Cheats for mortal kombat on ps2. Mortal Kombat (2011): all existing codes. Receptions of old characters

Playstation 2


These can be performed from anywhere on screen.

Bo Rai Cho (Belly Flop) Away, Away, Away, Down, Circle Cyrax (Smasher) Toward, Toward, Up, Triangle Drahmin (Iron Bash) Away, Toward, Toward, Down, X Frost (Freeze Shatter) Toward, Away, Up, Down, Square Jax Down, Toward, Toward, Down, Triangle Johnny Cage (Brain Ripper) Away, Toward, Toward Down, Triangle Hsu Hao (Laser Slice) Toward, Away, Down, Down, Triangle Kano (Heart Grab) Toward, Up, Up, Down, Square Kenshi (ETelekinetic Crush) Toward, Away, Toward, Down, X Kitana (Kiss of Doom) Down, Up, Toward, Toward, Triangle Kung Lao (Hat Throw) Down, Up, Away, X Li Mei (Crush Kick) Toward, Toward, Down, Toward, Circle Mavado (Kick Thrust) Away, Away, Up, Up, Square Nitara (Blood Thirst) Up, Up, Toward, Square Quan Chi Away, Away, Toward, Away, X Raiden (Electrocution) Away, Toward, Toward, Toward, X Reptile (Acid Shower) Up, Up, Up, Toward, X Scorpion Away, Away, Down, Away +Circle Shang Tsung (Soul Steal) Up, Down, Up, Down, Triangle Sonya (Kiss) Away, Toward, Toward, Down, Triangle Sub Zero (Spine Rip) Away, Toward, Toward, Down, X

Hidden Characters - Krypt Kodes :

Cyrax (3003 Platinum Koins) - CN Drahmin (6500 Sapphire Koins) - UR Frost (208 Ruby Koins) - IV Hsu Hao (3317 Jade Koins) - MW Jax (3780 Ruby Koins) - SA Kitana (2931 Sapphire) - KI Nitara ( 4022 Gold Koins) - TI Raiden (3116 Jade Koins) - XG Reptile (3822 Gold Koins) - LL

More Hidden Characters :

Complete all missions in Konquest mode to unlock Blaze and Mokap.

Full List Of Crypto Codes :

