Didactic game "Magic beads. Didactic game "Collect the beads. From simple to complex Didactic game collect beads

(educational area "Cognitive development")

For children with mental retardation and visual impairment.

Performed Gazizova

Tatyana Borisovna,

teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2"

Purpose of the game





organizational, disciplinary





Option 1

(34 years)

Collect beads of a certain one color, shape and size.

1. Learn to collect beads according to a certain color, shape and size.

2. To develop subtle movements of the fingertips, active speech.

One of the selected cards.

The place of the game is a table, a carpet.

The leader is an adult.

1. The child knows how to collect beads of a certain one color, shape and size.

2. The child knows how to collect beads of a certain shape, size (by sight).

Cards with the image of large, smaller and small circles, squares, ovals, triangles, rectangles; geometric figures to them.


(34 years)

(alternating in size)

Collect beads of a certain one color, but alternating in size.

1. Learn to collect beads of a certain color, alternating in size.

2. Develop active speech, improve subtle finger movements.

Number of players - 1 child.

One of the selected cards.

The place of the game is a table, a carpet.

The leader is an adult.

Children can collect beads according to a certain color, alternating in size.

Cards depicting geometric shapes of a certain color, alternating in size; geometric figures to them.

1. Take one selected card, circle your finger in the shape of each figure on it, saying aloud the color (except for visual impairment), shape and size.

2. Select the necessary figures and put them on a card with figures.

3. Then, "collecting beads" on an empty wide card, repeat the task.

Do not make mistakes, achieve results.


(34 years)

(alternating by color)

Collect beads of a certain shape, alternating in color.

1. Learn to collect beads of a certain shape, alternating in color.

2. Develop comparison skills and the ability to correctly name colors.

Number of players - 1 child.

One of the selected cards.

The place of the game is a table, a carpet.

The leader is an adult.

The child knows how to collect beads of a certain shape, alternating in color, compare and name colors.

Cards depicting geometric shapes of a certain shape, alternating in color; geometric figures to them.

1. Take one selected card, circle your finger in the shape of each figure on it, saying aloud the color, shape.

2. Select the necessary figures and put them on a card with figures.

3. Then, "collecting beads" on an empty wide card, repeat the task.


(45 years)

(alternating in shape and color)

Not for children with visual impairments.

Collect beads, alternating both in shape and color.

1. Learn to collect beads, alternating in shape and color at the same time.

2. Develop comparison skills and the ability to correctly name the shape and color.

Number of players - 1 child.

One of the selected cards.

The place of the game is a table, a carpet.

Leader - adult

The child knows how to collect beads, alternating shapes in shape and color, compare and name them.

Cards depicting geometric shapes alternating in shape and color; geometric figures to them.

1. Take one selected card, circle your finger in the shape of each figure on it, saying aloud the color and shape. 2. Select the necessary figures and put them on a card with figures.

3. Then, "collecting beads" on an empty wide card, repeat the task.

Do not make mistakes, collecting beads, obey the rules.


(45 years)

(sequence form)

Collect beads, in a certain sequence.

1. Learn to collect beads, in a certain sequence and in a certain color (not for visually impaired children).

2. To develop comparison skills and the ability to correctly name the shape and color (not for visually impaired children).

Number of players - 1 child.

One of the selected cards.

The place of the game is a table, a carpet.

Leader - adult

The child knows how to collect beads, in a certain sequence.

Cards depicting geometric shapes arranged in a certain sequence; geometric figures to them.

1. Take one selected card, circle with your finger in the shape of each figure on it, saying aloud the color (not for visually impaired) and the shape.

2. Select the necessary figures and put them on a card with figures.

3. Then, "collecting beads" on an empty wide card, repeat the task.

Do not make mistakes, collecting beads, obey the rules.


(4 - 7 years old)


Collect beads as shown by the teacher.

1. Learn to collect beads, in a certain sequence, following the pattern.

2. To develop comparison skills and the ability to correctly name the shape, size and color (not for visually impaired children).

Number of players - 1 child.

One of the selected cards.

The place of the game is a table, a carpet.

Leader - adult

The child knows how to collect beads, in a certain sequence, as shown by the teacher.

Two blank cards, sets of various geometric shapes.

1. The teacher lays out geometric shapes on one of the blank cards, the child examines, examines.

2. Select the necessary figures.

3. Then, "collecting beads" on an empty wide card, repeat the task.

Do not make mistakes, collecting beads, obey the rules.

