Intellectual game for schoolchildren smart and smart. Competition-game "smarts and smarts". Musical break "Guess the cartoon by the song"

Intellectual game for students primary school

"Smarts and Wise".

Compiled by primary school teacher Latypova L.L.

Targetcompetition-game "Clever and Wise"

    Creation of conditions for the formation of inventive thinking, productive activity, digital literacy, effective communication and creative abilities of younger students.

    Expand creative imagination children, fantasy, thinking.

    To develop curiosity, independence, the ability to work in a team and be able to rejoice in the success of comrades.

    To instill interest in learning the Russian language.

Tasks of the competition-game:

    activate cognitive activity children;

    to promote the development of the ability to competently express one's thoughts in Russian;

    create conditions for the development of self-organization, the ability to organize one's activities, the verbalization of knowledge;

    promote the development of personal responsibility and communication skills when working in a team.

Equipment : the class is decorated with balloons, posters. The classroom has 2 tables for the teams of opponents, a table for the presenter, on which cards with questions are laid out, props for musical breaks, cards with tasks, chips, a presentation.

Approximate duration competition-game : 35-40 minutes

Interdisciplinary connections:"The world around", "Russian language", "Mathematics", "Reading".

The song "What is taught at school" sounds.

The course of the event.

presenter . Good afternoon, dear children and guests! We are glad to welcome you to the intellectual game "Clever and clever"! The name of this game is not accidental. It is for smart, savvy and quick-witted children.

There are fans in our hall. The victory of the teams also depends on them.

We remind you of the rules of conduct: DO NOT: shout, make noise, interfere, prompt.

IT IS POSSIBLE: to cheer for the team, to answer, when asked, to follow the results of the competition.

There is also a jury in the hall, which will monitor the correctness of the teams' answers and sum up the results.

I present to you the teams of participants: this is the "Why" team and the "Znayki" team.

Each team holds a presentation-greeting.

presenter. It's great that we are all here today!
We see the goal, which means that the only way up is for us!
We have the knowledge to conquer peaks!
We are smart and smart. It's time to play!

The motto of the team "Why":

"We are inquisitive minds, We are with questions on" you ".

"Why" - a favorite question, Helps us to grow.

The motto of the Znayki team: “We love to study, we love to read, we want to know all the sciences in the world!”

Warm up(questions on the board Who? What?, each team takes turns to speed up and write down the words, the words must be selected from the cards) Which team completes the task first, wins the right to be the first to answer the questions of the competition.

The facilitator takes turns asking the teams a question. The jury awards 1 point for each correct answer.

1 task.

✓ Which hero of A. Tolstoy sold the alphabet and bought a ticket to puppet show? (Pinocchio)

✓ Who did the 11 brothers-princes from the fairy tale of H. H. Andersen turn into? (In swans)

✓ Which hero of R. Kipling grew up in a pack of wolves? (Mowgli)

✓ Who did the ugly duckling from the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (Into the swan)

2 task . Say a word - name the most famous literary heroes.

Questions for the 1st team. "Why"

Baba- ... (Yaga).

Fly Tsokotukha).

Turtle... (Tortilla).

Bee... (May).

Owl... (Bumba).

Brer Rabbit).

Sivka- ... (Burka).

Questions for the 2nd team "Znayka"

Hen- ... (Ryaba).

Crocodile Gena).

Brownie ... (Kuzya).

Postman Pechkin).

Red Riding Hood).

Koschei the Deathless).

Old man... (Hottabych).

3 task . Find a rhyme and name the work and the author.

✓ Instead of a hat on the go, he put on ... (frying pan). (S. Ya. Marshak. “A scattered man.”)

✓ And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

“The chicken pecked me ... (in the nose.) (K. I. Chukovsky. “Aibolit”.)

✓ Here is the wise man before Dadon

Got up and took out of the bag

Golden ... (cockerel).

(A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)

✓ You have wax on your neck,

Under your nose... (blot).

(K. I. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr".)

✓ The fly went to the market

And I bought ... (samovar).

(K. I. Chukovsky. “Fly-Tsokotuha”.)

✓ The cat is not used to riding,

Overturned ... (truck). (A. Barto)

Musical break "Guess the cartoon by the song"

The game "The birds have arrived." (for fans)

I will only name birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake and you hear something else, then you need to clap your hands and tell me where I made a mistake. Begin.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits

Flies and swifts…
-What's wrong? (flies)
-Who are the flies? (Insects)
-You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.
-Let's start again:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens.
If the children did not pay attention to the martens, the teacher announces the score: “One zero in my favor. Martens are not birds at all.
-The game continues:
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos…
(Children stomp and explain)
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Chibis, siskins,
storks, cuckoos,
Even owls are squishy
Swans, starlings...
-We are all great!


✓ Will a snowman melt if you put a fur coat on her? (Not)

✓ In front of which person is the hat always removed? (In front of the hairdresser.)

