Terms in Chinese poker. Chinese poker: rules, description and history of the game. D) Garbage in the younger

The object of the game is to make three of your 13 cards. poker hands, that is, arrange them into three boxes (two of them consist of five cards, one of three) in such a way as to beat the corresponding hands / boxes of your opponents.

New Chinese Poker can be played by up to four people, each playing for himself. A regular deck of 52 cards is used.
Before the start of the game, you need to agree on a limit, that is, the cost of one point. It could be $1, $10, $100, etc.
The cards are dealt by the player on the button. Players take turns sitting on the button.
Each player is first dealt 5 cards face down, face down.

After all participants have been dealt 5 pocket cards, the player in the first position openly distributes his 5 cards into boxes - lower (5), middle (5) and upper (3).
x | x | X
x | x | x | x | X
x | x | x | x | X

At the same time, cards can be placed in the boxes in any order (all 5 in the bottom or middle; 3 in the top and 1 in the bottom or middle, etc. - in any way). Once you put a card in one of the boxes, you can no longer move it to others.
Next, all players take turns distributing their 5 cards into boxes. At the same time, everyone sees each other's cards.
Then the button (it remains the same until the end of the hand) deals the sixth pocket card to everyone, and everything is repeated again - the players take turns, starting from the first position, choose a suitable box for it.
The procedure is repeated until each of the players has 13 cards laid out in boxes - this is a complete hand in Chinese poker.
After that, the players compare their hands and count the points (also called jackpots).

The first condition of the game is that the strength of the combinations increases from top to bottom, that is, the bottom box > middle > top. Otherwise, your hand is automatically faked and loses.
If the combinations in your boxes are the same in strength (say, it turned out to be a straight in both the lower and middle boxes) - the hand is NOT rigged, everything is in order.
The generally accepted basic rules are described above, but in terms of scoring, discrepancies are possible. The current standard has not yet been cast in marble.
We present the basic system from PokerStars, as well as some popular alternatives.

Victory(“winning the match”) (combinations in two of your boxes are older than the opponent’s, in one box - younger) - 1 point
Alternative option- 2 points.
Scoop(combinations in all three of your boxes are older than the opponent's) - 6 points.
The penalty for non-compliance with the condition of seniority of combinations in the boxes "lower>middle>upper" - 6 points for each opponent (if the hands of all the players in the hand were suddenly falsified, no one pays anything to anyone).

Bonuses (royalties) for combinations:

In addition to points for winning and stinginess, all players are also given bonuses (royalties) for the collected combinations, regardless of the results of the distribution. It is not uncommon for bonuses to win more points than for “winning the match” (that is, for simple boxing seniority).
If a player's hand is rigged, they will NOT receive royalties for combinations. However, he still has to pay royalties to his opponents (that is, he pays both a 6-point penalty and royalties to each of his opponents).

Royalties for the lower box (back hand, the combination must be the highest among the three boxes)
Street: +2
Flush: +4
Fullhouse: +6
Four of a kind: +10
Straight Flush: +15
Royal Flush: +25

Street: +2
Flush: +4
Fullhouse: +6
Four of a kind: +8
Straight Flush: +10
Royal Flush: +15

Royalties for the middle box (middle hand, the combination must be lower than in the lower one) - twice as expensive as in the lower one:
Street: +4
Flush: +8
Fullhouse: +12
Four of a Kind: +20
Straight Flush: +30
Royal Flush: +50

Alternative option:
Everything is the same, only there is also a bonus for the set:
Set: +2

Alternative option (the rarest combinations are slightly cheaper):
Street: +4
Flush: +8
Fullhouse: +12
Kare: +16
Straight Flush: +20
Royal Flush: +30

Royalty for the top box (front hand, the combination must be the smallest among the three boxes):
66 +1
77 +2
88 +3
99 +4
JJ +6
222 +10
333 +11
444 +12
555 +13
666 +14
777 +15
888 +16
999 +17

Royalty calculation:
If both players in the hand have bonuses for combinations, then mutual deductions occur: another one is deducted from the larger bonus.

