Fallout 4 is a strange device. Passage DLC Automatron. Take control of the complex

You have learned that the robots may have misinterpreted the Mechanist's order to protect the Commonwealth, but that remains to be seen. More importantly, Jezebel gave you the blueprints for a special modification called the Satellite Module, the key to the Mechanist Complex, to be installed on the robot. Also, Ada has already deciphered the signal and found the source. It is located in the RobCo sales and service center. Most likely this center is just a screen for some big project. Let's go there and check, but first we need to install the "Satellite Module".

Equip the robot with a satellite module

In order to install the satellite module you need to do the following:

  • Go to the robot workbench terminal and press the [E] key to start using it;
  • Select the robot on which you will install the satellite module. I installed on Ada, but I assume that you can install on another robot (if you installed on another robot, then write in the comments if everything went well);
  • Select the category "Special modifications" → "Direction finder" → "Satellite module";
  • We confirm the creation of the "Satellite Module" by pressing the key if you have all the required components.


To create a satellite module, the following materials are required:

  • Aluminum: 2
  • Glue: 1
  • Wiring: 3
  • Rubber: 2

The satellite module is installed. You can now control the doors of the Mechanist's complex and track his robots with Ada. In the Mechanist's lair, you'll have to keep a robot with you to be able to open doors, so get ready to be a babysitter.

Infiltrate the Mechanist's Lair

Make your way to RobCo's sales and service office, which is located in the Commonwealth coastal area, near Prydwen, the Brotherhood of Steel's airship.

Are you sure you've made all the necessary preparations before heading to the Mechanist's lair?

  • Stocked up:
    • food, medicines and stimulants that restore health;
    • antiradin and rad-x, which prevent radiation;
    • ammunition for your favorite and most powerful weapon that you have, as there will be a lot of fighting;
    • explosives - it will also not be superfluous.
  • Picked up weapons and armor suitable for fighting multiple enemies at once.
  • Released baggage to collect new modifications from the killed robots.
  • Prepare for radiation resistance, because it will be in the lair of the Mechanist. For this, power armor is best suited - two in one: radiation resistance and good protection.

Before you go looking for the Mechanist, inspect the customer service room. Under the main counter of the office, you will find a floor safe (lock level - medium), which you can also open using the terminal of the RobCo sales and service office (level - easy), standing directly above the safe. There is also a box of hairpins at the customer service desk.

Go to the service room at the end of the hall, disarming the laser trap at the entrance. Then go down the stairs, there is another exit to the Commonwealth, which can be hacked (the level of the lock is difficult) or opened with the key lying on the file cabinet nearby. This exit can come in handy at the end of the quest.

On one of the walls of the office, you will notice a strange device - this is an access port, it is this kind of locks that Ada will have to open using the Sensor Module modification. Activate it by pressing the [E] key and Ada will open it. A passage will appear in the wall to the Mechanist's lair, where a secret military base was once located, creating robotic brains.

Stop Mechanist

The next layered door will open automatically. Take a look at the weapons and ammunition distribution point that has appeared in front of you by breaking the door there (the lock level is medium), and stock up on ammunition, for example, a nuclear mini-charge for the Fat Man.

On the filing cabinet inside the armory, you will find a ready-made Robot Eye Model, which is not even required to be collected.

Further passage will be difficult, as the entire corridor is strewn with laser traps. Of course, if you don't mind your time, you can neutralize them all.

But there is more easy way bypass them. Go to a small room with a generator, from which you can get a nuclear unit. There you will find a hole in the wall, which will lead you to a room adjacent to a corridor of laser traps. It has an exit to the other side, bypassing the traps (the level of the castle is difficult).

In this room there is a disinfection control terminal (level - medium), with which you can turn on the turrets, perhaps they will help you fight the enemy. There is also an elevator here that will lead you directly to the Mechanist, but for this you need to hack the access terminal to the elevator (the level is very difficult), and not everyone can do it.

When you find yourself on the other side of the corridor, the Mechanist will address you through the robotic eye. He has already noticed your sensor module ploy and has no intention of letting you through. He will set the first batch of robots on you, which you have to destroy.

