Popular games of the Soviet era. Our yard games. Childhood is the internet...

My son is growing up, and I sadly see that today's children are completely different from us. We read books, went to the cinema together, and then acted out battle scenes, we talked more, made friends. And we also ran in the yards and played, and there are many reasons why modern guys walk so little with their peers, this is a criminogenic situation, and studies that children are overwhelmed with beyond measure, and computers, but ... I feel sorry for them, they are deprived amazing adventures and memories that last a lifetime.

1. Hali halo

Rules of the game
To begin with, a driver is chosen by a counting rhyme. The driver picks up the ball and makes a word to the rest of the guys. Usually they say to which category the invented word belongs and its first and last letter. For example, the driver thought of the word bed. He says it's a piece of furniture, it starts with the letter K and ends with a soft sign. Children begin to guess the word. As soon as the driver hears the correct answer, he shouts "Khali halo", throws the ball up as high as possible, and runs away.
The child who correctly guessed the word catches the ball and shouts "Stop". The driver stops. The player must guess how many steps to the driver. But the steps are not easy. Each company can come up with its own steps.
Types of steps in the game hali halo:
Giant - the largest steps, full width.
Normal - the usual children's step.
Lilliputian - very small steps.
Frogs - in squatting jumps.
Umbrellas - the child whirls in the direction of the driver.
Bricks - step heel to toe.
Camel - step and spit (the main thing is not to get into the driver).
The child with the ball takes the named number of steps and throws the ball into the ring, which the leader makes with his hands. If the ball hits the ring, then the player becomes the driver and the game continues.

2.Hide and seek

Rules of the game
One person drives, the rest hide. According to pre-agreed conditions, the water counts up to a certain number, turning to the wall, during this time everyone hides without going beyond the boundaries of the agreed territory.
Well, the catchphrase of water: one two three four five, I'm going to look.


Rules of the game
Several people play blind man's bluff. With the help of a rhyme or by lot, the leader is selected. Players blindfold the water with a tight bandage (you can’t peep in this game), unwind it in place and “crumble” to the sides. Blind Man's Buff must catch and identify any player. If you guessed right, the caught player becomes the driver.

4. Cossacks-robbers

Rules of the game
The players are divided into two teams (the more participants, the more interesting the game). Each team has its own decals(armbands, ribbons or badges).
The site is indicated (the boundaries of the territory where you can hide and run away).
By lot it is determined which team will be "Cossacks" and which will be "robbers".
On a signal, the "robbers" scatter to hide. "Cossacks" at this time choose a place for a "dungeon", where they will bring the captured "robbers". The "dungeon" should not be very large so that it is convenient to guard it. Its boundaries are clearly marked (with chalk, pebbles, etc.).
After a specified period of time, the “Cossacks” go looking for the “robbers” who hid in the agreed territory. Those whom they saw, they must catch up and “tarnish” (touch with a hand). The “stained” robber is considered to be caught, he must dutifully go with the “Cossack” while he is holding him. But if the "Cossack" accidentally unclenched his hands, the "robber" can run away.
Caught "robbers" are taken to the "dungeon".
"Robbers" can help out fallen comrades. To do this, you need to quietly run up to the "Cossack" leading the "robber" and "tarnish" him. Then the "Cossack" is obliged to let the "robber" go, and both "robbers" run away to hide again. But if the "Cossack" turns out to be more agile and manages to "tarnish" the second "robber" earlier, he captures both.
"Robbers" can release their comrades from the "dungeon". To do this, it is necessary to touch the prisoner before the “Cossack” guarding the “dungeon” touches the liberating one.
The goal of the game is to catch all the "robbers".

5. Lapta

Rules of the game
I know two versions of the game. One is simplified (for children), the other is for adults. As a child, in the country, of course, we played a simple game:
Two lines were drawn on a flat lawn at a distance of 15-20 m from each other: one was called the city, the other was called a horse, or a house.
Then, using a counting rhyme or lot, the striker is determined, he stood outside the city, the rest were located in the field behind the horse.
The striker throws the ball up and hits it hard with the bat. The field players, watching the sword, are waiting for it to cross the horse, so as not to let it fall to the ground, to catch it. If they succeed, the striker goes into the field, and his place is taken by the player who took possession of the ball. If the field players, gaping, did not have time to catch the ball, the kick is repeated.
Sometimes the batter misses the ball. The rules allow him to repeat the blow. After the third miss, the striker gives up his place to another player.

6. Bouncers

Rules of the game.
You need at least 3 people to play dodgeball. Of these, 2 bouncers (bouncers) and one driver. The players are divided into two teams.
Two players from one stand at a distance of about seven to eight meters opposite each other. They have a ball. Two players from the other team move between them. The task of the first is to throw the ball with each other, hit the opponents and knock them out of the game. At the same time, you need to throw so that the ball, not hitting the target, could be caught by a partner, and not fly away every time to nowhere.
The task of the second is not to let yourself be knocked out. If you catch a flying ball, one life is added to you. You get, for example, five lives, and to knock you out of the game, you need to hit you six times. If the ball bounced off the ground and hit the player, it didn't count. The place of the knocked-out players was occupied by other members of the team. When everyone was knocked out, the teams changed places.

7. Square

Rules of the game
For this game you need a company of four people and a ball. First you need to create a playing field. A square of arbitrary size is drawn on the ground, divided into four smaller squares, one for each participant. A circle is drawn in the center of the field, intended for serving. The game begins with the ball being served by a player who is chosen by lot (counting). The ball is thrown with one or both hands into the center circle so that it bounces towards the player who is diagonally across. The diagonal player must hit the ball after one contact with the ground in his quarter. You need to hit the ball with your feet, knee, head, you can’t touch it with your hands.

8. Fanta

Rules of the game
Good old children's game. Its many options. Let me tell you about the game we played. The host collects one personal item from all the players, and then everyone writes some task on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected, mixed, and the presenter, without looking, first pulls out someone else's object, and then a note. The person who owns the pulled out object must complete the task written on a piece of paper. The game is wonderful, but only the players should remember that they themselves may come across their own task. This circumstance somewhat limits the sadistic habits.

9. I know five names

Rules of the game
The guys agree on the order of the ball transition and the sequence of topics.
The first player begins to mint the ball on the ground with one hand, saying:
- I know five names of girls. Anya - one, Katya - two, Fields - three, Masha - four, Nastya - five.
The player must follow the rhythm of the strikes, uttering one word at one stroke of the ball.
If the player has coped with the task, he moves on to the next topic, predetermined, for example:
- I know five names of boys (names of cities, animals, insects, birds, countries, cities, etc.)
If the player lost, missed the ball or thought for a long time, then the ball goes to the next participant.
He starts over:
- I know five names of girls
To complicate the game, you can introduce conditions that names should not be repeated. When the ball, having made a circle, returns to the first player, he begins with the topic on which he left off.
The game continues until everyone gets bored.
The winner is the one who managed to cover the maximum number of topics.

10. Salki

Rules of the game
One driver is chosen by lot or by counting. Then the boundaries of the playing area are set. Everyone scatters within this area. The driver begins to catch the players within the established limits of the site. Whomever he catches up with and knocks down, he becomes a “feed” and announces, raising his hand up: “I am a jerk!” He begins to catch the players, and the former "trail" runs away with everyone. The game has no definite end.
(this game is a type of tag)
Participants run away from the driver. The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he taunts. The salted one spreads his hands, and any other participant can run up, touch him and “rescue him”. The task of the driver is not to stray far from the greasy and not to let anyone take a step towards him. The summer version of sorcerers is to run around with “sprinklers” and pour water on each other from leaky bottles. Usually five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very cheerful.

11. Broken phone

Rules of the game
The old time-tested children's game of a broken phone.
It can be played with one or two teams.
A leader is chosen, who whispers a word or phrase to one of the players in a whisper, and he tries to pass it on to another player in the same way, and so on in a chain.
The last player says aloud what he did and compares with the original.
Often a very unexpected and funny result is obtained!
If two teams are playing, then the host passes the floor to two players from both teams. The winner is the team whose result will be the most similar to the original.

12. Kiss-Brys-Meow

Rules of the game
For the game you need approximately the same ratio of players of different sexes. The players sit on the bench. Two participants, the leader and one of the players, stand in front of the bench with their backs to each other (the leader facing the players, the player with his back).
The host points with his eyes (or imperceptibly with his finger) at one of the players and asks "kitty?".
If the player says "shove", then he continues to choose.
If a player says "meow", then that player is asked "what color?".
The player named a color and completed a task that matched the chosen color.
The meanings of the colors were:
White - meant "five minutes alone." Those. the boy and the girl left and retired for 10 minutes so that no one from the company could see them.
Green - three yes questions. Any questions were asked, but the player could only answer "yes". Moreover, tricky questions were asked, such as "Do you love him"? The answerer blushed and stammered, but had no right to say anything else. The whole company had fun from such dialogues :)
Red - meant a kiss on the lips. Color was used very rarely.
Pink - a kiss on the cheek. It's easier with him, he was used often.
Yellow - three questions in private (you could ask anything and the player had no right not to answer). Of course, everyone asked questions "with tricks" and often very personal ones, but the answers were usually kept secret.
Orange - walk a certain route under the handle.
Blue - kiss the handle.
Violet - three small dirty tricks (say, pull a pigtail, step on a foot, take away a hairpin). Also before all honest company.

13. The sea worries once ..

Rules of the game
There are several game options.
1) The host turns away from the players and says the well-known rhyme:
The sea is worried
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze in place!
As he speaks, the participants move chaotically in any order, imitating wave movements with their hands. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure could not be guessed becomes water himself.
2) After pronouncing the counting rhyme, the players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns, goes around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first of them, he takes the place of the leader, or leaves the game (in this case, the longest-standing player becomes the winner).
3) You can use another version of the game, when the host examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes the most. In this case, the winner is the player who most clearly showed his imagination.

14. You go quieter, you will continue - stop!

Rules of the game
Two stripes are drawn on the ground with chalk at a distance of about 20 meters.
All players become on one side the driver - on the other side, and turns his back to everyone. The leader says:
"You go quieter, you will continue. Stop."
The phrase can be pronounced as you like - deliberately tightening the words, the whole sentence, or, for example, start slowly and then end it sharply and quickly - in general, bring an element of surprise into the game.
At this time, all players try to run as far as possible, go to the finish line, freeze at the word "stop". After the word "stop" the driver turns around. If he saw the movement of a player (who did not have time to freeze, or stop because of the speed of acceleration), he is eliminated from the game.
The winner is the one who first gets to the finish line and touches the driver - he takes his place, and the game starts over.

Rules of the game.
All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time calls some object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, it rejects. The task of the driver is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain “apple-melon-carrot-potato” unexpectedly say: “iron”. If the player makes a mistake and “eats” the “inedible”, then he becomes the leader himself. The faster the driver throws the ball and names the objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play

17. Knives

Rules of the game.
Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, in turn, they try to get with a knife into the outlined territory of the enemy and thus win back as much land as possible from him. The knife can be thrown, including from the shoulder, with a coup, from the nose and even from the head. The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand and even a wooden bench

Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and informs his "gardener"-driver and other players. The driver says a rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ...” And he calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the driver and the player. The player says the name of one flower from those that are in the team. The participant whose name was spoken must respond. The dialogue continues. The one who made a mistake: for example, did not respond to his name, mixed up the name of the flowers, - gives a phantom (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: “What should this player do?” The "gardener" assigns a task (jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player "works out" the phantom and takes his thing.

20. Mother's daughters.

Rules of the game.
The game was considered girlish, but in certain cases boys were also allowed to play, who, even before entering adulthood, could understand what marriage is and what it threatens. The game had one rule - to play using the maximum of fantasy and life experience, peeped from parents or in soap operas.
During the game, the roles could change (“come on now, you are a mother, and I seem to be your daughter?”), Accidentally found children, stepmothers who suddenly appeared, and lovers who inexplicably worked up inexplicably came into the game from time to time. And revived dolls, baby dolls, plush animals. Played out scenes "let's as if we were in a store", weddings, quarrels, intrigues, fights, death! Everything is like in life.

Cossack robbers

The more people play this game, the more interesting. It is suitable for both boys and girls - everyone likes it without exception. You can play anywhere, the main thing is that there are secluded places in the chosen territory in order to hide.

First, all participants are divided into two teams - one team is the Cossacks, the other is the robbers. It is necessary to come up with insignia, for example, all Cossacks will have a scarf tied up or sleeves rolled up on their jackets.

At the expense of one-two-three, the robbers scatter, and the Cossacks at this time choose a place for the "dungeon" (the captured robbers will be brought there). The "dungeon" should not be too large to be conveniently guarded. The boundaries of the dungeon should be marked with something (pebbles, twigs, or simply outlined with chalk).

After a certain time (for example, after 5 minutes), the Cossacks go in search of the robbers. The Cossacks need not only to see, but to overpower the robber. If the Cossack succeeded, he leads the robber to the dungeon. The robber should not break out, but if the Cossack accidentally releases his hand, then the robber can run away.

