Quiz: How good are you at poker? Pass the test! Test your knowledge! Online poker tests

Natalya Shibanova

Pokerstarter sets the modern standard for learning poker games and offers interactive training. it the best option consolidation in practice of the acquired knowledge.

What kind of training, when they take place and how to participate in them, you will learn from our article.

What is the essence of interactive training and what are the benefits for the player from participating in them?

From the name it becomes clear that the classes:

Functional overview

  1. Live broadcast, i.e. the game of the PokerStarter instructor for real “green” boards at PokerStars is shown in real time thanks to a special tool – a browser. More details below.
  2. Meticulously prepared workouts with a repetitive hand tool. So, the guests of the training game can view the most exciting and useful hands in terms of learning poker. And at the same time, the training participants will have time for questions to the instructor and for discussing with him all the details of the game.
  3. Comments in audio format. With the help of special technology, the trainer can give clear and precise comments. And he will be able to immediately respond to the questions and wishes of the guests of the training.
  4. Chat. Thanks to the chat, training participants can ask questions about the game to the PokerStarter instructor.
  5. Special tools that are in the arsenal of experts. These devices allow you to make diagrams, create notes while at the board, or somehow highlight certain participants in the game, dividing them into several groups.

The interactive training process

Each of the participants in a particular training session can watch how an expert plays PokerStars boards online using a special browser.

Participants are visible hidden cards a coach who not only comments on what he is doing at one time or another, but also tells in detail his game strategy. There is also feedback in the form of a chat (it was mentioned above).

How to register for training?

To become a member of the training courses, follow these 4 simple steps:

Stage 1: Registration

To use all the benefits of the Pokerstarter school, register on its official website - PokerStarter.org.

Stage 2: Registration for participation in training courses

To register for a training, select one or another course in the calendar (see photo below).

Register for a poker school training at PokerStarter.org

For a more detailed description of a course, click on its title. In addition to information about the course and the time it starts, you will see information about the number of unoccupied places, the duration of the lesson, the name of the instructor and the level of VPP points required to participate in a particular training (see photo below).

Required VPP level

You will need a certain level of VPP to participate in certain practice sessions.

After you select a course, click on the “Add” button, which is located opposite the workout you selected. See in the photo above - this is a checkmark in red.

So, the corresponding workout has been added to your personal calendar (see number one in the photo below). This means that you have signed up for a training session.

Important! You can open a workout in 15 minutes. before it starts. It may also be that you have registered in several courses, but do not remember when and which one starts. No problem. At any time, click on “Full Schedule” (see number two in the photo below) and you will see what time each of the classes starts.

You can open a workout as early as 15 minutes before it starts.

It happens that you no longer want to participate in a particular course. Then just click on the “Cancel Registration” button. Thus, leaving the training session, you make room for another member of the PokerStarter school. Since there are a limited number of places in the training conferences.

Stage 3: Practice Conference

Before starting the conference, open the window with information about it again (button “Open”). By clicking on this button, you go to the conference. But it will begin only after the coach appears.

Important! If you have AdBlock software installed, be sure to disable it before training. Otherwise, you cannot avoid problems with both displaying boards and connecting to a training session.

Be sure to turn off the AdBlock app before starting a workout!

Stage 4: During the conference

So the conference began. The coach will play online at the PokerStars boards, looking at easy and hard cases. To make each conference more effective, you must carefully observe what the coach does in any given situation.

If something is not clear to you, feel free to ask the instructor questions in the chat correspondence. Always write “BT” before starting your question. So, he will see your question faster.

During training, you must adhere to some rules of conduct. It is better to familiarize yourself with them before starting registration for the training conference. More details - read on.

Training Rules

  1. During the conference, it is strictly forbidden to contact the broadcast board in any way. According to Stars rules, this is “cheating”.
  2. When using the chat functionality, participants are strictly prohibited from advertising anything that is not related to Pokerstarter or PokerStars.
  3. Members may not insult PokerStars and their PokerStarter school.
  4. Collusion between participants by disclosing information about their pocket cards and in any other way is strictly prohibited.
  5. It is forbidden to ask questions and write comments in the chat that have nothing to do with poker at all.