1. AA 1556 Gold Reward - Get Quan Chi Alternate Outfit 2. AB 186 Sapphire Reward - Get Kung Lao Sketch 3. AC 424 Platinum Reward - Get Li Mei 4. AD 96 Sapphire Reward - Get Moloch Sketches 5. AE 118 Onyx Reward - Get MK2 Cabinet Security Panels 6. AF 313 Onyx Reward - Get Hint RO: Rip Off 7. AG 258 Onyx Reward - Get Deadly Alliance Is Born 8. AH 66 Gold Reward - Get Shang Tsung Sketch 9. AI 277 Onyx Reward - Get Quan Chi tattoo picture 10. AJ 26 Jade Reward - Get 38 Gold Koins 11. AK 432 Gold Reward - Get Moloch Promo Render 12. AL 287 Ruby Reward - Get ShangTsungs palace concept art 13. AM 192 Platinum Reward - Get Mavado Coat Concepts 14. AN 52 Gold Reward - Get Hint: PD=Pay Day 15. AO 105 Platinum Reward - Get 57 Sapphire 16. AP 154 Platinum Reward - Get Quan Chis Throne 17. AQ 226 Onyx Reward - Get Scorpion Concept Sketch 18. AR 2206 Jade Reward - Get Alternate Nitara Costume 19. AS 66 Jade Reward - Get Palace Exterior Sketch 20. AT 269 Sapphire Reward - Get Swamplands Sketch 21. A U 463 Gold Reward - Get Shang Tsung 22. AV 497 Ruby Reward - Get Video- Senate of the Elder Gods Test 23. AW 76 Onyx Reward - Get 88 Ruby Koins 24. AX 337 Gold Reward - Get Quan Chi Inner Sanctum 25. AY 258 Platinum Reward - Get Concept Characters 26. AZ 442 Ruby Reward - Get Test Your Sight Concept Art 27. BA 264 Onyx Reward - Get Lin Kuei Temple Concept 28. BB ?? Sapphire Reward - Get Sub Zeros dragon medallion 29. BC 452 Gold Reward - Get Giant Drummer Detail 30. BD 1520 Sapphire Reward - Get kanos second costume 31. BE 67 Gold Reward - Get Swamplands Sketch 32. BF 263 Platinum Reward - Get 120 Jade coins 33. BG 217 Sapphire Reward - Get Baphomet Sketch 34. BH 116 Jade Reward - Get Ultimate MK3 Arcade Marquee 35. BI 167 Jade Reward - Get Sonya Concept Sketch 36. BJ 178 Platinum Reward - Get Ghost Ship 37. BK 650 Ruby Reward - Get fight against Baraka-view his bio 38. BL 145 Jade Reward - Get Portal Sphere 39. BM 207 Onyx Reward - Get Character Concepts 40. BN 720 Onyx Reward - Get The Grid: Guest Starts 41. BO 305 Platinum Reward - Get The Grid: Noob Saibot 42. BP 426 Gold Reward - Get The Grid: MK Ninjas 43. BQ 1327 Gold Reward - Get Alternate Princess Kitana Costume 44. BR 451 Onyx Reward - Get hint fly killer (fk) 45. BS 253 Sapphire Reward - Get Mavado Sketches 46. BT 291 Sapphire Reward - Get Blood Energy Drink 47. BU 336 Platinum Reward - Get reptile skin lotion 48. BV 371 Sapphire Reward - Get Backstage: MK4 Commercial 49. BW 329 Onyx Reward - Get BackStage MK4 Commercial 50. BX 212 Platinum Reward - Get backstage:mk4 commercial 51. BY 183 Gold Reward - Get MK Gold Logo 52. BZ 381 Platinum Reward - Get MK4 Sonya and Tanya 53. CA 218 Onyx Reward - Get Shang Tsungs Palace Sketch 54. CB 252 Sapphire Reward - Get Octo Garden Sketch 55. CC 376 Jade Reward - Get Book of Destiny 56. CD 261 Jade Reward - Get Shang Tsung Soul Concept 57. CE 174 Jade Reward - Get Great Dragon Egg 58. CF 268 Onyx Reward - Get Female Character Concepts 59. CG 75 Sapphire Reward - Get JT: Johnnys Tapes 61. CI 271 Jade Reward - Get Test Your Sight Concept 62. CJ 272 Ruby Reward - Get Quan Chi Sketches 63. CK 556 Jade Reward - Get Wu Shi Academy 64. CL 332 Gold Reward - Get 492 Onyx 65. CM 244 Gold Reward - Get House of Pekara Concept 66 CN 3003 Platinum Reward - Get Cyrax 67. CO 192 Ruby Reward - Get Kano,s Cereal 68. CP 172 Ruby Reward - Get Car los Pesina 69. CQ 272 Gold Reward - Get Senate of Elder Gods Concept 70. CR 294 Platinum Reward - Get RAyden Sketch 71. CS 89 Sapphire Reward - Get 143 Ruby coins 72. CT 588 Ruby Reward - Get Dragonfly Story 73. CU 257 Blue Sapphire Reward - Get Swamplands Sketch 74. CV 121 Sapphire Reward - Get 71 Jade Coins 75. CW 226 Ruby Reward - Get Academy Promo Render 76. CX 203 Gold Reward - Get Scorpion Goes Back to Hell Video 77. CY 116 Ruby Reward - Get Soul Cage Concept 78. CZ 362 Onyx Reward - Get Hsu Hao concept art 79. DA 72 Ruby Reward - Get 18 Sapphire coins 80. DB 257 Sapphire Reward - Get Soul Chamber Concept 81. DC 838 Gold Reward - Get Jax Vs Kung Lao MK3 pic 82. DD 355 Gold Reward - Get Lifeguard Sonya Picture 83. DE 126 Gold Reward - Get Character Concepts 84. DF 286 Platinum Reward - Get picture of Dan "Toasty" Forden 85. DG 57 Jade Reward - Get Sonya Blade 86. DH 199 Gold Reward - Get Shokan Warriors 87. DI 254 Sapphire Reward - Get Quan Chi on the Sax 88. DJ 186 Platinum Reward - Get 86 ruby ​​89. DK 1460 Ruby Reward - Get Johnny Cage alt Costume 90. DL 230 Platinum Reward - Get Scoprion Cloth Test Video 91. DM 428 Onyx Reward - Get Acid Bath 92. DN 234 Sapphire Reward - Get 18 Jade coi ns 93. DO 39 Gold Reward - Get 221 onyx coins 94. DP 224 Jade Reward - Get MK2 Print Ad 95. DQ 656 Platinum Reward - Get Hint "SF:Smelly Feet" 96. DR 273 Sapphire Reward - Get Mavado Sketches 97. DS 1472 Ruby Reward - Get Nethership Arena 98. DT 332 Ruby Reward - Get Li Mei Sketch 99. DU 368 Onyx Reward - Get MK3 behind scenes 100. DV 257 Ruby Reward - Get Empty Koffin 101. DW 157 Ruby Reward - Get Cave Arena Concept Video 102. DX 292 Jade Reward - Get 579 Ruby Coins 103. DY 94 Gold Reward - Get SS: Sword Sale 104. DZ 442 Ruby Reward - Get Test Your Sight Concept 105. EA 258 Sapphire Reward - Get The Lost Tomb 106. EB 237 Ruby Reward - Get Pic of Ed Boon 107. EC 248 Sapphire Reward - Get Swamplands Sketch 108. ED 633 Sapphire Reward - Get 949 Platinum 109. EE 1200 Platinum Reward - Get Mortal Kombat Mythologies Box Art 110. EF 267 Gold Reward - Get Quality Assurance: Chicago pic 111. EG 74 Platinum Reward - Get MK3 Arcade Marquee 112. EH 253 Onyx Reward - Get reptile sketch 113. EI 512 Sapphire Reward - Get action figure 114. EJ 547 Jade Reward - Get Action Figures 115. EK 424 Ruby Reward - Get Action Figures 116. EL 434 Platinum Reward - Get Action Figures 117. EM 405 Gold Reward - Get Action Figures 118. EN 246 Silver Reward - Get action figures 119. EO 289 Sapphire Reward - Get Action Figures 120. EP 166 Jade Reward - Get Action Figures Pic 121. EQ 256 Ruby Reward - Get Action Figure Vehicles 124. ET 664 Ruby Reward - Get "Edina Temple" Level Open 125. EU 262 Ruby Reward - Get Dairou Drawings 126. EV 356 Ruby Reward - Get Drum Arena 128. EX 243 Onyx Reward - Get ST "hint" sarna test 129. EY 254 Platinum Reward - Get Cyrax Sketch 130. EZ 412 Platinum Reward - Get Blood Stone Mine Concept 131 FA 263 Gold Reward - Get Cyrax Test Render 132. FB 248 Ruby Reward - Get A Long Time ag o (pic) 133. FC 310 Sapphire Reward - Get A Softer Side To Cyrax 134. FD 156 Onyx Reward - Get Portal Story 135. FE 242 Gold Reward - Get Li Mei Sketch 136. FF 1199 Gold Reward - Get MK1: Sub- Zero Vs. Scorpion 137. FG 291 Gold Reward - Get Dragonfly Concept Render 138. FH 215 Ruby Reward - Get House of Pekara Concept 139. FI 262 Silver Reward - Get Deadly Alliance Koins 140. FJ 179 Ruby Reward - Get mk3 arcade cabinet 141. FK 520 Platinum Reward - Get Bug Blaster (?) 