Dragon age origins amgarrak golems. Passage of DLC: Song of Leliana, Chronicles of the creatures of darkness, Golems of Amgarrak. Dlc: Darkspawn Chronicles

You can play this DLC for existing character, and create a completely new hero, or rather the Guardian-Orlesian immediately at the 20th level. Regardless of the class, but in accordance with your race, your hero will be given the following name (which, of course, can be changed): if you have chosen the race of people, then you are called Herodes or Leoni Caron; if you have chosen the race of the Elves, then you are called Elyon or Sidon Andras; if you have chosen the Dwarf race, then you are referred to as Erad or Nika Kader.

After you import or create your character, your journey begins immediately. The new DLC takes place deep in the Deep Roads. Talk to a character named Jerrick, who can summon bronto - an analogue of wolves, bears and spiders. Eventually, you will receive your first entries.

Set off and along the way you will stumble upon a couple of corpses of dwarves who carry runes, various poisons and poultices. You will also meet a couple of adventures of darkness, which will not make you any big problems. Soon you will come out to a huge grotto, which is filled with a dark haze. Keep in mind that here three screamers will literally immediately attack you. And by the way, right in front of the entrance is a stretched fire trap - carefully neutralize it. The trap can also be passed by jumping. When you defeat the enemies, the haze will suddenly disperse and a corridor will form that will lead you straight to the deactivated golem. You will receive a quest to find a control stick for this golem. There will be a bag nearby - search it and find a few runes, then move further along the corridor. Soon you will reach another dead end, where you will find a control rod and a rune anvil. Distribute the runes and go back to the golem. Activate this stone statue and complete your first task.

A new corridor will lead you to a dilapidated teig with the first strong enemies. Right at the entrance will lie the corpse of a dwarf, and on it are the "Running Boots of the Mage". Keep in mind that further opponents will be serious. The first is the Shadow Horror, the second is the Boss Mage, the third is the Elite-Resurrection. In addition to these opponents, there will be a number of standard ordinary enemies. The platform on which you will meet your first two enemies will be surrounded by rune traps, so you should first neutralize them, and only then take on the enemies. Also, traps can be carefully bypassed, but it's up to you to decide.

The Shadow Horror should be killed first. And by the way, he kills perfectly with the "manna collision" skill. Without the support of this opponents, the rest of the enemies will be just minced meat in your eyes. After this battle, remove a few more runes from the Shadow Horror and open the chest that stands nearby. If your character is not a robber, then use the services of Jerrika. In the chest you will find the following items: a couple of poisons, poultices and an interesting belt of the Wasp. Next, go to the left side and finally find the passage to Amgarrak. After you go there, the doors behind you will immediately close and you won’t be able to go back. But besides this, albeit for a few seconds, you will see the culprit of everything that is happening here - the Reaper. He quickly leaves for the next room. Pay your attention to the table on the right side - here is Darion's journal.

There will be three exits from the first hall: on the left side, which is covered with purple fog; central, which is covered with blue fog and finally the exit on the right side, where the Reaper slipped a couple of minutes ago. In the Ancient Hall you will find another Runic Anvil. As you touch it, the dead will rise. In the niche on the right side there will be: a regular chest and two chests that are covered with blue fog. Leave them and go to the left side to the flooded grotto. Soon on your way you will meet Brother Jerrick and Brogan. They are in the form of ghosts (indicated in blue), so you will not be able to talk to them. In the flooded grotto you can find another page from Darion's journal and nearby you can find a regular chest, where you will also find Ancient Writings. So, the south passage will be blocked by another blue fog, so you have to move to the northwest passage. Soon you find yourself in the next room, where there are two chests surrounded by blue fog and the door to the southern room will also be locked with blue fog. Soon you will find yourself in a room where there is still a lyrium well. The reaper, having fled here, slipped into the gap, which was closed by a red barrier, and therefore it will not work to go further. Near the lyrium well there is one regular chest and one chest, which is locked by blue fog. Here is a chest with blue mist that will open to you only if you press the switch. Immediately upon changing reality, a group of corrupted guards will attack you, and after you defeat them, you will find the Book of the First Strad in the previously locked chest - it will allow you to redistribute skills. Now go back and open previously closed chests. In one of the chests you will find a continuation of the Ancient Writings. Be careful, as on the floor you can find another page from Darrion's Journal. You can also now go through the previously locked doors of the Taig, but we recommend that you first find Brogan. Now it will not be difficult to take him to your team. In the Ancient Hall, where there is still a rune anvil in one of these "blue" chests, you can find arrows and a couple of crossbow bolts, and in the second "blue" chest you will find an improvement for your golem. In the southwest room with niches, you can find a chest with a purple curtain. And in the southern room (entrance from the side of the flooded grotto) you can find another switch, a couple more chests (hidden as always) and a group of elite golems. There will be another major battle in this DLC. You will have to retreat first so that the golems cannot rush at you with their whole bunch. As a result, you will be able to destroy them one by one, which greatly reduces the level of difficulty in the fight. If you run out of health, then press the switch soon and the enemies will disappear, but you won’t be able to leave the room. Well, after you patch yourself up, then pull the switch again and the golems that were not destroyed will reappear and with full health.

In one chest you can find another upgrade for your golem. After this upgrade, the golem will have a spell that corresponds to the mage's "Thundercloud" spell. Nearby is also a room containing weapons such as the Ripper's Cudgel.

So, in the "blue world" move to the first hall, where the entrance was once closed. Now there you can find another page from Darion's diary and a switch to the purple world. Since all realities are now broken, you will be able to go through the previously locked doors in the southwest room. Here in the chest you can find another improvement for your golem - "Revival for yours".

Now your main goal is the lyrium well in the center. Since the veil is gone, you may enter. Here you will find several ghost warriors and a couple of corpses. As you kill all the enemies, then go through the bridge to the left. So, here you will find a new orange Boss - Small Phantom, along with a couple of ghost warriors. After you defeat the enemies, you will see the entrance, which is blocked by a red barrier (leads to the Forge). Before the passage lies another page from Darion's journal and nearby another passage, where you will find Darion's body along with the last suicide notes. Here you get a change to your quest - Amgarrak must now be destroyed. Take the belt of the "Forbidden Secret" from the chest in the very depths of this room (this item passes to you in the main game).