I bring to your attention the NL Texas Holdem test. http://donkeytest.com/

At the end of the test, you will be told how many points you have scored and what level of players you correspond to. Test for English language, so for those who studied German at school, I offer my own translation =)

English speakers, in turn, I recommend visiting the 2 + 2 forum, where the public discusses the correct answers). -http://archives1.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=9720320&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1

ATTENTION! The time it takes you to take the test matters! You can give the same answers, but the end result will also depend on the time spent. The developers of the test (claimed to be poker pros) give 30 minutes to complete the test.

1. What is the worst hand if you go all-in preflop in a heads-up game and your opponent calls you with any two cards?

2. 5/10 NL. 9-max. Both aggressive and passive players are at the table, three weak players and four pros. Two new players, they've only played a few hands so far. You are on UTG with KJ

What should you do?

Raise a third of the time, fold a third of the time, call a third of the time

Raise half the time, fold half the time

Raise 80% of the time, call 20% of the time

3. 25/50 NL. 9-max. You are on the button with TT

A tight-aggressive player in middle position raises to $200. You have $5,000 and decide to call from the button. The relatively tight short stack in the big blind ($1500) goes all-in. So far you've only seen him do this with TT, AK and AQ. The MP player thinks and discards the cards. What should you do?

4. Tournament. Blinds 200/400, ante 50. You have 4000 chips. 9 players. Everyone has more chips than you. UTG limps in. You've seen him often limp in from early position and then fold to a raise. The man from the third box is limping. Button limping. You are in the small blind with A8 What to do?

Raise from 1500 to 2500

5. Early stage of the tournament. Blinds 200/400, ante 25. You have 14,000 chips. 9 max. You are in the cutoff with A9

Everyone folds and you raise to 1200. The button folds and the small blind goes all-in with 4000 chips. You don't have much information about your opponent, but he seems to be playing solid poker and you think he really has good hand. What should you do?

6.5/10 NL. 9-max. Everyone folded to you, you are in the cutoff with QJ Your actions:

7.5/10 NL. 10-max. Everything is about $1000. A tight player from UTG limps in. A tight player with MP raises to $40, a tight-aggressive player behind him reraises to $150, and the button reraises to half his stack to $500. You are in the big blind with KK

What should be done?

Call and all-in on the flop without an ace

8.5/10 NL. 9-max. You have 1000$. A very tight but inexperienced $1,000 player makes the standard $40 raise from early position. You call on the button with 99

The flop comes 9KA

The player with UTG bets $60, you raise $200, he reraises $500. Your actions:

Mini-raise $800

9.5/10 NL. 6-max. All have about $2,000 each. A passive player in middle position raises to $40. Button reraise $70. You are in the BB with 88. What will you do?

Calling and semi-bluffing all-in on a low flop

Raise $180 50% of the time, call 50% of the time.

Raise $225 25% of the time, call 75% of the time.

10.5/10 NL. 9-max. All have about $1,000 each. An unknown MP raises to $40. A tight player on the button reraises to $140. You are in the big blind with AQ

Your actions:

Call a third of the time, fold a third of the time, raise a third of the time

All-in 10% of the time but fold 90% of the time

All-in 10% of the time, call 90% of the time

11.5/10 NL. 9-max. All of them are about $1200. A player with UTG (tight-aggressive) raises to $50 and is called by two tight-aggressive players showing solid poker. You are in the big blind with KK

You reraise to $250 and all three call you.

You bet $300. Player with UTG call. the MP player goes all-in for another $750. Your actions:

Call all-in

12.5/10 NL. 6-max. All pass to the cutoff. A weak player with $400 raises to $40. You have more money and reraise $100 from the button with AA

He calls. Flop K64 What do you do?

13. You and a friend toss a coin. Heads up four times in a row. You flip the coin again. None of you are cheating, and the coin is the most common. If you had to bet on the fifth roll, what would you choose?

