The winning fan is in the player's hands. Game for two. How the combination is made

The rules of preference can also be used for playing together. They deal in turns, into four piles: three of ten cards each (to two players and the “dummy”) and two buy-in cards. The “dummy” cards are revealed after the player’s request, and a situation arises that is usual for a game with one defender. The game itself can be played in two systems: “robber” and “classic”.

When playing "robber", each of the opponents must play in turn all types of orders possible in preference - six, seven, eight, nine, ten and minuscule. Take turns in the sense of the order of moves, but not in the sense of the order of the orders themselves. At the first deal, you can announce a minuscule, then, say, a seven, a nine, etc. Thus, the entire game cycle consists of six deals to each of the partners.

Recording when playing “robber” is carried out as follows (Table 11).

Table 11. Score sheet when playing with two players (“robber”)

A game Player A Player B
6 2 2
7 4 4
8 6 6
9 8 8
10 10 10
Miser 10 10

The first column contains the name of the game. In the next two, data on the shortfall in bribes taken by the participants is recorded - here the price of the shortfall of one bribe is given. For example, in an eight-player game, player B, if three tricks are missing, writes in his column: 6x3 = 18 minus units; or another example: if two tricks are missing in a game of seven, player B enters the number 4x2! — 8 minus units. The game ends when the table is completely filled. Then the sums of minus units are calculated. The winner is the partner whose minus amount is smaller. Example (Table 12).

Table 12. Example of a recording when playing “robber”

A game Player A Player B
6 - 2
7 8 -
8 - 6
9 - 16
10 20 -
Miser 30 20
Sum -58 -44

So, player A: missed 2 tricks in the 7th game, i.e. 2x4=8, 2 tricks in the 10th game (2x10=20) and 3 tricks in the minuscule, i.e. 3x30. Player B missed: 1 trick in the 6th game (1x2=2), 1 trick in the 8th game (1x6=6) and 2 tricks in the minuscule (2x10=20).

Thus, player B won, whose arithmetic sum was less, i.e. player B won (-58)-(-44) = 14, player A won 14 units. When playing “robber”, partners are required to fill out the entire table, and with each deal the circle narrows, until in the last round there is no choice left, and they have to play the “obligatory” game.

Otherwise produced game process and the playing field is marked when playing “classics” together. All the rules of the three- and four-player game that can be preserved are preserved here. The first person in the “trade” to call the “order” is the partner of the dealer. The final “order” of the winner in the dispute is determined after opening the purchase order. During the drawing, the partner of the one who took the “game” has the choice: 1) open the cards dealt to the third hand (in everyday life it is most often called “uncle”), 2) whist only on his cards “darkly”, 3) pass. The results of each hand are entered accordingly in the well-known columns: “mountain”, “bullet”, whist fields, “Christmas trees”.

Table 13. Example of a recording when playing together (“classic”)

“Herringbones,” of course, arise as a result of passes that are played either after two passes during a “trade,” or by mutual agreement at the very beginning of the game. When passing, the buy can be opened to indicate the suit of the first two moves or remain closed, just as all ten “uncle” cards remain closed to the players. It is clear that such a game, with 12 “unknowns” out of 32, is close to games that cultivate randomness and luck.

The players agree on the system of calculations and recording in advance, taking as a basis the classic examples already known to us. The field when playing “classics” with two players looks as shown in Table 13.

Poker- one of the most popular and famous card games in our country, which gained particular success among players after the liquidation of the gambling business in the territory Russian Federation. Despite the variety of existing varieties of this world-famous game, it is quite easy to understand. But before you sit down at the table to play, you will need to study all the existing poker combinations. In total, as we know, there are 10 of them - not so much to study.

Present and general rules– a poker hand includes five cards (no more, no less). In the event that two produced layouts belong to the same combination, the seniority can be determined depending on the seniority of the cards. There are no priorities between suits. Actually, let's start from the very beginning - poker combinations by seniority.

The strongest combination

Today the most powerful combination is considered Royal Straight Flush. Research has shown that the average player (according to probability theory) gets this combination only a few times in his life. Remembering the combination is quite simple - ten, jack, queen, king and ace. There is one important point - if at least one of the five collected cards does not match the rest in suit, it is no longer a Royal Straight Flush, but a straight from Ace.

