For the little ones, hide and seek games. Rules of the game of hide and seek. Hide and seek during the period of adaptation to kindergarten

Hide and seek is a game where some players hide while others try to find them. It is very simple, but over the years a lot has appeared different types. Whichever one you choose (and we'll look at several), all you need is a few friends, places to hide, and spy skills.


Part 1

rules of the game
  1. Select players. The most important thing in “hide and seek” is to find those willing to play. There should be at least two of them. Although, the more players, the better.

    • If the players of different ages, then take this into account. Those who are younger can fit anywhere, but they don't always choose the best seats and have a reduced attention span.
  2. Discuss the rules of the game. If this is not done, then instead of a game there will just be chaotic running, broken figurines, or one of the younger ones will get stuck in the washing machine. Or everyone will run away from the house when the driver starts looking. Close all rooms where family and personal belongings are stored - attics and parents' bedrooms. Or allow them to hide there only under certain conditions: “don’t turn everything upside down and don’t jump on the bed.”

    • Make sure everyone remains safe and sound. No one should fall from trees or climb onto roofs. Make it a rule to only hide in places where two people can fit.
    • Very soon you will learn about the types of games. Now just discuss the most basic things - who is hiding, who is leading, where to hide, how long to count, etc.
  3. Find a suitable location. It's more fun outside, but when it rains, it's better to play indoors. It is important to define the boundaries of the area for the game so that no one runs too far away. This is a game of hide and seek, not a marathon!

    • If you're playing with your parents, they better be aware of what's going on. They won't be thrilled to find out you're hiding in the garage, under the porch, or in the shower, where they'll have to jump after you.
    • Try to play in different places each time. If you always do it in the same place, then everyone will know the most good places and they will find you quickly.

    Part 2

    start of the game (Traditional version)
    1. Determine who is "leading". There are many methods for deciding who will “lead”, for example: the youngest can “lead” first; someone who has a birthday soon or the rhyme “One potato, two potatoes.” You can also draw cards with numbers from a hat - the one with number 1 will “lead” first.

      • If one of the players is older, then it is better for him to “lead”. Younger participants in the game do not have such experience. Attention spans change with age and older players can easily beat younger opponents.
    2. Start the game. Once it has been decided who is "leading", he or she must close their eyes and begin counting to 10. Or to 20, 50 or 100; You can also sing a song or recite a rhyme. Anything that can kill time while everyone else is hiding will do! The most important thing is that everyone knows how much time they have left!

      • Make sure the driver is not cheating! The eyes should be covered with the hands and the head should be turned towards the corner. No peeping!
    3. Hide quickly! Those who do not “lead” should run away and look for a secluded place while he counts. The “driver” has no right to see who ran where. Try not to make noise when hiding, otherwise the “driver” will be able to determine the direction by ear.

      • Once you have taken refuge in your shelter, sit as quietly as possible. Don't give yourself away! If you make noise, even the most secluded place will not save you.
    4. Start looking. As soon as the count is over, after the words “Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault,” immediately start searching. Use your eyes for this And ears. As soon as you see someone, hurry to tarnish him.

      • If desired, hidden players can change places. Hide where you are already looked- Very good idea. It's called strategy.
      • If after searching someone could not be found and he did not return home, then the “driver” must give a clear signal that the game is over. Shout - and after that it will become clear that you can go out.
        • You can also shout “Everyone is free” or “Alle, Alle auch sind frei”, which means “Come out”.
    5. It's time to change the driver. It will be the one who was found first. You can start a new round immediately after the first player found, or find everyone first and then start again.

      • This can also be controlled. If the “driver” does not find anyone after three attempts, then it is better to replace him. Let everyone have a chance to hide!

    Part 3

    different types of games
    1. Game on the main base. Now it has become more difficult to hide and search. The driver and players are the same, but you need to not only hide, but also have time return to base. And don't get caught! They will have to take risks and leave the shelter while the driver looks for them. This is a more intense version.

      • Those who are hiding do not know what is happening around them. They should all go back before how they will be tarnished. Or they will lose!
    2. Game with several drivers. Those hiding who have been found must also help in the search. And at the end of the game, 4 people are already looking for the last player!

      • The game also begins with one “driver”, who is gradually joined by the rest.
      • The first player to be "tarnished" will search for the others in the next round, which will begin immediately after everyone has been found.
    3. Jail break. This adds even more spice. Those who wish to play must go to the "prison". Usually it's just a room or an entrance. The driver's goal is to put everyone in prison. But those who are free can free others from prison! To do this, you need to get there and not be caught.