Player A has combinations in all three boxes that are higher than those of his opponent (that is, stingy) - for this he receives 6 points.
At the same time, player A collected four of a kind in the lower box, for which he is entitled to 10 points.
Player B, in turn, made a flush in the lower box, for which he is entitled to 4 points.
In total, player B must pay player A 12 points.
What to do if the players got the same combinations on similar boxes?
Here the kicker is used, that is, the rest of the cards on the same box. Say, if player A has 3-3-6 on the first box, and player B has 3-3-2, then this is not a draw, player A's combination is higher due to the kicker - six.
If the players' combinations in similar boxes are absolutely identical, then this is a draw, no one owes anything to anyone.

The Fantasyland Rule by Jason Mercier and Sean Deeb

There is also the so-called fantasy land rule (also called “traveling to Narnia” or “wonderland without brakes”), which gives the game a more wild character and, of course, increases the variance: it was not included in the PokerStars manual, but Mercier and company practically did not play without it.
The essence of fantasyland is as follows:
If a player has a combination of a pair of queens or higher in the upper box, then in the next hand he is given 13 cards at once (as in ordinary Chinese poker), while his opponents play according to the standard New Chinese system: 5 hole cards, then one for each in turn.
If in the next hand the same player on one of the boxes receives royalties of more than ten points (that is, he collects at least a set on the upper box, or a full house on the middle box, or four of a kind on the lower one) - in the next hand he is again given 13 cards, again fantasyland. Theoretically, a lucky player may not leave Wonderland at all.

Finnish Double of Spades Bonus

Finnish players also have a special deuce of spades bonus in any hand. She doubles the royalties for the combination in the box in which she is, regardless of whether the box is won or lost.
Let's say if you hit a bottom flush of spades, including a deuce of spades, you'll get twice as much royalty for your flush - 8 points.
The opposite example: your opponent in the lower box has a full house, and you have only a pair, and there is also a deuce of spades. In this case, you will have to pay your opponent double the full house bonus (12 points).

Calculation of results

Perhaps the most time-consuming part of the new Chinese poker, especially for beginners, is the calculations. After each hand, all players count the points in the "each against each" format (regardless of whether they play with two, three or four players).
For example, if there are four players, then the player needs to compare his hand with the three hands of the other players and make three independent calculations of who has how many points (jackpots) - that is, three separate balances are obtained against each of the opponents.
Usually, all this is carefully recorded, and cash settlements occur after the end of the entire gaming session (in the case of a cash game).
In the case of tournament play, points correspond to a certain number of game chips, and chips are settled after each individual hand. On PCA levels for 30 minutes - that is, every half an hour the cost of a game point (jackpot) increases.

Chinese poker appeared relatively recently and stands apart from other poker disciplines. There are no auctions in it, and the winner is determined not by the strongest combination, but by the number of points scored. Every year this variation of poker becomes more and more popular. Tournaments on it are held as part of major online and offline poker series, including WSOPE.

From the name of this discipline it becomes clear that it appeared in China. But such a game was unlike the current variation. It also operated scoring, but did not use cards. Dominoes were used instead. Subsequently, it was replaced by cards, and combinations were introduced into the rules.

At first, such poker was presented in one variety. But today it is available in several variations at once:

  • Classic - cards are laid out face down on the table. First, each participant in the distribution receives 5 figures, and then one at a time, and so on until each player has 14 cards in their hands.
  • Turbo - here the rules are similar to the classic ones, but the distribution of cards is faster. Each time players receive 4 cards.
  • Open (Pineapple) - first, each participant in the distribution is dealt 3 cards face down. Then two of them are laid out on the box in the open, and one is discarded. Players repeat these actions 4 more times. As a result, poker players can evaluate the hands of opponents even before the showdown.

Rules of the game

Playing this variation of poker is quite simple - you just need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules. The game uses a standard deck. The number of participants depends on the type of such a game and varies from 2 to 4 people.

The main task of the players is to collect three winning combinations.