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Summary of the lesson On the topic: “Insects of the meadow - a butterfly” (senior group) Author of the work: Gracheva Anna Vyacheslavovna Position: educator Place of work: MBDOU Novotalitsky kindergarten No. 1 Ivanovo region, Ivanovsky district, Belyanitsy village. Explanatory note to the lesson: Educational area: Cognitive development Theme of the lesson: Insects of the meadow ...

Didactic game.

Theme: "Let's collect the beads."

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of color.


Learn to correctly identify and name the primary colors (red, yellow).

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness, a desire to help others.

Material: fairy-tale character, beads (red, yellow), laces of different colors.

Action: Knock on the door.

1. Educator: - Children, a fox came to visit us. Look, she is sad, she is crying. Let's find out what happened?

Chanterelle: - My favorite beads are torn. Please help me collect them.

2. Educator: - Guys, let's see what kind of beads the fox had. What color are the beads? Children's answers: ()

Educator: - That's right, it's a red bead. Let's all say red!

But what color is this bead?.............yellow. Children's answers…………

Educator: - That's right, it's yellow! Let's all say yellow!

Let's collect beads for the fox. Look, I take the red bead and put it on the string, now I take the yellow bead and put it on the string again.

Come here…….., let's put the next bead on the string. What is the next bead? ...... That's right, red. Which bead you are wearing is correct, ……….yellow. Did the beads turn out beautiful?.... Are you happy fox?....Yes……

Let's collect beads for our dolls!

3. Fizminutka (finger game)

(fingers clenched into a fist)
- finger boy,
Where have you been?
(thumb extended)
- With this brother in forest walked,
(index extends)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
(unbends middle)
I ate porridge with this brother,
(unbends nameless)
I sang songs with this brother.
(little finger extends)

Continued work by children.

4. Educator: -Look guys what beads we made. They're very beautiful.

(The teacher with the children examine the finished work.)

Educator: - Guys, our dolls are very happy with the gift! become cheerful, they smile! You are great!

Let us always be so kind and help people!

And now let's say goodbye to the fox and invite her to visit us again.

Bottom line: the beads were repaired for the fox, she thanks you for your help!

Collected beads for our dolls!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic games "Let's collect the beads for the doll", "We'll dress the doll with a sundress"

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Master class for educators of the preschool educational institution "Using the didactic aid" Beads "as a means of comprehensive development of preschoolers

The master class shows the possibilities of using the didactic manual "Beads" in educational activities...

The didactic manual "Smart beads" is designed to work with children from 4 to 7 years old in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations, teaching literacy, cognitive activity development of fine motor skills of hands.

The manual was tested on children 4-7 years old as a visual aid in the classroom during the 2014-2015 academic year.

Explanatory note to the didactic manual "Smart beads"

The tool is multifunctional. The game consists of "beads" made of thick cardboard with holes, laces of different colors and lengths. On the "beads" are pasted: numbers, letters, geometric shapes, mathematical signs, pictures from the series "Generalized concepts".

All materials used to make this manual are safe.

The didactic manual "smart beads" is addressed to educators preschool institutions to work with children 4 - 7 years old.

The manual was developed taking into account the development of mathematical concepts, communicative, cognitive and free activities of children.

"Smart Beads" is a manual developed taking into account modern pedagogical technologies that contribute to the revitalization of the activities of preschoolers, the individualization of education and upbringing.

The relevance of this manual is that it has a developing, teaching and educational value. It can be used in almost any kind of training sessions, gaming activity children (individual, subgroup lessons, independent games of children).

Didactic manual "Smart beads"

Target: consolidation of educational material, development of fine motor skills, development of the grammatical structure of speech, sound culture of speech, the formation of mathematical representations, enrichment of the active dictionary.

Tasks for junior group(from 4 - 5 years):


Teach ordinal and countdown within five;

Learn to answer questions

To learn to unite a group of objects and single out one common feature from them;

Consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.


Develop fine motor skills of hands;

Develop sensory skills

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

3. Nurturing:

Develop the ability to listen to adults;

Raise interest in joint activities;

Tasks for senior group(from 5 to 7 years):


Learn to compose simple words from letters;

Learn to divide words into syllables;

Teach ordinal and reverse counting within 10;

Learn to compare two numbers

Practice addition and subtraction within 10;

Use mathematical signs;

Combine a group of items;

Answer the question "How much?", "Which?".