      • Those freed can go back into hiding or simply enjoy their newfound freedom. If someone is in prison and someone is hiding, act on the same principles. If you wish, you can add some other interesting elements!
    4. Sardines. It's hide and seek inside out. Only hiding one player, the others are looking for him. The one who finds him first hides with him. Then the next one who finds them joins them, then everyone else in turn. The game ends when the last player joins the others. Usually by this time they really do resemble a can of sardines!

      • Sardines are often played in the dark. It's much more fun to catch a friend and ask, "Are you a sardine?" If he answers yes, join us!
    5. Search. This game is similar to jailbreak, but it's more of a group game. Two teams play (preferably 4 people or more), each with its own base. Each team must hide at the base another team, while the other is on their base. The team that runs the fastest to the enemy base without losses wins.

      • This game is good to play in parks. And even better when it gets dark! Just to start, make sure you keep in touch with each other so no one gets lost. People need to know when the game is over!
    • There are many different strategies. It's best to hide in plain sight. For example, if there is a table near the base, then you can hide under it: they are unlikely to look for you there, and you will have a chance to return to the base.
    • If you have small children, play with them right in the house. They will be happy to find you.
    • Don't hide in hard-to-reach places. Kids may get scared if they don't find you nearby.
    • Hide in places where it seems impossible to do so at first glance (for example: in the office under the bathroom sink). But first, make sure you don't get SERIOUSLY hurt and destroy everything in your path.
    • Try not to cast a shadow. It can be in the form of a dog, a cat, but not a person.

One of the most favorite children's pastimes is hide and seek. Children usually acquire their first experience of play before they are one year old, but at such an early age they cannot fully engage in the process. A three-year-old child is able to understand the rules of the game, so hide and seek often becomes part of their daily leisure time.

Benefits of the game

Adults may not think about it, but children's activities are more than just a way to cheer up. With their help, kids develop and acquire new skills. What does playing hide and seek teach a child? At a minimum, the ability to concentrate and navigate the environment around him. Hiding in an apartment or on the street, the baby explores the space and analyzes the available possibilities. And being a “driver”, he must turn on attentiveness and logic in order to find his playmates.

Another big positive aspect of hide and seek is the need for the child to fight his fears. If he is afraid of the dark, then in the process active play can safely hide in a dark room. If he is afraid of confined spaces, he will be able to climb into a narrow closet. Hide and seek also helps children who are afraid of separation, albeit short-term, from mom or dad. While playing with their peers, they get so carried away that they forget about all their little fears and just have fun. In addition, playing hide and seek teaches children independence. In the absence of adults nearby, they are forced to make decisions, which has a positive effect on the development of their independence.

Thus, playing hide and seek helps develop the following abilities and skills:

  • Memory;
  • attention;
  • “healthy” curiosity;
  • independence;
  • self confidence;
  • ability to analyze;
  • search abilities.

It is interesting that during the game, each child demonstrates his own temperament. Some people have difficulty sitting still, so they try to “knock” faster. Someone, on the contrary, hides in his “shelter” until the victory - until the “driver” finds him.

General rules

There are quite a lot of variations of the rules of the game of hide and seek, because... Each group of children has its own rules. However, there are basic rules that everyone follows. It is not necessary to gather a large crowd to play - two people are enough to start game process. One of the participants becomes the “driver”, while the rest hide from him. You can determine the “driver” using a counting rhyme, drawing lots, or the famous game “Rock-Paper-Scissors”. Be sure to select a place where the participants will be “caught.” The “driver” turns away, closes his eyes and counts to the set number (usually 15-20), and then goes in search. The participants’ task is to run unnoticed to the designated place and “knock”, shouting about it as loudly as possible. And the participant who was found and “caught” by the “driver” himself “drives” in the next game.

To make the game of hide and seek even more interesting and educational, you can use various rhymes, jokes and songs. At the same time, children will train their memory and ability to cope with multitasking.

We play with the baby at home and in the country

On playgrounds, children initiate play without any problems - there is plenty of space, participants and opportunities to hide. The question is how to play hide and seek at home, especially if the baby is left alone with adults. In limited space it is quite difficult to find a good place to hide, but this is not a serious obstacle to starting the game. Child psychologists assure that the main thing for a child is to be found. For this reason, they often hide in the same place.

It's not always possible for adults to find time to play with their baby. In these cases, you can resort to an alternative version of hide and seek - use, for example, the child’s favorite toy. Adults hide a toy in the house, and the baby tries to find it. You can also come up with easy clues that will help the young detective discover the loss. IN game form The child will develop basic analytical and logic skills.

If there is not enough space in the apartment, and you really want to play hide and seek, then you can make the task somewhat more difficult for the “driver”. Blindfold him, and ask the hidden participants to clap their hands. The “driver” will need to rely on hearing to find playmates. However, before starting the game, make sure that the room area is safe and the child will not be injured while blindfolded.

