Time does not heal all wounds of the saboteur. The saboteur guides and walkthroughs. darkest night


Watch the cutscene, then exit through the door near the wardrobe. Walk along the sidewalk to the right, there is a courtyard. Talk to Luke, then get into his car parked nearby and drive. The path will be shown on the minimap, it is impossible to get lost. At the destination you will see a large yellow marker. It is necessary to drive up to him, and the cutscene will begin. There will be a fist fight. Hurry up to help Luke before he arrives.

The control keys will be shown on the screen. When both Germans are rendered insensible, go inside the guarded yard and talk to Luke one more time. He will tell his plan of action. Climb the building, sneak up on the sentry and throw him down. Then quickly go down the stairs and help Luke beat the two sentries.

Break the boxes, you will find explosives in them. Pick it up, return to the car and drive to the fuel depot. Luke will explain his plan to you. Get on the roof. It is most convenient to do this where the wire is attached to the building, because you will not be visible either from the tower on the roof or from the checkpoint at the gate. Watch the truck explosion cutscene, then jump on the wire, run to the main tank and plant the dynamite. It might not be possible to get out covertly - I took an armored jeep, rammed the gate and disappeared, then returned for Luke.

Near the warehouse is now a zone of suspicion. Get in Luke's car, pick him up and get out of the area. As you noticed, after completing the mission, colors sparkled again on the streets of the city, and smiles appeared on their faces. “Life has become better, life has become more fun!”

Go to Belle's, go to the dressing room to the right of the stage, behind the painting Chamber of Secrets. Come in and watch the video.

Get into the truck and drive across the map to the border with Germany. Drive slowly across the bridge and stop at the checkpoint. Then drive to the parking lot and leave the truck there.

Walk to the bar down the street. There you will find a cutscene and a fight. Knock out all the guys in red uniforms and get out of the bar. They are already waiting for you on the street - get behind the wheel and break away from your pursuers. The best way to do this is on the highway - you can see the way there on the map. Then drive to the hotel.

Morning. Choose a car to your taste among those parked near the hotel and go racing. Your task is to overtake Kurd Dekker - a Nazi. Then watch the video. You need to take revenge - take the car and drive with Jules for Kurt to the factory. Don't get too close, otherwise Kurt will suspect being followed. Near the plant we dismount, climb over the fence. There is a car nearby, sneak up on it, get behind the wheel and throw it off the cliff into the Lake. To do this, before colliding with the fence, hold down the exit key (by default, E in the English layout). Watch videos.

Exit the room. In the corridor you will be prompted how to kill the enemy silently. Pick up a pistol. On the balcony, neutralize another enemy, and climb onto the roof along the factory emblem. There's a sentry under guard, sneak up behind and kill quietly. Go down the stairs, eavesdrop on the conversation. Get down one level lower, take a machine gun and shoot two Fritz. Go further along the corridors, killing machine gunners running out from around the corner. In the large hall, several well-armed and armored Germans will jump out to meet you. Use cover. At the end of the hall, go up the stairs on the right, go through another room, kill the driver near the car and make your escape.

At first, they will shoot at you, then, already on the streets of the city, they will pay less attention to you, because. The war has begun, and there are skirmishes everywhere. On the farm, you need to knock out all the Germans before the health indicator drops to zero. Then sneak into the building and save Veronica.

Act I

Go to the balcony, talk to Luke and Veronica. Vittore has been captured and is about to be executed on a farm outside the city. Leave the bar, get into your car in the alley and drive to the place of execution.

There is a sentry on the other side of the canal. Jump into the water when he turns away. Climb onto the dock and sneak up behind him and kill him. Change your clothes. Go through the archway, and go to the far end of the slaughterhouse from the canal. There is one sentry at the cell with prisoners - kill him secretly, take the weapon and the key, open the cell. Then follow Vittore to the basement.

This is where the headquarters of the resistance will now be located. For the merchant, you need to steal a bottle of rare champagne. Drive to the designated area. The uniform will not help here - there are too many Nazis. You need to either make your way to the bottle on the roofs, or break in there, counting on speed. It will not be difficult to hide - there is a shelter on the roof of the building next to the bottle. After sitting out, go down to the street, take the transport and go to the headquarters.

Give the bottle to the merchant and the medicines to Veronica.

thirty pieces of silver

The mission is taken from Vittore in Belle. Go to the marker on the map, follow the general there. When he pays the traitor, go after the traitor and near the exit from the alley, shoot him in the back of the head. Then exit and try to leave the area of ​​suspicion as quickly as possible.

Black market

Santos is ready to supply you with subversive supplies. His shop is opposite Belle, in the alley. Then you need to blow up the tower on the next building. It's easy - climb the wall of the building on which it is installed, set the explosives at the foot. Then it will be necessary to kill the German officer. He is in an alley. Without entering the zone of suspicion, stand so that you can see him, get a gun and kill him. A car parked nearby will help you quickly drop the chase.

The last task is to destroy the armored car nearby. Here, too, everything is simple - stand so that you are not visible, set the explosives and get out before the explosion thunders. Then return to Santos.

Massive limousine theft

Drive to the parking lot. Go from the neighboring courtyard, from there climb onto the roof. Stand so that you can see the front of the car, the soldiers practicing shooting, the soldier at the post at the box. Take out the machine gun, shoot them all, then the one that walks in the archway, then those behind the gate. Jump in the car and let's go. It will be convenient to hide in the park area near Belle. Then drive the car to the garage.

freedom or death

Luke has already recovered and is ready to give you a new task. We need to free the prisoners. Drive to the indicated area. There on the square you will find a location station. Two soldiers walk around her. The one behind the building is easy to kill unnoticed and change into his clothes. Now you can more or less freely walk in the camp where the prisoners are kept. Near the cell, which contains the commander of foreign soldiers, there is a sentry, and a Wehrmacht officer walks around. When the officer leaves, stealthily kill the sentry and open the cell. This is where your disguise ends. Kill the camp guards (I recommend the automatic), then the people on the towers. Until help arrives, you have some time. Open the other three cameras, jump into the car and run away. If you can’t break away, look on the map for the location of the nearest shelter, move there. Stop, kill the pursuers who came to the rescue and climb onto the roof and hide there.

Special Delivery

The quest is given by Veronica. Take a fast car - it can be a great help in completing the mission. First, take Veronica to the place where she will pick up the package, then to the location of the recipient. Here, park close to the doors, and be ready to vomit as soon as she gets into the car. By the time of the explosion, you should already be far enough away. Try not to run into the Nazi cars rushing to the scene. Take Veronica back and go talk to Luke.

I got drunk

A new marker appeared far beyond the known territories. You can get there without documents - through the fields, past the station. There, enter the house and watch the cutscene.

Buried Secrets

Mission from British intelligence. We leave for the cemetery, we talk with Skylar. Go through the hole in the wall. There are two. One will leave soon, the second must be quietly killed and undressed. Now go to the very top. It is not necessary to climb the stairs past the soldiers - you can, after making sure that you are not visible, climb onto the crypts, and from there - to the next tier. Having reached the floor with the mausoleum, go inside - if you do not run, you can go unnoticed right up to the steps. And there disguise does not matter - quickly run in and jump into the pit. There are ten soldiers below, when you kill them all, a cutscene will start.

Jump into the car, pick up Skylar and gas. The car is disgusting, so you won’t be able to break away, in addition, black cars will interfere with you. These are not civilians. The marker for the end point of the path is located strangely - first you will need to drive past, go around the block from the opposite side and then approach. Jump out of the car and open fire on the soldiers. When armored vehicles arrive, you will have to fight carefully - a machine-gun burst leads to death very quickly. When the enemy counter is full, the alarm will subside. Deliver the goods to the specified location.

Journey up the coast

In the secret room of the bar you will continue the mission. Get out of Belle, get in the car in the backyard, and take her to the church outside the city. All.

Long live revenge

We will take revenge. First, go for the truck, it also contains the form. Then go through checkpoint control (don't be afraid of the alarm strip - you will have time to pass the control before they start shooting). Behind the Gate Bridge. The sentries do not look, you can put a charge and move away. Wait a couple of minutes, the anxiety will subside, and you will be able to calmly go through them. Inside the castle, calmly and slowly walk past the soldiers. After reaching the tower, climb the wall, then walk down the stairs (or along the beams). Then go to the landing area - there will be no problems with the passage of soldiers. At the very top of the castle, if you do not want to go past the four soldiers, go around on the other side. Watch the video in the zeppelin. Go to the cabin, go up the stairs. Then run, jumping over dips, get over the rope and climb the stairs. Watch the video.

Talk to the man in the church and go to Paris to Veronica. Watch the video there. Talk to Luke, then go to Santos.

True pleasure

After talking with Santos, head to the scene. Of the two methods, I recommend the artillery on the roof. There is only one soldier there, plus you can earn some good money - you can destroy not only the convoy, but everything you can reach: towers, equipment, soldiers, etc. It will be quite difficult to hide, but there is a resistance zone nearby - shoot N-th number of soldiers and it's in the bag. Return to Santos. He wants another 250 money for documents. Talk to him again when you get the right amount. Get the documents and go to Margot.

Act II


The mission starts at Lady Margo - in the west of the map. The prisoner has to be released. The mission is quite easy, although troublesome. First of all, you'll need a silenced pistol, a uniform, and a fast car. Park the car at the entrance through which we will break. There are two entrances to the building, but one is guarded by the Gestapo commissar, who easily sees spies in disguise. Yes, this entrance will not suit us - it does not lead there. There are four people standing on the second one, you can safely walk past them, but there is a door behind them. We install explosives and take off from there with a bullet. Try to get as far as possible, because the alarm zone will be quite extensive. If it didn’t work out, don’t worry, drop the chase and return - most likely, there will be no one there.

Come inside. There are two flamethrowers walking around the cage. Make sure that you are not visible - knock out both. Then climb onto the roof and one by one shoot or stealthily kill the soldiers. Be careful not to be seen. If you get caught, immediately get down, open the cage and, shooting opponents on the way to the car, run to it. Jump and - gas. Even if there is a chase, go straight to the district headquarters - it is easy to break away from the chase there.

Family feud

Talk to Vittore. Then receive a message from Luke and talk to him at the location indicated on the map.

heavy weapon

Ride and talk to Bryman. Pick up RDX in the gateway and go to the cannon. Climb up the wall of the building opposite from the checkpoint, kill the technician and the guards, plant three packs of explosives and quickly descend. Select the detonator at the bottom and detonate the charge. Fourth level anxiety - you either need to be a taxi master, which is still unlikely to help you, because. armored vehicles of impressive caliber against you, or go somewhere out of town. Or find a place where the resistance has fun. Or, most likely, you will be killed, and you will be reborn at the headquarters, fortunately, the mission has already been completed.

british bastard

Drive into the countryside and have a chat with a British intelligence bigwig. This will be followed by a mission from Skylar.

Thunder on wheels

The sultry blonde has prepared a new task. Jump into the car and take it to the bridge. There's a sentry on the ground floor, slap it softly and change your clothes. Place the first bomb. In the future, it will be more difficult to stay under cover - the rest of the charges must be placed at a height, climbing up the support, and this is easy to notice. Therefore, if you are discovered, kill everyone and continue your work. The last charge on the tracks - and you can go back. On the way down, new opponents will be waiting for you, but not many. Return to the car.

