Therion saga walkthrough. A detailed guide to the mechanics of the combat system in Therian Saga. What is needed for individual satellite work

"What are you going to eat for me?" The famous question of Vovka from the Kingdom of Far Far Away would also be suitable for a computer Therian Saga.

The project is asynchronous, which means that the character continues to act when the gamer leaves online.

Moreover, as in "Vovka in distant kingdom"there were three from the casket, so in Therian Saga You can have multiple characters at once.

They will run in parallel, performing in the absence of the "owner" the tasks given to them, pumping themselves.

Review of Therian Saga

The game multiplayer with elements of RTS, that is, real-time strategy. It was developed by Virtys specialists.

This Canadian company was founded in 2003. Its employees filled the project with fantasy elements, giving them out in portions.

Around the world Therian Saga orcs, dwarves and elves do not run, as in other MMOs. But, there are still some characters from myths.

Not a word about them at the start. Ordinary sea, ordinary ship, a common person on it is the protagonist of the gamer. The hero goes to a distant continent.

There was a cataclysm on it. The land has been empty for a long time. But, now the territories are ready to accept adventurers.

Starting location serves as Hope Island. From it, the players sail to a distant continent. There is a partial linearity of events in the port.

This is necessary to teach the newcomer the basics of the project. On the other side, linearity is completely absent.

The player is free to go where he wants and do what he wants. Someone has a career. Others focus on leveling up skills.

Still others prefer to go to Therian Saga all quests, most of which require logical thinking, ingenuity.

Skills in Therian Saga has a lot to do with the ability to create something. This adds another characteristic to the genre of the project - the "sandbox".

In the game, everything is mined and everything is produced. A shield, for example, will be made by a blacksmith. Miners will extract the ore for the product. Moreover, the characteristics of the finished product depend on the type of raw material.

You can make a beautiful, but fragile shield of gold. Such an item will affect the prestige of the hero. A copper product can protect it.

By the way, the operating time also depends on the type of raw material. With something, the master can handle faster, but with something he can tinker with order.

The list of professions in MMO does not end with blacksmiths and miners. Initially, choose a broad specialization.

You can go into the woodworking industry, become a designer, work with stone, metal, study flora and fauna. Once in production conditions, you choose a narrow specialty.

Among those working with stone, for example, there are not only miners, but also masonry masters and cutters.

The sphere of fauna gives work to trainers, hunters and breeders. In the woodworking business there is a place for shipbuilders, lumberjacks and carpenters.

By Therian Sagaguides indicate the 7th branch - science. It implies a long training, intellectual work, therefore it is not issued at the start of the MMO.

You can become a scientist higher levels. Not available to beginners and skills. There are 5 of them: defense, exploration of the world, communication, movement, attack.

In general, as in real life, "babies" are not allowed to work with "adults". You need to develop and prove to others that you have become a real person.

Features of Therian Saga

pumping characters is not possible without energy. This is a resource spent on completing tasks. Replenish spent energy with the help of cookies and sleep.

The only thing that the resource is not spent on is movement. Due to the lack of animation, it is not the hero himself who moves in space, but only the icon.

The fights in the project are also devoid of animation, reduced to visual effects. The fight mode is turn-based. This is where the element of strategy comes into play.

Reminds me of Fight Club. In this 2000s, too, turn-based combat, and the animation is reduced to text lines.

The battles of the project take place mainly in the dungeons. Classic PvE is implemented here. There is also the possibility of PvP, that is, battles between real.

Some of them manage to rebuild entire villages and cities. Rob, kill and ... be an outcast. Brawlers are not honored in the project. Therian Saga- "house" for those who seek to create, not destroy.

There are, apparently, quite a few in France and Canada. It is in these countries that MMOs are most popular.

Users are attracted by the lack of a standard level system. Pumping consists in learning from the masters and personal practice.

So, tailors start by sewing hats and scarves. After that, the manufacture of complex models is mastered, whether it be camisoles, puffy dresses, or blouses.

The era of the Middle Ages is described, which means that fashion is welcomed from the dark ages.

In addition to the chosen specialization, it is often necessary to master related ones. It broadens your horizons and makes quests educational.

Yes, in Therian Sagaore may be needed to create a magical sword. Suppose a quest giver orders to find a suitable breed.

But, first you need to find a quarry on the map. The target is not marked with special crosses. Safe access to the field will not work without knowledge of cartography.

If you find a mine, you will have to improve mineralogy, because you need to choose the best raw materials. In general, you don’t randomly bring down mobs, as in other RPGs, but you improve, you learn.

Learning does not interfere with the passage Therian Saga. leadership in will allow to achieve knowledge of some secrets and, of course, readiness for certain events.

Therian Saga Walkthrough

Browser. To start go to Therian Saga en. Russian servers for the project, so far, 4. For preliminary information, you can contact Therian Saga Wiki.

This is Wikipedia, which has absorbed the basic information about popular MMOs. However, the Wiki does not focus on project progression.

Meanwhile, already in the first task called "Mushroom Cave" we are waiting for "a terrible and mustachioed cockroach". He, as Korney Chukovsky wrote, had already subdued the animals.

Now, attacking people. You can repel the attack with 3 types of blows. Penetrating, chopping and blunt impacts are available. Pay attention to the numbers. They indicate the strength of each blow.

You need to destroy the giant cockroach in order to find the NPC lost in the cave. For saving a system character, they will give a healing potion and a block of limestone.

From the latter, you can make, for example, improved cement for your home. You just need to get the recipe from Therian Saga.

Walkthrough The project is accompanied by a search for a lot of recipes. Without them, you can't sew, you can't cook soup, you can't pave the way.

Remember that you can achieve a goal using different skills. For example, you need to open the door. Engineering skill will help you pick the lock.

Want to kick down the door? Use the skill of blunt blows. If the strength of a companion is pumped, resort to his services.

Companions in the project are both people and animals. satellites in Therian Saga take blows on themselves, help collect something, explore locations.

However, the companions have only two bands representing vitality. You have 6 such bands. So, when operating a satellite, remember that it is more vulnerable.

The ally does not require special pumping, it improves in parallel with the main character. The title of chief obliges a lot.

So sign up for Therian Saga and prove to the inhabitants virtual world that is not without reason called the leader.

successful Walkthrough Therian Saga you will be provided with knowledge game secrets and nuances, some of them you will find in our knowledge base. Initial task at the beginning of the passage gameplay- Create your own character.

Creation of a squad, satellites

As soon as your character is ready, he begins his exciting journey through the game world alone. But this is only the beginning of the passage. In this game project, you have all the possibilities of creating your own squad by accepting several satellites.

There are three types of companions in Therian Saga.

