What gives a perk. Computer service expert. Additional features to speed up learning

World of Tanks: Fast leveling crew

Today's review will not be devoted to the tank, but to such an element game mechanics, like pumping a crew for vehicles in World of Tanks. I will try to consider all ways to upgrade the crew and highlight the most effective methods of upgrading. In addition, we will consider the subtleties and nuances of this laborious and lengthy process.

It is clear that the leveling of the crew is a very important point, since a 100% trained crew uses with maximum efficiency all the advantages of the equipment for which they are trained, for example, acceleration to maximum speed, reload and convergence speed, repair speed of damaged modules, and so on. At the same time, a tank with a fully trained crew, even without additional skills, will have undeniable advantages in battle over a similar tank with 50% crew. Additional skills give an even greater advantage in battle.

It is worth noting that the number of people in the crew for each vehicle is different and the composition may also differ, for example, in some vehicles there are 2 loaders, and in some the commander acts as a driver or radio operator. Accordingly, on such vehicles, for example, the commander will have access to radio operator skills that will be useless on other vehicles when retraining on them.

Also, for those who are not in the know, please pay attention to the fact that each crew member receives experience in the process of pumping separately, with a different amount of experience. Therefore, some learn faster, others slower. For example, a shell-shocked driver mechanic gets less experience per battle than a surviving commander if you did not heal him during the battle.

First, let's look at the ways to train the crew, there are several of them in the game.

Training for gold

This is the fastest and at the same time the most costly way to train the crew up to 100%, since it requires investment real money into the gameplay. Suitable for those who do not want to roll a couple of hundred battles with a semi-trained crew. The advantages of this method are the minimum time spent, the disadvantage is the price, since training one crew member up to 100% will cost 200 units of game gold, taking into account the fact that tanks high level from 4 to 6 people, it turns out that their training will require from 800 to 1200 units of gold, which is not so little. On the other hand, the learning process is very simple: we go into the personal file of each crew member, choose training at the tank academy and get 100% mastery of skills. This method will not work for most, since it becomes very costly to train the crew in this way for each tank.

Silver education

This is the most common way of training, it is similar to training for gold, with the only difference being that each crew member should be trained not at the tank academy, but at the regimental school. At the same time, each crew member is trained from 50% to 75%, 20,000 game silver is spent on each, real money is not required to be invested in the game. The method does not allow you to train the crew up to 100%, but we get 75% of the crew, which is still much better than 50%, while we use only the game currency. Up to 100% the crew is already pumped in battles.

Training in combat

The most severe, long and difficult way to upgrade the crew. The good thing is that it does not require any investments at all, since all you need is just to play, participating in battles. On the other hand, in order to upgrade to 100%, you will need to play many battles, and you will have to fight on a obviously weak vehicle, since the full potential of the tank will not be revealed. Nevertheless, sooner or later the crew will reach the coveted 100%, it's only a matter of time.

These were the main and obvious ways to upgrade crews, now let's talk about the nuances.

Premium account

For obvious reasons, if you have a premium account, the crew leveling will be faster, since in this case the player gets 1.5 times more experience per battle, including for the crew. Therefore, the best way to upgrade would be to buy a premium account and upgrade the crew with 75% along with the tank branch, but we will talk about this a little later.

Crew leveling on elite vehicles

It's probably not a secret for anyone that a vehicle on which all modules are researched and the vehicle that follows in the branch (not necessarily purchased, but researched) receives the "Elite" status. After obtaining such a status, it is possible to enable accelerated crew leveling on this vehicle. To do this, just above the crew list there is a special checkbox, by marking which we will turn on this very accelerated leveling. In this case, all the experience earned on this vehicle will go to crew training, and the crew member with the lowest skill percentage will receive double experience per battle. Such a crew member will be marked with the gold badge of the "Tank Academy" in the crew list. At the same time, this vehicle will not receive experience that could be converted into free experience, since all this experience will be transferred to the crew.

Thus, the "Elite" technique is a very good simulator for training the crew for subsequent transfer to another tank.

Crew leveling on premium vehicles

Premium vehicles, as well as gift tanks, are an even better simulator for the crew, since they initially have the status of "Elite", that is, you do not need to learn anything on it, you can turn on accelerated pumping right away. At the same time, premium vehicles have such a wonderful function as crew training without retraining them to a premium tank. It sounds a little confusing, so I'll try to explain with an example.