Drive to the train station. Climbing the train is relatively easy. From where you left Skylar, run straight to the marker. At the fence with a thorn, there is a wagon a little to the right, climb it. There is a guard behind the next train - kill him and change clothes. Then board the desired train. After that, he will move, and it will be time for you to make your way forward.

Before the car with the radio station, everything is fine - the cover works. After planting the bomb, jump forward and try to keep cover as long as possible. If it didn’t work out, get through with the fight. We'll have to run to the locomotive, because the engineer ran away. Then go back to the car where Kessler is. Watch the video. Take your friends to the slaughterhouse and come talk. After the video, talk to Veronica and Luke. Then go to Santos. He will demand 500 money for documents. Let's go to Luke.

South of the Seine

Luke will ride south with you. Take the car and drive. There is a meeting of all the leaders of the uprising. Near the yellow marker you will see a four-seater car - drive it closer to the people standing in the center of the square. When the conversation starts, the Germans will come in an amount of about a dozen. Kill them and jump into the car, the other three are with you. The easiest way to drop the chase is still in the suburbs, so go to the headquarters where Margo is sitting. You can ram the checkpoint gate across the river - they are light. When the chase lags behind, take everyone to a new address.


Vittorio will offer to steal the Aurora from her new owner. Drive to the castle, park your car and look for a clothing donor. Then go to the gate to the castle grounds - there is a tank there. Go around the gate on the left, there will be many places where you can climb over the fence unnoticed. Go to the place indicated by the marker and plant the explosives when no one will see you.

Wait until the alarm subsides and go downstairs. Below, even if you have to raise a commotion, it's not scary. Lower the car, jump behind the wheel and press the gas to the floor. Escape is also not difficult - in the countryside, pursuit cars are rare, otherwise you can even turn off the road and drive away until you leave the red zone. Then take the car to Vittorio.

Boiling point

Bryman gives a mission to free Kessler's daughter. Drive to the building, find the wire and enter the building. In the building on the floor you will see a German talking to someone on the radio. Kill and change. Then go down, stealthily killing. I was able to clear everything without raising the alarm. The secret entrance will be marked with a marker. This is a book. There are two behind the shelf. Behind them in the corridors are several more pairs of guards. All can be removed secretly, there would be cartridges. I managed to get to the cameras without raising the alarm. There, the vase will be closed one on one with a couple of ultra-armored guys with superweapons. Hide behind the pillar near the walls and shoot in the head. Then another one will come running. Pick up their weapons.

Open the cameras with the lever in one of the rooms. Comrade runs out. Mine without blowing up both boilers, then shoot one of the charges. The boilers will explode, setting the entire building on fire. Make your way to the top, shooting everyone. In a room with a caved-in floor, three Über-soldiers will approach you with good weapon. Don't skimp on grenades. Call the elevator.

Downstairs, kill the three Übersoldiers downstairs near the monument, plus a few more "regulars", one of which will arrive in the elevator after you. After that, talk to Maria and take her to the headquarters.

Lambs to the slaughter

After the video at the headquarters, go outside. It is hot here. But not really - first they will attack from the back wall - they will blow it up. Then from the front. Then from the flank. In all three cases, it is possible and necessary to use stationary machine guns and shoot at vehicles until it explodes. In my case, the soldiers sometimes did not even have time to get out of the cars and armored personnel carriers. In such conditions, you do not have to worry about sappers seeking to mine the building. Then the tank will come. You can either shoot his escort and go and mine him, or change one weapon for a rocket launcher that lies on the balcony, but there is only one charge for it, so most likely you still have to go on foot and mine the tank.

After the video, take everyone to the catacombs.

dark reign

Bryman immediately stands near the exit from the well with a new mission. Drive to the area of ​​operation. The mission is easy - climb on the first building, throw off the soldier, place the bug. Then we look at the direction to the next marker and see that the wire leads there. But there are soldiers. They shot the soldiers - drove along the wire - placed the second bug. Do not forget to clear the area before moving, otherwise they will shoot right in the hanging position. Once you have to go down to the ground, because there will be no wire, you can go up the drain. After placing the last bug, the easiest way to get to the shelter is on the roof - on the ground you will find a too warm reception.

I need a few ... or one

Contact Bryman again at the new location. Go through the sewers, swim across the water barrier and climb up the ladder. There are four guards on the first floor. Kill one who walks along the pier - another one will come running, kill him - a third will come running. The latter stands in a room from where a staircase leads to the second floor. There are a lot of people there and you can't do anything secretly. Shoot the flamethrowers - they explode in a high quality in a crowd of Germans. Clear the floor, then kill the most annoying soldiers on the banks of the river. There will be no sense from guns - you can blow them up. Talk on the radio and be ready - two Uber soldiers and a sniper will crawl out of the zeppelin. It is better to go to the prison with a machine gun (the most ordinary, not "Uber") and a sniper rifle in your hands. As you approach the prison, kill the soldier with the sniper rifle on the landing pad. Go down a couple of tiers. Then jump onto the tin roof of some utility room right in front of the execution square. From here you can remove the executioner and start clearing the area. Please note that there are also soldiers around on the towers. When Veronica is left alone, go down to her.

The truck will come. Jump into the body and stand behind the machine gun. On the way, there will be shooting of all kinds of armored vehicles, just that there will be no tanks. Also, airplanes. There is nothing complicated in this, solid reflexes. When Bryman separates from you, talk to Veronica and look for the car. Go to the headquarters in the catacombs.


From the ash

We win the race, watch the video, then run to the river and along the embankment. You can even walk. When the persecution stops, we take any transport and go to Belle.

Here is the empire of the dead

From Belle we follow to the headquarters in the catacombs. At the entrance, the guys say that they will have to go the other way. It is easiest to break through to the lion statue under fire - anyway, shooting will begin in the catacombs. There is only one way, there is enough ammunition. Only automatic weapons will do here, two machine guns will be just right. At the end of the path there will be a large hall. You can get to your own through two collapsed bridges: one on the left, the second between your camps and the Nazis. If you fail to knock out everyone - throw grenades, only very high, almost at the zenith. Then a few more super soldiers will come in from the back. Kill them (grenades rule) and watch cutscenes.

Skylar will send you a note. It's a new mission

Deja Boom

On the runway, get into the truck and drive to the factory. When you ram the gate, go through the small doors at the back of the plant - they are open. Flamethrowers and machine gunners will be waiting for you there - very strong and dangerous enemies. Therefore, shoot only from behind cover, use grenades and do not shoot Veronica, who strives to put her head under the line. At the end of the path will be the same room in which Jules was killed. You will go from here alone. There are two technicians and three machine gunners in the big hall. Then you can open the doctor. While he will open the big door to the cyclotron, hide behind the iron boxes and shoot the opponents. Among them now come across ordinary soldiers, and this is very good.

The door will open quickly, inside you will need to press the button at the same time as the scientist, then destroy the two cooling units. All this time, enemies will enter the hall, including machine gunners and flamethrowers. I recommend that you do not destroy the second installation, but first clean the hall from opponents. Then run back - the professor will hide, and you will need to destroy the opponents who are marked with a marker. Here you will need fuel tanks near the walls of the plant. In the end, the doctor will open another gate, and the mission will be completed.

Angel of Death

Get in the car and pick up Veronica. Drive through the uprising city to the Eiffel Tower. Go through the park, take the elevator to the second floor, transfer to another elevator and go even higher. Go through the bar (there are some deranged Germans - you can shoot them). Climb to the very top, on the platform of the Dekker elevator. After the cutscene, you can shoot him. On this story line ends and you can continue freeplay.

FAQ on getting bonuses
1. Quietly kill five generals

There is, in general, nothing complicated, the main thing is caution and a pistol with a silencer :)
The main difficulty is that when you kill the bodyguards near the general, a zone of suspicion is formed, and other Nazis gather there. Usually, after the zone of suspicion resolves, they leave, but sometimes they remain, then we repeat everything again.
Note. a silent kill is only a silent blow from behind, fist fight Not okay.

2. Kill five Terror Company soldiers
Method 1 (Quick and easy) This bonus can also be obtained at the beginning of the game. We go to the church, there are two anti-aircraft guns near it, we sit down on any of them and shoot at everything that moves (well, or does not move :)
The level of anxiety increases, and somewhere around level 3-4, soldiers of the Terror Company come running. You may not even notice how you kill them :) I myself was surprised when I suddenly received this award :)
Note. This way you can earn another bonus - "destroy 20 Nazi cars with one car." Just fire on all passing Nazi armored personnel carriers and tanks.

Method 2 (long) As you progress through the story, and especially at the end, you will meet with a considerable number of Terror Company soldiers.

3. Destroy the tank and zeppelin during the same alert.
It is necessary to destroy the tank "Wolf" (Wolf)

4. Blow up 10 Nazis in 10 seconds with explosives.
First of all, we take with us more dynamite and hexogen. Of the weapons, it is desirable to have a Tommy MG and a "Tank Killer". We go to the "black and white" area and on some street (important - the street should not be too wide) and install dynamite and hexogen on it so that the explosion of one explosive causes the detonation of another.
The more explosives, the better.
Then we climb onto the roof of the house, which is near this road, and fire at the Nazis. We increase the level of anxiety by any means. The main thing is not to cause premature detonation.
Over time, many Nazis will gather at the building. When you consider that there are already enough of them, we detonate the explosives, which causes a chain reaction, and the Nazis fly to the meat.
If you did everything carefully, you will receive a bonus. The main thing is not to rush.

5. Get 10 double kills
Until recently, I thought this bonus was the hardest. But when I figured out how to get it, everything turned out to be much easier. We call a zone of suspicion (you can throw a grenade, shoot a weapon), the main thing is not to cause an alarm. Next, a Nazi jeep arrives, and three Germans get out of it. We take a sniper and find the most convenient position, of course, on the ground, and not on the roof (so that Sean and the two Nazis are on the same line), and make a shot. It is advisable to use Steiner with optics. That's it, you made a double kill, now it remains to repeat this process 9 more times.

6. Destroy 20 Nazi vehicles with one vehicle.
The description is not very informative, so the question arises how to do it. To be honest, I didn’t fully understand it myself, but I still found a working method. We climb onto the anti-aircraft gun (preferably the one near the church) and raise the alarm. We destroy Nazi equipment and get a bonus.

7. Destroy five Nazi vehicles with dynamite in 300 seconds.

Method 1. Similarly, with the "Blow up 10 Nazis" bonus, only it's easier to count here
Method 2. In the "destroy the Nazi convoy" quest that Santos gives us, it's enough to put one dynamite on the truck, and everything will fly into the air, and you will receive a bonus.

8. Destroy 4 Nazi railway bridges
However, nothing complicated, but sometimes an annoying bug happens in the game - when you need to lay a charge on the tracks, Sean starts waving his fists instead. The way out is simple - take the dynamite and put it in that place. The method works.

9.Collect all the vehicles in the game
Here is a map for you

I do not claim authorship of the map in any way.
Note. If you are too lazy to go for racing cars in Saabruken, then you can steal them from rivals in the race.
You drive the Nazi out of the car, take it to the garage, load the last checkpoint (too lazy to drive back). Don't worry, the car will remain in the garage.