Winning combinations in poker Straight Flush

The second highest combination in poker. This combination includes five cards of the same suit - they follow each other in order of value. In this case, the highest card should not be an ace. A striking example is the king, queen, jack, ten and nine of diamonds - this combination is called “Straight Flush from the King”.

Ace is the so-called “universal card”; it can be valued as both the lowest and highest. Example - five, four, three, two, ace - straight flush (from 5). If during the game two players simultaneously receive a straight flush, the bank is received by the participant with higher cards (a straight flush from a five and a straight flush from a king - the last combination wins). If the seniority of the cards matches completely, the bank at the end of the game will be divided in two between these participants.

Poker card combinations Kare

Remembering this combination will not be difficult even for a person far from the world of cards. Four of a kind is a collection of four cards of the same value + any fifth card (its value does not matter). Example: four Ladies are a Four of a Kind.

Since the Quads collected throughout the game cannot have the same value, out of two or more Quads collected by players, the combination with the highest value will win.

Poker combinations Full house

In fact, a slightly modified analogue of Four of a Kind is a collection of three cards of the same value + 2 identical cards of a different value. If three aces and two jacks are collected, it is a Full House.

Flush combination

The fifth combination in poker is called a Flush. Any five cards in the same suit make up a flush combination. Three, five, seven, jack and king are a flush with a king (named after the strongest card).

Similar to the previous combinations - if there are two flushes at the table, the combination with cards of the highest value wins. However, if there are flushes with a queen in the game, seniority will be determined by the second card making up the flush (if it is identical, the third, fourth or fifth card, respectively).

Combination Street

If a participant during a game collects five cards that are in rank with each other, but do not match in suit, this combination is called a straight. So, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack of different parties - straight. Low straight - from ace to five, where ace is a one.

If the collected straights are identical, the bank is divided equally between the players. If one combination contains high cards, it wins.

Seventh in a row - Seth

The seventh poker combination is called a Set - there must be three cards of the same value and any two cards. Three fours, an ace and a five - this is Seth. A high set can be determined by the seniority of the component cards.

Combination Two pair

Two pair is a poker combination that includes two pairs of identical cards + one of any card. If during the game the players have collected two equivalent combinations, the higher one is considered to be the one containing cards of higher value.

If the top pair matches, you need to clean out the winner based on the second pair collected. If two pairs of two players are equal, the player with the highest fifth card wins.

Combination Pair

A pair is the penultimate combination in Poker. Its essence is very simple - two cards with the same value + any three cards in the cards collected at the end of the game. The definition of a winning combination is completely identical to the above “Two Pair” combination. If the pairs collected by two players are identical, then the winnings will be taken by the one with the highest high card(maximum value) from three unpaired cards.

The youngest is the Highest Card

There are cases when, at the end of a game, a player collects cards of different denominations that have no pairs and do not have a match in suit. This is the weakest poker hand in existence - however, if two players make it, the person with the highest card in their hand takes the pot.

Dear colleagues, it seems to me that there is no more refined and mysterious thing in a woman’s hands than a fan.

I was given it as a gift two years ago. A guest came from Spain and brought it as a gift. (By the way, very good idea for those who want to bring something as a gift from Spain!)

I looked, opened it, waved... and threw it away. Last summer I somehow slipped it into my bag. And I forgot again. But while standing in line at one of the offices and simply languishing from the heat, I saw a woman fanning herself. Most of the neighbors looked at her with envy. And then I took out mine and waved it too. I was very afraid that they would twist their finger at my temple. But I was so pleased. The fan lay so tenderly in the palm of your hand, and the streams of warm air, albeit warm, still pleasantly fanned your face. And if they say it’s true that there is genetic memory, then I remembered! And how you need to languidly fan yourself, and how you can shoot with your eyes, covering yourself with a fan, and how you can conspiratorially and intimately hit your interlocutor on the hand with a folded fan. So why have we forgotten about such a wonderful and necessary thing and replaced it with a newspaper, a notebook, or whatever you could get your hands on.

There is even a myth about the origin of this item.

It is claimed that the first fan came from the wing of Aeolus, the lord of the winds. He allegedly made his way into Psyche’s bedroom, where he was caught in the act by his offended husband Eros. Not only did he give blows, but he also tore off one of the wings of the lord of the winds. Aeolus fled, and Psyche grabbed the wing and began to fan her husband with it, and Eros quickly changed his anger to mercy.

