Path of exile hideout commands. Path of Exile Master quest improvements. How experienced players level most often

This article is intended to explain the design choices behind the expansion and how some of the new features work. Not all changes are described in the article, but this may change before the release of 1.2.0.

The main goals of the add-on

When developing the Forsaken Masters mini-expansion, we pursued four large goals:

  • Add new content that will complement the game as a whole, and at the same time will be available to novice players on Normal difficulty
  • Debugging new content so that it is available even on endgame maps
  • Expand crafting options, but don't make it too easy to get better items
  • Rebalance the game around certain changes: an updated passive skill tree and getting rid of the snapshot
  • Add cool and interesting content that will appeal to both the core of our community and those people who want to play for a short time, albeit every day

How does the leveling of reputation with the Masters

Each master offers his own type of task, which has many different variations and different combinations of events. So far we've talked about two masters, there are five more left - each with its own type of task and its variations.

On Normal difficulty, the player gradually gets to know the Masters (two for each act). After Normal difficulty, Masters can appear in any location, including the most recent maps.

When a player completes a Master's mission, they increase their reputation with that Master and receive "favor points". Reputation is a kind of analogue of experience, it determines the level of the Master. There are 8 levels in total. "Location Points" are used as the currency to purchase hideout decorations from the Craftsman.

There are two ways to receive a task from the Master:

  • Randomly find the Master somewhere in the location. They can appear on any location, including maps. After finding the Master, you must complete the task at the same location. The number of such missions per day is not limited by anything, but they increase the reputation slightly
    Daily tasks. Once the Master has arrived at your hideout, you can complete one of his quests per day without having to search for the Master all over the Reiklast. This means that casual players will be able to maintain an adequate progression rate, although they will not be able to catch up with those who play a lot and therefore encounter Masters more often in locations.

After you helped the Master for the first time, he starts to appear in the cities.

As the reputation level increases, the player receives:

  • Large shelters capable of accommodating more Masters
  • More items for sale at the Masters, which are updated every day
  • More crafting options
  • More hideout decoration

Getting reputation level 8 with each of the 7 Masters won't take you many years of effort - this is even implied by having such an achievement as getting this level in 3 months in one of the temporary leagues. It is easier to get level 8 from only a few selected Masters - the limit on the number of Masters in the shelter determines the number of available daily quests.

Daily quests

While having daily quests is a great way to level up your Masters, the main purpose of these quests is to make them easy enough to access. casual players. We expect that the main leveling of Masters by active players will occur during regular play and on maps. For example, the average player can complete one daily quest for each Master and then 3-4 additional daily quests (for each Master) in one game session if they are aiming to reach the maximum level.

Many MMORPGs, with their daily quests, give players a sense of compulsion - if you do not complete them, the effectiveness is significantly reduced. In our case, this is not the case - you can not play for several days, and then complete several quests at once in one day, finding Masters in locations for this. There is also no limit on the number of tasks that can be completed in one day.

Masters as merchants

Like normal NPCs, Crafters can sell items. But unlike ordinary vendors, the assortment of goods at Masters changes once a day (at midnight GMT). Each master sells both common items and items specific to his own class.

On the this moment, depending on the level of reputation, the following types of items can be found for sale from the Craftsman:

  • level 1: several unidentified magic items
  • level 2: one unidentified rare item
  • level 3: Multiple skill gems
  • level 4: one magic item with a special, powerful property
  • level 5: one identified yellow item
  • level 6: currency bundles at more favorable (relative to conventional vendors) rates
  • level 7: item level 60+
  • level 8: chance of a unique item - normal rarity, very rarely - more rare

The prices are such that you will not want to buy the entire store every day from each Master. For example, buying Redbeak for 5 orbs of chaos doesn't make much sense, but if it's Dream Fragments, the deal will turn out to be successful.

How shelters work

Each master has his own shelter, with his own type of location. As soon as the player reaches the 3rd level of reputation, the DM offers to see his hideout. If you like it, you can make it your own - it's free.

As reputation levels increase, you will be able to increase the size of your hideout. The Hideouts will come in three sizes, each of which can accommodate a different number of Masters (from 2x to 4x).

Masters and other objects, such as your chest or guild chest, you can freely move and swap. You can place a workbench (about it a little later) of any Master in the shelter. All cosmetic decorations purchased from the Masters can also be installed, changed and removed for free.