So gradually the Cossacks catch the robbers. But those robbers who have not yet been caught can help out their caught friends. So, if a Cossack leads a robber into a dungeon, another robber can run up to them and overpower the Cossack, then he will have to free the one who has been caught. Both robbers run to hide again.

However, a nimble Cossack can contrive and be the first to overpower the second robber. Then he will have two prisoners.

The robber can also free his friends from the dungeon. To do this, he must penetrate the dungeon (so that the guard Cossack does not taunt him) and taunt his comrade. Then they both run away to hide again.

The game ends when the Cossacks catch all the robbers. The teams can then switch roles.

rubber band

You will need a long elastic band (about 3 m).

3-4 people take part in the game (if more, you will have to wait a long time for your turn to jump). However, you can even play alone (only then the rubber band will have to be tied to two trees).

The ends of the elastic must be tied to make a ring. Two players stand opposite each other, put on an elastic band, lower it to the level of the ankles. The players disperse, the rubber band is stretched and it turns out, as it were, rubber band rails.

The third player starts jumping in this way: jump - legs on both sides of one rubber band, jump - legs on both sides of the other, jump with both legs on the other side of the rubber band.

The rubber band is raised to different "levels of difficulty":

At ankle level - at knee level - at hip level - at waist level - at chest level - under the armpits (this is, of course, aerobatics)

If the player has never made a mistake, that is, from the first jump he jumped to the desired rubber band, did not step on it, then he goes to new level. Each level has its own name, for example:


Jump - step simultaneously with both feet on one "rubber band", jump - change legs in places (that is, first we put the right in front of the left, then the left in front of the right). Then we repeat the same thing, but already stepping on another rubber band.


Jump - with two legs we jump immediately over the second elastic band, while hooking the first one (it turns out a cross, inside which you need to stand up), jump - we step on both elastic bands with our feet, jump out of the elastic band.

By the way, rubber bands are played in many other countries - and they even study it in kindergartens:

In this video, German children show a version of the "rubber band" with one leg - we also had this, as a complicated version:

And here is a whole manual where the game of rubber band turns into a real dance with Chinese names for all "pas" (video from Rubberbandskipping.com, which is completely dedicated to this game):

This game requires at least 4 players (more is better). All players stand on one side of the court, and the leader is in the center and turns his back to the other participants. The host calls the color.

Participants look for this color on themselves (clothes, hairpins, toys). If found, you need to take up a thing of this color and go to the other side. If the named color is not in the wardrobe or personal belongings, you need to run across to the other side. The leader's task is to catch the running player and knock him down (then this player becomes the leader).

Players can help each other. If in the wardrobe of one participant there are two things of the right color, then he can take on one himself, and his friend will hold on to the other, then together they can go to the other side.

in PAINTS, children are assigned a different color, the seller assigns, and the buyer is devil. He comes: - knock-knock! - who are you? - I'm a devil with horns, with warm pies. There is a bump on his forehead, and a mouse in his pocket (something like that) - why did you come? - for paint. - for what? Names a color. If there is no such paint, they say to him: - Run on one leg along .... Pink, for example, is more expensive, there is no cat paint. And if there is, it catches up with the paint. The guys shout at this time: paint in the box!

Salki - canopy legs

The usual game of tag, or tag, looks simple. A driver is chosen who must run after other participants. The one whom the leader knocks down becomes the leader himself.

However, in our game of "legs" there is one trick: the player can save himself. When the driver runs up to him, the player must sit on something, raise his legs off the ground and shout: “Legs are overhead.” In this case, the driver can no longer dump him.

Players must remember that everyone cannot lift their legs at the same time. At least one player must remain on the ground for the game to continue.

The sea is worried

First choose the driver. He turns away from all the other players and loudly says a rhyme:

The sea worries once, The sea worries two, The sea worries three, Sea figure, freeze!

While the driver pronounces the words, all players move randomly. But as soon as the countdown ends, the players freeze in place, depicting "sea" figures. The leader approaches each player in turn, touches him - and the player without words must depict his “sea” figure. The facilitator must guess what this figure is. The player who is unlike or worse than the others (this is decided by a general vote) managed to portray a figure becomes the leader.

In addition to marine figures, they also guess:

An animal figure - a clown figure - a mad figure - and everything that is enough for fantasy.

There is also a simpler version of this game - after the end of the counting rhyme, everyone freezes in any position, and the one who moved first becomes the new driver. But with such conditions, it is more interesting to play the following game -


As in previous games, the driver and the “owl” are first chosen. Its nest is located away from the playground (it is advisable to somehow mark the nest: separate it with objects or outline it with chalk).

The owl sits in the nest, and the leader says: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” and the players start running and jumping, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, jumping like frogs.

After a while, the host says: “The night is coming, everything freezes, the owl flies out!”

All players freeze. The owl goes hunting. Noticing the moving player, she takes him by the hand and takes him to her nest. In one exit, she can take two or even three players with her.

Then the owl returns to its nest and the children again begin to run freely around the playground.

Players who have not been caught even once win.


Number of players: from 3 people. What you will need: a ladder with wide steps. The leader stands at the top of the stairs, the players at the bottom. The host says a counting rhyme: "Three-fifteen-ten-twenty."

At the same time, he, and with him at the same time all the players, jump onto the steps. You can jump in different ways, whoever thinks about it - with two feet on one step or one foot on the top step, the other on the bottom, someone may even manage to put their feet through two steps ...

Now they look at which of the players put their feet in the same way as the driver. If such a player is found, then he is considered a loser and becomes the leader. If none of the players has taken the same position as the driver, the game continues on.

If it happens that two or more players stand the same on the same steps together with the leader, everyone jumps again.

Fisherman, catch a fish

In this game, children need a jump rope or a strong rope of the same length. The leader picks up one end of the rope and squats down. He begins to spin in place and spin the rope so that it spins right above the ground. Players must jump over the rope. Anyone who does not have time to jump and the rope touches him is considered a “caught fish” and steps aside. The winner is the "fish" that managed to hold out the longest. She becomes the leader.

Hares and carrots

A large circle is drawn on the ground (about 3-5 m in diameter). Inside the circle put 10 "carrots", that is, sticks or pebbles. The circle is the "garden", and the leader in the game is the "Scarecrow". His task is to catch hares, other players.

At the signal of the leader, the hares run into the circle and steal carrots. At this time, that is, when the hares are inside the circle, the Scarecrow catches them. Hares cannot be caught outside the circle.

The hare player who is caught is out of the game. The last one caught becomes the leading Scarecrow.


I still remember how as a child my friends and I laughed when we played this game. Today's kids also enthusiastically accepted this entertainment.

So, all the players sit on the bench in a row, the leader stands in front of them. The meaning of the game: the host asks a question and throws the ball to one of the players. If the answer is “yes”, then he must catch the ball, if the answer is “no”, do not catch it. The most difficult thing is to find your bearings in time and not catch the ball with the wrong answer.

The game begins with a simple question: “What is your name ...” And then the leader can either name the player or come up with something of his own. For example, the host says: “Your name is Heffalump” and ... the player catches the ball.

Then the move passes to another player and the leader asks him the same question. Then come the patronymic, surname, number of years, place of residence ... The result is very funny. For example, that your name is Heffalump Pukovich Ivanov, you are 110 years old, you live in a TV box, you eat apple cores...


All the guys stand in a circle facing each other. The leader walks along the outside of the circle and touches the shoulder of one of those who are standing in the circle. The driver and the one whom he hit run in different directions in a circle and, having met, hold out their hands to each other, shake, say: “Hello!”. Then they continue to run each in their own direction in a circle.

The task of each of them is to be the first to reach the vacant place in the circle. The one who was left without a place becomes the new leader.


All players stand in a circle, the leader stands in the center (he is blindfolded). Players begin to move in a circle and say in chorus:

Watery, watery Don't sit under water Look out for a little bit For one minute.

As soon as the words are spoken, the players stop. The driver-waterman gets up and approaches one of the participants. The task of the waterman, without peeping, is to determine who is in front of him. You can touch the player and determine only by touch. If the driver guessed the player correctly, they switch roles.

In this game for children, chalk and a large free area are needed.

On the ground, two stripes are drawn with chalk at a distance of about 40 meters. All players stand behind one line, leading after another, he turns his back to the players and says:

Moreover, the phrase can be pronounced as you like: very slowly or very quickly, in order to make it more difficult for players to orient themselves.

When the leader pronounces the words, the players try to quickly cross the other line (you can’t run, you can only walk). But as soon as the host says the word "stop", everyone should freeze. The host turns around and looks at the players carefully. Whoever moves is out of the game. The winner is the one who first gets to the finish line and touches the driver.

Three, thirteen, thirty

Before the start of the game, they agree on the rules: each number - 3, 13 and 30 - will indicate a certain movement. For example, 3 - jump up 13 - clap your hands, 30 - squat down.

Players stand in a circle leading to the center. He calls the numbers, but not in order, but out of order. At the same time, he deliberately draws out the words: “three-and-and-and-twenty.” "Three-and-and-and" and at the end of the word gives a signal with his hand. Gradually the pace of the game increases.

The one who makes a mistake and makes the wrong move leaves the circle. The winner is the one who did not make a single mistake.

chains forged

Number of players: from 8 people. All players are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a line, the players hold hands. The lines are located opposite each other (at a distance of about 10 meters).

The first command command shouts loudly:

"Chains are forged, unforge us!"

The second team standing opposite asks:

"Which one of us?"

Players of the first team call the name of any players from the second team. The player whose name is called scatters and tries to break the chain of the opposing team. It is very important to calculate the “weak link” here.

If it is possible to break the chain, then the player who did this returns to his team, and takes with him one person from the opposing team - the one who turned out to be the “weak link”. So the chain of the first team becomes one person longer.

If the player fails to break the chain, he himself becomes the opposing team. The goal of the game is to drag all the players from the opposing team to your chain.

The same game is played with other sentences. For example:

"Ali Baba! What is the servant talking about? On the fifth, tenth, Vasya is here for us!"

Pigs and kittens

Number of players: from 6 people. All players are divided into two teams. One team of pigs, the other - kittens. Then all players shuffle and close their eyes. At the leader’s command: “One, two, three, we started,” the piglets begin to grunt, and the kittens meow.

The goal of the game is to find your comrades (pigs or kittens) as quickly as possible without peeping.

This game for children takes place on a limited area, no one can go beyond it. Drivers - two players (if there are a lot of players, then three people can be drivers). Drivers are nets, the rest of the players are fish. The task of the net is to catch as many fish as possible.

All players run around the site and the net catches (surrounds) the fish. If the fish is caught, then it itself becomes part of the seine, that is, it increases by one player.

Fish cannot tear the net, that is, unhook the hands of the leaders in order to slip through.

The winner is the one who was able to hold out the longest and not fall into the net.

Pass the boxes

To play, you will need the top of the matchbox. The inner retractable part with matches is not needed.

The players are divided into two teams. Each stands in one line. The first player puts the top of the matchbox on his nose. Without helping with his hands, he passes it to another player of his team, that is, he puts it on his nose. So, putting the boxes on the nose of each participant, you need to pass the boxes to the last player.

The team that does it the fastest wins.

Flying cow

Number of players: from 3 people. All players stand in a circle and join hands in this way: the player puts the palm of the right hand on top of the left hand of the neighboring player. On the palm of the left hand of each player, the palm of the neighbor on the left should lie on top.

Now the players begin to pronounce a rhyme one word at a time and at the same time clap their hands (with their right hand in the palm of a neighbor on the left):

A cow was flying Flying over the house Reading a newspaper Under the number ...

The next player says the number. Players continue to clap and count (one number - one clap). The player who gets to name the guessed number should slap the neighbor’s hand harder, and the task of that person is to pull his hand away in time (not earlier!)

Broken phone

This game for children involves a large number of participants (at least 5 people). The host comes up with any phrase and sits down first, followed by everyone else in a row. The leader quietly whispers a phrase into the ear of the player who is sitting next to him. He passes the heard phrase to the ear of the next in order, and so on. It is necessary to convey the phrase so that other players do not hear it.

At the end, the presenter approaches the last player and asks what phrase was passed to him. He loudly repeats what he heard at the top of his voice. Almost always, strange metamorphoses occur with the first phrase. For example, the original phrase was: “I took the goat and shouted “run”. And at the end it turns into "I ate a scythe by the river."

Of course, the host tries to come up with a phrase with a "trick" so that it is not easy to repeat. In addition, during the game, one person may not hear what was said to him. You can’t ask again, but you need to pass the phrase on, so the player comes up with his own version.

To find out who distorted the driver's phrase, they ask all players to repeat what they heard. The first player who misinterpreted the meaning of the phrase sits at the end of the row, the leader sits in his place.

It happens that the phrase reaches the end without distortion. Then the leader remains the same person.