Let's say you have a Soviet premium tank IS-6 and a Soviet TT IS-3 for which you would like to train the crew. To do this, on the IS-3 you must already have a crew trained for the IS-3. For its accelerated training or pumping skills, we land the crew first in the hangar, and then put them on the IS-6 without retraining. Remember that the crew will gain experience on premium vehicles even if they are not trained for this tank, in this example, on the IS-6. An indication of this will be that the skill percentage in the crew list will be displayed in red (font). At the same time, he would not gain experience on any other vehicle, but on premium vehicles he does. The training itself, of course, takes place in battles. After reaching 100% skill or pumping the required skill, we simply transfer the finished crew back to the IS-3 and have a profit. It only wastes time game currency need not. However, the downside is the need to have a premium tank in the hangar, which can only be purchased for in-game gold, that is, by investing real money in the game. At the same time, only crews for tanks of the same nation can be trained on premium vehicles, that is, a crew from a Tiger cannot be placed on an IS-6 and vice versa.

Additional features speed up learning

All of the above methods will somehow allow you to train the crew and learn additional skills, however, there are some not obvious points that will allow you to speed up the training a little more.


The tank commander of any nation, upon reaching 100% of the skill, can learn the additional skill (skill) "Mentor". The crew of a tank with such a commander will receive +10% experience after each battle (except for the commander himself). At the same time, if you turn on "Accelerated training", the crew will receive even more experience.

In addition to "Mentor", all crew members can learn such a skill as "Combat Brotherhood", which increases all crew skills by 5%, while also increasing the commander's "Mentor" skill, so the "Mentor" + "accelerated crew training" + " Combat Brotherhood" further increases the speed of learning.

We should also not forget about such a tank module as "Improved ventilation". Ventilation, like "Combat Brotherhood", increases the mastery of the main specialty and additional skills by 5%. That is, the most effective bundle that allows you to train the crew as quickly as possible is "Premium Account" + "Mentor" + "Combat Brotherhood" + "Improved ventilation" + "Accelerated crew training" - that is, this is completely for maniacs, but nevertheless, such a method has the right to exist.

Among other things

And besides everything else, Wargaming quite often holds promotions on weekends or holidays, during which crew training for certain types of vehicles or for any vehicle is doubled or even tripled, respectively, during such promotions it is more profitable to upgrade the crew.

Typical crew leveling process

As promised at the beginning, I’ll tell you how to use the above methods to upgrade the crew, while also pumping the tank branch, without being distracted from gameplay. And so, playing World of Tanks, you somehow pursue such a goal as pumping a tree to some kind of tank, while the tanks that you have already "passed" are most likely sold (or not sold, it doesn't matter). So the schema is:

1. We play on such and such a vehicle, play until the moment when it is already open and there is an opportunity to buy the next vehicle in the development branch

2. We buy this equipment without a crew. At the same time, if there is very little left up to 100% training (say, 2-5%), then it is better to finish playing on the old vehicle until the crew receives 100%

3. We land 100% of the crew from the old equipment in the barracks

4. We put him on a new technique with retraining for this technique. With free retraining, we will get 80% of the crew on new vehicles, with retraining for silver - 90% of the crew. In this case, it makes no sense to study for gold, since the cost will not differ from training a new crew, so there is no point (if you do not transfer the crew for the sake of the additional skills and abilities previously acquired)

5. We research modules and subsequent equipment, after which we turn on accelerated crew training

6. As soon as the next tank in the branch is bought, the crew transfers to it.

Repeat until the required tank in the branch is opened. Following this simple method from level 1 to 10, by the tenth level we will get a 100% trained crew with 2.5 - 3 additional skills. Another plus of this simple instruction is that on each subsequent tank in the branch we will have 90% of the crew (or 80% with free retraining), which in turn also simplifies the leveling of the vehicle branch.

If you have any comments, additions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments to the article.

Thanks and good luck on the run!

Dead by Daylight Survivor Perks

There are four characters in the game that you can upgrade. After each session, experience is added exclusively to the character you played. At the same time, all the money earned can be spent on purchasing perks, items and add-ons for other heroes.

In addition to the general perks for survivors, you can unlock unique perks for each of the four characters (3 each) - Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel and Jake Park.

Dwight Fairfield's perks are focused on team interactions. At the same time, today gamers are trying to act more selfishly, trying to make sure that they are the last survivor and earn the maximum number of points. Download or not this character - you decide.

Before we get started, it's worth noting that all perks have three levels. The higher the level, the more effective bonus you get.

When the character is leveled up to 30, then you will have the opportunity to get the Teachable perk. Thanks to him, you can train your character with unique perks of other heroes.

