White tiger in World of Tanks. "Military Chronicles": "Escaped Tiger White Tiger in world of tanks

escaped tiger

Germany is rapidly developing success. The Axis forces are reaching the golden sands of Egypt, and now Hitler's war machine is preparing to move to the Suez Canal. In the deserts of Egypt, secret developments are being carried out at the military base of Haggag el-Kasaba. Germany's greatest weapon, the Tiger I tank, has one last field test to go before being sent to the front.

French Resistance spy Marianne Durrieu learns of the enemy's plan and successfully infiltrates a German factory under the guise of a professional mechanic to carry out her risky plan. She's going to hijack a Tiger tank and make a mad dash for the British front line near El Alamein. The sandstorm gives her and her team the perfect opportunity to sneak away with the prototype from the military base. Haggag el Kasaba ...

In this episode of War Chronicles, Marianne and her team will have to repel an enemy attack and deliver Tiger I to British troops. Will they be able to do this or will the enemy destroy them before they reach the allies?

Most recently, the premiere of Karen Shakhnazarov's film "White Tiger" took place. The developers informed the players a lot about this. The film itself tells about a legend or myth from the time of the Great Patriotic War. The legend says that allegedly in the rear Soviet troops the ghost of the "Tiger" appeared, which appeared from nowhere and disappeared into nowhere, destroying everything in its path. Well, by "everything" I mean soviet tanks. Here, in a nutshell, is the plot of the film.

Each of the tankers must understand that the "World of Tanks" is not some kind of WoW for you, and the presence of all sorts of big bosses and other yummy things here, by definition, cannot be. We do not play as elves or orcs, we do not cut right and left with a magic sword. Our heroes are tanks. But our dear and dear developers decided to make us happy and introduced some kind of big boss into the game. And he became the "White Tiger". So they decided to support the work of Karen Shakhnazarov. And so, friends, throughout the month of May, you have the opportunity to touch the legend, to hunt for the "protagonist of the film."

Balances "Der Weisse Tiger" wot-version with a crowd of T-34-85 and only on the map "Robin". He is alone against them all. Externally, the "legend" is similar to Tiger P. But this is only externally. There is a paragraph inside. The very amount of HP will surprise anyone: as much as 14960 hit points!!! It's just a monster! How will the poor T-34-85s kill him? I won't put my mind to it. The damage of the weapon of this miracle of the evil German genius is already 750 HP. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to understand that he is one-shotting the T-34-85 lightly. True, the developers took pity on us and the wot-version of the "White Tiger" has the same armor as its game prototype - Tiger P. At least we're lucky here, you say. But the Soviet ST inflicts rather little damage on the "ghost" and it is quite difficult to disassemble this monster. But, as it turns out, it is possible. The developers even approved a special medal for the victory over "Der Weisse Tiger". True, they have not yet come up with a description, but this, I think, awaits us in the near future. The hunting tactics are quite simple: you need to drive the German beast into the crossfire and keep it on the harp all the time, otherwise the scoundrel will run away. And he runs fast, not at all like his prototype. The developers threw him some horses for greater confidence, so that the Soviet "wolves" would not catch up. I think it's also worth mentioning that for killing the "White Tiger" you will receive not only a medal, but also approximately 1,000 experience and 50,000 credits.

This is the event that the Wargaming.net team came up with for their favorite players. I think it's not worth reminding that this is the first experience of an in-game quest in World of Tanks. And let's face it - quite unexpected, but quite successful. So, look for the legend of the "White Tiger" World of Tanks in the game and good luck in the battle with him.

In this topic, I would like to compare the weapons and equipment of rivals in the Second World War. Years pass and new myths are born. Especially often in recent times these myths are self-deprecating.

For example, in one Topic on the Forum, a certain Ivan Ermakov solemnly announced that the "Tiger" was best tank WWII. And he gets stormy applause, everyone agrees, everyone is very happy to spit on our history and our outstanding designers. And together with the designers, to belittle all our people: they say, lappeters, fools, only knew how to number them .... And in unison they throw up a playful story about how one Tiger burned dozens, atoms and hundreds of Russian tanks at a time in a battle. Everyone believes, everyone is delighted ... So it turns out as it was ....

