The value of the combination and photo. Set in poker. The meaning of the combination and photo How to assemble a set

Those players who already have some experience in Texas Hold'em know what a set is and know how to behave in the game with such a hand. But for beginners, just mastering the game, this concept is still vague. Let's try to give Full description nuances regarding the set; Let's explain the concept of "set in poker". Breaking into the game, a beginner must know the basic statistical probabilities in order to somehow plan their actions. So what is a set?

in poker

Let's figure it out. A poker set or trips are alternative names for a combination such as a three of a kind. That is, if a player has collected 3 cards of the same value, he already agrees to usually participate in the bank draw.

The rest of the cards don't matter. But sometimes these "extra" single cards decide the fate of the game. They can play the role of kickers.

The difference between trips and sets

In Texas Hold'em, a hand (or hand) called a three of a kind is divided into 2 concepts: a set and trips. It's like two twins, each with its own "character". Essentially, both are the same three, but the difference lies in the way the combination is assembled.

The first way to get is called a set - a combination of 3 cards, 2 of which were already in the player's hands. These cards are called pocket cards. The third card is opened on the common table.

The second way to get a triple is 1 pocket card, and 2 pair cards, respectively, are opened for everyone. Such a trio is considered in professional Texas poker thrips.

Let's take an example of a 4-person hold'em game. According to the rules, 2 cards are hole cards and 5 cards are on the flop. Turn and river are not considered yet.

What will happen if, for example, there is such a poker situation? A poker set is clearly visible here. The photo will help to present in full all the information that has developed on the flop. In this situation, player number 1 has a set of 3 jacks. When opening pocket cards, a set will be found, poker hand, which in this game brought the bank to this player. Although player 3 has more pair.

Set Benefits

Recall that the three of a kind is higher in value than 1 pair or 2 pairs, and this alignment is already considered winning. Even if a player has made such a set in poker as 3 deuces, he has a chance for further competition. But which is stronger: a set or trips? To answer this question, we start from statistics. The chance of hitting a set is 10.78%; and collect thrips - only 1.35%. That is, a set is a more likely combination, and because of this, a player with two cards in his hand is already stronger. Buying a set on the flop - the probability of this, of course, is higher - 12%.

Another nuance is a possible competition in the seniority of thrips. After the showdown, it may turn out that there are 2 triplets, since 1 card is common. But the set in this regard is stronger. When a set is made in poker with only one card from the flop, the player can feel confident. He is no longer with the lowest combination, but with an average one.

Some players, having collected a set, fold on the flop, fearing that one of the players was able to collect a full house or a straight. But the probability of a straight is low - 1.3%, and to collect a full house of 7 cards - the probability is completely miserable. With a pair on the table - 0.74%, and if 3 falls on the table - 0.25%.

How to behave when collecting a set

Should you be careful or more aggressive if you already have a set? Poker is interesting in that it is absolutely impossible to predict who has what cards. And each player chooses a game strategy for himself, only based on his own two cards and his experience. Quite often, players are faced with a set layout. A poker combination that has developed in poker does not guarantee anything. We can only predict the probability of an event, but not the event itself.

On the preflop, the first conclusions about the cards of opponents are made. This can be seen based on their reactions and bets. You should not overestimate your own rate ahead of time. The flop decides everything. It is best to make the main decision on the flop regarding further play. What to do with a set in hand?

Raising the stakes only makes sense when holding a big set, starting with a queen. And if the set is small, it is enough just to support the bet, that is, to make a raise.

Let's see what are the chances of getting a full house combination at different stages of the game that will beat trips if the opponent already has a set in his hands:

    on the turn, the probability is only 13%;

  • on the river - 30%.

In the case when you see that there are 3 cards of the same suit on the flop or even a weak three of a kind, then this situation is threatening for your combination.

But when the flop is rather weak off-suit and "different-sized" cards, you can take risks and raise the bet a little. If you play on the turn, then your chances are noticeably reduced. On the turn, the chances are increased that one of the opponents will collect the best combination, for example, a straight.

Opponent's set

To calculate an opponent's set, you need to be attentive to his behavior during the preflop and especially the flop. If he actively raises on the flop when table 3 is completely different cards, and not very large, it is likely that he got the 3rd card for the set. This is especially noticeable when he hesitates with a preflop bet for a long time.

Thrips is not so noticeable, and they are still less happy about it. Because for the championship with a combination of trips, you still need good big kickers.

The role of kickers

Cards that are not able to create any combination, but decide the course of the game in disputable situations, are called kickers. If you decide to play with a bad three of a kind, then it is better to have good kickers in reserve - a king or an ace.

When 2 players make the same set in poker, the higher card of the two then determines the winner. If a situation arises when two players have the same set in poker, and the kickers are also equal, then the pot is divided into two participants. But this almost never happens in practice.