Each participant has 3 boxes at his disposal:

  • front - here you need to get a combination of three cards, it should be the weakest of all collected by the player;
  • middle - a 5-card combination is formed here, it must be stronger than the first;
  • back - on this box you need to get the strongest poker hand.

Classical and open Chinese poker requires strict adherence to the order of seniority of the deal on the boxes. If it is violated, then the participant's hand is considered dead, he is out of the game.

When the combinations are collected, they are compared. For a winning combination, the player is awarded 2 points, and 2 points are deducted for a losing hand. Additional points are also awarded according to this table:

If the distribution is played in Chinese Poker Pineapple, then a slightly different scoring applies here. We talked about their accrual rules in a separate article, which you can read on this one.

The value of the points is determined before the distribution begins. So, for example, it could be $10. If in the end the poker player scores 8 points, he will receive a prize of $80.

In such a discipline fantasy rule. It takes effect if the player was able to collect a Pair of Queens or a stronger hand on the junior box. Then in the next hand, he gets all the cards face down at once. Due to which he has the opportunity to decompose the figures into the boxes in such a way that they form the strongest possible combinations.

Game strategy

This kind of poker, due to its specific rules, requires a separate approach to choosing a strategy. It is based on the following:

  • pay special attention to the distribution of the first 5 cards in the boxes. You need to arrange them in such a way that on subsequent streets you can strengthen up to the highest combinations. For example, Pairs are best placed at the bottom - you can strengthen them to Tripos and Full Houses. Lay straight draw and . Leave one high pair in the middle box, and high-rank cards in the top box.
  • analyze the cards of your opponents and the combinations that they are trying to collect;
  • count points - you can beat your opponent in all three boxes, but at the same time get a minimum of points due to weak combinations, for example, Par. To get good winnings, you will need stronger combinations, for which additional points are awarded. For example, a Full House at the bottom will give you 6 extra points, a Flush in the middle will give you 8 points, and a Pair of Aces will give you 9 points.
  • do not avoid risky plays - they help to get a profit in the long run;
  • play carefully if there are all the prerequisites for the fact that the opponent's hand becomes "dead". Here, your task is simply to reach the final and follow the order of laying out combinations by seniority;
  • it’s not enough just to win in boxes against opponents, the goal of your strategy should be to fall under the “Fantasy” rule. When it starts to act, the player has the opportunity to get big wins by collecting stronger combinations;
  • do not focus on the middle box - the highest points are paid for strong combinations on it, but it is difficult to collect them. If you bet on this particular row, trying to get Flushes on it, then you will often get a dead hand. Save such combinations for the bottom;
  • plan the distribution in advance - plan in advance what combinations you can collect based on starting cards and what layouts you can get if not the most successful cards come;
  • be sure to calculate outs, for this you can use special tables, for example, this one:

Such card game is gaining more and more popularity. However, it is still not available in all online rooms. Most of the rooms where this type of poker is offered are Asian and they are not focused on the Russian-speaking audience. There are those online rooms that offer Pineapple, but so far they have not managed to earn a good reputation and recognition of a multi-million audience.

  • PokerDom is a Russian online room where you can play for rubles. You will find high-quality client software, numerous promotions, deposit and no deposit bonuses, payment of winnings within a few hours.
  • PokerMatch is a Ukrainian poker room where you can play for hryvnias. It offers operational support, multifunctional client applications for different platforms, convenient ways to deposit and withdraw funds, and numerous promotions.


This kind of poker is a great alternative to the usual disciplines. It won't take much time to master it. You can play hands on it in one of two popular online rooms. Hurry up to start card battles!

Open Chinese poker is a very interesting and specific game. Its rules differ significantly from Hold'em and Omaha. OKP appeared quite recently, tournaments for this game began to be held in the early 2000s. The main goal of the game, as in other poker varieties, is to collect the strongest combination of cards, in the OKP there is also a dealer chip that moves clockwise after each hand. But this, perhaps, all the similarities with the usual poker end.