  • People. To hire them, you need the "leadership" skill. Also, for their presence in your squad, you will need "respect points".
  • Animals. To tame them, you need the skill "training". Also, for their presence in your squad, you will need "attention points".
  • Livestock animals. To tame them, you need the "animal husbandry" skill in the "bestiary", and for their presence in your squad you will need "attention points".

What benefits do

  • With each companion, the knowledge that each of them possesses is added to your squad.
  • Some companions have combat skills. They take part in battles with you.
  • Having acquired and equipped your own home, it is possible to leave one of the companions at home, where he works independently.

How many companions can be hired in a squad

You can hire a maximum of four companions (humans and animals) in your squad. It is also possible to expand the detachment to eight. This will require a special item, which can be purchased in the in-game store for crowns.

How to develop a companion

Each of the companions has their own specific skills, such as combat skills, terrain knowledge, crafting and social (like leadership, and so on) skills (humans only). Being in the ranks of your squad, the companion adds his skills to yours only if you are engaged in the corresponding activity.

Satellite activities separate from you

This game project provides that your companions perform certain tasks, regardless of whether you are nearby or not. While you are doing your own business, the companion can work in your home. You have the opportunity to assign a task for the same or different work to several companions at the same time in the same house or in several houses.

There are certain restrictions for satellites:

  • It is possible to use only mining skills: logging, prospecting, ore mining, hunting, gardening, archeology, trade, botany and espionage. He cannot create items.
  • Companion's skill level must match mining.
  • It is necessary to know the terrain of the satellite, which one does not matter.
  • Students cannot have separate works from you.
  • Also, animals do not have jobs separate from you.

Only those satellites that are endowed with the “interest” parameter can be sent to individual jobs.

Hero Restrictions

  • Requires a skill level that allows the companion to mine.
  • The skill level must be sufficient to start mining the resource. Given the lack of a sufficient level, it is necessary to pump or get the best tool, or take a satellite with which it is possible to extract this resource.
  • If at the time of the start of production necessary resource the skill is in sufficient quantity, but after the satellite was sent for its extraction, it became not enough, then you should not worry in this case, the satellite will calmly extract the resource.

What is needed for individual satellite work

First of all, you need to equip your site:

  • the location of your site - the area where the necessary resource is mined;
  • it is necessary to build a mining mechanism on the site in accordance with the profession;
  • a building is needed on the site, for example, a rural house, a tent, a tavern or a hut that will satisfy the interests of the satellite: prestige and comfort. Such interests can only satisfy non-residential buildings. Example: to build a dig site you need a tower (gives prestige), and to build a shop you need a counter and decoration (gives comfort and prestige). If you take a better tower, then you can fully satisfy the interests of the workers in this area, while the construction of a tent or other residential building is not at all necessary.

Having opened the tab of the mining building, you need to select a companion in the squad, and then select the extraction of the desired resource.

  • The companion must have a skill level that allows him to mine this resource.
  • The work of the satellite must be paid. You need to pay for each mining cycle. The amount of payment depends entirely on the extracted resource.
  • The satellite has a mining speed that is three times lower than yours.

More useful information You can read about companions in the Therian Saga knowledge base by downloading it from the link below.

Combat mechanics

Basics of combat confrontations

Before embarking on combat battles, it is worth getting acquainted with the basics of the combat system, which will help you take part in combat confrontations more successfully.

Each unit has its own three types of damage (and defense as well). During the strike, the unit uses only one of them, and this may not necessarily be the maximum. It could be that type of damage that makes a big difference when deducting the corresponding defense number of the opponent. For example, during a 45-40-35 "blunt-penetrating-slashing" attack against a 40-20-50 defense, piercing damage is used.

In one battle, about four of his allies can take part simultaneously with the hero. Of course, they must have combat characteristics. An enemy squad can consist of a maximum of eight combat units. At the same time, each of the units can only be hit by three others in one turn. This ability is limited to three round attack cells next to the icon of each of the units.

This restriction does not allow all satellites to hit one enemy combat unit at the same time. If there are four or more enemy units, it is worth remembering that only the first three can attack your hero, the next ones inflict damage on your companion, who is the first to follow the hero.

It should be noted that this situation has positive side. To understand it, you need the following knowledge: if you were hiding behind your companion, then when he dies, all further strikes intended for him are canceled automatically.


During a hard fight, where you have more than four enemies, which during the first move will definitely destroy your first unit, for example, a battle with the boss and his minions. In this case, it is better to put a satellite in the first cell, with which you can cover your hero from the first attacks of the enemy. The attack of the first three enemy units will always be directed at the hero, and accordingly at the satellite covering him, and most likely he will be killed immediately. For the remaining three combat units of the enemy, the attack will be directed at the same first companion of yours, which will already be killed by this moment, and, accordingly, the attack of the remaining enemy units will be canceled and none of your team will receive any more damage.

At first glance, it may seem that all this is somehow a little confusing, but using this tactic, you will quickly realize that it gives you a great advantage in combat. The main thing you need to remember is that in PvE, enemy units always attack in turn, three hits each. The only exceptions are opponents with "intelligence". All attacking actions that are already directed at your killed unit are completely canceled, and are not transferred in any way. At the same time, it is worth remembering that this principle also works in your direction, that is, there is no point in hitting an almost dead unit with all three attack cells, with the exception of certain cases.


Starting with going through rather serious Lanfar dungeons, some enemies have various buff icons located near their icons.

The main ones

  • Protection- Damage received by this unit is significantly reduced.
  • Power- The damage dealt by this unit is much higher than it should be when attacking it. This is the only buff that can be killed with one hit, without it, even if you have an attack of 60+ on the very minimum defense with 100 damage, you still won’t be able to hit more.
  • Intelligence- can be attributed to the most unpleasant buff, which allows you to strike at the most vulnerable unit to its attacks. Combining it with power, you can unexpectedly demolish the enemy at the first blow of any of your companions.

A certain number may be written near the buff, but it may also not be. If there is a number, you know how many moves this buff will end. If there is no such number, it means that this buff is permanent. Depending on this, it is necessary to build your strategy, for example, to protect a vulnerable satellite from an enemy unit with the intelligence of your hero, try to quickly destroy this unit with your help and wait a bit for the time when the protection from the third enemy unit drops.

It is worth noting that similar debuffs can also be found in Falconia low dungeons, which work similarly to a buff, only exactly the opposite. In this way, you can destroy with one blow a mob that has a shield icon and a minus on the icon.

Turn order

Regarding which units attack in what order, there is a dependence on the difference between the attack and defense of the units that collided in the battle. Simply put, it is a unit that must hit harder than its opponent and attack first. The spread factor is not taken into account.


