability to heal herself and her teammates, as well as deal devastating damage with her poison. This will help you get rid of the enemies from The Courtyard very quickly.

Crimson Curse

As you work your way through The Courtyard, you may encounter the Crimson Curse. The chances of you falling under the influence of this powerful curse in the early game are not very high, however, if it happens, it will be unpleasant. Although, it can also come in handy when fighting bosses like the crocodile.

Crimson Curse differs from other diseases in Darkest Dungeon in that it cannot be cured in the Sanitarium. Basic skills are weakened when affected by Crimson Curse. Changes include:

  • -5% resistance to Stun, Poison, and Bleeding.
  • -10% Max HP
  • -10% chance to gain advantage.
  • +1 Speed

To make things worse, the ability level reduction will increase for each thirst level of your cursed characters. At higher thirst levels, Crimson Curse can cause your character to switch positions, refuse to heal. Once they reach the highest level of thirst, they perish. This is where the blood items found in The Courtyard come in handy, so try to keep them on hand at all times.

Despite the curse's terrible properties, using blood on a cursed character at the lowest thirst level will give them a slight speed and evasion boost. As your characters reach higher levels of thirst, they will experience bloodlust as soon as they are given blood. This will increase the damage by the character, his speed and general resistance to enemy attacks.

There are also several achievements you can earn while suffering from the Crimson Curse, including:

  • Symptoms: Earned when a character suffers from a curse.
  • BloodCult: Earned when the entire squad of characters is hit by the Crimson Curse.
  • Expired: Earned when the hero becomes exhausted and dies from the curse, reaching the highest level of thirst.
  • Shadows Blur Together: Earned when you intentionally kill a cursed party member.

How to beat a crocodile

Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court has a new boss hiding in the first quest. You will be dealing with many enemies, none of which poses a real threat. Unfortunately, this changes after you meet a crocodile.

The crocodile has a health level of 118 HP, can heal up to 12-24 HP at a time and deal insane damage. Don't be disappointed if you can't beat him on the first try. One of the best ways to fight a crocodile is to rely on the bloodlust bonus from Crimson Curse.

Also, you'll find that the items used to increase the bleed and stun come in handy, as the crocodile has roughly 50% resistance against each. Keep stunning the crocodile and it will be harder for him to heal himself, thus giving you the opportunity to destroy him faster.

Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court is the first expansion for 2016's game. The game uses mechanics gameplay from the main game - you recruit a team of heroes and go to explore the dungeon. Your goal is to find huge wealth with which you can expand the village that also serves as your base.


Playing Darkest Dungeon for a large amount of time, I remembered a lot that helped me go through the dungeons without a single loss of health and stress. Yes, such a passage will take more time, but it will also save the life of your characters.
In this guide or guide, I will try to give you what you need to remember first and never forget.


The game has seven types of characteristics that will help to make a machine for gutting the undead out of a character.
Characteristics are marked with three colors; gray - static, without negative and positive effects, yellow - a characteristic that has been improved by a skill, perk or artifact, red - a characteristic that has been degraded by an artifact, skill or perk.

There are only seven types of characteristics in the game, namely:

  • Health is a very important indicator of survivability. It is very easy to increase it, because upgrading armor increases health.
  • Evasion is a very dubious indicator, because you never know if you will dodge or get hit directly in the forehead. A big plus of this characteristic is that, just like health, it improves along with armor.
  • Fortitude is the hardest stat to build. It can only be obtained from a number of artifacts, which basically only the Crusader class can equip and a perk that is quite difficult to catch. An extremely useful characteristic, although I did not understand how it works to the end, I noticed that with a value of 10, it greatly cuts off incoming damage.
  • Speed ​​is your initiative, i.e. the more it is, the better, because it is much more pleasant when your characters start walking first and are able to apply control skills on opponents.
  • Accuracy is a characteristic that you should never forget about, it is better to have it in abundance, because some skills have a small accuracy modifier with level.
  • The chance of a critical strike - there is no need to say much, everything is clear.
  • Damage is the same here as with the chance of a critical hit.


There are eight types of resistances in the game, each of which can be overclocked to 100%+. But be fooled, this will not give you guarantees that you will not be subjected to them. Some opponents have "Chance to stun 200%" and others.

Consider all types of resistance:

  • Stun. There are a lot of enemies that have an ability that can stun you.
  • Poisoning. A very rare type of DoT, but much stronger than its Bleed counterpart.
  • Bleeding. A frequent type of DoT, but unlike poisoning, it is twice as weak. All types of DoTs stack like bleeding, like poisoning.
  • Disease. A very critical resistance, because almost every enemy and object in the dungeon can impose a sore.
  • Death blow. Quite a funny resist, it helps the character not die when the character takes damage that lowers his health to zero. Each repeated hit on a character with the “At the door of death” effect can kill immediately or absorb all damage, regardless of the amount of damage.
  • Movement. Helps the character "stand on his feet". Rarely do opponents have such abilities. But occultists are common, regardless of the dungeon, and occult priests have such abilities.
  • Traps. Everything is simple here, it affects the chance of falling into a trap when activating one.
  • negative effect. All other effects that do not fall into the previous paragraphs fall into this category.