After dealing with the enemy, activate the next access port to the production wing. Clean out the ammo box (lock level is easy) on the table and move on. You will find yourself in a kind of production control center. Beware of turrets and evil robots, although you can make your task a little easier if you have time to run to the second part of the hall to the robot warehouse control terminal (level is easy). By hacking it, you can turn off the turret, but I don’t advise you to activate the protectrons, since utilitybots are installed in their capsules, which will attack you.

On one of the control panels in the first half of the hall, you will find a hanging "First Aid", in a nook in the middle of the hall, if you go along the rail, - a yellow wooden box with drugs, and near the terminal that turns off the turret - stimulants.

When passing by a small cafeteria, stop by to refresh yourself with Quantum Yader-Cola lying on the floor near the tables. In the next quality control room, you will find a workbench for robots. You can, if you wish, use it to modify Ada, make her stronger and more secure. You also have new modifications, and there is a lot of rubbish here for the required components.

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

We continue to replenish the collection of robot models. This time model "Mr. Helper", which sits on the only desktop in this office. I hope everyone noticed the Quantum Nuka-Cola in the hands of the skeleton.

We go up the stairs, kill a couple of robots and take the medicines from the first aid kit near the stairs to the descent. But before you go down to the workshop, disarm the machine gun turret that is behind the wall on the left, you can see it by coming close to the railing near the stairs. When you go down you are immediately attacked and you do not need a turret that shoots in the back. By the way, you can jump over the railing and get to the corridor where the turret was. There you will find a chest of explosives and an ammo box.

After killing all the first robots, do not relax, as a tank bot will appear from the compartment on the other side of the workshop. Kill him and go into his compartment to collect explosives from the yellow box and medicines from the first aid kit, and if you need ammunition, then go down the slope, there is a box with them on the chest of drawers. To go further, be sure to connect the bridge by pressing one of the two red buttons, otherwise Ada will not be able to follow you, and you really need her - there is another access port ahead and not even one.

We left the production wing and entered the production maintenance wing. There, at the entrance, you will again be stopped by the robotic eye with an appeal from the Mechanist, who again does not intend to let you go any further. So expect another robot attack.

After passing another robot workbench, turn right into Electrical Substation A, but beware of the radiation. There, around the corner, there is a machine with Quantum Yader-Cola and not only, but at the top there is a box of ammunition. Then return and go further along the water-filled corridors to the rails.

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

As you walk past employee lockers, take a good look at them. On one of the shelves you will find Model from robot parts, which is simply obliged to replenish your collection.

Having reached the rails, you will run into a locked door that opens with a button located nearby. It leads to a landfill, where you will have to do some fighting with the robots. Go to the stairs up, under it you will find a first aid kit. Upstairs, in a room with a working wall-mounted terminal for managing the complex, you will find ammunition in a box (the level of the castle is easy) and First Aid with medical supplies near the passage.

And here is another appeal from the Mechanist from the robo-eye with threats - shut him up already. You rise above the dump - the road ahead is only on a horizontal elevator, which is turned on by the red button. Make sure Ada rides with you, otherwise you'll have to turn back. On the other side, another access port is a job for Ada. And then immediately another one, opening the way to the research wing of the military base.

In the room in which you find yourself, first go to the desk with the terminal of the observation point. In the table you will find a holotape with the password for the warehouse terminal (see the screenshot with the robot model below).

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

In the table of the observation point you will find Mister Brave Model, which will complement your collection of robots.

After taking the password, visit the warehouse with ammunition, weapons and drugs, and there are a lot of them. It is located behind the red door in the next room. Of course, if you like to break locks or terminals, you can do without a password, just make sure that this is your difficulty level (the level is very difficult).

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

On one of the shelves of the warehouse, another collectible model will be waiting for you - Model from robot parts. Just for her sake, you can look here.