✓ Which city is the most angry? (G. Grozny)

✓ What is the name of the baby chicken? (Chick)

✓ How can you carry water in a sieve? (To freeze)

✓ Home for money? (Wallet)

✓ Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)

✓ Why do planes fly? (Across the sky)

    She tries everything on the tooth: and pine, and elm, and oak. (Saw)

    What stones can not be found in the sea? (dry)


Each team receives a card with a word, for example: "teacher" and "doctor". The captain of the 1st team calls the representative of the 2nd team his word. The player of the 2nd team must, without words, with the help of pantomime, gestures, movements, explain to his team which word was thought of. This is given. 3 attempts. Then the teams change places (driver, athlete, tailor, cleaning lady)

The game "Guess the fairy tale by emoticons"

IV TOUR - REBUSES Guess the hero of the book ("Kid and Carlson", "Cipollino")

Contest "Tell me a word" (for fans)

Guys, do you know polite words? Now I'm going to check...

The boy is polite and developed, he speaks at a meeting ... (Hello).

During the day we were very tired, let's tell everyone ... (Good night).

The old stump turns green when it hears ... (Good afternoon).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (Excuse me, please).

You met a friend at lunch and told him ... (Hi).

If there is a meeting in the evening, let's tell him ... (Good evening).

If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely

And five times she sneezes again, we will tell her ... (Be healthy).

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (Thank you).

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (Goodbye).

V TOUR- COLLECT A PROVERB It is proposed to teams to collect proverbs from cut pictures.

Game for fans

Fairy tales ask: “And now you, friends, recognize us!”.

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -

I didn’t swallow anything and stayed with my nose ...

And the road is far, and the basket is not easy,

To sit on a stump, to eat a pie ...

There is no river or pond. Where to drink water?

Very tasty water in the hole from the hoof!..

The red girl is sad, she doesn't like spring,

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears! ..

The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind:

In the end, the house became a lot of tenants.

What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage out of?
“And the crane keeps pecking and pecking until it has eaten everything” - from which fairy tale are these words?

What is the name of the boy who was raised by wolves in the jungle?
From which fairy tale are these words “Do not be sad, go with God, you will have a new trough”?
Where is the death of my friend Koshchei the Deathless?


Our game has come to an end.

We have all worked hard.

It's time to sum up

And reward teams!

Teams are being awarded.

Intellectual game "Clever and clever"


Raise the intellectual level of development of children and expand their horizons.


1. Develop cognitive skills: the ability to observe, compare, classify, generalize.

2. Develop interest in classes in various subjects.

3. To cultivate perseverance, will and perseverance in achieving the goal.

4. Identify the most erudite student.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment .

Presenter 1: We start the contest-game "Clever and clever".

Host 2:

It's great that we are all here today!
We see the goal, which means that the only way up is for us!
We have the knowledge to conquer peaks!
We are smart and smart. It's time to play!

Host 2: 3 teams are taking part in our game………..

Presenter 1:

Tell me, are you happy to be here? (Yes)
Do you have much knowledge? (Yes)
Did you take your wits with you? (Yes)
Are you ready for a fair fight? (Yes)
Will a faithful friend support you along the way? (Yes)
Will you go together? (Yes)

Host 2:

Girls and boys. Our contest "Clever and clever" consists of four stages. The first stage "Mathematical" will take you into the field of mathematics. The second stage of "Literacy" will call young philologists. The third stage "Literary" will help us to find out how much you read. The fourth stage "Nature Lovers" will take us on a journey into the world of nature.

At each stage, there are 3 questions waiting for you. You must choose one of them. The number of points for a question is up to you. Yellow card - 10 points, it includes one question, green - 20, consists of two questions and red - 30 points has three questions.

Presenter 1:

Let you play the whole game today
Accompanying success!
Go ahead, friends! The game is calling!
We are rooting for everyone!

Host 2: So let's start the first step."MATHEMATICAL". I ask the teams to choose a task.

1 card ( Yellow card - 10 points)

Two sausages are cooked for 6 minutes. How many minutes will 8 sausages cook? (6 minutes)

2 card ( green - 20 points)

1) Geese and dogs were walking in the yard. The boy counted their paws. Only 8 paws. How many geese and how many dogs? (1 dog, 2 geese.)

2) There were 8 chairs near the table in the room. Two moved to the wall. How many chairs are in the room?

(8 chairs)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) Anya was presented with 8 books. She read all but 5. How many books does she have left to read?

(5 books)

2) Chickens and one dog were walking in the yard. There were 10 paws walking in total. How many chickens were there? (3 chickens)

3) When a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How many kilograms will it weigh if it stands on one leg?


Presenter 1: Attention, we begin the second stage"LITERATURE". Select tasks.

