Age of conan game review. Review of Age of Conan: Unchained. And what about tomorrow

Classes in Age of Conan are divided into Archetypes. Archetypes are of the following types:

  • Warrior (Guardian, Dark Paladin, Conqueror)
  • Rogue (Assassin, Barbarian, Pathfinder)
  • Priest (Priest of Mitra, Shaman Bear, Servant of Set)
  • Mage (Demonologist, Necromancer, Herald of Xotli)
Each class has 3 branches of talents - a skill tree that is pumped in for points received when raising the character's level, at 80 lvl you will have 79 talent points available. An analogue of systems from Diablo 2, WoW, etc.
Each class has 2 unique branches corresponding to its class and one common branch corresponding to the archetype.

Archetype Warrior.

Guardian- a typical tank, can wear any armor from cloth to plate armor, has the highest armor and defense indicators in the game, uses a shield and one-handed (sword / club / ax) or polearm - a spear from weapons. Talent branches are divided into a branch with a spear and a branch with a shield and sword (Stormbearer and Juggernaut), the first is for dealing damage, the second is more suitable for tanking in raids and dungeons. It also has the highest hate modifier in PvE. In principle, you can tank in both branches and there are no strict instructions on how to invest talents (feats from the word feats), you can tank with a spear and with a shield, the main thing is to make the right build.

Conqueror- a warrior in heavy armor (in PvP the conqueror's armor is only heavy, in PvE only raid armor is heavy, Khitan - plate armor), with two-handed or two one-handed swords/axes/clubs. Feet branches are divided into Cutthroat and Brute, the first is for dealing damage, the second for tanking or causing damage because. universal. Compared to the guardian, the frames are stiffer here, and it will be difficult to tank using 2 swords.

A distinctive feature of the Conqueror are formations and disciplines, buffs acting on the group. Also, the conqueror is able to bring down all the armor and defense of the enemy, for this he has special skills. The damage is purely physical.

Dark paladin(DT - Dark Templar) - warrior-mage in heavy armor and with a shield or talisman and one-handed weapons. The only tank has mana and magic attacks. The key "features" of the class are Covenants - buffs that are applied only to DT and give it various bonuses in the form of health transfer, weapon damage, protection from magic, armor, etc. DTs also have Auras - buffs for the group that give healing or little damage. The dark paladin specializes in dealing unholy magic damage, not weapon damage. His feat branches are Corruption and Desecration, the first being defensive, the second being offensive. Of all the warriors, only the DT can use magical talismans, and the characteristic that gives him magic damage is wisdom. When using a talisman and pumping the appropriate feats, DTs have new ways to deal damage.

Rogue archetype.

Assassin- A melee warrior armed with twin daggers and dressed in woven armor. In terms of armor, he is the weakest of all the robbers. But the strength of the Assassin is not in the armor, but in his ability to deal massive damage in a short period of time and hide in the shadows. Assassin's stealth attacks deal increased damage, critical strike chances, and crit power are the highest of any class in AoS. Also in feats, the assassin has skills that give him almost complete protection from magic when hit by magic crit and other feats that allow him to defend himself from magic or evade blows. Assassin is a typical anti-mage warrior.

Pathfinder- a typical archer, armed with a bow or crossbow, able to set traps, track opponents (shown on the minimap), when attacking from stealth, stuns the target for 10 seconds, wears medium armor. It is a fairly simple class to learn, because his skills do a lot of damage and the number of traps allows you to prevent enemies from reaching him. can also use sword and dagger or sword and shield and fight in close combat.

Archetype Priest.

Priest of Mitra- A follower of the god Mithra, using holy magic to destroy the infidels. It has a large set of useful buffs and is in the first place in terms of treatment. In Age of Conan, all priests can deal damage and are independent units. They do not need the help of party members in pumping as in some other games. The Priest of Mitra is universal and brings the same benefit to both warriors and mages. Wears light armor, but thanks to a number of skills it can compete with a tank.

Shaman Bear- A melee priest wearing medium armor and armed with a two-handed club or hammer. Able to knock down enemy armor, best suited for a group of warriors. Its feature is Manifestations - skills that act on the priest himself in a small radius and Runes that act on his group and increase attack, defense, restore life, etc. For magicians, Shaman Bear has almost no useful skills. Shaman himself has good damage and survivability, and is an excellent fighter. The damage is not inferior to the Barbarian.

see also

Servant of Set- the most unprotected of the priests, carries a shield and a dagger, or a talisman or two talismans or a spear. the only one of the priests has splash damage (AoE), is also able to place idols that damage enemies and heal allies. All Servant's damage is electrical. Has a set of useful skills, such as a mana transfer buff for the whole group. Will be a very useful member of a mage group. It can also deal damage at a distance if feats are invested in another branch, but this requires a certain knowledge of the class.