Now it's time to go to the room with the switches, which is located in the very center of this teig. Nearby, on the right side is also the entrance to Agmarrak. To discover the red reality, you have to click on the tiles in this order: first yellow, then lilac, then white, then blue, and at the very end the central one. So, immediately with the appearance of the red reality, three golems appear. After you defeat them, you can finally go to the Forge. The corridor on the right side of the Forge will lead you straight to a chest with another upgrade for your Golem.

You should know that the Reaper is the hardest opponent in the game. He has a huge amount of health, good armor and is able to open his pieces of flesh, which subsequently turn into skeletons of any rank. You can make them disappear by simply pressing the switch next to them, but they will reappear shortly. Magic has no effect on the Harvester Golem, so magicians can only heal their comrades-in-arms, and kill all the evil spirits that appear.

Activate all the auras on the golem - this will not be an extra action. Also keep in mind that in the red dimension, the skeletons will be very strong, and the Reaper will immediately create new ones after you kill the strongest skeleton. Therefore, you need to control the strongest skeleton, after which for several minutes you will be able to beat the product of an inflamed mind and crooked hands without any problems. An old tactic will also be useful here - an ally or your hero takes on the enemy and runs from blows, while the rest hits the enemy. There is another secret here - not far from the moat of the anvil there is a rather narrow place where only one hero can crawl through, but the rest of the enemies, even the Reaper, will not go there, but in this place The boss can throw you with his body parts, from which enemies will crawl out - in this case it is better to use the repulsion rune or a stone fist. Otherwise, work with the enemy as usual, but be ready, as all healing agents will go away in one or two, and if you get under a direct attack, then you or a ally will have almost no health. As soon as you put this golem down, the very essence of the Reaper that controlled it will jump out of it. That's it for him, the magic will act as it should, but the skeletons will climb out as before before. After you defeat the Boss, your golem will be covered with stones, and you will have to flee from this place.

This is the final passage of this DLC.

AT DLC "Golems of Amgarrak"You have to visit the Gnomish Thayg Amgarrak, at the request of the gnome Jericho who is looking for his brother Brogan, and find out why the Thayg was sealed and what kind of terrible experiments the dwarves carried out in it. You will have to travel in the company of gnomes Jericho, Brogan, bronto Toddler and rune golem.

Fight with ghosts in Taiga Amgarrak

Gathering fragments of the gnome's notes Darion, leader of a failed expedition to Thayg, you find strange device dwarves, which, using large reserves of lyrium, allows you to travel through different layers of the Shadow. It was another experience. bioware, although interesting, because now it was possible to recreate the same location from several sides at once. The intricacies of going through Shadow barriers, switching between dimensions to open closed doors and unmaterialized chests expanded the gameplay nicely. DLC. But such an idea would be chic in full application in Origins or Awakening, and it gives pleasure in the vastness of an hour and a half of gameplay time.

Shadow Transition Device

Dealing with records Darion, you understand that the forge must be destroyed, for it was a huge mistake. Passing through the labyrinths of dimensions, meeting ghosts and golems on your way, you will still encounter the final boss, the destruction of the forge will depend on the destruction of which.

Boss "Reaper"

But even having defeated this “chuvyrlo”, the troubles of the gnomes will not end. The forge may be destroyed, but the creatures that filled it are not, as the ending shows us DLC. One can only feel sorry for the gnomes who will someday meet with them, but for now enjoy this DLC
Grade : 3\5

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The Golems of Amgarrak, Play

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Then we choose to either create a character from scratch, or import it. I will not describe all the details of creating a new character, importing an old one, I will only pay attention to the fact that bonus items will be used by everyone, the main thing is that the achievement should be in the player's profile. So feel free to choose New character and you will get a full-fledged fighter lvl 20 with quite decent equipment.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

After watching a short video and getting up to speed, do not rush to run headlong to chop right and left. In the case of importing a character, in addition to your equipment, a book will be placed in your inventory "Memories gray guard" , don't be lazy and redistribute your skills, skills such as Influence you will have absolutely nothing to do here, but in Making poisons put in at least one point - during the passage you will find a lot of bottles and jars that will help you in the fight with the last boss. Pay attention to skills Vitality and Clarity.

My advice is to raise cunning to at least 14 points and distribute the skills as follows:

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Or alternatively, if you don't need Exceptional Combat Training, or don't want to use poisons, then raise your Cunning to 16 and pump Survival to the max. It's up to you to decide.

So, the theory is over, let's move forward!

If you are not a masochist or an achivdroter, but want to quickly run through the expansion, then you can change the difficulty to "Easy" until the final boss.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Without going through a couple of steps we notice three corpses. Do not forget to delve into their pockets, even if it is not ethical. You will find some runes that we can put into weapons and armor later.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Not all that glitters is gold- it's not about us. The first law of Diablo RPG - We rummage around everyone who gets in our way. In the economy, everything will fit. For convenience, you can use the Tab button, which will highlight names and clickable items.

Almost immediately, a flock of Genlocks, Garlocks and other evil spirits jump out at us. After clearing them, the dwarf concludes that his brother could not have fallen to a handful of darkspawn.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

At the exit of the tunnel, a trap awaits us, be on the lookout. On the way to Amgarrak, we will run into a black veil, and a trio of screamers will attack us.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

As the story progresses, the fog will dissipate where we need to go. We run into a rune golem. But to launch the golem, you need a control rod. Don't forget to dig into the bag on the right.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Then we go in the opposite direction, on the way we cut off the heads of impudent wolves and find the golem control rod. There is an anvil right next to it, do not miss it and take the chance to improve both your weapons and armor, and the armor of your companions.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We pick up the wand, go back, activate the golem with it, and we have a new teammate in our team.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

If you play on the Hard level, then I advise you to disable the golem in tactics to use area attacks, in the future I used it only as a healer. And then with a lightning shandarakhnet, then a stone will fly in the face. Golems are so .. golems -_-

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Further, strange shadows of screamers run out to meet us, and then we notice the shadow of a gnome, as if beckoning. Our companion will complain that he is uncomfortable with these visions, but we are not born with a bast. On the way we fumble the corpse, we find slippers for the magician, several balms, poultices and potions.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We move on and find ourselves in some dilapidated teig, where a bunch of strong monsters attack us. We chop them all, search the remains, open the nearby chest, which contains a good belt for warriors / robbers, and run after the shadow.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Before us is the entrance to Amgarrak.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

As expected, the exit will be blocked for us, and going down we will see the Alien vile creature, running away from us as fast as we can .. does he have legs? We examine the blood stain on the floor, read fragments of Darion's journal, telling us that the expedition found the ancient laboratory Amgarrak.