Top four & one

Not all characters have been implemented in the game yet, but let's take a look at the best ones. Which will help you go through everything without much loss.

Essential Companions:

  • (Fourth slot) Jester: Inflicts a very useful group buff on speed, critical strike, accuracy and randomly reduces stress on your heroes with the help of an auxiliary skill. Also inflict heavy bleeding. (Always need to keep in the fourth position).
  • (Third slot) Nun: there is nothing to say. The only character with stable healing and also has a stun with torch replenishment and self-healing with a strike range of four hexes.
  • (Second slot) Treasure Hunter: Ace in each sleeve, has a strong control with a 200% chance to stun. If you put on a couple of artifacts for a chance of stunning, it will stun any boss, guaranteeing a stun. ".And can apply the "intelligence" buff).

This closes the must-have list. Any character can be placed in the fourth slot, but I always take the Crusader or the Barbarian.

Pros of these two characters:

  • Crusader: Has healing, strong hits on undead, and a hit on the fourth slot that moves the character one slot forward. In addition, it can replenish the resource of the torch at the expense of the banner and aegis.
  • Barbarian: Has strong hits and a very effective 200% stun that hits two targets at once in the first two slots.

I don’t take other characters into account due to the fact that, due to practice, there are no worthy characters in the slots that can be put in place of treatment, buffs and AOE stress reduction. Treasure hunter is the best control character, allowing you to walk around with an extinguished torch. He can, with the help of the company’s skill, reduce the chance of a “surprise”. Then the choice is yours, who should be in your first slot.

Estate Improvement

The most important thing is what you need to know and in what order.

The first step is to improve the recruiting of new characters for one time, preferably to the first level. Then upgrade the guild to the first and second skill levels. Then the forge according to the level of the characters, the first thing you need to improve is the weapon, then the armor.

Combat tactics

The main thing is to use the right combination of skills and always keep an eye on the speed of the enemy. First of all, stun those who can attack all at once or get far slots that are the least protected.

The Jester has the highest Haste stat, giving him the ability to apply his Speed, Accuracy, and Crit buff to everyone. Either the Hiller or the Hunter follows the trail, it is better for the priest to start the move with an attempt to stun. But the healer only has a 100% chance to stun, which means choose the most vulnerable or hit the most distant opponents with a discharge that you can’t reach with your first two slots.

Because of the Jester, you will almost always be the first in the turn, which means - take the Barbarian, she guarantees you a 200% chance to stun on the first two cells at once, jamming either a two-hex enemy or two at once, which makes her very useful.

As a result, we have three stunned at once and one almost dead or already dead. If the stun fails or the enemy manages to crit at you or deal damage to health / stress, then Healer and Jester will relieve stress and heal you.

The best artifacts are the best.

In this section, I will tell you what kind of artifacts our heroes need and why.

  • Jester: hawk pendant with dodge chance and speed (two pieces). The jester is on the fourth slot and will most often be attacked by enemy ranged units. And the jester himself is a very skinny owner of a health reserve.
  • Priest: It is best to take artifacts for the speed and accuracy of ranged attacks. All of Priest's offensive skills are ranged, Book of Fury and Ring of the Sniper are best. The ring will give the necessary accuracy and close the most critical minus of the Book of Rage, the book itself will give two points of speed and damage, which will help in the battle with thin opponents.
  • Treasure hunter: very simple here, two amulets for stun chance and minus evasion. With this alignment, he will be able to guarantee a stun to any opponent, even bosses with high stun resistance.
  • Crusader: Two Rings of Fortitude, they will allow you to take hits from any opponents with minimal damage and additional health points. Although they will cut evasion, but from experience I can say that this is the best choice. Even with a crit, some mobs hit 1 damage each, and bosses above 8 damage did not hit. And if you enter the defense stance, you will become immortal.
  • If you took the Barbarian: the same instructions as for the Hunter, all for a chance of stunning.

How and with what it is eaten

Although there are many artifacts in the game, not all of them are useful and generally applicable.
Most give more cons than pros. But the least critical are those that reduce resistance. Let me explain why:
Resistances grow with the level, not all, but most of them. And most mobs have attacks with negative effects that do not exceed 100%, so you can gain 100% ~ resistance with a high level and slightly reduce them with artifacts to a certain level.

But there are artifacts in the game that do not have disadvantages, such as the Barbarian, they give her a percentage of damage and a chance to apply the bleeding effect. There are also artifacts that greatly reduce evasion, but also give a characteristic that cannot be obtained in any other way (except for obtaining the Hard Skin perk). A clear example is the Ring of Fortitude, which is best suited to a Crusader or Leper.

But still, most of the artifacts cannot be used due to the fact that they cut the main combat characteristics.

I advise you to choose artifacts with minus resistances, which you will get with a level to a decent level, and not with minus speed, accuracy and other things.