If anyone does not remember, then advertised " Sabotera» EA pretty loud. The publishers showed that they were investing money in the project, and the game would turn out to be worthy, or at least quite expensive. Well, plus we were immediately promised several interesting features, including a game with paints. Frankly, I was waiting for one of the best action movies of the year. I don't know why, I just waited. He seemed to me something special, non-standard. And recently I launched it, played it and now I'm ready to share my impressions.

After an hour of play, the first suspicions appeared. After two more - I had almost no doubt. And now - and at all completely sure. " Saboteur"trying with all his might to be like everyone's favorite" Mafia". First, myself game process insanely similar. Before us is a free city in which we are free to do anything, but at the same time, all our main activities are in missions. Moreover, they are also built as in " Mafia”: many long videos, character development, intrigue. There are even flashbacks. Secondly, in Saboteur» Much attention is paid to cars and music. Do you remember how we used to ride to jazz in nice little 40 km/h cars in the USA? Now you will find almost the same thing, only in France. With a slight difference that here tanks can move around the city and Fritz are on duty at every corner, and not ordinary cops. Thirdly, just a general impression and small details in every possible way make us recognize one of best games in the industry. And hand-to-hand combat, and shooting, and some missions, and plot flow, and appearance. Even the profession of the protagonist is connected with machines...

"Perfect Shame" Game Review

"Perfect Shame" Game Review

I present to your attention the passage games Saboteur. The game is set in France during World War II. The main protagonist is Irish Sean, who is well versed in racing cars. His best friend Jules, Jules' sister Veronica, and their father Vittore became Sean's new family. The passage consists of 3 parts: story missions, additional missions and bonuses. Let's get to the description.
We start the gameplay in the cabaret "Belle". We go outside and move to the marker. The object of our attention is Luke. After talking with him, we climb into the car and go to the food warehouse. Brazen Nazis offend a helpless Parisian. Luke can't look at this calmly and gets into a fight. We are offered to learn the basics of hand-to-hand combat and hit the offenders in the soft spot, at the same time we get the first bonus in the Bronze Fight game. Next, we go to the zone closed to us (barbed wire icon on the map). If they notice us in this zone, they will immediately raise the alarm, so we approach the wall adjacent to the zone of the house, and use the SPACE key to jump onto the wall, grabbing onto the ledges. We are on the roof and we are offered to try to throw off the enemy from there. Well, so be it. Hold CTRL to move silently and sneak up behind the Nazi, press RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to grab and any direction key to push. We go down the stairs and cut down 2 more enemies. Next, break the boxes with the F key and select the dynamite. We sit back in the car and drive to the fuel depot. Opposite the warehouse there is a tall house with a telephone cable. We climb up and wait for a signal from Luke. We jump on the telephone cable and slide, thus making our way to the warehouse. We plant dynamite in the marked area and run back to the fence. An explosion will sound and the city will light up with colors (initially, all the streets in the game are black and white, but when completing key tasks, they are painted, become less busy with the Nazis and the Parisians are more actively helping Sean in his difficult task). We climb over the fence and go to Belle, picking up Luke along the way

We get into the truck and drive the car to the race track. We go into the bar and see the main villain of the game, Decker. After the video, we try to kill all the enemies. We leave the bar and meet Skylar. We leave the chase, leaving, outside the detection zone and going to the hotel. Race day. We sit in any car and go to the track. In any case, you will lose the race, no matter how fast you drive, it's just the plot of the game. We get into the car and follow Deker, not losing sight of him, but not getting too close. So, we came to the car factory to take revenge on the scoundrel for losing the race through his fault. We climb over the fence, get into his car and push it off the cliff, having previously jumped out of it with the E key. Decker killed our friend Jules (he did it in vain). We go along the corridor and perform a silent kill with the E or Z key, after holding CTRL, as a result we get a gun. We move on, shooting Nazis one by one, climbing roofs and stairs. As a result, we also received a machine gun and are standing in front of the entrance to the factory. We get into the jeep and drive to the farm where we started the prologue. We kill all the enemies that we see and save Veronica.

This is how the war begins...

Mission 1
Meet with Luke in Belle. We get weapons and carefully read the instructions on how to behave so that they do not suspect near the Germans. We hide the weapon with the C key or twist it, MOUSE WHEEL DOWN we get into the first car we come across and drive Luke to the city sewer. We cut down the guard and put on his clothes with the F1 key. You can’t shoot at him otherwise you won’t get clothes, it turns out 2 options: hand-to-hand combat or silent killing. Pay attention to the dotted ring on the map. This is a zone of suspicion: if there is an enemy in this ring when you are standing in the zone of his line of sight, the indicator will begin to fill up and raise the alarm, but we don’t need this. Therefore, when walking, hold down CTRL and the radius of suspicion decreases. Also here you will find the first box of contraband. Smuggling is like money, only much better in a war. You can buy weapons and ammunition for it, repair cars, and you will also need a lot to complete the mission. Okay, we digress. We break the box and move on. We penetrate the slaughterhouse, free Vittore and run to the basement. This is our hideout now.

Mission 2
We speak with Luke, and then with Santos. He asks to return a bottle of champagne, which is in one of the generals. We're going to the place. If you are not in German uniform, then you need to get it by making a quick kill nearby. We climb onto the roof of the house and make our way into the courtyard. The cherished bottle stands on a pedestal and is guarded by a general. We do this: we go down from the roof behind the general, quickly grab the bottle and run back into the opening in the corner of the building. There is a second option: kill the general and the soldier standing nearby from the roof. Wait until the soldiers calm down, and then take the bottle. We climb onto the roof and return to Santos, and then to Luke.
Mission 3
We are going to Santos icon on the map. He asks us to blow up Nazi cars, towers, kill generals and for this we will receive smuggling. We need to do this for a number of reasons, and the main one is that it is much easier to escape from the chase if you do not catch the eye of the sentinels. To begin with, he will give us replenish stocks of dynamite and grenades for free. Let's approach the man next to Santos and stock up on explosives. We follow the marks on the map and do the dirty work. After destroying 3 objects, we return to Santos. After completing this mission, we will be able to buy weapons, ammunition and maps of the city with the places of Nazi fortifications marked on them.
Mission 4
Santos has a cunning plan: steal a Nazi general's car and sell it to him as if it were new. He himself cannot do this and sends us to this business. We follow the mark on the map. The perimeter is strictly guarded. We climb onto the roof further into the courtyard, sit behind the wheel and leave. Since the gates are closed and there is no other way, we break them down and get a level 1 alarm. We leave the chase and drive the car to the workshop at the slaughterhouse. We get the opportunity to store cars in workshops.

Mission 5
We go to Belle and talk to Vittore (a little tip: starting from this mission, we will need a pistol with a silencer for a quick and unobtrusive massacre of the enemy, so we will collect at least 600 contraband units for the pistol and ammo for it and check your supply more often grenade and dynamite). We move to the designated point. The general goes to meet him, follow him without getting too close. He will lead us to a traitor with whom we need to deal.
Mission 6
Luke wants to free the prisoners, who he thinks will greatly help the resistance. Of the weapons in this mission, as in many, a pistol with a silencer will help a lot. We go to the place and act as follows: we dress up as a Nazi, blow up the tower and shoot the enemies one at a time. If the alarm is raised, then we kill all the witnesses of your presence and turn off the alarm (green rhombus on the map). Open the cells and complete the mission.

Mission 7
Luke will tell you that the resistance fighters have become much larger thanks to our latest success, and that Sean can now call for help from the ranks of the rebel bloc. Being near the road, press the F3 button and in 5-10 seconds our friends will appear and help repel the enemy. From the black market dealers, you can strengthen these fighters by buying additional armor and life for them. We have the first secondary missions, but we will not do them yet, since here we are considering the main plot. Let's talk to Victoria. She wants us to help deliver a package to her. We drive along the map and wait for her at one of the lanes, then we drive up to the Nazi building and wait for her again. We hide from the chase and keep our way to the slaughterhouse. We speak with Luke. mission completed
Mission 8
Meet Skylar. We learn that she is a government agent. Meet a new person, Bishop. After leaving the room, you will receive a note saying that Skylar is waiting for you near the warehouse. Let's go there. We crawl into the hole in the fence and move to the left climbing the fences. Having reached the mausoleum, we assess the situation. There are about 8 people inside the mausoleum and about 6 more outside. There are no options, we will break through with a fight. To begin with, let's kill the soldier and take away his clothes (if you are still in civilian clothes), we will also take the machine gun, replacing the sniper rifle for a while. From a pistol with a silencer, we kill everyone outside the mausoleum who succeeds. If in the process you were noticed, then it’s okay (you will still be noticed when you leave). We throw a couple of three grenades into the mausoleum, go inside and pour lead from the machine gun on the survivors. Next, you need to go down and go through the corridors. There are a lot of Nazis inside, so we keep the machine gun at the ready. Having shot everyone, it will be painted new part cities. We get to the box and the video will begin. We sit in the truck and dodge, we leave the cemetery, since the 3rd level of anxiety is provided to you. On the truck, we can’t break away from them, so we’re going to the resistance zone. Arriving at our place, a scale will appear, which will be filled in as the corpses of the Nazis increase. After repulsing the attack, they write to us that we can use the rebel forces at the 3rd and 4th levels of alert, having driven up to the icon on the map. We take the car to the garage.

Mission 9
We need to take the stolen box to Bishop. We're going down the road. The main thing is not to crash on the road into barrels of fuel, not to crash the car and not let Skylar die. That's all you need to do in this mission.

Mission 10
So the hour of reckoning with Decker has come. He must answer for what he did. Decker is in the citadel and preparing to leave. We need a truck and a German uniform. Skylar already took care of that. We replenish stocks of cartridges and grenades. I recommend choosing a pistol with a silencer and a sniper rifle for this mission. We head for the car to the port and then we go to the citadel. There are guards at the gate, but do not panic. Having driven close to the gate, a soldier will come up to us to check what's what. The suspicious counter will also start to fill up. If you get close enough to the gate and don't try to break it down, you'll be let through before they know who you really are. We go over the bridge and gain acceleration. We jump out of the car, having previously sent it to the door of the citadel. We wait until the guard at the door calms down and understands that you are not going to attack him. We hold down CTRL and we pass by going deeper into the ruins of the citadel. It makes no sense to describe where and how to go, but I can say that half of the citadel is easily passed in stealth mode. We climb the wall of a tall building, after killing the guards, in whose field of view you will definitely fall if you do not remove them. Enough to kill two people. We climb into the window and go down the stairs to the very bottom, killing the Nazis along the way. As you find yourself below, you can calmly get a rifle and start methodical shooting, gradually rising to the airship. We go inside and watch the video. We follow Deker along the flaming remains of the airship, overcoming obstacles. Decker escaped again by parachuting, and Sean was thrown into the sea, miraculously surviving.