Go to the next desk, next to it is a wooden box with useful things. And behind the white door begins the compartment where the test subjects were previously kept in the cells. Some locked cells (lock level - medium) contain ammunition, medical supplies or hairpins. You can check them all, but first make sure that the former tenants are dead, for this it is enough to shoot them once. By the way, if you installed a hacking module in Ada, then it can help you open cameras.

At the end of the cell bay near the stairs, there is an elevator that you can summon by pressing the button in the corner. The elevator will take you to the research labs.

But first, go up the stairs. At the end of the observation deck, located above the cameras, you will find a stealth boy on a wooden box.

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

On a tray near the medical terminal you will find another assembled model robot - this time model "Protectron". Addition to your collection.

Take the elevator down to the research lab floor. After leaving the elevator, collect medicines from the lockers near it, by the way, there are medicines in almost every white locker. Walk around the laboratories, starting on the right, if you are interested in collecting supplies and finding out what was done here before the war. In the Brain Extraction Lab you will find a first aid kit and drugs. The next Cerebral Reprogramming Lab is nothing but junk and a chem lab.

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

For collectors of robots in the laboratory Cerebral reprogramming There is one interesting exhibit - Model from robot parts. It lies in the table, on which stands a working terminal.

In the last laboratory, again, a fairly good supply of medicines in the first-aid kit and on special surgical carts.

From the room with research laboratories, go to the next room. There you should beware of turrets and a few vicious robots, but the Integral Robot Brain will be a particularly strong opponent. After you neutralize it, take away the password from the terminal from it.

In the last compartments of the morgue you will find a drug cooler and an ammo box. Next, you need to get into the robot brain production complex, located on the side of the entrance, and for this you must first open the door. This can be done using the terminal (the level is very difficult), hacking it or using the password found on the robotic brain. There is the next access port that Ada must open.

Behind the opened door is the “last stop”. Walk around the room without hitting the spotlight if you want to look around first. You'll find some drugs, ammo, and a robot workbench, so if you want to buff your companion even more, now's the time.

Ready to meet the Mechanist? Go to the middle of the room in the light of the spotlights and meet the Mechanist.

Turns out you're terrorizing the Commonwealth, not him. Therefore, here is the first wave of robots for you, whose only goal is to stop your reign of terror. Destroy them. Then, after a short break, there will be a second wave of robots plus electrical discharges from the ceiling. You should especially beware of the duelebot - the assault gun is only many times worse. Keep moving as he will constantly attack and dodge the energy beam from his head. And finally, all the remnants of robots that are still functioning will rush at you in the third wave, conditionally of course. The fact is that as you struggle with a large number of robots, the power system will overload and turn off, and all the robots will turn off.

  • The fact that it was necessary to prepare before going to the lair of the Mechanist was already mentioned at the beginning of the article.
  • Don't forget the V.A.T.S. and critical hit.
  • Give Ada the command to attack one enemy, while you yourself attack another at this time.
  • Keep an eye on the state of Ada, if necessary, try to repair it with a repair kit, since with any configuration, it at least distracts some of the enemies to itself.
  • Throw explosives at enemies. This will deal them even more damage and allow them to kill faster.
  • Monitor health indicators, if necessary, support it with medicines or food. Do it right during the battle, do not wait for an opportunity.
  • Save often - quick save .
  • As the robots take damage, they become more and more dangerous. If both arms of the robot are out of order, it rushes at the enemy, simultaneously launching a self-destruct program, and explodes. Be prepared for this.
  • Stay mobile, don't let yourself be cornered.
  • Use the climb system in the Mechanist's last encounter room to see the picture from above and take out a few before they even get close to you.
  • You can use the stealth fight to become invisible for a while.
  • In case of short breaks, you can destroy those robots that are still in the capsules before they are activated.
  • Some perks, by the way, can also help. The most useful might be the Robotics Expert, which allows you to hack robots, but the Mysterious Stranger sometimes also saved the situation. You can see the entire list of perks.

If you have any other tips for dealing with multiple enemies at once that work for you, share them in the comments so that others can use them.

After turning on the emergency power, you will have one more chance to reach the Mechanist and try to talk to him.