If your hero or any other companion does not take any action during the battle, then he is blocked (a shield icon appears nearby). This means that the damage dealt to him is greatly reduced (30%). It follows from this that the "tanking" unit is in no way suitable for the offensive.

Hit chances, damage, block, armor

There are no exact formulas for calculating damage and hit chances in the game. It is worth noting that the damage calculations for the hero and other combat units are different.

Calculating damage to units can be quite simple - the hit falls with equal chances in one of the two bars when the attack is equal to or less than the defense. The damage will be somewhere around seven - fourteen. In other cases, the damage increases in proportion to the attack, the formula for this, of course, is not known. Accordingly, you will not be able to destroy an enemy combat unit just like that from the first blow, regardless of the type of attack.

At the same time, if there is protection, which is much more than an attack, less than six to seven times the damage will not be cut, but at the same time the chances of dodging (blocking) increase significantly. If the difference is somewhere around 50, then the chances of blocking will be 100%. Similar calculations occur in the direction of the chances of hitting with an attack. Moreover, accuracy also depends on the knowledge of accuracy. Chance to hit or block increases to 15% at a certain difference.

How to protect health bars

With the protection of the hero, unlike companions, things are much more complicated. He has six health bars. Of course, it is he who is the priority for "tanking", since he has much less chances to lean back, and the HP that was removed can always be healed after the battle. Only in this case, the calculation system is completely different.

Of course, you can disagree with this and try to argue on this score. Only this system has been repeatedly tested on the experience of many players. Simple manipulations with objects will help you see for yourself.

The protection of each health bar lies on one of the six pieces of armor and only on them. The influence of the general protection in the parameters of the hero affects the chances of dodging or blocking, but no more. If one of the six parts of your hero's armor is significantly worse than the rest, then this strip will deal much more damage than the rest.

How to protect the health bars of the "hands"

Balancing sagging protection from either-what type of damage in a helmet with a high degree of protection with gloves will not work. Armor should be matched with maximum balance, for example, 46-46-42. If your armor is not balanced, for example, 47-47-34, then you will get quite hurt in such a “hole”. Therefore, saving on some of the parts is not worth it, this will affect the combat abilities of your hero quickly enough.

The operation of weapons is based on the same principle. Acceleration of attacks with banks, rings, talismans significantly increases your chances of an accurate hit, but not damage. Of course, you can dispute this statement, like many other players, and this is quite understandable and explainable phenomenon, the combat formulas of this game project saturated with randomness in a fairly large amount, but the basic principle of operation is just that.

Why is it necessary to spend money on armor and “tank” the character

Good armor greatly increases the protection of each strip of satellites, respectively, the damage taken will be significantly reduced. The chances that you can fall into the same strip five times in a row and get killed are extremely small. At the same time, for the hero's companions, these chances are 50/50 each time. And finally, after a combat confrontation, there is always the opportunity to throw banks. Companions can only be healed with a phoenix and sleep.


Calculating how and how much the bank can cure is quite simple. The treatment of the jar (parameter) is multiplied by six and fills the HP bar that sank the most to the end. Then it is transferred to the next minimum. Thus, it turns out that a pot of 20/5 cures 120%, starting from the minimum HP.

Therian Saga Walkthrough Video Resources

A small walkthrough of the game

City of masters

Therian Saga knowledge base list of useful information for download

  • Guides/Professions.
  • Where to look for skills.
  • Where to learn the skill.
  • How to increase (pump) a craft skill.
  • Companions are people.
  • Legendary Companions, Tyr.
  • Imperials.
  • Companions for the duration of the quest.
  • Companions are animals.
  • Reputation.
  • Aristocracy.
  • family reputation.
  • Reputation Award.
  • Reputation quests in Nostria.

Before reading, I want to draw your attention to the fact that this guide will consider in detail the combat system at the internal level (very, very many letters, you shouldn’t read through the line, you won’t understand), if you don’t know which button to press where to attack , and the like, then, unfortunately, such issues will not be considered here. Minimum knowledge of the game to read required.

Part 1: The Basics

So, let's start from the very beginning, with the basics. Each unit has 3 types of damage (as well as defense) - when hit, only one is used, and not necessarily the maximum, but the one that makes the biggest difference when subtracting the corresponding number of enemy defense.

Example: when attacking 45-40-35 (blunt-penetrating-slashing) on ​​defense 40-20-50, piercing damage will be used.

A hero can simultaneously participate in one battle, up to 4 of his companions (of course, only with combat characteristics) and up to 8 enemies (I haven’t met more than 8 yet). At the same time, each of the units can only be hit by 3 others per turn (limited to 3 round attack spaces next to the unit icon). This limitation prevents us from hitting one enemy with all the satellites at once, and at the same time it has one more unpleasant property (which I always forget about and because of this I often snip off). If your enemies are 4 or more, then, accordingly, only the first 3 will hit your hero, the damage from the next ones will go to your first companion.

An example of a battle window against 8 opponents

However, this situation has its pluses. In order to understand it, you need to know the following: in the event that you hide behind a satellite and he dies, all further attacks on him are automatically canceled. And the interesting point is this - in a difficult battle with 4+ enemies who will definitely take out your 1st unit in the first turn (for example, a fight with the boss and his minions) - we put our “meat” in the first cell of the satellites and cover the hero with it. The first 3 enemies will always hit the hero, which means they will hit the “meat” covering him, and, most likely, they will immediately kill him. But for the remaining enemy units, the attack will be on the first satellite (the very meat), which by this moment will simply be gone, and, accordingly, their attack will be canceled, the damage will not pass to anyone else. It may seem that all this is a little confusing, but in practice you will quickly understand what's what. The main thing to remember is that in PvE, enemies always hit in turn, 3 hits each (except for enemies with “intellect” - more on that later), and hits aimed at a dead unit are canceled, not carried over.
This also works from the player's side, that is, it does not make sense to hit an almost dead unit with all 3 attack cells (except in some cases, of course).

Part 2. Buffs and Debuffs

Starting with the relatively serious Lanfar dungeons, some enemies will have various buff icons next to their icon. Consider the main ones:

Take buffs

- damage to this unit will be significantly reduced.
- the damage of this unit is higher than it should be when attacking it. The only buff that can be knocked back with one hit, without it, even with an attack of 60+ on the very minimum defense with damage of 100 or more, you still won’t hit.
Intelligence - probably the most unpleasant buff, allows the owner to hit the most vulnerable unit to his attacks. In conjunction with power, it can very unexpectedly demolish any of your companions from the very first move.
A number may or may not be written near the buffs. If there is a number, then after such a number of moves the buff will end. If there is no number, it is permanent. Depending on this, it is worth building a battle strategy - for example, protecting a vulnerable companion from an enemy with intelligence, quickly killing a unit with power and waiting for the protection to fall from the third unit.