General Survivor Perks

  • Hope (Hope) - a very rare perk (purple icon). This perk increases movement speed by 2, 3 or 4% depending on the level of the perk at the moment when all generators are turned on and you can open the gate leading to the exit from the location. In this case, the gate does not have to be open.
  • Deja Vu (Deja Vu) - a very rare perk (purple icon). At the start of the game, the perk illuminates generators for a set number of seconds (8 seconds for a level 3 perk). One of the most useless perks in the game! On the other hand, if you have a map and this perk, then the location of the generators is indicated on it.
  • Dark Sense (Dark sense) - ultra rare perk (red icon). Another one of the most useless game perks. When all generators turn on and you have the opportunity to open the entrance door, then you are highlighted with a killer for a certain number of seconds depending on the level of the perk (7 seconds for the third level perk).
  • Small Game (Small game) - a rare perk (green icon). Highlights traps within a radius of 2, 4 or 6 meters depending on the level of the perk. An important perk when playing against Trapper (Trapper). Six meters is a huge distance that will allow you to react to the trap you see.
  • Premonition is an ultra rare perk. You will hear a sound warning if you look in the direction of a maniac who is no more than 12, 24 and 36 meters away from you (for the third level of the perk). The cooldown of the perk is 30 seconds (more if the perk level is lower). That is, if the camera is directed towards the killer (and not just the look of the character), then there will be a sound signal. Very useful perk!
  • Spine Chill is an ultra rare perk. This perk, like the previous one, notifies that the maniac is 12, 24 or 36 meters away from you. The perk has no cooldown. The perk icon is located in the lower right corner. If a maniac walks in your direction, he will be highlighted. But you don't have to run away right away. You can wait a bit and make sure that the maniac is walking in your direction or running after someone else (in this case, the perk icon will stop glowing). Also, if the maniac looks at you, you repair the generator and perform other actions (break the hook, heal an ally) 6% faster. Movement speed is increased by the same percentage.
  • No One Left Behind (No one will be left behind) - a very rare perk. When all five generators are running, you get 100% (level 3 of the perk) more bloodpoints in the Altruism category (rescuing people from hooks, healing, distracting maniacs, etc.). You perform these actions 15% faster.
  • We'll Make It (We'll do it) - a very rare perk (purple icon). Increases healing speed by 100% for 3 minutes after you unhook someone. If you remove another person from the hook during these three minutes, the healing speed will increase by another 100%. The maximum possible boost is 300%. A good perk combined with self-healing.
  • Resilience is a very rare perk (purple icon). The perk is activated the moment your character is injured. Increases generator repair, sabotage and healing speed by 9%.
  • This Is Not Happening is a very rare perk (purple icon). Increases successful areas in skill checks by 30% when you are injured. Absolutely unnecessary perk.
  • Plunderers's Instinct (Robber instinct) - an extraordinary perk (yellow icon). Allows you to see chests located at a certain distance from you (for example, for the second level of the perk, this figure is 32 meters, for the third - 64 meters). The perk is actually useless. Pumped characters already have enough items and addons.
  • Slippery Meat (Slippery meat) - a rare perk (green icon). An ambiguous perk that works well only at rank three. It increases the speed of an attempt to escape from a bear trap or hook by 15%. The chance of getting out of a bear trap is increased by 10%, and to unhook yourself by 5%. But it's not worth taking off the hook yourself.
  • Lightweight (Light weight) - a rare perk (green icon). One of the strongest perks in the game. Reduces the visibility of footprints on walls and ground by 1, 2, or 3 seconds, depending on rank. For example, footprints are visible on the ground for a total of 5 seconds. Thus, with the third level perk, these traces will only be visible for 2 seconds.

Dwight Firefield's Unique Perks

  • Bond (Ties, connection). You become more susceptible to allied auras. The radius of perception increases.
  • Leader (Leader). Increases the parameters of allies, speeds up healing, their movement, repairing generators and other skills if they are within a radius of 8 meters (the radius of action depends on the level of the perk).
  • Prove Thyself (Prove to yourself). Increases generator repair, healing, and theft speed if your allies are within an eight-meter radius (radius depends on the rank of the perk).

Meg Thomas Unique Perks

  • Quick & Quiet (Quickly and quietly) - a rare perk (green icon). The third level of the perk reduces the distance at which your loud actions are heard by the killer by 90%. Accordingly, the lower the level, the lower the percentage. Loud actions: jumping through windows, boards, jumping into a locker. The perk is useless in that if the maniac is far from you, then you need to get over obstacles using the Space key (a little slower, but silently).
  • Sprint Burst (Explosive acceleration) - ultra rare perk (red icon). The best perk in the game for survivors! At level 3, when you start running, you gain 150% more speed than your normal speed for 3 seconds. This perk has a 20 second cooldown. At the second level - 30 seconds, at the first - 40 seconds.
  • Adrenaline (Adrenaline) - ultra rare perk (red icon). When all five generators turn on, you are instantly healed of everything that is possible (except when you are hanging on a hook). We are talking about those cases when you are lying on the ground or injured. So, health is instantly restored to full scale, after which your speed is increased by 150% for 5 seconds. Doubtful use of perk.