Mission 11
We go into the chapel and talk with Wilcox (Bishop's assistant). We report that Decker is still alive. We go to the slaughterhouse to visit Victoria and talk to Luke. Luke says that new documents are needed to get through the checkpoint. We go to Santos for documents, but this sly man does not want to give them away just like that and asks to perform a favor: to destroy a convoy of cars loaded with goods. The German army is Santos' main competitor. We stock up on dynamite and grenades. It's time to complete the destruction-silver bonus to get RDX. It is not necessary to do this, the mission can be completed without it, but it is much easier with it. We buy hexogen, choose a fast car and drive to the convoy. Along the river, near which the column stands, there is a long straight road. We drive away (so that no one sees what we will be doing), get out, stick 6 pieces of hexogen on our car (3 on each side), get into it and hold Q to plant explosives. We direct the car at the column, accelerate and jump out of it 30 meters before the column. If everything was done correctly, then the explosion will be of such power that it will destroy all the cars of the column, and at the same time the gas station where it stands. We return to Santos, but we will not receive the documents until we pay him another 250 units of contraband. If you didn't spend much then you should have enough to pay off, and if you don't, blow up a few objects nearby.
Mission 12
We go to Vittora: to the garage behind Belle. Next we go to Margo. She doesn't trust us much, so trust will have to be earned. From the conversation we learn that one very important person who is being held in custody is very necessary to her. We replenish cartridges and explosives: for this mission, a pistol with a silencer and a rifle with optics will suit us. Here is one of the most simple ways completing the task using which we will not need a German uniform, since it is very difficult to complete the mission without raising the alarm. We run around the building and see that 2 entrances lead inside. One is heavily guarded by 10-15 soldiers, and the second by a general, a couple of guards and a sniper on the tower. We lay dynamite or hexogen under the tower, run around the corner, blow it up, and then one by one (without raising the alarm) we shoot the Germans with a pistol. When the passage is clear: we take any car and put it as close to the entrance as we can, thus preparing the escape route. We open the door and go inside. We need to kill only 4 people for a safe passage: 2 soldiers of the terror company with flamethrowers (shoot at the cylinders behind the back) and 2 hours almost at the level of the roof of the building (opposite the entrance). Having done this, open the cage door and run to the car with the prisoner. We get rid of the chase and go to Margo.
Mission 13
We stock up on weapons, ammunition and explosives. For this mission, a set consisting of a sniper rifle and an assault rifle is ideal. We go to Luke, waiting for us on the square. After the conversation, we go to Bryman. The Nazis have learned about the rebel food depot and are targeting it with large-caliber weapons located on the roof of one of the buildings in Paris. We're supposed to blow it up with dynamite as soon as we get to it. Well, let's start. We go into the street span, sneak up and kill the first soldier on our way. We put on his uniform and move on. There is only one road leading to weapons, so there is no point in describing all the actions. We kill enemies silently where possible and advance with a fight if you are noticed. Keep an eye on the roofs and try to keep within 10 minutes, as the Germans are ready to shoot at the warehouse, and this cannot be allowed. One way or another, we get to the open space in front of the gun, take out a sniper rifle and mow down the enemy's ranks from afar. We plant explosives and leave the search area. If during the mission you have earned the 3rd or 4th level of anxiety, then it will be easier to hide from the soldiers in the bar of the Eiffel Tower, where two elevators and stairs lead.

Mission 14
We get 2 notes. One from Skylar about holding street racing, and the second from Bishop. That's where we're going, because racing counts. additional mission and are described in another chapter. Then we go to Skylar, but on a different issue. We have to save a scientist who is about to be deported from France, and then derail the train he was on to cover his tracks. Almost any weapon will do for this mission. First of all, we go to the bridge and set the explosives. To undermine the bridge, not simple dynamite or hexogen is used, but a special bridge demolition kit that you will receive from Skylar and in the future it will be available from merchants. So, we climb onto the bridge, kill the guard, take away his uniform and change our weapons to his machine gun, if necessary. We plant explosives in the designated areas and leave for the place where Skylar was waiting for you. We go to the station, meeting with Wilcox along the way. At the station, we change into the uniform of a Nazi. This will make it easier for us to get on the train. We move along the roofs of the cars, shooting the enemy from the guns mounted on the train. We kill the conductor and pull the lever. We go into the car and watch the scene with the explosion of the bridge.
Mission 15
We take the scientist and Skylar to the shelter at the slaughterhouse. We speak with Victoria, and then with Luke. Once again, Luke sends us to Santos for new documents, which this time cost 500 units of contraband. We get the necessary and return to Luke. We choose a car with 4 seats and drive to meet resistance. The trip ends with a level 3 alarm. We climb into the car and drive to the nearest point of the allies to repulse the Nazis, or simply hide from the enemies, if possible. We take the leaders of the resistance to the headquarters in the sewers.
Mission 16
We speak with Luke. Then we go to Vittor. The car on which we raced at the very beginning of the game is located at one of the German generals and we need to pick it up. As a weapon we take: a rifle with optics and any other weapon. We are going to the castle, but not to the main entrance, which is heavily guarded, but to the southern entrance, which is closed and covered with barbed wire. From a rifle we shoot at the guards who guard the iron towers adjacent to the rock. We climb over the fence and climb up these very structures. Once upstairs, we kill everyone we can kill with a sniper rifle. If the alarm is raised, there is a shutdown button nearby. We blow up the entrance to the catacombs and make our way into the very depths. We pull the lever, climb into the car and run away.

Mission 17
We take Vittore's car for repairs, and then we take a pistol with a silencer and cartridges for it. Our mission is not easy. We are going to a meeting with Bryman, and then to the place of the mission. We see how the telephone cable approaches the building. At the other end, it is fixed on the roof of the house located nearby. We climb onto the roof and slide along the cable. We climb into the window, kill the Gestapo officer and change clothes. We go down, simultaneously killing enemies. Try to go as long as possible without getting caught. When the opportunity to change additional weapons turns up without hesitation, we change. Nazis will be much more than before. We take out the book from the cabinet, thereby opening a secret passage and throw a grenade there. We make our way deeper, meeting more and more enemies. Finally we reach a long corridor with rooms closed with lattice doors. We kill 2-3 soldiers of the Company of Terror. I advise you to immediately seek shelter, since their weapons are far ahead of their time, which means there is little chance of survival. We throw them with grenades, along the way, firing back. When We are alone with the prisoner, We are not in a hurry to release him, but we will do this: near the closed door from where we have just come, we place 3-4 pieces of hexogen and only then open the prisoner's cage. We run into the room with boilers and activate the laid charges. We put dynamite in the room and look for shelter. If possible, we change the pistol with a silencer to the most powerful and rapid-fire machine gun in the game MP-60. We run into the formed passage, then through the house on fire to the elevator. Somewhere in the middle of this mission you will complete the Technical Tools - Silver bonus. We rise to the roof and finish off the remaining opponents. We speak with the lady and go to the rescue elevator, and then we leave the Gestapo headquarters.

Mission 18
We are taking Maria to the headquarters of the slaughterhouse. Attention: we have a tough battle ahead, so if you think that you don’t have enough ammo or the weapon is not the most suitable, get out of the car and go to the merchant near the headquarters or any other nearby. After the video, go outside and start shooting Nazi troops. The most important thing is not to let the enemy plant explosives. Miners are easily identified by the red triangular icon above their heads. In the midst of the battle, a tank will appear, which must be blown up in order to win this battle.

Mission 19
We are taking the survivors to another headquarters. Immediately we get a new task: to save Veronica. You need to do this in 2 stages. First, take a pistol with a silencer. We speak with Bryman. He will ask you to set up bugs to listen to the Nazis' telephone conversations. We make our way to the installation site of the first bug. We kill the enemy and take away the clothes. We put a bug and slide along the wires to the next bookmark. We operate on the same principle. Time does not work for us, so we should hurry.

Mission 20
We receive a note from Bryman and go to a meeting with him. We are looking for the arms dealer closest to us and take a sniper rifle, machine gun or machine gun and be sure to replenish our supply of grenades. We make our way to the landing site of the zeppelin. We climb onto the tower near the fence and jump into the pond. Having sailed to the pier, we kill 3 soldiers of the terror company and go upstairs. There we kill another 6th soldiers, throwing grenades at them, and communicate by radio. We kill 3 more soldiers, jump into the zeppelin and fly to the place of execution. We stop the execution with a shot in the head of the executioner. We carefully follow where Veronica is running, and we shoot first of all at the enemies that threaten her life. We go down and finish off the survivors from the machine gun. We stand behind the machine gun in the back of the car, Bryman is driving. We pour lead on Nazi machines. When the planes appear, we switch to them, since for one downed plane they give 100 units of contraband.

Mission 21
We speak with Veronica, and then we take her to the headquarters. We watch a screensaver in which we are dedicated to the details of Luke's plan. After the video, we are driving the Aurora. Everything is as usual here: we slow down on turns and turn on the nitro with the SHIFT key on straight sections of the track.

Mission 22
After the race, we need to get rid of the pursuit. We just leave the search area or climb the Eiffel Tower to a restaurant where it is possible to hide and wait, or we repel the enemy at the point indicated on the map. Then we go to Belle. Santos turned out to be a traitor and framed everyone. We need to get into the catacombs to warn the allies. Checking out our arsenal. If there is a need to change weapons or buy ammo, we are looking for the nearest merchant on the map. For the mission, you will need any machine gun or machine gun, although you can pick up weapons from defeated enemies. We go to the mark on the map, look for any soldier from whom you can borrow clothes, change clothes and go into the catacombs. Inside, we remain incognito as long as possible. We follow along the only passage, bypassing the lattice door. As soon as we get to the place where the soldiers of the terror company are standing, we act more carefully: we throw grenades from around the corner and lure out the enemies one by one. The passage is greatly facilitated by the fact that almost all the soldiers of the terror company are standing near gas cylinders or barrels of fuel. We get to the key scene. The resistance fighters are surrounded, but continue to shoot back. We help them by killing several squads of soldiers. This is followed by a scene in which Luke is killed and the mission is considered completed.
Mission 23
We receive a letter saying that Skylar is waiting on the runway. We sit down and go. After the video, we find ourselves not far from the German factory, which we remember from the beginning of the game. We get into one of the cars and rush to the mark on the map. Skylar clears the way from the air, so there are no particular difficulties. We go to the territory of the plant and select a machine gun and cartridges for it. We make our way through the crowds of soldiers and reach the place where we were held captive. After the video, we go to save the scientist. He must destroy the work of his life so that it does not go to the enemy, and at this moment we must protect him from the onset of the enemy. We follow the doctor to the laboratory and protect him when necessary. We put hexogen at the largest reactor in the center of the room, we approach the console with the scientist and at the same time we activate the device. He asks to destroy two sources nearby. We grab a grenade launcher and smash them to smithereens. At the command of the scientist, we activate the embedded charge and take our feet away from the plant.

Mission 24
Conclusion Decker survived after the explosion at the races, and now he has established a command post on the Eiffel Tower. We speak with Victoria and go towards fate. The city is in turmoil. The French, inspired by the idea, rebuff the Nazis. Approaching the tower, we see the falling corpses of Nazi generals. Decker is completely distraught and anticipates his defeat. We go into the elevator and go up to the restaurant. We can ignore the enemies loitering here. We rise to the observation deck and watch the video. We kill Deker, or just wait until he jumps off. So, we have finished all the story missions. We watch the final video and proceed to additional ones.