Effects are purchased from the Masters for "favor points", which are given along with the reputation for completing tasks. They fall into a special chest in your hideout. Later we may sell some decoration sets for real money. We are considering selling special hideout dummies so that you can use purchased cosmetic effects for your character on them. All these things may be ready with patch 1.2.0 or we will add them later with future patches.

Keep in mind that Master reputation progress and the state of your hideout is the same for all your characters in a particular league. If you create a new character in a league that you have already played in, he will be able to take advantage of your hideout and the services provided by upgraded Masters. Unlocked decorations go to a specific league-specific Hideout Chest and progress to the Standard or Hardcore League in the same way as racing chest items.

You can invite friends to visit your hideout or provide it for the guild. We are still developing rules for such actions.

Craft with the expected result

There are several goals we wanted to achieve in order to improve the crafting system

  • Give players a real opportunity to create sockets and connections between them. You can still hope for random (maybe it will be cheaper), but those players who don't want to spend 2000 fusing and then be left without an item with six associated sockets can now get it at the workbench for 1500 fusing. Please note that the chance of getting a 6-link in the normal way has always been slightly lower than 1 in 1500, so now you have a choice - to hope for luck or get a definite result.
  • Allow players with high level characters to change sockets on things with the “corrupted” mod.
  • Give players the option to add a mod of their choice to an item. With this feature, you can tweak the mod a bit (like adding some fire resistance) or try to improve an item that doesn't already have six mods. There is an opportunity to craft special and specific mods.
  • Don't make crafting the perfect rare any easier. High mod values ​​for rare items will continue to be very difficult to achieve.

From the moment the Master enters your hideout for the first time, you will be able to place the appropriate workbench there. The higher the level of the Master, the more possibilities this workbench has. Only the hideout owner can use workbenches. When you click on the workbench, a special window will appear where you can place the item. A list will appear possible actions with this item and their cost.

Below we will tell you what the two announced Masters can do.

  • Vorici - Socket crafting: Depending on the level of the Master, the number of sockets that can be added to the item, the number of connected sockets increases. The wizard allows you to recolor sockets even in colors that cannot be obtained in the usual way. Each change requires the same orbs as usual, but the cost is significantly higher than the average for just using orbs to get the same effect. At the eighth level, Vorici gives you the ability to change sockets on things with the “corrupted” mod.
  • Haku - Armor crafting: You can add new mod to the piece of armor, if there is room for it. The number of different mods increases with the level of Haku. These mods can be corrective (fixing a low roll of an important mod), special (fixing a roll that doesn't normally appear on this type of thing) and very specific. You cannot add more than one such mod to one thing, but you can change it if you wish. Many other Masters allow you to craft mods on other types of things.

Prizes in new Leagues

Each of the Leagues contains 8 tests. For completing all eight you get an exclusive t-shirt (it seems that some people are willing to pay $ 1000 for one on the black market).

It is very difficult to describe the complexity of these tests. But, for example, here's the number of people who received T-shirts in past seasons - 14 (for Ambush and Invasion) and 61 (for Anarchy and Onslaught).

Along with the new Rampage and Beyond Leagues, we are changing the reward system for challenges.

  • Anyone who completes 5 challenges will receive a special cosmetic effect.
  • Anyone who completes 8 challenges will receive an additional special cosmetic effect.
  • The first 50 players who manage to master all the challenges will receive a T-shirt.

All this encourages trying to complete at least 5 challenges and allows us to make all the challenges a little easier, so instead of dozens of people, hundreds of challenges can be completed. And the 50 fastest will still get T-shirts.

Duration of new leagues

Usually Leagues lasted 4 months, due to the fact that we needed 4-5 months to prepare the next update. We plan to add the next big piece of content in March, so instead of launching a six-month League, we decided to host two sets of three-month races. This is partly due to the fact that we have so many cool ideas for different Leagues. Therefore, we will launch the next Leagues in December for the Christmas period.

Players have often complained that in the last couple of weeks the four-month leagues have become boring and they are just waiting for the current Leagues to merge with Standard. At first, we were worried that if we shortened them to three months, then the boring waiting period would simply shift, but now we are almost sure that this is due to the fact that people simply began to play PoE better (reach faster high levels and endgame content). We will turn a blind eye to how these Leagues will play out and plan the next ones based on our data and your feedback.