Turn on your charm and your gift of persuasion and try to convince him that you are not a villain (the level of persuasion is medium).

One way or another, the Mechanist will come out of his hideout upstairs and come down to you. Ask him to take off his mask and meet Isabel Cruz.

You can:

  • End everything peacefully, explaining to Isabelle that the robots misinterpret the order to protect the Commonwealth, and she herself will transfer control of them to you and offer her help;
  • Or kill Isabel. She will use stealth combat and will scatter impulse mines everywhere, be prepared for this.

If you chose the second option, be sure to select unique weapon Mechanist - Protectron Gaze.

Help: Protectron's Gaze

Energy Damage: 47

Ammunition: Battery

Rate of fire: 57

Range: 47

Accuracy: 44

The weight: 5,1

Price: 352


  • Capacitor of maximum capacity
  • short barrel
  • Regular handle
  • Reflex sight
  • Powerful beam splitter

Peculiarity: Increase rate of fire by 25%, speed up reloading by 15%.

Take control of the complex

Now you need to take control of the complex and stop the production of robots, and for this you need a password from the central control. In the event of a truce, Isabelle will give it to you herself, and in the event of a battle, you will find it by searching her corpse. Then go up to the control center and turn off the alarm in the central control terminal.

Talk to Ada

Talk to Ada and discuss with her what happened, whether you killed the Mechanist or not. She will thank you for your help.

Talk to Isabelle

Obviously, this task will be given only in case of a peaceful outcome of the confrontation. Isabelle is grateful you didn't kick her out of the facility, and she gives you her Mechanist costume as a token of her promise. If you killed her, you can pick it up yourself.

Help: Mechanist's Helmet

Damage resistance: 13

Charisma: +1

Intelligence: +1

The weight: 1

Price: 1250

Peculiarity:+1 to Charisma and Intelligence.

Help: Mechanist Armor

Damage resistance: 72

Energy Damage Resistance: 72

Endurance: +1

The weight: 20

Price: 2000

Peculiarity: Reduced damage from robots by 15%.

She also knows where to find the rest of the robots and is ready to tell you. This is a recurring quest "Rebel Robot" in which you have to hunt robots throughout the Commonwealth and destroy them. If Isabelle is dead, then this quest will come from Ada.

In conclusion, take a good look around here, by the way, now you can use the local workshop. There are more rooms in the control center, go to the corridor. To the right is the living room of the Mechanist. On his desk you will find hairpins and a cache with lids, and near the bed there is a red chest with weapons and ammunition.

Help: Fallout 4 Robot Model Collection

On the Mechanist's desk you will find another robot model - Security robot model.

On another table in the Mechanist's room, you'll find a blue bundle - it's a blueprint for a Roboeye Docking Station, which will allow you to create Roboeye Docking Stations in the outdoor workshops.

And also in the right corridor there is a secret room, which opens by pressing the red button on the coffee machine. In it you will find a first aid kit and a safe.

On the other side of the corridor you will find an elevator that will lead you to the very entrance to the military base and which has already been written about earlier. And next to the elevator is a warehouse where there is a workbench for robots, an armor service station and other workbenches. Here you will also find a mini-nuke for the Fat Man, lying on the floor near the shelves, and another scheme on the terminal - a flashlight scheme, which will give you new opportunity in workshops, namely to create wall spotlights. So don't miss these blue bundles.

There are two shortest ways to exit the Mechanist's lair:

  • use the elevator from the control center, which will lead you to the room next to the corridor of laser traps;
  • use the freight elevator, the door to which opened after the alarm was turned off. It is located on the opposite side of the control center and will lead you to the exit as well.

Easter Egg: Mechanist

Who played Fallout 3, he remembers that we also met the Mechanist there. Of course, it's not the same person. After reading the Mechanist's Journal, a holotape found on a desk in the living room in the complex's control center, you will learn that Isabel Cruz found a picture of the Mechanist at the military base and decided to make a similar suit. This image lies nearby on the same table, and on the wall there is a poster from the Indestructible magazine, also dedicated to the Mechanist. Cool, isn't it?