1 card ( Yellow card - 10 points)

From the letters you need to correctly compose the word BILUNIDK (alarm clock)

2 card ( green - 20 points)

1) From the letters you need to correctly compose the word AOSNVMTKO (cosmonaut)

Lies with a stick on the line -

Walk across the bridge. (dash)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) From the letters you need to correctly compose the word BILUNIDK (alarm clock)

2) Guess the punctuation mark:

On a tiny ear

Looks like a curl

Tells us to stand a little

Out on the track

Everyone puts a foot on. (comma)

3) Arrange the words in alphabetical order: city, spring, watermelon, snow, fire, popsicle. (watermelon, spring, city, fire, snow, popsicle)

Host 2: We are waiting for the next stage"LITERARY". Select tasks.

1 card ( Yellow card - 10 points)

What did Pinocchio pull out of his jacket pocket in the Country of Fools before putting the golden key there? (leeches)

2 card ( green - 20)

1) Pope's name Pinocchio (Carlo)

2) The hero of the fairy tale that lived with the glorious Dadon, "guarded the borders of his kingdom" (Cockerel)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) A fairy-tale tree, in which “Day and night, the scientist cat keeps walking around the chain. (oak)

2) Nickname of Uncle Styopa (Kalancha)

3) Wizard who always climbs into a bottle (Genie)

Presenter 1: So guys the last step.our game "Nature Lovers". Select tasks.

1 card ( Yellow card - 10 points)

Everything about this bird is not like that of others - the beak is not straight and not curved, but a cross - crosswise, and it brings out chicks not in summer, but in winter.


2 card ( green - 20)

1) How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

2) What is the largest ocean on Earth? (Quiet)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) Who has an ear on his leg? (at the grasshopper)

2) What wild cat has tassels on its ears? (lynx)

3) Name favorite treat storks. (frogs)

Host 2: The competition has ended. A word to announce the number of points and the names of the winning teams.

MKOU "Klyukvenskaya secondary school"

Intellectual game for younger students

"Clever and Wise"

Prepared by: Shatalina S.A. - teacher of the head of class

2013-2014 academic year

The game is built in accordance with the TV show of the same name and is designed for students in grades 3-4.

From among the spectators - "theorists" by answering questions, 3 players are selected who have received the largest number of "orders". Among them there is a drawing of the tracks on which they will play. Whoever guesses the riddle faster, he gets the right to choose the path.

The red carpet is the shortest. You can't go wrong with her. On the yellow track, you can make a mistake once. The green path is the longest, you can make a mistake twice on it. Players who do not pass the track take places among the "theorists". Unused questions are addressed to the "theorists" and give them the opportunity to receive the "order".

Requisites: the image of three tracks (red, yellow, green), the orders "Clever" and "Clever".

First agon

Elimination questions of the first agon

Appliance, distinguishing feature Carlson. (Propeller)

A tree adorned with a golden chain. (Oak)

Washbasin chief. (Moidodyr)

Terrible robber, enemy of Aibolit. (Barmaley)

The name of a fairy tale in which a girl managed to break the evil spell cast on a handsome prince turned into a monster. ("The Scarlet Flower")

What is the name of the most famous collection of Arabic tales? ("Thousand and One Nights")

What fairyland does Humpty Dumpty live in? (Through the looking glass)

Favorite mushrooms of Baba Yaga. (Amanita) Presentation of the first three participants.

♦ Blue hair, huge eyes -

She is pride and beauty in the puppet theater. (Malvina)

♦ The toad will steal this heroine,

But the old mole will not hide in a hole. (Thumbelina)

Using antonyms (words with opposite meanings), guess what fairy tale is hidden under the expression "Wake ugly girl." ("Sleeping Beauty")

This ugly wooden doll with a large head and a huge toothy mouth was given to the girl Marie for Christmas. What was the doll's name? ("Nutcracker")

From which fairy tale is the passage: “The next day, the maid began to shovel the ashes out of the stove and found a small lump of tin, like a heart, and a burnt, black, like coal, brooch.” ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier" by Andersen.)

If the hero of a fairy tale fits this horse into the right ear, and crawls out into the left, he will become such a fine fellow that he cannot be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen. And if he does the opposite, that is, he fits into the left ear, and crawls out into the right, then he will again become the same as before. What is the name of this horse? (Sivka-Burka)

The name of the girl who temporarily replaced the doll of the Tutti heir? (Suok)

Learn a fairy tale by a few words from it: “war”, “rooster”, “stargazer”, “king”, “maiden”. (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A. Pushkin)

Summing up the jury of the first agony.