Passive Skill Tree Changes

We've reworked fairly large areas on the Tree - primarily the Witch and Shadow starting zones and the adjacent zones for the Witch, Shadow and Ranger.

The Shadow zone now contains areas with physical + elemental nodes (instead of separate zones for melee and spellcasters). This makes it possible not to dwell on the type of attacks until later in the game.

The elemental and weapon bonus node groups for the Witch, Shadow, and Ranger are now quite impressive and provide more room for development.

One of our goals was to make it so that new players, moving towards a large sector of similar nodes, get the basis for a good build. They should have a rich choice of nodes along the way to improve it. Previously, one of the largest sectors was the sector with curses. Many Witches going to him got quite lengthy results.

Players will be able to reset their Passive Skill Tree once with the release of patch 1.2.0. If changes to the Tree affect your old build, passive skills will reset automatically.

There are 3 more innovations that we have not yet announced. We are constantly working on improvements to the Tree and will tell you about them shortly before the release of the expansion.

Balance Skill and Mana Cost

We've redone a lot of skills for the release of the expansion. Some rarely used ones have received powerful bonuses. And the mana cost of all skills has been reduced.

After the initial acquaintance with the game, when you already know the approximate basics of the game, you may face more complex questions. Sometimes not so much complex as specific, such that you can only learn from experience. Therefore, in this part of the cycle, I will simply talk about various extremely useful little things that anyone who is drawn into the game and clearly understands that he wants to understand everything better will appreciate.

1. Key talents.

Talents that greatly change the mechanics of the game for the character are the largest in the branch, but not always the most useful. Most often, each of them is suitable only for a certain character, such as the Resolute Technique talent, which gives your strikes a 100% hit chance, but absolutely removes critical damage, it makes sense to take only those characters that have little accuracy and little or have no critical strike chance boosters at all.
This usually suits melee characters who are pumped into strength and armor, like to stun and make enemies bleed. Accuracy rarely comes across on their equipment, they have little dexterity by nature and they do not shine with crits, but their base physical damage is high. And when every third hit misses the target, it's hard not to guess that something needs to be done. And such a talent is helpful, it adds, in fact, 30% dps (removing misses with every third attack) and takes almost nothing, but for a agile critter, with a 98% hit chance and a 15% critical hit chance, this talent will not be easy useless but harmful. This is how almost every key talent in the game works, so read carefully what it takes from you and what it gives.

2. What is the most common leveling process for experienced players?

Most players who do everything practical do not kill all the monsters on the map and do not scout every corner of it . With experience comes a rough understanding of which side this or that passage to a new location will be, and killing monsters goes in parallel with the process of moving from point A to point B on quests. Of course, you are free to play the way you like, but such tactics are definitely more profitable.
The game has straight and even maps that are best used in order to catch up with the level of the location in which you are. Most often it is the Aqueduct and the Bloody Aqueduct. These locations are completely straight, making it easier to move around and avoid missing various objects, such as Masters or Strongboxes. Also, in the side, small branches of these maps there are always packs of blue (magic) monsters, and magic monsters give more experience for killing and are very useful when leveling. This applies not only to the Aqueduct, but to any locations. The third plus of these locations is that the divination card Humility falls there, from which Tabula Rasa is assembled, a consistently useful item for beginners that never sags in price on the market. This is a 6-link armor that has no level requirements, but does not provide any characteristics.

3. Don't forget to complete the Labyrinth and the challenges of the Labyrinth.

The labyrinth gives a very large number of characteristics your character needs , sometimes even changes the gameplay quite a lot, most often greatly simplifying and improving it. You should not go into the lab unprepared, it will only eat up your time and depress you yourself, because after death you will have to go through it completely again. Type a couple, or maybe even five levels from the top and then boldly go to kill Izar. Enchantments or enchantments from the room after the boss of the Labyrinth, along with the ascension class, will greatly increase the power of your character.

4. In addition to the main attack skill, you should have other skills that give the character more survivability, speed, or some kind of passive bonuses.

