What where when according to fairy tales. Intellectual game. Experts on fairy tales "What, where, when?", for the preparatory group

Elena Lobuntsova
Intellectual game. Experts in fairy tales "What, where, when?", for preparatory group.

Intellectual game

"What do you mean where, when

Experts in fairy tales.

(for kids preparatory group)

Target: continue to cultivate love for fairy tales

Consolidate knowledge of the

zok through the game. Form a mixture

kalku, ingenuity, skill

in a short time to find the right

ny answer.

Game tasks: spin the top and answer

to answer the questions chosen by the wol-

Material. Top with an arrow, questions

on cards, TV frame,

wise Owl (toy).

Game progress.

A team of 6 sits at a table. Question cards are placed around the circle. If a team does not answer 3 questions in a row, another team replaces it.

Suggested questions for the game.

1. Name 3 fairy tales, where the heroes are the cat.

("Puss in Boots", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Golden Key", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Cat house", « Tale of the Silly Mouse» , "Who meow said).

2. Name 3 fairy tales where they meet fabulous birds?

("Swan geese", the fire bird in fairy tale"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", the swan princess fairy tale A. Pushkin « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» , duck in fairy tale B. Garshina "Frog traveler", duck in fairy tale D. Mamin- Siberian "Grey neck", story"The Fox and the Crane", sparrow in fairy tale M Gorky"Sparrow", swan in fairy tale G. H. Andersen "Ugly duck").

3. Name 5 types fabulous transport.

(stupa of Baba Yaga, Carpet - plane, Horse - hunchback, stove, boots - walkers, Geese - swans, wolf - in fairy tale"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", a pumpkin is a carriage, and mice are horses in fairy tale"Cinderella", a bear with a box in fairy tale"Masha and the Bear", deer - in fairy tale"The Snow Queen").

4. Remember 3 fairy tales, in the title of which, the names of the heroes of this fairy tales.

("Masha and the Bear", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Moroz Ivanovich", Pinocchio, "Baby and Carlson", "Chippolino")

5. Name the flowers that are found in fairy tales(3 flowers)

("The Scarlet Flower"- S. Aksakov, "Flower of seven flowers"- V. Kataev, "Thumbelina" tulip - Andersen, "Twelve months" snowdrops - Marshak, "Swineherd" rose - Andersen.

6. Name 3 fairy tales, in the name of which there are numbers - numerals.

("Three pigs", "Seven Semions", "Three Kingdoms", "Two Frosts", "Three Fat Men", « Story about the dead princess and about the seven heroes ", "Twelve months", Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves).

7. What fairy tale says that the better the snow cover, the better the grass will survive. ( "Moroz Ivanovich"- Odoevsky).

8. What fairy tale the mischievous boy made blots with his nose. ( Pinocchio- A. Tolstoy).

9. Show any physical. minute using fairy tale characters or fairy tale text.

Turnip, turnip - sits tight

We pull again, again

Here is our turnip.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once caved in, two caved in

He put his hands behind his back,

Stretched, stretched

I sat at the table.

Bear cubs lived in more often

They turned their heads.

10. Pantomime anyone fairy tale hero. (If the audience guesses correctly, get a point).

Note. If it falls out musical pause- treble clef, use any solo numbers learned to music. classes.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up and gifts are given.




to reveal the level of knowledge of the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

develop communication skills

develop intonation expressiveness when reading poems

to cultivate the ability to listen and hear the task the first time;

keep children interested and in a good mood


- Good afternoon, dear guests of our group.
- Welcome to the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". Meet our players.

(The musical screensaver for the game “What, where, when?” Sounds solemnly. Children enter the hall, line up in a semicircle in front of the game tables,.)

- Guys, look how many guests came to our intellectual game “What? Where? When?".
- Let's greet our guests (children say hello).

- And, now, greet each other (teams of players say mottos).
1st captain: - Team "Connoisseurs".

- Our motto:
Members of the Expert team:

We are experts, which means
We are waiting for success and luck!
Forward to victory is our motto!
And who is weaker - beware!
2nd captain: - Team "Umniki".

- Our motto:
Members of the Smart Team:
We are smart and brave
And we are good at what we do.
We will win this time!
Our opponent is not a decree!
Moderator: - Thanks to the teams.

And, now, we listen to the conditions of our game.
Before us is a table with 8 sectors, and in the middle is a spinning top with an arrow. I will spin the top every time. Everyone completes the task indicated by the arrow. The task is given from 1 to 3 minutes, the time is fixed by an hourglass. Each correctly completed task is worth 1 point. And we start our game, we invite players to take their seats at the gaming tables.