If you have trips in your hands and you open on the flop, then the probability of winning on the kicker is 30 to 70. Each player must take these probabilities into account, and the decision must be made quickly.

Should you bluff with a three of a kind and a weak kicker? Bluffing is fine if there are 3 people in the game. When the number of players is greater, any of them may have stronger cards. And here the bluff is powerless.


✖ This guide provides descriptions for special sets (sets) of character equipment that begin to fall out as you progress through the game after the player reaches the thirtieth level. Also, some parts of the sets can be created at item crafting stations.
✖ Total in game for this moment there are 14 (fourteen) sets of equipment for various tactics and style of play, as well as 13 (thirteen) more encrypted variants of the original sets. In the column on the right are sets that have encrypted options are marked with a "✖" symbol.
✖ The main difference between these sets and regular equipment is the presented talents when equipped with two or more elements of the set. Under ordinary implies equipment of gray, green, purple and gold dignity.

  • When putting on two and three elements of the set, the character will receive one and two pluses to any characteristic, respectively.
  • Putting on the fourth element - the character will receive the so-called Talent- set bonus.
✖ Here and below the term "complete set" means putting on at least four parts equipment from one set.
✖ It should be noted that the equipment of the kit in excess of four elements does not increase Set Bonus and does not always make sense, but the exceptions are encrypted equipment sets, which have bonuses for the fifth and sixth item equipped. To get the effect of the fifth and sixth element - all six elements must be from the encrypted set. In other words, it will not be possible to put on a couple of encrypted elements and supplement them with the usual items of the set of the same name.

Manual version history

Where to get secret set items and exotics

As of today (January 2018) ordinary set items drop from almost all hostile npc, it is natural that it drops much more often from named ones.
✖ With the introduction of a new game mode resistance most players participate in the so-called "10 lvl farm"- surviving in this mode until waves 12 - 13, with receiving two containers of Resistance for the fifth and tenth waves and opening several times the box of resistance located on the level (see screenshot below). Very often, classified parts of sets and exotics drop out. Also, bosses that come every fifth wave have a high chance of dropping good things. Of course, it’s better to keep going beyond wave 15 in order to get containers of the third level, from which the chance of dropping good things is even higher.

✖ It also made sense to descend into Subway and participate in multi-stage, but not necessarily multi-directive operations. The fact is that after completing the subtasks, a meeting with hunters can happen, the number of which is usually one more than the people in the group. After defeating them, good things remain, exotics often drop.

Advice from the author. At the moment there is a way to increase the chance repeated encounters with hunters during one underground operation. To do this, after defeating the hunters, transfer the group leader to another member of the group.

With a certain amount of luck, you can meet hunters three or four (!) times per operation.
✖ There is a merchant in the Subway and the Terminal who sells a green container with part of the set for 200 Phoenixes. Usually the item itself does not represent anything special, but sometimes an additional prize item is given for opening a container - it can be either exotic or a secret element of the set. The frequency of dropping an additional item according to my observations is one item per 15 - 18 containers.

They also have a container for sale for 2500 phoenixes, from which classified items and consumables are guaranteed to drop:

✖ Farm once a week on the legendary difficulty of standard operations and incursions, as a reward for which we are guaranteed to get an exotic container.

✖ The implementation remains relevant weekly appointments(both ordinary and underground) - for the implementation of which containers are given, opening which there is a great chance to get good things (secret elements and exotics as well).
Dark Zone . All events and purple zones can bring very good things, secret and exotic drop very often:

Naturally, there is nothing to do in TK alone, it is highly desirable to farm TK as part of a well-prepared and suitably equipped full group.
The Last Frontier. According to the results of the round, points are awarded, even if you play poorly in PVP, but bring benefits, then at the end you can get five to six containers:

✖ Participation in global events and earning GS points, which can be used to buy from a special merchant in Terminal two types of containers, from which you can get secret parts of sets and exotics with a high chance:

Dropped items from containers Experienced Agent and Dungeons can be exchanged between people with whom you were in a group at the time of their drop. Items from purchased containers, including Global Event Containers - not subject to exchange, unfortunately.

✖ AlphaCommunication / AlphaBridge

✖ Encrypted set of equipment.
5 items:
+ 20% TK currency.
+5% Damage to target outside cover.

6 items:
Improved "Banshee"
While the player is a rogue, the duration of the roundup is reduced by 5% for each party member within 15 meters. The effect of all actions of the renegade, increasing the rating, is doubled. Additional rewards are given for successfully surviving a raid.
If the player is not a rogue, their damage to the agents being rounded up is increased by 2% per level of the rounded up. For killing agents who are being rounded up, additional rewards are given.