Archetype Mag.

Demonologist- A magician who uses fire and electrical attacks to destroy enemies. His companion is a summoned demon - a seductive half-naked girl Succubus or a horned Incubus. In total, the demonologist has several different types demons, from simple soldiers to warlords, each of which has its own buffs and attacks. The demonologist is able to burn out entire areas in front of him, rush faster than the wind with the help of a speed demon, go to another dimension to defend himself from enemy attacks. If you love chaos and destruction this class is for you.

interesting online games a, which was developed by the famous studio Funcom. This game, after the long-awaited release, gained such huge popularity among the players that in a few months it was among the top most popular MMORPG games in the West. In the game Age of Conan Unchained, the gamer will meet the mighty hero Conan, will be able to take part in grandiose epic battles, where it will capture enemy fortresses and castles. The most distinctive features of this wonderful game are beautiful and realistic graphics, wonderful sound effects and innovative game play.

The plot of the game

The game will take place in fantasy world hunters, where characters from books and films live. The heroes in the game do whatever their heart desires, fish and hunt, work and go about their daily business, gradually going to the top of fame and fortune.

Character Creation

At the beginning gameplay the player will have to create his own powerful character, a huge selection of ready-made features and tools will help any player create their own unique hero. The player must choose the weight, adjust the physique of his character, deal with the hairstyle, etc. Also, in addition to the distinctive features, the player will have to choose special and basic skills for his hero, determine the skills and fighting qualities. The player is given three main factions to choose from: Chimerian, Aquilonian and Stygian, before joining one or another faction, the player must think carefully, as the future faction will change the entire specialization of the hero and his future fate.

In Age of Conan Unchained, hitting the big game card, the player will first have to complete exciting and interesting solo tasks, but when the player character reaches a certain level, then he will need to look for a group to complete some tasks, as the quests and tasks will become harder as the game progresses. When the player joins a group, he will be able to complete more difficult tasks and go to terrible places where he can find unique artifacts and excellent equipment.

As the game progresses, the player can also join various guilds, for joint passage games. By joining the guild, the player will be able, together with his team, to storm and capture fortresses and castles, fight in exciting modes and engage in crafting. To increase the abilities of his character, the player will have to complete a set of interesting tasks and quests. Also, as the character develops, the player can train his character in various professions that will bring financial benefits in the future. Peculiarity Age games of Conan is that the player strikes his opponents without a target, you can attack anyone just by swinging your weapon, the weapon control resembles the well-known Gothic. Also, the player can buy various mounts, horses, mammoths and rhinos. After the twentieth level, the player will open additional features, participate in raids, join guilds, learn professions and extract expensive resources.

Undoubtedly, the game MMORPG Age of Conan Unchained will please many players and fans of Robert Howard. Only in this game the gamer will have to visit the world of the famous hero Conan. Choose one of three nationalities and become a fearless barbarian of Cimmeria, a valiant inhabitant of Aquilonia, or be in the shoes of an insidious Stygian. A diverse number of character classes will please any gamer, the player can become a shaman, a herald of death, an assassin, a mercenary and a ranger. All classes are unique and by choosing one or another class, the player will choose his own unique style and manner of playing.

Classes in Age of Conan are divided into Archetypes. Archetypes are of the following types:

  • Warrior (Guardian, Dark Paladin, Conqueror)
  • Rogue (Assassin, Barbarian, Pathfinder)
  • Priest (Priest of Mitra, Shaman Bear, Servant of Set)
  • Mage (Demonologist, Necromancer, Herald of Xotli)
Each class has 3 branches of talents - a skill tree that is pumped in for points received when raising the character's level, at 80 lvl you will have 79 talent points available. An analogue of systems from Diablo 2, WoW, etc.
Each class has 2 unique branches corresponding to its class and one common branch corresponding to the archetype.

Archetype Warrior.

Guardian- a typical tank, can wear any armor from cloth to plate armor, has the highest armor and defense indicators in the game, uses a shield and one-handed (sword / club / ax) or polearm - a spear from weapons. Talent branches are divided into a branch with a spear and a branch with a shield and sword (Stormbearer and Juggernaut), the first is for dealing damage, the second is more suitable for tanking in raids and dungeons. It also has the highest hate modifier in PvE. In principle, you can tank in both branches and there are no strict instructions on how to invest talents (feats from the word feats), you can tank with a spear and with a shield, the main thing is to make the right build.