Now the main thing is how to calculate the enemy's victim with intelligence? The answer is with a calculator. To do this (directly in the battle window), you need to carry out simple calculations - calculate the difference between the attack value (of all three types) of the enemy and the defense value of your fighters. Example: an enemy has the following attack values ​​- 52x50x29 (blunt-penetrating-cutting). Protection of your squad: character 38x39x41, satellite 24-30-14. We calculate the difference with the character: 52-38=14, 50-39=11, 29-41=-12. Similarly, we count all the fighters of the squad (in battle, there are always no more than five of them, together with the character): 52-24=28, 50-30=20, 29-14=15. Bottom line: the biggest difference is 28, the enemy is attacking your companion.

Another important point - do not forget to take into account the defense bonus. If a fighter does not participate in the attack and is on the defensive (shield icon under his image), then his defense level is increased by 30%, which changes his defensive characteristics and this must be taken into account in the calculations.

And lastly, about intelligence - if it turns out that the difference indicator matches for several of your fighters, then the enemy will attack one of them randomly (disputes about the algorithm for choosing the attacked unit in such cases are still ongoing).

Accept debuffs

Similar Debuffs also exist, they are found in the low-dungeons of Falconry, they work similarly to buffs, only in reverse.
Reduced Defense - This monster's damage will be greatly increased, and it is even possible to one-shot it.
- the damage of such a monster is significantly underestimated, which makes its attacks almost safe for you.

Part 3. Turn order

The turn order depends on the difference in attack and defense of the colliding units. Roughly speaking, the one who has to hit harder (without taking into account the scatter factor) will hit earlier.
Translation of the proof from the official guide:

Calculated during combat. The one with the biggest difference between attack and defense strikes first.
Rabbit has 20 attack and 10 defense: 20-10=10
The hero has an attack of 15, against a defense of 3: 15-3=12
Companion has AP 8 and DP 10: 8-10=-2
Outcome: The hero attacks first, then the rabbit and then the companion.

Part 4. Protection

A hero on the defensive

A little about the “protection” position. In the event that your hero (or any other unit) does nothing during the turn, he is blocked (shield icon next to it), that is damage to him will be significantly reduced (by 30%). This is a hint that it is better not to attack with a “tanking” unit =)
I can’t say anything about the reduction in damage when covered by someone, but if it does decrease, it’s definitely not as significant as when “blocking”.

Part 5. Damage, chance to hit, block. Armor

Real health bar protection for a non-hero unit

Let's move on to a more detailed review of the system, and specifically to the calculation of damage and hit chance.
All further theory is based on my experience, albeit significant, but still just experience. There are no exact formulas, somewhere I may be wrong, but in the general case, everything should be exactly like this. The calculation of damage for the hero and other units is fundamentally different.
Calculation by units simple - the blow falls with an equal chance in one of the 2 bars, if the attack is less than or equal to the defense, the damage will be 7-14 (approximately), otherwise the damage will increase in proportion to the attack (naturally, according to some unknown formula), but not over 90 without power. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to kill a unit with 1 hit with any attack.
At the same time, if the defense is significantly greater than the attack, damage less than 6-7 will no longer be cut, but the chance of dodging (blocking) will increase significantly, with a difference of 50, the block chance will be 100%. Similarly, with the difference in the direction of attack and the chance of hitting. In addition, the “accuracy” is also affected by the knowledge of the terrain, increasing the chances of hitting/blocking up to 15% with a certain difference.
FROM hero everything is much more complicated. With 6 health bars, he is naturally a priority for tanking, since the chances of knockback are much less, and the hp taken off can always be healed after the battle with a can. But the calculation system here is completely different. Many may argue with this (as I did in my time, because it seemed extremely illogical to me), but all this has now been repeatedly verified in my own experience. By simple manipulations with objects, you can see for yourself.
For the protection of each of the 6 health bars, one of the 6 pieces of armor, and only one, is responsible.
The general defense in the character's parameters only affects the chance to dodge / block, no more. That is, in the event that one of the parts of your armor is significantly worse than the rest, then in this strip you will receive much more damage. He himself often raked 87-90 in the head after he forgot to change his hat on a helmet =)

Based on this, it will not work to balance the sagging protection from any one type of damage in a helmet with high protection in gloves.
The armor should be selected as balanced as possible (46-46-42, for example, you will get pretty hurt in the hole from the armor 47-47-34).
Saving on any one part will not work - you will understand this pretty quickly.

Weapons work in exactly the same way. Overclocking an attack with talismans/cans/rings will increase your chances of hitting, but not your damage. Perhaps many will begin to dispute this, and this is understandable in principle - there is a LOT of randomness in the combat formulas of this game, but the basic principle is exactly that. If the general skill has any effect on damage, then it is minimal.
Why it is really worth spending money on armor and tanking as a hero.
With good armor, the protection of each of your strips will be much higher than the protection of your companions, respectively, the damage will be much less. The chance that you will get hit in the same strip 5 times in a row and be killed is extremely small, while the satellite has 50 to 50 each time. And finally, after the battle, you can always throw banks - you can’t heal satellites except for sleep and a phoenix.

Part 6. Treatment

-I put on a ring and an amulet for an attack, but they do not add up. What's wrong?
-As with everything else in this game, jewelry stats do not stack. However, you can wear an amulet for defense, and a ring for attack, for example.

-What do the parameters of shields “cover”, “obstruction” affect?
-No matter what, this is a preparation for a future update of the combat system.

-Killed cockroaches in the tower and mushroom cave with one hit without any power. How so?
-These cockroaches have a reduced defense debuff, similar to the might buff on the attacker.


That's all for now, the guide will be supplemented in the future. There are quite a few controversial points in the guide, but the long experience of the game shows that this text reflects combat system as close to reality as possible.
And, of course, thanks for reading, I hope it helps someone =) Nex.

It's time to edit this post, make corrections and add many new answers to questions. Answers are based on questions and answers from the forum and from the group vkontakte. This post is likely to be further expanded and edited. And the official but not yet fully translated into English wiki.

The game has the ability to buy a house. The house is needed to store unnecessary things there, to leave unnecessary things there. this moment companions, hire special companions there, install mechanisms that improve your skills, etc.To start a house, you need to purchase a concession (contract for delivery). Need to go to City of Hawkoria in the Military District. There is a seller in the 3rd tab. The price of the contract varies depending on where you want to get the right to build a house. More difficult areas such as mountains increase the price of the contract. After purchasing the contract, go to the territory for which you bought the contract. At the point where you want to build a house, there will be a black square with a key in the window on the left, click, you will be asked if you really want to build a house here. You agree, and the land is yours.