Looking around a little, you can see that the entrance to some rooms is blocked by a veil of a certain color, I will explain how to get into them a little later.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We turn right and, approaching the rune anvil, four golems will attack us. Having sorted them into pebbles, we insert extra runes and move on, opening the chest on the left along the way. As you may have noticed, to the right of the anvil there are three chests covered with a veil. Remember them, we will return there, but later. And while we move on.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

In the corner we run into Brother Jerrick. However, it seems that he is in a parallel world for us. Therefore, having promised Jerrik that we will understand this riddle, we move on, anyway now we will not be able to help him.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Having missed the vile golum, we examine the bones, read the magazine on the floor, telling us about some switches that control the flow of lyrium, take out strong rivals, and continue our journey. Pay attention to the rooms to the north and northwest, covered with a veil.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

And here we are in the room with the switch. We open an accessible chest, throw in skill points and press the button. We are transported to the world of shadows.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Remember I talked about the room in the northwest?

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

So - now we can get into it, and moreover, after clearing it, ALWAYS return to the room with the switch, transfer to the ordinary world and go there again (the door will be open). In the chest we find Golem Research: Medicine, which opens the first checkmark on the way to achieving "Oil painting". Also now you can safely assign your golem as a healer for the benefits of it as a goat's milk on high difficulties without this ability.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We return to the room with the switch, we are transported back to the world of shadows. Now we can go to Brogan, Jerrik's brother. Along the way, we kill everything that moves, we loot everything that lies badly. We can also read a note that says that the magician Karidin experimented on casteless dwarves, and more terrible details in Darion's journal.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Bringing Brogan to his senses, our group turns into a full-fledged squad with a tank and a healer. Back to the anvil, remember I talked about 3 locked chests?

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

After killing the pisyukaty villains, we find in one of the chests one more improvement for our golem (and one more tick in the standings for the achievement).

And one more in the chest to the left of the anvil:

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We return to the intersection at the entrance, solve the graters with the rebel gopota and go into the southern room with the switch. There is a magazine on the table telling us that we are not alone here. We click on the central switch, then on the tile in the same place .. and everything is purple for us. On the table on the left, we can once again feel the history of the creation of the..umm..head. Now you can return to the north room:

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We press the switch, we approach the green button. And here begins one of the most difficult fights in the add-on. If it’s completely unbearable, then we look at the secret below:

There is one secret in the room with golems. You can kill as many golems as you can, but when it gets hard, you press the plate again, and the remaining golems disappear. Then, when you heal, you press the plate again and the remaining golems reappear, just finish them off and that's it

After dancing with the golems, press the button and open all the chests in the room. Here we will find the coveted club, and 2 scrolls to improve our golem. To leave the room, you must return to the ordinary world again.

We return to the switch in the southern room next to the entrance.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

We press the central (purple) and we pass into the central hall. We turn right, we see bloody footprints on the floor and go into the room. Having dealt with the dead, we use the switch either on the right or on the left, we read the magazine. As a result, it turns out that Amgarrak needs to be destroyed, along with all its knowledge, monsters, etc. and that the main culprit is in the forge. But to get to the forge you need to solve the puzzle. Do not rack your brains, leave the room and go to the opposite side. After fighting the ghosts, we can go into the room where we will find the body of Darion, the main one from the expedition.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

From the magazine next to him we learn a certain cipher of four letters: YMWC. A little further away is a chest that contains a good belt for a magician, which will be transferred to original game.

We return to our puzzle, solve it using the cipher obtained earlier (press Tab and the plates will be highlighted with letters), click on the plate in the center and after that we go to beat the face of the final boss. On the way, we will open the chest, where the last improvement to our golem will be located.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Getting the achievement "Oil painting".

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

If you changed the difficulty of the game at the beginning, then before the boss, do not forget to switch the difficulty mode to "Hard" or "Nightmare" if you want to transfer the mace with you to the original game.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Read the boss tactics below.

Yes, it was not easy to kill the Reaper in a nightmare =) But it is possible. I will share my experience (the team leader was level 24, a cunning dagger):

1. Do not be lazy, and set up tactics for the party members. Our golem acts in an unusual role as a healer, turn off all attacking tactics for him, leave only the aura, a fiery blade and group healing at the first opportunity (I had an ally: health<90). У воина тоже вырубаем все, оставляем запугивание и глухую оборону. И прописываем пару строк лечение, например: здоровье <50 - пьем большую банку, здоровье < 25 - пьем самую сильную банку. У разбойника тоже самое с лечилками.

2. Agra control. We have a warrior (but without provocation, by the way), and we have a Kid (bronto, summoned by a robber). The Kid somehow has a provocation, so we let him go first of all. After the cooldown, he can be summoned again.

Take care of the golem as long as possible! He can’t be treated with banks (I definitely wasn’t treated, although they were active. But, however, the revival didn’t work for me, although I collected all the records, maybe it glitched ..)

To be honest, none of the party members can damage the boss, so I sincerely do not advise you to complete this quest as a healer, or a tank)) or a kolobok (this is when there are few stats there, a little there).

