Wormix walkthrough. How to pass bosses in wormix. Wormix - walkthrough of the game in contact Wormix

The multiplayer browser game Wormix is ​​very popular among millions of players. The legendary worms won the hearts of adults and children thanks to their dexterity and the phrases that they utter during the battle. To pass it, gamers can choose any of the modes: engage in battles against other players or fight in the company of their friends against powerful bosses. In the Wormix game, passing all the bosses is not an easy task, because these creatures are quite strong. If you are interested in the question of how to win the battle with them, then this article is for you.

Bosses in Wormix: Know the Enemy!

So, if you are interested in how to get through the boss in Wormix, first you should find out their names and their inherent abilities. The most powerful bosses include Engineer, Alchemist and Assassin. To safely win the battle with them, players will need knowledge of tactics and possession of powerful weapons. Slightly less difficult to pass are maniac bosses, flaming zombies, Farmer and Samurai.

Before you pass the boss in Wormix, you should examine the location, because often the creators of the game scatter various items, picking up which you can deal additional damage to the enemy or weaken his armor. For example, in a battle against a Farmer, you can collect apples, and against a Miner, only one who builds a shelter with the help of welding and debris lying around can resist. Some Wormix bosses, such as the Hunter, set deadly traps around them and teleport nearby enemies anywhere on the map. That is why it is worth fighting with him at a distance and try not to fall under his blows.

In a word, only observation will help players understand how to get through the boss in Wormix quickly and without loss.

Why fight bosses?

Perhaps some novice players will wonder why go through bosses if this process is likely to fail. Firstly, boss raids allow players to gain much more experience, which means they can reach a new level in the game faster. Secondly, when defeating the boss, each player receives a hat from him, which is available in the game store only for very wealthy characters. Thirdly, each boss in the Wormix game is stuffed with weapons and fuses that can be used in battles against other players or in the passage of regular missions.

What players need to know to defeat the boss

The battle itself is almost the same action that gamers observe during the passage of missions in the earlier stages of their development. Players cannot choose who to fight, as the boss is randomly determined by the system. When defeating one boss, players can fight a stronger opponent after a certain period of time. If the battle was lost, gamers will have to wait a certain time to start a new battle, or buy access for rubies.

Stocking up on weapons

Since it is not so easy to pass the boss in Wormix, players should stock up on special weapons and the so-called fuses. With those bosses whose armor is very strong and it is almost impossible to kill them, grenades will help to cope. With their help, you can push the boss into the water than cause his death. In addition, it does not hurt to stock up on rocket launchers. Firstly, they cause huge damage, and secondly, they are not blown away by the wind. weapons such as flamethrowers and watermelon bombs will help to inflict on the enemy. If you manage to stock up on them, save a couple for the boss.

When using any against bosses in Wormix, players should be aware that it can become deadly to themselves as well. Be careful when aiming a projectile at an enemy!

The boss in Wormix is ​​your game rival, in other words, the computer. Playing against the boss can be dangerous, because it is always a strong enemy with excellent armor. However, by defeating the boss, you will receive precious experience points and fuzes, so it's worth a try. In this article, we will detail some of the bosses, as well as give the most effective tips for destroying each of them.

The farmer is a very strong opponent with the strongest armor. Most likely, in order to defeat him, you will not be able to get by with only basic weapons. For a successful attack, you will need to use a weapon that pierces armor - for example, a crossbow, a sledgehammer. In order to aggravate the damage inflicted on the enemy, carefully collect apples located throughout the location. The most optimal, though not easy to implement, plan is to drown the farmer.

The Hunter is one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. It is very difficult to drown him, which makes defeating him even more valuable. The hunter boss sets traps every time you move, which makes it much more difficult for you to fight. You can overcome the traps using teleports or by destroying generators. It is not worth it to engage in close combat with a hunter - use a weapon designed for long-range combat (aviation, poison, rifle, etc.).

Maniacs are an opponent with very strong armor and extremely high health, which means, firstly, a long fight, and secondly, that in order to win you yourself need to have enough high level health. First of all, beware of the electric harpoon - the main weapon of these bosses. And don't try to build tactics to damage them; The best way out of the situation would be to drown them.

The miner, as the name implies, leaves mines around the perimeter that react to movement, which you, through inattention, may well fall into. That is why in the fight against the boss miner you need to turn on all your vigilance. Don't get too close to him - at a certain distance from you, he will be able to teleport you to any point on the map. Be sure to use welding to build a safe cover for yourself - and only then proceed to attack the enemy with any weapon at your disposal.