Would put on tails

Doesn't matter, still 50/50

Bet on heads coming up

14.5/10 NL. 10-max. All have about $1,000 each. An unknown player raises $40 from UTG. Everyone folds to you, you are at MP at 55. Your actions:

All-in 10% of the time, call 90% of the time

Raise $130 30% of the time, call 70% of the time

Raise $175 30% of the time, call 70% of the time

15.5/10 NL. 9-max. All have about $1,000 each. Two players lim in, one from early and one from middle position. You are on the button with AK

You raise to $60 and get called by a player in middle position.

The caller donks $80 to you. How will you do it?

Call to trap him, raise on the river

16.5/10 NL. 9-max. You have the image of a cunning, tight-aggressive player. All have about $1,000 each. Three people limp in. You are in the small blind with 57

Your actions:

All-in 2% of the time, call 98% of the time

Big raise 50% of the time, call 50% of the time

17.5/10 NL. 10-max. All have about $1,000 each. There are both aggressive and passive players at the table. You have the image of a tight-aggressive player.

You are on UTG with JT

Your actions:

Usually limp but sometimes raise

Usually limp but sometimes fold

Usually limp but sometimes raise or fold

18. Tournament. Blinds 100/200. An inexperienced telephonic player raises to $500 with UTG. An unknown player calls from the MP. You have approximately 20,000 chips. You are in the cutoff with AA. What should be done?

19. You are in the big blind. The blinds are $1/$2 and everyone at the table is 50,000. Everyone folds to the button, who raises to $7 but accidentally flips his cards over and you see he has AA.

He knows that you have seen his cards. He didn't see your cards. What range should you call with? What cards will you reraise with?

Your actions:

Discard any cards

Call with any cards, reraise with KK, QQ, JJ

Call with any pair or suited connectors

Call with any cards, don't reraise with anything

Call with any cards, reraise only with KK

Call with any cards, reraise only with AA

20.5/10 NL. 9-max. All have about $1,000 each. You raise from UTG with JJ.

All pass up experienced player in the small blind who calls. BB folds, flop comes 22T

The small blind leads $80. you raise to $250, the small blind reraises to $650. You have the image of a tight-aggressive player, very tight in early position and rarely bluffing. How will you do it?

Call and fold on the turn if he bets again

Call and all-in on the turn if no overcards come

Calling and all-in on the turn, regardless of the dealt card

21.5/10 NL. 7-max. You are a loose, passive and generally bad player. You and a tight player in the big blind each have about $3,000.

Everyone folds, you're on the button with A6

You make a standard $40 raise and the big blind calls. Flop A6J

BB leads $80, you call.

The BB bets $200 and you reraise $400. BB reraise $800. You call.

BB goes all-in for the remaining $1900. Your actions:

22. 9 players. You lim in from middle position with 22

Six players in an unraised pot see a flop of -QJ2

Everyone checks to you and you bet the size of the pot. The player behind you raises and everyone folds. You go all-in and he immediately calls. What is his most likely hand? Villain is a medium tight-aggressive player.

23. 10/20 NL. 9-max. Stacks are about $2,000 each. 4 limpers. You check to the BB with 73

You lead $100 and three people call you.

You lead $200 into a $500 pot. The first caller mini-raises to $400, the other calls cold. You call the mini-raise.

You check, the min-raiser bets $180, and a third player raises to $600. How will you do it?

24. Late stage of a major tournament. Blinds 1000/2000. You have 118,000 chips and are one of the chip leaders. All fold to the cutoff player who goes all-in for the last 10,000 chips. He is a good tournament player. The small blind folds.

You are in the BB with T5

Your actions:

25. The middle stage of heads-up in a sit-n-go tournament. Your opponent is not very aggressive.

You are in the small blind/button with 84

Your actions:

Raise 10% of the time, call 80% of the time, fold 10% of the time

Fold 80% of the time, call 20%

26. One-table tournament. Blinds 100/200. You have 1000 chips. Everyone at the table has about 5,000 chips. You are in middle position, everyone before you folded.