142. FL 264 Sapphire Reward - Get Early MKDA promo video 143. FM 76 Silver Reward - Get Sketch (Palace Exterior) 144. FN 93 Jade Reward - Get 1800 Jade Coins 145. FO 76 Ruby Reward - Get MK2 Characters 146. FP 46 Gold Reward - Get palacen sketch 148. FR 401 Gold Reward - Get MK Youth Clothing 150. FT 126 Sapphire Reward - Get MK T-Shirts 151. FU 20 Silver Reward - Get Empty Koffin 152. FV 83 Platinum Reward - Get 243 Platinum Koins 153. FW 666 Ruby Reward - Get Hint - UH=Unleash Hell 154. FX 492 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Book, 1 of 41 155. FY 27 Ruby Reward - Get Comic Book Art 2 of 41 156. FZ 183 Onyx Reward - Get COMIC ART 3 OF 41 157. GA 572 Gold Reward - Get Comic Art: 4 of 41 158. GB 458 Jade Reward - Get Comic A rt 5 of 41 159. GC 412 Gold Reward - Get Comic Art: 6 of 41 160. GD 74 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Art: 7 of 41 161. GE 277 Ruby Reward - Get Comic Art: 8 of 41 162. GF 124 Platinum Reward - Get Comic Book Art 9 of 41 163. GG 63 Jade Reward - Get Comic Book Art 10 of 41 164. GH 418 Platinum Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 11 of 41 165. GI 100 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Book Art (12/41) 166. GJ 326 Platinum Reward - Get Comic Book Art 13 of 41 167. GK 379 Platinum Reward - Get comic art 14 168. GL 128 Ruby Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 15 of 41 170. GN 91 Gold Reward - Get comic book art 17 of 41 171. GO 422 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Book Art 18 of 41 172. GP 58 Jade Reward - Get Comic Book Art 19 of 41 173. GQ 532 Jade Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 20 of 41 175. GS 185 Gold Reward - Get COmic Book Art, 22 of 41 176. GT 307 Ruby Reward - Get Comic Book Art 23 of 41 177. GU 134 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Book Art 24 of 41 179. GW 264 Ruby Reward - Get comic art 26 of 41 180. GX 88 Platinum Reward - Get Comic Art 27 of 41 182. GZ 575 Ruby Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 29 of 41 183. HA 62 Gold Reward - Get Comic Art 30 of 41 184. HB 626 Ruby Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 31 of 41 185. HC 215 Silver Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 32 of 41 186. HD 176 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Book Art 33 of 41 187. HE 478 Sapphire Reward - Get Art 34 of 41 188. HF 203 Silver Reward - Get Comic Book Art, 35 of 41 189. HG 555 Gold Reward - Get Comic Book Art 36 of 41 190 .HH 222 Silver Reward - Get Comic Book Art: 37 of 41 191. HI 225 Jade Reward - Get Comic Book Art 38 of 41 193. HK 138 Gold Reward - Get Comic Book Art 40 of 41 194. HL 145 Sapphire Reward - Get Comic Book Art 41 of 41 195. HM 217 Onyx Reward - Get Bank Interior Sketch 196. HN 382 Jade Reward - Get Lung Hai Temple Sketch 197. HO 402 Jade Reward - Get Scorpion Preliminary Model 198. HP 2093 Onyx Reward - Get house of pekera arena unlocked 200. HR 187 Jade Reward - Get Konquest Mode Concepts 201. HS 272 Jade Reward - Get Herman Sanchez 202. HT 462 Jade Reward - Get Video: Ice Palace Test 203. HU 435 Ruby Reward - Get MK Pinball 204. HV 306 Jade Reward - Get MK Gold Print Ad 205. HW 56 Ruby Reward - Get Fire Well Concept 207. HY 408 Sapphire Reward - Get Kenshi,s Sword 209. IA 37 Ruby Reward - Get M K 4 Logo 210. IB 275 Sapphire Reward - Get Forest Sketch 211. IC 326 Platinum Reward - Get MK Rockem Sockem Art 212. ID 340 Jade Reward - Get Sub Zeros Coffee Mug 213. IE 253 Sapphire Reward - Get 32 ​​Pack of Adult Diapers 214. IF 195 Ruby Reward - Get River Front Concept 215. IG 208 Gold Reward - Get Lava Shrine Exterior Concept 216. IH 567 Jade Reward - Get Hint: IV: Icy Vixen 217. II 1843 Gold Reward - Get Arena: Lava Shrine Unlocked 218. IJ 314 Ruby Reward - Get Quan Chi,s Amulet 219. IK 400 Gold Reward - Get Unlock C4E Website 220. IL 207 Gold Reward - Get Hint: DK: Dressed to Kill 221. IM 227 Gold Reward - Get Church Concept 222. IN 37 Sapphire Reward - Get 57 Gold Koins 223. IO 244 Onyx Reward - Get ph=phat 224. IP 257 Onyx Reward - Get Halloween Masks 225. IQ 257 Gold Reward - Get Fortress Exterior Sketch 226. IR 55 Jade Reward - Get 91 Sapphire Coins 227. IS 244 Ruby Reward - Get Sub-Zero, s Blade 228. IT 269 Ruby Reward - Get Character Concepts 229. IU 342 Jade Reward - Get dairou sketch 230. IV 208 Ruby Reward - Get Frost 232. IX 265 Sapphire Reward - Get MKDA Merchandise 235. JA 105 Gold Reward - Get Kuatan Palace stage 236. JB 392 Sapphire Reward - Get Programmers Picture 237. JC 287 Gold Reward - Get Frost Sketches 238. JD 305 Jade Reward - Get Swamplands Test Render 239. JE 82 Platinum Reward - Get 59 Ruby Koins 240. JF 332 Ruby Reward - Get Drum Arena Sketch 241. JG 272 Jade Reward - Get Jon Greenberg pic 242. JH 271 Gold Reward - Get Hsu Hao Sketches 243 .JI 266 Jade Reward - Get MK4 Print Ad 244. JJ 402 Gold Reward - Get 772 sapphire koins 245. JK 291 Jade Reward - Get Lei Mei Sketch 247. JM 218 Sapphire Reward - Get Shang Tsung Drawings 248. JN 252 Jade Reward - Get John Nocher 249. JO 161 Onyx Reward - Get mk2 arcade board 250. JP 169 Gold Reward - Get John Podlasek 251. JQ 237 Ruby Reward - Get Kitana Sketches 252. JR 1688 Ruby Reward - Get Raiden Outfit 253. JS 294 Ruby Reward - Get Dragonfly Render 254. JT 259 Platinum Reward - Get Johnny Cage Video 256. JV 334 Ruby Reward - Get John Vogel 257. JW 164 Sapphire Reward - Get Kano,s Reminder 258. JX 167 Gold Reward - Get Raiden Test Outfit 259. JY 183 Sapphire Reward - Get MK4 Home Version 260. JZ 25 Jade Reward - Get Empty Koffin 261. KA 412 Onyx Reward - Get Swamplands Sketch 262. KB 247 Jade Reward - Get Edler God Hall Sketch 263. KC 292 Gold Reward - Get Video : Dragonfly Test 264. KD 342 Jade Reward - Get Artists 265. KE 402 Gold Reward - Get Kitana Sketch 266. KF 128 Jade Rewa rd - Get Mavado (Bio?) 267. KG 608 Jade Reward - Get Edenia Golf Outfitters Picture 268. KH 155 Platinum Reward - Get Kerry Hoskins Swim Suit Pin-Up Photo from MK3 269. KI 2931 Sapphire Reward - Get Kitana 270. KJ 248 Silver Reward - Get MK Baseball Caps 271. KK 694 Sapphire Reward - Get MK4 Characters Picture 272. KL 202 Platinum Reward - Get cyrax sketch 273. KM 350 Jade Reward - Get MK Strategy Guides 274. KN 7 Sapphire Reward - Get 15 Gold Koins 275. KO 197 Sapphire Reward - Get Konquest Mode Concepts 276. KP 276 Ruby Reward - Get Hint MW=Mongol Warrior 278. KR 4222 Sapphire Reward - Get palace grounds arena 281. KU 219 Jade Reward - Get 322 Platinum Coins 282. KV 256 Sapphire Reward - Get Arena Concepts 283. KW 257 Sapphire Reward - Get Empty Koffin 284. KX 1406 Sapphire Reward - Get Li Mei Alternate Outfit 285. KY 843 Platinum Reward - Get MK1: Cage Vs. Kano 286. KZ 263 Jade Reward - Get Character Concepts 287. LA 56 Ruby Reward - Get Blood Particle Details 288. LB 258 Jade Reward - Get Game Play Wall Trick Ideas 289. LC 462 Sapphire Reward - Get Game Play Kicks and Doges 290. LD 302 Silver Reward - Get Game Play Fatalities 291. LE 7800 Gold Reward - Get 8 on the Break Poster 292. LF 305 Gold Reward - Get Game Play Special Moves 293. LG 195 Ruby Reward - Get Game Play Throws 294. LH 165 Jade Reward - Get Jax Stomp Game Play Fatalities 295. LI 135 Silver Reward - Get Game Play Throws Sketch 296. LJ 134 Gold Reward - Get Nitara,s Crystal 297. LK 268 Silver Reward - Get Wu Shi Acad. Test 298. LL 3822 Gold Reward - Get Reptile Unlocked 299. LM 165 Onyx Reward - Get Luis Mangubat 300. LN 306 Onyx Reward - Get "Chrome Bling" 301. LO 329 Onyx Reward - Get deadly alliance website 302. LP 442 Ruby Reward - Get Sub-Zero Sketch 303. LQ 477 Sapphire Reward - Get MK1 Arcade Goro 304. LR 176 Gold Reward - Get MKDA Box Art Concepts 305. LS 157 Sapphire Reward - Get MKDA Box Art Concepts 306. LT 105 Onyx Reward - Get mkda logo concepts 307. LU 170 Jade Reward - Get MKDA Box Art Concepts 308. LV 140 Ruby Reward - Get box art 309. LW 332 Gold Reward - Get Midway Creative Media 310. LX 147 Platinum Reward - Get Empty Koffin 311. LY 160 Sapphire Reward - Get MK4: Scorpion Vs. Raiden 312. LZ 511 Onyx Reward - Get Hint: FL (First Look) 313. MA 471 Ruby Reward - Get Johnny Cage 314. MB 188 Gold Reward - Get Mike Boon Pic 315. MC 262 Platinum Reward - Get Wu Shi Academy Sketches 316 MD 80 Silver Reward - Get Tools & Technology Picture 317. ME 237 Jade Reward - Get MKDA Print Ad 318. MF 58 Jade Reward - Get 102 Onyx Koins 319. MG 134 Platinum Reward - Get MK4 Road Tour 320. MH 83 Gold Reward - Get MK4 Tour 321. MI 96 Gold Reward - Get MK4 Arcade Tour 324. ML 1170 Gold Reward - Get Shang Tsung Alternate Outfit 325. MM 215 Ruby Reward - Get Bridge Arena concept 326. MN 176 Onyx Reward - Get Portal 327. MO 177 Jade Reward - Get Drahmin Sketches 328. MP 314 Gold Reward - Get MK Basketball Concept 329. MQ 278 Gold Reward - Get 412 Jade Koins 330. MR 412 Ruby Reward - Get Lung Hai Temple 331. MS 253 Silver Reward - Get Outworld Concept Sketch 332. MT 227 Gold Reward - Get Mike Taran 333. MU 218 Sapphire Reward - Get Sarna Ruins Concept 335. MW 3317 Jade Reward - Get Hsu Hao 337. MY 167 Jade Reward - Get Moloch, s Ball Sketches 338. MZ 383 Sapphire Reward - Get Assassin for Hire 339. NA 177 Ruby Reward - Get Sonya Sketch 340. NB 287 Jade Reward - Get House Of Pekara Render 341. NC 275 Platinum Reward - Get Nigel Casey 342. ND 212 Sapphire Reward - Get Empty Koffin 343. NE 270 Ruby Reward - Get Jax Sketch Concept 344. NF 392 Ruby Reward - Get Scorpion Promo Render 345. NG 63 Sapphire Reward - Get 252 Platnium Koins 346. NH 147 Onyx Reward - Get Hachiman Sketch 347 NI 422 Gold Reward - Get Kitana sketches 348. NJ 326 Gold Reward - Get MK Lunch Time (lunchbox) 349. NK 77 Jade Reward - Get 116 Onyx Koins 350. NL 252 Gold Reward - Get Wu Shi Academy Monk 351. NM 182 Sapphire Reward - Get Scorpion Online Promo Image 352. NN 452 Jade Reward - Get Blaze Sketches 353. NO 426 Jade Rew ard - Get Kabal,s Helmet 354. NP 525 Platinum Reward - Get MK3 - Scorpian vs. Jade 355. NQ 157 Sapphire Reward - Get Quan Chi Promo render 356. NR 425 Sapphire Reward - Get Hint: BT: Blood Thirsty? 