Desires in the company of friends. What wish to make for a guy: list of the best options

    In general, the desire in a dispute is specified immediately, as they say, Let's bet on....., then the specified desires follow, which can be completely different in relation to the disputing people entering into an oral agreement.

    And so the essence of what is happening loses all meaning, since you can make a wish for anything, from a banal click, to paying for a tourist ticket to an orbital space station... Well, make a wish for her, for example, to radically change her hairstyle, and creatively, and maybe it will be beneficial, so how changing your image is sometimes beneficial for a person!

    For example, this one, I just love short haircuts on girls...!

    I would like to answer very vulgarly.

    If this girl is free from obligations to another man, then ask her to fulfill this desire: for you to give her cunnilingus.

    If she refuses, which is likely; then you laugh it off, say that you decided so for the sake of humor, and your desire will be for her to smile more often!

    If you don’t have a girlfriend/wife, then you can make fairly frank wishes, but not beyond what is permitted. For example, a two-hour massage.

    Dancing in the middle of the street to music can also be a serious test for a modest girl. In addition, you can make some adjustments to her appearance, for example, make a wish to wear black lipstick and black nail polish for a week. You can also ask the girl to cut her hair the way you want or dye her hair.

    Also, if it’s warm, you can ask to go outside in skis.

    Tell your most shameful secret.

    Kiss/hug a random passerby.

    Turn to people in a crowded elevator and say: You’re probably wondering why I gathered you here?

    Dance around the handrail on the bus.

    Walk around for one day in shoes that are put on incorrectly on your left and right feet.

    You can try to make a wish to walk around the city with a pillow in your hands, from point A to point B.

    I remember earlier someone made such a wish, the girl fulfilled it, but she was red with shame, especially when unfamiliar guys laughed.

    You can wish for a girl to bake you a grand cake: big, tasty, beautiful.

    Or you can ask her to come up with and organize some interesting surprise for you.

    Or wish for a girl to do something that she simply wouldn’t agree to do, but you would like it.

    Of course, first of all, when making a wish, you need to focus on your relationship with the girl. Maybe she’s your girlfriend, just an acquaintance or friend, or maybe it’s your first time in the same company.

    So, if a girl is simply attractive to you or she is your girlfriend, you can make a kiss, or make a wish to cook dinner or lunch for you.

    You can also wish for the girl to iron your clothes or wash them.

    You can wish for a massage, or you can wish for her to wear some bright makeup or something. dressed smartly or, on the contrary, put on a long skirt and scarf and walked like that for several hours.

    Or make a wish for her to buy you something inexpensive - beer or some kind of drink.

    You can tell her to cut her hair

    Yes, you can make wishes above the third eye.

    Options for what to wish the losing girl to do for the winner so that she can do it to him:

    Got my hair cut, shaved, manicured, pedicured, massaged, scratched behind the ear

    I knitted a scarf/socks/slippers/phone case, handkerchief, blanket for a laptop or smartphone.

    She sang a song, told a fairy tale or a terribly scary story, solved unsolvable problems, and explained step by step the essence of cooking scrambled eggs.

    I fed you three boxes of my favorite candies.

    Played Dota or Tanks with you for 5-6 hours

    Over the course of a week/month, Your Highness addressed you everywhere

    For a week, she should shake hands with everyone she meets.

    For a week, in any weather, I walked under an umbrella

    Inflated 100 balloons: red, blue, yellow, green (without time limit) at least for a year

    I spent the entire day/week wearing different sneakers.

    It all depends on who this girl is for you. If a friend, a friend, and you know that she will not be offended by you, and you laugh together at the fulfillment of this wish, then you can wish for anything. If you are afraid of offending a person, or this is a very vulnerable person, then you need to be careful with your desires, otherwise the relationship between you may deteriorate for a long time.

    For example, you can make a wish: wear a wig with colored hair all day at the institute, paint your nails some unusually bright or dark color, go to the store covered with a blanket, ask to take a photo with a stranger on the street (take a selfie), walk around with a painted mole all week lip, walk around with bright lipstick all week. It all depends on the situation and the dispute itself.

    It depends on what kind of girl you are and how you treat her and what argument she lost. I don’t think that a girl would be red with shame if she walked with a pillow from point A to point B, but if a girl covered herself with only one blanket, this would be a number.