Your actions:

27.5/10 NL. 9-max. Stacks of $1000. A tight player limps from UTG, another one limps from the MP. The small blind delivers. You check to the BB. You have a tight-aggressive image. You have 24

You lead $35, limper UTG fold, limper MP raise $120. (He's a little too tight and a little passive. He doesn't like to get into marginal situations.) The small blind folds. If you only have two options, which one is better?

28.5/10 NL. 6-max. Stacks of $2000.

You raise $35 from UTG with AK

A tight-aggressive cutoff player calls.

You bet $60, he raises $180, you reraise $580, he's all-in. Your actions:

29. 5000$ - sufficient bankroll for 5/10 NL limit for cash game in offline casino.

30. In no-limit hold'em, your position matters less than in limit because you can go all-in at any time. The deeper the stacks, the less important position is in no-limit hold'em.

31. 10/20 NL. 2000$

You are limping UTG with AK

The player to your left raises to $100. He is a tight and aggressive player. Capable of big bluffs and big calls. All the rest pass. You reraise to $360. He calls.

You bet $320. He calls.

You are a check. He is a check. River 2

You bet $600. He calls. You have the image of a cunning, tight and aggressive player. Your opponent has seen you show bluffs in the past, but doesn't consider you a maniac. What is his most likely hand?

32. On a long table, playing AT offsuit from early position is considered unprofitable by most professional players.

33.5/10 NL. Stacks of $1000. One player limps in from early position, you limp from late with 44

Small blind folds, BB checks. Flop comes 457

BB bets $30, limper folds, you raise $100. The BB thinks and reraises to $400.

The big blind is very tight and usually shows very strong hands at showdown. Plays about 15% of hands, raises about 5%, shows reasonable aggression on the flop (neither aggressive nor passive). What is the best way to proceed?

34.5/10 NL. Stacks of $1200. A passive player limps in from early position. Everyone folds to you on the BB. you have an AK

You raise $40. limper call Flop 2KQ

You bet $60. limper call Turn K

You bet $140. The limper raises to $280. You call. River 9

You are a check. The limper goes all-in for $875.

Your actions:

10/20 NL. Stacks are about $2200 each. A player from UTG limps in. You are in middle/late position with AQ

You raise to $80. Button call, BB call. UTG call

UTG leads $200 into a $330 pot. You raise to $600. All pass, UTG all-in for $1900.

The man in UTG limps too much preflop, raises strong hands preflop, is usually passive postflop, and seems to be an inexperienced player.

Your actions:

36.5/10 NL. 9-max. Stacks of $1000. You are in early position with AA

UTG limps. You raise $50. Two players MP call, UTG call. Flop T24

UTG check. There is $265 in the pot and you bet $200. The first MP (loose-passive) goes all-in for another $750.

All pass. Your actions:

Call all-in

37. 10/20 NL. Cache. Casino in Los Angeles. 9-max. Stacks of $2000. You have TT in the small blind

UTG limp. Button Limp. You are a limp. An unknown tight-aggressive player in the BB (playing about 20% of hands and raising 10%) raises to $120. UTG call You call.

You are a check. BB bets $200. You call.

You are a check. BB bets $300. Your actions:

Call and check-call on the river

Call and check-fold on the river

Call and bet on the river

Call and check-raise on the river

38.10/20NL. 8-max. All have about $2,000 each. You are in the small blind with KK

A tight-aggressive UTG player raises to $80. The player in middle position reraises to $240. He plays very tight and very aggressive. Everything will be dropped to you. Your actions:

Small raise

39.5/10 NL. 8-max. You have 1800$.

You are in late position with 77

You make the standard raise to $40 and a solid, tight-aggressive player in the big blind ($1700) reraises to $120. You call.

The BB bets $160, you call.

The BB bets $400, you call.

BB all-in about $1000. Your actions:

40.5/10 NL. 6-max. Stacks of $1000. You are on the button with 66

Everyone folds to you, you raise $40. Big blind call.