As a result, we have a consta that is able to get out of the water dry and go through new circles of hell again, without loss in its ranks.

Thanks for reading this guide Darkest game Dungeon.

Before entering the dungeon, you need to assemble your team wisely.
As you rank up, lower level dungeons will not be available to you. If played correctly, then, for example, you can clear an easy level dungeon with a rank 0 team or a rank 5 dungeon with a rank 3 team with equal success.
In general, I will not "spill water", there are already many introductory guides where you will get acquainted with the basics. Let's move on to the most interesting, namely, the passage of the most difficult bosses and the longest / most difficult dungeons.


From the very first week after successfully entering the dungeon, get rid of all the junk, leave only the rarest, rarest and heirloom artifacts, with the exception of stun-amulets that give +20% Stun Skill Chance, they will be useful to the warrior and bounty hunter. This is necessary because at first there will be a catastrophic lack of gold.

After you feel what composition you can play, start pumping this party to the maximum, but keep in mind, if to the maximum, then do not let them disappear in the dungeons, otherwise the gold, which is already lacking at the beginning, will be wasted. Let me explain using the example of my favorite composition: Leper-Bounty-Occultist-Arbalist.
Choose from BN not only skills for damage (beginners often do this), but also auxiliary ones, for example:
2.1. I take two auxiliary BNs from the Leper: my own heal and a buff for damage and crit (there is one ability for dmg / crt, and the other for accuracy / crt, I increase the accuracy of the Leper with a very rare ring by +12 ACC and + 5% crt, so the same accuracy can be increased at the fire with the help of survival skills, about them later), and two for DMG, one of which is AoE.

2.2. Bounty, who is in second place, can take a stun grenade and a mark from the auxiliary ones, the stun grenade is quite oblique, so the artifact on accuracy will not interfere. The mark will be effective not only for him, but also for the arbalist, who has a BN that hits twice as hard on the marked target, and twice as much crit chance. There are two Tomahawk abilities on DMG, one of which is +33% Dmg against a stunned enemy and which reaches the 3rd target.
2.3. The occultist, who is in third place, has auxiliary ones: a debuff for dmg, and a mark with a debuff for evasion at the same time. Basic: knife and Khilka.
2.4. The Arbalist, who is in 4th place, has auxiliary ones: AoE on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th targets, which has a good crit chance, but it is not accurate enough (therefore we cling the artifact to ACC), which debuffs enemies on accuracy and crit (does not hurt very much rare artifact only for arbalists). Heal, which not only heals a wounded hero, but also gives him a good percentage bonus to healing for 3 rounds, this is useful because Occultite does not heal stably. Main: be sure to shoot an arrow on the marked one and choose either AoE the first two targets, or an inaccurate arrow , which buffs the arbalist for speed.


Here is the team compiled, (this party I take out anyone for two times). Now you need to dress it up to be more effective, because a CRIT is not only effective, but also looks good (just not when it passes over you)!

Don't expect to increase accuracy, speed, max hp, defense, dmg and crit chance with just two artifacts. Increase as much as possible one or two abilities. HP, accuracy and crit chance are extremely important (trust me, crits in this game can decide the outcome of the battle).
3.1 Leper - a very rare mask only for him, which gives: +20% hp, +5% crt, +2 spd. And another ring for +12 ACC and +5% crt.
3.2 Bounty - definitely an amulet for 20% Stun skill chance and either an owl or a rare artifact only for bounty, oddly enough I liked the rare one more than the very rare one.
3.3 Occultist - Definitely two artifacts on Debuff Skill Chance, one of which is only for him and very rare.
3.4 Arbalist - a very rare ring for +12 ACC and +5% crt (although it is already accurate), and a choice of either a very rare artifact only for the arbalist, which increases the chance of an enemy debuff (however, the previous ring will come in handy with the debuff ability, as I said before this ability is not accurate enough) or a very rare bracelet for +20% dmg, +5% crt and -4 ACC.

As well as combat, we take from each hero 2 main and 2 auxiliary HBs. The main each: Stress relief 10, treatment 25% (or 35%, I do not remember exactly). Auxiliary HBs are skills for buffing heroes. Arbalist is good to buff on crit and damage, Leper on accuracy in the first place, then crit, then dmg. Again, do not scatter to buff everyone a little bit, it's better to buff a maximum of two heroes from the strength that deal the main damage, and besides, not so much time (12 units in total).

Lastly, in this section about the jester: always hang two very rare artifacts on him:
1. Jester only, very rare +12% lethal strike resistance, +25% stress resistance if lighting is below 25 or below 0 (don't remember exactly).
2. For everyone, very rare +12% lethal strike resistance, +50% dmg and +15% crt at death's door. Make 4 jesters and have fun)))
Next, we look at what happens to the bosses when right approach and so it will be with everyone!

And in the end, I forgot to write, the first round is the preparation of your team, and the weakening of the enemy, never start beating the enemy in the first round, anyway, the matter will not end with one round.