A game of desire, one of the favorite pastimes of young people. Over the years, it has not lost its relevance, and even our grandmothers can boast that they once gave some orders to their male friends. But on the other hand, the question of what desires a guy can come up with has also not lost its relevance. And many girls, having agreed to such a game, begin to puzzle over how to puzzle their friend. Let’s try to think about this topic and come up with what to wish for a guy, depending on our plans for this person.

The guy bet his wish - what should he make?

Let's start with the fact that since the girl agreed to play at will, it means that she still has certain expectations from the young man. This is female nature - we will not communicate with those who are not interesting to us. This means that the very reason to make a wish for a guy should be beneficial for us. On the other hand, desire can be an excellent reason to take revenge on someone you don’t really like. Simply put, there are a great many options and situations. Therefore, a list of specific wishes for a guy should be made depending on your attitude towards him and your intentions. Let's try to figure them out.

1. If you like a guy and you wouldn’t mind continuing closer communication with him, your wish options could be the following:

  • ask him to write you a letter on his own behalf on the entire A4 sheet. This will let you know what your chances are of being in a relationship with this guy and how he feels about you. Even if your relationship does not work out in the future, you will have a wonderful memory of this moment;
  • let him ask you out on a date. This might be a good step to get you closer;
  • ask him to kiss you. This option is for those who really can’t stand it;
  • ask for a gift for yourself with all your heart. This is also a good way to check how he treats you.

2. What can you wish for a guy who is a close friend of yours?

  • you can save your desire until you need this person’s help (for example, to take you if you are late or to help you out in a difficult situation);
  • if you like one of your mutual acquaintances, wish that the friend who lost the argument would talk to this acquaintance about you, or invite him to take a walk with you;
  • if you don’t have a significant other, ask the bettor to introduce you to someone;
  • you can come up with a comic wish that is warm and friendly. For example, make you eat a lemon without sugar, confess your love to a local old lady, sing some pop song in the middle of the square, or go to the store in your underwear;
  • Another option that concerns friends is the desire for the bettor to surprise you with something. Sometimes this works well, given that the friend knows you well.

3. What wish should you make for the guy your friend likes? In this case, thoughts should go in only one direction. For example:

  • agree to go for a walk with this friend;
  • if a friend is sitting next to you or such a moment is expected, this guy should kiss her on a dare, or spend time with her. Perhaps something will come of this.

4. There are often situations when a bet is lost by an unfamiliar person who is indifferent to you, or you simply don’t know him well. What wish can you make for such a guy?

When thinking about what wish to make for a guy, try to proceed from your own interests. Perhaps you have a secret urge that you have been hiding from this person for so long. In this case, desire is almost your only chance to correct the situation. And remember, what you wish for should not be humiliating for a person. No matter how you feel about him, similar games, and any disputes are usually of a comic nature and do not lead to anything special. If your desire is not an attempt to get closer to a young man, transfer it to the category of original jokes. And let your imagination help you!

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for yourself and don’t forget to bookmark them. Forfeits is a well-known game that is suitable for large and fun company. Its roots go deep into history, and its name is translated from German as “pledge.”

The essence of the game is to complete the so-called tasks for forfeits. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will receive.

It is a mistake to believe that this is a game only for children. It's fun for adults to play too different ages. And this is a fact already proven by time.

3 Types of Games for Fanta

  • With the help of the leader. Players give the host any of their things, for example, jewelry, mobile phone, keys. The presenter puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as an ordinary hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?” The presenter comes up with a task for everyone for their forfeit. After finishing the game and completing all tasks, the item can go to its real owner.
  • The second version of the game is using cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you could do yourself. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and basic desires, for example, to jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Forfeits using matches. This type of game is unsafe, so you should not play this way with children. But still it takes place. The players light a regular match and pass it around to each other. The person who puts out the match must complete the task.

As you can see, play this game Can different ways. The main condition for a good party is good and slightly noisy company.