Conqueror- a warrior in heavy armor (in PvP the conqueror's armor is only heavy, in PvE only raid armor is heavy, Khitan - plate armor), with two-handed or two one-handed swords/axes/clubs. Feet branches are divided into Cutthroat and Brute, the first is for dealing damage, the second for tanking or causing damage because. universal. Compared to the guardian, the frames are stiffer here, and it will be difficult to tank using 2 swords.

A distinctive feature of the Conqueror are formations and disciplines, buffs acting on the group. Also, the conqueror is able to bring down all the armor and defense of the enemy, for this he has special skills. The damage is purely physical.

Dark paladin(DT - Dark Templar) - warrior-mage in heavy armor and with a shield or talisman and one-handed weapons. The only tank has mana and magic attacks. The key "features" of the class are Covenants - buffs that are applied only to DT and give it various bonuses in the form of health transfer, weapon damage, protection from magic, armor, etc. DTs also have Auras - buffs for the group that give healing or little damage. The dark paladin specializes in dealing unholy magic damage, not weapon damage. His feat branches are Corruption and Desecration, the first being defensive, the second being offensive. Of all the warriors, only the DT can use magical talismans, and the characteristic that gives him magic damage is wisdom. When using a talisman and pumping the appropriate feats, DTs have new ways to deal damage.

Rogue archetype.

Assassin- A melee warrior armed with twin daggers and dressed in woven armor. In terms of armor, he is the weakest of all the robbers. But the strength of the Assassin is not in the armor, but in his ability to deal massive damage in a short period of time and hide in the shadows. Assassin's stealth attacks deal increased damage, critical strike chances, and crit power are the highest of any class in AoS. Also in feats, the assassin has skills that give him almost complete protection from magic when hit by magic crit and other feats that allow him to defend himself from magic or evade blows. Assassin is a typical anti-mage warrior.

Pathfinder- a typical archer, armed with a bow or crossbow, able to set traps, track opponents (shown on the minimap), when attacking from stealth, stuns the target for 10 seconds, wears medium armor. It is a fairly simple class to learn, because his skills do a lot of damage and the number of traps allows you to prevent enemies from reaching him. can also use sword and dagger or sword and shield and fight in close combat.

Archetype Priest.

Priest of Mitra- A follower of the god Mithra, using holy magic to destroy the infidels. It has a large set of useful buffs and is in the first place in terms of treatment. In Age of Conan, all priests can deal damage and are independent units. They do not need the help of party members in pumping as in some other games. The Priest of Mitra is universal and brings the same benefit to both warriors and mages. He wears light armor, but thanks to a number of skills he can compete with a tank.

Shaman Bear- A melee priest wearing medium armor and armed with a two-handed club or hammer. Able to knock down enemy armor, best suited for a group of warriors. Its feature is Manifestations - skills that act on the priest himself in a small radius and Runes that act on his group and increase attack, defense, restore life, etc. For magicians, Shaman Bear has almost no useful skills. Shaman himself has good damage and survivability, and is an excellent fighter. The damage is not inferior to the Barbarian.

see also Guide to the Shaman Bear class

Servant of Set- the most unprotected of the priests, carries a shield and a dagger, or a talisman or two talismans or a spear. the only one of the priests has splash damage (AoE), is also able to place idols that damage enemies and heal allies. All Servant's damage is electrical. Has a set of useful skills, such as a mana transfer buff for the whole group. Will be a very useful member of a mage group. It can also deal damage at a distance if feats are invested in another branch, but this requires a certain knowledge of the class.

Archetype Mag.

Demonologist- A magician who uses fire and electrical attacks to destroy enemies. His companion is a summoned demon - a seductive half-naked girl Succubus or a horned Incubus. In total, the demonologist has several different types of demons, from simple soldiers to military leaders, each of which has its own buffs and attacks. The demonologist is able to burn out entire areas in front of him, rush faster than the wind with the help of a speed demon, go to another dimension to defend himself from enemy attacks. If you love chaos and destruction this class is for you.

The hype around the release of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures has a number of completely objective reasons. The most obvious lie on the surface. Firstly, this game is based on the ferocious brutal world of Conan, created by the imagination of Robert Howard. Secondly, this is really the most beautiful MMORPG of our time. Read all the details in our review.


The hype around the exit has a number of completely objective reasons. The most obvious lie on the surface. Firstly, this is a game based on the ferocious brutal world of Conan, created by the fantasy of Robert Howard (more precisely, according to his specific book - “The Hour of the Dragon”). Secondly, this is really the most beautiful MMORPG of our time. But there are other circumstances that escalated the situation around the release. funcom, moving away from the quests, suddenly decided, if not to turn, then at least pretty shake up the genre of mass onlineRPG. They didn't get everything, but a lot...