People did not lag behind the Gods either - Eve, seeing Adam for the first time, quickly tore off a palm leaf and “hid” behind him. Since then, the fan has become a kind of last obstacle in the relationship between a woman and a man - by removing it, the ladies opened themselves to kisses, relationships and love. In addition, shy women, kissing, could hide behind him from prying eyes.

A special approach to the fan is in the East. So, in Egypt, only a very noble person could wear a fan, or even more so have servants with fans. In Ancient Egypt, the fan served as an attribute of the greatness of the pharaoh, a sign of high dignity, an emblem of happiness and heavenly peace; they were often worn by members of the royal family, who had a special title - “fan bearer on the left side.”

The most common fan shape at that time was a quarter circle or a rectangular flag on a shaft.
The folding fan was born much later than the fan-fan and consisted of flat carved plates of bone, mother-of-pearl, turtle, wood, etc., interconnected, or made of bone, etc. frame covered with parchment, paper, silk.

A folding fan in the shape of a semicircle opened a completely new brilliant era in the life of the fan, the heyday of which was the 17th century - France was the trendsetter during this period. “A fan in the hands of a beauty is a scepter for mastery of the world,” as connoisseurs of fashion of that time used to say. Madame de Staël wrote: “Of all the objects that make up the toilet of an elegant woman, not one can be so cleverly used as a fan.” “Useful ether”, “screen of justice” - definitions of a fan. Fortune telling with fans was even invented. When choosing the queen of the ball, the organizer of the celebration sent her the day before a fan, a pair of gloves and flowers.

The art of using a fan required great skill, dexterity, and ingenuity. A whole complex of fan manipulations was developed to test fans and admirers.

In the era of Catherine II, the desire to have fun and please, to attract men, to outshine their rivals were the main desires of women who turned into real seductresses with a fan in their hands. Catherine's fan is not limited to loving waving - it becomes a means of discovering the hidden advantages of a beauty, emphasizing one thing, flaunting another, and hiding another. The fan could also be used as love mail: confessions, declarations of love, questions and answers were written on it or attached to it. In the 18th century, a fan often served as a kind of “library” of love poems, aphorisms, anecdotes, songs, and notes. Written on the back of the screen, these “works” helped their owners to be bright and witty, entertained the participants in the evenings, and played the role of love messages.

The fan language is not easy to understand, but here are its basic positions.
- A lady who abruptly folded her fan showed her interlocutor that she was completely uninterested in him.
- A fan directed with its wide end towards the gentleman meant consent to flirt.
- If the lady held the folded fan straight, she encouraged the interlocutor and invited him to speak boldly and openly, and if the unfolded fan covered the girl’s chest, she begged the gentleman to control himself.
- The lady unfolding one leaf of the fan hinted at simple friendship. Two open doors opposite meant slight love. The three doors, respectively, clearly said that the lady’s heart belonged to her gentleman.

In the mid-1910s. the fan is going out of fashion. First World War, which turned out to be a difficult test, put an end to the frivolity with which the fan was associated, and therefore the fan itself. In times of heavy military losses, this fragile ephemeral creation was of no use. The very image of a woman also changes - from the “water lily” of modernity she turns into a “sister of mercy”, and with the advent of emancipation, socialism, revolutions, in general, into something masculine in a leather jacket.

Today we see the return of the fan to our lives. In China, it is believed that a fan means the harmony of the masculine and feminine principles, the combination of yang and yin, and it is simply unthinkable not to have one in the house. Feng Shui masters consider the fan a symbol of creation and actively use it in their work, because Feng Shui translates as “being in a forest clearing blown by a fresh wind.” And what, if not a fan, will give you this very wind rose and a feeling of freshness? It is no coincidence that Feng Shui experts are sure that with this accessory a person will always feel comfortable, no matter where he is. And if you need extra energy, support, fresh strength, confidence when you work, hang a fan behind your back, it should be straightened, looking up and moving away from the wall at an angle of about 40-50 degrees.

In general, every woman should have a fan. In the East they advise - if you feel bad, if you are sick, if you cannot solve some problem, take a fan and slowly fan yourself with it - it will find the energy that is responsible for health or information and will bring it to you, take it and use it .