3. 1st part of the battle. In turn, it is divided into 2 stages: with normal lighting or in red tones :) After the "red" stage begins, after a few seconds on the right (there is a mark on the map), the switch will become active, which ends the red stage ahead of schedule and returns us to white stage. I describe in detail, because this is a very important point. The boss has the ability to periodically throw pieces of meat, which then turn into skeletons, and they can be ordinary, yellow or bosses. We kill the usual ones on our own, we tolerate the yellow ones until a couple of pieces are gathered, and the red ones need to be brought down right away. But not with magic or daggers, but with a switch, he kills all the skeletons at once. After that, it will be inactive for a while, so do not use it for nothing. The sooner we kill the Reaper, the better. Therefore, without hesitation, we drink elks for fatigue, poisons and other pesticides with a percussion Persian :)

It is very important to guess so that at the moment of killing the superboss there are no living skeletons. I brought his HP to almost zero, waited for the switch, used it and quickly finished off the boss. If you leave the skeletons, then in the next, 2nd stage of the battle, their strength will increase many times over. I'm a rogue with 150 attack and couldn't hit the yellow skeleton!! What to say about orange.

4. 2nd part of the battle. Everything is simple here :) press =, and indicate the goal! The whole crowd lean on the boss, without being distracted. He will also summon skeletons, so don't waste your time. I managed to remove about 40% of his hits before the first call. And control HP. The golem will die (if it is still alive) in the first minutes :) Control the aggro, distract the skeletons from the main striking force. The boss himself is a weakling, but the skeletons are some kind of superhumans. With the death of the boss, they will die too, so all the power is on him!

Personally, I will make small additions:

    You should not turn off the attacking skills of the tank, in phase 1 each unit of damage counts.

    During the fight, as Jerrick resurrects his bronto, immediately switch to him (in pause mode) and use taunt. Thus, the boss and small adds will switch to the rhinoceros, which more than once saved me from the inevitable wipe of death.

    Poisons, poisons and more poisons!! remember them

    If you have a free second, switch to the golem and use the Mighty Strike ability. But don't get too carried away with this, we still have a golem healer.

Killed the Reaper in a nightmare with a lvl 22 mage. The red skeleton kills any of the party members with one blow, so I had to use a military trick on the verge of a bug / feature. Near the moat there is an anvil, and behind it there is a narrow place between the walls. You can get there with one Persian, and for some reason the skeletons won't get through there. True, the Reaper can throw them right in front of your nose, but you can knock them out with a repulsion aura or a stone fist. Then it's a matter of technology: a blizzard-storm-gehenna, a dungeon and cones for everyone you can reach.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)

As soon as you win, everything will start to crumble, your golem will be filled with stones, and you will run for your life. Jerrick regrets that he was unable to save valuable records, but his brother comforts him, and you leave. After that, in the best Hollywood traditions, we are shown the Deep Roads, on which a flock of the same vile creatures that you killed with such difficulty climbs from all the cracks.

Walkthrough DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" (revised and expanded)


You pass this addition in the person of your old friend - the bard Leliana. This is a slightly more extended (and in some ways slightly altered) version of the events that led Leliana to the Church and - as a consequence of this - to your hero - the Gray Warden.

Leliana starts out as a level 10 rogue bard with basic skills for dual-wielding and archery. During the game, you can get about 4 levels - so you can significantly improve her combat data. How exactly you decide to develop it depends on your taste - I personally found it easier for her to play with two weapons, but perhaps my personal preferences affect.

In addition to Leliana, you are given two companions - the gnome Tag - a warrior with a shield and a sword, and an elven magician Sketch. They have a few unspent points - so you can give them the skills you see fit.


After the initial conversation with Marjolein, you can proceed to market research. Keep in mind - the guards patrolling the market, which are quite neutral at the beginning of the game, will turn hostile immediately after you complete any of your tasks.

In the market, you have the following tasks: punish the traitor Jovi Meris, humiliate Bann Perrin by defeating his bodyguards, and steal the contents of three chests. These are the three tasks you need to complete in order to advance to the next part of the story, but in addition to this, you will have the opportunity to earn additional experience points (as well as loot).

Let's start with the main tasks:

Chatter Tongue (Jovie Meris)

This individual is trying in vain to get into a locked house in the northern part of the market - all you need is to talk to him. You will have no other option but to kill him, but after that you can deal with the body in two ways: throw it into the well near the Church or lay it next to the drunken Captain Eames, who sleeps blissfully not far from the Chattering Tongue and against whom Marjolein is why -something has a tooth.


Take the contents of the three chests in the central square. After that, you can either swap them - that is, put the contents of one chest into another and let their owners justify themselves to each other, or put it all on the same unfortunate Eames.

Bunn Perrin

Bann is walking at the entrance to Earl Eamon's palace. Engage in battle with him and his guards and defeat them. After that, remove the underpants from the bann to completely humiliate him. Underpants can be nailed to the bulletin board at the Church or placed on Captain Eames.

After completing all three tasks, an icon will appear on the map where you can call Marjolein and proceed to the next phase of the plan.

Additional tasks:

Treasure of Mages

In the northern part of the market - in the bag in which the tasks from the Guild of Mages were in the Beginning, you will find a mention that a treasure is hidden somewhere in the market. But to find it, you need to find two more clues. One is located in a dead end in the eastern part of the map - literally a stone's throw from where you started the game, and the second - in the west, to the west and slightly north of the bag of magicians. After that, you can go to the treasure, which is located in the westernmost part of the map. But when you get close to him, an elite mage and a golem will attack you. After defeating them, you can finally take the loot for yourself.

Captain Eames

Marjolein wants to ruin Captain Eames' career. To do this, you need:
Place the body of the Chattering Tongue next to the captain;
Submit to the captain the contents of the three chests you stole;
Give him the underpants of Bann Perrin;
Give him a ring taken from the magician who protected the treasure of the guild.

In this case, the captain's career will be completely destroyed, Marjolein will be very pleased with you, and you will receive the "Vendetta" achievement.

Provocateur's Battlegear

A part of the Orlesian leather armor can be removed from the body of the Chattering Tongue. If you collect all six (and they are scattered throughout the game), you will receive excellent light armor for your use. This will also give you an additional achievement.

Captain of the Night Watch

This encounter only happens if you have killed enough guards. The captain - orange boss - accompanied by several soldiers will be waiting for you near the main gate. After his death, the guards will stop regenerating and you can bypass the market as much as you like without being distracted by anything. You can remove the shield from the captain's body - nothing special, but better than the one that Tag uses.