Where do stories like this come from? Who needs them? Tolerate such insanity is simply no longer possible. He must be fought!
So let's look at the famous tank "Tiger" and identify its deadly flaws in comparison with any Soviet tank, including the heavy Soviet tank IS-2.

The mass of the "tiger" is 57 tons, the mass of the royal tiger is 70 tons. The mass of the Soviet heavy tank IS-2 is 46 tons. This is the verdict for the Tiger! In fact, the German "masterpiece" had to carry an additional 11 tons on its transmission (we will not even consider the Royal Tiger). We will talk further about the monstrous consequences and causes of this factor, which is insurmountable for German designers ...

But, maybe with such super-heavy performance, the Tiger tank had better weapons? After all, what is the main thing for a heavy tank: firepower and armor. Let's compare:

A turret from a Porsche tank with an 88-mm cannon (8.8 cm KwK 36) was installed on the Henschel Tiger (before that there was a 75 mm cannon).

The IS-2 was originally equipped with a 122-mm D-25 gun.

These are the killer indicators for the Tiger. Having a weight of 11 tons more, the tank had a gun one and a half times smaller in diameter and penetrating power. I would like to note that the IS-2 tanks successfully pierced the vaunted armor of the Tigers from a distance of more than 1 km! The German cannon could not penetrate the armor of the IS-2 from such a distance.

And why were the Tiger tanks so heavy? Does anyone know the answer? For some reason, Ivan Ermakov did not cover this aspect of the "advancement" of German designers. How good it is to glorify everything foreign and denigrate everything domestic ... It is so fashionable in recent years.
IS-2 frontal armor - 122 mm, side 95 mm, stern 90 mm, having a streamlined turret shape, from which shells simply ricocheted, the IS-2 tank was simply invulnerable to the Tiger both in a frontal attack and during maneuvers.
Tiger-1 frontal armor - 100 mm, did not have side and rear armor as such and was vulnerable from these attack vectors even to ordinary regimental guns.

Why is the streamlined shape of the tank adopted today, the prototype of which was the Soviet tanks T-34 and IS-2 (IS-1)? Why didn't they take the box-shaped form of "advanced" German designers?

In total, we have: the Tigers were inferior to the IS-2 both in combat power and in armor protection. So maybe they were faster and had more power reserve? Let's check:

IS-2 Road speed - 37 km/h; off-road - 24 km / h. Cruising on the road - 250 km;
off-road - 210 km

Tiger-1 Speed ​​on the road - 38 km / h; almost unsuitable for off-road, due to the gigantic mass and serious errors in the chassis. He is simply an elm even in an ordinary peat puddle.
Range on the road - 140 km

Depressing indicators for the Tiger. Having the same speed performance on the road, the Tigers were significantly inferior to the Russian IS-2 tank in off-road speed and patency. And in terms of power reserve, they generally lost almost twice.
The last parameter is extremely important, especially in conditions of total war and major strategic offensive operations. talking plain language, even if German tanks had begun a forced march from near Volokolamsk to Moscow and NO ONE would have held them back, they would have stopped in the Krasnogorsk region, having used up the power reserve and worn out the main technical units. And our soldiers, having cut off the communications for the supply of fuel and lubricants and consumable spare parts, would simply have shot standing tanks point-blank into unprotected sides. But, all these are very optimistic assumptions for the Tiger tanks. The fact is that they were generally not suitable for winter companies.
Now let's talk about who burned whom in reality, the Tigers are Russian tanks hundreds at a time, or our IS-2s. It is worth noting that for some reason many unscrupulous "experts" often compare the most famous German tank "Tiger-1" with the most famous Soviet tank "T-34". But this is not a true and amateurish comparison. The fact is that the T-34 was a medium tank, and the Tiger was heavy. You can not arrange a duel between a boxer of the middle weight category and a heavyweight. These tanks had different tactical goals and objectives. For a quick entry into a breakthrough and rapid tank breakthroughs, there were no tanks equal to the T-34 .... This unique machine has become the pride of our people is absolutely deserved.

Heavy tanks are intended specifically for tank fights. So let's see how the fights on the battlefield between the vaunted "Tiger" and the IS-2 actually ended.