There are different types of houses.

First category tent, hut and cottage- You can only sleep in them. They differ in the degree of comfort. Accordingly, they give 5,23,31 comfort and a bonus of 0,12,16, which corresponds to energy after sleep not 100 but 112 and 116. If you want to break, then the tent and hut are dismantled with 100% return of all materials.

The second category is buildings that will bring you any benefit other than sleep. The shelter is built to hire companions, but you can also sleep comfortably in it 18. There are 3 tabs in the shelter: recruiting, worker, artisans. In 1 tab there are guard henchmen and big guys, in 2 tabs there are 5 hard workers, and in 3 - 6 artisans. All require leadership 14, presence of non-combat companions 10%, and with the initial skill of their profession they have 20 (with this skill, you can swing up to 50 ur). Workers and artisans require copper wings, these insignia can be obtained in Hokoria in the Military District by reaching the required level in a particular profession. Preznes Guard 80, Henchman 40, Big Guy 90.

outside workshop allows you to supply 1 mechanism for your specialty (machine), breaks with 100% return of materials. Workshop allows crafting on two mechanisms (two machines for two professions or one large machine and one mill).

By default, the simplest views of the house up to the Hut are available to you. If you want to make something more expensive, go to Hokoria, find the Knowledge District there, in the last tab there will be an architect girl, she sells recipes for building more advanced types of houses. Furniture and building materials go to buy in Merchant's District in Hokoria, second tab, first seller (black sign above him). Also, various other items can be placed in the house later, which, for example, improve prestige, thanks to which you can hire stronger companions in your house. Dohm can be demolished in favor of building a better house. After demolition, materials are returned (partially). Other recipes for the home - including shelter - are sold at the Raven Inn.

Schools and barracks are needed for training satellites, for this, in addition to construction, balms (balm) are needed, they are made by an alchemist

Game prospects

Despite the fact that this is an open beta, there will be NO wipe, all your characters and stuff will be saved. Donat is not draconian and in many ways makes the game comfortable. In addition to the main district of Hokoria, a large and difficult district with Lanfar robberies has already been opened (to see the map of the entire game, scroll the mouse wheel to zoom out). The developers are very responsive, one of them often appears in the general chat, writes in orange letters. They also constantly answer on the forums and make the necessary changes to the game, listen to the opinions of the players.

Additional characters

The game does not prohibit and even encourages the creation of several characters. To make another Persian, you need to buy for 100 crowns (currency for real, although you can buy it on the market) such a thing as Crossing. At the same time, all the improvements that you bought for real to your first Persian are transferred to the second Persian too. Those. if you buy another slot for tools in the store, then the second Persian will have an additional slot for tools at the same time. They can send each other letters and send things, they can do all your tasks at the same time and they can be online at the same time and even fight against each other in the arena.

How to earn money

There is different ways. The most profitable is a trip to the cave, where you will need an animal and security. Also, it's a good idea to increase the combat skills of you and your companions in the arena before going into the cave. If the cave is difficult, one trip there will take away all your HP and you will have to sleep for a long time to heal (unless you have an elixir). The main income will be from weapons. Some monsters will come in handy in alchemy.

Craft is not the most profitable yet, but with the expansion of the game and with the improvement of your skills, you will be able to get more from it. It is also worth doing quests from Mave (you can find her in the city of Hawkoria, in an inn in the Visitor's District). Of the profitable professions, one can single out hunting, in particular, taming animals (taming), fighting animals such as a bear and a wolf can be taken with you to instances, they fight well. Animal companions also increase skill on certain types of land (for example, a lynx greatly increases the ability to explore mountains).

Flora (brewing potions) and archeology (and finding expensive artifacts) are considered other profitable branches. But this is only a subjective benefit, perhaps at first they will bring more profit, but if, for example, you pump any other skill well, then your high-level crafts will sell well on the market at high prices.

In addition, by pouring real into the game, you can sell crowns on the market. At the time of editing article 1, a crown is worth approximately 1 gold. To understand, for comparison, I’ll say that studying an additional professional branch costs 50 silver. For one walk in a complex instance, you can get about 2-7 golds.

You can earn 5 silver every day in 10 seconds by working in the starting city of Craneharbor as a falconier agent.


Crafting plays a much bigger role in Therian Saga than you might expect at first. Each profession has its own characteristics, but in general there are several basic principles. At the start of the game, you choose your first profession. Depending on your choice, upon arrival in Hokoria you will go to one of the locations where you will be taught the basics of your craft. In these locations, several actions will be available, for example, butchering a hare or sewing a hat, but to expand the arsenal, you will have to buy recipes from different merchants (for each profession, you will buy the first recipes in the location where you were taught the basics, you will find more complex ones in Hokoria or elsewhere). Crafting is carried out at the station. For example, you can brew potions in Hokoria at the potion maker in Merchant's District, but the starting base is in the Garden of Thousand Fruits, it is no different from the station in Hokoriya. By clicking on the station button, you will see a window where all the recipes that you know will be displayed on the left. After selecting a recipe, the list of recipes will show what will be the result of crafting. On the right in the same window is a list of the necessary ingredients. Usually, all the ingredients are divided into two parts - what you can get yourself, and what you have to buy from the NPC or other players. Let's take the Potions window as an example.

In this case, we see four ingredients. The potion master can get the first three himself (the Botany Flora branch is responsible for this), you will need 2 different plants and a binding component (binder). But you will have to buy an ampoule, ordinary ampoules are sold from the NPC (however, their supply is limited, the stocks are reset, according to the players themselves, once an hour), higher-order ampoules are sold on the market, or you can buy them directly from the players through mail. If you want to make ampoules yourself, you will have to master the profession of a jeweler and the sub-craft of “glass blower”. When the difficulty level of the recipe suits you, the ingredients are all in place, you can click Accept.

In addition, the ingredients can be divided into three more categories. Consumable, such as blades, chisels, and fuel. Next come resources, materials and substances (resources, materials and substances), which are also divided into small groups. In the market, you will look for cockroach eyes in the section with substances, but logs - in materials. Just study the market and all these classes will fit in your head.

The last important point - resistance or resistance. Logically, the materials have a different structure. And for example, you can cut thin matter more easily, but for thick matter you will need a sharper cutting object. The first part of the ingredients in the recipe is the “fabric”, the thing that resists. The second part is the processing item, the one that overcomes resistance. For example, a piece of deer skin has a tanning resistance of 5. To process it, you need a blade with the appropriate sharpness - power. How suitable the item for processing is for you is displayed by a large number at the top of the crafting window. Look at the picture above, it shows the number 5 next to the difficulty icon, which means that I can brew the potion without any problems, if the number has a minus sign, then it will not be possible to brew the potion. If I understand correctly, we subtract the total force figure from the total resistance figure. The result of such a calculation must not have a minus sign.