Father Denis, a local priest, asks to deal with a traitor who reports violations to the Nazis. At the same time, every time he goes to his father to ask for forgiveness of sins. The cup of patience is full, and the clergyman wants to kill the villain. For the mission you will need a pistol with a silencer, although you can do without it, but it will be easier with it. We go to the temple and climb the scaffolding. If you are out of shape, proceed very carefully. We rise to the very top of the building and approach the marker. After the video, we look around and see a sniper rifle. We select it, if necessary, and wait. Father Denis conducts a sermon and absolves people of their sins. We are waiting for a signal to identify the traitor and with a well-aimed shot, we demolish his head. We run out of the radius of suspicion and the mission is considered completed.

The Gestapo officer who recruited the traitor we killed must also die. Father Denis has an ace up his sleeve. The Nazi is waiting for him at the headquarters with a list of the names of the rebels, and we will use this. We take any car and take the priest to the place. We drive as close as possible to the entrance when the father enters the embassy. We are waiting for him to come out and get into the car, and we put pressure on the gas. We get rid of the chase.

The officer was not present at the time of the explosion, but there is good news: he does not think it was a priest and asks him to conduct the marriage ceremony. Any assault rifle will do for this mission. It is easier to get it from a murdered Nazi than to go to a merchant. We go to the venue of the wedding and hide in the nearest bushes to the bridge on which you ran. We are waiting for the ceremony to begin, and then we go out and shoot the groom and the guests invited by him. The rest cannot be killed. We jump into the lake, thereby getting rid of the persecution.

Le Crochet wants us to kill the Nazi who took his hand, but that he die, knowing for whom he loses his life. We get the German form and go to the place. Do not try to go into the courtyard through the gate otherwise they will raise the alarm, but instead we climb onto the roof and watch where the colonel will go. If you keep a close eye on him, then at one point there will be an opportunity to approach him when there is no guard nearby. We say the last words to the villain and shoot from a pistol with a silencer or beat him to death.

The Libyan ambassador arrived in Paris to conclude a treaty. By killing the ambassador, the Germans will not be able to get additional support. Weapons for the mission will be given to us by one of Le Crochet's comrades, who can be found at an abandoned chemical factory. We go there and get a sniper rifle, as well as Additional information. Our victim is severely paranoid, so he's traveling with a doppelgänger, possibly more than one. A real ambassador will have a red band on his sleeve. We go to the place and climb onto the roof. We choose a position so that we are not visible from the ground. We kill the ambassador and hide if you are still noticed.

Dr. Kwong tests methods of psychological attack. He hypnotized a soldier to deliver a package of explosives to the general. We take a pistol with a silencer and, just in case, a rifle. We get into the car, pick up a soldier nearby and take him to the headquarters. Everything goes completely wrong and the package explodes without falling into the hands of the general. We'll have to kill him the old fashioned way. We climb onto the roof of the building and shoot in the head.

Kwong is being hunted by the best hit men and he has an important meeting in the park. Will have to bail out. One of Kwong's people will be looking for killers with a walkie-talkie, and we will have to visit a living shooting range with the Nazis as a target. We will pick up weapons from the enemy killed on the tower and we don’t need a uniform for the mission, so we just go to the place. A telephone cable leads to the building on which we need to climb, which is fixed at the other end on the roof of a neighboring house. We climb onto the roof of the chapel and activate the radio. Two snipers are sitting on the balconies. We kill them as soon as the opportunity arises. A few more people run after the doctor, but they don't need to be killed, as they won't get to him in time and Kwong will leave.

A huge German gun stands on top of the Pantheon. Thus, the Nazis hold power in this area of ​​the city. We have to get into the Pantheon and blow up the cannon. To successfully complete the mission, be sure to take a sniper rifle and RDX. First of all, we need a form. We extract it in any way possible and go to the place. We go into the building and shoot enemies at a distance, trying not to let ourselves be detected. We take the machine gun as a second weapon and go up the elevator. Then we go up the stairs to the upper tier and again sit down in the elevator. Once in the upper section, look in one of the passages for a ladder above. Kill the scientists working there and climb up to the cannon. Place a few pieces of RDX on the gun, go down to the level below and detonate the explosives. You can safely go down the same way that you came here, turning off the alarm on the first floor along the way, or you can climb onto the roof of the Pantheon and shoot anti-aircraft guns at watchtowers and airships, thereby gaining some contraband. Alternatively, you can jump off the roof of the Pantheon. In any case, you will crash and start the game in the nearest shelter. Then you won't have to go down from the roof, but in doing so you will lose all weapons and explosives.

Duval asks Mingo to kill his ex-girlfriend, who traded him for a Nazi, and take the medallion he gave her. We take a sniper rifle and go to look for Francina. Along the way, we kill any German soldier and change clothes. Francina performs on stage. We climb onto the roof of the house next door and shoot the singer in the head. We wait until the guests calm down, pick up the medallion and take it to Mingo.

Duval asks to help the commander of the resistance. We take a sniper rifle and a machine gun for close range. We go to the marker and talk to Victor. We take out a rifle and shoot at the snipers. Sometimes we switch to the automatic and kill the Germans, who can not sit in the shelter on the roof. As a result, we get to the captain of the Nazis and kill him. Hiding and celebrating victory.

Le Crochet wants to sabotage the Palais Royal by destroying a zeppelin with a supply of fuel and explosives. In this mission, we have to choose which weapon to take. We definitely need to take dynamite and hexogen, a sniper rifle, and a pistol with a silencer and a machine gun would also come in handy, but since we can only take two types of weapons with us, we take a gun with the condition that we later change it to a machine gun. Not far from the warehouse, we kill the Nazi and take the uniform. We climb onto the roof and run around the entire perimeter, killing enemies with a pistol with a silencer. We go down to the courtyard and finish off whom we can kill with a pistol. Next, we immediately change the pistol to the machine gun and take out the rifle. We shoot at a distance of enemies and small airships. We sculpt dynamite or hexogen on fuel tanks. We take out the machine gun and clean the territory to the end. Hiding from anxiety in any way possible.

Margo wants us to kill the general who started the mass book burning in the square. We take a sniper rifle and go to the place. There are many places on the square from where you can shoot and not provoke an alarm. We go around the area, choose a position where there are no German soldiers, and shoot the general in the head. We complete the mission, hiding from the chase, if you are still noticed.

The Germans are looting museums all over the country and, according to Margo, Sean should kill the one who leads this operation. The mission will require only hexogen. We choose a car and, just like we did once, stick explosives on it. Five or six pieces is enough. We go to the mark on the map and leave the car on the road. We rise on the elevator to the roof and kill one single soldier. We activate the radio and wait for Bokman to drive past our car with a surprise. We activate the charges and turn off the alarm with the button located on the way to the elevator.

The Nazis use the Louvre as a radio broadcasting center and the only way to prevent this is to blow up the tower. For the mission, we may need a machine gun and a sniper rifle, although it is not a fact that you will use them. The time for heavy artillery has come. We go to the marker, go inside and get into the tank, climbing onto its tower. On the way we will meet two enemy tanks, three bunkers and crowds of soldiers. The tactics in battle are as follows: we fire at tanks, bunkers and large concentrations of soldiers from a cannon, we water the rest from a machine gun. Periodically, you can get out of the tank and shoot at snipers, or you can simply ignore them. We drive into a narrow passage, smash the radio tower and disappear from view.

The first race is the easiest. Passed by any fast transport (Altar, Aurora, Claw, Beta Romero or even not quite a sports car - Dugatti). If the game slows down, set the graphics settings lower, otherwise you risk not passing the competition. Upon completion, we get a race-bronze bonus.
The second race will take place in the countryside. Passed by racing cars, and if you choose Aurora, then after the second springboard you will break away from the enemies so much that you will not see them again on the map until the finish line. Also, for completing the mission, we get a race-silver bonus.
The third race is the hardest. Five small laps and very aggressive opponents, but just as easy on an Aurora or other race car. We get the last bonus race-gold.
Wilcox asks Sean to help with the Nazi headquarters at the monastery. The Germans hide behind the nuns as a human shield. Be sure to replenish explosives and take a sniper rifle and a pistol with a silencer. We go to the place, kill some peacefully walking soldier and change clothes. Slowly, one at a time, sneaking up from behind or shooting from a pistol, we kill enemies near objects, and then plant explosives and move on to the next one. In the course of the mission, we will need to go into the bunker to blow up the computers, but you can also do it from the street by attaching explosives to the wall. After the destruction of all objects, a message will appear on the successful completion of the operation.

Another task from Wilcox: destroy the enemy's gathering place at the destroyed chemical plant. Be sure to replenish all explosives to the maximum, take a pistol with a silencer on a mission. We go to the factory and look out for the enemy, from whom you can pick up the form. We climb over the fence and move along the perimeter, simultaneously killing enemies with a pistol. When there are fewer enemies and the atmosphere is more rarefied, we put hexogen near the marked objects. You can blow up several charges at once, so we run from one tank to another, placing explosives, and moving to a safe distance, we blow up several pieces at once. After the explosion of the last target, we go back to Wilcox to complete the last mission.
We replenish stocks of explosives again and take a pistol with a silencer and a machine gun. We go to the castle of Chambord and change into a soldier's uniform, killing one of the guards at the railway tracks or on the territory of the complex. We shoot enemies from a pistol one by one, hiding behind the generators. Go around the castle and blow up all the generators you see. Then at the main entrance to the castle we climb the stairs and put the charge there. We go further along the roof and in the same way we put 3 more explosives. We put the last one not far from the castle near the rocket, which is guarded by several soldiers. If you didn't succeed in planting explosives imperceptibly, take out your machine gun and shoot back. Avoid pursuit if necessary.