Host: Round 1!
( The music "rotation of the top" sounds, the player rotates the top .)
- Over what number of the envelope did the top stop? (player answers)
- Attention! Question!

1.Tour of fairy tales

How many years did the old man live with his old woman near the blue sea? (30 years and 3 years)

What words did the old woman scold her old man in "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (You fool, you simpleton

How many times did the old man cast a net into the sea (3 times)

What did the seine come with? (1st time - with mud, 2nd time with sea grass, 3rd time with a goldfish).

The meeting place of the priest with Balda. (Bazaar)

What time of the year are we talking about at the beginning of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" (Winter)

What was the name of the resourceful, hardworking worker in one of Pushkin's fairy tales (Balda)

Performer of the song "In the garden, in the garden." (Squirrel)

- Name of the dog from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". (Sokolko).

The name of the island, past which sailors sailed. (Buyan)

Round 2: Attention.

I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale, but with an error. You must find the mistake, fix it. And name from what fairy tale this passage.

1. Three neighbors under the window

Were spinning late in the evening. (The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

2. My light, mirror, say

Don't deceive me

Am I the sweetest in the world

All blush and whiter. (About the dead princess)

3. An old man lived with his wife

By the blue sea

4. The wind makes a merry noise,

The ship runs merrily

Past the Buyana Island

In the kingdom of the glorious Ivan.

3 round « black box"

There are 2 items in the black box (a mirror and an apple). Guess these items from the description

4 round "competition of captains"

“Name the numbers that met in the tales of A. S. Pushkin”

(33 bogatyrs, 7 bogatyrs, 3 girls, 3 clicks, cast a seine 3 times, etc.)

Round 5 "Fairy tale sequences"

1. Pictures depicting insects from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" are laid out on the easel. The children must arrange them in a "fabulous" sequence: Prince Gvidon first turned into a fly, then into a mosquito, and finally into a bumblebee.

2. Pictures depicting the month, the sun and the wind are laid out on the easel. Children should arrange them in the order in which Prince Elisha from the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess” turned to them with a question about his bride.Round 6 " Learn the tale by the following words "

1. Way - road, tower, spinning wheel, sun, month, wind, wedding. ("The Tale of the Dead Princess")

2. Farming, fool, hut, tower, pearls, queen, trough. ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)

Round 7 "Assemble the puzzle, name the fairy tale and read an excerpt from it"

8. Video question from parents.

Explain the meaning of the words:

Seine (net for catching fish).

Dishes (food, food).

Eyes (eyes)

Tolokon forehead (stupid person).

Shower warmer (warm jacket without sleeves).

Finger (finger).

Quit (money, according to Pushkin)

Dugout (house built in the ground).

9. Summing up the game. Team awards

Senior group


1. Fix and systematize in game form children's knowledge about the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

2. Continue to develop auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, resourcefulness, and the ability to act in a team.

3. Develop intonational expressiveness of speech.

4. Cultivate children's love and interest in fiction especially for fairy tales.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations, watching cartoons, talking about the material read and viewed, an excursion to the library.

Materials and equipment: portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, his fairy tales, illustrations for fairy tales, whirligig, task cards, telephone, three black boxes (large, medium, small), bag, galosh, jar of honey, chocolate, box of matches, washcloth, thermometer, money, mug, pistol , soft toys "elephant", "sun", rubber toy "cockroach", iron, disc with a record musical accompaniment broadcast "What? Where? When? ”, fairy tales“ Moydodyr ”, physical minutes, fairy-tale costumes“ kittens ”,“ ducklings ”,“ hare ”, coloring books.

Lesson progress:

Sounds like music from the show What? Where? When?". Children enter the group and sit down. In the book corner, an exhibition of books for the works of K.I. Chukovsky. His portrait is placed on the magnetic board.

Leading:Hello guys! I welcome you to the club of connoisseurs. Tell me, please, do you know what kind of books are worthon the shelves in the book corner, and whose portrait is it? (These books were written by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. )

That's right, this is a portrait of the wonderful poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He is no longer with us, but his fairy tales continue to live. Korney Ivanovich was called "children's holiday." He loved children very much, often came to kindergartens and schools to read his funny fairy tales and poems. And today we will visit the heroes of his fairy tales. Well, let's start, rotate the top.

Task number 1: "Recognize the tale from the passage."