Why you should donate at least once

After any first purchase in the game shop, the character receives Premium status and such an opportunity as “Sleep Readiness”.
Those. you will be able to queue tasks after sleep. Without this feature, sleep is the last task in the queue. You can't put anything after it. There are no other benefits from Premium status yet. Information about this bun disappears, probably after you have already bought the crown once.

What is Presence

This is the presence of an animal or companion in a given area. Otherwise, it is a probability to kill, hire, tame someone. For example, if you need bears for different purposes, it is better to look for them in the Silver Mountains, there are 50 percent of them, that is, the chance of catching a bear is 50 percent. The same goes for the presence of people. For example, if the presence of any worker is 10 percent, then the probability of hiring him is extremely small. Choose for your tasks of hiring a place with a presence of at least 50 percent.

The presence of warriors in your house (when the opportunity to hire is already open)

Captain - 25%
Soldier - 60%
Guard - 80%
Henchman - 40%
Big Guy - 90%

Terrain exploration

When you set up camp, a white dotted circle appears around it. Greatest Chance open something - within this circle. There is a chance to find something outside the circle, but the chance is higher in the circle. After completing the study, read the report in the Reports Journal (R). If it says “you think you might have missed something”, i.e. If you think you missed something, then you should look in this area again. If it is simply written that you did not find anything interesting, feel free to navigate.

Where to sell THIS item and Where to buy THIS item

To make it easier for you to play, remember that in Therian Saga it is important to be attentive. For example, if you were given a quest, but you don't know where to find the quest item, carefully read the explanation for the quest, the quest itself, as well as just different information from this NPC. It is also useful to just walk around the locations and remember what is sold where. Also remember that usually if an NPC sells a certain type of item, it is likely that he will buy similar items. For example, if a girl sells plants, then she will only buy plants, do not try to sell her clothes, everything that you can sell to the character is displayed in the Sell tab of his store. good place for sale is Merchant's Distric in Hokoria, but of course, that's not the only place.

Leveling up companions and animals, and selling them

To force a worker to do a particular task, you need to
come to that place, where you want to give him a task (the level of his skill must be high enough for the task minus your bonuses, i.e. if you need 10 skill for a task, the worker must have no less).
– when you come to a place, for example, where rabbits live, click on the hunter, a window will appear with tasks available to him, click on the rabbit (or whatever you need) and he starts a little slower than you to do this work.
will stop it is only after you come back to this place and click on it and on the stop task button.
sill the worker at the same time does NOT swing. To grow his skill, he must do everything with you.

Mercenaries pump skills only when they are with you in a group (that is, they do not dig on their own - he is not in a group then, but on separate jobs from the detachment). The same rule works as for the main character - a mercenary cannot be pumped over +5 of the difficulty of the task, like the heads of the hero (the number in the task window is not your skill level, but the total skill of the hero, mercenaries, place bonus, tool, jewelry, magic, bottles - see the real value of the skill and the calculation in the character window when you hover the mouse over the skill).

The calculation of the effective skill is such that 40% of the maximum effect is taken, 30% of the next, 20%, 10% + magic (jewellery, bottles, artifacts) at 100% efficiency.
For example, the hero's skill is 20, the tool is 15, the mercenary is 17, the place bonus is 22. Jewelry (rings and pendants do not add up, the strongest works) by 2, a bottle is drunk by 1.
Your effective skill level= 22*40%+20*30%+17*20%+15*10% +2 +1 = 22.7. Here the complexity of the task under these conditions will be compared against 22.7 - this is about whether you can do it at all. And to check the skill increase for gg, the difficulty of the task will be compared against the skill of the hero - 20 - and if the difficulty of the task is 15 or less, then you will not raise anything.

Companions can be sold in Hokoria. Animals can be sold at Gourins' Farm. The farm takes non-combat animals, the animal must be in your group. Open the first tab, click on the seller, open the Sell tab in its window and sell. Fighting animals can also be sold, but to a different seller.

Where to get other skills

Training locations are scattered throughout the map. The easiest thing is to go to the Visitor's District and find guys there with a bunch of question marks like "Where can I learn this?" (guys answer one question at a time). When you take this “quest”, a yellow question mark will appear on the map, and there will be a station needed for training. Remember that in order to develop more specific skills, you must first study the general area. That is, you will not be able to brew potions if you do not study Flora, for example.

Job execution speed

The game has an option to speed up the completion of tasks, but the maximum time that can be deducted from all tasks does not exceed three hours in total. You can speed it up with a cup of tea for real (and from the chests that are given at the start), it should also be possible to speed up the task for 1 crown (currency for real) by 15 minutes (again, these 15 minutes are included in the three-hour limit). The execution speed is automatically reduced by 2 times if one part of your character's body is beaten off to zero.

Where to get materials at the beginning of the game

At the Inn in Craneharbor, you can get a free starter kit for your chosen profession. For a hunter there, for example, there are several pieces of hare meat in the set. But a hare can be better butchered yourself. You need a recipe and a set of blades (additional blades and other materials are sold by various NPCs related to your profession). The initial leveling of a profession usually begins with a chain of quests that will eventually lead you to the main station for the profession in the game.

The game has PvP in the arena in Hokoria. So far, it is of no fundamental importance, but it improves combat skills. It's okay if you are defeated, in the end everyone is completely cured. You don't lose anything, you get only the growth of skills in accordance with the actions in battle.

Additional slots for weapons and tools

Ideally, have 3 slots to insert weapons specializing in one type of damage into each. those. no matter how many weapons with different parameters cost, the maximum value will always be taken for the impact parameter. Tools do NOT stack, i.e. If you put a tool at 21 in one slot and 5 in another, the skill will be at 21.

How to increase leadership

Buy Tabard clothing either from the saleswoman in Hawkoria (Merchant district) or from the players on the Public Market (much more expensive and better quality). Also, after picking up your knowledge of city life at the entrance to Hawkoria, go to the Visitor's District in Hawkoria to the inn and hire a page. In addition to the fact that the page will increase leadership, leadership will increase simply in the recruitment process.


The game already has a Russian guild, about joining it

The game has a fully Russian-speaking chat. Press the "+" in the top right of the chat window, and write RUS in the window (there is also a chat for EVE-Online players "eve-ru")

Game Perspectives

Despite the fact that this is an open beta, there will be NO wipe, all your characters and stuff will be saved. Donat is not draconian and in many ways makes the game comfortable. In addition to the main district of Hokoria, a large and difficult district with Lanfar robberies has already been opened (to see the map of the entire game, scroll the mouse wheel to zoom out). The developers are very responsive, one of them often appears in the general chat, writes in orange letters. They also constantly answer on the forums and make the necessary changes to the game, listen to the opinions of the players.