Video of the passage of bosses

Attention! These videos contain profanity. 18+

Know that the king of the dead does not sink in water. During its turn, poisonous spittle will fly at you, which can deal significant damage. In addition, the king has a caster that summons an army of zombies that have a huge attacking power. Be sure to wear a hat or gas mask that protects against poisoning, otherwise passage of the king of the dead in the wormix will be impossible.

You cannot drown anyone, but you can infect them with poison. First of all, kill the king of the dead to get rid of the spitting. To kill him, you can use a sledgehammer, defending yourself from enemy attacks with a force field. If you have absolutely no lives left, dig yourself a deep hole and attack from there. After that, you need to kill the caster so that the zombie army stops replenishing. Use air strikes to destroy zombies. different types weapons, while you need to dig a cave much deeper than the previous one.

Video walkthrough

The Lich King in Wormix can give you a lot of trouble, or rather it passage, so it’s better to go into battle with a partner. Do not forget to put on a gas mask for him from poisonous spitting. This way it will be much easier to kill the king of the dead.

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Additional information on the game:

Bosses in the game Wormix play one of the important and key roles, allowing you to pump very well and earn a lot of money. You can enter the battle with them in the Arena section on the main game screen. All opponents will be very difficult, but the reward for them is appropriate. In the game Wormix, the bosses each have their own unique abilities and if you know them, you can easily deal with them.

Remember that Wormix bosses are played by the computer, so this fact can be an advantage on the battlefield. The computer does not have the cunning and resourcefulness that a person has. To defeat Wormix bosses use the most non-standard and unusual methods of dealing with them.

Wormix b oss: FARMER

Farmers have high armor and are quite hard to kill. simple weapons. To successfully deal with them, collect apples scattered on the map, which increase damage. Use a crossbow, sledgehammer and other weapons that ignore the enemy's armor. The easiest walkthrough for this Wormix boss is to drown him!

Wormix b oss: HUNTER

Hunters set traps every turn. Once in it, you will have to use the teleport, as there is no other way. In order for the traps to stop appearing, the generator must be destroyed. Use ranged weapons and airstrikes to kill the hunter. It is very difficult to kill a hunter closely, since he has a pumped melee defense.

Wormix b oss: MANIACS

Maniacs use electric harpoon. Highly dangerous weapon. Beware of it. Since maniacs have a lot of XP and armor, the best way to deal with them is to drown them. To defeat the Wormix boss, deal damage to him from afar, as he will start using an electric harpoon very close.

Wormix b oss: MINERS

During the battle, beware of mines scattered around. They react to movement and explode instantly. Use rocket pack, rope and jumping. It is recommended to hit him from afar, because when you get close to him, he will teleport you to a random place on the map.

Wormix b oss: SAMURAI

It is very difficult to deal with them, because to win you have to defeat him 9 times. Each samurai has high health and damage. With each death, these figures will increase. The best tactic is the "scorched desert". Bomb the entire map so that you can quickly drop new enemies into the water. After each move, it is recommended to hide, as the samurai launches shurikens.

Wormix b oss: SERGEANTS

The main enemy on the map is the Sergeant. The main goal is to kill him, but invisible guards and Corporals will interfere with this. Corporals must be killed as quickly as possible, as they restore the Sergeant's health. Do not hesitate, the best outcome of the battle for you is to drown the enemy, as the Sergeant increases his damage indicators every turn.


Zombies don't sink, so you'll need an impressive arsenal of weapons to win. It is recommended to dig in, since every turn of the enemy meteorites fall from the sky and the fewer zombies, the more meteorites fall. We recommend that you do not kill the zombies to the end, but leave everyone with as little health as possible, and then deal with them in one gulp.

Wormix b oss: Wandering Spirit

Watch out for green spirits. Where they will fly, attack there, otherwise they will restore health. It is recommended to heavily use poison on the opponent, but also have a good defense against poison, since the opponent uses the "strike back" skill.

Wormix b oss: SHAMAN VOODOO

The Shaman is the most dangerous among opponents, as he restores health and has high hit points and damage. You should kill him first of all and it is best to drown him from the first moves. Further, it will be much easier to deal with the demons. After each hit, the demons randomly teleport, so to defeat the boss, hit them with weapons that deal one powerful hit (for example, a sledgehammer, machine gun, and so on).

Wormix b oss: ILLUSIONIST

The illusionist creates a clone of himself every turn, attacks on which have no effect. But the clones hit very hard. Rely more on intuition and choose the enemy wisely so as not to miss. It is best to dig deep and apply air strikes on the area. When the Illusionist is low on health, he will create 4 clones.