358. NT 275 Gold Reward - Get Arctic Hold 361. NW 875 Gold Reward - Get Night Wolf Render 362. NX 365 Sapphire Reward - Get Damnation Charcoal 363. NY 281 Sapphire Reward - Get Brian Lebanon (photo) 364. NZ 456 Gold Reward - Get The Mine Arena Concept 365. OA 142 Sapphire Reward - Get Quality Assurance: Chicago 366. OB 248 Platinum Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 2 of 8 367. OC 322 Gold Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 3 of 8 368. OD 288 Ruby Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 4 of 8 369. OE 326 Jade Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 5 of 8 370. OF ​​412 Sapphire Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 6 of 8 371. OG 266 Onyx Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 7 of 8 372. OH ​​224 Platinum Reward - Get Movie Storyboards 8 of 8 373. OI 263 Jade Reward - Get Midway Movie Group 374. OJ 49 Ruby Reward - Get Empty 375. OK 208 Sapphire Reward - Get hint: shao kahn awaits 376. OL 136 Platinum Reward - Get Evil masters Sketch 377. OM 88 Ruby Reward - Get 177 Jade Koins 378. ON ​​227 Jade Reward - Get Quan Chi Sketches 379. OO 274 Onyx Reward - Get Mortal Kandies 380. OP 24 Jade Reward - Get 125 Gold Koins 381. OQ 95 Sapphire Reward - Get MK4 Logo Treatment 382. OR 450 Silver Reward - Get Alan Villani 384. OT 47 Platinum Reward - Get 222 Onyx Coins 385. OU 338 Ruby Reward - Get Back to school with MK 387. OW 422 Sapphire Reward - Get Fallen Giants Arena Sketch 388. OX 352 Ruby Reward - Get 352 Gold Koins 389. OY 218 Sapphire Reward - Get blade arena test 390. OZ 243 Platinum Reward - Get ice sword 391. PA 272 Ruby Reward - Get Lung Hai Temple Concept 392. PB 12 Gold Reward - Get 6 Platinum Koins 393. PC 20 Sapphire Reward - Get NFL Blitz Pic w/ raiden as secret character 394. PD 451 Ruby Reward - Get 1056 platinum koins 395. PE 392 Sapphire Reward - Get kung lao render 396. PF 343 Ruby Reward - Get reptile de:evolution 397. PG 442 Ruby Reward - Get Paulo Garcia 399. PI 638 Jade Reward - Get Hint HP: Haunted Place 400. PJ 292 Onyx Reward - Get Drum Arena Details 401. PK 157 Platinum Reward - Get 475 platinum 402. PL 382 Gold Reward - Get dojo concept art 403. PM 253 Silver Reward - Get Kenshi Sketch 404. PN 684 Sapphire Reward - Get blaze 405. PO 71 Ruby Reward - Get 108 gold 406. PP 516 Sapphire Reward - Get MK gear 407. PQ 283 Sapphire Reward - Get lava shrine sketch 408. PR 11 Platinu m Reward - Get 25 Silver Koins 409. PS 294 Jade Reward - Get Moloch The Hobbyist Picture 410. PT 207 Sapphire Reward - Get Slaughter Concept 411. PU 175 Sapphire Reward - Get 267 Oynx Coins 412. PV 206 Sapphire Reward - Get EMPTY 413 .PW 2006 Sapphire Reward - Get Sarna Ruins Arena 414. PX 493 Onyx Reward - Get Goro Statuette 415. PY 316 Ruby Reward - Get Backstage: MK Mythologies 416. PZ 186 Jade Reward - Get lava shrine sketch 417. QA 142 Sapphire Reward - Get Quality Assurance: Chicago 418. QB 272 Jade Reward - Get Mavado Sketches 419. QC 216 Platinum Reward - Get Lin Kuei Temple 420. QD 264 Sapphire Reward - Get Video MK4 Arena Concept 421. QE 346 Gold Reward - Get empty 422. QF 311 Ruby Reward - Get MKDA Hats 423. QG 251 Ruby Reward - Get Hint LL: Lurking Lizard 424. QH 342 Jade Reward - Get 638 Onyx Coins 425. QI 192 Sapphire Reward - Get Lung Hai Termple sketch 426. QJ 49 Ruby Reward - Get Empty 427. QK 244 Ruby Reward - Get kenshi 428. QL 488 Sapphire Reward - Get MK3 Promo art 429. QM 332 Gold Reward - Get MK1 SCREEN 430. QN 96 Gold Reward - Get 147 Gold Koins 431. QO 1616 Gold Reward - Get Fan Art 1 of 5 432. QP 1214 Jade Reward - Get fan art 2 of 5 433. QQ 950 Ruby Reward - Get fan art 3 0f 5 434. QR 512 Sapphire Reward - Get Fan Art 4 of 5 435. QS 825 Onyx Reward - Get fan art 5 of 5 436. QT 58 Onyx Reward - Get Get Over Here! 437. QU 346 Gold Reward - Get mk4 logo designs 438. QV 318 Gold Reward - Get reptiles past 439. QW 233 Ruby Reward - Get MK2 Arcade 440. QX 1518 Jade Reward - Get hsu hao costume 441. QY 238 Gold Reward - Get MKDA at E3 Expo 442. QZ 501 Gold Reward - Get QUAN CHI FORTRESS 443. RA 268 Gold Reward - Get Hint: XG=Ed-God 444. RB 253 Platinum Reward - Get Robert Blum Picture 445. RC 272 Ruby Reward - Get midway crative media 446. RD 1455 Jade Reward - Get Mavado Costume 447. RE 107 Sapphire Reward - Get MK3 Print Ad 448. RF 135 Jade Reward - Get Swamp Bird Test Video 449. RG 187 Gold Reward - Get Sub Zero Sketch 450. RH 208 Jade Reward - Get Bridge Arena Concept 451. RI 61 Onyx Reward - Get 28 Jade Koins 452. RJ 189 Gold Reward - Get print ads 453. RK 1000 Jade Reward - Get Evolution of Kombat 454. RL 5 Ruby Reward - Get 159 Onyx Koins 455. RM 182 Onyx Reward - Get Kuatan Palace sketch 456. RN 203 Platinum Reward - Get 208 gold 457. RO 27 Gold Reward - Get 1 Ruby Koin 458 RP 31 Sapphire Reward - Get MK1 Test Your Mights 460. RR 224 Sapphire Reward - Get Palace sketch 461. RS 1645 Platinum Reward - Get Robin Shou MK3 Movie I nterview (plays Liu Kang) 462. RT 3345 Sapphire Reward - Get Reptile Alternate Costume (Ninja) 464. RV 307 Sapphire Reward - Get mk musik 465. RW 262 Ruby Reward - Get Shang Tsungs Palace Sketch 466. RX 105 Sapphire Reward - Get Empty Coffin 468. RZ 317 Sapphire Reward - Get 473 gold 469. SA 3780 Ruby Reward - Get Jax Unlocked 470. SB 291 Jade Reward - Get Steve Beran Picture 471. SC 226 Sapphire Reward - Get shawn cooper 472. SD 326 Onyx Reward - Get Quality Assurance: San Diego Picture 473. SE 308 Platinum Reward - Get reptiles sword 474. SF 138 Jade Reward - Get "Shang Tsung Insouls" 475. SG 94 Ruby Reward - Get 97 Platinum Koins 476. SH 1834 Ruby Reward - Get Sonja Blade alt Costume 477. SI 292 Sapphire Reward - Get Tiamat Sketch 478. SJ 353 Onyx Reward - Get MK4 Scorpion 479. SK 176 Sapphire Reward - Get Jax Preliminary Model 480. SL 117 Sapphire Reward - Get "Tools and Technology" 481. SM 56 Jade Reward - Get MKDA Print Ad 482. SN 175 Gold Reward - Get Quan Chi, info on character section 483. SO 2 Sapphire Reward - Get MKDA Promo Pieces 484. SP 63 Gold Reward - Get Empty 485. SQ 167 Platinum Reward - Get peptic thunder 486. SR 342 Ruby Reward - Get mk4 goro vs. cage (pic) 487. SS 214 Platinum Reward - Get Kung Lao Dragon Sword 488. ST 153 Jade Reward - Get Video: Sarna Ruins Test 489. SU 106 Sapphire Reward - Get kenshi story sketch 490. SV 145 Ruby Reward - Get 36 Sapphire 491. SW 1152 Jade Reward - Get drahmin costume 492. SX 215 Onyx Reward - Get MK4 Arcade Marquee 494. SZ 322 Sapphire Reward - Get Kung Lao 495. TA 177 Ruby Reward - Get Todd Allen 496. TB 259 Platinum Reward - Get Quan Chi,s Fortress Sketches 497. TC 135 Silver Reward - Get Palace Exterior Sketch 498. TD 172 Ruby Reward - Get nice plats exchange 500. TF 470 Jade Reward - Get MK4 Characters 501. TG 262 Gold Reward - Get Tony Goskie 502. TH 282 Gold Reward - Get Konquest Mode Concepts 503. TI 4022 Gold Reward - Get Nitara 504. TJ 259 Sapphire Reward - Get koin sketches 505. TK 94 Sapphire Reward - Get Hint: RD: Red Dragon 506. TL 360 