Let's start with the gun tests: The state tests of the IS-122 tank (object 240) went very quickly and successfully. After that, the tank was transferred to one of the firing ranges near Moscow, where a shot was fired at an empty captured German Panther tank from a 122-mm cannon from a distance of 1500 meters in the presence of K. E. Voroshilov. The projectile, breaking through the side armor of the tower deployed to the right, hit the opposite sheet, tore it off by welding and threw it a few meters. That is, the Panther heavy tank was easily destroyed by the IS-2 cannon from a distance of 1500 m !!! The shell pierced the German monsters through and through, breaking through two walls of armor. It is worth noting that, according to numerous recollections of WWII participants, German heavy tanks had a very weak turret mount (the turret was removable, any engine repair required the removal of the turret, we'll talk later). The frontal impact of the IS-2 projectile simply demolished the Tiger tower and threw it back. The lack of streamlining of the shape of the Tiger tank led to the fact that all the power of the 122 mm blank that hit it turned into a powerful force and the tank failed after the first hit. No rate of fire and other conveniences when charging German tanks saved, because while the German tank approached the distance of the conditional ability to inflict at least some damage on the IS-2 (about 300 m when it hit the side), the Russian miracle machines calmly shot the approaching slow-moving Tigers starting from one and a half kilometers.

Baptism of fire IS-2, received at the final stage of the liberation of the right-bank Ukraine. During this period, the regiment as part of the 1 GvTA led fighting near the city of Obertin (Ivano-Frankivsk region). In twenty days of continuous fighting, the regiment's personnel destroyed 41 Tiger tanks and Ferdinand (Elephant) self-propelled guns, 3 armored personnel carriers with ammunition and 10 anti-tank guns, irrevocably losing 8 IS-122 tanks.

In December 1944, the formation of separate guards heavy tank brigades began. Usually they were created on the basis of brigades with T-34s. The appearance of these units was due to the necessity of concentrating heavy tanks in the directions of the main attacks of the fronts and armies in order to break through heavily fortified defensive lines, as well as to fight enemy tank groupings.

The first meeting of the ISs with the "Royal Tigers" (Tiger II) was not in favor of the Germans. On August 13, 1944, a platoon of IS-2 tanks of the Guards Senior Lieutenant Klimenkov from the 3rd Tank Battalion of the 71st Guards Heavy Tank Regiment engaged German tanks from pre-prepared positions, knocked out one Royal Tiger and burned another one. At about the same time, a single IS-2 of the guards, senior lieutenant Udalov, acting from an ambush, entered the battle with the 7th Royal Tigers, and also burned one and knocked out another. The surviving five cars began to retreat. Tank Udalov, having made a maneuver towards the enemy, burned another Royal Tiger.

So who burned whom, the Russian Tigers, or our German Ivanov ISs?
With the advent of Soviet IS-2 tanks on the battlefield, which easily dealt with the clumsy Tigers-1, the German command requested to do new tank, capable of withstanding the Soviet Tiger fighter. So, at the very end of the war, a 68-ton freak appeared, called the "Royal Tiger". Given the gigantic cost of this machine (119 tons of steel were spent on the production of one tank), it was produced in small quantities. But the main task - to be invulnerable against the Russian IS-2 was solved by the clumsy method: the armor was even heavier and the barrel of the old 88-mm gun was lengthened. Having an extremely clumsy and bulky appearance, the "Royal Tiger" was supposed to be used only from ambushes and as a mobile command post for officers.

Let's think about what tank the famous "Royal Tiger" was made on the basis of. No, not at all based on the Tiger-1. "King Tiger" was called a hybrid between "Elephant" and "Panther". From the first he received the famous 88-mm cannon, and from the second - the shape of the hull with rational angles of inclination of the armor plates. Why did the designers not take the main nodes for optimization from the Tiger I ??? The answer is obvious - since 1944, the Tiger-1 has become irrevocably outdated. Morally. The Tiger-1 could not resist the much more advanced Soviet tanks IS-2 under any additional modifications. Therefore, only an amateur can say that the Tiger-1 was the best WWII tank. In addition, the staging itself is not correct, one must say "the best heavy tank."