Second agon

Selection questions for the second agon

Who managed to collect quitrent from the devils? (Balde)

Who flew on a cannonball? (Baron Munchausen)

The most famous policeman in the world. (Uncle Styopa)

What is the name of the field on which Pinocchio planted money? (Field of Fools). Who has the frog princess become? (To Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

What was the name of the boy who lived with toy animals: a bear cub, a donkey, a piglet, a rabbit, an owl and others? (Christopher Robin)

The most unfortunate bird from Andersen's fairy tale. (Ugly duck)

Parsley, Cornflower, Horsetail, Gingerbread Man, Insect, Morel, Titmouse - whose names are these? (Dwarves)

Presentation of the second trio of participants.

Riddles for drawing tracks

♦ For a reason known to all

I did not sleep on the feather bed. ("Princess on the Pea")

♦ Now everyone knows

Who lives in the old lamp. (Genie)

Question to the player on the red carpet

What is common between the tales "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", "Flint"? (Author - Andersen.)

Questions to the player on the yellow track

The English folk hero, who was called the defender of the weak and the fighter for justice, along with his friends, the cheerful monk Took and the real hero Little John, settled in Sherwood Forest and did not miss the opportunity to attack the rich, enemies of the people, take their gold and give it to the poor people. Who is he? (Robin Hood)

Correct errors in the names of famous fairy tales:

- Snow Princess The Snow Queen»);

- "The Wolf and the Five Kids" ("The Wolf and the Seven Kids");

- “The Boy and Carlson” (“The Kid and Carlson”).

Questions to the player on the green carpet

Now these items are called: a compass, roller skates, an airplane. And what were they called in the old fairy tales? (Magic ball, walking boots, flying carpet)

Name at least three heroes of fairy tales, inhabitants of reservoirs. (Kikimora swamp, water, mermaid, goldfish, pike)

What is the name of the tomboy girl who, unlike other children, lives alone, on her own, in a house called "Vili Toptormashki"? She is a great inventor. Her friends are Tommy and Annika. (Pippi Longstocking)

Summing up the jury of the second agon.

Third agon

Elimination questions for the third agon

The nickname of the rat from the tale of the adventures of Pinocchio. (Shushara)

Who traveled to the country of the Lilliputians and to the country of the giants? (Gulliver)

The heroine who became the wife of an elf. (Thumbelina)

Friends of Snow White. (Gnomes)

Who managed to make Princess Nesmeyana laugh? (Emele)

A bird whose feathers glow with a bright light. (Firebird)

Multi-headed fire-breathing dragon. (Dragon)

A hero who was placed on the spire of the tallest tower. (The Golden Cockerel)

Presentation of the third trio of participants.

Riddles for drawing tracks

♦ A hero with a marine surname is familiar to everyone,

In addition, he is an economic cat. (Matroskin)

♦ An evil old woman in an old-fashioned hat,

In her mischief, she is restless. (Shapoklyak)

Question to the player on the red carpet

List at least three fairy tales in the title of which there are numbers. ("Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "12 Months", "Three Little Pigs", "Flower-seven-flower" ...)

Questions to the player on the yellow track

The most famous of the heroines of fairy tales G. -X. Andersen, a monument was erected in the harbor of Copenhagen, the city where Andersen lived and composed fairy tales for a long time. What is this heroine? (Mermaid)

Name at least three golden objects used in fairy tales. (Golden fleece, golden cockerel, golden key, golden chain, golden egg)

Questions to the player on the green carpet

List at least three fairy tales in the names of which there are colors. ("Little Red Riding Hood", "Scarlet Flower", "Bluebeard", "Ryaba Hen")

After the publication of Defoe's most famous book about the adventures of a man who got on desert island, many writers began to imitate the author and write books about the adventures of people who were cut off from the world. Such adventures in honor of the protagonist began to be called "Robinsonades". What is the name of the hero D. Defoe? (Robinson Crusoe)

Name at least three heroes of fairy tales who differ from their relatives in small stature. (Thumbelina, Thumbelina, Humpbacked Horse, Carlson)

Summing up the jury of the third agon. Congratulations and awards to the winners.

The proposed game in the form of an intellectual journey to the Land of Knowledge can be played without any prior preparation. It is enough to divide the children into 5 crew teams and prepare 55 token coins to pay for the correct answers. The class teacher can act as a moderator.

You can also invite the children to choose the motto of the crew, say it loudly during the performance - this already requires additional rehearsals, which encourages children to communicate, to unite. The author offers several options for mottos, following the example of which children can make up their own.

The jury and judges for this game do not need to be selected. The results of each team-crew will be revealed when calculating the amount of brains earned by the teams. This scenario happens at the end of the game, on Treasure Island.

Goals: promote the development of curiosity in children; to form a positive attitude towards knowledge, books; to develop in children the ability to work in a team; encourage children to search for new knowledge, to expand their horizons.

The form: intellectual game.

Preparatory work with children

Divide the children into 5 teams by drawing lots, choose a captain in each team. Each team must choose a name and motto. The motto must be pronounced loudly and amicably during the presentation of the teams.

Approximate slogans for the motto:

One mind is good, but many minds are better!

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness!

Literacy to learn in life will come in handy!