Jade Reward - Get Acid Bath Sketch 507. TM 251 Ruby Reward - Get HSU HAO Sketches 508. TN 211 Ruby Reward - Get early mkda 509. TO 316 Jade Reward - Get Early MKDA 510. TP 294 Onyx Reward - Get Early MK:DA (Jax) 511. TQ 616 Platinum Reward - Get "Early MK:DA" (Scorpion) 512. TR 392 Ruby Reward - Get MKDA Promo Image 515. TU 197 Gold Reward - Get 98 Onyx Coins 517. TW 129 Ruby Reward - Get 180 gold 518. TX 167 Gold Reward - Get Goro,s Throne Sketch 519. TY 3 90 Gold Reward - Get Baraka 520. TZ 195 Gold Reward - Get Animators 521. UA 205 Jade Reward - Get MK4 PC Version 522. UB 1261 Gold Reward - Get Frost alternate outfit 523. UC 3 Sapphire Reward - Get 320 Onyx Koins 524. UD 252 Gold Reward - Get Drahmin sketch 525. UE 210 Gold Reward - Get Hint WT: Winged Transport 526. UF 371 Gold Reward - Get MK4 Liu Kang Fatality 527. UG 67 Platinum Reward - Get 245 Onyx koins 528. UH 1660 Jade Reward - Get Scorpion Alternate Outfit 529. UI 270 Silver Reward - Get Video- Cooking with Scorpion 530. UJ 225 Sapphire Reward - Get Goro on the kit 531. UK 35 Silver Reward - Get 45 Platinum Coins 532. UL 252 Jade Reward - Get Kai sketch 533. UM 33 Platinum Reward - Get 50 Gold Koins 534. UN 152 Sapphire Reward - Get MK4 Print ad 535. UO 243 Jade Reward - Get MK Trading Cards 536. UP 406 Ruby Reward - Get MK Trading Cards 537. UQ 185 Ruby Reward - Get undefeatable army (pic) 538. UR 6,500 Sapphire Reward - Get Drahmin Unlocked 539. US 72 Platinum Reward - Get 32 Sapphire koins 540. UT 157 Onyx Reward - Get Bridge Arena Concept 541. UU 1214 Jade Reward - Get Empty Coffin 542. UV 256 Jade Reward - Get 520 Sapphire Koins 543. UW 255 Gold Reward - Get mkda at e3 expo 545. UY 359 Jade Reward - Get MK Hits the Big Screen 546. UZ 78 Onyx Reward - Get 107 Ruby Koins 547. VA 299 Platinum Reward - Get shao kahns armor 548. VB 116 Silver Reward - Get Blaze Sketch 549. VC 209 Jade Reward - Get 3 Pt Staff, Butterfly Knives 550. VD 152 Ruby Reward - Get akedo 551. VE 173 Gold Reward - Get baji quan and crab 552. VF 212 Sapphire Reward - Get "Basic Fighting Strikes" 553. VG 362 Onyx Reward - Get Basic Fighting Strikes 554. VH 72 Silver Reward - Get Broadswords 555. VI 184 Jade Reward - Get cudgle 556. VJ 58 Ruby Reward - Get Drunken Master 557. VK 268 Gold Reward - Get Dragon and Eagle Claw (pic) 558. VL 180 Sapphire Reward - Get "Escrima and Crane" 559. VM 198 Onyx Reward - Get shuai chiao and shaolin fist 560. VN 86 Platinum Reward - Get hapkido and nan chuan 561. VO 247 Jade Reward - Get hookswords and sai 562. VP 356 Ruby Reward - Get Hung Gar and Jujutsu 563. VQ 241 Gold Reward - Get Jojutsu 564. VR 174 Sapphire Reward - Get Judo 566. VT 405 Platinum Reward - Get Kama and Katara 567. VU 180 Jade Reward - Get Karate 568. VV 192 Ruby Reward - Get Long Fist and Muay Thai 569. VW 957 Ruby Reward - Get "Vorpax Wins "Sound? 570. VX 248 Sapphire Reward - Get Pi Gua and Jeet Kune Do 571. VY 35 Onyx Reward - Get Praying Mantis, Lui He Ba Fa Pictures (onyx koins) 572. VZ 223 Platinum Reward - Get Sambo (pic) 573. WA 194 Jade Reward - Get Straight Sword 574. WB 242 Ruby Reward - Get Tai Chi Pic 575. WC 156 Gold Reward - Get Tae Kwon Do (pic) 576. WD 186 Sapphire Reward - Get Tonfa (pic) 577. WE 186 Onyx Reward - Get Tong Bei and Yuan Yang 578. WF 214 Platinum Reward - Get Wing Chun and Snake 579. WG 308 Sapphire Reward - Get MK1 Pit 580. WH 24 Sapphire Reward - Get 18 Ruby Koins 581. WI 242 Jade Reward - Get Story Mode Concept Sketch 582. WJ 165 Gold Reward - Get 248 Sapphire koins 583. WK 76 Platinum Reward - Get Frost Sketches 584. WL 22 Gold Reward - Get 44 Jade Coins 585. WM 36 Ruby Reward - Get Empty Coffin 586. WN 143 Sapphire Reward - Get Sub Zero 587. WO 270 Ruby Reward - Get acid Buddha detail 588. WP 247 Ruby Reward - Get Drahmin sketches 589. WQ 151 Sapphire Reward - Get 78 Onyx Coins 590. WR 125 Ruby Reward - Get MK3 Home Version 591. WS 44 Onyx Reward - Get 165 Platinum Koins 592. WT 1400 Jade Reward - Get Dragonfly Arena Unlocked 594. WV 424 Jade Reward - Get 97 jade 595. WW 262 Jade Reward - Get Dragon Area Concept 596. WX 315 Gold Reward - Get Hsu Hao Implant 597. WY 264 Sapphire Reward - Get Bo, Rai Cho Sketches 598. WZ 145 Onyx Reward - Get Kano 599. XA 172 Gold Reward - Get The Grid Picture 600. XB 272 Platinum Reward - Get Cage Sketch 601. XC 352 Sapphire Reward - Get Qan Chi,s Sanctum Sketch 602. XD 326 Gold Reward - Get Acid Buddha Detail 603. XE 147 Onyx Reward - Get 294 Onyx K oins 604. XF 265 Gold Reward - Get MK Gold Chracters (Select screen pic) 605. XG 3116 Jade Reward - Get Raiden Unlocked 606. XH 352 Onyx Reward - Get cyrax sketch 607. XI 457 Platinum Reward - Get mk3 behind the sceens 608. XJ 197 Silver Reward - Get Quan Chi render 609. XK 37 Jade Reward - Get Hint, DS=Death Ship 611. XM 254 Sapphire Reward - Get Hint "SA:Steel Arms" 612. XN 27 Gold Reward - Get Empty 613. XO 1736 Sapphire Reward - Get Reptile alt. costume (looks like concept art) 614. XP 436 Gold Reward - Get MK4 Gift Cards 616. XR 288 Ruby Reward - Get Konquest Mode Concepts 617. XS 283 Platinum Reward - Get Kung Lao Sketch 618. XT 65 Jade Reward - Get MK3 Characters 619. XU 194 Onyx Reward - Get mortal friday 620. XV 503 Onyx Reward - Get organic arena concept 621. XW 96 Ruby Reward - Get Barakas Demise Video 622. XX 365 Onyx Reward - Get Shao Kahn Medal 623. XY 55 Platinum Reward - Get Shang Tsungs Palace Story 624. XZ 255 Onyx Reward - Get Marsh Concept 625. YA 1999 Sapphire Reward - Get Sub-Zero Second Costume 626. YB 358 Jade Reward - Get Ketchup & Mustard Pic 627. YC 257 Platinum Reward - Get Moloch Promo Render 628. YD 412 Gold Reward - Get MK Stickers and Tatoos 629. YE 274 Platinum Reward - Get temple oarsman 630. YF 16 Platinum Reward - Get 64 platinum 631. YG 312 Sapphire Reward - Get Swamplands Test Render 632. YH 78 Jade Reward - Get 82 Sapphire Coins 633. YI 197 Gold Reward - Get MK2 arcade marquee 634. YJ 1208 En by Reward - Get Kung Lao Alternate Outfit 635. YK 225 Platinum Reward - Get Dragon Fly Concept 636. YL 199 Jade Reward - Get Jax Concept Sketch 637. YM 1435 Platinum Reward - Get Kenshi alt. outfit 638. YN 61 Ruby Reward - Get 23 Gold Coins 639. YO 294 Sapphire Reward - Get sony scetch 640. YP 511 Gold Reward - Get mokap 641. YQ 146 Gold Reward - Get tools and technology 642. YR 143 Gold Reward - Get MK3 home version 643. YS 151 Platinum Reward - Get 10 Worst MKDA Subtitles 644. YT 384 Sapphire Reward - Get 227 sapphire 645. YU 374 Platinum Reward - Get mk4 comic book 646. YV 86 Silver Reward - Get Graveyard Concept 647. YW 376 Gold Reward - Get Fashion Model Li Mei 648. YX 83 Gold Reward - Get 242 RubyCoins 649. YY 85 Ruby Reward - Get Empty Coffin 650. YZ 255 Onyx Reward - Get Kenshi Test Render 651. ZA 63 Onyx Reward - Get Empty 652. ZB 993 Silver Reward - Get Zebron Sketch 653. ZC 218 Platinum Reward - Get Frost Color Sketches 654. ZD 98 Ruby Reward - Get Moloch lair arena 655. ZE 257 Jade Reward - Get Zebron Sketch 656. ZF 237 Ruby Reward - Get Lava Shrine Sketch 657. ZG 201 Onyx Reward - Get facial animation test 658. ZH 372 Sapphire Reward - Get Krypt Concept 659. Z I 432 Jade Reward - Get Hell Concept 660. ZJ 272 Onyx Reward - Get water temple concept 661. ZK 216 Ruby Reward - Get 164 Sapphire Coins 662. ZL 126 Jade Reward - Get Drum Arena Sketch 663. ZM 1410 Silver Reward - Get Alternate Jax Costume 664. ZN 145 Sapphire Reward - Get Empty Coffin 665. ZO 466 Jade Reward - Get Hint LO: Log On 666. ZP 129 Jade Reward - Get MK1 Print Ad 667. ZQ 282 Jade Reward - Get Sub-Zero Promo Render 668. ZR 244 Silver Reward - Get 600 Gold Koins 669. ZS 381 Sapphire Reward - Get MK Home Graphics 670. ZT 215 Onyx Reward - Get Animators Pic 671. ZU 201 Platinum Reward - Get Kuatan Palace Sketch 672. ZV 182 Onyx Reward - Get 116 Ruby Koins 673. ZW 1485 Sapphire Reward - Get Cyrax Costume 674. ZX 178 Ruby Reward - Get Hint: BD=Black Dragon 675. ZY 186 Platinum Reward - Get The Fans Speak 676. ZZ 254 Gold Reward - Get 355 Ruby Coins