Collecting in one round of Chinese poker will have not one, but three. For this purpose, each player has three boxes on the table, one above the other. The first for three cards, the second and third for five. But you will have to follow the sequence of card combinations: in the topmost box there should be the lowest combination, in the second - the average in strength and in the third - the strongest. If the player violates this order (for example, the second combination is stronger than the last), then the hand is declared dead, and the player loses the hand.

The game uses all the classic poker combinations of cards: high card, pair, two pair, set, straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, straight flush, royal flush. It is possible to put only three cards into the first box, so it is natural that the highest combination that is possible in it is a set of aces.

Over its short history, the OKP has already managed to be divided into several varieties: the classic OKP, "Pineapple" and turbo. The main differences in these varieties are in the way the cards are dealt and the scoring of the combinations. This article will discuss the strategy of playing Chinese poker "Pineapple".

Chinese poker rules Pineapple

The strategy of the game cannot be explained without touching upon its rules. Therefore, in this paragraph we will consider the course of the game in the round, the method of scoring, as well as other features of Pineapple poker.

Game progress

One game session is usually divided by the number of hands, which is equal to the number of players at the table. Usually no more than three people play at the table. One round of the game is divided into four hands. In the first, players receive five cards, which are immediately laid out in boxes. In all the rest - three each, of which they choose two and put them open on the table, the third is discarded.


The player receives points both for comparing the collected combinations, and for the combinations themselves. Game points are called kushi. The combinations in each box are compared separately. For each winning combination, the player receives +1 kush, for a losing one, vice versa -1. If the player has all the combinations in the boxes at once, then he gets +6 jackpots, and the second player will have -6.

As regards scoring assembled combination, then the rules are different for each box. In a three-card box, jackpots are not awarded for all combinations of cards. So, the smallest combination is a pair of sixes. For it is given 1 kush. The price of each next combination increases by one jackpot: a pair of sevens - 2 jackpots, a pair of eights - 3 jackpots, etc. For the maximum combination of the first box, a set of aces, 22 points are required.

In the second box, points are awarded starting from the set, for which you can get 2 jackpots. Any straight is worth 4 jackpots, a flush is 8, a full house is 12, four of a kind is 20, a straight flush is 30 and a royal flush is 50.

Scoring in the last box starts with a straight - 2 jackpots. For a flush you can get - 4 jackpots, for a full house - 6, four of a kind - 10, a straight flush - 15 and a royal flush - 25.


In the event that one of the players managed to collect a pair of queens or something higher in a three-card box, then in the next round he will have to collect the so-called "fantasy". For this player, the rules are changing. In the first hand, he receives fourteen cards at once, thirteen of which the player immediately puts into the boxes, and the fourteenth is thrown into the rebound.

The player who lays out the fantasy is given the right of the first move, regardless of his position at the table. In the event that such a player is not alone in the round, then they do it together. The round then proceeds as usual.

When a fantasy round is played, the button token does not move and the order of moves does not change. Each fantasy increases the duration of the game session by one round. You can repeat the fantasy in one game only once and for this you need to collect a set in a three-card box, a full house in the second or four of a kind in the lower box. But what should be the strategy for playing Chinese poker "Pineapple"

Immediate Poker Strategy Pineapple

In Pineapple Chinese Poker, styles of play with similar names are common. Thus, the tight style is characterized by the fact that players try to lay out their cards according to the rules. This strategy is usually used by beginners and is ineffective in the long run, especially when playing with experienced OCT players.

Such players concentrate on keeping the order of the combinations, while neglecting the high combinations of cards. In most cases, they work on collecting pairs, two pairs or sets. But everything here has its advantages. For example, when someone has collected a dead hand, the rest get 6 for nothing. In such a situation, how strong the opponent's combinations turn out to be does not matter.

Loose and aggressive style in this type of poker is mixed into one concept. This is the complete opposite of the tight style. The motto of aggressive players can be expressed by the phrase "make or break". On the contrary, they strive to collect the best combinations. Of course, this does not happen as often as we would like. In most cases, this is a losing Chinese Pineapple poker strategy, but one lucky round can make up for the loss.