After you finish all the cases, signal Marjolein. If you tell her that you are ready for the next stage of the plan immediately, then this will immediately transfer you to the next scene of action. If you decide to wait a bit, you can first use the services of a merchant named Bonnie Lem, who will appear along with Marjolein.

Earl's Palace

As it turned out, you have to get into the palace of Earl Denerim himself and throw some compromising documents into it. First you will need to find the entrance to the palace. In the garden where you start, you will meet several elite guards. If you bury their bodies in the garden with "loose earth", you will gain experience (experience is only given if you bury all three bodies there). After getting rid of the guards, look around the walls and you will find a point where you can climb the wall through the window.

Your goal is the bedroom. On the way, you will have to deal with several guards, but since your goal is to simulate a robbery, a little noise will only help matters.

In a chest in the small southeast room you will find a piece of leather armor that you need to assemble the Provocateur's Battlegear. Another piece of this armor is in the bedroom, where you need to leave the documents. The armor is in a locked chest, and to open it, you need to have four points in Dexterous Hands.

When you get close to the bedroom you want, you will see Marjolein with Captain Rayleigh, but if you follow them, you will find that the door is closed and the rest of the palace is not available to you at the moment.

Don't touch the documents unless you're sure you've explored all the rooms and chests available to you - this will take you to the next stage of your adventure.

When you are sure that you have examined everything that you can, go and plant documents and see what happens.

Earl's Palace - Sequel

Before talking to Marjolein, talk to your comrades and inspect Lem's goods again - he will have new things, including books that can give you an extra skill point. Talk to Marjolein and start your journey. The rest of the palace will now be open to you.

Near one of the doors, you can hear the voice of Vaughn, son of an earl, punishing a maid. It seems that he has changed little from that time until the time when your hero met him in the Beginning ... You cannot meet Vaughn in person - the door will be locked and there will be no way to open it.

Make your way through the guards to the door in the southernmost part of the corridor. In the armory, you will find another piece of leather armor, which will be guarded by several mabari and an elite combat master.
Having reached the goal, watch a video about the consequences of your daring operation.


After receiving the key to the cell, arm yourself with the dagger you received and go into the corridor. Your goal is the exit in the southwestern part of the dungeon, but three bars block the way to it. They rise by pressing levers in nearby rooms.

In the next room after your cell, you will find Sketch, a warrior named Silos, who is also a prisoner of Raleigh, and all your belongings. Silos will join you. He is a warrior with a shield and a sword, so equip him accordingly. In the same room is the first control lever grating.

The second room in the corridor is the torture chamber. Here you will find Tag. Alas, there is nothing to help him. Take the Tag Blade gift and give it to Silos. It will turn into a very good one-handed axe. In the same room is the second control lever for the bars.

In the next room - the barracks - you can find another piece of Orlesian leather armor.

The next room contains the last lever that controls the bars and some prisoners. If you're familiar with the Origin City Elf's backstory, you'll recognize one of the captives, though you won't be able to talk to her for more than a couple of sentences.
After you finish all the things in the dungeon, go to the exit and watch the next cutscene.


Once in the Church, talk to your comrades and, if you want, use the services of Bonnie Lem, who will be there. He will have some new items for sale.

In the table in the room where you ended up after the cutscene, you will find the last piece of the Orlesian armor. So, summing up, the parts of the armor are:
1. On the corpse of Jovi Meris (Gabbling Tongue), in the market.
2. In the southeast room in Earl Denerim's palace.
3. In the bedroom where you need to plant documents in the earl's palace.
4. In the armory in the earl's palace.
5. In the barracks in the dungeon.
6. In a table in a room in the Church.

Talk to Reverend Mother Dorothea and you will reach the last point of your adventure.

Although you will see Raleigh and Marjolein right away, to get to them, you first have to go through a canyon - fortunately, quite a small one. Along the way, you'll have to fight off Raley's soldiers, the Sand Chaser - similar to the Deep Chaser, attacking in large numbers, but rather weak in their own right - and the bronto.

When you exit the canyon and almost reach Raleigh, you will have to fight a dragon - but a male, so it's not so scary, especially if Sketch knows the Cone of Cold spell.

After the dragon, you will have to fight Raylei himself. He is an orange boss and has a mage for reinforcements. How you deal with them is already your personal preferences - for me it was more convenient to get rid of the magician first, and then deal with the captain without being distracted by anything.

At the end of the battle, after a short conversation with Ralei, you will have a choice - to finish him personally or give this honor to Silos.
Having finished with Raylei, watch the final cutscene. Congratulations on completing the DLC!

Chris Everheart

Chris Everheart

  • Moscow city


An alternative scenario during the Pestilence - what would happen if the GG never existed? For example, did he die during the Merging ritual or did he die before meeting Duncan? This DLC shows how the final battle would have turned out in such a case.

Gate of Denerim

You start as a Harlock leader, a level 12 sword and shield warrior. You won't be able to level up during the game, so you'll have to make do with the skills you were given initially - plus you'll get a couple of extras after completing some quests.

Recruiting an Ally

In the market, your first task is to subjugate one of the Creatures of Darkness - that is, recruit him into your group. In total, in your group - in addition to you - there can be three allies, and they must all be representatives of different species. For example, you cannot recruit two ogres at the same time. If you wish to remove someone from the group - use the dominating ability again - but keep in mind that this will kill your ally. Harlocks and gerlocks of the Rogue and Warrior professions continue to appear on the battlefield and support you throughout the game, but with other Spawns - such as the ogre, screamer and wolf - you will have only two chances to get them into the team, and only one with the emissary.

Personally, the most winning combination for the game seemed to me to be a bunch of ogre-screamer-emissary (the screamer appears on the second card in a row, and the emissary on the third).
If your ally dies in battle, he will permanently disappear from your group. If you yourself lose consciousness, then you will wake up with an injury at the end of the battle - if at least someone in your group is still alive. Otherwise, the game will end and you will have to restart. Healing potions and first aid kits are scattered throughout the game - but the higher the difficulty, the less their number.