And, of course, a fan is one of the most spectacular fashion accessories. Karl Lagerfeld, for example, does not part with it at all; he believes that the energy of the fan brings him luck, energy and new fresh ideas. Other Fashion Houses do not abandon either - Christian Dior, Vivienne Westwood, Giafranko Ferre very often resort to fans in their collections, and the ethnic style has generally adopted it into eternal arsenal. And yet, glamor has benefited most from the use of a fan - no handbag, belt or accessory in general can make a woman as unusual, mysterious, attractive, sexy and different from others as even the most ordinary fan can do, let alone designer ones. models.

By the way, here is my humble fan. An irreplaceable thing in the summer, as it turns out.

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This winning combinations cards (so-called " poker hands"). In this article you will find a description of all poker combinations with pictures and visual examples for Texas Hold'em, Omaha and other types of this card game. Let's start with the highest combination and describe them in descending order.

Card combinations in ascending order

We can represent poker combinations of cards in ascending order as the following sequence:

Royal Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Set (Trips; Three of a Kind) > Two Pairs > One Pair > High Card

Don't forget that sometimes the combinations of players' cards coincide. In this case, victory is determined by the seniority of the cards participating in the combination.

Royal Flush

Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit. It is essentially a suited high straight. The rarest and strongest combination in poker.

Straight Flush

Any five cards in a row based on seniority and the same suit. If two players have made a straight flush, then the combination in which the last card is higher wins. A straight flush can either start with an Ace or end with an Ace (Royal Flush).

Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same value. If two players have the same four of a kind, then the one with the higher “kicker” (fifth card) wins. For example: on a table of 8,8,8,8,7, both players hit four of a kind. One has K2 in his hands, the other has Q6. The first player with the combination 8,8,8,8,K wins.

Full House

Three cards of the same value and a pair of any two cards. If both players have collected a Full House, then the one whose three from the combination is the highest wins. If three cards are equal, the pair is compared and the one with the higher card wins.


Five cards of the same suit. The sequence can be any. If both players have a Flush, then the player with the highest card in the combination wins. If the highest Flush card is common, then the next highest card is compared.

Ace-high Straight

Five cards in a row in order of seniority with an Ace. The suits of the cards are different. If the Ace is the highest card in the hand, then it is the strongest straight (A,K,Q,J,T). If the Ace is the lowest card, then it is the weakest straight (A,2,3,4,5).


Five cards in a row according to seniority. The suits of the cards are different. If both players have made a Straight, then the one in whose combination the last card is higher wins. In this case, the Ace can be considered either the highest card in the combination or the lowest. The highest street is A,K,Q,J,T. The lowest street is A,2,3,4,5.

Set or Three (Three of a Kind)

Three cards of the same value. In our example, these are three Aces and two additional cards, which are considered a kicker and are taken into account if both players have the same Set or Three.

Two pairs

Two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. In our case, these are two Aces and two Kings. If both players have collected a Two Pair combination, then they are compared, and the one whose highest pair is higher wins. If players have the same Two Pair, then the one whose fifth card (kicker) is higher wins.

One pair

Two cards of the same value. In the example, the pair will be two Aces. If both players have collected a Pair, then they are compared by seniority. If the opponents have the same Pair, then the winner is determined by the highest additional card (kicker). If they are equal, then the second and third additional cards are compared.

High card

Any five cards, which do not add up to any of the combinations described above. The winner is determined by the highest card. If both players have the same highest card, then the second, third, fourth and even fifth cards are compared. If all cards are equal, then the players simply divide the pot.

Poker combinations (video)


To make it easier for you to remember these simple rules, we have written several examples that clearly show how exactly combinations are formed and comparisons of player cards occur.


You win because your two Kings are older than your opponent's two Queens. The older the couple, the stronger it is.

Two pairs

You will win, since your two pairs 77 and 44 are higher than your opponent's (66 and 55). The comparison here is based on the top pair, i.e. 77 versus 66.

Set or Three

You win because your KKK three is older than your opponent's three. Kings are stronger than Jacks, just like 555 is stronger than 444.


Despite the fact that both players made a Straight, you are the one who wins, because your top closing card of the combination is higher (J versus 10). Essentially there is a comparison: J, 10, 9, 8, 7 versus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.