These are: Golems, Vaal skills, Auras, Heralds, Curses, Call to Immortality, Cries .
Golems are minions that give a unique bonus depending on the type of golem, always the right skill. Resummon as soon as it dies.
Vaal skills - there are both attacking and utilitarian ones, attacking less universal ones, and from the utilitarian ones Vaal Haste, Vaal Grace are almost always good, which are short-term buffs.
Auras - block most of your mana, but give damage or survivability.
Heralds - block a small part of your mana, give damage and various elemental effects.
Curses are temporary debuffs on enemies.
Shouts are temporary buffs.
A call to immortality. This skill is worth mentioning separately. A lot of builds use the combination Call to Immortality (3 levels) + Cast on Damage (1 level), which automatically triggers a second immunity to physical damage after receiving a certain portion of any damage. Will increase your survivability tremendously, and also think about what other spells you would like to combine with Casting? Maybe curses, maybe some kind of slowing skill. Experiment! In PoE, there are several skills that are triggered by certain conditions, you can do interesting things with them.

5. Game mechanics of past and present Leagues.

Chests, Corrupted Areas, Essences, Masters, Spirits, Rogue Exiles, Rifts, Abysses - there are a lot of them, but they are always useful and enjoyable content that gives a lot of loot and experience. Don't miss them! Especially the Masters, about which in the next paragraph.

6. Your shelter.

Shelter needs to be in it teleport, interact with certain NPCs there and later open portals to maps in a more convenient and comfortable place. You will also need a hideout for trading, since usually the one who invites the buyer (that is, the seller) sends an invitation to the buyer to the group, and he in turn teleports to the seller's hideout.

7. Trade. Buying items.

This will be a separate article, but in short: there are two sites - Russian and - which have some missing tools, but it is only on English. For a long time, this toolkit didn’t give up on you for a long time, so use Russian. So how does it all work? In the beginning, you will buy yourself the simplest - unique items, especially if you are going to play according to someone's builds, there are always desirable or required unique items, and sometimes they are very cheap, 1 sphere of alchemy, 1-2 spheres of goldsmith or 1 sphere of chaos. And now you have this area, you have a website, and you want something unique, what should you do? Write the name in the main field, a list of online merchants drops out, under their names there is a "Message" button. Click, go back to the game, open the chat, press ctrl + v, send. If the seller agrees to sell the item now, he invites you to the group, you click on his portrait right click, click "Go to the shelter", they give up the trade, you give the currency, they give you the item. Ready! 5 seconds and no big deal.
If you want a simple rare equipment with simple mods, like resists or life, for example, click in the window of the trading site “add property filter” and write there, for example, “cold”, a list will drop out with all the mods where there is a word cold, choose cold resistance, add as many mods as you need. Choose in the “item category” the equipment slot you need, a sword, hat or shield, and in the rarity “rare” (if you want a yellow item) and look for it. That's all the scary trade , as it is drawn by the guys coming from the MMORPG. “Where is the auction?!?!”, on the website of the auction. Uncomfortable - yes, tolerable - yes . And already selling items is another matter, but this is not about today.

8. League system.

Starts every 3 months new league , where everyone has empty chests, no characters, and nothing at all. Everything from scratch, the economy too. When the league ends, all characters go to Standard (or hardcore standard if the character was created in a hardcore league). In the standard, all the characters from all the old leagues are cooked (a terrible place to be honest, there are such items there that it’s even scary to look at). So you can either continue progressing after 3 months on Standard without getting perks from the new league, or start all over again in a new league if you want to enjoy the new mechanics of the game.

9. Each character needs a movement-skill.

Blade Flurry, Leap Slam, Lightning Warp, Fire Dash, Teleport Arrow, Shield Bash. One of them. And you need to attach a support stone to them to speed up the casting of a spell, if it is a spell, or to attack speed, if an attack. This is necessary to dodge the AoE abilities of various bosses and jump over impassable places on the map. Some builds move faster only by using such skills, forgetting about LMB and walking.

10. Primary, most important vendor recipes.

Three multi-colored interconnected nests , red+green+blue. By selling such an item of any rarity to an NPC merchant, you get chromatic orb or in Russian colored sphere . It recolors the colors of sockets on an item and is most often traded between people for 1/10 of a Chaos Orb. Collect ten of these items, sell them to a merchant and you can exchange them for a sphere, which is often sold for good items.
Item with six sockets when selling to a merchant will give you 7 Orbs of the Goldsmith , which also go at the rate of 1/10 of the sphere of chaos (most often). A very profitable recipe, if not everyone makes a recipe for a color one, then everyone picks up items with 6 sockets.