Develop fine motor skills of the hand;

Development of phonemic perception;

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

3. Nurturing

Encourage activity and independence of children in the classroom

Ability to communicate

culture of behavior

Effect: developing, teaching, emotional.

Dear teachers and parents - participants of the exhibition!

June 2, 2015 in the information and exhibition complex of the Tyumen Regional Duma, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional methodological exhibition "Modern educational environment kindergarten and families."

Do-it-yourself didactic manual for the younger group

Material Description: games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex. Thanks to them, children improve attention, memory, auditory and visual perception, speech, perseverance is brought up. How dexterous and developed the fingers of children will be by the age of 5-6 years, their further successful learning depends. To develop fine motor skills of the fingers, it is not necessary to buy expensive toy in the store, they can be made at home from improvised materials. The material will be useful for teachers and parents.

I have created didactic manual"Smart beads" from junk material.
The colorfulness and novelty of the manual attracts the attention of children, stimulates the desire to play with it. I tried to develop didactic games in such a way that several educational tasks could be solved. Such as consolidating knowledge of color and the ability to use generalizing words in children's speech. The manual is multifunctional.
Handbook manufacturing process:
1. Take containers from kinder surprises.

2. Open them and cut off the excess part on one of the halves so that the caps are the same size.

3. From the ceiling tiles, cut out circles with a size equal to the diameter of the lid from the container.

4. Insert the mugs into the lids.

5. Make holes on opposite sides.

6. Find pictures on various lexical topics on the Internet. Reduce them to the size of circles and glue them on double-sided tape. Pick up colored laces for the manual.

Didactic game "Collect beads on the topic"

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, the ability to select subject pictures on a lexical topic /"Pets", "Wild Animals", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Dishes", "Furniture", "Toys"/, consolidation of knowledge of color.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to collect beads and determines a theme for each. The children complete the task on their own.

To check whether the beads are assembled correctly on the topic, the teacher offers to turn the beads over reverse side(if the beads are of the same color, then the task is completed correctly. If not, then a bead of a different color will signal a mistake that needs to be corrected)

Didactic game "Stringing beads of a certain color"

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, consolidation of knowledge of color,
the ability to choose a general word.
Game progress: the teacher asks the child to put on a lace, for example, red beads.

Then he offers to turn the beads upside down and look at the pictures. The child lists the names of objects. Then the teacher asks to name the pictures in one word.

Didactic game "Find an extra bead" (by color or by lexical topic)

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, attention,
logical thinking;
consolidation of knowledge of color.
Game progress: the teacher invites the child to carefully examine the beads on the cord and determine which bead is not the same as everyone else (it differs in color). Then he asks to correct the mistake.

Didactic game "Alternating beads by color"

Target: the ability to alternate beads in color, revealing a pattern;
development of attention and fine motor skills of the fingers.
Game progress: the teacher invites the child to continue stringing beads, alternating them in color. The child comments aloud with the help of the teacher: “First a red bead, then a white one. Then red, then white. I take red again, and then white.

Didactic game "Pick the lace by color"

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, attention;
consolidation of knowledge of color.
Game progress:(beads are colored side up)
The teacher invites the children to choose the desired color of the lace and string beads on it.
Then they check everything together.
-What color are the beads? (red)
-What color is the lace? (also red)
-Well done. This means that the task was completed correctly.

Didactic game "Pick the number"

Target: the ability to correlate the number with the number of beads within 5;
development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to independently collect beads on any topic. Children agree among themselves which topic they choose. The teacher is interested in what topic the beads are collected from each child, they check together the correctness of the work.
Then the teacher asks how many beads each child has on the lace, and asks to match the number of beads with the desired number.

Didactic game "Riddles"

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers;
the ability to guess riddles, to select a generalizing word.
Game progress: (lexical topic is chosen at will, for example, a game on the topic "Pets"). The teacher offers the child to guess the riddle, choose a bead with a clue and put it on a string.
1.Piglet nose, crochet tail.
Who is it?

2.I knock with my hooves
I jump very fast.
The mane curls in the wind
I can't resist

3. Hungry-mooing,
Chewing full.
For little guys
Gives milk

4. mustachioed muzzle,
The coat is striped.
Washes often
And I don't know about water.

5. Beard and horn
Run along the path
Then the teacher can offer to answer additional questions.
What is one word for who this is? (Pets)
-Which of the animals is the first? (horse)
-Who is last? (goat)