And why were German tanks so heavy and expensive? The answer lies in the mistaken decision to make tanks rear-wheel drive. The Germans never managed to make a front-wheel drive tank, while the Russian designers made front-wheel drive vehicles. To transmit torque to the front shaft, it was necessary to additionally install a multi-ton and bulky cardan shaft, which stretched through the entire hull and made German tanks heavier and overall. But that's not all. This design miscalculation forced hundreds of German tanks to be written off as non-combat losses. The thing is that the often breaking cardan could not be repaired and replaced without dismantling the Tiger tower. And to raise such a colossus, special workshops are needed. As you understand, the Germans could not afford such a service in the second half of the Second World War. Soviet tanks did not have a similar problem, because they did not have a cardan shaft itself. Moreover, all the main units of Soviet tanks were easily dismantled through the side technical hatches. The German monsters almost had to remove the tower. But in addition to these problems, the very weighting of the tank itself led to inevitable costs for all units of the chassis. Their wear became much higher than that of the much lighter IS-2 tanks.

Total: The Tiger, in addition to a significantly lower power reserve and power resource, was as inconvenient as possible during repair work. And this is a very important component, if not the main one.

Let's continue to study the misunderstandings of the "Tiger-1" in comparison with the Soviet tank IS-2.

Specific power:

Tiger: 11.4 hp/t
IS-2: 11.3 hp/t

Specific ground pressure:

Tiger: 1.06 kg/cm
IS-2: 0.8 kg/cm.

That is, with almost the same power, the Tiger had almost 30% more pressure on the ground! And this is not a trifle at all, this is an extremely important point, more important than any conveniences there for aiming and charging. A tank is, first of all, mobility in any conditions. And what do we see: since the specific pressure of the Pz.Kpfw.VI was 30% higher than that of the IS-2, already in the first battle on September 22, 1942, when the Tigers went on the attack near the village of Tortolovo near Leningrad, they stuck in the mud! Three tanks, with the support of artillery and infantry, were evacuated a few days later, and the fourth tank remained in no man's land and a month later was blown up on Hitler's orders.

Not only dirt was an insurmountable obstacle for the Pz.Kpfw.VI. Many bridges in Russia could not support the weight of a 55-ton tank and the help of sappers was needed to cross a small stream. The cruising range on the highway was 100 km, and on rough terrain only 60 km. The tank needed a constant escort of tankers. But the tanker is a tasty target for enemy attack aircraft and fighter-bombers! In the conditions of air supremacy of enemy aircraft, the organization of the movement of the "Tigers" on their own resulted in a serious problem.

Transportation of "Tigers" railway also presented a big problem. They could only be transported on a special conveyor. In the echelon between two conveyors, it was necessary to hook four ordinary wagons so as not to exceed the permissible load on railway bridges. But even on a special conveyor it was impossible to load the "Tiger" without additional problems. It had to be “changed shoes” into special transport tracks and remove the outer row of road wheels. (http://www.wars20cen...u/publ/6-1-0-28)

But that's not all the problems associated with the heavyweight Tiger. The Tigers were absolutely incapable of resisting the mines. Any mine exploding under the caterpillar led the expensive colossus into the enemy's trophy. On all Soviet tanks, even if the skating rink turned out to be broken, the tank has at least five of them and it is not a problem to change them. The main thing is that the tank remained on the move, quickly inserted a spare track and continued the attack. Well, the tank rides for another day on four rinks instead of five - no problem, but after the battle they will put a new rink. Any Soviet tank, including the IS-2, but not the Tiger. The tiger on four rollers could not continue to move - the load became prohibitive. Therefore, he simply stopped and needed a major overhaul. Without a truck crane and a dozen assistants, it was impossible to cope with the replacement of the skating rink. But how to do it in combat conditions? Therefore, after the battles, the almost untouched Tigers stood as trophies, and the German aviation tried to undermine the irretrievably lost tanks due to the failure of only one skating rink.

Well, about other misunderstandings of this "best tank" ... Here, Ivan alone on Razgovorchik praises and praises the rate of fire of the Tiger tank. Yes, it was, really 8 seconds to reload the gun and a new shot. But for some reason, our ingenious weapons expert kept silent about the main parameter of aimed shooting in battle. For accurate and aimed shooting, you need a quick turn of the tower. Let's compare this most important aspect of aimed fire:

Tiger-1 turret rotation 360 degrees - 60 seconds
IS-2 360 degree turret rotation -22 seconds.