This game for children is not only attentiveness, but also dexterity. All children stand in one line on the curb of the sidewalk. The game starts with the end player. He, and after him all other participants, must move from one edge of the curb to the other without going down to the ground. The rest of the players should not interfere with him and can even help, hold him so that he does not fall. Anyone who touches the ground with at least one foot is out.

By the way, this game develops a team spirit, which, in my opinion, is very important.

mad snake

The more people who play this game, the more interesting it is. All players line up in a column one by one and hold each other by the waist. The leader is the first player in the column. His task is to knock down the last player.

So, the first player runs after the “tail” and all the participants follow him. It turns out that the faster the “head” runs, the faster the “tail” moves away from it. You need to find a convenient moment when the tail is at a closer distance and pin it.

The salted player stands in front of the leader, and now he catches the tail of the column.

Nowadays, the classics have almost disappeared from the asphalt, you will no longer meet in the yards girls or boys jumping over a rope or rubber band, enthusiastically playing "banks", and the tags have received the ominous name "zombies". And the yards themselves have changed, dissolving into sparkling new buildings. But what about children? Some of them go to school from the age of six, which no longer leaves time for games in the yard. Others spend all their free time watching TV screens or computer monitors, exchanging the joy of movement and live communication for new technologies. Still others are not allowed to roam the yard at all, fearing real or imagined dangers. But be that as it may, we, modern parents, still have a chance to change this situation. Is it worth it? Of course, it’s worth it!.. With what joyful hooting they rushed about in a tag or passionately argued over the last “attacks”, playing “landers”. How, after the summer holidays, new games were brought from camps and other cities, and then the whole next season, neighboring yards, one after another, began to master them. And what is happening now? The maximum of children's imagination is enough for staged chases and fights that require nothing but endurance and a good reaction. It cannot be said that these games do not educate, but develop only a certain set of qualities, and such skills as ingenuity, coordination, the ability to be part of a team are left without attention.

Play with us, play like us...

“The slower you go, the further you will be.” No, this is not the creed of a novice car enthusiast, but a wonderful game for attention and endurance. Do you remember? On a spacious platform, two lines are drawn at a distance of about thirty meters from one another - “start” and “finish”. Players stand at the start, at the finish, with their backs to them, there is a driver. He pronounces the phrase: “You go quieter - you will continue. One two Three!" During this time, players try to get as close to the finish line as possible. Having barely finished talking, the driver quickly turns around and examines the participants in the game frozen in place. Those who did not have time to stop in time or moved, the driver sends to the start line. The player who reaches the finish line first wins. He becomes the next driver. The game "Traffic Light" was also notable. Going out for a walk in the yard, everyone tried to put on something multi-colored in case general council will decide to play this game. Two lines were drawn on the site at a distance of several meters from one another. It was the road. All players, except for the "traffic light", lined up behind one of the lines. "Traffic light" guarded on the "road". Standing with his back to the players, he called a color. If the player could find the named color “on himself” (clothing, bow, hairpin, etc.), he took it with his hand and calmly crossed the “road”. If nothing suitable was found, he could only quickly run across to the other side. A "traffic light" was supposed to catch violators. The one he touched became a "traffic light" himself.

Classic "Classics"

There were a great many options for playing the "classics". But most of the time they played like this. On the pavement, a playing field was drawn out of ten cells approximately 30x30 cm. The cells went in two columns. The first was numbered from 1 to 5, the second in the opposite direction from 6 to 10. The most important thing in the "classics" is a good beat. They made it from round tin boxes from lollipops or jars from shoe polish. Sand was poured inside. Sometimes a pebble replaced the bit. Several people played. The first player threw the bat into the "first class" - a box with the number "1". The task of the player, jumping on one leg, is to drive the bat across all classes and knock it out of the playing field. In this case, neither the player nor the bat should have hit the lines. If this happened, the player was said to have "lost" and the move passed to the next player. If the first class was successful, the player moved to the second class. Now he had to, without entering the playing field, throw the bat into the cell with the number "2" and from there drive it from cell to cell. It was necessary to have a sufficient amount of dexterity in order to deftly jump, and to accurately throw the bat into the desired cell. The winner was the one who first passed all classes.

Coloring paints

The game "Paints" was among the most beloved. One of the players was appointed "devil" (or "monk"), another - "salesman" (or "mother"), all the rest were "paints". Each of the "colors" thought of some color for itself and quietly reported it to the "seller". Moreover, if you wanted to run around, they thought of the simplest colors: blue, green, pink, etc. If one of the players was too lazy to run, he thought of something like an emerald one and calmly sat out the whole game. So, the "paints" and the "seller" sat down on a long bench. "Damn" ("monk") approached them and said: "Knock-knock!" The “seller” asked: “Who is there?” - "I'm a devil with horns, with hot pies, a bump on my forehead, a fried mouse in my pocket!" Or: “I am a monk in blue pants!” The "seller" was interested: "What did you come for?" - "For the paint!" - "For what?" Here the devil named some color. If there is no such paint, the “seller” answered: “We don’t have such a paint! Jump down the track on one leg!” "Devil" did a victory lap on one leg and returned for new paint. If the named “paint” was present among those sitting, the “seller” said: “There is such. Pay that much." While the "devil" was "paying" - clapping his hand on the seller's palm the required number of times (the age of the player was used), the "paint" jumped up and ran away. Then there were two options for the development of events. Option one: "hell" is trying to catch the paint. Caught "paint" becomes "devil". If the player managed to return to the bench, the game continued. Option two: as soon as the named “paint” ran, the “devil” said as quickly as possible: “Stop if-colo, one, two, three. Dot!" On the last word, the running player had to stop. Now the “line” needs to be reached to the “paint”, having determined in advance how many steps need to be taken. Naturally, the farther the "paint" managed to escape, the more difficult it is to do it. The steps were also remarkable: simple, giant (very wide), midget (tiddly steps), camels (spit forward and step on top), chicken, or bricks (heel to toe), etc. Different companies invented their own options for steps. So, the “devil” is told what steps he should move (for example, chicken and midget), and the “devil” determines by eye how many and what steps he should take. Performs all this and tries to touch the "paint". If it worked out, “paint” becomes “devil”.

ball games

How many wonderful ball games there were during our childhood, and they were always unusually fun and interesting. Now you understand that in addition to joy, these games carried a lot of other useful properties: they developed dexterity and endurance, trained coordination of movements and attention. Let's try to remember what our balls were able to do, and we along with them. And then we'll teach it magical games our growing babies. A whole series of games involved competition between the participants in dexterity and the ability to masterfully control the ball. These games were called differently: "Parrots", "Tens". For some exercises, only a small ball was needed (ideally - tennis), for others - a larger ball (volleyball) and a wall. These amusements are also good because they do not have to collect a “quorum”. You can play together, and improve - even alone. Exercises-"parrots" can be as follows:

  • Throw the ball up and when it falls and bounces off the ground, catch it.
  • Throw the ball low and catch it. Throw the ball twice as high and catch it. Toss the ball as high as possible for the last time and catch it.
  • Take the ball in your right hand, let go so that it starts to fall down, and immediately catch it on the fly. The same trick is done with the left hand.
  • The ball is placed on the palm, slightly tossed up, caught with the back of the hand, tossed again and caught with one or both hands.
  • The hand with the ball is brought behind the back, a throw is made from behind the back, and the ball is caught in front, but with the other hand.
  • Throw the ball up, clap your hands, and then catch the ball. With each throw, the number of claps also increases (usually up to five).

For these exercises you need a tennis ball. Each player practices until they make a mistake or drop the ball. After that, the turn passes to the next player. And so on in a circle, until someone first completes the "mandatory" program.

In the game "Tens", or "Tens", you need a flat area and a wall. Each player must complete ten exercises:

  • Hit the ball against the wall ten times in a row, hitting it like in volleyball.
  • Hit the ball against the wall nine times, hitting it with the palms from below.
  • Throw the ball eight times under the right foot on the ground so that it bounces against the wall, and catch the ball from the wall with your hands.
  • Now seven times, but under the left leg.
  • Standing facing the wall, throw the ball six times from behind between the legs on the ground so that it bounces against the wall and then catch it in your hands.
  • Now the same thing, but five times and standing with your back to the wall.
  • Throw the ball against the wall four times so that it bounces off it to the ground, hit the wall again from the bounce off the ground and then catch it.
  • Hit the ball against the wall three times with palms clasped in a boat.
  • Hit the ball against the wall twice with clenched fists.
  • Hit the ball against the wall with a straight finger once.

After that, there will be an “exam”: each exercise is done once, and you can’t laugh and talk.

A simple game "I know ..." develops not only dexterity, but also erudition. And if boys played more in the "Tens", then here there were already the element of girls. Its meaning is very simple. The player begins to hit the ball with his hand on the ground, saying one word for each hit: “I know five names of girls: Masha - one, Ira - two ...” And so on up to five. Then different categories are used: names of boys, animals, flowers, trees, birds, names of cities, countries, rivers, etc. If someone gets knocked down or drops the ball, the turn passes to the next player. The one who completes the task first wins. And we also loved to play "edible-inedible" - simple, fun, useful game. All players line up. The driver from a distance of 2-4 meters throws a ball to everyone in turn, naming an object. If it is something edible, the ball must be caught, if not, beat off (or simply not caught). The player who reacted correctly takes a step forward, if he made a mistake, he goes back a step. The most attentive, who was the first to reach the driver, becomes the driver himself. He was not forbidden to confuse the players. It was very funny if someone mistakenly “ate” a snake or a car or refused delicious ice cream.

Oh, potato-potato!

For the following games, a volleyball is also needed. "Potatoes". All players stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other, beating it off. If one of the players did not hit the ball, he squats down in the center of the circle, and the game continues. Any player at will can help out the "guilty". To do this, he, beating the ball, tries to hit them on those sitting in the center of the circle. The “released” (the one who was touched by the ball) again takes part in the game. Those sitting inside the circle try to catch the ball flying towards them. If one of the players succeeded, then all the “punished” return to the game, and the player who threw the ball takes their place. A bit like "Potato" and the game "Eleven". The first child throws the ball to any other player, while saying: "One!" Then they throw the ball silently, counting the throws to themselves up to ten. The player who happened to throw the ball for the eleventh time, instead of catching it, beats it with his hands into the ground, saying loudly: “Eleven!” If the "eleventh" player could not hit the ball or lost count, he goes inside the circle and squats there. The cycle of the game is repeated, but now the task of the “eleventh” is to hit the ball not into the ground, but to knock out the “guilty” player inside the circle with it. If he succeeds, the “guilty” returns to the game, if not, the player joins the “penalties”. It happens that by the end of the game there is only one active player. Then he silently kicks the ball on the ground ten times, and on the eleventh he knocks someone out of the circle, and the game continues.

The game "Cripple" will require a certain amount of dexterity from the guys. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. If someone could not catch him, then the player who threw the ball “takes” some part of the body from the penalty box. For example, a leg (the player continues to play while standing on one leg), a hand (you need to catch the ball with one hand), an eye (it is closed), a mouth (do not talk). If the “one-legged” threw the ball to one of the players, but he did not catch it, the “crippled” can, instead of “taking away” a part of the body, return something missing to himself and continue the game already quite “healthy”. The “Cripple”, who has not coped with his loss (for example, could not stay on one leg), leaves the circle. The last "surviving" player is declared the winner. We loved in childhood and the game "In the knockout", or in "Dodgeball". All players, except for two, stood in a line in the center of a spacious area. Two "knocking out" with the ball were located at the edges of the site. Their task was, by throwing the ball to each other, to knock out all the players from the site. The one who was touched by the flying ball was out of the game. The hardest thing was to knock out the last, most dexterous player who remained under fire. When the ball overtook him, the game began again.

There was also a game that did not have a specific name. Children among themselves called it "the wall". The players lined up, one after the other. The first participant had a ball in his hands. The meaning of the game was to throw the ball into the wall and run to the end of the line, and the next player had to catch the ball. And so, in turn, repeated all the children. If the player did not have time to catch the ball, then he was out of the game, and the last one left won.

Cossacks and robbers

It is hardly possible to find among the current mothers and fathers those who did not play this exciting game as a child, which was a real adventure, a gambling chase. And everyone felt like an experienced tracker, unraveling the intricacies of other people's tracks and marks. Two teams took part. One in the agreed place counted up to a certain number (if everyone knew how, then up to 100), while the other ran away, leaving arrows with chalk along the way indicating the direction of their movement. Arrows were placed not too often and not always in a conspicuous place. They appeared on tree trunks, on the walls of houses, and on wooden benches. At crossroads and forks in the road, the arrows split into two to confuse the pursuers. In general, some ran away, others caught up, solving a lot of logical puzzles along the way and learning to navigate in space. And how many different "kvachas" there were! The simplest option: everyone runs away, the “kvach” catches up. The one who is caught up and "quacked" becomes a "quack". They played in a different way: all the "quarched" players became assistants to the "quach". But the most interesting thing was to play "above the feet from the ground." In this game, it was possible to catch only those players who touched the ground with their feet. So I had to climb onto benches, children's ladders and slides. The variant of “legging: legs in weight” - the legs should not have touched any surface, while it was even allowed to lie down on the ground and raise the legs, but rarely anyone resorted to this measure.