I like 29

The first addition for Fallout 4 called Automatron brought to the game several side quests and the ability to create and customize cool robots for your partners. Together with the complete walkthrough published on our website, detailed tips for Automatron will make up the most complete guide to date. Fallout 4.

Mechanical Enemy

To start the passage of Automatron, you need a character of at least level 15. In this case, you will immediately be able to take the Mechanical Enemy quest. This task is available in the pipboy menu. First of all, listen to the caravan's distress signal and go to the indicated place. Closest to this point is the Watts Electronics building. It was there that the caravan was attacked by robots, we will see the modification of individual representatives here for the first time. Deal with this issue locally. Alternatively, you can immediately upgrade the Robotics Expert ability and start using this skill. Use VATS and watch the beautiful destruction of aggressive pieces of iron.

Having dealt with the enemies, collect all the useful items and spare parts left during the battle at the collision site, after which you can chat with the Assaultron named Ada in a calm mode. She will offer the blueprints for the workbench for help in the fight against the Mechanist. Agree and go to the General Atomics plant. The Mechanical Enemy quest will be completed and you will receive a new task. In parallel with this, you can set up a workbench for robots and start by modifying the same Ada.

New threat

On the outskirts of the General Atomics plant and directly on the spot, several aggressive opponents will be waiting for you. Use a powerful cannon or melee weapon. At the factory, you will also encounter a large Quantum Robobrain robot. Defeating him is not so easy, he moves quickly and skillfully resists attacks. Remove the Mechanist Device from this defeated enemy.

Read also: Bobbleheads in Fallout 4 (guide)

Head hunter

Now you need to go to the Fort Hagen base station, clear the area there and pick up the first direction finder. The second is located in the area where the satellite dish is located. In the hangar, you need to go down and turn right. Be careful, there are traps and ambushes along the way.

Now you need to find Jezebel, who will ask for help. Talk to her, but be careful. As soon as you take Jezebel's head, a huge robot behind her will come to life and start moving. Use the grenade launcher.

In the same rooms you can find a Tesla rifle and power armor. You can get this by dealing with Ivy and his accomplices. Next, return to the workbench, create a body for Jezebel and use the brought head. When the robot is created, ask him about the Mechanist.

Putting things in order

Install the satellite module on Ada and go to the RobCo office. Pass through the large hall with robots and go down to the level below. There, disable the turret using the terminal. Go further, fighting off the robots, exit to the tunnel with trolleys. Turn right there and go up the stairs. Look for the platform and move on it to the other end of the hall. Don't miss the weapon room with a lot of ammo.

After a short conversation with the Mechanist, his defenders will be set on you. Get ready, you have to repel several waves of robots in a row, and then confront the non-trivial Duelebot and again deal with ordinary robots. In the end, it will be possible to once again talk with the Mechanist. A well-pumped charisma can come in handy here. After obtaining the password from the central control, you can go upstairs and turn off the alarm, and then get the armor and helmet of the Mechanist.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough Fallout 4 Automatron, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Fallout 4 Automatron. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Fallout 4 Automatron read on our website.

Quest 1. Find a caravan

After you start playing through the expansion of the game, you will hear a distress signal, according to which several caravans came under attack by hostile robots. Head east of Cansumer Electronics and look for caravans. You can use fast travel. When you get there, you will see a huge cluster of robots in front of you. One of all these robots is trying to protect the caravan.

Quest 2. Destroy hostile robots

Swarmbot - one of the attacking robots - has a decent amount of health. Try to destroy it using your the best weapon. Then deal with the crowd of conventional mechanized drones protecting the main robot.

Quest 3. Talk to the robot

Once you deal with hostile robots, it's time to talk to one of the good robots that was protecting the caravan. The robot calls itself Ada. He will talk about how his friends died and how the Mechanic tried to send him to the Commonwealth to kill the survivors, the settlers and destroy the caravans. She (Ada, this is a girl) wants to take revenge on the Mechanic, and you will help the robot in this. Ada will tell you about the next place where you can find a clue about the Mechanic. You have to go to the Atomic Factory (General Atomic Factory). Move to the specified location.