The question immediately arises (by the way, it was also asked on the Razgovorchik): who needs such a rate of fire if the tower does not have time to turn behind the targets? How can such a "hut on chicken legs" be called the "best tank" ?!

Therefore, the main trump card of the rate of fire was simply leveled by the slowness of the turret rotation.

Another one below the most important characteristic armor-piercing at a distance of 1 km:

Tiger - 100 mm in the range of 60 degrees
Is-2 - 142 mm in the range of 90 degrees

And there is no need to treat naive listeners that the 88 mm gun installed on the Tigers was better than the 122 mm IS-2 gun due to the super design. Yes, indeed, the best gun of the Second World War is, perhaps, the 88 mm FlaK 18 anti-aircraft gun. No doubt about it. But even she, with all her advantages, could not compete with the super-powerful 122 mm IS-2 gun. Given the thickness of the frontal armor, the IS-2 could easily shoot the German Tigers from a distance of more than 1 km, and as long as the barely crawling Tiger went to a conventional distance to defeat the IS, the entire ammunition load could be sent to it. But, I repeat, ONE hit was enough.

And why the Germans could not install a more powerful gun on the Tiger, no one knows? :)

In total, we state: the Tiger loses the IS-2 in all main characteristics.

Let's take another look at what the Tigers can generally catch on to in a dispute with the IS-2. All pro-German Ivans sing the same tale about the rate of fire in unison. As we reasonably proved, with the super-sluggish Tiger turret, such a rate of fire lost its meaning. More supporters of the superiority of the Tiger begin to sing a hymn about the semi-automatic shutter of the German 88-mm gun. Allegedly, it was convenient for the Germans, but for ours it was extremely inconvenient, they pushed it by hand .... Now let's see how things really were on the IS-2. From the beginning of 1944, the IS-122 began to be equipped with the D-25T gun (this designation was given to the D-2-5T gun in gross production), which was distinguished by the presence of a horizontal wedge semi-automatic shutter and a new “German type” muzzle brake (its design was borrowed to a certain extent from the muzzle brake of German 88 mm guns and 105 mm howitzers). The gun was equipped with more compact recoil devices, the location of the controls was improved for the convenience of the gunner in the cramped fighting compartment of the tank. The introduction of a semi-automatic shutter almost doubled the gun's rate of fire from 1...1.5 to 2...3 rounds per minute.

Designers Usenko, Pyankov, Gromov and others put a lot of work into the creation of the D-25T. The employees of the experienced design bureau Kotin did not stand aside either. He sent his designers G.M. Rybin and K.N. Ilyin, who, in a difficult situation for that time, took an active part in the development and debugging of a new semi-automatic shutter for such a powerful weapon.

But our outstanding compatriots did not stand still and went further than the Germans! In March 1944, the muzzle brake of the "German type" of the D-25T gun was replaced by a domestically designed TsAKB muzzle brake, which had a simpler manufacturing technology and high efficiency.

Our constructors were the best in the world and very quickly caught up with the enemy in those few components where they lagged behind. Therefore, fairy tales about manually loading the IS-2 cannon are nothing more than a fairy tale. Belief in such fairy tales is pure amateurism.

Let's continue to smash the supporters of the theory of total superiority German tank building over domestic. Very often, supporters of the latter theory say that the Germans had better everything: a walkie-talkie, and machine guns, and optical sights ... Yes, it was like that ... at the beginning of the war. It is what it is. The presence of a walkie-talkie on German tanks was indeed an extremely effective innovation. But we are now considering the entire war, and not the tragedy of the 41st ... we are looking for the best weapons that could be recreated and put into serial production by the participating country. Let us return in this aspect to the IS-2 and once again record the depressing indicators for the Tiger-1 in terms of main weapons:

Excellent armament allowed the Is-2 tank to hit the "Tiger" from a distance of 2000m from all angles. The presence of a powerful gun in the Is-2 forced the enemy to open fire on it from greater distances than they usually started shooting at the T-35/85, KV-85 and Is-85. The "Tigers" were forced to open fire on the Is-2 from a distance of already 1300m, since at this range the Is-2 could already calmly shoot them, but they still didn’t have it and they had nothing to do. The powerful armament of the Is-2 indirectly increased the security of the tank. A 7.62mm DT machine gun is paired with the cannon. Another 7.62mm DT machine gun was in a ball mount in the aft turret. They were used to destroy enemy manpower and lightly armored targets. To protect against attacks in the air, a 12.7mm DShKT anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on the commander's cupola. Devices: For the gunner - a 4-fold articulated telescopic sight rangefinder TSh-17. For the commander - a PT-8 rangefinder articulated telescopic sight, a commander's cupola with a 360gr rotating in the sector. device MK-4, 6 sighting slots with triplex. Loader - prismatic, periscope device MK-4. To the driver - two devices MK-4, sighting slit with triplex. Optical sight for rear and anti-aircraft machine guns, main sight TSh-17 for coaxial machine gun. Communication means - radio station 9RM and TPU for four subscribers.

From the beginning of 1944, the IS-2 was not just a cool tank - it was a miracle of tank building. All the most advanced technologies have been included in this masterpiece. In addition to super-powerful weapons, super-sufficient armor, ALL tankers had radio communications, there were TWO MACHINE GUNS on convenient installations. And on top was an anti-aircraft machine gun, allowing you to destroy diving attack aircraft. All crew seats were equipped with excellent optics.

IS-2 is the pride of Russian tank building. No wonder he bore the name of the leader. These tanks were ahead of their time in all characteristics and therefore remained in service with the USSR until 1954. Unlike the Tiger-1, which was obsolete by the beginning of 1944, and in comparison with the IS-2, it looked like an ugly duckling against the backdrop of a white swan.

The outstanding qualities of the IS-2, undeservedly forgotten in our time, were well known during the war years. It was not for nothing that Stalin, who was very stingy with praises, said: “This is a tank of victory! we will end the war with him.” For the gigantic contribution to the defeat of the German Wehrmacht, it is the IS-2 (and not the T-34) that stands on a pedestal in Karlshorst near the house where G.K. Zhukov accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany ... It was this tank that for many years personified all-crushing power for the whole world Soviet Union and the greatest potential of domestic constructors and the people who created this masterpiece. Created and reached on it to Berlin!

Therefore, let all the pro-German-minded Ivans, Stepans, Fritz, Hans throw aside propaganda treatises about the greatest Tiger tank and look at things with a sober, uncomplicated look.

Before we move on to the study of other WWII tanks, their common disadvantages and advantages, we will finish with the Tiger-I and undoubtedly the best heavy tank of that war, the IS-2.

Many stubborn supporters of the Tiger-I, after presenting the above table, stubbornly disagree with the characteristics that are deadly for the Tiger. And grasp at the saving straw. Allegedly, yes, the Germans had only an 88 mm gun against the 122 mm of the IS-2, but it was the best, besides the anti-aircraft gun, and the energy of the projectile was greater than that of the D-25T. Here is one tank lover from Krasnoyarsk "authoritatively" declares:

Where did you get it from? I'm talking about muzzle energy ... The initial speed of the Germans is higher. And the difference between the guns is that 88 has armor-piercing specialization, and 122 high-explosive. 122 just breaks through the armor, if you're lucky, and 88 breaks through.

It was as if the gun was made special for each projectile: high-explosive for some, armor-piercing for others. :) Uzhzhzhas, what cockroaches are sitting in people's heads.

We will not discuss the seriousness of such claims here. Let's just give the facts and close this question:

The 122-mm D-25T tank gun was the most powerful mass-produced tank gun of the Second World War - its muzzle energy was 820 t.m., while the 88-mm KwK 43 gun of the German heavy tank PzKpfw VI Ausf B "Tiger II" it was equal to 520 t.m.

Total: in the Is-2, the gun gave the projectile a muzzle energy of 820 t.m. against 520 t.m. at the Tiger-II (the most powerful German tank with an extended modification of the 88-mm gun). And the Tiger I had even less, 368 t.m., due to the shorter muzzle. That is, this indicator for the "bad" IS-2 gun is more than twice as good as for the "good" Tiger gun! I think we are done with this issue.