random character select:

Highlight Shang Tsung (for player one) or Quan Chi (for player two) at the

Character selection screen, then hold Up + Start.

Header-code" alt="(!">!}

1. Codes are typed on the screen versus-match before it starts, the first three digits are for the first player, the next three are for the second.

Code ---------------Effect
911-911 fight without weapons
020-020 blocks blocks
090-090 disables combo interrupts
022-022 dark fight
391-193 double throws (Double Dash)
222-555 sleepy contraction
051-150 disables advanced movements
227-227 explosive fight
001-001 removes objects in the foreground
808-808 headless fight
012-012 health recovery
091-091 hyperfight
770-770 invisible fight
831-831 forbids jumping
931-931 disables combos
101-101 classical music
900-900 no blood
220-000 the first player only has half health
000-110 Player 2 only has half health
110-000 the first player only has a quarter of health
000-110 the second player has only a quarter of health
404-404 disables energy bars
707-707 psycho fight
303-303 quick recovery after uppercut
234-234 rainbow skirmish
717-313 random phrase 1
448-844 random phrase 2
122-221 random phrase 3
009-900 random phrase 4
550-055 random phrase 5
031-130 random phrase 6
282-282 random phrase 7
123-926 random phrase 8
044-440 without energy
300-300 silent fight
731-731 bans special moves
123-123 super recovery
100-100 forbids throws
010-010 throws are encouraged
111-111 tournament mode
466-466 unlimited supermeter (Unlimited Super Meter)
424-424 vampire fight
242-242 ban x-ray
666-666 zombie fight
2. Codes are for Xbox 360. If you have PS3, replace button A on the cross, B on the a circle, Y on the triangle and X on the square.

Below are the secret combinations for avatars in the mode King of the Hill. As a spectator, highlight your avatar and press the button X to bring up the emote menu. Then type:
down, Y - #1
up, up, B - «$%#&!»
up, up, right, right, X- "FATALITY!"
left, right, X- "FIGHT!"
left, right, left, right, Y- "Finish Him!"
down, up, down, A- "HA!"
down, down, Y- "I'm Not Worthy"
right, up, Y- cotton
left, up, down, B- a smile!
left, right, B- facepalm
down, up, X- hell horn
up, down, left, Y- diamond
up, down, Y- double hell horn
right, right, right, left, Y- ice
left, right, up, up, A- skunk
up, up, X- hops
down, down, up, up, X- lighter
right, right, X- point
left, left, right, right, X- Raiden's pose
left, right, A- shaking head
down, down, down, B- dream
right, left, B- smelly wave
up, down, down, B - warm up
down, down, down, up, A- throw a tomato

Secret battles:
jade- Get two clear wins in two rounds against Shang Tsung and get a Fatality
Noob Saibot- when you spot Noob in the background of The Temple arena, win the fight without blocking
Reptile- in the night arena of The Pit 2, wait until a dark silhouette flies against the background of the moon, then get two clear wins in two rounds and throw the enemy off the bridge
smoke- in The Living Forest, wait until Smoke appears behind one of the trees, then press Down + Back frequently (Select on PS3)

In order to Babality the bosses (Kintaro and Goro) in Arcade Mode, you need to play at least Medium difficulty, not lose a single round to any opponent, and Babality on Shang Tsun. After that, you will automatically cast Babality on Kintaro or Goro. And to turn Shao Kahn into a baby, you need to make Babality to all opponents, including Goro or Kintaro.

Choosing an arena for a fight in the mode Versus, click start. You will hear Shao Kahn laugh. Now the normal music in the selected arena will change to the music for the same arena, but from earlier parts

* Secret character.
There is another secret character in this game. Start the game in single player mode, and in the most difficult Championship battle (Champion battle), Complete the game until you have an Endurance fight, and then press and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+UP+Select. You will find yourself face to face with an Absolute Zero fighter; it's a "white" variant of Sub-Zero that freezes anyone who touches it!. So, to defeat him, you need to attack only with long-range projectiles!

* Level selection.
When selecting a player, place the cursor on Sonia, then press START+UP. After selecting a hero, the "Select Combat Zone*" screen will appear, in which, using the buttons RIGHT and LEFT you can choose the level.

* Quick exit.
You can exit the game in the middle of any match by pressing the button start and then Select. After that, you will be asked if you want to continue the fight or withdraw.

* Random selection.
To do so, on the selection screen, press UP+Start(when default characters are highlighted).

* Access to the screen "?".
Enter the options screen and highlight any of the four "boxes". Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, then press and hold U.P.. If done correctly, you will hear "Boom" and the screen will "shake". You have now gained access to the previously inaccessible menu on the options screen. Here you can activate several amazing modes, including "Instant Agressor", "Normal Boss Damage", "Low Damage" and "Health Recovery". If you enable the "1 Button Fatality" option, you can perform the finishing action with a single button. Pressing is made at the moment when "Finish Him / Her" appears.
brutality Square
fatality 1 Triangle
fatality 2 O (Circle)
Animality L2
Friendship R1

* Shau Kano Treasure Chest.
After defeating Shao, you can choose a prize for yourself:
Box 1 Character Endings (character endings).
Box 2 Fight Chameleon (fight with Chameleon).
Box 3 MK1 Classic Endurance Kombat.
Box 4 MK2 Classic Endurance Kombat.
Box 5 Random Prize (random prize).
Box 6 Fatality Demo 1.
Box 7 Fatality Demo 2.
Box 8 Fatality Demo 3.
Box 9 Super Endurance Kombat.
Box 10 Battle With Shokan Champions.
Box 11 Mega Endurance Kombat.
Box 12 Supreme Fatalities.

* Classic characters.
There are no two characters from MK1 and MK2 to be discovered. In order to find out who this or that character was in a previous life, click next to him Select. Wanted characters: MK1 - Kapo, Rayden; MK2 - Kung Lao, Jax.

* Game for CHAMELEON "A.
To play as a hidden Chameleon, enter the battle selection screen, and select Human Smoke, then press and hold LEFT + L1 + R2 + Square + Triangle. Hold these buttons until the battle begins, and Human Smoke will turn into Chameleon "a.

Character responses.
If, after holding the Stage Fatality in the Scorpion's Lair arena, you press and hold both Run buttons, you will hear Shao How say "Crispy." If you press and hold both Punch buttons, Dan Forden will say "Crispy." By pressing and buttons, you'll hear both of these characters speaking.Also, sometimes Dan Forden says "Frosty" instead of his usual "Toasty" by freezing the opponent while he/she is dangerously close.

List of tricks.

We have listed the most popular moves of all characters, including moves from the MKZ for the PS and UMK3 moves for the Saturn system: but in some cases you will have to experiment to find out if this move works in your version. Conventions
F - Forwards (forward)
B - Backwards (back)
HP- High Punch (high punch)
LP - Low Punch (low punch)
HK - High Kick (high kick)
LK - Low Kick (low kick)
VK - Block (blocking)
R - Run (running)
. - buttons are pressed sequentially
+ - buttons are pressed simultaneously
* - new reception in MK Trilogy

* fatality: The distance in parentheses in front of this trick's code tells you how far from. your fighter must be standing by the opponent for the technique to work.
* Friendship and Babality: AT new version You can carry out these
tricks, even if a block was used in the last round. Simply stand anywhere on the screen (unless otherwise instructed) and dial the reception code.
* Animality: This technique can only be done after you have used Mercy (condescension) on your opponent, and then beat him again.
* Mercy: To perform this indulgence move, press and hold R. Press D, D and release R while out of jumping range.
* Brutality: When the credit "Finish Him/Her" appears, get close to the opponent and quickly land many hits (usually 10 or 11). If you keep up the pace, the grenade will darken and the computer itself will perform another series of blows, finishing off the opponent!
* Random selection: When highlighting characters at the start, simply press and hold Start and press UP.
* Pit Fatality: You can carry out this technique while standing close to your opponent in any of the following arenas: Scorpion "s Lair, Shoo Kan" s Tower, The Subway, The Pit III, The Dead Pool (after that, press and hold D on both controllers - and you will hear a funny voice), The Kombat Tomb, The Pit I (for Pit completion, just perform an uppercut).