Quest 4. New threat

According to Ada, General Atomics has a lot of good parts and therefore the robots can still guard this place. So to get started, collect parts from a nearby robot to create your own partner.

Quest 5. Explore the General Atomics plant

When you finish working on the robot workbench, then go to the indicated place. Upon entering the location, you will encounter several opponents (robots) located in front and up the stairs. Deal with them. Don't forget to collect all the parts!

Quest 6. Find the brain of the robot

After killing the robots, go upstairs and jump over to the other side. Kill the main enemy. Check out the parts.

Quest 7. Talk to Ada

Ada will thank you for your participation. She will ask you to install a new part on her so that you can remove more information about mechanics. Open the robot's built-in workbench and set up a radar beacon inside Ada. Ada will detect a strong signal from another robot in the Commonwealth. You will have to track him down. You need to find as many robot brain parts as you can to find the Mechanic.

Quest 8. Headhunter

Robobrains are known to travel in groups. Therefore, you will have to face serious resistance. Once you upgrade Ada by inserting a radar beacon, your Pip-Boy will have a new location for the robots. Just move to a new location on the map.

Quest 9. Get the second beacon<

Since you have already explored the General Atomics plant in the main campaign, you can quickly travel there using the nearby Fast Travel point. Follow to the indicated place and eliminate all opponents on your way. Take the second beacon, and then chat with Ada.

She will state that she cannot find the source of the signal, but she will indicate where the third, last beacon is located. Get him too!

Quest 10. Search Fort Hagen

The last Robobrain is in Fort Hagen. Deal with a group of Rust Devils raiders who are using robots for their own purposes. Go to the place indicated on the map and deal with both the thugs and the robots subordinate to them. Then go upstairs and activate the door to get inside the Fort Hagen hangar.

Quest 11. Find Robobrain

When you are inside, you will see a red light. Disarm the laser as quickly as possible, and then move forward. You will meet with a large number of robots and thugs from the Rusty Devils group, which will need to be eliminated. Go through the main door and then talk to the Robobrain that is attached to the car.

Quest 12. Talk and take Jezebel

After a conversation with Jezebel, she will agree to help you trace Ada, but you will need to get her out of the web of the Rusty Devils. You will also need to find a new body (robot) for her, after which she will give you access to the main entrance. Do as she says and then leave the hangar.

Quest 13. Escape from the hangar

Once you've finished chatting with Jezebel, you'll have to fight a boss called Ahab. Only after destroying it, you will be able to leave the hangar. In one of the rooms you can find X-01 model power armor, so don't forget to use it. Now that you have left the hangar, you need to return to the robot workbench and give Jezebel a new body.

Quest 14. Build a body for Jezebel

She, in turn, will provide you with information, telling you about her work and suggesting what you need to get inside the engineering plant. According to Jezebel, you need to equip one of the robots with the M-SAT modification. Thus, complete the mission and take the new task "Putting Order".

Quest 15

According to Ada, the M-SAT is a custom modification that acts as a key to the Mechanic's factory. It must be installed in Hell, after which it will be possible to go to battle with the Mechanic. Fast travel to the Old North Church, and then move to the indicated area.

Quest 16. Access to the mechanic's lair

When you get to the marked place, then go inside the shopping and service center. Climb down and come across a strange device that needs to be activated. Ada will do it for you.

Quest 17. Stop the Mechanic

After you go through the three main doors, head to the left to avoid unnecessary collisions with enemies. Then access all terminals. When you go inside one of the rooms, you will hear the voice of the Mechanic. He will speak to you directly. You will be attacked by robots, which you will definitely need to deal with. After eliminating them all, move forward until you find the Mechanic.

Quest 18. Destroy the Mechanic

As soon as you are near the Mechanic, he will accuse you of the fact that it was because of you that the entire Commonwealth suffered. He will want to kill you. Here the battle with the Mechanic begins. You will have to survive four attack waves of robots until the Mechanic's power drops to 0%.