Gain Respect in Battle

Having subjugated your first ally, you have to increase his respect for you. Respect, as in the original campaign, gives your allies very good bonuses. You can raise it with gifts (in this game, a gift always brings 20 respect points), as well as by killing your enemies. At the very beginning, any enemy you kill will raise respect, but after any of your allies reaches respect 20, you will no longer be able to receive it with every "white" enemy. As far as I understood after numerous experiments, from now on you get respect from a certain number of "white" victories, and not every one. But every yellow and orange enemy will still earn you the respect of allies.

You must deliver the final blow yourself - although in the case of yellow and orange opponents, you will receive respect even if your ally finishes them (but only respect for that ally, and not everyone in the group, as in the case when you yourself deal a lethal hit). If your opponent is finished off by one of the "blue" Spawns, you do not receive any respect.

Save Ogre

Your first real task is to save the ogre that is fighting off the soldiers in the northwestern part of the map. Recruit him to the group as soon as you see him, without waiting for the moment when you kill the attackers - there is a bug in the game that because of this does not give you the "Ogre Keeper" achievement, which you get if the first ogre you recruit passes with you the whole game to the end without dying on the way.
The ogre sometimes joins a group with an injury - heal it as soon as you find first-aid kits - otherwise there is again a possibility of a bug.

Ogre is perhaps the strongest fighter in the game, which has only one drawback - he cannot use healing potions. If you want to keep him (for gain or just for his combat value), then keep a close eye on his health and move him away from the fight if it drops too low.
Rescuing the ogre will also give your leader the additional Courage skill.

Destroy Barricades

After saving the ogre, you have to destroy the defenders' barricades in the eastern part of the map. There are only two of them, and between them you will find a chest with medical supplies, which can be very useful to you.

Kill Earl

The next task is to defeat the "human lord" who commands the defense in the area. This lord is Earl Howe - the orange boss - he will appear on the map after you receive the quest and usually immediately heads towards your group. Together with him, you will have to deal with an elite mabari and several guards. After Howe's death, you will get his sword, which is much better than the one your leader is armed with.

In addition to Howe, you will meet Ser Coutren in the area - an elite warrior with a two-handed sword. Unfortunately, you will not receive the sword after her passing.


Overcome the Ballista

Three ballistas block the passage from the gate to the further part of the market. In this case, they will kill on the spot any of your ally, regardless of the number of hit points. You need to somehow get behind their line and kill the soldiers who control them. For this purpose, you will be given a Screamer with the ability to stealth (hide). Recruit him into your group, turn on the stealth mode and send him for ballistas. The soldiers will not notice him. After he attacks them and distracts them from the ballista, you can join the attack with the rest of your group. If you want, you can wait for the sake of caution - sometimes soldiers manage to fire their ballistas even during combat, but this rarely happens - especially if the Screamer's first attack is Stun. In this case, they usually immediately switch to it.

The screamer has a lot of useful skills - stun, knock down, go into stealth in the midst of a battle - and the same drawback as the ogre - the inability to use potions.

Kill Bann Teagan

Bann Teagan - orange boss - with a small detachment holds the defense at the gates of the palace of Earl Eamon - in the southwestern part of the map. Ser Landry, an elite warrior, keeps him company. If you manage to immobilize these two right away - with knocking down a screamer and grabbing an ogre, for example - then the rest are virtually no problem and can be finished off by the rest of your allies.

Bann Teagan will drop a beautiful shield upon his death, which can be useful to your leader.

Undermine the Gate

To complete this mission, you need to guide the gerlock sapper to the gate. It is not necessary to take him into the group - he will follow you anyway. Also, you do not have to try to keep it intact - if it dies along the way, another one will appear.

Oghren and some drunkards will appear from the tavern when you get close to it. Oghren is an orange boss with a two-handed hammer. You can get this hammer after defeating it. This is a very good two-handed weapon - of course, if anyone in your group can use it.

Interrupt Supply Line

When the sapper reaches the gate and starts working on it, you will receive the next task - to interrupt the supply line of the defenders with supplies. To do this, you need to kill the soldiers in the northern part of the map. This is not a very difficult task - there are no bosses among the defenders, there are only a couple of elite knights.
Among the defenders you will see Herren and Wade. They won't fight on their own and will flee when you get close to them. If you follow them, you will witness their very interesting escape.

Destroy the Healer

After the sapper blows up the gate, new defenders will try to block the advance of the Spawn army. This time it will be an impressive squad of templars, personally led by Knight Commander Gregor. In addition to him, the squad will also include Cullen, an elite enemy. The healer that you need to defeat is Wynn, who is also part of Gregor's squad. I highly recommend taking her out of action first - her healing spells greatly extend the time required to defeat the enemy. Luckily, Wynn - like all mages - has fragile health, and if you get within melee range of her, she won't be able to put up much resistance.

Killing Innocents

If you kill ten civilians, you will receive an additional skill Mortal Strike. Both you personally and the Spawns in your group can kill - only kills committed by the "blue" Spawns do not count.
This quest is optional to complete the game.

Additional Information

In addition to the opponents already listed, you can meet Ser Perth (an elite opponent) and Gorim on the market, from whose body you can remove several portions of lyrium dust, as well as many of your old acquaintances - for example, Goldanna, Sanga, Bann Seodrik and others.

A small detachment, in which there is one magician and one ballista, sat down in the southern dead end of the map. If you defeat him, you can find supplies in the chest to create potions. (They can be created by a sapper if you take him to the group, plus you will have the opportunity to get another "potion master" at your disposal a little later.)

Until you defeat Bann Teagan, the tavern will constantly generate soldiers. You can use this as an opportunity to gain more respect from your allies.


Burn Venadaal

Your main task in this area is to set fire to the Great Elvenage Tree, destroying as much as possible in its path. For this purpose, you can use either the bombs that are in the chest near the place where you started the map, or take the Harlock emissary, who will appear in the Elvenage a few seconds after you, into your group and use his fireball. I would recommend taking the emissary in any case - it makes life much easier, as it has many useful spells in its arsenal, both attacking and supporting. It will be truly invaluable if there are Spawns in your group that are not able to use healing potions.

Elves are basically regular "white" opponents that shouldn't be a problem for you. Move forward, setting fire to the areas marked on the map with bombs or fireballs along the way. There will be a few elite elven elders waiting for you by the tree, but the most serious battle of the area will take place when you set fire to the tree. Then a large detachment led by Zevran, the orange boss, will attack you. Like any rogue, he has an impressive amount of immobilization skills in his arsenal, so try to immobilize him first - for example, with the grip of an ogre.