Unique Perks by Claudette Morel

  • Self Care is an ultra rare perk. One of the strongest perks in the game on par with Sprint Burst. Allows you to heal yourself at 80% speed without a first aid kit. Healing speed with medkit increased by 100%. You can heal in just 1 second.
  • Botany Knowledge (Knowledge of botany) - an unusual perk (yellow icon). Healing speed is increased by 10% and the effectiveness of healing drugs by the same percentage. It is very good to combine both perks: this one and the previous one).
  • Empathy (Sympathy) - an ordinary perk (brown icon). You will be able to see injured allies at a certain distance, depending on the level (32 meters for the first rank of the perk).

Jake Park's unique perks

  • Iron Will (Iron Will) - an ordinary perk (brown icon). Silences moans when you are 50% injured. At the first level - by 50% if you stand still. At the second level - by 75% when you walk or stand still. At the third level - always at 100%, you are standing, walking or running.
  • Saboteur (Sabotage) - a rare perk (green icon). Allows you to break hook and traps without a toolbox at 40% speed. The value of successful zones in skill checks is reduced by 20%. If you use a tool box, then the efficiency increases by 50%. All numbers are relevant for the first level of the perk. At the second and third levels, this efficiency increases. If you have this perk and a toolbox, then Jake Park will be able to break approximately 6 hooks on the map.
  • Calm Spirit (Call of the Soul) - rare perk (green icon). Reduces the chances that you will scare forest animals by 80% for the second level of the perk. Basically it's crows. The perk is practically useless.

Maniac Perks Dead by Daylight

There are three types of maniacs in the game. Each of them has unique perks, just like the survivors.

General Maniac Perks

  • Insidious (Cunning) - a very rare perk (purple icon). Stealth perk. Turns off the terror aura when you stand still for 3, 4, and 6 seconds. With it, you can ambush the generators, next to the survivors on the hooks.
  • Distressing is a rare perk (green icon). Increases the radius of your terror aura by 16% and you gain 10% more bloodpoints in the Deviousness category. Not a bad perk, but useless for the Ghost.
  • Iron Grasp (Iron grip) - a rare perk (green icon). A very strong perk. It makes it harder for the Survivor to jump off the shoulder by 60%. Reduces the influence of all escape attempts by the survivor by 75%. For example, when you carry a survivor, you stagger less than usual.
  • Deerstlaker (Deer Hunter) - an unusual perk (yellow icon). The perk allows you to highlight survivors lying on the ground within a radius of 12, 24 and 32 meters depending on the level.
  • Monstrous Shrine (Temple of the monster) - a rare perk (green icon). This perk allows you to better hang people in the basement. People die 6% faster there, it’s harder for them to get out 10% and film themselves. If they attempt to take themselves down, the health bar decreases faster by an additional 6%. A good perk in conjunction with Iron Grasp (Iron Grip).
  • No One Escapes Death (No one will escape from death) - a very rare perk (purple icon). Very strong perk at rank three. When at least one gate is open, your attack cooldowns are reduced (i.e., the time you spend wiping blood, getting back together after a miss), and your movement speed is increased by 5%. And at the third level, you can throw enemies to the ground with one blow. As you can see, this perk is simply irreplaceable.
  • Whispers (Whispers) - ultra rare perk (red icon). It turns on when there is at least one survivor within 32 meters of you. The perk icon starts to glow at such moments. The distance is relevant for the third rank perk. Does not work when there is only one player left on the map.
  • Unrelenting (Ruthless) - a rare perk (green icon). Reduces your cooldowns on attacks (blood wipe, etc.).
  • Spies From The Shadows (Spies from the shadows) - a rare perk (green icon). The perk allows you to highlight crows that are frightened by survivors or even you at a distance of 12, 24 or 32 meters with a 25, 50 or 75% chance. At the first level, the perk is useless, at the second - more or less, and already at the third level it is difficult to navigate the perk.
  • Bitter Murmur (Bitter Murmur) is a rare perk (green icon). The exact opposite of the Dark Sense perk for survivors. When all five generators are turned on, the survivors are highlighted for you. This perk is, of course, more useful than Dark Sense.

Trapper Unique Perks

  • Brutal Strength - An uncommon perk (yellow icon). You break barricades (boards) 10% faster. This figure is relevant for the first rank perk.
  • Unnerving Presence - Common perk (brown icon). In your terror radius, survivors proc skill checks more often, but their lucky zones decrease.
  • Agitation - Increases movement speed when you carry a Survivor by 6%, 12%, or 18% depending on the perk level.

Unique Ghost Perks

  • Shadowborn (Born in the shadows) - a very rare perk (purple icon). Another one of the most powerful perks. You can see better in the dark by 5%, 10% or 15% depending on the level, you are easier to be blinded by a flashlight and you remain blinded by it longer. The field of view (screen width) also increases. All this is relevant for the second level perk. A useful perk, since all maniacs play in the first person and losing a fleeing survivor is quite simple.
  • Bloodhound (Detective) - a very rare perk (purple icon). Makes traces of blood on the ground more visible. They stay on the ground for 3 seconds more for the third level of the perk.
  • Predator (Predator) - a common perk (brown icon). The exact opposite of the Lightweight perk for survivors (Lightweight). Footprints on the ground are 1, 2 or 3 seconds longer, depending on the rank. One of the important perks, since you should always follow the tracks.