Do you remember hide and seek? The rules of simple hide-and-seek are probably known to everyone. But this game also had many options and varieties. For example, "Moscow hide and seek". They played like that. The driver stood with his back to the other players, and one of them clapped him on the shoulder. The driver turned and pointed at the player who, in his opinion, patted him. Then he gave him a task: to run or jump (on one or two legs) to a certain place in the yard. If the driver performed the identification correctly, then the player completes the task. And all the rest during this time should have time to hide. If the driver made a mistake, then he runs or jumps himself, and the rest hide. Then the game goes according to the usual scenario for hide-and-seek: the driver must find the hiding people and have time to “catch” them - run faster than them to the agreed place and say the phrase: “They knocked and fell (the name of the noticed player)”. The player, in turn, seeks to overtake the driver and “catch” the first: “I knocked and fell!” The player who was last "stuck" by the driver becomes the new driver.

Happiness is a secret...

Seating on a bench

Remember, thick and hot summer twilight, a bench at the entrance, a flock of noisy, like sparrows on a branch, kids? And someone's voice from the window: "Tanya, go home!" - “Well, mommy, I have another ten minutes, please ...” What were we playing then? Maybe in "numbers"? Great fantasy game! Having run into the “Cossack robbers” or jumped into the “rubber bands”, one could sit quietly and dream about the most unthinkable things. Remember? Two leaders were selected from all the players. They guessed a number from 1 to 100 (if everyone could count up to this number). The rest of the players took turns trying to guess the number, and the presenters helped them with the words “more” and “less”. When someone finally guessed the number, the presenters asked: “What do you want?” Initially, it was assumed that all players have nothing: no clothes, no housing. And usually, first of all, at least some kind of clothes was required. Do not sit on the bench naked! The player ordered, for example, a dress, and the hosts left for a meeting. It should be clarified that even before the start of the game, a very important question was discussed: whether the proposed “goods” would be “without marriage, without humor” or, on the contrary, “with marriage and with humor”. Without marriage - more pleasant, with marriage - more fun. Each of the presenters came up with his own style of dress, and both "goods" were provided to the player to choose from. If the "goods" without marriage, then the dresses were the most "princess" and the most fashionable. If with marriage ... Oh, here the flight of fancy was not limited to anything! We didn’t come up with any clothes: from paper, cellophane, moss, thorns, wire, iron, with holes in the most unthinkable places ... Of the two proposed outfits, the player chose the one that he liked more (he chose the lesser of two evils). And he left to guess the number together with the fashion designer of his dress. And the second leader took the place of the player on the bench. The game could continue indefinitely or until the players had nothing more to wish for: everyone would get incredible clothes, and luxurious houses, and cars, and yachts, and planes ... Or until they were called home.

For a simple game of "Ring", only a bench is also needed. All players fold their palms in a “boat”. The host holds a ring or any other small object(button, stone). Passing his hands between the palms of each player, the host imperceptibly puts a ring in someone's hands. Then he steps aside a little and says: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!” After these words, the task of the player with the ring is to quickly stand up, and the other participants - to keep him on the bench. Managed to jump - became the leader. No - the leader remains the same.

Have you played Cinderella? All players sit down again on the bench, take off one shoe at a time and dump them into a common pile. The driver turns away, they show him the shoes and ask: “To whom?” He calls the name of one of the players. This continues until the shoes run out. Players put on a second shoe and have fun. Sometimes the boys also played Cinderella. Then it was even funnier...

STREAK - the usual evening game of pioneer camps. Everyone becomes a pair, holding hands raised above their heads, forming a corridor. The one who is left without a partner passes along this corridor and chooses a person he likes, and together with her goes to the end of this corridor - a stream, and the one who is freed goes first and also chooses someone, etc.

GARDENER - "I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers except for ..." - and calls one of the flowers, which is named after one of the players. - "Oh! - What's wrong with you? - In love! - With whom? - In…" - one of the colors present. And so on, until someone stumbles. This is a game for forfeits and desires. Perhaps this is a game from pre-revolutionary times.

CITIES - a game of "quiet time" in a pioneer camp for knowledge of geography. It was also successfully played by the Gentlemen of Fortune in the film of the same name.

"BOYARS, and we came to you, young, and we came to you." - ... why did you come? - ... we need a bride. - ...., and which one is needed? "Etc. for a breakthrough.

Every self-respecting kid played in COLA. Mom was horrified when a bunch of dirty sharpened firewood was dragged home, among which a huge heavy firewood stand out - "club", it could win any stake.

BOUNCER - two people standing opposite each other knock out everyone standing between them with the ball. If someone caught the ball - a candle, one of those who flew out can return to the game.

NONSIVENESS - a word is said in the ear of the person sitting next to him, and he passes on to the next completely different one, etc., and the presenter must guess the initial word.

The SEA is worried once, ... two, ... three - all the figures freeze in place. Who moved - he toils.

"Lyamochka". Who will score more points. The boys played in the "lyamochka" or "lighthouse". The strap itself is a piece of fur, a piece of lead is attached to it. They tossed the strap and, kicking it with their foot, did not let it fall, scoring points. Different ankle strikes, different scores...

"In paint" - "I'm a monk in gray pants, I came for paint" - "For what?" - "Behind the blue one" - "There is no blue one" ... and if she guessed it, then, it seems, the "blue one" became a "monk" And also in "Samovar" - "The samovar boils, asks for tea" ... you also had to guess , with what tea, and then, it seems, someone still had to catch up with someone ... Oh, one more (probably our grandmothers also played it): "The lady sent you 100 rubles, whatever you want, then buy it, don’t take black and white, don’t say “yes” and “no”. Are you going to the ball? ...” eyes, counted ("until how long" agreed in advance), then said: "Whoever did not hide, it's not my fault! Whoever is near the house, he whistles 3 horses, I go out, I'm not waiting for anyone," then he walks and looks; and those who were hiding, and whom he noticed, had to try to quickly run to the place where the "who was chirping" was barking, and "catch" themselves - i.e. if he managed to run up and knock on the wall "knock-knock for himself", then it was believed that he was in order, and if HIM was "caught" earlier, then he would whine next time.


The playing field (~ 8-10 meters long is outlined on both sides by lines behind which there are bouncers (leaders), their task is to knock the players out of the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another, there are a lot of options for players. a) becoming a bouncer "knocked out" or newly arrived player. b) the players are divided into teams and the knocked out players leave the field until all the players of the team are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer, which means either the opportunity to stay in the circle, or the return of one of the knocked out players to the field. c) if the previous options are widely known, then I encountered this only once - in a pioneer camp. There should be quite a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. In each team - one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (I) on the field are placed as follows:

¦ ¦ ¦ B1¦ I2 ¦ I1 ¦B2 ¦ ¦ ¦

Each of the teams in turn possesses the ball and kicks out the opponent’s players (I1-I2), knocked-out players from the category of players go into the category of bouncers, that is, they go out of the field into the sector (B1-B2, respectively), only the player who caught "candle" (the ball caught from the ground is not considered a "candle", the player who catches such a ball goes to the dodgeball). The team that still has players left wins, and they start the next round.

"Steps" (1 option)

A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, in which all participants are placed, the driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs farther from the circle, one of the players who managed to catch the ball shouts "stop" and assigns the number of steps to the driver (steps can be the most diverse and in different quantities, for example, 2 "giants" and "5" midgets "), if after completing the assigned steps he manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can dream up yourself: " Giant" - big steps in a jump, "Lilliputians" - half a step, "thread" - from toe to toe, "ducklings" - squat, "umbrellas" - jump with a coup, "bunny" - jump-legs together).

"Steps" (Option 2)

The circle is divided into sectors - countries, while the water says a game phrase (again lost, you have to invent it), the players scatter. The command "Stop!" Sounds, the players freeze, then the water selects the victim (usually the one closest to it) and assigns steps, if you guessed it, it cuts off a piece from the country of the loser, no, he gives up part of his territory (you can cut only standing with your foot ( feet) on your territory, and there how you can reach (the circle should be large enough).


The ball should be light, preferably a small inflatable one. The players, standing in a circle, throw the ball to each other (they catch or beat it off like in the game "volleyball"), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a "potato" - squats in a circle and the ball can be hit on it. If the ball after hitting the "potato" falls to the ground, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed, if the "potato" manages to catch the ball (like a "candle"), then the lost ball becomes the "potato", and the rest of the players leave the circle. The last of the two remaining players to drop the ball to the ground becomes the first "victim" of the new hand.


The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, naming various objects. If an "edible" word sounds, the player must catch the ball, "inedible" - skip or discard, if the player's actions correspond to the named word, the player goes to the next line (to the next step). The one who first crosses the last line wins and becomes the driver.

"I know 5 names"

They mint the ball (palm) on the ground, pronouncing the next word with each blow: "I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, "Sonya - four , Ira - five", "I know 5 ..." If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball goes to another player, when the ball circles and returns to the player, the game for this player resumes from where it left off ( as it is done in the "classics"), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be called. This game is useful even without a ball, at home.


The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, the task of the "dog" is to take possession of the ball, the one who lost the ball becomes the "dog" himself. This is a limited list of ball games, it can be expanded classic games in football, basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball - a domestic brainchild for kids (a variant of volleyball where the ball is not beaten off, but caught)

"The sea worries once..."

The water stands with its back to the players, who make all kinds of passes depicting various figures in motion and pronounces the words: "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure freezes in place", then turns around, the one who did not have time to freeze or moved first becomes the driver.

"Be quieter..."

One of the options for "sea figures", the driver stands on one side of the playing field, the players are at its other end, the water turns away and says: "You go quieter - you will continue, one, two, three, stop" and turns around, the players who are in this the moment they run to the driver, they must freeze, the one who did not have time to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the water, becomes water himself. The whole interest lies in the fact that the phrase can be cut off in any way (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be "stop", only after it the water can turn around.


The players sit on a bench and hold their palms folded like a boat in front of them, the water clamps a ring (or a coin) in its “boat” and passes through all the players in turn (more than once), putting their palms into the palms of the players, imperceptibly shifting the “ring” to one of them ", then says: "Ring-ring, go out on the porch", the task of the player who received the ring is to get up and go out, while becoming the driver, the task of the rest is to keep him, if they, of course, have time to figure out who got this ring, it is interesting to play in the composition at least 4-5 people.

"I was born a gardener"

The driver becomes a gardener, the rest choose the name of the flower to taste and only respond to it. The leader gives a start with the words: "I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers except ... (the temporary name of any of the players is called, for example" rose ")," Rose should immediately respond: "Oh" Gardener: " What happened to you?" Rose: "In love" Gardener: "Whom?" Rose: "To the tulip" Tulip: "Oh" ... And then the dialogue continues between him and the rose, etc., among the selected ones there may be a gardener with full rights, I note that he bears the main burden, since the names of flowers are forgotten quickly , and the gardener is remembered and named most often. The one who made a mistake: responded to someone else's name, did not respond to his own, or took a long pause - he forgot the "names" of the flowers, he leaves and the gardener starts again, etc., until two players remain. As an option, the players do not drop out, but give away "forfeits", which are subsequently played out (any personal item). Forfeits are played out as follows: one takes out a phantom, the other (turning away) assigns a task to the owner of the phantom, which he must complete in order to get the thing back (sing, tell a rhyme, crow, jump on one leg, etc., depends on the fantasy)

"Traffic light"

The field is limited on 4 sides (moderately, depending on the number of players), it is something like a walking droshky, you cannot run outside of it. So, the driver in the center of the playing field, turning away, assigns a color, those players who have this color on their clothes calmly pass, the rest - the "violators" must run across the "road", the salted "violator" becomes water.

"They sat on the golden porch..."

The driver spins in place and rotates jump ropes around him near the ground (if long, it is better to fold them in half), saying (for each turn, according to the word): “The king, queen, king, queen, cook, tailor, sat on the golden porch, ... ( I don’t remember further, but it rarely came to that, if you come up with it yourself :) So, the players around must jump over the rope, whoever doesn’t have time, he leads and until the next mistake is called the word on which he got tangled in the rope.


Water hides an object that players must find according to its instructions: cold, colder, warmer, hot, very hot, etc., depending on the temperament of the players. (can be played at home)

"Broken phone".

Unfortunately, I vaguely remember the rules. The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue shifts and the last player becomes the first - water.


Very popular in the 70-80s and undeservedly forgotten game that develops dexterity and endurance. The players use a regular elastic band, approximately 2.5 meters long, with the ends tied together. They play in turn. The main thing in the game is to go through several “levels” without “mistakes” and successfully pass the “exams”. "Levels" is the height of the rubber band above the ground. Two people stand opposite each other, stretching the elastic band with their feet, first at the level of the ankles, then at the level of the knees, hips, belt. The highest level - "up to the neck." The third player jumps into the middle, and then performs various combinations while jumping, either stepping on the rubber band, then jumping over it, twisting with crossed legs, jumping sideways, forward and backward. There were also combinations where it was necessary to step on the elastic in a certain sequence - either with the toe or with the heel. If a player made a mistake, he changed places with another participant. Many adults remember this game, the fashion for rubber bands has existed for quite a long time.