Blade Spark D, V, HP
Shredder B, B, B, LP
Blade Spin F, D, F, BK (keep hitting BK to keep spinning)
Blade Swipe B + HP
Decapitation Fatality (close) BK V, V, V, HP BK
Spike Lift Fatality (Close) B, F, D, F, LP
Present Friendship D, F, HK
Babality F, F, F, HK
Pit Fatality LK, R, R, R, R
Brutality HP, HP, HP, LP, LP, BK, HK, HK, LK, LK, BK

Goro (GORO)

Fireball V. V, B, LP
Grab & Punch F, F, HP
Arm Spin B, B, F, HK
Taunt D, D, LK

Jax from MK2 (MK2 Jax)

Energy Wave F, D, B, HK
Gotcha Grab F, F, LP
Air Energy Wave U, F, DF + HK
Earthquake Punch Press and hold LK. then let go
Multi Slam Throw and hit HP multiple times
Backbicaker BK (in the air next to the enemy)
Splat Fatality (close) Press and hold LP + press F, F, F, release LP Paper Chain Friendship D, D, U, U, LK
Babality D, U, D, U, LK
Pit Fatality U, U, D, LK
Brutality HP, HP, HP, BK, LP, HP, HP. HP, BK, LP, HP

Johnny Cage

High Fireball F, D, B, HP
Low Fireball B, D, F, LP
Green Shadow Kick B, F, LK
Red Shadow Kick B, B, F, HK
Shadow Uppercut B, D. B, HP
Decapitation Fatality (Close) D, D, F, F, LP
Backbreaker Fatality (Close) D, D, F, F, LK
Autograph Friendship D, D, D, D, LK
Babality F, B, B, HP
Pit Fatality D, B, F, F, BK
Brutality HP, LK, HK, LP. HP, H.K. HK, HP, HP, LP, HP

Kano from MK1 (MK1 Kano)

Knife Toss Press and hold BK + press B, F
Roll Press and hold BK + turn 360 degrees forward Knife Spin B, F, HP
Heart Rip Fatality (close) B, D, F, LP
Brutality HP, HP, BK, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP

Kintaro (Kintaro.)

Grab & Punch F, F, HP
Telcport Stomp D, U
Fireball B, B, F, HP
Taunt D, D, LK

Kung Lao from MK2 (MK2 Kip Lao)

Hat Toss B, F, LP
Shield U, U, LK (keep hitting LK)
Telcport D,U
Dive Kick D + HK (airborne)
Torpedo Dive V. B, F
Hat Decapitation Fatality (Full Guzzle Range) Press and
hold LP + press B, F, release LP (aim hat at neck)
Babbit Hat Friendship B, B, B, D, FK
Babality B, B, B, D, NK
Pit Fatality F, F, F, HP
Brutality HP, LP, HK, HK, LP, LP, LP, LK, LK, BK, HP

Motaro (Motaro)

Grab & Punch F, F. HP Fireball F, D, B, HP
Telcport D,U

Noob Saibot

Flashing Ftreball D, F, LP
Shadow Throw F, F, HP
Teleport Throw D
Fireball Lift Fatality (Dash Distance) B, B, F, F, HK
Teleport Slam Fatality (close) D, D, U. R
Friendship F, F, B, HP
Babality F, F, F, LP
Pit Fatality F, D, F, BK
Brutality HP, LK, LP. BK, LK, HK, HP, LP, BK, LK, HK


Control Fireball D, F, LP
Lightning Strike B, B, HP
Power Roundhouse B + HK
Upside-down Uppercut Fatality (Close) F, F, D + HP
Lightning Fatality (Dash Distance) D, D, B, F, HK
Rain Flowers Friendship D, F, F, F, LP
Babality F, B, B, HP
Brutality HP, HP, BK, LK, HK, BK, LK, HK, BK, HP, LP


Lightning D, F.LP
Reverse Lightning D, B, LP
Telcport D,U
Uppercut Fatality (close) Press and hold HP for 8 seconds and release
Shock Fatality (Close) Press and hold LK for 3 seconds, release, then quickly hit BK + LK
Kid Thunder Friendship D, B, F, HK
Pit Fatality D, D, D, HP
Brutality HP, HP, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, BK, BK

Raiden from MK1 (MK1 Raiden)

Lightning D, F, LP
Torpedo B, B, F (can be carried out in the air)
Teleport D, U
Lightning Fatality (Dash Distance) F, F, B, B, B, HP
Brutality HP. HP. HP, HP, BK, BK, HK, HK. HK, BK, LP, HP, HP

Shao Kahn

Hammer B, F, HP
Fireball B, B, F, LP
Grab & Punch F, F. HP
Low Charge D, F, LP
High Charge D, F, HP
Taunt D, D, LK
Laugh D, D, HK
Throw F, F, LP

Receptions of old characters.

Masked Sub-Zero

Freeze D, F, LP
Floor Freeze D, B, LK
Slide B+LP+BK+LK
Censored Fatality (Close) D, D, D, F, HP
*Ice Spike Fatality (Close) D, F, F, F, HP
Pit Fatality F, D, F, F, HP

Cyrax (Cyrax)

Close Grenade Press and hold LK + press B, B, HK
Grenade Far Press and hold LK + press F, F, HK
Net B, B, LK
Teleport (can be airborne) F, D, VK
Air Throw (while standing on the ground when the enemy is in the air) D, F, BK, LP
Chopper Head Fatality (any distance) D, D, U, D, HP
Self Destruct Fatality (Close) D, D, F, U, R
Animality (close) U, U, D, D
Dance Friendship R, R, R, U
Babality F, F, B, HP
Pit Fatality R, BK, R
*Brutality HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LK, LP


Fireball D, B, LP
Telcport Punch D, B, HP
Lift & Slam B, D, B, HK
Decapitation Fatality (Close) R, BK, R, R, HK
Slam Fatality (Dash Distance) D, U, D, D, D, BK
*Friendship F, F, F, HP
Pit Fatality R, R, R, R, LK
*Brutality HP, HP. LP, BK, HK, LK. BK, HP, LP, LK, HK

Ninja Smoke

Harpoon B, B, LP
Telcport Punch D, B, HP
Throw (in the air) VK
*Telcport Fatality (half screen distance) R, VC, R, R, HK
* Stretch Fatality (slightly out of dash range) F, F, B, R
*No Smoking Friendship D, F, F, F, R
Babality D, B, B, F, HP
Pit Fatality F, U, U, LP
*Brutality HP, LK, LK, HK, VK, BK, LP, LP, HP, HP, BK

Jade (Jade)

High Boomerang B, F, HP
Straight Boomerang B, F, LP
Low Boomerang B, F, LK
*Returning Low Boomerang В, B, F, LP
Shadow Kick D, F, LK
Stick Shake Fatality (close) U, U, D, F, HP
Stick Uppercut Fatality (Close) R, R, R, BK, R
Animality (close) F, D, F, F, LK
Pogo Stick Friendship B, D, B, B, HK
Babality D, D, F, D, HK
Pit Fatality B, F, D+R
*Brutality HP, LK, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, BK, BK, HP, HK


Missile B, F, HP
Double Missile F, F, B, B, HP
Gotcha Grab F, F, LP (keep hitting LP)
Backbreaker BK (airborne)
Multi Slam Throw, then repeatedly hit HP
Earthquake Punch Press and hold LK then release
Dashing Punch F, F, HK
Blade Hands Fatality (close) Press and hold VK + press U, D, F, U
Big Foot Fatality (jumping) R, VK, R, R, LK
Animality (close) Press and hold LP + press F, F, D, F
Skipping Friendship LK, R, R, LK
Babality D, D, D, LK
Pit Fatality D.F.D, LP
*Brutality HP, HP, HP, BK, LP. HP, HP, HP, BK. LP, HP

Cabal (Kabal)

Spinning Dash B, F, LK
Fireball B, B, HP (can be carried out in the air)
Ground Saw B, B, B, R
Head Hump Fatality (dash distance) D, D, V. F, VK
Scream Fatality (close) R, VK. VK, VK, NK
Animality (close) Press and hold HP + press F, F, D, F
Marshmallow Friendship (from any revenge outside dash range) R, LK, R, R, U
Babality R, R, LK
Pit Fatality BK, BK, HK
*Brutality HP, BK. LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, HP, LP


*Crazy Roll F, D, F, LK
Knife Throw D, B, HP
Knife Uppercut D, F, HP
Straight Roll LK
Vertical Cannonball F, D, F, HK
Grab & Shake D, F, LP
Throw (airborne) BK
Skeletmi Fatality (close) LP F, D, D, F
Laser Fatality (Dash Distance) LP, BK, BK, HK
Animality (close) Press and hold HP + press VK, VK, VK
Bubblegum Friendship LK, R, R, HK
Babality F, F, D, D, LK
Pit Fatality U, U, B, LK
*Brutality HP, LP, BK, HP, BK, HK, LK, BK, HK, LK


Fan Lift B, B, B, HP
Fan Throw F, F, HP + LP
Square Wave Punch D, B, HP
Tall Kiss Fatality (close) R, R, BK, BK, LK
Decapitation Fatality (Close) B, D, F, F, HK
Bubbles Friendship D, B, F, F, LP
Babality F, F, D, F, HK
Animality (closer than dash distance) D, D, D, D, R
Pit Fatality F, D, D, LK
*Brutality HP, HP, BK, HK, BK, LK, BK, LP, BK, HP, BK