The task appears automatically. It is necessary to listen to the distress signal by tuning, using the pip-boy radio, to the emergency frequency of the caravan. After that, a marker of this very caravan will appear on the map. We go to the marker and see the battle between the robots. Most of them will be aggressive towards you. However, there will be one among them who will be by your side and also help throughout the DLC.

This is Ada, the new party member. Having dealt with all the enemies, we talk with her. The job is automatically completed and the following is issued.

New threat

You need to get to the General Atomics plant, located not far from the castle (the corresponding marker will appear on the map). There will be quite a few robots to fight with. Once inside, we go to the left and either hack the terminal at the far wall to open the door, or through the hole on the second level of this room. We get into a room where there will be several ordinary robots, and the legendary robot will soon join the battle. We rise to the second floor along the stairs opposite the entrance to the room and turn around the corner, where there are several unfriendly robots behind the locked door. You can also attack them through the bars, so it will be possible to avoid hand-to-hand combat. After dealing with everyone, open the door using the terminal and take the Mechanist Device from the Integral Robo-Brain.

After that, talk to Ada and move to any settlement where you want to build a workbench for robots. Talk to Ada again and use the workbench to equip Ada with a direction finder in the special modifications section. Talk to Ada again, the current task will be completed, and the next one will be issued.

Head hunter

In this mission, you need to find two more direction finders so that you can track the signal and finally find the Mechanist. Ada will give you the coordinates of the first robotic brain. We go to the indicated place and destroy all enemy robots, the most difficult of which will be the tank bot, after which we pick up the direction finder and talk to Ada. She will give the location of the next device - the Fort Hagen base, which was chosen by the Rusty Devils gang.

Having reached the satellite dish, we kill all the enemies around and open the door leading to the hangar, using the terminal on the bridge, on the second tier near the antenna itself. We go inside. We go down the stairs and deal with Mr. Assistants and the rusty devil below. We open the door and get into the hangar with tanks. We clean the room and at the far end of the room we climb the stairs and go into the room. We go down and open the door at the terminal. We go to the marker and talk to the robot brain Jezebel.

We agree to a deal. As soon as we pick up Jezebel, we will be attacked by a rather strong robot - AHAB. He attacks with fireballs at a fairly decent distance. Having dealt with him, we pass further, through the door in the left front corner of the room, if you stand facing the computer on which Jezebel was. In the room in which we find ourselves, you can pick up a new Automatron mini-game from the computer on the right side of the room. We pass further, deal with the enemies and go upstairs. We open the door and go down, and then we pass along the bridge. Don't forget to disable traps. Ivy will be standing right around the corner, it is not easy to kill her, because. she is dressed in power armor, but then you can then remove a unique weapon from her - a Tesla carbine that fires electric projectiles that jump from one target to another.

We kill her and go outside by opening the door using the terminal. We talk with Ada, and then we move to our workbench for robots. We create a new robot and install Jezebel's head on it. Then we talk to her and complete the task.

If you can't fit this head (bug):

first write in the console (~) sqt to find out the id of the quest. Next (~) write completequest (quest id), press enter. Next (~) startquest (quest id + one to the last digit of the id). If the marker does not appear - press (~), type getstage (quest id) - a number should appear (maybe 190.00). After that, in the console we write setstage (id of the quest) 200 (without dots and additional zeros), and voila!

Putting things in order

Last thing story mission from DLC. We talk with Ada and on the workbench we install a satellite module on it. After that, we go to the lair of the Mechanist indicated on the map - the RobCo sales and service office. Go downstairs and ask Ada to open the lock. We pass forward, open the massive doors and turn off the traps.

Next, a cybernetic robotic eye will appear, through which the Mechanist will say that he is not very happy to see you, after which he will begin to attack. A few more robots will come running to help him. We deal with them and unlock the door on the right with the help of Ada. From there, the path is fairly linear. Going down, several robots will attack you. Destroy them, and then go forward to a room with a workbench for robots. If you want, you can use it to improve Ada. After that, go up the stairs to the right. After walking a little along the corridor, we get into a room with conveyors. After destroying several robots and going forward a little, the gate will open and a tankbot will attack you. We deal with him and go up to the bridge. We press the red button to move parts of the bridge, and we pass further.