11. Base currency.

No matter how many currencies there are, people are simple creatures, everything will be reduced to some common denominator. There is spheres of chaos , this is the main currency of the game, which is most often used when trading. It's not the most expensive, but it's not cheap either. All other currencies are converted at their rate to Chaos Orbs. Items are also often sold for either chaos or, extremely cheap items, alchemists. Expensive items go for Exalted Orbs (1 orb ranges in price from 60 to 100 chaos, depending on the league stage).

12. If you need to create a duplicate location.

Approach the transition to the desired location or city portal, press Ctrl + LMB on the location you need or directly enter it if you are not in the city and choose to create a new instance. Can be useful when farming Aqueduct and Bloody Aqueduct to quickly run through a location, create a new one, run through, and so on.

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A complex but well-thought-out crafting system is one of the things that made Path of Exile a success at the time. However, trading is also an integral part of the game. This guide will help you understand how these mechanics complement each other.

Spheres and their application

Path of Exile offers perhaps the most flexible crafting system in a Diablo-like game. Here, in many ways, the strongly rethought heritage of Diablo 2 is felt. To modify things in the game, there are spheres (orbs), each of which changes their properties according to a certain principle:

  • Orb of Transmutation (Sphere of transformation). Turns a white item into a magical (blue) item. Can be useful in the early stages of the game. In the end game, it is mainly used for crafting cards, flasks, chests (strongbox), gems (jewels).
  • Orb of Augmentation (Sphere of amplification). Adds a property to a magical item. Use on things with one property.
  • Orb of Alteration (Sphere of Change). Re-generates properties on a magic item. We use it if the result after Orb of Transmutation is not satisfactory (usually it is).
  • Orb of Chance (Orb of luck). Turns a white item into a magical, rare or unique item. Sphere for lovers of randomness. You can get a cool unique item, but most likely - some kind of magical trash.
  • Orb of Alchemy (Orb of Alchemy). Turns a white item into a rare (yellow) item. One of the most useful areas, while inexpensive and often falls.
  • Chaos Orb (Sphere of chaos). Re-generates properties on a rare item. The main currency when trading with players. Used to evaluate relatively inexpensive items.
  • Exalted Orb (Exalted Orb). Adds a modifier to a rare item (unless the maximum of 6 modifiers is reached). The second currency for trading with players. Used to evaluate expensive and very expensive things. It should only be used to improve really good equipment.
  • Jeweler Orb (Goldsmith's Orb). Changes the number of sockets.
  • Orb of Fusing (Orb of Fusing). Changes the number of connections in sockets.
  • Chromatic Orb (Color sphere). Changes the color of all sockets.
  • Regal Orb (Sphere of kings). Turns a magical item into a rare item, adding one modifier.
  • Divine Orb (Divine sphere). Re-generates property values ​​on any item.
  • Orb of Scouring. Turns a magical/rare item white.
  • Orb of Regret (Orb of Regret). Allows you to reset one point in the passive skill tree
  • Vaal Orb (Vaal Orb). Adds the "corrupted" property, after which the item is not affected by other orbs. Additionally, it can change a thing both for the better and for the worse. A sphere for wealthy players who will not be very upset by the transformation of the top item into a cactus. Although it can be used to craft cards and chests.
  • Mirror of Kalandra (Mirror of Kalandra). Allows you to get a copy of an item that cannot be applied to other spheres. Useful for crafting top items. Knocking out Mirror of Kalandra is incredibly difficult.

All items in the game have a quality in the range from 0 to 20% (affects the base damage of weapons, the base value of armor, etc.) Quality can be improved using spheres: 5% quality can be added to a white item, 2% to a magic item , to rare and unique - 1%. Thus, areas that affect quality are best applied before all others.

  • Armourer's Scrap (A piece of armor). Improves the quality of armor.
  • Blacksmith's Whetstone (Whetstone). Improves the quality of weapons.
  • Glassblower's Bauble (Glass mass). Improves vial quality.
  • Cartographer's Chisel (Cartographer's Cutter). Improves the quality of maps.
  • Gemcutter's Prism (Gemcutter Prism). Improves the quality of stones (gems).