Kung Lao

Hat Throw B, F, LP
Teleport D, U
Double Teleport D, D, U (then hold U)
Dive Kick (airborne) D+HK
Spin F, D, F, R (keep hitting R)
Spin Fatality (from any distance) R, BK, R, BK, D
Hat Slice Fatality (Dash Distance) F, F, B, D, HP
Hat Friendship (out of dash range) R, LP, R, LK
Babality D, F, F, HP
Animality (close) R, R, R, R, BK
Pit Fatality D, D, F, F, LK
*Brutality HP, LP, LK, HK, BK, HP, LP, LK, HK, BK, HP

Liu Kang
*Red Bicycle Kick Press and hold LK 5 seconds + press B, F, release LK
High Fireball F, F, HP
Low Fireball F, F, LP
Flying Kick F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick LK
Flame Fatality (any distance) F, F, D, D, LK
Cabinet Fatality (from any distance) U, D, U, U, BK + R
Friendship R, R, R, D+R
Babality D, D, D, HK
Animality (Dash Distance) D, D, U
Pit Fatality R, BK, BK, LK
*Brutality HP, LP, HP, BK, LK, HK, HK, LK, HK, LP, HP


Sai Fireball Press and hold HP
Teleport Kick F, F, LK
Roll B, B, D, HK
Nail Spit Fatality (Full Guzzle Range) B, B, B, F, LK
Eat Fatality (close) D, F, D, F, LP
Mirror Friendship D, D, B, F, HP
Babality D, D, F, F, HP
Animality (close) F, D. D, F, HK
Pit Fatality D, D, D, LP
*Brutality HP, LP, LP, HP, BK, HK, LK, LK, HK, BK, HP


Shoulder Charge F, F, LK
*Red Shoulder Charge B, B, F, HK
Arrow D, B, LP
Ax Uppercut D, F, HP
Rebound Shield B, B, B, HK
Light Beam Fatality (close) U. U, B, F, BK
Lightning Ax Fatality (far) V, V, D, HP
Raiden Friendship (out of dash range) R, R, R, D
Babality F, B, F, B, LP
Animality (close) F, F, D, D
Pit Fatality R, R, BK


Acid Spit F,F,HP
Slow Force Ball B, B, HP + LP
Fast Force Ball F, F, HP + LP
Slide B+LP+BK+LK
Invisibility U, D, HK
Dashing Elbow B, F, LK
Tongue Fatality (jumping) F, B, D, BK
Acid Sick Fatality (Dash Distance) F, F, U, U, H
Snake Box Friendship (close) D, F, F, B, HK
Babality F, F, B, D, LK
Animality (close) D, D, D, U, HK
Pit Fatality BK, R, BK, BK
*Brutality HP, BK, HK, HK, BK, HP, LP, LK, LK, BK, LP, HP

Scorpion (Scorpio)

Teleport Punch D, B, HP
Forward Teleport Puru D, F, HP
Harpoon B, B, LP
Throw (airborne) BK
Flame Breath Fatality (jumping) D, D, U, HK
*Fire Hand Fatality (Dash Distance) F, F, F, B, LP
Friendship (close) B, F, F, B, LK
Babality D, B, B, F, HP
Pit Fatality F, U, U, LP
*Brutality HP, HP, BK, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP


Teleport Uppercut (can be airborne) F, F, LK Straight Missile F, F, LP
Homing Missile F, D, B, HP
*Double Missile B, B, F, LP
Platform Crush Fatality (Dash Distance) LP, R, R, BK
Flame Fatality (Full Guzzle Range) F, F, F, V, VK
Bell Friendship (half screen distance) R, R, R, R, D
Babality B, D, D, D, NK
Animality (close) F, F, D, U
Pit Fatality R, R, R, D
*Brutality HP, HP, BK, BK, HK, HK, LK, LK, LP, LP, HP


Teleport Stomp D, U
Stomp B,D,B, HK
Fireball D, F, HP
Head Pound Fatality (Close) F, D, D, F, LP
Skin Peel Fatality (close) Press and hold NK + press B, F, F
Plates Friendship F, F, D, F, pause, HP
Babality D, D, D, B, HK
Animality (close) R, BK, BK, BK, BK
Pit Fatality D, F, D, F, LP
*Brutality HP, LP, BK, LK, HK, BK, HK, LK, BK, LP, HP


Fireball F, F, LP
Double Fireball B, B, F, LP
Air Fireball D, F, LK
Fly B, B, F, HK (press BK to land)
Scream F, F, F, HP
Hair Spin Fatality (dash distance) R, R, BK, R, BK
Scream Fatality (Close) R, BK, BK, R+BK
Field Goal Friendship R, R, R, R, R, U
Babality R, R, R, U
Animality F, F, U, HP
Pit Fatality D, D, D, LP
*Brutality HP, BK, LK, BK, LK, HK, BK, HK, LK, BK, LP

Smoke (Smoke)

Harpoon B, B, LP
Teleport Uppercut (can be airborne) F, F, LK
Invisibility (repeat to reappear) U, U, R
Throw (airborne) BK
Earth Explode Fatality (from a distance full screen) U, U, F, D
Internal Bomb Fatality (Dash Distance) Press and hold R + VK + press D, D, F, U
Friendship (full eating distance) R, R, R, NK
Babality D, D, B, B, NK
Animality (out of dash range) D, F, F, VK
Pit Fatality F, F, D, LK
*Brutality HP, LK, LK, HK, BK, BK, LP, LP, HP, HP, BK, BK


Energy Rings D, F, LP
Leg Grab D+LP+BK
Jumping Punch F, B, HP
Bicycle Kick B, B, D, HK
Pink Kiss Fatality (jumping) BK + RU, U, B, D
Flame Kiss Fatality (from anywhere) B, F, D, D, R
Flowers Friendship B, F, B, D, R
Babality D, D, F, LK
Animality (close) Press and hold LP + press B, F, D. F
Pit Fatality F, F, D, HP
*Brutality HP, LK, BK, HP, LK, BK, HP, LP, BK, HK, LK


*Double High Grenade B, D, F, HP
*Double Low Grenade B, D, F, LP
Machine gun B, F, HP
High Grenade D, B, HP
Low Grenade D, B, LP
Baton Trip F, B, LP
Baton Toss F, F, HK
Bomb Fatality (Close) D, F, D, F, BK
Taser Fatality (full-eat distance) F, F, F, LK
Traffic Cop Friendship LP, R, R, LP
Babality D, F, F, B, HP
Animality (Dash Distance) R, R, R, BK
Pit Fatality F,U,U, HK
*Brutality HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK

Sub-Zepo (Sub-Zero)

Freeze: D, F, LP
Ice Shower D, F, HP
Ice Shower (front) D, F, B, HP
Ice Shower (behind) D, B, F, HP
Ice Statue D, B. LP
Slide B+LP+BK+LK
Freeze Snap Fatality (Close) BK, BK, R, BK, R
Ice Blow Fatality (jumping) B, B, D, B, R
Snowman Friendship LK, R, R, U
Babality D, B, B, HK
Animality (nearby) F, U. U
Pit Fatality B, D, F, F, HK
*Brutality HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP

Shang Tsung

1 Fireball B, B, HP
2 Fireballs B, B, F, HP
3 Fireballs B, B, F, F, HP
Floor Fireballs F, B, B, LK
Floor Spikes Fatality (close) Press and hold LP + press D, F, F, D, release LP
Soul Splat Fatality (close) Press and hold LP + press R, VK, R, VK
Joust Friendship LK, R, R, D
Babality R, R, R, LK
Animality (from dash distance) Press and hold
HP + press R, R, R Pit Fatality U, U, B, LP
*Brutality HP, BK, BK, BK, LK, HP, LP, LP, BK, HK, LK

Transforms (morphs)

*Shao Kang B, B, F, NK
*Nub Saibot F, D, D, V, NK
*Kung Lao from MK2 B, D, B, NK
*Raiden from MK2 D, F, B, LK
*Kano from MK1 360 degrees, Away
*Kintaro Press and hold LP for 5 seconds, then release
*Johnny Cage B, B, F + R
Shiva Press and hold LK + press F, D, F
Sub-Zero masked VK, VK, R, R
Ermak D, D, U
Jade F, F, D, D + VK
Jax F, F, D, LP
Cabal (do fast) LP, VK, NK
Kano (do fast) B, F, VK
Kitana F, D, F, R
Kong Lao R, R, VK, R
Liu Kang F, D, B, U, F
Milina R, VK, NK
Nightwolf U, U, U
Reptile R, VK, VK, NK
Sector D, F, B, R
Scorpio D, D, F, LP
Sindel B, D, B, LK
COHA D + R + LP + VK
Stryker F, F, F, NK
Cube Zero F, D, F, HP
*Motaro F, D, B, HP
*Goro B, B, B, LK
*Baraka D, D, LK
*Jax from MK2 D, D, V, NK
Smoke F, F, LP
Cyrax VK, VK, VK
*Rhine R, VK, LK