The host puts 6 illustrations from Chukovsky's fairy tales on the table, reads out excerpts from fairy tales one by one. Children name what fairy tale these lines are from and choose the desired illustration.

1. The table fell out of the window

And go, go, go, go...

And on it, and on it,

Like riding a horse

Samovar sits

And shouts to his comrades:

"Go away, run, save yourself!"

(“Fedorino grief.”)

2. “Poor, poor animals!

Howling, crying, roaring!

In every den

And in every cave

They curse the evil glutton.


3. But the worm beetles got scared

In the corners, through the cracks they fled.

Cockroaches under sofas

And the goats under the benches.

And the insects under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

("Fly Tsokotukha".)

4. Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop!


5. Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

Walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa

Gorillas in Africa

In Africa, large

Evil crocodiles...


6. So he cured them, Limpopo!

So he cured the sick, Limpopo!

And they went to laugh, Limpopo!

And dance and play, Limpopo!


Task number 2: "Telephone".

The host puts the phone on the table. There is a dialogue between the host and the children from the fairy tale "Telephone".

Leading(pretends to ring the phone, picks up the phone):

My phone rang.

Who is speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Leading: Where?

Children: From a camel.

Leading: What do you need?

Children: chocolate.

Leading: For whom?

Children: For my son.

Leading: How much to send?

Children: Yes, that way five pounds

Or six:

He won't eat anymore

He's still small!

Task number 3: "Black box".

The host introduces 3 black boxes into the group: large, medium, small.

Asking questions. Children answer them, get riddles from black boxes.

Question #1: The big box contains favorite treat crocodiles from the fairy tale "Telephone". (Galosha.)

Question #2: In the middle box is what the grandmother brought to Fly - Tsokotuha - a bee for a name day. (Honey.)

Question #3: In a small box is the surest remedy for tummy tucks in hippos. This treatment was used by Dr. Aibolit. (Chocolate.)

Musical pause "One, two, three, four, five - we start dancing."

The presenter puts for listening a disk with a recording of a physical minute “One, two, three, four, five - we start dancing.” All movements are performed according to the text.

Task number 4: "Tell the fabulous lines."

The host reads familiar lines from the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky, and the children continue them.

The sun walked across the sky

And it ran over the cloud.

Hare looked out the window ...

(It became dark for the hare).

Rogue in Africa

Villain in Africa

In Africa… (Terrible Barmaley!)

A chicken ran past

And I saw the dishes:

"Where - where! Where - where! ...

(Where are you from and where?!)

Fly, Fly - Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

The fly went across the field ...

(The fly found the money.)

The bears rode

By bike.

And behind them is a cat...


Task number 5: "A bag of fairy tales".

The host takes out a magic bag, which contains things and objects belonging to the heroes of Chukovsky's fairy tales. Children take turns taking out objects from the bag and find out what work they are from.

  • Matchbox. ("Confusion".)
  • Washcloth. (Moydodyr.)
  • Thermometer. ("Aibolit")
  • Money. ("Fly Tsokotukha".)
  • Gun. ("Barmaley")
  • Elephant. ("Phone".)
  • The sun. ("The Stolen Sun")
  • Cockroach. ("Cockroach".)
  • Iron. (“Fedorino grief.”)
  • Samovar. ("Fly Tsokotukha".)

Task number 6: “Guess what fairy tale this melody is from!”

The presenter puts for listening a disc with a recording of the fairy tale “Moydodyr. Children listen to the song and find out which character sings it and from which fairy tale.

Task number 7: What fairy tale are these characters from?

To the music enter children in fabulous costumes.

Kittens: We are tired of meowing!

We want, like pigs,

Ducklings: We don't want to scream anymore!

We want, like frogs,

Hare: Who is told to chirp -

Don't purr!

Who is commanded to purr -

Don't tweet!

Kittens, ducklings, hare(in chorus): What fairy tale are we from? (From the fairy tale "Confusion")

Kittens: What did the foxes do in Confusion?

(And the chanterelles

They took the matches

Let's go to the blue sea

The blue sea was lit.)

Ducklings: How did the crocodile extinguish the blue sea?

(Long, long crocodile

The blue sea extinguished

Pies and pancakes

And dried mushrooms.

Hare: Who helped the animals put out the fire?

(Here the butterfly flew in,

Waving wings,

The sea began to fade -

And faded.)

The host congratulates the children on the complete victory and wonderful knowledge of Chukovsky's work. He rewards everyone with gifts: coloring books based on the fairy tales of this wonderful author.

Leading: Guys love the works of Korney Ivanovich, and they will bring you great joy!