They are designed, as a rule, for a company of 4 people. If the number of players allows, team play options or several leaders are possible. Their basic principle is that the leader needs to catch up with one of the players and “tarnish” or “smear” him, after which he leaves the game or becomes the leader.

"Simple Salki"

According to the leader's account - tags (water, tags) - all the rest scatter. The number up to which they count is agreed in advance and depends on the size of the site. The task of the tag-leader is to catch up with the fleeing and tag, tarnish. The salted one becomes the leader. Each new driver raises his hand and shouts: "I'm a stalker!" It is not allowed to immediately stain the previous salka. To complicate the rules, you can come up with “immunity conditions”, that is, in what cases you can’t tell the players. For example, if they are in a certain territory or perform any actions (stand on one leg or shout a rhyme). And you can agree that the one who touches wooden, metal or stone objects with his hand will be safe from the driver. But in this case, you will have to make sure that the players do not abuse the privilege and do not sit out the entire round of the game in the “house”.


The more participants, the more fun it is to play. There must be at least 8-10 players and they must be split into two teams. Teams stand opposite each other at a distance of 20 m, and the players join hands, forming two chains located parallel to each other. Alternately, according to the choice, the players of the teams try to break the enemy's chain. If the chosen one breaks the chain, then he takes one of the two players whom he "broke" to his team. If he could not break the chain, then he remains in the opposing team. The team with only one player left loses. The choice is made according to the chant: The first group shouts in unison: - "Shackles!" The second answers her: - “Shackled! Unleash us!" The first, in chorus: - “Which of us?” The second group, after conferring, chooses one of the first group and calls his name.


"Edible - inedible"

Up to 3 people can play. The game requires a medium-sized ball. The players sit or stand in a row, and the leader throws the ball to them one by one, while naming a word. The task of the players is to catch the ball if what the host called is edible, or throw it back if it is inedible. The one who made a mistake changes places with the leader.

Simon says...

This game is more suitable for preschoolers and younger students. Play it in a group with a leader. The host says: "Simon says ..." and then calls some action, for example: "jump on one leg." After that, the players must perform this action. If the facilitator calls the action without preliminary words "Simon says", then the players should notice this, do not perform the action, but tell the facilitator: "Simon did not say." The one who misses the catch becomes the leader himself or leaves the game until the next round.



To play dodgeball, you need a fairly spacious flat area and a medium-sized ball. You can play it from three people, but it is much more interesting to play with a large company. Then it is much more difficult to dodge the ball, and especially cunning ones can hide behind companions. If there are too many people who want to play, you can split into teams. "Bouncers" stand on both sides, the distance between them is determined by agreement. "Knocked out" stand in the center. The essence of the game is to knock everyone out of the center with the ball. "Knocked out" goes out and waits for the end of the game. You can catch "candles" (especially highly thrown ball), which give an extra "life" or even a few. The number of "lives" is determined either by the bouncer by shouting a number before throwing, for example: "three candles", or by counting aloud from the moment of throwing until the ball is caught. The one who caught the "candle" can use the "lives" for himself when he is knocked out, or use them to return the knocked out player. When the last player remains, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If he succeeds, then the whole team comes back. If not, the teams change places.


This game requires a flat area that can be divided into four parts, and a soccer ball. The game is designed for four (according to the number of playing fields) people, but you can also play together, then each player plays on two quarters. If there are more people who want to play "squares", then two can play on the same field. Before the game, it is agreed how many points the game will last. The one with the fewest points wins. Players serve the ball to the opponent in such a way that he can hit it. If the ball hits the ground more than once, then the owner of the territory scores a point. If, after touching the player, the ball again falls on his square or out of bounds, then the player counts a point. In the case when the ball hits the line after the serve, the players shout "Line!" and play a dropped ball - from a reset to the middle, as at the beginning of the game. Various tricks:

  • "quiet" - are dropped slightly so that after serving the ball has time to hit the opponent's territory more than once before he could reach him;
  • “twisted” - when the thrower twists the ball so that after the impact it is difficult to guess in which direction the ball will bounce;
  • “on the head” - when the leader drops the ball strongly, so that it is difficult to beat it off with your feet and you have to hit it with your head (in this case, there is a danger of throwing the ball over the border of the entire area and earning an extra point).

Cossack robbers

This is perhaps the most exciting backyard game of all time. Its options are numerous. If you yourself played "Cossacks" as a child, then you will probably be able to tell your child about them with all the details, vivid examples and funny episodes. This is how they played in our backyard. Two teams - each of 3-5 people (or more) - threw lots. The winners became robbers. The losers, respectively, are the Cossacks. The purpose of the robbers is to scatter and hide from the Cossacks. They must find all the robbers, catch up with them and bring them to their headquarters. The territory of the game, as a rule, was not limited to the courtyard, but how far one could run away was agreed in advance. Before starting the game, the Cossacks go to their headquarters and mark the time. In 10-15 minutes, the robbers must run away. Along their entire route, they leave marks - arrows with chalk, suggestive notes, thanks to which the Cossacks can find them. It is not forbidden to confuse traces, divide into groups, use camouflage, surveillance and other "military tricks". Seniors and toddlers can play together. It is impossible to think of a better school of nobility and mutual assistance.


Any playground is suitable for this game - trampled down earthen or asphalted. A rectangle is drawn with a width of 1 m and a length of 2-2.5 m. The rectangle is divided into several classes by transverse lines. Players agree on who will play for whom. The "tool" of the game is a flat heavy object. In our childhood, it was a stone or a tin box the size of a puck, for example, from shoe cream, stuffed with pebbles. The first player stands in front of the front line and throws a pebble into the nearest quadrangle - the “class”. Then he jumps on one leg into the first class, kicks a pebble out of the large rectangle with his foot and jumps back over the line. He throws a pebble into the second class, jumps up to it (in each class - one jump) and also knocks it out. The game continues until one of the players gets into the "house" (or "heaven") - this is the last "class". This can be done only by jumping on one foot over the "fire" - the "class" that precedes the "house". In the "house" you can stand on both feet. If the pebble goes to the wrong class, or falls on the line, or the player steps on the line with his foot, the turn passes to the next player.

Tea-tea, help me out

The principle of the game is the same as in the "tags": you need to catch up. But the driver is alone throughout the whole con (round). If there are a lot of players, then you can choose two or three drivers. The one who was taunted stops in one place, spreads his arms to the sides and repeats the words "Tea-tea, help me out." Other players, if they wish, can take a chance and help out the stingy one by touching him with their hand. In this case, he returns to the game. But the rescuer also runs the risk of being tagged, because the driver, as a rule, does not go far from the tagged. The game ends when the driver taunts everyone. The new "water" is chosen by counting or by lot.

With the help of a counting rhyme or lot, water (leader) is selected. All players line up in one line, 20 meters from him. The water turns its back to them, facing a wall, pole, column or other object that marks the boundary of the playing area. Water loudly pronounces the words: “You go quieter - you will continue. Stop” and abruptly turns to face the players. As he speaks, the players run towards him. But as soon as the word “Stop” is spoken, they should stop and freeze. If at the moment when the driver turned, one of the players continued to move, the water sends him back to the reference line. For a few more seconds, the water looks at the players. If during this time one of them moves, he is also sent back. The water turns back again and says the same words. It is clear that it is necessary to speak as quickly as possible so that the players do not have time to run to the driver during this time. Because the game ends when the fastest and most dexterous hand touches the water. In this case, he himself takes his place, and the game is repeated from the beginning. However, the faster you move towards the driver, the more difficult it is to stop and freeze in time.


The players are divided into pairs and line up in pairs in a column one after another, raise their closed hands and thus form a long gate-corridor. The number of players must be odd. The one left without a partner stands at the end of the column, moves under the gate with eyes closed and randomly takes one of the players by the hand. The resulting couple moves along the corridor to the end and stands in front of the column, also holding hands and raising them up. If a player of the same gender was chosen, then, while the couple is moving along the corridor, they are lightly and jokingly beaten on the back by everyone who stands in the column. The player whose pair was taken away leaves the column, runs to its end, closes his eyes and also walks along the corridor, choosing a pair for himself, without waiting for the previous pair to stand in front. The game should be fast and dynamic. This continues until you get bored. It is good if the game is accompanied by cheerful music. Although she is already very noisy and perky. Helps to keep warm in the cold season. Of course, this is not all. Surely, you yourself played in your childhood in “The Sea is Worried”, “Blind Man's Buff”, “Third Extra”, “Banks”, “Cats and Mice”, “Forfeits”, “Weak?” ... We jumped over rubber bands, skipping ropes, through the ball, hitting it against the wall ... But you never know the games! Each yard has its own options, rules, laws. And the most important of them is justice.

In its pure form, a game of simplified hide and seek is rare. Usually, they smoothly switch to "simplified" after a game of hide-and-seek ordinary. The main and very important differences between simplified hide-and-seek and ordinary ones are that:

  • Firstly, the driver, which is called direct text, is always informed in advance: "we will hide there." That is, the driver always immediately knows where they hid from him.
  • Secondly, this “there” is always the same and rarely, rarely changes.

In the case of our yard, the driver was informed: “we are behind the shell!” (“shell” - we had such a metal courtyard stage and rows of open-air benches in front of it). Where they were warned, everyone was always there.

This is the third difference - everyone is hiding in the same place with the whole company. Two things are important - the first: the place where you need to hide should be large, able to hide 10 people, that is, all players at once. The second - should be far from the “kon” (the place where the driver counts to the agreed number and where you need to run to “cross out”). We had about 100 meters, or even more, between the shelter and the horse.

The gameplay is simple. They told the driver: “We are there!”, The driver counts up to ..., and the players run “for the shell”. Someone does not have time to run - and being caught "on the run" immediately loses, and those who are lucky enough to run - that's what they are happy about.

Heart-rending screams from behind the "shell", terrible kicks on its iron surface, the players lure the driver. You can exchange T-shirts and “accidentally” stick out a part of the body from behind the shelter, if the driver makes a mistake (and he makes a mistake, since the distance is large) and “checks” the wrong person who was sticking out, then it will turn out: “markers-revealers!” and the game will restart. If not, then the driver should eventually almost get to the shelter, “distract”, but at the same time carefully monitor whether one of the players will lose their nerves and whether he (or even the whole crowd) will rush to run to cross out ... and immediately rush to the horse yourself! Run far, the terrain is very rugged (a whole yard with all the swings, sandboxes and other things on the way) - so it's very reckless. By the way, if it is the crowd that is running, and not one player, then a bunch of players, when escaping, may well begin to interfere with the driver. It can grab a T-shirt, it can not let itself be overtaken in a crowd, and it can do a lot of other things ... “Simplified hide and seek” is good game for little minimalists and brutalists.


There are many variations of this game, but two were especially popular in my childhood:

  • Eights and Tens
  • "Eights"

A table of 2 columns is drawn on the asphalt, 4 squares in each. To make it even, we measured the size of the cages with our feet in childhood: each was the size of 2 girlish sandals of about 30-32 sizes. Numbers from 1 to 8 are written in the squares. Now you need a cue ball. In our childhood, its role was played by a flat shoe shoe box stuffed with earth. A good, comfortable cue ball was a great treasure, it was very treasured, and if given as a gift, it was a royal gift, especially if the box was elegant, "foreign". They take turns jumping. First, they throw the cue ball on the first cell and, pushing it with their foot, drive it from cell to cell and jump after it on one leg. On the fifth cell you can rest. The main thing is not to stumble and not to touch the line with the cue ball or foot. Then exit the game and start over after all. If you successfully jumped all the squares, on the next turn you throw the cue ball on the second square, and so on. Who successfully passed the first round - moved to the second, who blundered - became a spectator. From the second round, all sorts of tricks began: it was necessary to either jump in each cell twice, then jump, always stepping on the line, then jumping over all the odd squares, then back to front, then with eyes closed.


On the pavement, a table of 3x3 squares is drawn and one on top in the middle. Numbers are written on them, but not in order, but out of order, as necessary (although, I remember, there were some classic options). You need to jump from cage to cage with two legs, as we used to say, "bunny". The trick was that it was impossible to cross, and sometimes you had to jump on your face, sometimes on your side, and sometimes on your back. It is curious that, if the “eights” were played almost exclusively by girls, then the “Tens” were also played by boys.

Another kind of "classes". A circle with a diameter of a little more than a meter is drawn on the ground. In the center of it is a small circle so that you can stand. The space between the large and small circle is divided into 10 sectors, in which numbers from 0 to 9 are written. One of the players stands in the center of the circle, and one of the others calls any number, one-digit or two-digit, and the driver must jump so that his legs were on the right numbers, while not hitting the line. In a simplified version of the game, you can turn around in search of the desired numbers. "Aces" jump immediately without aiming. As you can see, this game not only perfectly develops coordination of movements, but also mathematical skills.