About the projectiles. Soviet specialists developed unique projectiles for the IS-2. Both high-explosive and armor-piercing. But the high-explosive projectile with the OF-471 high-explosive fragmentation cannon grenade weighing 25 kg (the mass of explosive - TNT or ammotol - 3 kg) became especially famous. From the hit of this projectile, the Tigers simply burned like torches. Moreover, when hit at an angle of 60 degrees. the effect was even better. If an armor-piercing projectile simply pierced German monsters and they could continue the battle even after being hit, then the Soviet OF-471 high-explosive fragmentation grenade from an IS-2 tank projectile destroyed the seams when it hit and simply burned out the Tiger until its gas tanks flared up along with ammunition. This grenade simply did not leave the Tigers a chance.

And the IS-2 had different shells:

Sleeves and shells of the D-25T tank gun. From left to right: an armor-piercing shot shell, a high-explosive fragmentation shell, the OF-471 high-explosive fragmentation cannon grenade, the BR-471 sharp-headed armor-piercing tracer, and the BR-471B blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile with a ballistic tip. All shells are shown from two sides.

The IS-2 was decades ahead of its time and was later used in the USSR army before the introduction of the T10 tank. No new modifications could compare with the IS-2 in terms of reliability and efficiency. The IS-3 was withdrawn in 1946, because it was inferior to the more ancient IS-2 ... The same fate befell the IS-4 ... IS-7. Therefore, it was decided to stop at the IS-2, having modernized it a bit - it was too good.

They didn’t even rename it, they just added the letter M - modernized. And so the IS-2M served until the Eighties of the last century as one of the main tanks of the most powerful tank power in the world !!! The last known exercise involving the IS-2M took place in 1982 near Odessa. The official order of the Minister of Defense to remove the IS-2M from service with the Russian army was given only in 1995! This is what the tank was like...

Most recently, the premiere of Karen Shakhnazarov's film "White Tiger" took place. The developers informed the players a lot about this. Actually the film tells about the legend or myth of the Great Patriotic War. The legend says that allegedly in the rear of the Soviet troops appeared the ghost of the "Tiger", which appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere, destroying everything in its path. Well, by "all" I mean Soviet tanks. Here, in a nutshell, is the plot of the film.

Each of the tankers must understand that the "World of Tanks" is not some kind of WoW for you, and the presence of all sorts of big bosses and other yummy things here, by definition, cannot be. We do not play as elves or orcs, we do not cut right and left with a magic sword. Our heroes are tanks. But our dear and dear developers decided to make us happy and introduced some kind of big boss into the game. And he became the "White Tiger". So they decided to support the work of Karen Shakhnazarov. And so, friends, throughout the month of May, you have the opportunity to touch the legend, to hunt for the "protagonist of the film."

Balances "Der Weisse Tiger" wot-version with a crowd of T-34-85 and only on the map "Robin". He is alone against them all. Externally, the "legend" is similar to Tiger P. But this is only externally. There is a paragraph inside. The very amount of HP will surprise anyone: as much as 14960 hit points!!! It's just a monster! How will the poor T-34-85s kill him? I won't put my mind to it. The damage of the weapon of this miracle of the evil German genius is already 750 HP. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to understand that he is one-shotting the T-34-85 lightly. True, the developers took pity on us and the wot-version of the "White Tiger" has the same armor as its game prototype - Tiger P. At least we're lucky here, you say. But the Soviet ST inflicts rather little damage on the "ghost" and it is quite difficult to disassemble this monster. But, as it turns out, it is possible. The developers even approved a special medal for the victory over "Der Weisse Tiger". True, they have not yet come up with a description, but this, I think, awaits us in the near future. The hunting tactics are quite simple: you need to drive the German beast into the crossfire and keep it on the harp all the time, otherwise the scoundrel will run away. And he runs fast, not at all like his prototype. The developers threw him some horses for greater confidence, so that the Soviet "wolves" would not catch up. I think it's also worth mentioning that for killing the "White Tiger" you will receive not only a medal, but also approximately 1,000 experience and 50,000 credits.

This is the event that the Wargaming.net team came up with for their favorite players. I think it's not worth reminding that this is the first experience of an in-game quest in World of Tanks. And let's face it - quite unexpected, but quite successful. So, look for the legend of the "White Tiger" World of Tanks in the game and good luck in the battle with him.