Hillbilly Unique Perks

  • Enduring is a common perk (brown icon) unique to Hillbilly. Weak perk. Reduces the duration of recovery after falling planks by 25% at the first level of the perk.
  • Tinkerer is a rare perk (green icon). Your addons become 5% more efficient at rank one.
  • Lightborn (Born in the light) - the perk reduces the field of view, but it makes it harder to blind you with a flashlight.

Entities and Perk Devouring (why do perks disappear?)

When you level up a few perks, an Entity will spawn on the Bloodweb. This is the local dark god devouring your perks. If he devours any perk, then you will not be able to take it anymore.

Advice. If you have the ability to purchase a perk available from Bloodweb, then always purchase it, ignoring addons or items. Entity eats all the icons in a chain. But if the Entity devours Murky Agent (Gloomy Agent), then along with this perk, the entire chain that follows it disappears. By the way, if there are no more perks, then it is best to buy cheaper addons or items so that the Entity devours those that cost 5-8 thousand bloodpoints. So you pump the character for fewer bloodpoints.

Yes, you will lose a few addons and items, but thanks to this you will be able to level up your character faster. When you buy all the perks and add-ons available at the level, the character's level will increase. The faster the Entity eats the perks, the faster you will level up the main character.

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 18

Many may say that there is nothing secret about leveling perks. The answer, of course, is obvious: you learn the main specialty of a tanker and then download perks. But now you have already pumped out this particular car and you need to buy new tank, as well as retrain the crew, but at the same time you will again lose precious experience for pumping the main skill of the crew.

Here's a little help.

If you retrain the crew in the regimental school for 20 thousand silver for one crew member whose main specialty is 100% studied, then after retraining for vehicles of that class, but a level higher, he will lose only 10% of his original skill from the previous tank . This in experience will amount to approximately 39153 combat experience, which, of course, is not felt much while upgrading a new tank from stock to top condition.

But after all, it would be possible, for these 39153 combat experience, for example, to pump the third perk from 0 percent to 37 percent. Not bad huh? Of course, you can make it much easier and buy yourself some kind of premium tank, such as the IS6, and upgrade the crew after retraining, for example, to .

This will happen without losing the main skill, but here it is necessary to retrain the crew from the previous tank to the IS-3. This will again lead to the loss of the same 39152 combat experience (if retraining took place through the regimental school). But since the IS-6 is immediately an elite vehicle, when you check the box for accelerated crew training, the crew will level up 50 percent faster, since all the experience earned will go to crew training.

And the secret that I wanted to tell you is that it is not necessary to retrain the crew immediately after purchasing new equipment of the same class.

Let's analyze this using the example of medium tanks of the USSR.

You have been pumping yourself for a very long time. During his leveling, you have already learned several perks and brotherhood in arms. And finally, you have researched the legendary . So, the loss of the crew, without retraining them to the new T-54 tank, will be only 25 percent of the full skill. But we have already upgraded the “combat fraternity” perk, which gives us plus five percent to all crew skills, plus we add here equipment in the form of improved ventilation and equipment in the form of additional rations. We already get plus 20 percent to the basic skill of the crew. After simple calculations, it turns out that a non-retrained crew will already have 95 percent of the main skill, but since it is not retrained on the T-54, the main skill of the crew will not be upgraded, and all the experience earned will go to learning additional skills, that is perks. Which is not so bad, right?
And the difference between a fully retrained crew and a non-retrained crew this tank will not be significant. By playing this crew until you have fully mastered all the modules and the next tank from this development branch, you will already have learned a couple of new perks.

It is also possible transplant crew from the same nation, but different types of tanks. Losses in the main skill will already be much more, namely 50 percent of the original skill.

Summing up all of the above, I want to note that this crew leveling scheme is very convenient, especially for leveling the third and subsequent perks, where 840.240 combat experience is needed to level 3 perks from 0 percent to 100 percent. And all subsequent perks will require twice as much experience, and to upgrade the eighth perk you will already need 26,887,880 combat experience.

Prepared by: Pilot_An2

From levels 6-7 of tanks, pumping vehicles begins to require a huge amount of experience. It is from this moment that it becomes important to choose the right direction for the development of the crew. After all, you will not only have time to increase his experience to 100%, but also pump additional skills. Today we will look at perks such as Radio Interception and Eagle Eye, as well as their synergy.

Skill system

Before deciding which perk is better - "Eagle Eye" or "Radio Intercept", you need to carefully study the game. The fact is that according to the skill system in WoT, the crew can learn absolutely all skills. Thus, there is no point in choosing "Radio Intercept" or "Eagle Eye". You only need to decide which of the skills you need first. At the same time, it is worth considering that for each subsequent skill you need twice as much experience. Therefore, the definition of the priority queue is very important.