Additional characters

The game does not prohibit and even encourages the creation of several characters. To make another Persian, you need to buy for 100 crowns (currency for real, although you can buy it on the market) such a thing as Crossing. At the same time, all the improvements that you bought for real to your first Persian are transferred to the second Persian too. Those. if you buy another slot for tools in the store, then the second Persian will have an additional slot for tools at the same time. They can send each other letters and send things, they can do all your tasks at the same time and they can be online at the same time and even fight against each other in the arena.

How to earn money

There are different ways. The most profitable is a trip to the cave, where you will need an animal and security. Also, it's a good idea to increase the combat skills of you and your companions in the arena before going into the cave. If the cave is difficult, one trip there will take away all your HP and you will have to sleep for a long time to heal (unless you have an elixir). The main income will be from weapons. Some monsters will come in handy in alchemy.

Craft is not the most profitable yet, but with the expansion of the game and with the improvement of your skills, you will be able to get more from it. It is also worth doing quests from Mave (you can find her in the city of Hawkoria, in an inn in the Visitor's District). Of the profitable professions, one can single out hunting, in particular, taming animals (taming), fighting animals such as a bear and a wolf can be taken with you to instances, they fight well. Animal companions also increase skill on certain types of land (for example, a lynx greatly increases the ability to explore mountains).

Flora (brewing potions) and archeology (and finding expensive artifacts) are considered other profitable branches. But this is only a subjective benefit, perhaps at first they will bring more profit, but if, for example, you pump any other skill well, then your high-level crafts will sell well on the market at high prices.

In addition, by pouring real into the game, you can sell crowns on the market. At the time of editing article 1, the crown is worth approximately 1.3-1.4 gold. To understand, for comparison, I’ll say that studying an additional professional branch costs 50 silver. For one walk in a complex instance, you can get about 2-7 golds.

You can earn 5 silver every day in 10 seconds by working in the starting city of Craneharbor as a falconier agent.


Crafting plays a much bigger role in Therian Saga than you might expect at first. Each profession has its own characteristics, but in general there are several basic principles. At the start of the game, you choose your first profession. Depending on your choice, upon arrival in Hokoria you will go to one of the locations where you will be taught the basics of your craft. In these locations, several actions will be available, for example, butchering a hare or sewing a hat, but to expand the arsenal, you will have to buy recipes from different merchants (for each profession, you will buy the first recipes in the location where you were taught the basics, you will find more complex ones in Hokoria or elsewhere). Crafting is carried out at the station. For example, you can brew potions in Hokoria at the potion maker in Merchant's District, but the starting base is in the Garden of Thousand Fruits, it is no different from the station in Hokoriya. By clicking on the station button, you will see a window where all the recipes that you know will be displayed on the left. After selecting a recipe, the list of recipes will show what will be the result of crafting. On the right in the same window is a list of the necessary ingredients. Usually, all the ingredients are divided into two parts - what you can get yourself, and what you have to buy from the NPC or other players. Let's take the Potions window as an example.

In this case, we see four ingredients. The potion master can get the first three himself (the Botany Flora branch is responsible for this), you will need 2 different plants and a binding component (binder). But you will have to buy an ampoule, ordinary ampoules are sold from the NPC (however, their supply is limited, the stocks are reset, according to the players themselves, once an hour), higher-order ampoules are sold on the market, or you can buy them directly from the players through mail. If you want to make ampoules yourself, you will have to master the profession of a jeweler and the sub-craft of “glass blower”. When the difficulty level of the recipe suits you, the ingredients are all in place, you can click Accept.

In addition, the ingredients can be divided into three more categories. Consumable, such as blades, chisels, and fuel. Next come resources, materials and substances (resources, materials and substances), which are also divided into small groups. In the market, you will look for cockroach eyes in the section with substances, but logs - in materials. Just study the market and all these classes will fit in your head.

The last important point - resistance or resistance. Logically, the materials have a different structure. And for example, you can cut thin matter more easily, but for thick matter you will need a sharper cutting object. The first part of the ingredients in the recipe is the “fabric”, the thing that resists. The second part is the processing item, the one that overcomes resistance. For example, a piece of deer skin has a tanning resistance of 5. To process it, you need a blade with the appropriate sharpness - power. How suitable the item for processing is for you is displayed by a large number at the top of the crafting window. Look at the picture above, it shows the number 5 next to the difficulty icon, which means that I can brew the potion without any problems, if the number has a minus sign, then it will not be possible to brew the potion. If I understand correctly, we subtract the total force figure from the total resistance figure. The result of such a calculation must not have a minus sign.

Why you should donate at least once

After any first purchase in the game shop, the character receives Premium status and such an opportunity as “Sleep Readiness”.
Those. you will be able to queue tasks after sleep. Without this feature, sleep is the last task in the queue. You can't put anything after it. There are no other benefits from Premium status yet. Information about this bun disappears, probably after you have already bought the crown once.

What is Presence

This is the presence of an animal or companion in a given area. Otherwise, it is a probability to kill, hire, tame someone. For example, if you need bears for different purposes, it is better to look for them in the Silver Mountains, there are 50 percent of them, that is, the chance of catching a bear is 50 percent. The same goes for the presence of people. For example, if the presence of some worker is 10 percent, then the filling of the taming bar will go very slowly, for each step 10% (sometimes less, up to 2%). Choose places with a presence of at least 10 percent for your tasks of hiring t3 companions. T3 companions in different territories may have no presence at all, which means they won’t be able to hire, the companion simply won’t be displayed for hire.

The presence of warriors in your house (when the opportunity to hire is already open)

Captain - 25%
Soldier - 60%
Guard - 80%
Henchman - 40%
Big Guy - 90%

Terrain exploration

When you set up camp, a white dotted circle appears around it. The greatest chance of discovering anything is within this circle. There is a chance to find something outside the circle, but the chance is higher in the circle. After completing the study, read the report in the Reports Journal (R). If it says “you think you might have missed something”, i.e. If you think you missed something, then you should look in this area again. If it is simply written that you did not find anything interesting, feel free to navigate.

Where to sell THIS item and Where to buy THIS item

To make it easier for you to play, remember that in Therian Saga it is important to be attentive. For example, if you were given a quest, but you don't know where to find the quest item, carefully read the explanation for the quest, the quest itself, as well as just different information from this NPC. It is also useful to just walk around the locations and remember what is sold where. Also remember that usually if an NPC sells a certain type of item, it is likely that he will buy similar items. For example, if a girl sells plants, then she will only buy plants, do not try to sell her clothes, everything that you can sell to the character is displayed in the Sell tab of his store. A good place to sell is Merchant's Distric in Hokoria, but of course that's not the only place.