Wormix b oss: VIKINGS

Drown the Vikings, otherwise they will not let you live in peace. Remember that each turn the time decreases and therefore it is necessary to drown them as quickly as possible. And the order of moves during the battle will not be on your side. To get past this boss, use the time stop and plan your attack correctly.

Wormix b oss: PIRATES

In the fight against the Pirates, remember that every turn the water level rises. So don't drag out the fight. Hit the Captain first, and throw his assistants into the water or down and wait for the water to rise. But in no case do not throw off the Captain, because if he gets into the water, then it will appear on the yardarm, where it will be very difficult to get him. Since the water will only rise to a certain level, take positions at the top of the map.

Wormix b oss: WIND MASTER

Wind Masters will prevent you from using wind-affected weapons and will also make it difficult to move around the map. Use flight packs and ropes. First you need to kill the Master of the Wind, it is best to drown him. After his death, the wind will subside and it will not be difficult to defeat the remaining opponents.

Wormix b oss: YAKUZA

Yakuza don't drown, and their leader can only be killed with poison. If you kill one enemy, then the other survivors will receive bonuses killed. For example, if a cat dies, then everyone's attack parameter will increase. If a boxer, then all health will be replenished. The best tactic to defeat the Yakuza bosses is to kill Steel Warrior first, then Tiger and Tempest.


First you have to deal with the dead sailors, who are best drowned. When you kill everyone, the dead Captain himself will appear and start throwing meteorites at you. Get close to him and hit him with a melee weapon like a sledgehammer. Most importantly, do not let the Captain fall into the water, as in this case he will teleport to a safe place where it will be difficult to get him. We recommend digging deeper so that meteorites do not get you.

Wormix b oss: ROMEO AND JULIET

To deal with Romeo and Juliet, you need to leave each of them with 20 health points and then kill them both with one blow. To do this, use shurikens, a controlled helicopter or laser weapons. If only one dies, then he will be reborn with full health. Plan your battle in advance and stock up on powerful weapons.

Wormix b oss: KING OF THE DEAD

Dealing with the dead is difficult. There is only one way, as usual - to drown them. There will be two leaders on the map: the Caster - summons weak zombies that hit hard and the King of the Dead, who will beat you back with poison. Buy hats from poison, they will be very useful to you. The King should be killed first, and only then the Caster. The rest will be easy to get.

Wormix b oss: ANCIENT GHOST

From the very beginning of the battle, hide, as every turn a cloud will appear, causing great damage to you. Do not stand still and constantly change your location and avoid lightning. Hit the enemy with whatever you want, but powerful weapons and poison weapons are recommended. It will not work to drown the enemy and it will take a very long time to beat them.

Wormix b oss: ENGINEER

The Engineer has covered the whole map with lasers, so first kill the defensive droids and then take on the Engineer. Watch out for the electromagnetic cloud, as it can kill with one hit. This is one of the most difficult mobs, as the robots restore his health and he does not drown. To kill, you need a pumped arsenal.

Wormix b oss: GUARDS OF THE BODY

The most difficult. To fill it up will require the entire arsenal and even more. The enemy has up to a fig of health and cannot be drowned. The following tactic is recommended: use poison and hit close with a sledgehammer. After the impact, do not forget to hide, as an earthquake can throw you into the water. Don't let the enemy get close to your hideouts.

Wormix b oss: THE DARK KNIGHT

Since the enemy uses magic shields, it will be difficult to kill them. Attack the knight first, and remember that when his health is in the region of 400-500, then after that he must be killed in one move. After that, the Knight's grave should be drowned so that he does not rise again. Only after the grave goes under water will it be possible to beat the rest of the opponents on the map.

Wormix b oss: PALADIN

Each turn, the Paladin creates pillars that restore health to him. Watch out for columns and destroy them first. During the destruction, you can poison the Paladin with poison. A paladin doesn't drown, remember that.

Wormix b oss: HACKER

To crack the Hacker's defense, you need to activate three panels on the map. To do this, you need to stand at the panel and beat the Hacker, the only way damage will pass through him. Kill the leader first, and then you can deal with his assistants. They are uncomplicated and only cannot drown, otherwise they are ordinary enemies.

Wormix b oss: THIEVES

The thieves have stolen all your weapons. To kill them, you will have to run around the map and open chests. But the keys to the chests fall only from the enemy. So just hit the Thieves and wait for the key to fall out. You will find powerful weapons in the boxes. The first is to bring down the Burglar, followed by the Pickpocket and then all the others.