Additional Information

Elder Valendrian (elite enemy) with a small detachment holds the defense in the northern cul-de-sac of the map. You don't have to fight your way through them to get out of the Elvenage.

Approaches to the Palace

Free Ogre

This quest appears for you immediately after your arrival on this map. If the ogre was in your group, then you will be informed that he was somehow cut off from the rest of your squad, if the ogre was not with you, you will be ordered to release another ogre in order to use his strength and break the gate blocking the movement of the Spawn army .

The ogre is located in the southwestern part of the map not very far from your starting position, but you will have to take a detour to get to it, as your path will be blocked by burning debris. Be careful - this area is teeming with opponents, many of whom are elite. You have to fight your way through Qunari warriors, dwarves and golems, and the first boss in this area is Kardol, the head of the Legion of the Dead. He is at the head of the squad not far from the stairs to the second level of steps. After making your way through the Legion of the Dead, climb the stairs and move south - there are levers that raise the bars, behind which the ogre sits.

If you intend to get the Ogre Keeper achievement, be careful - there are two ogres behind bars, and if you recruit the wrong ogre to the group, which was with you from the very beginning, you will not receive the achievement. "Your" ogre always climbs the stairs first, so recruit him right away to avoid confusion. Sometimes his respect for some reason drops to one, sometimes - remains the same - perhaps this is a bug.

Destroy Gate

Having received an ogre at your disposal, you must order him to break the gate that blocks the path to the next level of steps.

Free Screamer

Behind bars in the southeastern part of the map sits an elite Screamer. You can order your ogre to break the bars and set him free. If you don't add him to your squad, he will continue to simply follow you (like the second ogre before).
This quest is optional to complete the game.

Kill Qunari

Your last task in this level is to kill the Qunari who are guarding the entrance to the territory of Fort Drakkon. Regardless of whether you climb the right or left stairs, a large squad of gnomes and golems, including elite ones, as well as one ballista each (I highly recommend taking them out of formation as quickly as possible - with an ogre stone or an emissary fireball) will be waiting for you. The Qunari you need to kill is Sten, the last boss of the area. From his body, you can remove the Juggernaut armor for your leader and several other useful little things. After his death, you can proceed further to Fort Drakkon.

Additional Information

Behind the bars in the north-central part of the map, a squad of soldiers under the command of Sergeant Kylon (an elite enemy) protects several civilians. You can order your ogre to break the bars and slaughter them - at the end of the cul-de-sac where they are holed up is a loot chest.

The chests on this map contain very good things, especially valuable if you have an emissary in your group - for example, a wonderful staff and a helmet for a mage.

Fort Drakkon

The approach to Fort Drakkon has no opponents on its territory. Rather, this is the last chance for you to change allies - if you so desire, of course.

Roof of Fort Drakkon - Final Battle

Your task is to defeat four bosses - Alistair, the dog, Morrigan and Leliana - before the archdemon loses all his lives. Tactics depend on the composition of your group and your personal preferences. For me, it was most convenient to ignore other opponents (and they are werewolves in this area), providing them for disassembly to the “blue” Creatures and deal with the bosses in the order Morrigan - dog - Leliana - Alistair. In any case, I highly recommend incapacitating Morrigan first, as she has very unpleasant spells at her disposal, such as crushing dungeon and freeze.
When you deal with them, watch the final cutscene. Congratulations on completing the game!

Chris Everheart

Chris Everheart

  • Moscow city


Deep Roads

You will start in the Deep Roads with Jerrick Days and his pet bronto. The level of your GG will depend on whether you imported it from Origin or Awakening or created a new character. Accordingly, for the imported GG, the level will be preserved, and the newly created hero or the hero imported from the early stage of the game will be level 20. Also, a book will appear in your backpack that will allow you to completely respecialize one of your followers (or the GG himself) if you so desire (similar to those tomes that you could see in Awakening).

Jerrik is a rogue with two daggers, his Bronto Snug is a typical melee fighter with the advantage that he disappears when unconscious and must be summoned a second time by Jerrik. The advantage is that he does not receive any injuries and does not have to spend first-aid kits on him. The disadvantage of bronto is its size, because in some narrow passages it is quite difficult for them to maneuver. He also cannot drink healing potions.

There are no vendors in this game, so you'll have to make do with the potions you have in your GG's backpack plus whatever you find during the game. If your initial supply of potions is not too large, I highly recommend trying to save as much as possible for the final battle.

From your starting point, you can only go south, so get on your way. After fighting off several Darkspawn along the way, including an emissary and an alpha archer, you will enter a cave filled with suspicious gray fog. There you will be attacked by several Screamers. After their death, the fog will change its position and you will be able to go to another part of the cave.

Quest - Rune Golem

In a small cul-de-sac to the south, you'll find a golem, but there's nothing you can do about it at the moment. In order to activate it, you will need a control rod - it can be found in a cul-de-sac in the northern part of the cave. Watch out - a few Screamers will pounce on you when you get close to the passage.

After you activate the golem, it will join your group. He has some magical abilities, including healing, which can be very useful if your GG is not a magician. The negative side of the golem is that it cannot drink potions.
Activating the golem completes this quest.

Note: Next to the control stick is a horn that will allow you to insert runes into armor and weapons.

Go further to the passage in the northeastern part of the cave. There you will see a flock of strange blue Screamers, but they will disappear before you can do anything. A little further you will see a gnome figurine of the same blue color, running away from you further down the passage.
You will not meet any serious opponents until you reach a large cave in the northeastern part of the map. There you have to fight with a very strong group - an orange Arcane Horror, a yellow revenant and several white walking dead. The horror only spawns when you get within a certain distance of it, and there are a few runic traps scattered around it, so be careful.

To the west of Horror, you will see the ghostly blue gnome figurine again. Jerrick will comment that this is one of the members of the missing expedition. If you follow the dwarf a little further, he will lead you to the door to Amgarrak.