You also need to understand that these skills are not mutually exclusive and their bonuses are cumulative. Moreover, the skills begin to work after their first percent of learning. So you don't have to drive them forward by playing on top tanks. Taking these skills last, even despite the high cost of experience for learning, you will get a good advantage over disguised opponents.

Eagle Eye

Let's see how Eagle Eye differs from Radio Interception. To do this, just read the descriptions of both perks. "Eye" is a skill that can only be mastered by the crew leader. Grants 0.02% increased vision per percentage of skill learned, and a total of 2% when fully learned.

Its main advantage is to increase the detection range of the enemy with damaged surveillance devices. Up to 20% at maximum pumping. Here there is a dilemma on the effectiveness of using this perk on different types of machines. But we will talk about this a little further.

radio interception

We looked at the Eagle Eye perk. "Radio Interception" is similar in principle, but does not provide any additional benefits. Only a radio operator can learn this skill. This, by the way, is another reason why you should not choose between the skills given to us. If necessary, you can study them both first.

In total, "Radio Intercept" gives up to 3% to the viewing range at the maximum leveling of the skill. Interestingly, this skill is practically the only useful one in the radio operator, so you will most likely learn it first in any case. Also, the radio operator is one of the best crew members for pumping secondary skills. After learning from him, for example, "Repair" you will receive a 25% bonus to the speed of equipment recovery on a vehicle with 4 people. So you are more likely to have to choose between secondary skills and Intercept, rather than Eagle Eye.

Light tanks

The main task of light tanks in the game is reconnaissance. Obtaining early data on the enemy is very important both for the survival of the LT itself and for the team as a whole. To improve the ability to illuminate the enemy, those who play on this type of vehicle do not need to choose what to take - "Radio Intercept" or "Eagle Eye". Luckily, these two skills stack and work at the same time.

The only downside is that the additional "Eye" effect, which works after damage to devices, is useless on light tanks. You are either immediately destroyed when hit, or you remain an invisible shadow and dodge enemy projectiles. But when learning both skills, you will receive a 5% bonus to vision range or to enemy detection if your vision is already maximum and equal to 445 meters.

medium tanks

With these machines it is already a little more difficult. You can participate in positional skirmishes. Your vehicles already have more durability, and you can withstand critical hits. Elements of positional combat and slow front push appear.

When playing a medium tank, everything will depend on the model. For fast and agile vehicles, it is best to first learn both skills that we are considering. For slower ones, it would be better to take the "Sixth Sense" from the commander first. In general, the detection of the enemy is not included in the main tasks of medium tanks. However, due to the "great Belarusian random" there may be no LTs in the team, and then you will have to take on their role. In such cases, it would be better to use "Radio Interception".

Heavy tanks

Slow and vulnerable, oddly enough. When riding a TT, be prepared for the fact that you will have to hide behind shelters and make short "runs". It is with them that you will have to choose what to download earlier - "Radio Interception" or "Eagle Eye". What is better to choose?

On the one hand, you have a commander. You will need the skills "Sixth Sense" and "Combat Brotherhood". He also needs "Repair". However, the "Eagle Eye" will be a salvation in case of damage to surveillance devices, which break down quite often in TTs. On the other hand, the radio operator. He also needs "general" skills - "Repair" and "Combat Brotherhood", but there are practically no useful special skills.

Thus, "Eagle Eye" or "Radio Interception" - which is better? After pumping all general skills it would be better to take the "Sixth Sense" from the commander, and "Radio Interception" from the radio operator. However, immediately after that, you can download the "Eye".

tank destroyer

With this type of technology, the situation is similar. Only General Skills also have "Disguise" added to them. "Radio Interception" is also learned one rank earlier. On the other hand, many TDs prefer to play "snipers" by hiding in one place. Therefore, the possibility of detecting the enemy even at distant approaches is very important to them.

You can learn both skills in question first and you won't lose anything by doing so. They will immediately give you 5% vision, and with additional equipment like the Stereo Tube, you can spot even the most camouflaged opponents.


On this type of vehicle, you do not have to decide what to take - "Radio Intercept" or "Eagle Eye". For self-propelled guns, the range of their own review is not important. She uses the data transferred to her by other participants in the battle. Therefore, it makes no sense to download "Radio Interception" or "Eagle Eye" to her.

If we assume a theoretical model in which self-propelled guns fight in urban conditions and play the role of a kind of anti-tank gun, then the maximum that the owner of an unlucky car can afford is Radio Interception. It gives a larger bonus, while the "Eye" is effective only when the modules of the vehicle are damaged.


Based on the foregoing, several conclusions can be drawn regarding what is better to use - "Radio Interception" or "Eagle Eye". No matter what vehicle you play and what style of battle you prefer, it is more profitable to take Radio Interception. First of all, only because he does not have a worthy alternative among other radio operator skills.