Looking for solutions good option there will also be hide and seek. The task of adults is to clearly designate the territory in which the game will take place. This is very important because... Children, having played too much, often lose their sense of security and space. Therefore, it is better if adults still keep an eye on the kids and control their movements.

Do you play hide and seek with your children? If “no”, then it’s in vain. Psychologists are sure that this game has many advantages for the development of the baby.

Why is it useful to play hide and seek?

  • Hide and seek helps develop attention, perception and memory.
  • Hide and seek teaches children sense of purpose.
  • Hide and seek helps to form imaginative thinking, children learn to think logically (Where can I hide?), reason, speculate (Where could a friend hide?).
  • Hide and seek develops the musculoskeletal system.
  • By nature, children are inquisitive; hide and seek develops this quality.
  • Hide and seek helps you fight your fears.

If a child is afraid of the dark, then during the game he will become bolder and will not be afraid to hide in a dark room. If he is scared of confined spaces, he may be able to crawl into a closet or hide in a laundry basket.

  • Hide and seek helps a child become more independent, adapt to life in society, and make decisions independently.

During the game, each child demonstrates his own temperament. Someone can hardly sit still and at the first opportunity runs to “knock”, while someone sits in a “shelter” until the victory.

  • Hide and seek develops the emotional sphere.

The baby is looking for his mother and experiencing a whole range of feelings. He may get scared and cry that his mother is lost and he will never find her again. But the mother looks out with the words “Ku-ku, I’m here!”, and there is surprise and a smile on the baby’s face. He is glad that his mother can be “found”; he begins to understand that his actions determine how quickly she will return.

Hide and seek teaches kids to understand that if someone hides, it’s not forever. If you lost a toy, you will definitely find it. Mom left - she will definitely return. The baby learns to realize that just because something is out of sight, it doesn’t mean it’s gone forever.

  • Hide and seek helps the baby not to lose touch with the world around him.

Until the age of 1 year, the baby believes that if he covers his face with his hands, he will disappear and no one will see him. If I don’t see, that means no one can see me. Regular games of hide and seek help get rid of this illusion. As soon as the baby removes his hands from his face, he sees that nothing has changed around him: his mother and his favorite toys are in their places. Nothing has disappeared! This is a big discovery for a small child! He understands that he will never lose touch with the world around him and will not be left alone.

How to play hide and seek with kids

Parents must understand that a child aged 0 to 2 years is poorly aware of himself in space, apart from his mother. He does not yet recognize himself as a separate, independent person. The task of adults is to help him with this.

Two people are enough to start playing hide and seek, but you can play with older children in a large group.


Mom bends over the baby and hides her face behind her hands, saying, “Ku-ku, where is mommy?” The main thing is to do this quickly so that the baby does not have time to get scared. “Here’s mom!” - and mom removes her palms from her face.

The baby will learn to repeat this and will be very happy to cover his face with his hands and look out at his mother’s “peek-a-boo.” You can use various rhymes, jokes and songs. At the same time, you will train your memory.

You can cover your face with a scarf (towel, sheet, tulle) and hide from the baby. Peeking out from behind a handkerchief with the words “Peek-a-boo!” Or bring a handkerchief to the child’s face with the words: “Where is my daughter, I don’t see her... Well, where are you hiding, Mashenka?” Little Masha will sit with bated breath at this time. The child’s joy will know no bounds when the mother opens her face and removes the handkerchief with the words “Peek-a-boo!”

This is how you can greet your dad from work, say hello to friends, or cast a magic spell when you’re scared or sad. You can play while walking, at home and even in bed.

"A piece of happiness"

Hide a small toy, a mold, in the sand outside or in a bowl of cereal at home. Children's fingers benefit from exercise! Let the young treasure hunter dig up his “piece of happiness.”

At first, hide the toys in front of the baby, and later you can do this by asking him to turn away.

More ideas for creating sensory boxes.

Which hand is the surprise in?

Hold a small toy or candy in your fist and place your hands behind your back. If you guessed right, you won a prize. Then change roles with your child. Sometimes try not to guess: your baby will be happy that he was able to outsmart you.

Who was hiding under the pillow?

Hide your baby's favorite toy under the pillow, but so that some part is visible. For example, a hare's ear or foot. This will bring the child into indescribable delight, because he is convinced that it was the bunny and the fox who hid so unsuccessfully, and he is so smart that he was able to find them.

"Hot and cold"

The adult hides something in the room, and the child tries to find the object using the clues. When the baby approaches the desired object, he is told “hot”; when he moves away, he is told “cold”. You can add the expressions “very, very hot, now you’ll burn!”, “brrrrr, very cold,” etc.

How to play hide and seek at home

With limited space, it can be difficult to find a good place to hide, but don't let that stop you! Child psychologists assure that the most important thing for a child is to be found. This is why many children often hide in the same place or come out of hiding before they are caught.