Solitary joy

Almost the main intrigue was connected with the desire funcom the first in the world to offer a sane and really interesting mix of single and multiplayer modes. And although the authors had to correct the initial plans for the depth and duration of the story campaign after the beta test, the single not only remained, but offered us a rather interesting, fascinating story. The absence of such in online role-playing games, as you know, is perhaps the main argument of supporters of single-player RPGs. In this situation funcom made an ingenious in its simplicity and very elegant move that opens up new opportunities for the entire MMORPG genre, allowing it to attract a completely new audience. Up to level 20, the game locks you on the island, which is a paradise for "loners". Entering the tavern and agreeing to move "into the night" will take you to an exclusive single player campaign quest area. There are no other players here (as during the day), but there is a story that revolves only around you. The plot about finding oneself, about self-determination as a whole is catchy, despite the fact that the lion's share of the tasks comes down to the mass genocide of opponents. This is facilitated by a lot of bright characters, good videos on the engine and branched dialogues, where there is a real choice of answers, sometimes opening up various ways to solve quests.

All this, coupled with chic graphics full of life, colors and details, as well as great music creates an atmosphere of presence. You believe in this world, you want to live in it, you want to return to it. It is also important that the authors managed to convey the specific spirit of the Conan universe: all these vulgarly seductive women, brutal men, gloomy temples.

The story doesn't end on the starting island. offers a fairly long, epic odyssey, which always has a couple of important assignments for the player, including even a meeting with Conan himself. At the same time, amazingly, for each of the three nationalities represented in the game, the authors came up with their own scenario: a single thing even for full-fledged single-player RPGs.

Second unique innovation - of course, combat system.Proekt offers something between a banal zaklikivatsya with the use of special abilities and rollicking slasher. The closest analogue is . We strike normally, but in certain moment(when we activate some skill or special move) the game will ask you to press a certain key or a combination of them at the time so that the hero has a juicy combo. But that's not all. Here you can strike from different directions: left, right and center. You need to vary them depending on which side the enemy is most defenseless. He, in turn, changes the level of protection of his front and flanks, which is displayed by the corresponding stripes around the body.

FROMconstruction weekdays

But the main thing in is not quests, the plot and the combat system, but the actual communication with thousands of other players, PvP mode, guilds, joint raids to destroy especially large bosses, capture castles and other MMORPG joys. After the first 20 levels on the starting island, we are released into the expanses of Highborea, where the real online life begins. The important thing is that the player in it can maintain their own uniqueness. funcom came up with one of the most extensive character generation systems, supplementing it with a rich selection of different classes. The appearance of your alter is amenable to total customization - from the height and length of the hair to the degree of arching of the eyebrows and the set of the eyes. Plus, there are a bunch of tattoos for all occasions.

Particular emphasis is placed on PvP, which is facilitated by a juicy combat system: I really want to try out all these interactive combos on a live player. However, it all depends on the choice of the server: on PvE servers, you can only be killed in duels, and not anywhere, as in the PvP mode. PVE-RP servers were also promised, where there are extended rules for role-playing games for those who like to think through the history of the character and play the role. But they are still not very noticeable.

In addition to PvP, it focuses on the construction of cities and castles. This can be done by the most powerful guilds that have reached level 24 of development. Own castles give the guild bonuses, but also require huge time and resource costs. Starting from level 20, the player has the opportunity to get a profession from special trainers, which allows you to extract resources that are so necessary during construction: stone, iron, wood, etc.

Of course, not everything in the game is perfect. The interface causes complaints, there are various bugs and graphic artifacts that funcom, however, intensively patches almost daily updates and patches. Mistakes that spoil life at high levels cause a particularly painful reaction: either reclaimed castles do not give the promised bonuses, or materials, recipes and objects disappear without a trace during the construction of cities, or the location with the first ultra-powerful boss hangs. But the main thing that is now expected from the authors is the creation of full-fledged content for high-level players. Having reached the limit of development and saddling some kind of cattle (in addition to horses, it can be a rhinoceros and even a mammoth), they turn into sad, detached observers, staring blankly at low-level players swarming under their feet with quests in their teeth.

This is definitely an event. The first serious alternative. A huge, alluring, beautiful, brutal world in which you really want to live. But to live in it became better, to live in it became more fun, funcom still need to work. And, most importantly, they don't mind at all.

