They count cards at 21. How to play "21"? Rules of the game in "Point. General rules of the game "Point"

Number players not limited. AT deck 36 cards. Each map has a certain digital value: Ace - 11, King - 4, Queen - 3, Jack - 2, ten and further in dignity. Meaning games: score twenty-one on your own map x ("point").

The banker puts the bank before surrender. Usually, the maximum and minimum amount of the bank are agreed in advance. The banker gives everyone, including himself, one card each. Upper map turned over and placed face down under the bottom of the deck (“cut off”). Punter, sitting to the left of the banker, looks at his card and, depending on whether he likes it or not, goes for one or another amount. The amount to which he goes is announced to the banker. You can go to amount no more than the one that is in the bank ("on the bank") and no less than agreed in advance. Having made a bet, the punter buys the required number of cards. If the punter scores a "point" (i.e. 21 points), then he immediately wins. He also wins when he has two aces or five pictures in his hands. In the presence of points less than 21 punters have the right to stop buying. Having scored more than 21 points (“bust”), the punter immediately loses. Punter also has the right to buy one or more kart"into the dark", i.e. not look at them before the banker buys. After that, the banker buys. With a set of 21 points, two aces or five pictures, the banker wins immediately. In case of a bust, the banker loses. If the banker scored 15 points, he must buy another card. If the banker has 17 points, then he has no right to buy more. In other cases, the banker has the right to stop or continue the purchase. After the banker, having completed the purchase, announces “enough”, the glasses banker with ponter glasses. having more points within 21 wins. If equal points banker wins. If the punter darkened, then with equality points punter wins. If the banker and the darkening punter have too much, then the darkening one wins. In some companies in recent times the game in the dark is not recognized. In other companies, when iterating between the ponter and the banker, it is not the dark one who wins, but the banker.

In case of a loss, the punter delivers to the bank the amount that he went for. If he wins, he takes this amount from the bank.

After the banker has played the first player, he collects the cards involved in the game and places them face down on the deck. Then he deals a card to himself and plays with the next player. If the punter had a bust, map the banker did not participate in the draw, and he plays with the next punter, buying to the existing card. In some companies, the surrender is made from the bottom of the deck, and the played cards either stacked up or laid aside.

The banker has the right to "withdraw" the bank, i.e. pick up the entire available amount from there, but not earlier than four circles (that is, after each of players will play four times), or after tripling the pot. Before the last round, the banker must call "knock" and reveal his card. Some companies recognize the right of the banker to "knock" only in the event of a tripling of the bank or passing three circles. After the banker has withdrawn the bank, the player sitting to his left becomes the banker. The player who goes to the bank and breaks it also becomes a banker. He must deposit at least the amount he won in the bank. In some companies, regardless of the bank failure, the next punter becomes the banker.

If in game the punter said, "More," i.e. draws cards and deck ended (went cut map), the banker is obliged to deliver the bank, i.e. double the amount. Punter thus has the right to both throw off and leave the cards he has in his hands. If clipped map goes to the banker, then he has no right to take it and is obliged play on those points that he has in his hands by the time the deck ends. At the exit of the cropped cards or shuffling the deck in the middle of the circle players have the right to leave in their hands or give to the banker for a new distribution of the cards they have.

“Point”, or “Twenty-one” is one of the most gambling games of the modern world. This gambling For a long time it was forbidden, but, despite all the prohibitions and persecutions, it has come down to our time.
Number of participants in 21: unlimited.
Props: two mixed decks of 52 cards. An ace, at the request of the players, is valued at 1 or 11 points (by agreement), figures - 10 points each, the rest of the cards - according to their value.

RULES OF THE GAME Twenty-one (Point)

Before the game begins, the cards are mixed and removed by a punter, any at will. The banker announces the amount of his pot, and the punters wager any amount that does not exceed the amount of the pot.
After agreeing on the necessary conditions, the banker begins to deal cards to all players, including himself. The deal is played in the game of Twenty-One, one at a time, for a total of two cards per hand. According to the rules, the banker looks at his cards first. And if he has 21 points, he presents them to the participants of the gambling table, after which he takes the punters' bets. If the banker does not have such a combination, then the players alternately, starting from the one sitting on the left hand of the banker, begin to look at their cards. Whoever has 21 points in his hand wins a double bet. The remaining punters, in the same order, have the right to buy one card from the banker, but not more than three. Last of all, under the same conditions, he buys himself cards and a banker, after which all the cards in his hands are opened. Their analysis begins. The banker compares his points with those of the punters. The player who has more points than the banker (of course, the number of points should not exceed 21, otherwise it will be too much), is declared the winner.

In case of equality of points, the bet is removed. If the banker has a bust, he is obliged to pay the punter his double rate. But it happens in the game Twenty-one that both the punter and the banker have bust. In this case, the bet is removed. In Twenty-one, the banker has the right to withdraw the bank (take all the money) when all the cards in the deck are played.