Playing with multiple opponents

The Pineapple poker strategy changes depending on the number of players at the table. As you know, there should be a golden mean in everything, so when playing OKP "Pineapple" you need to find a balance between tight and aggressive strategy. If there is only one opponent in the game against you, then you can allow yourself to play more aggressively. In such a situation, when collecting a dead hand, the penalties are not so terrible.

If there are several opponents, then on the contrary, it is better to shift towards a tight style and pay more attention to the sequence of combinations. In this case, the probability that one of the opponents will collect the highest combination is higher. Therefore, attention should be paid to things that directly depend on you.

Basic Chinese Poker Strategy Pineapple

Since the players lay out their combinations face up, the math in this game has a higher value. But the numbers about the probability of collecting any combination are significantly different from Hold'em or Omaha. So, having a flush draw in any box, it will be possible to improve it with a probability of 30%.

In Pineapple, a more useful skill is not reading an opponent, but memorizing cards. The cards are dealt face up on the table, so you need to take them into account when counting outs. Position in the game is also of great importance. The player on the button knows all the moves of his opponents, so he is more informed and can better think over the actions during his turn.

Upon receiving the first five cards, you need to distribute them over several sectors. It's not often that you can hit a straight or flush right away. How to lay out the cards depends only on the specific situation and tactics that you have chosen. But still, there are recommendations that will allow you to feel more confident at the table:

  1. You should not immediately deal with a low combination and put a pair in the first box. This combo may be the most common, but it increases the risk of making a dead hand. If you hit an ace in the first hand, you can put it in the first box, which will provide yourself with a small guarantee.
  2. One of the mistakes of beginners is to focus too much on collecting the highest combination. It often happens that in pursuit of the strongest combination, it is not possible to follow the sequence of combinations and a dead hand comes out. This can hit the game score hard when playing with multiple opponents.
  3. In the event that the first five cards did not have a pair or something higher, then it is recommended to put cards older than ten in the lower box, the middle card in the middle box and a trifle in the three-card box.
  4. If in the first hand a hand consisting of four cards of the same suit fell out, then it would be logical to expand all 4 into the lower box. It would be foolish to lose a flush draw.


The Pineapple Chinese poker strategy is very different from Hold'em or Omaha. Players can see each other's cards, so most decisions will be based on calculations rather than reading the opponent.

The game of Chinese poker begins with a face-to-face distribution of 5 cards to all players. After that, the players in the first position lay them out at their discretion in three boxes. Behind him, the rest of the players lay out their cards in turn.

Game progress

The cards are distributed face up in three rows (boxes). In the lower and middle boxes, five cards are laid out, in the upper - three. Combinations of five cards are called "Back" (bottom row) and "Middle" (middle), of three - "Front". Cards can be arranged in rows in any order. However, once a player has placed a card on one of the rows, it can no longer be moved to another row.

The player on the button deals five hole cards to everyone (the "starter"). After the first five cards are laid out, there are eight more cards in front, which are laid out one at a time. At the end of the hand, the button is passed to the players in a clockwise direction.

The next step is to reveal all the cards and compare all the received combinations. At this stage, you need to show the highest combination in at least two rows. One of the prerequisites is to observe the seniority of the rows (from top to bottom from the lowest to the highest combination). The top combination should always be lower than the middle one, and the middle one should always be lower than the bottom one. However, it is worth noting that the equality of combinations between rows is permissible.

Scoring procedure

Important difference Chinese poker from Hold'em and Omaha- no rounds of bidding, so points ("kush") are used to determine the winnings. The cost of one point and the order of accrual of "Royalty" (an additional system for accruing bonuses for the strongest combinations) is determined by the players themselves and discussed in advance (for example, $5 per point).

The most common scoring system is the "Western" system. For a victory in two of the three rows, the player is given one point. If he wins "Scoop" (in all three combinations), he wins a total of 6 points.