With the help of an ordinary linen gum, we arranged real many-hour competitions in childhood. Now the girls, it seems, also play rubber bands, but somehow sluggishly, without fiction. In our country, it was considered a matter of honor to perform not only in the "obligatory", but also in the "free" program - each inhabitant of our yard had several signature exercises, which could be copied only with the permission of the author. For those who forgot or did not know, I will remind the basic rules. A linen elastic about 2.5 meters long is rolled into a ring and tightly tied. Two participants in the game hook it on their legs, and the rest take turns jumping over it, trying not to get caught. If they played together, they hit some kind of fence or drainpipe to catch on. The simplest thing is to just jump with both feet, first over the first rubber band, then over the second one. Then more tricky combinations followed, when it was required to get out of complex weaves with a graceful jump and even land, for example, between rubber bands. After all the specified exercises are completed, the elastic band rises to the level of the knees, then under the ass, and finally to the waist. All exercises are repeated each time. Until you complete everything without errors at one level, you can not move on to the next. After the first cycle, others followed: when the elastic band was put on one leg, so that a narrow “ruler” was obtained, then the legs were spread to an incredible width, then they made a “carrot” one end of which was narrow and the other wide. The rules were very complex and sophisticated, they had to be strictly observed, otherwise there was a "disqualification" - sometimes - for a whole season. Speaking in our children's language, simply no one wanted to "hang out" with those who "cheated". This game, in principle, was considered exclusively girlish, but sometimes boys also joined us, but, I must say, they almost never could outplay us.


Somehow, I associate Knives directly with "Clock" - apparently due to the fact that for this game they also drew a circle, however, a larger one on the ground. Although they played this game, for some reason, mostly boys (there were, however, exceptions). The circle was divided into sectors according to the number of participants (as a rule, no more than 4). Each player took turns throwing a penknife into the ground with its tip (often it was replaced with a trihedral file). From the place where the knife stuck, you had to draw a line as far as you could reach. The land "cut off" in this way was attached to their possessions. By the end of the game, the leader became the owner of vast territories, and the defeated became his tributaries. This game perfectly develops the eye, coordination of movements, tactical and analytical skills. True, given that the main tool of the game is a knife, children under the age of six are hardly worth playing it even under the supervision of adults. Although, if you play on very soft ground or damp sand, you can take a very blunt, table knife.


Another game that, for unknown reasons, has a reputation for being "boyish". Ten small pebbles were lined up on the ground in a row (sometimes they were replaced by balls). A hole was dug at a distance of 20-30 cm from them. With the help of a special pebble, a bit, it was necessary to drive as many pebbles as possible into the hole. There was another version of the game, called, for some reason, "Chapaev": the opponents lined up pebbles in two rows against each other and knocked down the opponent's pebbles with a click. Successfully shot down the winner took away.


There were a lot of group ball games. But the most popular were "bouncers" and a game with the mysterious name "shtander".


In this exciting fun game we "cut" for hours on long idle evenings at the beginning of summer, until we went to dachas and camps. Any number of people can play it. One team becomes the center. She is surrounded, divided into two halves, the remaining. They are "around". Those who are outside the circle throw the ball to each other, trying to "knock out" as many people as possible in the circle. And they, accordingly, dodge as best they can. If someone in the circle managed to catch the ball flying at him, the team receives a "candle" - a point that allows the previously knocked out player to return to the circle. After everyone is "knocked out", the teams change places.


The mysterious word "shtander" intrigued by its absolute incomprehensibility. When, as an adult, I learned that it comes from the German Stainder (stand), I must say, I was very disappointed: the etymology of this spell turned out to be too prosaic, ringing over the poplars of our yard from early spring to late autumn. For the game you need a ball, a small, not too hard ball. The players gather in a tight circle and someone throws the ball high up, calling the name of one of the children. (Well, for example, "Vanya!"). Since then, he has been driving. While the ball is in the air, everyone scatters, but not too far: if Vanya caught the ball from the summer, he is no longer driving; throwing the ball, he calls out a new driver, of course, the one who ran the farthest and who therefore has little chance of catching the ball on the fly. If the ball is not caught, but picked up from the ground, then as soon as it is in the hands of the driver, he shouts:

- Shtander!

Everyone stops and freezes. The driver tries to hit someone with the ball from the place where the ball was picked up. Hit - assigned, will drive salted. Missed - drive again! In both cases, everyone again runs into a bunch, the ball is thrown up again and the name of the greasy or unlucky driver is shouted out. It happens that the one who is saluted catches the ball. In this case, he immediately salutes the ball or the driver, or any of the players - who will be closer to him.

"3-15". This is the title. An arbitrary (up to 10 people, usually) group becomes a circle. I do not remember how the choice of the first was carried out. The chosen one had to step on the foot of the neighbor on the left in one jump. He had the right to jump back - also only once. Missing the "offensive" out of the game. Yeah, I remembered the detail: the name came from the starting moment - everyone first got into a bunch and, according to the chorus pronounced signal "three-fifteen-first" - jumped out once as far as possible from the center.

"Chu". In general, I did not meet more mentions, even at evenings of childhood memories across the country. Difficult game for money. I watched from the side, so I don’t remember the exact rules. The main detail - the coins put on the line had to be tossed up with one palm, catching them on the back of the hand. Those who fell were considered lost by the player. It seems that there was a complex set of movements (it was necessary to throw up / catch several times), which had to be done to win.

"Chapaev" and its variety "Alexander Nevsky". Two rows of checkers lined up on the checkerboard, "shooting" with which it was necessary to knock the opponent's checkers off the board. There was a long list of formations (infantry, cavalry, towers, tanks) that I can hardly remember.

Nevsky - it was a very interesting variation, where coins played the role of checkers, and boards - a school table without a fence. It is easy to see that the weight of the bet coins influenced the probability of victory - it was easier to knock out a light one with a heavy coin - but art played no less a role.

"rubber arrows" - guns and pistols of the type of crossbow, made on the basis of "Hungarian" - a thin elastic band, in one or two layers. A weapon stock was made with a cut about a centimeter deep, at the end of which two nails were driven in, into which a rubber band was fastened. The bullets were one and a half to two centimeter pieces of aluminum wire 1 mm in diameter, bent in half - a stretched tape clung to them. Triggers were very different - from the simplest (a clothespin sawn in half) to complex wire structures, which I will not undertake to repeat now. There was also a "simplified" version - "pens", where the bullets were just pieces of this gum (two or three cm long), twisted overlapping on the stem of a ballpoint pen and held with the thumb. Released, flew far enough and hit painfully

"music king" The presenter thought of a letter, the rest had to remember the "title of the song" for this letter. If you remember, you can pass, otherwise you had to run past the leader to the other side, and he tried to catch him. If he caught, he became the leader. I also remember "nine dozens" - a game with a ball and a wall. Girls usually play. Several people took turns doing exercises with the ball.

  • 10 times - against the wall and catch.
  • 9 times - against the wall, the ground - to catch.
  • 8 times with the bottom hand.

It was also through the leg, through the head, etc.) The most difficult thing is 1 time - throw it against the wall, quickly turn around and catch it. After the passage of the cycle - the same thing, but with a slam (thrown - clapped his hands - caught). Whoever did not succeed, passed the ball to the next one, and then (after receiving the move) he started from the number where it did not work out, or from the beginning of the cycle - depending on how they agreed. Particularly skilled players continued the cycle with two claps, stomps, turns, closed eyes, etc.

"Table soccer". Two people play on a flat, smooth, hard surface (a desk, a wide window sill, in principle it is possible on the floor - but it's dirty). The boundaries of the field and the gates were marked into which, of course, it was necessary to drive the ball. The ball was a dry paper ball. He moved in this way. Fold your palm slightly "house" and put on the table. A gap is formed near the nail of the thumb - like "the entrance to the house". If you now slap the palm of your hand on the table near the ball, a trickle of compressed air will escape from this gap, which moves the ball across the field. The force of the blow can vary the range of the "kick". The game at one time was terribly popular, although it was very "traumatic" - you could hit your palm on the table. Due to the understandable noise, they played it mainly at breaks or after school.

Racing or Rally. An arbitrary track was drawn on a sheet in a cell - a corridor of variable width (somewhere narrower, somewhere wider - but in general the width depended on the number of players) without reference to the cells. On the "Start" with an interval of one cell, multi-colored dots were placed - cars. They take turns. The next player counted a certain number of cells and indicated the new position of his car with a dot (initially, they drew a straight line - a track, but it was very difficult to erase it later, which excluded the reuse of the track). This very number of cells was considered the current speed of the machine. The speed was from 0 to 6 cells. Moreover, it changed smoothly - by one step. For example, if a player went at a speed of 4, then the next move he can go at a speed of either 3 or 5, and you can walk in any of the eight directions but strictly straight within one move, on the next move the direction can be changed. The car standing at the start gradually "accelerated" (the first move - naturally, 1 cell; the second - two, etc.) and all the art consisted in a smooth change in speed to pass intricate turns and narrow necks. If it was not possible to slow down in time, the car ended up outside the track and had to accelerate again from the “departure” point. Similarly, they acted in the event of a "collision" of two or more cars.

"dimensionless tic-tac-toe". The task is to line up 4 or 5, I don’t remember already, crosses in a row - horizontally, vertically, and, in especially perverted versions, diagonally. Entire double notebook sheets were covered with this game, the game lasted for several days with equal strength of the opponent, the sheets were saved and brought with them. Then they could be left to yourself to study strategies.

"Dots" The rules are as follows: They play with pens of different colors (or a pen and a pencil, or one puts dots, the other crosses). Each move you can put one point. The task is to surround and circle the enemy's points. Who surrounded more, he won

Cossacks - robbers "is also a wonderful game: they were divided into 2 teams and looked for each other. Tired of running and jumping in the yard - they sat on a bench, played Fanta, Ring, Paints ... And how interestingly, we played the store: leaves - "money", sticks - "pasta", grass - vegetables and fruits ... And nothing, they played!

And the "Secrets" that were buried in the ground under glass?! Do you remember what and why you hid? It was a game, a fantasy! Do you remember the evening entertainment of adults - "Lotto": they played for money, they won. Not like today, each in his own fortress, behind seven castles ...

In "Bitu-bank". A brick is taken, an empty metal can of condensed milk (stew) is placed on it. From the bank (as in the game "classics") 5 strips are made with chalk: The strip farthest from the target is 20 points, the next one is 40 points, then 60 and so on up to 100 points. Each child chooses a good stick for himself. With this stick, the can is knocked off the brick (by the way, the one who knocked the can down must run after it and put it in its place, i.e. on the brick). Knocked down a can, earned 20 points, moved one line closer to the target. From the last 100 point line, which is located almost close to the target, a jar is knocked down from a brick with a stick, holding it with both hands like a rolling pin. And so you can play indefinitely, because in this game there are no "dropping out" and "waiting": one of the guys quickly goes through all the strips and again returns to the 1st (counting their points), and someone can freeze and on the 1st, or on the 4th ... At the end of the game, each child has his own number of points earned. But each time, the one who is on the furthest line from the target hits first. The only thing to follow (teach them !!!) is that you don’t have to run after your stick until all the kids throw theirs - otherwise you can get hit.

Are you going to the ball? The conditions of the game are contained in the rhyme with which it begins:

"Don't wear black and white, don't say yes and no, don't make sponges with a bow, don't bend your nose with a hook ... Will you go to the ball?"

The host's goal is to confuse the player and force them to break the terms. The goal of the player is to survive as long as possible. Let's explain each line of conditions:

"Do not wear black and white" - clothes, vehicles, walls, paintings, carpets - everything that is told about should not contain black or white details. Inexperienced players are very easily caught in this contrast:

You will probably be wearing wonderful blue shoes embroidered with white pearls? - No, my shoes will be black! - two conditions are violated at once: the black color is named and the word "no" is pronounced.

"Yes" and "no" do not say "- these words can only be said to the host. The player cannot pronounce them. The shortest game:

Are you going to the ball? - I'll go. - You, of course, will smile there? - No, I will not! - the forbidden word is spoken. :)

"Do not make lips with a bow" - we agreed that it is impossible to smile and be capricious.

“Do not bend your nose with a hook” - here we are talking about a masquerade ball: you can be in the costume of Baba Yaga, but when the presenter declares that you have lost, you must prove that your costume will have a neat and pretty nose (when protesting, do not forget : "no" can not be said!).

Try it, in this game it is equally interesting to be both the leader and the player!

The first player writes any letter. The second writes a letter before or after it. And so on. Whoever gets the word (noun in the singular), he lost.

But you can’t write such letters with which initially nothing worthwhile will work out. For example, several consonants or vowels in a row. The goal of the game is to lead the opponent to putting a letter, he gets the word. It is very interesting to substitute another player. The game provides a good opportunity to move your brain.