"Eagle eye", "Radio interception" how many characteristics give? The first guarantees a bonus of 2% when pumping and 20% when broken. The second - 3%. Given that a good tanker rarely takes critical damage, the bonus from the first skill is very doubtful, and here again Interception wins.

The same applies to the speed of receiving. "Interception" is pumped much faster, again due to the fact that the commander has more really useful and effective skills that should be pumped earlier.

So let's sum it up. "Eagle Eye" or "Radio Interception"? What's better? Definitely - "Radio Interception". If you have a dilemma what to download, choose it, you definitely won’t lose.

Which modules to download first? What is better to put on your PT - "horns" or optics? Which crew perks should be downloaded in the first place, and which ones are not needed at all? What shells to install in the ammunition? Read about it below.

The order of pumping modules:

  1. gun/undercarriage
  2. engine
  3. walkie-talkie

Recall: PT is, first of all, a tool. The tool feeds us, it brings us income and experience. And therefore, if the running gear allows, we pump over the gun in the first place. Having a good weapon on board, we will be able to farm experience much faster for everything else. The next step is to pump the chassis. Without a new chassis, you will not be able to install the remaining modules, you may not have enough load capacity. The main bonus of the new chassis is the increased turning speed of the car. And for tank destroyers, in which the change of the sector of fire occurs mainly by rotating the hull, this is an important indicator.

The only exception to this rule is the case when the existing chassis does not allow us to install the top gun. In this case, the running gear will be pumped first.

The next module pumps the engine. At the same time, we further increase the speed of acceleration and turn of the car. This allows us to quickly enter the desired positions, quickly change them, and also leave them faster if they are detected. All this directly affects our survival.

The last module is pumping the radio station. The module is quite important, but for a machine that is located in the rear of the main forces, it is not the most necessary. (Later on, playing on low-level machines, you will of course realize how much you miss a good radio station, since you cannot fully evaluate the minimap, but in a normal, non-deer-perverted combat, it is not the most important module).

What consumables to choose?

Don't skimp on consumables. Your life sometimes depends on their presence. Here is the technology:

First of all, put in the second slot small repair kit. This is almost our most important consumable. You may not have a first aid kit or a fire extinguisher, but a repair kit must be present. Don't be greedy and put it on! The first and most common malfunction in the game is downed tracks. The missing caterpillar for a vehicle without a turret, in which the change of the firing sector directly depends on the chassis, is tantamount to death. Therefore, we put the repair kit in the second slot and, if necessary, very quickly activate it by double-clicking on the 5 key. Why exactly on the 5 key? Because the tracks are in fifth position, and they are often shot down.

first aid kit— the second necessary consumable. It is very bad to play with a critical gunner or mechdriver. Therefore, a first aid kit is also needed. They install it in different ways, it’s more convenient for us in slot 4, because there is a mechanical driver at number four on the list, without which you are an easy target.

Fire extinguisher? We do not see the need for a fire extinguisher for vehicles that do not have special armor and do not even have time to catch fire when hit. Therefore, for tank destroyers of the hunter class, buy better gasoline (or oil, tightened regulator). Due to this, you will get a noticeable increase in speed, power (and hence throttle response and turning speed).

If it is unprofitable to carry gasoline, or you think that it is not the most necessary element for you, carry automatic fire extinguisher. It will add fire resistance to the car and will automatically work once every five years, which may save your life. Believe me, it is much more convenient than a hand-held fire extinguisher. In addition, it will pay off in 4-5 battles.

Which optional equipment put:

First module: Camouflage net. For a machine that has to fight like a sniper, camouflage is the first thing you need. Buy without thinking. It is inexpensive, and the benefits to you from it are simply agro-mad. This equipment can be removed and put on other machines, therefore, even if you don’t like the machine, it will still come in handy on the farm.

Alternative view of the grid:

The fact is that disguise is relevant at the time of entering the position, i.e. in move. But when we move and we really need masking, the mesh doesn't work. De facto, while firing, we can only rely on the bush, the terrain, or the blindness of the enemy, the mesh has almost no effect on camouflage at the time of the shot and very little enhances camouflage in the bush. There is some significant bonus from the network when standing in an open field without shooting only, but the very fact of standing still in an open field means that we are doing something wrong. Camouflage, IMHO, is more important than mesh, because. Camo always works and allows us to move unnoticed.

Second module: Yagers, like a real sniper, have good eyesight and high visibility. Reinforcing it is a good idea. But here there will be a choice between what to install: coated optics or a stereo tube. Resolve this problem should be based on your style of play.

More information about the network:
I took it to the OF in the developers' answers:
Does the action of the camouflage net disappear after a shot if the tank remains stationary?
No. The camouflage net effect does not disappear after a shot.