For a scientist they give two non-scientists!

Science and knowledge is our calling!

Whoever loves science knows no boredom!

Want to know everything!

Learn, learn and don't be lazy anymore!


a) a day or two before the class hour, make 55 small coins in denominations from one to five “minds” from thick paper (you can use different colors):

1 "mind" - 15 pieces;

2 "minds" - 15 pieces;

3 "minds" - 5 pieces;

4 "minds" - 5 pieces;

5 "minds" - 10 pieces.

The leader will give these coins to the teams for each correct answer. Before the start of the class hour, the coins must be folded in columns on the teacher's table;

b) to reward the winners, make a “passport” of a citizen of the Land of Knowledge out of thick paper;

c) prepare cards (strips of paper) on which to write down 2 words with mixed up letters:

Class layout:

a) if it open event, you can draw a map of the Land of Knowledge. On this map, the Valley of Numbers, the peak of Records, the village of Uzelki, the island of treasures, Forest paths, the Crossroads of three roads, the capital Pyaterochka, the Bird Market, etc. can be plotted;

b) you can simply write the name of the game on the board and list in a column the names of the stops of the intellectual journey: "Forest paths", "Valley of numbers", "Top of records", "Confusion", "Knot Village", "Crossroads of three roads", "Capital Pyaterochka, Treasure Island.

class plan

1. Opening remarks.

2. Intellectual game "Clever and clever":

a) competition "Warm-up on forest paths";

b) competition "Valley of Numbers";

c) competition "Top of Records";

d) competition "Confusion";

e) competition "Village of Uzelki";

f) competition "Crossroads of three roads";

g) competition "Capital Pyaterochka";

h) Treasure Island - scoring.

3. Summing up.

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. Dear Guys! Today we will travel through the Land of Knowledge. A rich harvest of interesting and complex questions has ripened in this country. Here we go to harvest this crop. Correct answers to questions are paid in cash. e. - in mental units; this is the name of the currency of the Land of Knowledge. Depending on the complexity of the question, the correct answers are paid with coins of 1, 2,3,4 or 5 "minds".

You will also answer questions. Maybe you will be able to get rich with the help of your knowledge and earn smart currency. The last point of our trip is Treasure Island. Here you will count the earned currency, and the one who collects the most will receive the title of smart guy and become a citizen of the Land of Knowledge.

We are going on a journey with 5 crews, which we named after Soviet spacecraft. Each crew had to come up with a motto related to the theme of the mind, knowledge, study, and teaching.

So, get acquainted: crew 1 "Vostok", captain (first name, last name); crew 2 "Soyuz", captain (first name, last name); crew 3 "Salyut", captain (first name, last name); crew 4 "Mir", captain (first name, last name) and crew 5 "Buran", captain (first name, last name).

During the introduction of the crews, the teams stand up and, at the signal of the commander, loudly pronounce their motto.

The teams are ready, let's go. We will visit the islands and cities of the Land of Knowledge. And everywhere we are waiting for interesting questions. Teams will take turns answering questions and earning currency. If the team does not give an answer, then the next crew in order will be able to answer this question.

II. Intellectual game "Clever and clever"

Competition "Warm-up on the forest paths"

(For rewarding, you need 10 coins in 1 "mind".)

Classroom teacher. And here is the first stop - "Forest Paths". Here we are waiting for a warm-up - questions that need to be answered quickly and accurately. For the correct answer to the question, the crew receives a coin with a value of 1 "mind". There is only one answer to all warm-up questions - the name of the animal or bird.

The facilitator asks questions to the teams in turn (2 questions to each team). For correct answers, the facilitator gives coins to the teams.

Warm up questions:

1. Passenger without a ticket. (Hare.)

2. Her patronymic is Patrikeevna. (Fox.)

3. The Greeks called him "arktos". (Bear.)

4. Man's friend. (Dog.)

5. He always looks into the forest. (Wolf.)

6. "And Vaska listens and eats." (Cat.)

7. “Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to her.” (Crow.)

8. Who, "without fear of sin," praises the rooster. (Cuckoo.)

9. She "blindly scolds science and learning." (Pig.)

10. He is to blame for the fact that the wolf wants to eat. (Lamb.)

Competition "Valley of Numbers"

(To pay, you need 5 coins in 7 minds.)

Classroom teacher. From the Forest Paths we head straight for the Valley of Numbers. In this valley, questions are growing that need to be answered by some number. Answers are not discussed, The price of the question is 1 "mind". Is the task clear? Go!

The teacher asks one question to each team:

1. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (5.)

2. How many stars are on the shoulder straps of an army captain? (four.)

3. How many musicians are in the sextet? (6.)

4. How many wonders of the world? (7.)

5. How many flowers are on the St. George ribbon? (2.)

Competition "Top of Records"

(Need 5 coins for 2 minds.)