Orbs can be exchanged with regular merchants, craftsmen, or other players. In each case, the exchange rate will be different. Recipes can be used to obtain some spheres ( full list):

  • Thing with connected sockets of three colors - Chromatic Orb
  • Item with 6 sockets - 7 Jeweler Orb
  • 20% quality Stone Hammer/Rock Breaker/Gavel + card - Cartographer's Chisel
  • Any number of gems with a total quality of 40% - Gemcutter's Prism
  • Level 20 gem + Gemcutter's Prism - gem 20% quality.

All properties (affixes) in the game are divided into suffixes and prefixes (full list). Magic items can have one suffix and prefix each, rare items can have three. The number of suffixes and prefixes is especially important when crafting with masters.


The number of sockets and connections between them depends on the type of item and determines which gem bundles we can use in this item.

  • Gloves, helmet, boots - 4 sockets
  • Torso (hereinafter - simply "armor"), two-handed weapon - 6 sockets
  • One-handed weapon, shield - 3 sockets

The color of the sockets is determined by the characteristics on the equipment (although the probability is not 100 percent). Red sockets correspond to strength, green sockets to dexterity, and blue sockets to intelligence. A thing with strength and dexterity will most likely receive red and green sockets, and so on by analogy.

Rolling the number, color and connections between sockets makes sense on rare and unique things 20% quality with good performance.

Equipment level

Properties on equipment can take different meanings depending on the item level. For example, the maximum value of elemental resistance on items of level 36 will be 29%, at level 72 - 45%. The maximum number of sockets also depends on the level (for more details, see our previous article). You can view the level by typing the /itemlevel command in the chat. The locations of the fourth act on the last difficulty have a level of 68-70, higher-level equipment will have to be bought or obtained on maps.

From theory to practice

Incredibly good gear can be crafted in Path of Exile, but it all comes down to price. The exchange rate of some spheres can reach 1 to 1000, so you need to clearly understand whether it is worth using the most expensive spheres on the items at your disposal. Several rules can be formulated to minimize costs.

I. Craft rare items

  1. Use Orb of Alchemy on the white item. Next, use Chaos Orb until the desired result.
  2. Alternative method (cheaper): use Orb of Alchemy, then Orb of Scouring. And so in a circle.
  3. We apply Orb of Transmutation, then with the help of Orb of Alteration we get the desired value of the affix on the magic item (for example, weapon damage increased by 140%). Using the Regal Orb, we get a rare item that can be improved from the master or apply Exalted Orb to it. This method is well suited for crafting weapons and gems.

II. Craft armor and two-handed weapons

As a basis, you need to take white things with the maximum number of sockets and connections (5 connections and 5-6 sockets will do for a start, since things with 6 connections are very expensive). The easiest way is to buy an item of the right type and refine it with Orb of Alchemy, Orb of Scouring or Chaos Orb.

III. Craft the rest of the equipment

In the case of gloves, helmets and other peripherals, the cost of crafting sockets is low, so it’s better to find or buy such things with the most suitable properties for you, remake sockets in them and add the missing properties from craftsmen.

IV. Buying and crafting unique equipment

Good unique items are hard to come by, and the effectiveness of many builds increases with well-defined unique items. The easiest way to get them is to buy from other players. If a we are talking about armor on the body and two-handed weapons, it makes sense to choose things with a maximum roll, but with three or four sockets - this will significantly reduce their cost. Sockets, on the other hand, are best crafted from the appropriate master (Vorici, Master Assassin).

V. Buying Orbs and Crafting from Masters

In patch 1.2.0, Forsaken Masters appeared, which allow you to reduce the element of randomness when crafting. You can get a guaranteed number and color of sockets, as well as connections between them, from the master assassin for a fixed number of Jeweler Orb, Chromatic Orb and Orb of Fusing (the number of orbs required can be either higher or lower than what we could spend when crafting manually ). The rest of the masters will help you add one property of your choice to rare equipment (if there are less than six properties on things). The added property can be removed and replaced with a new one at any time.

Also, the masters should exchange spheres at a reduced rate (compared to ordinary merchants). To update the assortment of craftsmen, you will have to complete daily tasks.