But how can you come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your aid. We have selected only the most interesting and funny forfeit tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, here are the 50 best fantasy tasks:

  1. Show some action without words, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a photo with all the players, but a mandatory condition is to put everyone in some original poses.
  3. Stuff your mouth full of corn pops, popcorn or candy. And then say something funny phrase. This is a good task for forfeits, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish them happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone, and then demonstratively lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a robe and sunglasses and go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best Fanta tasks in the summer, preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue cute mustaches and walk like this until the end of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto the balcony and shout: “People, I adore you all!”
  9. Show an athlete, animal, plant, stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Give free rein to your imagination and make delicious cocktails for your players.
  11. for an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget even once, start again.
  12. Give any player a nice haircut or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. IN winter time year, bring a snow woman from the street into the house. Possibly in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide for yourself.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. Pretend to be a foreigner for 10 minutes. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say non-funny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something using a pierced straw. If you pierce it well, it will be very difficult to do.
  21. Give yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. For 20 minutes, turn into a fairy-tale or cartoon creature.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without your hands. A good Fanta task, especially in a company where alcoholic beverages are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone has forgotten about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out a scene with the help of other players. For example, about how my husband returned early from a business trip.
  28. Perform a performance called “Blue Light”. Assign roles to other players yourself.
  29. Kiss your neighbor's knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Think of the best way to escape from prison. Don't be trivial.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins over the past couple of years.
  33. Tell me 10 times how great you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Draw a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go together at all. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. Burst balloon using your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Do a dance, such as the cancan, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen in your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread “yellow” and false news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady will be perfect.
  43. Propose marriage to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantic as possible.
  44. Place the tights on your head. Wear this hat with ears for the rest of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different objects by touch, blindfolded, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only pronounce the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in Dzhigurda style for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw a full eyebrow on yourself and sit there for the rest of the evening.
  50. Invite five people for a group slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

Young people playing various games and make vulgar wishes to each other as punishment for losing. To have a fun and unforgettable time, you need to know which vulgar wishes to make for a guy and which for a girl. If a girl likes a boy, then in this way you can get closer to your object of adoration and find emotional contact with the guy. For representatives of the opposite sex, this is a great chance to show their wit and win the girl’s affection.

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What can you ask girls to do?

List of vulgar wishes for girls:

  • Wear a bra over your regular clothes and walk down the street like that.
  • Ask a stranger for several condoms, if he says that he doesn’t have them, tearfully beg him to buy contraceptives at the nearest pharmacy.
  • Erotic movements or sexy dance in crowded places.
  • Jog to the nearest store in just your underwear.
  • Put the girl in an erotic pose and ask her to say some phrase in German.
  • Put on a nurse's costume and give the guy artificial respiration.
  • Tell a vulgar poem to a stranger.
  • Give a compliment on the topic of sexuality to a passing man.
  • It is very passionate and erotic to eat a banana while making languid sounds.
  • Go out onto the balcony or into the yard when people are passing by and show your breasts.
  • A man sits on a chair and places a piece of paper on his lap. The girl must break it without hands, sitting on the guy’s lap.
  • Search with passion. The guy needs to hide bills of different denominations all over his body, and the loser must find all the money.
  • Wet a T-shirt or T-shirt and put it on your naked body.
  • Cover the guy's belly with whipped cream and lick it off.
  • Take an erotic selfie and put it on your VKontakte avatar.
  • Put a hickey on a guy's neck.
  • Take off your panties and put on a tight dress. Walk like this all day.
  • Suck a big lollipop, making erotic movements with your head.
  • Get a relaxing massage while wearing only your underwear.
  • French kiss your girlfriend.
  • Persuade the first guy you meet to sleep with you, and when the young man agrees, slap him in the face and refuse him in a rude manner.

Another desire: call any mobile number and have hot phone sex, introducing yourself as a mysterious stranger.

Dirty questions for a guy

List of vulgar wishes for a boy:

  • Dance an erotic dance while wearing women's panties.
  • Go out onto the balcony and tell passersby about your sexual fantasies.
  • Walk to the store in family shorts and buy condoms there.
  • Feelings of the fifth point. You need to prepare various vegetables and fruits, place them one by one on a chair, and the guy must guess their names blindfolded, without touching the vegetables with his hands.
  • Go to the pool and swim naked.
  • Take a raw chicken egg and roll it under your trousers from one leg to the other so that the egg remains intact.
  • Wear women's stockings and pretend to be a drunk stripper.
  • Send an SMS with vulgar content to all numbers on your mobile phone.
  • Write a sign saying “I’m collecting for condoms” and collect 100 rubles from passers-by.

When choosing a desire, you need to take into account the guy’s age and moral principles, so as not to offend the young man or infringe on his dignity.