If the combination conditions are not met, the hand is considered dead and does not receive points. The dead hand player must pay 6 points to his opponents and pay their bonuses, if any (dead hand bonuses do not count). If all players have collected "dead" hands, then their total points remain the same. In the event that both players have bonuses, the winner gets the difference in these bonuses. For the losing participant, the difference in bonuses is deducted from the amount. If the players have the same combinations, then their bonuses are reset to zero. In this case, the side card - Kicker - decides.

Chinese poker also has a bonus system ("Royalty"), in which points are awarded for the highest combinations (Straight Flush, Royal Flush or Four of a Kind) in certain rows. The calculation system works the same way if the player has a Full House in the middle box (in the "Middle") or a Set in the top box (in the "Front"). Let's give an example: if in the "Back" the player has collected four triples, and the second player - four fours, the player with the highest four of a kind takes the "Royalties".

Rules for calculating "Royalty" points in Chinese Poker:

Lower box ("Back")
Street: +2; Flush: +4; Full House: +6; Four of a kind: +8; Straight Flush: +10; Royal Flush: +15
Middle box ("Middle")
Set: +2; Street: +4; Flash: +8; Full House: +12; Four of a kind: +16; Straight Flush: +20; Royal Flush: +30
Top box ("Front")
Points are given for the 66 (+1) pair, and 1 point is awarded for each subsequent pair, up to the AA (+9) pair.
In a similar way, points are awarded for the “Set” combination: 222 (+10) to AAA (+22).

There is also an "American" scoring system in Chinese poker, in which the following bonuses are awarded on the bottom box:
Four of a kind: +10; Straight Flush: +15, Royal Flush: +25. The same scheme works on the middle box, only the points are multiplied by two.

Table of points in Chinese poker

Line Combination Points by the rules
American Russian
bottom line Straight 2
Flash 4
Full house 6
Kare 10 8
straight flush 15 10
Royal flush 25 15
middle line Set 2
Straight 4
Flash 8
Full house 12
Kare 20 16
straight flush 30 20
Royal flush 50 30
top line 66 1
77 2
88 3
99 4
TT 5
JJ 6
QQ 7
KK 8
AA 9
222 10
333 11
444 12
555 13
666 14
777 15
888 16
999 17
TTT 18
JJJ 19
QQQ 20
KKK 21
AAA 22

Fantasy in Chinese poker

Fantasy works when a player collects a combination of "Pair of Queens" or higher in the top row. In this case, at the next distribution, the participant is dealt not five cards, but 13 cards at once. At the same time, his opponents continue to play by the usual rules. If "Fantasy" is played on the table, the button does not move.

If the player, after decomposing the Fantasy, fulfills the following conditions, he will receive the Fantasy again:

Lower box ("Back")
Kare or older
Middle box ("Middle")
Full House or older
Top box ("Front")
Set or older


  • no more than one repetition of "Fantasy" in a row is allowed
  • in "Pineapple" in the case of a repeated Fantasy on the middle box, the rule applies only to the combination of the OLDER combination of the Full House combination

One of the important rules is also the principle of the "Timeout":
If the player has exhausted his time, all moves in the current hand are made for him automatically, in order from the highest to the youngest box. In this situation, the hand does not automatically become "dead", so sometimes this player can even win.
If, during the “Timeout” of one of the players, other participants have collected “Fantasy”, the game continues until all available “Fantasy” have been played. Only then the party is considered completed. In other cases, the game ends immediately after the hand in which the player went to "Timeout".

Subspecies of Chinese poker

Pineapple (“Pineapple”)

In "Pineapple" the number of players should be no more than three. Here the player, starting from the second move, receives three cards (hidden from opponents). The game becomes much more dynamic. He uses two cards to make a combination, and discards the third. It turns out that only two of your cards are known to your opponents, and you only have to guess the discarded cards, based on the laid out cards of all players.
The game is played in five moves: 5+2+2+2+2.
In the case of "Fantasy", the player is given 14 cards, and he must use only 13, discard the remaining card.

Turbo (“Turbo”)

With Turbo, the second and third moves are made with four cards. The game takes place in three moves: 5 + 4 + 4, which gives it more excitement.

Good luck and win at the tables!