Congratulations! You have just completed all the missions of the Saboteur. You still have the opportunity to blow up all the remaining Nazi points and get smuggled for them, as well as complete bonuses. Good luck with this difficult task.
The game provides a system of bonuses, consisting of 10 different disciplines. Each has 3 upgrade levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Type of precious metal directly depends on the level of difficulty, that is: you can get bronze at the beginning of the game without much straining, but to get to gold you will have to sweat. Bonuses make life much easier, but you should not strive to get them right away (you still won’t succeed). During the game, you will be given the opportunity to complete them. In many forums, people constantly ask what and how to do in a specific example, so I will describe them all:
1 Fight (Fight)
Task: Knock out 2 Nazis
Reward: Decisive Strike attack available
Description: Automatically performed when completing a tutorial.
Quest: Perform 10 silent kills by sneaking up from behind
Reward: Ability Sudden Strike available
Description: We approach the enemy from the back and press E or Z and do this 10 times. It is desirable that you do not fall into the field of view of patrols. You will still be counted as a kill, but you will have to hide from persecution.
Task: Remove 5 generals quietly
Reward: Touch of Death attack available
Description: We buy a pistol with a silencer or a sniper rifle on the black market, We are looking for one of the generals. We climb onto the roof of the building next door and kill the guards without involving special attention. We are waiting for the general to calm down and understand that nothing threatens his life. We go down from the roof behind him and kill with the E or Z button. As soon as you kill 5 generals, you will receive a bonus.
2 Technical means
Objective: Shoot 5 Nazis
Reward: Decreased recoil when firing automatic weapons
Description: To complete the bonus, any firearms. One of the easiest missions in the game.
Objective: Kill 5 Nazi Terror Company
Reward: Pistol 44 caliber available on the market
Description: The Nazi Terror Company appears at 4th Alert Level. In the 17th mission, we will have the opportunity to complete this bonus by going through the storyline.
Mission: Destroy a tank and a zeppelin during one Nazi alert
Reward: Tank Killer available for purchase on the market
Description: Heavy tanks start hunting you at 5th level of alert, and airships at 4th. Still guarded tanks can be found on the outskirts of cities and in villages. There is a place in the city where the Wolf guarded by the Germans stands. We do this: we take with us a heavy weapon like a rocket launcher, we go to the San Lazar station. From the side of the rails there is a small shed in which there is a tank. We kill the guards, put the plastic, wait for the zeppelin to appear in the sky. Further like clockwork: we shoot down the zeppelin, undermine the tank and evaporate.
3 Sniper
Task: Shoot 5 Nazis using optics
Reward: Decreased error when aiming with an optical rifle
Description: The main difficulty in the initial levels is to find a sniper rifle. Quite common among soldiers on lookout towers.
Objective: Kill 15 Nazis with a sniper rifle with a headshot
Reward: Decreased recoil when firing a scoped rifle
Description: Shoot enemies in the head while looking through the rifle scope. Here I think it is not necessary to explain what's what. As soon as you kill 15 people in this way, you will receive a bonus.
Quest: Get 10 double kills using optics
Reward: Sniper rifle terror company is available on the market
Description: For this bonus, we need to buy a rifle upgrade on the black market. Nazi generals are always guarded by 2 soldiers. It is also fashionable to meet a couple of Fritz guarding the gates of any object. There are not many such facilities in the city. We become so that the head of the 2nd enemy is behind the head of the 1st, and we fire a shot using optics. The bullet goes right through.
4 Explosives
Objective: Blow up 10 Nazis with grenades
Reward: Ability to carry more grenades
Description: It is more convenient to throw grenades from around the corner. The easiest way to complete this bonus is to throw a grenade on the ground, wait for the Nazis to arrive and throw a grenade at them while standing around the corner. Repeat the required number of times and enjoy a great reward
Objective: Kill 5 Nazis with one explosion
Reward: All explosives at half price
Description: Starting at alert level 2, enemy reinforcements begin to arrive in trucks. We wait for the truck to drive up close to us, hang explosives on it and run away. If at this point you already have RDX, then this will make it even easier to complete the bonus. No need to wait for the truck to arrive. We put the plastite, note the truck, run back 10-15 meters in the opposite direction from it and wait until it catches up with our detonated mine. We blow up and move away.
Task: Blow up 10 Nazis with plastic or dynamite within 10 seconds
Reward: No knockdowns due to explosions
Description: This quest is fairly easy to complete towards the end of the game when you've got gold in sabotage and it's possible to place plastite in the form of soldiers without attracting attention. We change clothes, go to an object remote from the city (usually there, in a small area, there is a fairly large density of enemy troops), set the explosives as close as possible to the Nazis, select the plastite again and lay it again. We do this procedure until you are sure that you will destroy at least 10 people with explosions. Get close and detonate.
5 Destruction
Mission: Blow up 3 Nazi cars with dynamite
Reward: New dynamite functionality available
Description: Vehicles that appear when the alarm is raised and those vehicles that the Germans guard as key objects are suitable for the task.
Objective: Blow up 5 units of Nazi equipment with dynamite within 5 minutes
Reward: RDX is available on the market
Description: The allotted time is enough to blow up 5 cars. First of all, we blow up a protected object, whether it's a tank or a truck at a gas station. Then we put the plastic and wait until the Nazis come to check the source of the explosion. New cars will come to the sounds of new explosions.
Task: Destroy 3 Wolf (Wolf) tanks using explosives
Reward: Super RDX upgrade available
Description: Wolf heavy tanks are standing on country roads. It is enough to go out of town and you will find several without any problems. Also, these tanks appear at the 5th alert level.
6 Diversion
Mission: Destroy 2 Nazi facilities
Reward: Increased explosive planting speed
Description: The task of the bonus is automatically completed when completing the 3rd mission, so there is no need to describe it.
Task: destroy 10 towers
Reward: Ability to carry more explosives
Description: Nazi towers are often found around the city. Check with a map purchased from a black market merchant.
Mission: Destroy 4 Nazi railway bridges
Reward: Planting explosives while disguised does not arouse suspicion
Description: The railway bridge cannot be blown up with conventional explosives. You need a special bridge demolition kit, which becomes available from merchants after completing story mission 14 to blow up the bridge.
7 Mayhem
Objective: Kill 5 Nazis with throws
Reward: Throw available
Description: We climb on the tower, grab the enemy with the RIGHT BUTTON of the MOUSE and press the direction button to throw him out of there. Repeat 5 times.
Mission: Shoot down 20 Nazis with a car
Reward: Aurora nitro upgrade available
Description: Get into any car and drive around the city, smearing the Nazis on the windshield. By crushing 20 enemies, you will fulfill the bonus condition.
Mission: Destroy 20 Nazi vehicles with one vehicle
Reward: Available machine gun for Aurora
Description: To get gold, we need to buy an armor upgrade from dealers on the black market. Next, we go to one of the tanks (their location is shown on map 1), sit down, provoke an alarm and begin to destroy the reinforcements that have arrived. It is necessary to destroy 20 units of enemy equipment without destroying your own tank.
8 Race
Mission: Win the race
Reward: Silver Claw available in the garage
Description: It's not hard to win a race. If you have weak hardware, set the graphics settings to the minimum, thus saving a lot of time. It is recommended that you get this bonus when you get bronze in mechanics, where the Altar racing car is the prize.
Mission: Win the village race
Reward: Drake Skylar is available in the garage
Description: 2 laps outside the city. As in the case of bronze, you should choose racing car and press the gas pedal to the floor.
Task: Win the village race 2
Reward: Silver Claw 2 available in the garage
Description: The most difficult test of the races. 5 cross-country laps. If you have taken a fast sports car, you will easily pass the test.
9 Mechanics
Task: Collect 5 different civilian vehicles
Reward: A new car is available in the garage (Altar)
Description: We take any car, we take it to our garage, and the car becomes ours. Collect 5 different machines at the first point of the city is easy.
Objective: Collect all Nazi vehicles
Reward: Free vehicle repair in the garage
Description: We study the map that is attached at the end of the description. It indicates all the equipment of the Nazis, which must be driven back to their garage. If you don’t want to waste a lot of time traveling for vehicles, you can buy the Irish Luck skill from the merchant, which will save you from the need to collect cars and open access to fulfill the conditions of gold.
Task: Collect all the cars in the game
Reward: Garages can store armored personnel carriers and tanks
Description: Now we need all the equipment that is in the game. The map shows all vehicles except for civilian cars that ride around the city and which will not be difficult to take to your garage. As well as in silver, it is possible to buy a skill from a merchant, which will automatically credit you with fulfilling the bonus conditions without having to drive the equipment to the garage.
10 Evasion
Quest: Hide from Level 2 Alert 5 times
Reward: The ability to call a getaway car is available
Description: In some missions, one way or another, you will have to get away from the chase. You can just ride longer on the sidewalks, knocking down the Nazis. Hide from the level 2 alarm 5 times and the bronze is received.
Mission: Hide from Alert Level 3
Reward: Ability to choose a getaway car in any garage
Description: The principle is the same as in bronze, only the level of anxiety is 3rd and you need to do this only once. We also leave the zone of special attention or use shelters (green rhombus on the map).
Quest: Escape Alert Level 5
Reward: The ability to use cover at the 4th and 5th level of alert
Description: 5th level of alarm. Every possible group of Nazis is hunting you: soldiers, Gestapo officers, terror company, tanks, airships, planes. You are their number 1 goal. Hiding in such a situation is not easy, but there is a way out, or rather two of them: the Eiffel Tower restaurant and a well in the north of Lorraine. In the case of the tower, it is better to move on the roofs of buildings. Once at the tower, use the 2 elevators to go up and then up the stairs to the restaurant. In the case of the well, drive over rough terrain, avoid major roads, and maneuver between aircraft attacks. It is not necessary to complete this mission at the beginning of the game. Towards the end of one of the missions, you will immediately start with a Level 5 Alert.

Occupied France. The action begins in the bar "Bel". Irishman Sean Devlin, sipping something alcoholic from a glass, sadly looks at a photograph in which he is depicted in an embrace with some guy. After asking permission, a young man who introduced himself as Luke sits next to him. Luke begins to agitate Sean to carry out subversive activities against the invaders. Sean agrees.

Prologue (Gimme the heat)

First of all, we leave the bar, turn into an alley and talk to Luke. To carry out our plans, we need explosives, we get into the car and drive, guided by the map, to a small Nazi warehouse. After jumping out of the car, help Luke cut down the guards at the entrance. Next, proceed to the courtyard and enter into a conversation with Luke. You need to climb the roof to drop the guard on the tower. We run up to the wall of the house and press the space bar. Having jumped Sean to cling to the ledges or some other ledges, your job is only to press up and press the space bar in turn as the hero moves from ledge to ledge.

Having climbed onto the roof, we sneak up on the guard and take him into capture, it remains only to push him forward, quickly go down and deal with the remaining soldiers. We kick open two highlighted boxes, taking explosives, move to the car. Arriving at the fuel depot, we get the TsU from Luke. We climb through the house to the roof and look at the explosion of the car, jumping up, grab the wire and roll down it while the fascists stare at the explosion, run past and lay the explosives on the tank. Now we go back, climb onto the boxes and jump over the wall, being right next to the car. We sit down in it and select Luke. We take him to the bar and go there ourselves. We pass into the back room, embarrassedly lowering our eyes, we make our way to a large poster on the wall and press the action key.

Three months before these events New friends, old enemies

Sean's memories take us back three months. After watching the video, we get into the car and follow the path marked on the GPRS navigator to the checkpoint. After passing the check, we go further, having reached the point, we get out of the car and run to the tavern. After watching the video, we cut down six of Decker's companions, now we wind up on the street. Here's luck, we stumble upon an old friend, and even sitting in a sports car. We roam the streets until we throw off our tails and drive to the hotel marked on the map.

Good position

Racing - what can I say about the race, only forward. However, after you catch up with Decker, this Aryan dog will shoot you through the wheel.

Sunday car ride

We get into the car next to Jules and pursue Decker. We follow the indicator "Paranoia", so as not to get too close to the object of surveillance, but do not lag too far behind.

When Deker arrives at the factory, climb over the fence and get to Deker's car, get into it, accelerate, and hold down the action key in front of the trampoline.

darkest night

After watching the video, we begin to get out of the factory. After killing the first soldier, get hold of a gun. You can shoot indiscriminately, you still won’t be able to get out quietly.

We follow the corridors, gradually getting rid of the enemy forces, with the help of a machine gun and grenades. Having got out, we sit down in a German wheelbarrow and leave the plant through the main gate. We go along the path marked on the mini-map, ignoring the German soldiers. Having reached the Vitorio farm, you need to quickly shoot the soldiers scattered around the yard, neatly in the middle of the yard there is a car with a machine gunner. After killing the soldiers in the courtyard, we make our way inside the burning warehouse, we need to get to the last room, Jules' sister is sitting there.