If there is not enough space in the apartment, there is nowhere to hide, but you really want to, complicate the task - blindfold the “driver”. It is important to secure the space, remove unnecessary objects so as not to tip over anything, trip or get injured. Players must clap their hands from time to time to identify themselves.

If you don't have time to play hide and seek with your child, use a toy. Let her hide and the baby look. You can also come up with easy tips that will help the young detective.

A moment of humor: how little children and animals play hide and seek

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments how your children play hide and seek. We can't wait to see funny photos and funny stories.

Play this wonderful and popular game You can do it anywhere - at home, in the yard, in the forest or park. All participants in the game must agree before the start of the game boundaries of the territory, beyond which no one can hide.

Titles: Hide and Seek, Kuluchki

Rules of the game Hide and Seek

The game starts when using drawing lots or counting rhymes the driver is selected - “ water", then the place where the game begins is determined and where it will be necessary to " get caught" The driver turns to the wall (corner, door, pillar), closes his eyes and begins to count. Depending on the age of the children, you can count from 10 to 50. Usually up to 20 is enough. After that, the water turns and says:

One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look!
Ready or not, here I come!

The leader’s task is to look for (“kulyuchki”, hence another name for the game - “kulyuchki”) those hidden, and, having found them, return and knock on the wall near which he was counting:

Knocks and knocks, I see Masha, she is behind the tree.

The task of those hiding is to try to overtake the leader or wait for him to go in the other direction and be caught first - then they are considered not found. They should run up to the wall and shout loudly

Knock-knock for yourself!

The one who was caught first is told “ The first hen closes her eyes”, which means that the one who was caught first will lead in the next round of the game.

Often found and caught players, out of boredom, begin to help those who have not yet been found with special hints, chanting in unison:

Axe, axe,
sit like a thief
and don't look into the yard
(option: don’t go for a walk in the yard)!

which means “the leader is nearby, sit and keep your head down!” Or

Saw, drank,
fly like an arrow!

“The presenter has gone in the other direction, you can run out and catch him in time!” You can also make sure that the presenter does not stand in one place, but is actively looking for players, while shouting

Don’t cook the porridge on the spot!

It’s especially fun if the driver makes a mistake with the player’s name, tapping him, then the players shout “ Signs - hide and seek(or hide-and-seek signs)!” and the whole game starts again with the same driver. The first player found who is caught by the water becomes the water himself in the next game. In some variants of the game, the last player can catch himself and all previously found players by knocking on the wall and saying " Knock-knock for everyone" In this case, the leader remains the same and the game starts over, but often this is very offensive for the driver and this rule is canceled.

In case it appears new player who want to join the game, shout:

Zai-zai-get out,
The new guy is whining!

Active game

From 2 players

Not regulated

Short story

Nowadays we all know hide and seek as a children's game, but it used to be a game played by adults. In England there was a custom when, with the onset of spring, people went into forests and fields to find flowers and birds there. What they found there they brought back to the village to demonstrate that spring had indeed arrived. The search for the first signs of spring in the forest where they were hiding became a game of hide and seek.

The rules of the game and its name varied depending on the country. While the rules are very similar everywhere, the names are very different. For example, in the Balkans and Turkey the game is called “Do you love your neighbor?”, and in France “Kash-kache”. But still, regardless of the names and slight differences in the rules, this game is widespread and loved all over the world.


The game of hide and seek, which originated a thousand years ago, is an integral part of every child’s childhood. There are many variations of hide and seek in different countries. This game helps the child develop both physically and in the development of thinking and imagination.


At the beginning of the game, everyone gathers together, then the driver, standing facing the wall, loudly counts to 100 (or another number). Sometimes in dozens, up to 100 or 200. Others are hiding at this time. Having counted to the required number, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. Sometimes before this you have to say “one-two-three-four-five, I’m going to look for [all of you]”, “it’s time, it’s not time, I’m leaving the yard” or “whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault.” Having seen the hidden person, he must be the first to run to the place from where he began the search and touch the wall with his hand, uttering the agreed words, which differ in different regions (“check”, “magic wand”, “paly-vyry”, “tra-ta- ta”, “kuly-kuly”, “knock-knock”, “knock-knock for yourself”, “ban-drum for yourself”, “knock-knock for yourself”, “knock-ta”, “pali-knock” , “knock-pali I”, “knock-baki”, “tuli-ya”, “knock of a stick I”). Each person hiding tries to be the first to do the same. The next driver is the one from the hidden ones who was salted (“checked”) first, and if no one was salted, the same as the last time. You cannot hide behind or next to the driver. Sometimes, as an option, the last player can help out everyone “caught” and the driver drives again. To add dynamism to the game, according to the conditions, the last “caught” becomes the driver.