Big blind check. Is this a good flop for you?


41.5/10 NL. 9-max. Stacks of $1250. UTG limps $10. You call the MP with T8

Another limp from the button, the small blind delivers, the big blind checks.

The blinds check, UTG bets $20 into a $50 pot. You raise $100. Everyone folds to UTG, who calls.

UTG check, you bet $200. He calls.

UTG checks, you bet $330, UTG check-raises all-in. You have $610 left. The UTG player is quite loose and very passive postflop. He limps about 40% of hands and raises about 10% preflop.

How will you do it?

42.5/10 NL. 9-max. The player has $1300 on UTG. The player in the small blind has $1,000. The cutoff player has $70. You have 1500$.

On UTG, an ordinary pro. He plays about 17% of hands and raises about 4%. He is quite aggressive post-flop. He knows that you good player. Newbie in the small blind, playing too many hands, calling reraises with marginal hands and playing very badly.

UTG raise $40. Cutoff call. You reraise to $120. The small blind calls for $120. UTG call, cutoff call - all-in (only $70).

MB check. UTG check. You are a check.

UTG bets $160 into the $480 pot. You call. MB pass.

UTG bets $350 into an $800 pot. What does he have?

67 suited

Ax crosses

89 suited

43. Tournament. Blinds 300/600, ante 75. 9 players.

The small blind is a well-known tournament pro with 60,000 chips. Vicktite from UTG with 100,000 chips limped in and the small blind delivered. The big blind, who has 12,000 chips, checks.

Blinds check, UTG bets 3000. Small blind calls, big blind mini-check-raises to 6000. UTG reraises to 12000. After much deliberation, small blind calls, big blind all-in.

Small blind check, UTG check.

The small blind bets 10,000 into a pot of 40,000. UTG quickly calls. What hands did the players have?

SB-AA, UTG flush draw, BB set

MB-draw, BB-two pair on the flop, UTG-AA

The BB checks, you bet $60, the BB check-raises for $185. You don't have any reads on the BB player. Your actions:

Calling and folding a big bet on the turn

Calling and raising bets on the turn

Calling and Calling a Big Bet on the Turn

47. What does "your reverse implied odds are terrible" mean? Choose one best answer:

You are short stacked so implied odds don't matter

You either win a big pot or you lose a small one.

You are a deep stack so implied odds matter

You are out of position, so you should go all-in or fold

You either win a small pot or you lose a big one.

Implied odds are good for you but bad for your opponent

48.5/10 NL. 9-max. Stacks of $1500. A tight-aggressive player in middle position raises to $40. Another tight-aggressive player on the button reraises to $140. You are in the big blind with AK

Your actions? You have a tight-aggressive image but have recently been caught bluffing.

49.5/10 NL. Stacks of $1000. You raise to $40 from late position. A loose-aggressive player in the big blind (who has raised frequently from the blinds) reraises to $130 and you call.

Your image is loose-aggressive. You and the BB player have already played big pots in which both bluffed and semi-bluffed. Flop 26T

He c-bets $200. What would be the best hand if you plan on raising all-in on this flop?

50. 25/50 NL. Stacks of $5,000. You have the image of a tight player. An unknown player raises from UTG to $200. An experienced, loose-aggressive MP calls and you call from the CO with 66


60 - 74 Donkey, or in our opinion Fish :) (Quickly loses in all games)
75 - 89 Donor (Loss in all games)
90 - 109 Intermediate player
110 - 119 Low stakes game winner (wins at 100NL and below)
120 - 129 Cash Pro at average stakes / Tournament Pro
(limit 200-600 NL)
130 - 144 Pro in high stakes game(1K NL+)
145 - 159 Poker Genius

Poker Academy offers to test your strength, pass special test, and get a nice poker bonus in the form of branded products of the Poker Academy.

It doesn't matter how long you've been playing the game, our goal is to show that poker is a game accessible to everyone, and it's built on math, calculations and odds.