Other game titles Age of Conan: Edge of Conan, Age of Conan: Unchained.

game type: Client

Status: Game started

Distribution Model: Free, Free-to-Play (F2P)

The presence of the Russian language in the game: Yes, the game has Russian language

Steam gamers in game: Approximately 51 gamers are currently playing Age of Conan: Unchained via Steam!

Popular tags on Steam: free game, mmo, role-playing game, action, adventure, mmorpg, multiplayer

Find out more details about the MMORPG Age of Conan: Unchained, this page provides an overview of this free online game, as well as screenshots (36 screenshots), video materials, trailers, gameplay videos, announcements (3 videos), release date, game rating, system requirements , dates of MBT, CBT and other useful and interesting materials on game project Age of Conan: Unchained collected in one place.

The client online game Age of Conan: Unchained is a mixture of MMORPG, Adventure, Action genres, developed by Funcom, the game is available in Russian, this project has many features that are interesting to players, among them open world, in Russian, from a third person, it should be noted that the online game Age Of Conan can be downloaded for free, which means you can start playing immediately after installation.

What gaming publications, critics and gamers say about Age of Conan: Unchained:

  • gaming publications and critics on Metacritic rated Age of Conan: Unchained positively, with an average overall score of 80 out of 100 points, such good games quite a few;
  • many gamers liked the game, 7.2 out of 10, such an average score from Metacritic users who published their reviews of the game;
  • mostly players on steam recommend this game, more than 1327 positive reviews!

All this means that regardless of preferences, this game is better for every gamer to try, especially since Age of Conan: Unchained is distributed on Free-to-Play, that is, for free.

Review of the online game Age of Conan: Unchained in the MMORPG genre

Game events unfold in the fantasy universe of the Heyborian era, based on the works of the writer Robert Howard. In the CIS countries, the works about Conan the Barbarian are most famous.

The combat system in the game is made wisely, the battles look very realistic and spectacular (especially PvP battles). The game also has the ability to fight on horseback. The plot is very elaborate and canonical. The age rating of the game is 18+, which means that we will not see bored cartoon characters and rainbows. Blood, severed limbs and just a fountain of brutality gives us Age of Conan.

Age of Conan: Unchained system requirements

Below are the minimum system requirements for the game Age of Conan, if the computer meets these requirements or better, then the game should run at an acceptable level of frames per second on low graphics settings. If the computer is slightly inferior in performance, then it is worth trying to still run Age of Conan: Unchained.

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 or better
  • CPU: 3Ghz Pentium IV or better
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 5800 or ATI 9800 or better
  • Free disk space: 30 GB
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Internet connection: Broadband internet connection

Also check out the full minimum and recommended system requirements for the free game Age of Conan, before installing, find out how much the game weighs and will take up space on your computer (PC).

How many people are currently playing Age of Conan: Unchained?

This game is currently (2019.08.03 04:00) played by approximately 51 gamers via Steam. You just need to remember that the number of players online often changes very much during the day, come here often, check how many players are online and playing Age of Conan: Unchained right now.

Please note that it happens that released online games are available not only through Steam, but also through third-party playgrounds, as well as on other gaming platforms, Xbox, PlayStation, so there may be even more players online! And of course, we must not forget that most often there are separate servers for different regions.

Stream Age of Conan: Unchained Now!

Past streams:

Video of Age of Conan

The video is one of the convenient ways to learn about game news and new Age of Conan: Unchained updates, to see firsthand what developers and localizers have prepared for their players, fresh content, analysis of changes, best cases for pumping, development, new game events, as well as often publishers and developers hold various competitions with gifts, and talk about the conditions in video news. It is better to learn about all this through the Video section.

Gameplay online game Age of Conan: Unchained (Full HD, Ultra Graphics)

2018.06.04 260 1 1 0

Gameplay of online games in the MMORPG genre Age of Conan: Unchained / Age Of Conan, Full HD / 1080p60, graphics settings in Ultra mode.Gameplay client game MMORPG Age of Conan: Unchained.

Screenshots of the online game Age of Conan

A few screenshots from the game for a quick visual assessment, but do not rush to conclusions, the first impression can be deceiving, take a look, study the details of the interface, open the screenshots in full screen and try to feel the atmosphere of Age of Conan: Unchained. Don't chase second impressions, the devil is in the details, this is especially true for complex online games and hardcore genres. More screenshots can be found in the Screenshots section.

Download on PC and start playing Age of Conan: Unchained for free

Compare the characteristics of your computer with system requirements Age of Conan games? Checked free place on the computer and found out how much the game weighs? Familiarized with the materials on the game? Don't delay and start playing Age of Conan for free right now! Press the button Start playing and immerse yourself in the game world age of Conan: Unchained.