Liberation of Vitorio

Climb up to the second tier in the bar. After talking with Victoria and Luke, we leave the bar and get into the car, we drive to the canal. Now you need to knock out the guard and put on his uniform. With a quiet step, we make our way to the slaughterhouse, go around the building and cut down the guard. Having taken the keys from him, we open the cell and with all the prisoners we run to the basement to hide from the bombardment. Mission completed.


Luke was hooked in the last skirmish, he needs antibiotics, after talking with Santa (a black market merchant) we get the task to return a bottle of expensive champagne.

bottle blow

We leave the shelter and move towards the mark. There's a party going on. Inside, you can shoot everyone without fear, there will be a shelter not far from the place of the shootout. Once you've dealt with everyone, grab a bottle of champagne and blow into cover. When the alarm is over, return to the hideout and give the bottle to the merchant. After getting antibiotics, go to the shelter and give the pills to Veronica.

Black market

We are looking for a yellow icon with the letter "S" on the map. After talking with Santa, we get free dynamite from the merchant. It is necessary to undermine the sniper point on the roof of the house right next to the merchant and one of the enemy's command posts. Then we return to Santa and get access to weapons from the black market.

Massive limousine theft

Santa gives the task of stealing General Lutz's limousine. Everything is not so simple, there is a strong guard. But it does not matter if there is a pistol with a silencer. Aim the guards one at a time at the head, if they have helmets, aim at the face. After the destruction of the guards, we go down and sit in a limousine, break through the gates with them and break away from the tail. Then we take the limousine to Santa's garage, and we get access to a garage in which cars can be stored.

Thirty pieces of silver

It turns out that Vitorio passed the informer, in order to figure him out, an officer's uniform is needed.

Exit the bar and follow the point marked on the map. There will be a general who must be followed to the meeting point with the informant. When the informant and the general disperse, kill the informer, the mission will be completed.

Freedom or death

The Germans are holding captive several veterans of the foreign legion, we go to the point and quietly take out the camp guards, here you will need a pistol with a silencer. Before releasing Le Crochet, he asks to release his people from only three cells. Having opened all the bars, we go to free Le Crochet.


Shock or Scream

Arriving at the main outpost of the rebels - the catacombs under the slaughterhouse, we get to the intimate rendezvous of Veronica and Luke, it feels like we are superfluous here. However, Luke asks to go to a meeting with the head of the rebels in the western part of Paris. To do this, you need to visit Santa, we will get documents from him to overcome the German checkpoint. However, he is a merchant. In exchange for documents, he asks to complete a couple of tasks for him, the first to destroy a convoy of three trucks. We arm ourselves with a tank killer and drive to the truck refueling site. We shoot all three trucks and with a clear conscience we return to Santa, but it was not there. This bastard needs 250 contraband. Giving him W.E. we get the documents and bring down to the checkpoint marked on the map with yellow triangles. Then we go to the location of the underground.

Special Delivery

We meet in the catacombs with Victoria, she asks to give her a lift to one place to pick up the package there. We leave the catacombs with her and get into the car, drive with Victoria to the point indicated on the mini-map, wait there until she gets off and picks up the package. Now we are going to another point, then Victoria asks to wait and takes the parcel to the house of some general. Victoria runs out and an explosion sounds next, now you need to break away from the tail in order to draw one. We take Victoria to the catacombs and there we sort things out with Luke.

Buried Secrets

We were recruited by Bishop, a British intelligence agent. In exchange for information about Decker's location, he asks to be stolen from a cemetery in Paris, a box that the Nazis dug out of the ground. It's obviously not so easy with this box, but it's none of our business. We meet with Skylar near the cemetery and penetrate the territory through a hole in the wall. We go along the left wall until we run into the Nazis; if possible, kill one with your hands to disguise yourself in its form. Disguised, clear the territory adjacent to the church from the guards, the easiest way to do this is with a pistol with a silencer. We penetrate into the building of the chapel and go down into the dungeon. There are seven Nazis, you can’t do without murders, as soon as you kill everyone, we watch the video. Now we jump into the truck and leave the cemetery, take the gate to the ram. We follow the sign to the point of resistance. There we shoot the Nazis until they take flight. Again we get into the truck, pick up Skylar and blow into the garage.

Journey up the coast

We go into the tavern "Belle" and meet Skylar in our room, go out to the garage and get into a pre-prepared car. We take a detour to Le Havre. There, Bishop, to celebrate, dumps information on Decker.

Behind Decker

Leaving the church, Skylar comes up to us and says that she has prepared a surprise for us. A surprise awaits us on the waterfront. Truck and officer's uniform. On the truck we pass the first checkpoint. Stop near the gate. We get out and quietly clear the area from the enemy. As soon as we clean it up, we put dynamite at the gate and move a little to the side. You don’t have to hide too much, the airship won’t fly away without us, so we pick up a more powerful weapon and shoot the enemy. Having climbed to the upper levels, we climb onto the bell tower, inside the stairs, and there is already a direct course to the zeppelin. You will not encounter much resistance along the way. When you climb into the airship, you will be left alone with Decker. Now you need to quickly but carefully follow Deker, carefully because pieces of the bridge periodically fall under your feet. When we get to the end, watch the video.


The head of the western cell of the rebels does not trust either Luke or you, which is of course and correct, in order to prove our worth, we are asked to complete the task. It is required to release from custody one of Margo's people, a certain Josef Braiman. I'll tell you right away they packed it tightly, and the guards there are not snotty infantrymen, the elite of snipers and a couple of fire-breathing fascists. From the house opposite, we shoot snipers who are in the visibility zone, having previously adjusted the car closer to the entrance. Don't forget to leave one of the opponents in order to disguise yourself in his form. Having penetrated inside, destroying the guards, we blow up the gate and jump into a pre-prepared car. We take Josef to Margo.

big gun

We receive a note from Luke, he is waiting for us in the western part of Paris. Arriving at the scene, Luke reveals that a group of rebels was caught, interrogated and tortured by Decker. The group was tasked with destroying the huge cannon.

We go to Baker, he says that the Nazis learned about the location of the hideout where the rebels hid their women and children. I V this moment they are already aiming this huge cannon at the target. You have about five minutes to reach and kill the main technician in order to delay the shot for a while. It is better to make your way along the roofs with a sniper at hand. The security is more than impressive, such as machine-gun points, fire-breathing Nazis, the elite of snipers, submachine gunners can not be counted, and for dessert, two anti-aircraft guns under the shots of which it is naturally better not to fall. When you get to the cannon and plant the RDX charge, run back and press the detonator. Immediately get an anxiety level of five. If you're lucky, try to get to the green dot on the map.

Thunder on wheels

The next task is given to us by Agent Bishop, apparently important, as he promises to complete the highest award of his country. We meet with Skylar and go with her to the railway bridge, it needs to be mined in five places. It is better to take a silent pistol with you, there is a chance to do everything quietly. Having laid the explosives at all the indicated points, we run to Skylar. We leave for the railway station, there it is necessary to get into the train in which the scientist necessary for both Britain and Germany is being transported. We change into a Fritz and with a calm step we reach the train. When it starts, you need to take out all the guards that are on the train and get to the driver's cab to stop the train before it reaches the bridge. Having stopped the train, we are limited in time, we quickly get to the car in which the scientist is being held. Let's watch the video. Now you need to take the scientist and Skylar to an underground shelter under the slaughterhouse.

After this mission, you can purchase a set to blow up bridges from merchants on the black market.

South of the Seine...

After talking with Luke, we learn his plans to visit the underground in the southern part of Paris. To do this, you need to go to Santa and take papers from him, for the safe passage of the checkpoint. Santa demands 500 USD from us. smuggling. Having given him what he needs, we receive ready-made documents in return.

We go to Luke and inform that we are ready to make a sortie. We are going with Luc to the southern part of Paris. By the way, from merchants on the black market you can buy new barrel, SMG with a silencer (well, a very good thing). We go to the point, there we meet Madame Bonaire and the new face of Duval Mingo. During the conversation, the Nazis attack, repulsing their attack, we get into the car and break away from the tail. Now we take the leaders of the resistance to the shelter to Duval. They are planning to kill the General.


Luke's plan is that Sean will run races organized by the Nazis in the name of Germany. The prize is given only for the first place, so Sean must win. However, our hero says that he does not have a car that could compete with the Germans. Here Luke advises to visit Vitorio, supposedly he has good news for us.

Vitorio found out where Aurora was. It is now in the collection of one of the generals. Naturally, the work of getting rid of the general from Aurora falls on our shoulders. Arriving at the castle, we destroy the objects of German infrastructure, and undermine the secret entrance to the dungeons. Having gone down and shot the guards, we press the lever to lower the pet to the ground. We jump into the car and leave the castle at full throttle. We take the Aurora to Vitorio.

Boiling point

Bryman tells us the place where Maria Kesler, the scientist's daughter, is being held. It is located at the headquarters of the Gestapo, and it is guarded not only by ordinary soldiers, but also by the elite units of the terror company. So I advise you to take something more powerful with you. Arriving at the headquarters, we inspect the area. So, you can get into the building through a telephone cable stretching from one of the buildings in the neighborhood. Having made our way inside, we begin to slowly move towards the library, there is no point in disguising ourselves, since inside there is one continuous zone of suspicion. Having reached the library, and not finding Mary here, we pull on one of the books on the shelves and a passage opens up for us. We go forward and see how one of the soldiers of the terror company is dragging Maria. We run after them, but they close the door, which cannot be opened from this side. We release the resistance fighter, he tells us to put a charge on the boiler rooms. We put on one and on the second boiler according to the RDX charge and move away so that we would not be hooked by the explosion. We break through with a fight to the elevator and go up to the roof, here a couple of soldiers from the terror company will be waiting for you. Having dealt with them, take Maria and leave the building with her. Once you're outside, grab your car and head to the hideout. A little advice, right along with Maria, go to one of the merchants, replenish the ammunition. Then there will be nowhere and you will need a lot of cartridges.

Lambs to the slaughter

Once in the shelter, we will watch a video. Immediately, the Nazis will attack you. Your task is to protect the flank that is indicated. Demolitionists, marked with a red sign above their heads, will break through to the building, it is better to kill them on the way, but if one breaks through and puts a charge, run up and put out the fuse. At the end, a tank will arrive, remove the soldiers accompanying the tank, and blow it up with RDX or dynamite, if there is a Faust cartridge or a tank killer, it’s easier for you.

dark reign

Veronica was captured by the Nazis. To free her, you need to know where she is being held. To do this, Brackman proposes to put wiretaps on seven switchboards located on the roofs. You need to make it while the storm is coming. So you'll have to hurry. Each of the switches is protected by a couple of fighters, more often a sniper. So take something silent. Telephone cables stretch from switchboard to switchboard, and slide along them so as not to waste time. The last switch is protected by a group of five fighters.

Need a few...or one

Veronica is being held in the Palace of Justice, a political prison, and sentenced to death. Time is short, so action must be taken immediately. The only way to get inside the prison is on the zeppelin. It is necessary to capture the parking lot of airships. It is guarded by mixed troops, both ordinary soldiers and a company of terror. Having cleared the area from the enemy, we contact Brackman by radio. He changes the route of one of the airships and he appears at the site in speed, several soldiers come out of it, killing them, we climb into the zeppelin, which takes us to the palace, by the way, very on time. The execution of criminals has just begun, we kill the executioner. And we go down to the resistance fighters who escaped from custody. Here Brekman keeps up on the bauer with a machine gun, we stand behind the installation and shoot the Fritz who set off in pursuit. Then we take Veronica and take her to the southern part of Paris to Mingo Duval's hideout.