Classroom teacher. And now we will make the ascent to the top of the Records. Here we are waiting for questions about the records of nature. Each question is worth 2 minds. You can discuss the answers for 1 minute.

The teacher asks 7 questions to each team:

1. Name the largest planet in the solar system. (Jupiter.)

2. Name the deepest place on Earth. (The Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.)

3. What is the largest ocean? (Pacific Ocean.)

4. Name the most salty seas on earth. (Red Sea, Dead Sea.)

5. Name the largest marine animal. (Whale.)

Competition "Confusion"

(Need 10 coins in 2 minds.)

Classroom teacher. Well, you have conquered the top of the Records. And now we have arrived at the bird market. But birds are not seen or heard here. They are entangled in the webs of the web - all their letters are mixed up. You need to fold the letters correctly, and the birds will break free. And the team will receive a coin of 2 “minds” in their wallet. Each team has 1 minute to complete this task.

The teacher gives the children pieces of paper on which combinations of letters are written (2 for each team).

1. GLASS (klest)

LYADET (woodpecker)

2. AROSOK (magpie)

ALGAK ​​(daw)

3.LVINAP (peacock)

TAIS (stork)

4. CERVOSK (starling)

RINGES (bullfinch)

5. NAROVO (crow)

ELGOSHCH (goldfinch)

The minute has expired. Please show the results of the decryption.

The teacher calls the teams, they pronounce the names of the birds that are encrypted in their words. The teacher gives coins for completing the task.

It is very good that we freed the birds from the confusion, and the poor birds joyfully flew to their nests!

Competition "Uzelki Village"

(Need 5 coins for 3 minds.)

Classroom teacher. And now we are going to the village of Uzelki. A lot of words grow here, which are interconnected by invisible knots. I will name these words, and you must determine what connects them. If you guess right, the knots will become visible and the words will become related. And you will receive a coin worth 3 "minds" for the correct answer. The discussion time is 1 minute. We listen to questions.

1. What do a captain and a cabbage have in common? (Common root: from the Latin "caput" - head.)

2. What do orange and China have in common? (Orange in translation into Russian is a Chinese apple.)

3. What do an aster and an astronaut have in common? (These words have a common root: “astra” in Russian means a star, an astronaut is a stargazer.)

4. What is common between a gladiolus and a sword? (The word "gladiolus" comes from the Latin word "gladius" - sword.)

5. What is common between a stadium and two minutes (a stadium in Greek is a 125-step path that a person walks in 2 minutes.)

Competition "Crossroads of three roads"

(Need 5 coins for 4 minds.)

Classroom teacher. So we got out of the village of Uzelki and ended up ... at the crossroads of 4 roads. Here, as expected, there is a large stone. It has questions with 3 answers. If you choose the correct answer, you will get a coin of 4 "minds", and if you choose the wrong one, you will be left with a nose.

So questions and answers. You choose only one. No discussion!

The teacher asks teams 1 question each, pays with coins for the correct answers.

1. After the adoption of Christianity, many Slavs could not read the Bible, since it was written in Greek. The Slavs did not have an alphabet to translate the Bible into Slavonic. Who created the Slavic alphabet?

a) Boris and Gleb;

b) Cyril and Methodius; +

c) Yaroslav the Wise.

2. He never attacked suddenly, without declaring war. “I’m coming to you”, which means “I’m coming to you” - with these words he warned the enemy, giving him time to prepare. What was the name of this noble prince?

b) Svyatoslav; +

3. Which of the princes owns the phrase: "He who came to us with a sword from the sword will die"?

a) Dmitry Donskoy;

b) Yuri Dolgorukov;

c) Alexander Nevsky. +

4. From what, according to legend, did Prince Oleg die?

a) from an arrow;

b) from a heart attack;

c) from a snake bite. +

5. "And Svyatoslav went to Constantinople, fighting and breaking cities." What is the name of Tsargrad now?

a) Moscow;

to Istanbul.

Competition "Capital Pyaterochka"

(We need 10 "coins" in 5 "minds".)

Classroom teacher. Here, finally, is the capital of the Land of Knowledge - Pyaterochka! There are such questions that need to be given not one, but 5 answers. So, you can immediately get a coin of 5 "minds". All team members answer without preparation and without pauses. As soon as 5 correct answers are given, the team receives coins, if at least one mistake or a pause is made for more than 3 seconds, the team does not receive anything. So let's listen to the questions.

The teacher asks questions to the teams. Children answer without discussion, complementing each other.

1. What are the ships? (Yacht, ship, boat, submarine, cruiser, aircraft carrier, etc.)

2. What are the types of aircraft? (Rocket, plane, helicopter, hang glider, Balloon, satellite, space station, airship, etc.)

3. What brands of passenger cars do you know? (Volvo, Mercedes, Zhiguli, Volga, Volkswagen, Moskvich, Skoda, Chevrolet, etc.)