The banker at Twenty-one in the same way distributes one card to everyone sitting at the table, including himself - last. The bottom card is drawn from the deck and placed face up on top of the deck. After that, the banker begins to deal with each player individually.

First, with the first, sitting to his left, after - with the rest, in turn. By the way, before starting the game in the bank (cash desk) on the table, the banker puts a certain amount of money on his own - they agree on their maximum or minimum before the start of the game. Punters don't add anything to the banker's bet. The first player with whom the banker begins to deal, after looking at his card, tells the banker how much he will claim from his bank. Let's say there are 1000 rubles in the bank. The player, having not much good card, say eight, says that it goes to 500 rubles. After that, the banker begins to give out one card from the bottom of the deck to the player, which he considers. Having scored a certain number of points, say 18, he can stop there, saying “enough” or “myself”. Punter does not talk about the number of points scored. Then the banker starts to buy to his card one at a time. And having scored, say, 19 points, he announces that he has had enough. In this case, the banker has the advantage. The player is obliged to report to the cash desk (bank) 500 rubles. The game continues on in turn.

If the banker scored 17 points (“treasury”), then he is obliged to stop on them. He does not have the right to take the next card in the game of Twenty-one. But if the banker scored 15 points, he has no right to stop there. Even if he feels that the opponent has less points. He is obliged to get one more card or, if he wishes, a second one (let's say another 3 came to his 15 points, and he feels that the opponent has more. In this case, if he wishes, he has the right to buy one more card) . By the way, in this "folk" version of the game, the value of the cards looks different. An ace is worth 11 points, a king is worth 4, a queen is worth 3, a jack is worth 2. The remaining cards (6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) are at their face value. They usually play with a deck of 36 sheets.

Game ends ( we are talking about its first round) when there is no money left in the bank. In this case, the right to deal cards passes to the player sitting to the left of the "banked" player, and he becomes a banker. And one more addition. When the amount of money in the bank triples, the so-called "knock" is announced. But if the circle of the game has not yet been made, that is, if the banker has not yet dealt with all the players who have cards in their hands, then despite the tripling of the bet in the bank, the game continues until the last player who has a card in his hands. Thus, the amount of money in the bank can increase by more than three times. After that, the banker announces a knock.

He deals cards again on the second or third run. And again plays with each player separately. The player has the right, if he does not have a bust, to look at his cards and, seeing that he has, say, only 14 points, reduce the initial application by one or another amount by half, about which the banker warns in advance before taking next card. And if he feels that he may have a bust, then he has the right to stop on these points. Naturally, the one with the most points in their hand wins. At the end of the game, if there is still money in the bank, the banker takes it for himself. Then another player becomes a banker. As you can see, the rules of such a “folk” game are not much different from the “classic” ones.

Starting the game, you can join an existing application, or create your own.

When creating an application, it is possible to change the following parameters:

You can choose the level of opponents. There are two categories of "sandbox", which includes players who are rated appearance less than 10 points (and, accordingly, having less than 10 chips at the beginning of the game) and "advanced players", which includes players with an appearance rating of 10 or more.

You can choose a game deck to your liking.

You can set the game timeout. That is, the maximum time allotted to one player for one turn.

You can set the number of players. Simultaneously for game table there can be from 2 to 4 participants, including the banker.

You can choose to play for your rating, or play without rating. In the first case, you can win all kinds of bonuses, but you can also lose them. In the event that the game is played without taking into account the rating, neither victory nor defeat will be counted to you.

The game can be played by two to four players. They play with one deck of 36 cards. The seniority of the cards is not standard.

Jack - 2 points

Lady - 3 points

King - 4 points

Ace - 11 points

The rest of the cards are valued at face value when scoring.

The goal of the game is to score 21 points in total.

At the beginning of the game, the banker is determined. In our case, it is selected randomly from all participants in the game. The banker is chosen by the computer, so juggling is impossible in this case. The deck is shuffled, a bookmark is randomly inserted into it, dividing the deck into two parts.

Each player receives one card in his hand. After that, everyone can place their bet.

The first bet is the bet of the banker, i.e. the bank. This bet is the maximum possible for the player sitting on the bank. The banker bets everything he has. The total bet of all players at the table cannot exceed the amount of the pot.

The second bet is made by the player sitting to the left of the banker. If the game is for two, then the player can make the maximum bet equal to the bank. In the event that there are three players, the first player can bet the maximum amount of the pot minus 1. If the game is for four, the bet of the first player cannot exceed the amount of the pot minus 2. The minimum bet of any player playing against pot 1, even if if there is only 1 chip in the bank. The order of bets changes clockwise.

In the next stage of the game, the banker deals additional cards to each player, starting to his left and clockwise.