Catch-ups-cutters We came up with such a game with the guys. It requires 2 spools of thread or very long threads in two colors (preferably blue and red). We choose a leader. A thread is tied to everyone’s hand in a conspicuous place, but the knot is not tightly tightened. Boys and girls are different colors.

The task is to catch up with any person and break the thread from him. The difficulty is that the one who is caught can also pluck the thread from the hand of the plucker. Whoever has the thread torn off, he goes to the leader.

In the end, there are two winners: the one with the most broken threads, and the one who lasted the longest.


An ordinary matchbox (can be replaced with another small everyday item) is the main participant. Everyone goes out the door. The driver "hides" the boxes - puts it in a conspicuous place, but so that it does not immediately catch the eye (for example, at the leg of a chair, on dad's slippers, on a bookshelf ...). The main thing is that you can’t really hide it, cover it with something, shove it somewhere. It should be visible... but not immediately. Everyone enters, wanders around the room, carefully peering into the situation. The one who notices the boxes, without giving signs that he saw him, goes (or quickly runs with someone to the distillation, as it happens) and sits on the sofa (or a row of chairs). This place is specially allocated for the discovered boxes. And sits and watches the others. Don't suggest! Everyone immediately becomes very animated: where did he go? Where did you look? Where did you find it? The next person who discovers the box sits down on the sofa there. And so on, until everyone is found. The first one to find the box becomes the driver and hides it in the next game. If someone cannot find the boxes for a long time, then so that everyone does not get bored, you can help him, like "hot-cold". And if someone has never been a driver, then he must be appointed as such at least once so that he is not upset.


This is a game in which everyone gets prizes. It can be carried out as final game, where everyone receives gifts at the end of the holiday, or somehow used in a series of contests. A rope is stretched across the room. Prizes are hung on it according to the number of birthday participants (calendar cards, pens, stickers, Christmas decorations, if the case is under New Year, and other amusing gizmos, dear to a child's heart). The main thing is that they are approximately equivalent. The prizes are wrapped in colored paper, so you can't tell what's inside. While preparations are underway, everyone is trying to guess what is wrapped up there and "aiming" for "their" prize. The sequence is determined either by previous competitions, or by lot, or by agreement. The applicant is blindfolded, untwisted once, given scissors in his hands, and he walks towards the rope; finds his prize by touch and cuts it off. Everyone here is impatient: what's inside? With bated breath, the baby unfolds the package. Then everyone wants to cut their prize too. Very funny! You can use cutters to distribute forfeits or some numbers, but with prizes, of course, it's more fun.


The meaning of the game is simple. A ring is taken, we wove it from wires, or you can use jewelry and any small thing (button, wand, etc.). The most important thing is that it fits in children's hands, and it is not visible. The palms are made like a boat for both the leader and the players. The leader is standing, the participants in the game are either sitting or standing in one row. The leader has a ring in his palms. He goes through everyone and puts a ring on someone (the palms should remain like a boat). I completely forgot to say that the players should have their eyes closed, it’s better, it’s not known who has a ring. After the ring is laid, you can still walk over the palms to confuse everyone. Then the host allows you to open your eyes and says: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch." The one with the ring must have time to run out or at least get up, and the rest of the participants in the game delay him. If the child with the ring managed to get out, then he leads the next horse. I hope everyone remembers the game!


When I remember how many boots and shoes we erased by jumping into rubber bands. How fun it was! Now girls don’t jump like that, but we had whole tournaments, between classes, yard competitions.

Inventory: an ordinary elastic band 2-3 meters long. Venue: gym, outdoor area. Minimum number of players: 2-4. At least two people participate, but three are better (so that the rubber band is not pulled over stumps, etc.). Type: team, individual. The game develops coordination, endurance, jumping ability, imagination.

An ordinary linen elastic band is used, tied at the ends into a ring. The rubber band is stretched between the legs of two players (they were called "columns", boys often played this role), the third performs jumps. They usually play in threes or fours. If less, then use any available means (stump, fence, pole), pulling the rubber band between them. There are six heights - levels of difficulty: when the elastic is pulled over the "columns" to the ankle, knee, thigh, waist, chest, neck. Purpose of the game: as with jumping rope, perform a certain combination of jumps. A player who has correctly completed a combination at one height moves to another. In case of an error, it changes places with the "column".

When playing with three people, everyone plays for himself, with four - two teams. They jump until they make a mistake. The game starts with the simplest jumps and gradually becomes more difficult. Each combination of jumps is practiced at all heights. The number of jumps is determined by the age of the participants by the number of years. Each figure in the combination has its own name: "pencil", "birch", "tyapy", "candy", etc.

The combination might look like this:

  • both legs on the outer sides of the rubber bands,
  • jump inside rubber bands,
  • rearrange one leg so that one rubber band is between the legs (one leg is inside the rubber bands, the second is on the outside),
  • jump over so that the second rubber band is between the legs (now the other leg is inside the rubber bands),
  • jump out.


2-3 people play. They take a piece of paper, and the one who starts writes some character at the top, for example: Baba Yaga, Vovochka, a dog ... Then he folds the sheet so that the inscription is not visible, passes it to the next player and asks some kind of question (" Where did you go?, "When?", "How much?"...), but the question should fit in. The second player writes the answer below (in full, for example, not "to the park", but "went to the park"), bends sheet, passes it to the next player and also asks a suitable question ("Why?", "How many times?"...), he writes the answer, and so on. free space, you can unfold, read and laugh!

And in the "bank" - A gate is drawn on the wall, one goalkeeper, the rest are trying to score. You can score only from someone else's canopy ("bank"). He scored from the ground or from his canopy, made more than one touch - stood at the gate. Usually up to 5 "cans". The last one to be eliminated by the rest is given a penalty until a miss. Then those who have taken off are put in cancer with an emphasis on the goal and the number of penalties scored makes their way to the asses.

In "kombat". They hung a bungee under the bridge, put the driver ("battalion commander") on it, and jumped from the railing in turn. It turned out a stack of hanging. Whoever unhooked first and touched the ground is the next battalion commander. If the battalion commander feels that right now a pile hanging on him will crush his balls, he stops the game and leads on a new one.

In tanks with a knife. Only the knife (folding) should be bent at 90 degrees. He sticks himself in the sand and throws himself by the handle. Depending on how it stuck, whether the pen touches the sand, the angle is a certain unit.

Earth, water, fire, air

The players stand in a circle, in the middle of it stands the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words: earth, water, air, fire. If the driver said the word "land", then the one who caught the ball should quickly name any domestic or wild animal. The player responds to the word "water" with the name of a fish. On the word "air" - the name of the birds. At the word "fire," everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. The one who errs leaves the circle.

hot ball

The players stand in a circle, the leader becomes his back to the players outside the circle. At the signal of the leader, the players pass the ball to each other (for example, clockwise). Suddenly, the leader says: "Stop!" Whoever has the ball at that moment is out of the game. Finally, only two players remain. They stand in front of each other and, on a signal, as before, begin to quickly pass the ball to each other. When the host says: "Stop!", The ball will be in the hands of one of the players. In this case, it is considered that the second won. The game trains attention and speed of movements.

Nonsense with drawings

To calm the kids, we play this game in rows. On the top of the piece of paper, each player behind the first desk draws the head and neck of any creature - a person, a bird, an animal, and so on. The edge of the sheet is bent so that part of the neck is visible. The players pass the leaves to their neighbor on the desk, he needs to continue the drawing - to add a torso to the neck. The paper is folded so that the lower edge of the body is visible. To this edge, after the exchange of leaves, you need to finish the legs and tail. And now unfold the drawings and admire the resulting "masterpieces"!

Now let's remember what we did in the yards, between homework, music school and "good night, kids."

It is clear that there were bicycles, badminton and football ... But now you will not surprise anyone with this. But the forgotten yard fun is worth a separate mention. Especially those that were not particularly approved by their parents and caused curses from the neighbors. And then they brought to the district police officer ...

Karta-abla and company

To begin with, it was necessary to raise capital, that is, to have at least a small collection game currency- inserts from chewing gum, caps, ingots, stickers. The game itself was not to say very highly intellectual. For example, chewing gum inserts were stacked face down, and the stack had to be hit with the palm of your hand. Those earbuds that turned over became yours. Similarly, they cut into caps - round bright chips with a variety of cartoon and computer evil spirits - only they threw a pile on the asphalt. Battles with all kinds of caps, corks, ingots, acres and other trash attributes of that era were lined up almost according to the same scheme.

Each player had his own tactics and his own know-how; in the evenings, many hours of training took place on the linoleum - the movements had to be strictly honed, mathematically correct and psychologically oppressive to the opponent. Naturally, in every yard there was a lucky man (read: cheater), who turned all the liners over with one movement of his sweaty palm or won all the chips with one blow on the asphalt. In the courtyard they hated such people, but on the sly they envied and silently respected them.


It will be strictly about self-made authentic devices.
Such slingshots were of two types: classic and keyed. The classic ones were made from a thick Y-shaped branch, there was a gray tourniquet (for example, in a pharmacy), a piece of skin was poked somewhere, and the whole structure was fixed with electrical tape or copper wire (blue electrical tape - there is nothing more feng shui!). Anything could be fired from such a weapon, but stones were the best and most traumatic. Well, of course, through the windows!

It was easier to make a keyed slingshot, but its life was also short. All I had to do was find a thick braided aluminum wire in a landfill and - at home - an elastic band from my underpants. The charges for this subspecies of yard weapons were dowels - bent pieces of wire. The weapon did not have a special destructive power, but the cats were not badly scared, and in the war it was possible to charge the enemy robustly between the eyes.


Well, in general, you already understood where the name of this entertainment came from. During the times of stagnation and perestroika, the sikalka perfectly replaced water pistols, which were expensive, and disposable syringes, which were not.

This melee weapon was made like two fingers: they took an empty bottle of shampoo, bleach, or any soft container with a cork. With a red-hot nail, a hole in the cork was widened and the top of an ordinary ballpoint pen was soldered there. For fidelity, it was still possible to seal with mastic or plasticine. Well, they chased each other around the yard. So what? Water battles a la Tsushima, only without the Japanese.


In the absence of real ones, darts were made from improvised materials: paper, matches, needle, glue and thread. Such darts flew quite well and even stuck. Particularly high scores for aerodynamics were received by devices with pigeon feathers.
On the carpet (which certainly hung on the wall - in best traditions muligambii) a "target" from a notebook sheet was hung up, and the game began.

Of course, they also played war games with darts. They were the instruments of revenge and - sometimes - the decisive word in the eternal dispute "who is the circle on the bike."


Soviet Kulibins figured out how to make a boomerang in conditions of total shortage. In the late 80s, nothing like this was ever sold, and the punks simply took two ordinary wooden rulers and electrical tape, and over the steam, with patience and skill, the blades could be slightly twisted. Such a boomerang was clearly to scare the birds. Or similar ones, but younger.

Crossbow (pugach)

This weapon was made in 10 minutes from a clothespin, thread and a match.

Instead of a match, it was possible to take a needle inserted with an eye into a piece of a match. Such a dart not only pierced cardboard perfectly, but stuck into a person just as well.


An integral attribute in the yard and the number one device at school breaks (yes, to be honest, and in the classroom too ... no - especially in the classroom!) Was a tube from which you could spit at enemies and girls.

Harkalka. You could spit with anything, including a natural product of your own production, but the same plasticine flew into girlish curls with particular relish. It was very difficult to get such a pipe, and its owners boldly added 50 points to their skills. Of course, one could simply remove the rod from a ballpoint pen and spit, but this was a purely proletarian option. It was necessary to spit strictly from spitting.


In general, it is worth immediately dwelling on such an important thing as ordinary plasticine.

There was a little more than a fig in every house, because it: a) was cheap, and b) was considered the third most important source of creativity (after paints and colored pencils). In fact, resourceful Soviet boys used it for such near-creative things as:

Forgery of stamps on movie tickets
manufacturing of especially powerful projectiles for shooting from slingshots and slingshots
throwing mashed and maximally colored shells into the hair of the girls or boys they liked (I remember my mother had to somehow hear from the teacher, and I was far from the injured party of the plasticine battle)
plugging the exhaust pipe to a neighbor, Uncle Kolya.
covering up the peephole and the lock on Uncle Borya's neighbor's door
weighting shuttlecock in badminton, etc.


Specifically, homemade bombs. In fact, these were explosive packages either from red lead and silver, or from magnesium and potassium permanganate. Serebryanka is quite an ordinary paint, so it was painlessly in a household or art store. Potassium permanganate was bought in pharmacies. Minium was mined from batteries, magnesium - most often by vandalism, i.e. just breaking off pieces from everything that catches your eye. Then these ingredients had to be crushed.
For the manufacture of the mixture, experience was needed and, importantly, compliance with safety regulations. If on a test drive after the sample ignited, a "bunny" was furious in the eyes for a long time - the mixture is approx. Otherwise - for revision.