✖ Action / Striker's Battlegear

5 items:
+ 20% optimal range.
+10% headshot damage.

6 items.
Hunter Accuracy.

Headshots double the bonus damage. The effect ends after 2 (two) misses in a row.

✖ Predator's Mark / Predator's Mark

✖ Lone Star

Encrypted set of equipment.
5 items:
+5% skill cooldown speed.
+5% skill power.

6 items:
Improved Experienced Strategist.
Using a skill at maximum effect nullifies the additional skill power, but increases the maximum value to 60%.
Using another skill at 60% has a 40% chance to reduce the effect by up to 30% while maintaining the maximum value of 60%.

The effect is increased by 20% for every 3000 units Electronics.

✖ Annealing / FireCrest

Encrypted set of equipment.
5 items:
+1 Incendiary Grenades.
+5% flamethrower turret range.
+20% flamethrower turret damage.

6 items:
Improved Annealing.

2% chance to set an enemy on fire with a ranged weapon hit.
A burning enemy can be blown up if they are killed by bullets, but no more than once every 10 seconds.
AI enemy set on fire by your flamethrower turret burns +25% longer per 2000 stats Electronics.


✖ Reclaimer / Reclaimer

Encrypted set of equipment.
5 items:
+5% defense against elite enemies.
+5% ballistic shield durability.

6 items.
Improved "Front".
When the ballistic shield is raised, the damage from melee attacks is increased by 20 times. All superhealth gained by the agent restores the shield's strength. After receiving a certain amount of physical or exotic damage, the ballistic shield empowers the agent and all members of his group within a radius of 15 yards for 6 seconds. Buff duration increases by 2 seconds for every 3000 units reserve forces.

Physical Damage:
+ 30% Stamina.
+ 20% Armor.

Exotic Damage:
+30% weapon damage.
+20% weapon damage.

Nominal non-item items of equipment

This section provides descriptions for six items of equipment that are quite rare and drop with a meager probability from some bosses in the game. These elements are not included in any sets, but in view of the special talents, they are a serious reason to work hard for their loot.
Since version 1.6, all named weapons and equipment are classified as " exotic" (but not " first class" as it was up to version 1.5) and are highlighted in red-burgundy color.

✖ Oxygen mask Ferro (Ferro's Oxygen Mask)

Dropped by boss Joe Ferro in the Napalm Production mission on Hard difficulty.

✖ Barret's Bulletproof Vest (Barret's Bulletproof Vest)

Dropped by boss Larae Barret in the Lexington Convention Center mission on Challenge difficulty.

✖ Colonel Bliss's Holster Holster

Dropped from a helicopter in the mission "General Assembly" on hard difficulty.

You will need


Buy the necessary parts of the Dynasty Armor set from the free game market. After installing the Goddess Of Destruction update, the rank of all items of this type was lowered to S, so their value dropped a lot. Buying from other players ready-made Dynasty armor is the easiest and fastest way to acquire them today. Use the teleport system to move between major cities, where there are usually many characters in private trade mode. Explore the lists of items for sale. You may be able to buy them at a low price.

Purchase the desired items from the set through the Auction System. Find a Trade Manager NPC in any city. Open the interaction dialog with him. Click on the link "Use the Commission Trading System". The "Reseller Sales" window opens. Switch to the "List of sales" tab in it. In the "Keywords" text field, enter the full or partial name of the subject of interest (for example, ""). Click the "Search" button. View the displayed list. If you find the right thing at an affordable price, buy it.

Craft the items you want with private gnome production. You will need , some key and common materials, as well as crystals of grade S. Search the cities for a Maestro class character who is in the crafting mode. View the proposed production list. Try to create a thing. The success rate is 60%. Due to the lack of interest among players with Maestro characters in the production of items of rank S after the installation of the Goddess Of Destruction update, it may not be so easy to implement this method.

Obtain parts of the Dynasty armor set by hunting raid bosses. There is a chance to drop Dynasty items from many level 81-85 bosses (such as Gorgolos, Queen Shyeed, Gwindorr, etc.).

Get Dynasty Armor in exchange for Petal items. Move to the Edge of Reality. To do this, find the Pathfinder NPC in Dion, Oren, Rune, Heine, Schuttgart, or Gludio. Open the interaction dialog with him. Click on the link "Ask about the edge of reality." In the next dialog, click on the "Challenge" link. In Edge of Reality, approach any Guardian NPC. Open the interaction dialog. Select "Use Petal". The Store window will be displayed. Select the desired item from the list. Click Accept. If you have the required number of Petal items, the selected Dynasty item will appear in your inventory. Petals are best bought from other players. You can get them with a certain probability when hunting the boss Aenkiel in the locations "Edge of Reality, Square" and "Edge of Reality, Tower".