Camouflage network. WiKi
Effect: Significantly reduces the visibility of a stationary tank after three seconds after stopping. Acts as a component. For PT - 15%; For ST, LT - 10%; For TT, Arta - 5%
Cost: 100000 Credits
Weight: 100 kg

How does the camouflage net work?
Camouflage net - removable equipment that significantly reduces the visibility of a stationary tank (after three seconds after the vehicle stops). Being a removable piece of equipment, the Camouflage Net can be transferred to another tank.

The camouflage net gives a certain bonus to the level of camouflage of the tank, depending on its type. For tank destroyers this bonus will be higher, for medium and light tanks - lower. For heavy tanks and the SPG bonus from Camouflage Net will be lower than the bonus for medium and light tanks and tank destroyers. In order for this additional equipment to become active, it is necessary to fix the body of the vehicle for 3 seconds, after which the Camouflage Net will begin to operate - this will be indicated by the corresponding green illumination around the edges of the Camouflage Net emblem. Any subsequent movement will again require 3 seconds of rest to activate the Camouflage Net. If you prefer to support tanks from the second line in battle, then the tanks will shine for you and the stereo tube (which, like the maskset, works only 5 seconds after stopping), you will not definitely need it. And it is better to put optics. The increase in viewing range from optics, of course, is not so big, but at least it is constant. If you prefer ambush tactics on open area, then here the stereotube will come in handy. In the field, armed with a level 2 or 3 tank destroyer with a basic view of 370-400m, it can sometimes even stop a level 5 tank and hold it before it approaches you at a detection distance. It is enough to shoot down his harp, crit modules and hit weak spots, and then the rest of the team will arrive in time and help this monster to be dismantled. In addition, the pipe is a removable module that can be moved from car to car and therefore useful in any case. The correctness of the choice of modules is usually confirmed by the enemy. More or less like this:

Third module: At low levels, it is not possible to install a rammer, so your choice is reinforced aiming drives. The change in the firing sector on the PT often occurs with the help of caterpillars, while the convergence flies. Therefore, faster mixing will be of great help to you.

At levels above the third, there is more choice of modules. Complete the car with modules depending on what you want to achieve: improve the strengths of your car or strengthen the weaknesses. For solo play, of course, it is worth strengthening the weaknesses. If you have a company or platoon vehicle, it is better to strengthen it.

Weaknesses and strengths can be assessed based on the performance characteristics of the machine. For example, a view of 350 meters, like the SU-100, is weak side. If you play solo, take the "horns", rammer and mesh. If you play as a platoon or in a company, take a grid (or a fan if you already have a well-pumped crew and everyone has 100% camouflage), drives and a rammer.


Here is one piece of advice. If the ammunition load allows, do not be stingy, carry with you 4-5 sub-caliber (cumulative) shells and a dozen high-explosive ones. They will help you when you run into some kind of cast-iron muzzle like KV or T1 Heavy. At long distances, common for PTs, it is sometimes difficult to hit the AP in a weak spot.

Fougasses help a lot. They are guaranteed to remove at least some HP from the enemy, forcing him to think ten times about continuing to move in your direction. Land mines are also very good for one-shotting small art. You need to make 2 shots with an AP shell, during the reload time for the second shot, artillery can either knock you down or respond by swan-shotting you.

Please note that sub-caliber shells lose armor penetration at a long distance, so it is better not to use them. The fact that you bought a projectile for in-game gold does not guarantee penetration =)

Crew Perks Perk number one - disguise. High-quality disguise is the key to the survival of any sniper. The same applies to anti-tank self-propelled guns of the Yager class. Upgrade everything crew disguise.

Quote from cheburillo:

Cloaking only affects detection distance. The time of disappearance from the light ranges from 1 to 8 seconds (without lotions like vindictive ones) and it depends only on the order in which the server calculates “view ticks”. (30 Jan 2013 - 13:20)

Many people think that the commander immediately needs to start pumping the sixth sense (light bulb) and the rest of the crew - disguise. This is wrong for two reasons: firstly, in this case, you will carry a useless commander with you all the time while leveling the 1st perk (the light bulb starts working only after reaching 100%), and secondly, you must have YOUR sixth sense.

You must intuitively feel when you are visible and when not, when you need to change position and “tear your claws”, when not to shoot, when not to move, etc. etc. The lamp works after the fact, 3 seconds after you are discovered. We can say that when it caught fire, the enemy is already aiming at you, and there is nothing to think about - shedding instantly. And besides, the lamp will first dull your own feeling. Being already an experienced fighter, you will learn to identify danger without it, and the lamp will simply confirm your fear. In addition: by pumping 100% disguise to the commander, you can always reset this perk and turn it into a light bulb.

The next perks after disguise should be to download the same light bulb, vindictive for the gunner (a very useful skill for shooting through opaque bushes), which enhances your maneuverability