The simplest explosives are stones covered with an infernal mixture, stuffed into polyethylene, tied tightly with electrical tape. The punks excelled as best they could. Instead of bags, they used balls, empty cans, siphons. The more destructive the better. The dumber, the tougher. The most important thing was to have time to be at a safe distance from the explosion, but at the same time "to look at it like it shied away."


There were countless of them. Each district of the city contributed to this multi-volume encyclopedia of courtyard wisdom. But the most popular and simplest were chimneys using a certain type of plastic. A broken ping-pong ball or pieces of a plastic tumbler were wrapped in foil.

We set fire, move away, look, extinguish, stink. Based on these options, with the addition of ingredients and devices such as sparklers, it was possible to get a chimney that not only smokes, but also beautifully throws a fountain of smoke to a height of 2-3 meters! One of the most simple ways have fun - throw a couple of pieces of slate into the fire. It doesn't smoke much, but it shoots like that. in pieces.


Everything here is for beginners. The dowel was driven into the asphalt, taken out, and sulfur from matches was crushed into the resulting hole. From above, the dowel was tightly inserted again and a stone was thrown from above. The explosion caused a sea of ​​primitive emotions, and the hole expanded to 4 cm in diameter, turning the asphalt inside out. There was a version of a flying firecracker - from a plastic bag, 2 bolts, 1 nut for bolt threads and, of course, sulfur from matches as the most accessible explosive material. The explosive package was thrown vertically up or against the wall. A box of matches at that time cost 1 kopeck.


Remember the pebbles with a specific smell, bubbling in the water? Caring gas welders shook out the carbide from the cylinders, and the kids found and had fun. Calcium carbide is remarkable in that it burns well, and when combined with water, it releases gas. They simply threw it into a puddle, setting it on fire, and warmed their hands, squeezing the carbide in a palm immersed in a puddle, and thrust it into water bottles, plugging it with a cork ... Found carbide meant several hours of fun. And sometimes a whole day of traumatic experiments.

Chemical-pharmaceutical fun, in general, was especially common, and long before the appearance of chemistry lessons in the schedule. Saltpeter, carbide, ammonia, sodium, dry alcohol, hydroperite tablets, analgin, potassium permanganate, glycerin were used ... For example, cool flying machines were obtained using ammonium nitrate, in which a newspaper was soaked, and then twisted and set on fire. Such a newspaper was thrust into a jar of hairspray, and the rocket rushed in an unknown, however, direction. Sometimes at the head, sometimes at Aunt Zoya's window from the ground floor. Or here's another, from the favorites: capacitors were taken out of a TV found in a landfill and placed on a lit tablet of dry alcohol. Or more simply - thrown into the fire. Figachilo just unrealistically beautiful. And if you grind a couple of tablets of hydroperite and analgin, then acrid smoke became the key to a disrupted lesson. Well, the classic: a mixture of iodine and ammonia. The resulting precipitate was filtered off with a blotter, cut out when wet, and dried. Now it was possible to put the infernal crystals under the leg of Marivanna's chair and wait quietly. And again a disrupted lesson and thunderous applause from classmates. Particularly fearless (they are also brainless) stuffed this sediment wet into the keyhole of the head teacher - in a successful scenario, the key flew into the stomach.

flatten everything

It was very fashionable to find the rails and put something on them before the approaching train - a nail, a coin, a fanta cover. If you're lucky, you get an original boy's souvenir or a game ingot.


Matches, although not a toy, were always at hand by the punks. There was, for example, such a popular pastime: you take a match, spit on the wall in the entrance and immediately spread white lime on the match; then you light a match and throw it at the ceiling. For those who were especially lucky, the match stuck and left an artistic black spot. Repeating the action several times, we got an abstract picture on the ceiling. Well, a slap from the parents, as a result of a misunderstanding of high art by the masses.


Every self-respecting kid had to have a folding knife in his pocket. Borrow from your brother, steal from your father, beg from your grandfather, but take it out into the yard and prove that you are a man. The knife was needed both for imaginary self-defense and for playing "knives". Varieties, again, a lot, but in general it was something like this. A field was drawn on the ground, divided into sections. Each occupied his own area. Then, while standing, it was necessary to stick a knife into the enemy’s area and thus gradually cut off piece by piece from his ground. Did not stick (“prearranged”) - the transition of the move. Well, then a bunch of rules and exceptions to them. Dangerous, but vital. The first political strategy, cho there.


In general, the bands of caps were intended for single shots from pestles. But it was too simple and unbearably boring, so a tape (or even several) of caps was taken and folded in a pile, for example, on a curb or, better, on a metal surface. To extract the maximum sound and get a magical smell, it was necessary to hit the caps hard with a stone or hammer.


Almost all of the above could be used simultaneously in this most popular yard game.

They played war games, breaking into two teams. Usually shared for the sake of the game itself, that is, spontaneously. And there were moments when the game reflected the real state of affairs in the yard and helped to finally find out who is cooler - the fifth house or the house nine building BE. Sometimes they pulled a match, which determined who would be for the Germans, and who - for "ours." The game made the most of the achievements of the Soviet toy industry, and self-made devices and gadgets. Soviet children imitated the battles of the Great Patriotic War with the help of any available means at hand - from expensive machine guns to wooden pistols made with a hacksaw and a rasp. Bows, crossbows with clothespins and rubber bands, buggies made of copper pipes, harkalki, sikalki, slingshots, bombs stuffed with magnesium and saltpeter, wooden swords made of boards, daggers, daggers, pneumatic guns from pumps from a large ...

Varieties of warfare was the game of Indians and "Cossack robbers." Girls were accepted into the game, but mostly as part-time nurses.


Elephants were played by two teams of approximately equal weight. One team - elephants - becomes a chain and each, bending over, hides his head in a neighbor. It is recommended to play in teams of five people. The players of the other team - riders - take turns jumping onto the construction of elephants from a run. They must not only fit, but also hold.

According to the logic of the game, the first jumper must make every effort and reach the head of the first elephant. The second is behind him, and so on. You can't move after landing. There are three options for the development of events: either one of the elephants can’t stand it and breaks the chain (elephants lose), or one of the riders flies by, falls, says a word, doesn’t jump at all (elephants win), or the elephants carry everyone sitting on them riders to the finish line (elephant victory). Silly, traumatic, not aesthetically pleasing, but a lot of fun.

Catching of living creatures

Even in Soviet times, children were prone to sadism and animal life. In the summer, the common entertainment of the young Nazis was catching flies, bees, beetles, lizards and then imprisoning them in matchboxes, cans, and bottles. Some released their pets whole after a couple of days, some conducted dismemberment experiments, especially perverted ones watched when and how the insect would die. The children.

Throwing at passers-by

We think this fun exists to this day. As children, we took bags, poured water into them, tied them up and threw ourselves from the balconies. It was considered cool to add potassium permanganate to the water and not get hit on the ears, remaining unrecognized by Zorro. The children of wealthy parents threw eggs, the children of hard workers - potatoes and tomatoes.


It was probably the most popular game. From the inventory, she did not require anything, except, in fact, the sif. Usually the sifah was a rag for wiping the board, and in the conditions of the yard - any garbage found in the garbage. The meaning of the game is to get a sipha into the body of a comrade. It was especially fun and humiliating to get somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face. The victim is publicly declared a Seth, and now everyone runs away from her as from a typhoid. The Sif man must now hit another, and so on. Usually the game ended with the arrival of a teacher or a noble battle - often due to the fact that sooner or later the sif flew into the face of an element not participating in the fun.

There was a variation called "catch me brick". It was a humiliating game, both mentally and physically. The loser ran with the heavy brick after the others until he remained a Sith forever.

rubber band

We sincerely feel sorry for those who missed this game. Those who stick to their iPhone during breaks, and when they go out into the yard in the evening, they discuss their achievements in “ fun farm". Fifteen years ago, the rubber band game was one of the most popular. Everyone jumped everywhere. All that was needed was an elastic band 3-4 meters long, but better is a new, elastic, long, whole one, and not taken out of six pairs of shorts and tied in knots.

They played either each for themselves, or in pairs. Persistent (not to be confused with stubborn) trained in splendid isolation, pulling an elastic band between trees, poles or at home between stools. The game had strict rules, levels (ankles, knees, hips, etc.), simple varieties, runners, steps, a bow, a candy, a boat, a handkerchief.


The game was considered “girly”, but in certain cases, boys were also allowed to play, who, even before entering adulthood, could understand what marriage is and what it threatens. The game had one rule - to play using the maximum of fantasy and life experience, peeped from parents or in soap operas.

During the game, the roles could change (“come on now, you are a mother, and I seem to be your daughter?”), Accidentally found children, stepmothers who suddenly appeared, and lovers who inexplicably worked up inexplicably came into the game from time to time. And revived dolls, baby dolls, plush animals. Played out scenes "let's as if we were in a store", weddings, quarrels, intrigues, fights, death! Everything is like in life.

The sea is worried

This game usually did not last long, as it was quite monotonous and therefore boring. The players moved chaotically, the host uttered a mantra-rhyme about “freeze in place,” and everyone had to freeze in the position in which they found themselves. The host went around all the "sea figures" and examined them for movement. Whoever jerked first, he became the leader in the next round, or dropped out of the game. Something like this. No thrash. For excellent students and retarded.


Believe it or not, this is actually a rather old game that originated almost in the Roman Empire. In Soviet times, "classics" was played on asphalt, on which a field of squares was drawn with chalk.

The bottom line: players throw a cue ball (stone, candy, etc.) into a certain square (class), then jump on one or two legs in a special way across the field, move the cue ball to the next square, trying not to step on the line. There were a lot of variations and rules. The boys usually did not play, but hung around in the hope that one of the girls would pull up her skirt.


This is now a jar of magic bubbles you can buy it everywhere - with different smells and even with Barbie on the package, even with mikimaus. And before, everything was not so simple, and the children made the mixture for bubbles themselves. For example, they cut soap and diluted it with water. Or take shampoo. Then a tube was made of thick paper, the wide end was moistened in a solution, and it was necessary to blow into the narrow one. There was ten times more joy from such a bubble, and they were more beautiful, or something ...

beat out

Ball games have always been popular. The game is especially good if you can kick someone with this ball. Such a game was "knock out". Two players, standing at a distance of 5-7 meters, tried to hit the players running between them. Developed and accuracy, and reaction, and endurance.


There are rollers now, and many have them. But then the commercials are something.

Either an unfinished constructor, or a Spanish boot. But in general, such a veiled death on wheels. Of course, the pleasure of Soviet-style roller skating overcame the negative sensations of trembling in the knees and the pain of torn palms and knees into meat. But the adrenaline!


This game was popular, but very strange. What she developed, we still cannot understand. Two teams line up opposite each other. The players hold hands tightly. By a simple chants, one player is selected from a team, who must accelerate, run to the opposite wall and break the chain of the other team with his body. Breaks - takes someone else's player to his team, does not break - remains in captivity. That is, you understand that a stranger among your own does not lead to anything good ... Yes, and you can succumb if the same beautiful girl. In general, intrigues, scandals, investigations.

hide and seek

There is no need to even explain. During the crazy counting rhyme, everyone was hiding, and one unfortunate person had to look for them. After detection, both had to develop maximum speed and, pushing each other, "knock" in a predetermined place. It was fun only for the first five laps, because then all the places suitable for hide and seek became known and the moment of surprise disappeared. True, this did not cancel the competition in speed and speed of reaction. As well as power moves.

in the goat

It would seem that this is another humiliating kind of game of sifu. But no. This is a game with a ball that was hit against the wall, and after the rebound it was necessary, spreading the legs in a jump, without touching the ball, to jump over it. It is clear that, for certain reasons, it was distributed mainly among girls.


This is a type of tag, but runners can avoid getting "salted" by jumping on something or otherwise getting their feet off the ground and staying in that position for 20-30 seconds. Interesting, but the degree of injury is higher than in conventional tags.

Secrets under glass

Totally girly bullshit. A hole was dug in the ground, “values” were put into it - candy wrappers, colored glass, buttons, tsatski and other children's rubbish. The hole was covered with a piece of glass, carefully masked with branches and leaves.

The girls, under great secrecy, boasted to each other about their burial grounds, updated them, tried to make the crypt brighter and more attractive than that of their friends.

snow fun

AT winter time entertainment was also up to the throat: both sleds (of course, facing a tree on the first space one), and skis (an obligatory element of the program was to decompose crosswise after an unsuccessful landing and, gathering yourself in a pile, be sure to give skis and sticks to friends in their faces), and ice skates (read: bruises), and chaste snowman building.

But we want to remember the most popular fun. Gender. When, after school, the boys mercilessly “washed” the girls with snow. It would seem cruel, but about love.

In general, it was an interesting time, to be sure. And dangerous, and fun, and risky. What is at school, what is in the yard, what is at the birthday party of a friend. Some games developed certain qualities and gave some skills. Others were just pho fun. In any case, now there is no such diversity among children. Boring, kids.