From the ash

Your task is simple - win the race and not beat the car. After the explosion, get out of the search area.

Here is the empire of the dead

Santa leaked information to the Nazis, and this time he gave out the location of Mingo Duval's hideout, which houses Veronica, Luke and Skylar. Your task is to get into the shelter in a different way, which will be marked on the map. Having made our way into the catacombs, we make our way forward, shooting the enemy at every turn. A new enemy will appear here. A Terror Company soldier with a flamethrower, a tough nut to crack - deadly at close range. Having made our way to our own, we help repulse the attack of the enemy, the battle will be serious. Having beaten off the attack, we run to kill the Nazis who broke through on the flank. Make sure not to kill Luke, littered with stones. After killing everyone, watch the video.

Deja Boom

The location of the scientist Kesler and his daughter Maria became known. They are being held at Dopelsing. We get to Skylar, she will drop you on a plane to a German town. Your task is to climb into the factory and free both. At the Dopelzing airfield, we get into the car and drive without stopping, having made our way to the territory of the plant, we run into the building. The security is powerful, but we are not born with a bast, we are scattered everywhere ??? terror companies, it would be nice to take a terror company sniper rifle with you, a little expensive but worth it. Having reached the place of Maria's detention, we watch the screensaver, the heroes disperse Veronica and Maria go to the airfield to Skylar, and Sean in search of Kesler. We carefully make our way using Sean's ability to stick to the walls. After freeing the scientist, you need to destroy the Cyclotron installation. To begin with, simultaneously with Kesler, press the key, then destroy two cooling units, then the cyclotron itself, flamethrowers and soldiers with shotguns will interfere with you. Now to the exit, we cover the scientist gradually moving towards the exit.

Angel of Death

The city has a level five alert. Your task is to get to the Eiffel Tower. You will not meet much resistance, or rather it will not be at all. Having climbed to the very top, we kill Decker. And all the main storyline of the game is over.

RSO missions - Behind the gates of the monastery

Arriving at the church in Le Havre, we receive an assignment from Williams to destroy the German radar complex. We follow to the monastery, first of all, destroy the German barracks so that the bastards do not respawn, then we begin to slowly take out the towers and locators of just over a dozen objects.

RSO missions - Better to die from drugs

We receive an assignment from Williams to destroy a chemical weapons plant. We go to the point, there are twenty-four objects. First, destroy the barracks, then the objects, they are located nearby, so you can destroy several tanks at once with one bomb.

RDF Missions - Planting the Bomb

Williams gives the next task, to destroy the missile tower in the castle of Chambord. We are going to the castle, there are about a dozen objects, some generators are located on the roof, we will have to climb rocks.

The Story of Le Crochet - In the Mouth of the Beast

We get to the point where the general we need is located, using a pistol with a silencer from the roof, we remove his guards, go down and hand-to-hand kill the general.

History of Le Crochet Double

Le Crochet gives us the task of killing the Libyan ambassador who arrived for negotiations with the Nazis, if he is killed, then the tribes are unlikely to enter the war on the side of the Nazis. However, there is a problem, the ambassador is cautious and he has doubles, not two or even three, but four. The real ambassador has a red armband on his sleeve, so the problem is not a problem, this dubious pride of the ambassador is very clearly visible in the optical sight. So we go to the messenger, we get the control center and the "tool of the proletariat" - a sniper rifle. However, I used mine. One shot, the ambassador is dead, mission accomplished.

History of Le Crochet Legion - Our Fatherland

We get the next task from Le Crochet. The Nazis are preparing supplies for the African Corps. Destroying them would be a serious blow. We go to the point where the warehouses are located. There is very good defense, we climb onto the roof and chop everything we can reach from the anti-aircraft gun (all targets are marked on the mini-map), do not forget to destroy the barracks so that the Fritz do not replenish their ranks. After destroying all the airships and fuel depots, we reel in the fishing rods. You need to break away from the chase.

The Story of Margo Bonner - Fahrenheit 451…

Madame Bonner asks us to kill General Loweye, who is burning the national property of France. We go to the triumphal arch, find the form of the Nazis. With a calm step we go to the rear of the armored personnel carrier, put a charge of hexogen, with the same calm step we go out and press the detonator button.

Margot Bonner Story - Bulletproof

Madame Margot asks us to kill a man from the Reich who is leading the looting of French museums. He rolls in an armored limousine, but one shot from a tank killer will be enough. We go to the point, take the elevator to the roof, remove the guard and answer the request made on the radio. If you have not been able to stock up on a grenade launcher, do not worry, there will be one here. We wait until the object appears in the visibility zone and make one single shot. We break away from the Nazis - the mission is completed.

The Story of Margot Bonner - Symphony of Destruction

You need to get into the Louvre and destroy the relay tower. We arrive at the Louvre, there is no way to get through here, everything is surrounded by a concrete wall, we go inside the barrier and stumble upon an ownerless tank, expropriate this murderous creation of mankind and begin total destruction. We get to the tower, destroying everything that is possible along the way, and demolish it with one shot.

The story of father Denis

In the tavern "Bel" the holy father is waiting for you, he came to you for help. In his flock there is an informer of the Germans, who ruined an unprecedented number of people with his denunciations. Father Denis asks to shoot this bug in the head at the moment when the informant comes to confession.

We go to the church of Saint-Germel and climb the stairs to the sniper position, the rifle with optics will lie in place. At that moment, when a red sign lights up above the head of the informant, shoot.

The Story of Father Denis - God's Wrath

Father Denis conceived a diversion. We need to take him to the Gestapo officer who works with informants. Father Denis will go inside, for now you turn the car around, as soon as he runs out and gets into the car, press the gas. Break away from the persecution and take the holy father to the point.

The story of father Denis - Wedding in red colors

The above-mentioned officer survived the sabotage, but did not suspect his father. Now he wants his father Denis to marry him with a young French woman who was given a tough condition, either a wedding or deportation. The father asks to come to the wedding and crumble the Nazis into a salad. Which we will do with great pleasure. After killing the officer and his guests, a sour number of soldiers arrives, father Denis, at the ready with a tomi gun, runs into battle, well, you should not be left behind. Once you've beaten everyone, move away from the chase.

The story of Duval Mingo - Chatterbox - a godsend for a spy

Duval's ex-woman, Franziska, turned out to be a vile traitor. Not only did she go over to the Fritz and play tricks with one officer, she also handed over many underground fighters to the Nazis. Mingo wants blood... her blood.

This evening. Francisca gives an open-air concert, you need to kill her and take the pendant from her body - Mingo's gift.

We get to the venue of the concert, remove Francis from the roof and shoot the Germans. When you kill everyone, go downstairs and pick up the pendant from the body of Francis. Take it to Duval.

The Story of Duval Mingo - Hunter or Prey?

Franziska's boyfriend is tearing up and mosques ... He promises to avenge his beloved, find and destroy all the underground workers, and since he is the head of security in the industrial area, the issue has been resolved and the capture of the "criminals" is only a matter of time. However, Duval sent a detachment of fighters to destroy it, we need to hurry in order to catch up with them before the start of the operation. We jump into the car and go to the rescue. The fighters are stuck, several elite snipers keep the entire group in one place, preventing them from approaching the captain. We climb onto the roof and from there we remove snipers. Then we move forward along the roof to kill the Captain.

Dr. Kwong's Story - Bavarian Candidate

Dr. Kwong is a psychologist, waging his own war. He tried to hypnotize the Nazi, programming him to destroy General Bauer. You must pick up the Nazi and take him to the general's headquarters. When the Nazi gets caught at the checkpoint, we will have to complete the work, although it must be admitted that the attempt was good. We climb onto the roof and make our way to the location of the general. We kill him and hide.

Dr. Kwong's Story - Guardian Angel

Dr. Kwong asks to cover for an important meeting. Indications of where the target is will be given by Kwong's assistant, by radio. We go to the point, climb the stairs to the building. There are two snipers here. So if you didn’t grab a rifle, then there’s something to get hold of. We answer the request by radio, we inform you that we are ready. We see the doctor, then the voice will begin to dictate. The first target is on the balcony of the house on the left, the second one is on the balcony of the house on the right. Then two more killers appear, they run in pursuit of the doctor. We kill both, keep in mind to shoot at a moving target hard, so stock up on ammo. Destroying additional targets, we receive gratitude.

Dr. Kwong's Story - Germany Above... That One

So our goal is a huge cannon located in the Pantheon, which, according to the doctor, symbolizes the male pride of Germany. Having destroyed it, the Nazis will receive a hit "below the belt." So you will have to enter through the front door, first clear the area from one of the nearby roofs, from machine gunners, at the entrance. We go into the building and systematically take out the enemy from the battlefield. Having made our way up the elevators to the cannon, we kill here several people in white coats. We install the RDX charge and dump it away from sin, blowing up the cannon, you can blow your feet. We turn off the alarm, the mission is completed.

Bonuses in the game

Purchasing bonuses makes Sean's life a lot easier.


1 Knock out two Nazis - Decisive strike attack available

2 Get 10 silent kills by sneaking up from behind - Sudden strike option available

3 Quietly take out five generals - Attack "Touch of Death" is available


1 Shoot five Nazis - reduced recoil when firing automatic weapons

2 Kill five Nazi Terror Company - 44 caliber handgun available on the market

3 Destroy the tank and zeppelin in one alert - Tank killer available on the market


1 Shoot five Nazis using the optics - Reduced error when aiming with a sniper rifle

2 Get fifteen headshots with a scoped rifle - Reduced recoil when firing a sniper rifle

3 Get ten double kills - The Terror Company Sniper Rifle is available on the market


1 Blast ten Nazis with grenades - You can carry more grenades

2 Kill five Nazis with one explosion - All explosives are half price

3 Kill ten Nazis in ten seconds with plastite or dynamite - No knockdowns due to explosions


1 Blow up three Nazi cars with dynamite - New dynamite functionality available

2 Blow up five Nazi vehicles with dynamite in 300 seconds - RDX is available on the market

3 Disable three Wolf tanks with dynamite or plastite – Super RDX upgrade available


1 Destroy two Nazi objects - Improved the speed of placing explosives

2 Destroy ten towers - You can carry more explosives

3 Destroy four railway bridges - Planting explosives while disguising is not suspicious


1 Kill five Nazis with throws - Disperse crowd throw available

2 Hit 20 Nazis - Aurora Nitro Upgrade Available

3 Destroy twenty Nazi vehicles with one vehicle - Aurora machine gun available


1 Win the race - Silver Claw available in the garage

2 Win the second race - Aurora is available in the garage

3 Win the third race - Silver Claw 2 available in the garage


1 Collect five civilian cars - A racing car is available in the garage

2 Collect all the Nazi cars 12 pieces - Free car repair in the garage

3 Collect and store in the garage all civil, racing and military vehicles in the game - garages can park and store armored personnel carriers and tanks


1 Escape Level 2 Alert Five Times - Ability to call a getaway car is available

2 Level 3 Alarm Avoidance – Ability to choose a getaway car in any garage

3 Hide from Alert Level 5 - You can use hideouts at Alert Level 4 and 5.