Why is it worth taking the test?

The main goal, of course, is to get a poker bonus. (Lucky Chip, deck of cards, poker set). However, in addition to this, you will gain experience in solving non-standard situations, test your knowledge in the level of thinking, calculating pot odds, and, most importantly, understand which aspects of the theory you need to “pull up”.

Poker set from the Poker Academy

We guarantee that you will receive free poker bonus for passing the test!

Our goal is for every student of the Academy to become a real "shark" of poker!

Don't believe? Try it!

Poker bonus terms

The skill test contains 30 questions, each of which is given 45 seconds.

You can earn 30 points in total. (1 point for each question).

Now for the good stuff :pThere are four options for the outcome of the test:

  • If you have scored less than 25 points, then, unfortunately, the poker bonus is not available to you;
  • 25-26 points - poker bonus in the form of a Lucky Chip (good luck chip) or a discount on education;
  • 27-28 - a deck of cards;
  • 29-30 - poker set!

Lucky Chip (luck chip)

Second try

Didn't earn enough points? Dont be upset!

Poker Academy invites you to retake the Skill Test to get a free poker bonus!


If you didn't get enough points for the first time, then, before re-passing, we recommend that you visit our poker school, or sign up for a group course!

Today it is difficult to find a professional who does not have a deep level of poker mathematics. Calculation of the game and quick analysis of the opponent has become an integral part of every poker pro!

We will help you conquer the world and "pump" the level of thinking!

poker school

The "School" section contains the most important articles on the game. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, remember that the most important thing is to keep learning!

Poker trends are constantly changing. For example, if before the vast majority played in a tight style, today everyone tends to loose-aggressive. Time changes absolutely everything: styles, tells, deep stack strategies, pocket pair play, bankroll play and much more.

Therefore, books written in the last century are unlikely to suit you today, even if they were written by great professionals. (Besides, I doubt that they will reveal all their secrets).

Cards from the Poker Academy

Stages of schooling:

The first lessons are aimed at studying the basic base of the game: terms, rules, classifications of psychotypes, how to behave at the table, etc.

The next two courses (advanced and professional) contain articles about a deeper analysis of the game. You will learn about mind levels, monster strategy, mathematical expectation and much more that will surely help you conquer the poker scene!

Group courses

The Poker Academy offers three options for group training:

  • Academy Win Strategy 2.0;
  • BSS+HM.

Now let's take a closer look at each course:

Academy Win Strategy 2.0 is based on three pillars: short-stack play, tilt control and proper use of statistics.

In two weeks, you will learn the answers to the main questions: how to win at the micros, how to bluff correctly, why tilt is so terrible, and what statistics to look at to read the opponent's hand?

Iron MTT - all types of training tournament poker(both multi-table and single-table).

After completing the course, you will know the secrets of pre-flop and post-flop play, why you need to change your strategy at each stage of the tournament, how to play the bubble and what to do with a small stack of 5 big blinds at a late stage.

BSS+HM - advanced cash game training. The course is based on full stack strategy and learning all the stats of Holdem Manager 2.

The full stack strategy is the most profitable as the pots are much bigger! But do not forget, you will have to pay with iron discipline for big profits!

Hold'em Manager 2

Don't miss your chance to get another guaranteed poker bonus from the Poker Academy!

To do this, simply register on our website and enroll in one of the courses offered above (AWS 2.0, IRON MTT, BSS + HM).

Academy of Poker donates Hold'em Manager 2 absolutely free for all students, and our team will help you install and configure it correctly!

Individual training "To the result"

“Before the result” is a unique training format in which you absolutely do not risk anything. The only thing that is required of you is to strictly follow the instructions of the coach, and, believe me, success will not be long in coming!

The main advantage of individual training is that you work with a personal trainer one on one, where the trainer will analyze in detail every aspect of theory and practice, and if you do not understand well, for example, the mathematics of poker, then it will be given as much time as it needs!

As a rule, individual training is limited to a certain number of hours, but the problem is that neither you nor the coach can know how much time it takes to succeed. Everything is strictly individual!