4. What are folk dances? (Polka, Polonaise, Krakowiak, Lezginka, Hopak, Czardash, Samba, Rumba, etc.)

5. What Russian folk crafts do you know? (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Palekh, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Dymkovo, etc.)

6. Name the storytellers of the world. (Grimm, Andersen, Perrault, Gauf, Lindgren, Volkov, etc.)

7. Name the birds of prey. (Eagle, hawk, golden eagle, kite, vulture, etc.)

8. Name 5 songbirds. (Nightingale, oriole, thrush, lark, canary, etc.)

9. Name 5 capitals of European states. (Paris, Rome, Berlin, London, Madrid, Oslo, etc.)

10. Name 5 poisonous plants. (Datura, wolf's bast, raven's eye, lily of the valley, belladonna, etc.)

Treasure Island Competition

Classroom teacher. Here we are at Treasure Island! Here you have to calculate how many "minds" you managed to collect?

The music turns on, the children count the coins.

Well, well, our trip turned out to be the most successful for the crew of (name). This crew collected the richest crop of questions and earned the most currency (names the amount). All crew members become citizens of the Land of Knowledge and receive a passport of this country.

The teacher gives the team a symbolic passport of the Land of Knowledge. Children greet the winners with applause.

III. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. Our journey is over, but the process of cognition does not end for a minute. Throughout life, a person learns, learns the world. This makes his life richer and more interesting.

Sample responses from children:

I liked looking for answers at the Crossroads.

I liked it when we selected 5 answers together, earned 5 "minds".

It was interesting to solve questions about words, we did not know, but guessed the meaning of many words.

Such trips are very necessary, because after them you want to look for something in books, to learn something new.

Goals: to form the ability to solve problems with ingenuity, to consolidate knowledge of the Russian language, to activate the cognitive activity of children, to expand and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons of the outside world, to develop logical thinking, attention, quick wit.

The form: intellectual quiz.

Methods: collective creative activity.

Equipment: cards with tasks of different colors: red - with tasks in mathematics; yellow - in Russian; green - for reading; blue - around the world; orange - from the field of art; white - general knowledge; a cube whose faces are painted in the same colors.

Event progress

The students divided into teams and chose a name. The captain of the 1st team goes to the leader's table. Cards with tasks are laid out on the table with the colored side up. The player rolls the die and then chooses one of the cards of the same color as the face of the die. Reads the assignment. Team members think and respond. If the answer is complete and correct, the facilitator evaluates it and writes down the result. If incorrect, then the right to answer passes to another team.

The world.

  • Are trams standing at a stop being bypassed from the front or from the back? ( front)
  • What human organ is called a "motor"? ( heart)
  • The honey plant is ... ( Linden)
  • Is a bus or trolleybus standing at a bus stop being bypassed in front or behind? ( behind)
  • What does a moose lose every winter? ( horns)
  • With the arrival of which birds do they believe that spring has come? ( rooks)
  • What colored seas do you know? ( Black, Red, Yellow, Marble, White)
  • Which lake is the deepest? ( Baikal)
  • Does the tree grow in winter? ( no, it freezes)
  • Which bird breeds chicks in winter? ( crossbill)
  • What substance on our planet exists in three states? ( water)
  • What is the name of the month of spring primroses? ( April)
  • Which bird can fly tail first? ( hummingbird)
  • Who sleeps upside down? ( bat)
  • What device can be used to navigate in any weather? ( compass)
  • What human organ is called a command post? ( brain)


  • What is a vernissage? ( exhibition of paintings)
  • In what country and in what city does the famous heroine of the fairy tale meet us? ( The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Where did the great composer Johann Strauss live? ( Vienna, Austria)
  • Which tower is called "falling"? ( Pisan)
  • What is a palette? ( paint mixing board)
  • What is the Colosseum? ( building in the center of Rome, it was built almost 2000 years ago. In the center of it was an arena, around which there were rows for spectators.)
  • What is a landscape? ( picture of nature)
  • Name the composers.
  • What is the name of the artist who depicts animals? ( animal painter)
  • Where is the museum of the one and only ship "Vasa"? ( Stockholm, Sweden)
  • How are the streets in the city of Kostroma? ( in the form of a fan)
  • In which city is the museum of I.I. Levitan? ( Plyos)
  • What is enamel and in which city is it made? ( In Rostov, these are very beautiful jewelry with enamel - brooches, bracelets, earrings)
  • In which city is the cathedral that took 600 years to build? ( Cologne, Germany)
  • What is the largest building in Egypt? ( pyramids)
  • What building is in Athens? ( The Parthenon is a temple built in honor of the goddess Athena.)

Russian language.