Leveling up companions and animals, and selling them

To force a worker to do a particular task, you need to
come to that place, where you want to give him a task (the level of his skill must be high enough for the task minus your bonuses, i.e. if you need 10 skill for a task, the worker must have no less).
- when they came to a place, for example, where rabbits are found, click on the hunter, a window will appear with tasks available to him, click on the rabbit (or whatever you need) and he starts a little slower than you to do this work.
will stop it is only after you come back to this place and click on it and on the stop task button.
sill the worker at the same time does NOT swing. To grow his skill, he must do everything with you.

Mercenaries pump skills only when they are with you in a group (that is, they do not dig on their own - he is not in a group then, but on separate jobs from the detachment). The same rule works as for the main character - a mercenary cannot be pumped higher than +5 of the difficulty of the task, like the heads of the hero (the number in the task window is not your skill level, but the combination of the skill of the hero, mercenaries, place bonus, tool, jewelry, magic, bottles - see the real value of the skill and the calculation in the character window when you hover the mouse over the skill).

The calculation of the effective skill is such that 40% of the maximum effect is taken, 30% of the next, 20%, 10% + magic (jewellery, bottles, artifacts) at 100% efficiency.
For example, the hero's skill is 20, the tool is 15, the mercenary is 17, the place bonus is 22. Jewelry (rings and pendants do not add up, the strongest works) by 2, a bottle is drunk by 1.
Your effective skill level= 22*40%+20*30%+17*20%+15*10% +2 +1 = 22.7. Here the complexity of the task under these conditions will be compared against 22.7 - this is about whether you can do it at all. And to check the skill increase for gg, the difficulty of the task will be compared against the skill of the hero - 20 - and if the difficulty of the task is 15 or less, then you will not raise anything.

Companions can be sold in Hokoria. Animals can be sold at Gourins' Farm. The farm takes non-combat animals, the animal must be in your group. Open the first tab, click on the seller, open the Sell tab in its window and sell. Fighting animals can also be sold, but to a different seller.

Where to get other skills

Training locations are scattered throughout the map. The easiest thing is to go to the Visitor's District and find guys there with a bunch of question marks like "Where can I learn this?" (guys answer one question at a time). When you take this “quest”, a yellow question mark will appear on the map, and there will be a station needed for training. Remember that in order to develop more specific skills, you must first study the general area. That is, you will not be able to brew potions if you do not study Flora, for example.

Job execution speed

The game has an option to speed up the completion of tasks, but the maximum time that can be deducted from all tasks does not exceed three hours in total. You can speed it up with a cup of tea for real (and from the chests that are given at the start), it should also be possible to speed up the task for 1 crown (currency for real) by 15 minutes (again, these 15 minutes are included in the three-hour limit). The execution speed is automatically reduced by 2 times if one part of your character's body is beaten off to zero.

Where to get materials at the beginning of the game

At the Inn in Craneharbor, you can get a free starter kit for your chosen profession. For a hunter there, for example, there are several pieces of hare meat in the set. But a hare can be better butchered yourself. You need a recipe and a set of blades (additional blades and other materials are sold by various NPCs related to your profession). The initial leveling of a profession usually begins with a chain of quests that will eventually lead you to the main station for the profession in the game.

The game has PvP in the arena in Hokoria. So far, it is of no fundamental importance, but it improves combat skills. It's okay if you are defeated, in the end everyone is completely cured. You don't lose anything, you get only the growth of skills in accordance with the actions in battle.

NPC Arena

There are currently 3 arenas in total. In all arenas you will have 5 fights. For each battle won, you will be given money and Foggy Pearl (pearls in the future will be used to hire t4 companions, save it and don’t put it anywhere)

1. NPC Fedor is in the Teasan village, he will indicate the location of the first Avidel arena. Come, take the task, and fight. It is easy to pass with bears and guards.

2. Fedor points to the 2nd arena only after passing the first one. The second arena is called Brech. Everything is the same as in the first, but the enemies are more difficult. Bears are no longer enough. It's better to play this arena with Yaren, Kerry and a couple of squires.

3. Bandit`s Camp. searched by explorer at coordinates 10, 213. Pay 5 gold to be given contact with the arena manager. Everything. It started. It's very complicated. My team was Yaren, Kerry, Squire and Sister. The surface type is Urban, and if the value of your surface type is greater, then as I understand it, hits will take place more often, and the enemy will miss more often (not specified). Try to hit the holes and hide behind the mercenaries when it smells of fried. The reward for passing will be stunning, 3 domain ingots (1 ingot is about 50 gold at the moment), 3 bluek ingots, domain rapier, armor for 60 gold, silk tabard for 30 leadership and some money :). Everything.

Additional slots for weapons and tools

Ideally, have 3 slots to insert weapons specializing in one type of damage into each. those. no matter how many weapons with different parameters cost, the maximum value will always be taken for the impact parameter. Tools do NOT stack, i.e. If you put a tool at 21 in one slot and 5 in another, the skill will be at 21.

How to increase leadership

Buy Tabard clothing either from the saleswoman in Hawkoria (Merchant district) or from the players on the Public Market (much more expensive and better quality). Also, after picking up your knowledge of city life at the entrance to Hawkoria, go to the Visitor's District in Hawkoria to the inn and hire a page. In addition to the fact that the page will increase leadership, leadership will increase simply in the recruitment process.


In this game, the guild is very expensive, expanding it costs a lot of gold. You can't cram 500 people at a time. Priority candidates are players who either have a pumped skill that the guild needs (check in the topics about the guild), and those who collect a lot of gold from dungeons and everything else. If you are still “small”, it makes sense to level up, get dressed so that you have a stable farm from instances. Otherwise, you'll be torn between wanting to spend on yourself and growing your guild. In addition, please note that the community in the game is very good, but you don’t need to annoy them with an abundance of Russian words in the general chat (write in pink letters personally by clicking on the Russian player’s nickname, or write by mail). Particularly impressionable individuals have already started a couple of topics on the forum, they say, the game is in English and write in English. The developers are on our side, but there is no need to abuse it.

Pumping territorial skills

Accelerated leveling of the terrain (Can be used starting from Lanfar).

There is a wolf in the forest. In the great plains - a spider 5.5.5, at the transition to the den (mountains) there is also a spider sometimes. In short, any weak mob. We beat 1 time with a hero, only with a hero! It is important. Then we stand in defense for a long time while he beats us. If the defense is >50, then the spider does not hit at all, never. After 300 blows we finish him off with a hero, and only a hero. From zero to 35+ in 10 minutes. (Information provided by Lifewarden)