VI. Craft cards

Orb of Alchemy should be used on high-level cards (tier 5 and above). If the result is not satisfactory, using Chaos Orb does not make much sense. It is better to postpone the map until better times, or use a combination of Orb of Scouring and Orb of Alchemy. If you have a supply of Vaal Orb, you can apply such an orb after Orb of Alchemy. In the worst case, the map will not change and it will not be possible to reroll it, in the best case, many new properties will be added to the map and its quality will increase (although it is not a fact that among the new properties there will not be very difficult passage).

With enough Cartographer’s Chisel, it makes sense to upgrade cards with them before Orb of Alchemy, but it’s worth always keeping 20 pieces of this material in reserve in case a unique card drops.

VII. Craft chests

Orbs can also be used on chests (Strongbox) found in locations. Arcanist's Strongbox, Cartographer's Strongbox, Jeweler's Strongbox, and Ornate Strongbox are worthy of using Orb of Alchemy, for the rest, Orb of Transmutation is enough (if you want, you can roll a certain property with Orb of Alteration).


Finally, let's look at a specific example. Let's say our character is in the fourth act of the last difficulty and is able to farm the first location - Dried Lake. We have one Exalted Orb and 30 Chaos Orbs, some stock of Jeweler Orb, Chromatic Orb and other orbs. For the build, we need a unique two-handed weapon, otherwise rare equipment is enough. Let's try to dress the character at minimal cost:

  1. We buy from the player white armor with 5 links for 10-15 Chaos Orb, improve the quality to 20%, make it rare, roll the remaining Chaos Orb to an acceptable result.
  2. We buy a unique two-handed weapon with 3-4 sockets and a normal roll for one Exalted Orb (the same one with five bonds costs five Exalted Orbs, and some huckster tries to sell six bonds for 50 spheres). We improve the quality to 20%, make six sockets and four links with the assassin master (or try it manually, whatever), save 150 Orb of Fusing for five links (1500 will be required for 6 links).
  3. We farm the rest of the rare gear in the first location / low-level maps, on the best equipment found, we mine the sockets.
  4. Profit!

The POE Hideout is a dedicated area that can be decorated by the owner with various cosmetic items. You can invite other players here, but in order to be able to build a shelter, you will need to meet certain conditions. You should start with the fact that access to the building is opened only for those craftsmen who have received level 3 reputation. Guests can also be players who are on your friends list or are in the same group as your character. To move, you will need to enter the command in the chat /hideour (/shelter), while in any city. You can also get here using the cartographer and Portals located at certain points.

Players can change their Sanctuary without any penalties, and decorations for it are purchased from special characters - Masters of level 3 and above. Each such building has its own unique external and internal appearance, created with the help of cosmetic items.


If you get your own Sanctuary, this will give you access to some additional features:

  • Masters give players tasks, the reward for which is 250% Reputation from the initial value;
  • Masters will be able to trade with you, while the assortment of goods will be updated every time you start completing a daily task;
  • You can get a special workbench for creating items, which is given by the Master invited to the Vault.
  • As for the last point, you should not be afraid for the safety of the workbench. You can safely expel the Master from the POE Shelter, and this interior item will remain with you in the future. Initially, you can invite 2 Masters to the Vault, counting on receiving unique bonuses. The level of the building will increase along with the level of the owner, and at stages 5-7 you will be able to increase the number of Masters in the Vault to 7.

    You should not be afraid that other players will cause any harm to your Vault. Uninvited uninvited guests can trade with your Masters, but their function is limited to selling items. The game will not allow them to buy new decorative items or use someone else's workbench, so there is no reason to worry about the safety of your private property.


    As mentioned above, the Vault can be decorated various items purchased from the Masters. In total, more than 750 different elements are available for players, located in any place you need.

    Items in the Vault are managed according to the following methodology:

  • You need to hover over the “i” icon located next to the word “Rearrangement”, after which instructions for placing items inside the building will appear;
  • To move an item, you can use the arrows on the keyboard or simply drag and drop items with the mouse;
  • To rotate an element, simultaneously press the Shift+R keys or move the mouse between two circles;
  • To rotate an object 90 degrees, press Ctrl+R;
  • To select an item, rotate the mouse wheel or press the Page Up and Page Down keys;
  • Deleting an item occurs after pressing the Delete key.
  • After making all the changes in the layout of the Vault, do not forget to click on the "Finish" button, or all progress will be canceled. This fact very often becomes a problem for players who devote a lot of time to decorating the POE Shelter, but forget to save the completed actions.