But if you have chosen training "To the result", then the trainer will spend as many hours on you as necessary! We do not leave our students half way!

You may need the answers to the pokerstrategy.com quiz if you plan on getting $50 seed capital. Of course, it is recommended that you take the test yourself, because in order to increase your initial bankroll, you need to master the strategy. For a player who has studied the poker school course, the knowledge gained will be enough to pass the quiz without prompts. But, if you still need help, here you will find answers to common questions and instructions on how to pass the exam without mistakes!

Download PokerStrategy quiz answers

The file, which you can download from this link (you need to download, it is not readable in the browser) , collected answers to the PokerStrategy quiz. It opens in the editor Notebook so you can use it from any computer. To quickly find the right questions and answers to them, use the "Find" and "Find Next" functions in the "Edit" tab of the Notepad editor.

How to find the answers to the PokerStrategy quiz yourself

The test at the poker school is not the same for all players, as there are many variations of it, and the number of different questions can reach several hundred. New questions are added regularly collecting all the answers to the Pokerstrategy.com quiz is simply impossible ! But visual materials will help you successfully pass the test. poker school which can be found in tutorials. You will need a strategy for No-Limit and Fixed Hold'em, tournaments and Sit and Gos, as well as bankroll management.

Starting hands and position – Quite a few questions include materials on starting hands! The kind of decisions a player has to make depends not only on the particular starting hand, but also on the position. The question will indicate which hand is being considered (for example, two Aces) and what position the player is in (for example, on the button). To quickly navigate and find out the right solution, use the table of starting hands, which lists the solutions for each position and specific cards:

Remember: the right decisions for no-limit hold'em and tables with fixed limit may be different!

Bankroll management - to find answers to questions regarding bankroll management and limit raises, there is also a table in the materials of the poker school. However, it will not allow you to find answers to all problems! You may not find the answers to the PokerStrategy quiz, but you can figure it out yourself. To do this, keep a calculator handy. Pay attention to what parameter is used in the question - table limit or buy-in and make calculations based on it.

Bankroll management applies not only to cash games, but also to multi-table tournaments and Sit and Gos.

Probabilities - The starting hand table only applies to preflop play. However, in some questions, situations are considered where the player already knows the cards of the flop and subsequent streets. The answers to the PokerStrategy quiz for such questions cannot be found in the table starting hands, a table of probabilities and odds will come in handy.

Tournaments - in any test there are several questions on tournament play. Here, situations that do not take into account the stage of the event and vice versa can be considered. In order to answer them correctly, you will have to read a course on tournaments and understand how the strategy of the game changes depending on the stage, the ratio of stack size to blinds, etc.

Theoretical questions - most of the difficulties for users who have not studied free poker school courses arise precisely with these questions. It is not possible to find answers to these PokerStrategy quiz questions in the lookup tables. They do not include a practical part - only a theoretical one. For example, the question “What is the function of bankroll management” is often asked. In such tasks, several answers are given, from which you need to choose the right one. To answer them correctly, you either need to know the answer or have time to find it on the Internet (or in our file with a list of questions and answers).

The number of attempts to pass the test is limited! You can only take the quiz once per day. Only three incorrect answers are allowed.

Why take a theory course

Do not take the opportunity to get start-up capital lightly! The fact is that if you cannot pass the test on your own, you do not have the necessary knowledge to profitable game. Most likely, You will simply lose the money received due to strategic mistakes made during the game. . Therefore, it is recommended that after registering at a poker school, first study the training materials, consolidate your knowledge with the help of free practice tests, and only then take the quiz to get starting money. In this case, you will no longer need the answers to the Pokerstrategy.com quiz, as the existing knowledge will not only help you pass the test correctly, but also increase the money you receive for free for the game!

You can download the answers to the PokerStrategy quiz from our website, and you can also use poker school visual tables to take the poker capital test. We wish you the best of luck with your test, but don't miss out on the opportunity to learn poker theory for free with the courses provided by the poker school.