Any player on his turn may ask for an additional card if he sees fit, or refuse it. A player can have no more than 5 cards in his hand. The player who scores 21 points immediately wins. The player who scores the “golden point”, that is, who has two aces in his hands, also immediately wins. A player who scores more than 21 points automatically loses the bet. His bet goes to the bank. Players with less than 21 points wait until the banker gets the cards for himself. If the banker's score is greater than or equal to the player's score, the bet goes to the pot. If the total of the banker's points is less than the total of the player's points, the bet plus winnings goes to the player.

If the cards run out before the bookmark, and the game is not over, the deck is shuffled, a new bookmark is placed and the game continues.

We draw your attention to the fact that the probability of winning in the game "21 points", according to extras, is quite high - the advantage of the bank over the player is less than one percent. So striving to become a banker is not at all necessary.

1 game to played games

If you played against the pot and won, you get:

If you played against the pot and lost, you get:

1 game to played games

If you banked and won, you get:

1 game to games played +1 to games won

If you banked and lost, you get:

1 game to played games

Playing against the bank, regardless of victory or defeat, as a result of the game receives a game rating equal to the number of chips won from the bank (or the amount of bets won).

Almost the only game in which you can get a real mathematical advantage over the casino is a game of blackjack. People who accurately calculate the entire game are called counters. The basic rules for counting cards are described in this short article, as well as their main counting system - "Plus - Minus". Below are clear guidelines to help you learn how to count cards in blackjack.

What is card counting in blackjack?

How to correctly count cards in blackjack and beat the casino? The generator of any casino is set up in such a way that all draws of cards from the box in which the cards are (shoes) are a common simulation. After each hand, the system “shuffles” the decks.

Counting cards in Live casino

In many online casinos, cards are distributed by a live dealer in real time. Such games, as a rule, are in Live (live) casinos. Just in this case, you can count the cards and beat the casino. Seeing more cards coming out of the game and doing better scoring is most profitable at a table with a large number of players.

Empty free card count in live blackjack:

You can use the "Empty card count" option. For this you need:

  • Connect to a live blackjack table and start counting cards. In this case, do not start playing for real money.
  • Only when the deck becomes “hot” can you start placing bets.
  • You can start the game with a hot deck without spending money from your account.

Counting cards in the movie "Twenty-one":

In the popular movie Twenty-One, the players used the Plus-Minus scoring system, which I will discuss in more detail below. They even developed their own language of words and gestures to convey the necessary information. to your partner. Everything is elementary simple - the more cards came out of the deck, the easier it will be for us to predict the probability of the next desired card. It depends of course on memory, logic and luck.

21 points - popular card game , which is very successful in the best casinos in the world and in Russia in particular.

21 Point: general rules of the game

The 21 Point game is played with one deck of 36 cards. At the same time, from 2 to 10 players can gather at the gaming table, not including the banker. Each player is dealt two cards. The goal of the game 21 points is to collect such combination of cards, to total quantity points was as close as possible to the number 21, but did not exceed it.

21 Point online version: game rules

Banker in the online version of the game 21 The point is determined automatically, while the letter "B" appears near the dealer. In subsequent hands, the change of the banker occurs clockwise. The banker places a bet - the input amount that each participant in the game 21 Points online must bet to start. Distribution in the game takes place clockwise, starting with the player sitting to the left of the banker. The players have both cards face down, while the banker has bottom card closed, top open.

After the distribution, players make bets, the size of which cannot exceed the maximum limit. Starting with the participant sitting on the left, the banker starts a separate game with each player, getting cards from the deck. At the end of all moves, all cards are revealed and the results of the game 21 Points online are determined:

  • win- the number of points is greater than that of the other participants (including the banker), but does not exceed 21. If the player has two aces in his hands (regardless of their suit), he has a “golden point”.
  • losing– the smallest number of points among the participants or more than 21.

If the player loses, the player's bet goes into the pot. In case of a win, the player receives an amount equivalent to his initial bet in the game. 21 Point online play until the bank is completely broken or until the first "knock".

"Knock" in the game 21 points

In 21 Points, you can play either until the bank is completely empty, or until the moment when the amount of the bank exceeds the banker's bet by 3 times. This moment is called "knocking" and when it is announced, each participant can make any bet (no more than the bank). If he wins, all the money goes to him and the game ends with 21 points.

Scoring in 21 Points

View Dignity Price
1 or 11 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
10 points
9 points
8 points
7 points
6 points

Online game terminology 21 points

bank- Dealer.
Ante- the first (initial) rate.
hit- take another card.
stand/stay- No more cards needed.
Golden 21- "Golden point" in the scenario of two aces.
21 - point- at which the total number of points in the scenario is 21.
Knock- after which the last round is played and the banker is changed.

"Pontun" popular in Russia

The history of the game 21 points goes back to the middle of the 19th century, when a new card game called “Vingt-et-un” (which means 21) began to emerge in France. Over time, she received the more common name "Pontoon". In Russia, you can play Pontoon 21 Points for both virtual and real money, getting great pleasure and