  • Explain how you understand the expression: "language is braided."
  • The word "piglet" has several meanings. Name them.
  • What can run away?
  • The word "leg" has several meanings. Name them.
  • Explain how you understand the expression: "the apple has nowhere to fall."
  • What proverb can express the meaning of the following sentence: do not talk. ( keep your mouth shut)
  • Explain how you understand the expression: "hang on the phone."
  • Find the word that is hidden in the word darkness.
  • Finish the saying: live forever - ... ( age learn)
  • Explain how you understand the expression: "only the heels sparkle."
  • Find the word that is hidden in the word boat.
  • Finish the saying: what is written with a pen ... ( do not cut with an ax)
  • Which word is superfluous: joyful, cheerful, gloomy?
  • How do you spell the word v(i,e)n(e,i)gret? ( the vinaigrette)
  • Name a proverb about a book.
  • What sound could not be pronounced by the characters of V. Dragunsky's story "The Enchanted Letter"? ( W)


  • When we look at the number 3 and say 15?
  • Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How much? ( three)
  • If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect it to be sunny in 72 hours? ( after 72 hours, i.e. exactly in three days, it will be night, which means there will be no sunny weather)
  • We often use the word kilometer. Meter in French means measure. What does the word kilo mean in French? ( one thousand)
  • How many years did the old man fish from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A. S. Pushkin before he caught goldfish? (exactly 30 years and 3 years)
  • The children went to the dining room in pairs. Yura counted 3 pairs in front of him and the same number of pairs after him. How many children went to the canteen in total? ( 14 )
  • Seven brothers have one sister. How many children? ( 8 )
  • The table top has 4 corners. One of them was sawn off. How many corners does the lid have? ( 5 )
  • Two boys found 100 rubles in the yard. How much money will 5 of the same boys find? ( 100 )
  • From city A to city B the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1 hour 20 minutes. Why? ( 80 minutes=1h20min)
  • This figure can be straight, blunt, sharp. ( corner)
  • A simple tool for drawing a straight line. ( ruler)
  • When can a person race at the speed of a racing car? ( in car)
  • Birds flew across the sky: a sparrow, a dragonfly, a swallow and a bumblebee. How many birds flew in total? ( 2 )
  • There are 15 students in the ranks. How many students stand between the third and twelfth? ( 8 )
  • The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spaces between the spokes?


  • What is the literature about the future called? ( fiction)
  • How did Ellie get to the magical land? ( she was blown away by a hurricane)
  • The sorceress from Andersen's fairy tale "The Flint" ( witch)
  • The object with which the princess pricked her finger from the fairy tale “The Sleeping Beauty” by Ch. Perrault? ( spindle)
  • The word that Kai tried to put together from ice floes in Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? ( eternity)
  • The nickname given to the young king by the arrogant and mocking princess from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. ( Thrushbeard)
  • The name of one of the sisters of the heroine of Perrault's fairy tale "Cinderella". ( Javotta)
  • The place where the little robber girl from Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" kept animals. ( menagerie)
  • The name of the beauty - the bride of the young man Joringel, who was turned into a nightingale by a sorceress in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. ( Jorinda)
  • The surname that the hero of the fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots" came up with for the owner. ( Karabas)
  • The document requested water rat the hero of Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". ( the passport)
  • Down jackets on which the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" slept. ( feather bed)
  • A delicacy of plums bought from the merchant Hans from the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Brave Tailor". ( jam)
  • The name of the sister of the eleven princes who were turned into birds by the evil queen in Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans". ( Eliza)
  • Who did the eleven princes from Andersen's fairy tale turn into? ( into swans)
  • Who brought Gerda to the prince and princess? ( Crow)

General knowledge.

  • Women's sleeveless dress. ( sundress)
  • Homeland of the first Olympic Games. (Ancient Greece)
  • People who go to bed late at night. ( owls)
  • Hero of Russian folk puppet shows. ( Parsley)
  • Place of performances in the circus. ( arena)
  • Single-celled fungi used for baking bread. ( yeast)
  • Treasures hidden in the ground. ( treasure)
  • Tropical palm fruit. ( coconut)
  • What part of the word can be found in the ground? ( root)
  • Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? ( spare)
  • A break between acts of the performance, sections of the concert. ( intermission)
  • The contours of which country on the map resemble a boot? ( Italy)
  • Smooth, shiny surface that reflects. ( mirror)
  • Place for the orchestra in the theater. ( orchestra pit)
  • Sense of proportion, ability to behave in society. ( tact)
  • What fabric can not be used to sew a shirt? ( from the railway)


  1. Zhirenko O.E., Yarovaya L.N., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A., Gaydina L.I. extracurricular activities: 3rd grade. - M., 2007.
  2. Zhirenko O.E., Yarovaya L.N., Zhirenko O.E., Obukhova L.A., Barylkina L.P. Extracurricular activities: Grade 2. - M., 2007.
  3. Arkharova L.I., Grebenkina L.K., Demidova S.B. Holiday scenarios, class hours, games, entertainment. - M., 2004.