You win because... your flush is higher than your opponent's flush. In this case, combinations are compared according to the highest card, where the Ace is stronger than the King.

Full house

Both players have collected a Full House combination, having a common three of 555 at the base. In this situation, the pair that is higher than you (99 > 66) is compared. But most often these combinations have different threes at the base, which determines the winner. For example: AAA99 is stronger than KKKQQ.


You win because you have a quad of four sevens against a Full House of three kings and two sevens. If among the five cards on the table there are 4 of the same value, say 8,8,8,8,5, then the one who has the highest card in his hands wins.

Straight flush

You win because... your straight flush is higher. The opponent's highest card in the combination is 9, and you have Jack (J). In this comparison, the one whose closing card is higher always wins.

Royal flush

You collected the strongest combination and won by showing a Royal Flush of 10, J, Q, K, A of the same suit. There is nothing older than this combination.

If players have no combinations at all, then the one with the highest card wins. If the combinations or all cards are the same, then the winnings are divided between the players.

Common mistakes (Not the most obvious things in poker hands)

Flush is higher than (>) straight!

This deserves separate consideration. It must be remembered that poker combinations They are arranged in ascending order (seniority) for a reason, but according to logic: the stronger the combination of cards in hold’em, the less often they appear. In the street problem< флеша, на первый взгляд, всё не так очевидно - на самом деле, всё в порядке, сейчас объясним почему.

When we have a flush draw, we kind of have 9 outs to improve. An open-ended straight draw only requires 8 cards. Paradox! The answer is on the surface - the flush is simply more beautiful. In fact: XXs will improve to a flush draw 10.9% of the time and will make a flush 0.8%. For a straight draw, the probabilities will be different: 10.4% for an open-ended straight draw, and 1.3% for a straight.

I'll take the kicker!

A kicker does not exist for all poker hands. A pair, two pair, a set and a quad (if the quad is on the board) - an ace or a king in the sleeve can come in handy here. It, like a diploma with honors when entering a university, will allow you to become the coveted owner of a bank, all other things being equal.

Kicker- this is a card that does not form a combination, but is taken into account when determining the winner if the players at the table have collected the same combinations. For example, both players collected a pair of queens. The one with the highest card in his hand, besides the queens, wins. If there are 4, 6, Q, 9, 2 on the board, one of the players has KQ and the other JQ, then the one with the king kicker will win.

Sometimes the kicker may be common, and then the opponents simply divide the pot. A classic example: a board with any two pairs and an ace. In general, try not to call raises from early positions with marginal hands like T3o.

In this case, it is better to re-raise and fold to aggression. (Do not thank!)

Be sure to learn all the poker combinations in order of seniority, because without this it will be very difficult for you to understand your position at the table.

How the combination is made

Poker hand is a set of 5 cards that form one of the following combinations: high card, pair, two pair, set, straight, flush, four of a kind, straight flush or royal flush.

All combinations in Texas Hold'em and Omaha consist of 5 cards. Both the player's cards and the community cards on the table are used. The main rule is that only those cards that give the maximum possible combination in the hand are taken into account.

There are X number of options for using cards when making combinations in Hold'em:

  • 2 player cards + 3 cards on the table. For example, the player has QJ on the board A8Q2J. The combination will be QJ for the player + QJA on the board.
  • 1 player card + 4 cards on the table. For example, player 85 has 8K7Q4 on the board. The “pair” combination will be obtained from the player’s 8 + 8KQ7 on the board.
  • 0 player cards + 5 cards on the table. For example, player JQ has 5,6,7,8,9 on the board. The “common straight” combination will be obtained solely from the cards on the board.

Low combination- this is a combination that has the least significance of all possible in the hand. If the player has A8 on the board A7542, then his low combination is 24578. You need to collect low combinations in some types of poker, for example in Omaha Hi-Lo.

Poker hand- one completely hand played at the table. Players often say “played 500 hands today,” meaning 500 hands.

Starting hands- these are the cards that the player receives at the beginning of the hand and decides whether he should play with them or not. In Texas Hold'em, these are the 2 “starting” cards in your hand.

Distribution of cards by seniority

Card rank in poker is not much different from the rules of other card games. The weakest card is 2, and the strongest is Ace. There are no trump cards. The suit doesn't matter.

Card order in poker (from weakest to strongest):

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T, J, Q, K, A.

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