Amgarrak - White Phase

Entering the door, you will see that a strange magical barrier immediately blocked your way back, so you can not count on a simple return. In the very first room you will see a strange creature that will run away at the sight of you, and you will find the journal of Darion, the dwarf who led the missing expedition. After examining the room, you will see that most of the exits are blocked by barriers of clearly magical origin, and the only corridor available to you is the one that leads north. Go there.
In the room to the north, four elite golems will attack you. There you will also find several chests glowing blue, which you can't open yet. Follow the corridor to the west and you will find Brogan - or rather, his ghostly blue version. Brogan obviously doesn't hear or see you, so leave him and move on.
In the next room, you'll find Darion's journal mentioning "switches" that change the direction of the lyrium streams. In the same place, you will have to give battle to a group of three elite warriors and one boss.

Go southwest. You will reach a room with a strange spherical structure and a switch plate. Activate it.

Blue Phase

After activating the plate, everything around will acquire a bluish tint. In this phase, all blue items that you could not activate before will become available to you. You will also now be able to pass through doors previously blocked by a blue barrier. Don't relax. Since this is a kind of parallel space in its own way, you can run into enemies where you have previously cleared the "white" territory. In the Ancient Hall, for example, be especially careful - there will be a powerful group of four elite Arcane Horrors and a revenant boss waiting for you (if you manage to quickly disable at least a couple of Horror mages (with Mana Strike, for example), then the battle will be much easier.In the blue phase, you can return to Brogan and talk to him.After the conversation, he will join your group.
Brogan is a warrior with a shield and sword, though you can respec him if you want using the book in your backpack. I re-specialized him as Templar-Champion-Spirit Warrior, playing GG - a robber with two swords, and did not regret it - but this is already up to your taste and style of play.

Go to the most southeast room, south of the entrance hall, and press the white switch. It will disappear, and two others will appear in its place - blue and purple. Since you have already passed the blue phase, activate the purple one.

Quest - Golem Study Notes

Scattered throughout Amgarrak are records of testing on golems in the past. Each time you find such an entry, your golem will gain a new ability. In the blue phase, golem notes are in a chest in the Ancient Hall. In white - in the Burial Chamber (you can enter it only after you have been there in the blue phase). In the north-central room (golem boss room) you will find the records in the chests after switching to the green phase. The last entry is in the red phase in a small corridor in front of the last hall with the final boss.

Purple Phase

Return to the very first room. The door to the west will now be open. In the room behind the corridor, you will be attacked by several walking dead, but not a single elite, so this is unlikely to present a problem for you. There are two corridors to the south of this room, but both are now inaccessible to you - one is blocked by a "white" door, the second by a red barrier.

The corridor to the north will open a room with two Elite Revenant Guards. After dealing with them, activate the white switch. Slabs with letters will appear in the room, but at the moment you do not know the right combination yet, so leave them. From Darion's journal in this room, you will learn about a certain "Reaper", but without any details. Go to the white door in the previous room. Behind it is a small room with two elite golems, as well as another piece of Darion's journal and his body, from which you can remove the combination of the letters you need - YMWC.

In the purple phase, a door to the north of the Sunken Grotto will become available to you. In the room behind the corridor, press the white switch. After that, a green switch will appear there plus four golem bosses and two elite golems. They are still motionless, but will quickly come to life if you come closer. The fight with these golems is quite difficult, but you have the advantage that if you press the green switch, you will find yourself in another phase - without opponents - and you can heal easily. Try to disable at least one golem before switching phases - otherwise they will restore all health. In the green phase in this room, you will find two golem research records in the chests.

Golem strategies from Walkie:

1. When entering a room, one of the team quickly moves to the switch and activates it before the golems can do anything, including move. In the green phase, we loot the chests and take the whole team to the opposite switch.
One presses the switch, and the one who is closest to the exit (say, yy) runs to the purple switch.
The remaining three can be given to golems to be torn to pieces, although with a certain skill you can run to
purple and the whole team. We switch to the purple phase, and the killed team is restored.
Now, if you wish, you can go back and try to kill the golems one by one.

a) we stop with the whole crowd in front of the doors (or immediately behind them);
b) select yy, fix the command with the "H" key and move the hero along the near wall, bypassing a couple of chests;
c) turn 90 degrees, pass by the golem (which, if awakened, will be yellow) and press the switch.
We go into the green phase - with such actions, there is a chance that the golems will not come to life at all and you can safely leave the room - after clearing the chests, of course.

Red Phase

When you're done examining the purple phase, go to the red switch (it will appear after activating the correct combination of letters in the room with Darion's body) and activate it. The red barrier in the central room will disappear and you will be able to proceed to the location of the final battle of this add-on. Do not rush to head to the main hall - first examine the small corridor leading to the north. There you will find the final golem entry, which will complete this quest.

Going a little further, you will see the final boss - the Reaper. The fight with him is divided into two parts - when you remove almost all of his lives from him, he will transform into a more mobile version of himself and begin to rush around the hall.
Throughout the fight, the Reaper will also summon the undead to help him, from white opponents to orange mini-bosses. Their number depends on the difficulty - on a nightmare you can deal with several orange mini-bosses plus an elite plus white enemies at the same time, while at easier levels you can sometimes get by with an elite, and the lower the level, the less elite there will be and more - just white opponents. In the first part of the fight, from time to time a white switch will appear in the hall - if you click on it, the undead will disappear. In addition, when the Harvester summons undead, he becomes immune to physical attacks - which is also fixed by pressing the switch.

The second incarnation of the Reaper does not have as many lives as the first, but it is much more difficult to catch it for a hit. If you don't have stun spells, try to get him close to the wall (ideally cornered) so he has as few chances to escape as possible.
If your GG or Brogan has a skill from the branch of combat on two weapons "Continuous Fury", then it will be very useful in both forms of the Reaper. If both of them have this skill, then the second phase of the battle can only last a few seconds. My GG-robber, for example, took off almost half of the hit points of the Reaper in the second phase with this skill alone. Alternatively, you can make an archer out of Brogan - then you will not need to run headlong after the Reaper all over the hall. But, of course, it all depends on your favorite tactics and on who your GG is.

The death of the Reaper and a short cutscene after that completes this expansion.

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