On the way, the robot eye will fly up to you again and, after a short monologue, will attack you. Then reinforcements will come, and among them there will be a legendary junkbot. Be careful - after death it will explode. We go down, being in the corridor full of water, and we pass directly. We get into the room with the wagons. We destroy the robots and climb the stairs at the far right end of the room. We listen, and then we kill another robo-eye and stand on the part of the bridge with the red button. Click on it and start moving to the opposite side. We pass by the cameras, press the button to open the gate, and then we go down the elevator. We pass under the "shower" and turn left.

There we destroy the turrets and the robots that attacked you. After that, we take the password of the medical terminal from the servo-driven robotic brain. Use it to open the door. Having gone a little forward, we finally get to the Mechanist.

After a short dialogue, a lot of robots will attack you. Beware of the robotic eyes, they will start at certain moment explode (watch what the mechanist says). Having dealt with them, there will be some time to rest while the Mechanist makes his speech. Then there will be another wave of endlessly appearing assorted robots. This will continue until the power goes out, so keep an eye on the percentages the supercomputer says. When the power turns off, you will have a conversation with the Mechanist. With a sufficiently high level of charisma, everything can be resolved peacefully. We get the password from the complex and use it to take the complex under our control by entering it on the computer highlighted by the marker. After that, we talk with Ada and the Mechanist, if he is still alive, of course. Everything, the addition is passed. Radiant quests for finding and destroying robots will now become available.

Mechanical Enemy

This task will become available automatically. You will need to listen to the distress call on the pip-boy radio, to do this, tune in to the caravan's emergency frequency. Then this same caravan will be displayed on the map.

We go to this place and observe a fight between robots. Many of them will aggro you. However, among them you will find an assistant who will accompany you throughout the add-on.

His name is Ada. After all opponents are defeated, talk to the robot. will happen automatic completion quest and the next one will begin.

New threat

Go to the General Atomics plant, which is located near the castle (you will see a marker on the map). Here you will meet a large number of robots that you need to kill. Once inside the plant, turn left and either climb through the hole on the second level, or hack the terminal at the far wall. We get into the room where the robots will be, and then using the stairs rises to the second floor. We turn the corner, there you will meet several robots behind bars. Contact combat can be avoided by simply attacking them through the bars. After killing all the robots, use the terminal to open the door and take the mechanist's device from the integral robotic brain.

Then talk to Ada and use fast travel to any settlement that will place a workbench for robots. Talk to Ada again and use the workbench to install a direction finder that is not a robot, which is located in the special modifications section. We speak with Ada again, after which the quest ends and a new one is given.

Head hunter

AT this quest You have to find two more direction finders, then you can track the signal and find the Mechanist. The coordinates of the first robobrain can be obtained from Ada. We go to the indicated point and eliminate all the robots on the spot, among them there will be one more complex and strong, then we pick up the direction finder and talk with Ada. With its help, you will find out where the second device is, go to the Fort Hagen base.

After you reach the satellite dish, you need to kill all the opponents, and then open the door that leads to the hangar. This is done through the terminal on the bridge. After going inside, we go down the stairs and eliminate the mister assistants and the rusty devil. Opening the door, we see a hangar with tanks. The room must be cleared, after which you can climb the stairs at the end of the room. Then we go down and open the door using the terminal. We move to the marker, where you need to talk with the robotic brain Jezebel.

He will offer a deal, we agree. After you pick up Jezebel, AHAB, a robot with considerable power, will stand in your way. He is able to attack with fireballs from a long distance. Defeat him and go through the door in the front left corner of the room. You will enter a room where you can take a mini-game from the computer Automatron . We pass further, we kill opponents, we rise upward. After opening the door, we go down and go through the bridge. Be careful with traps. Here you will meet Ivy, who is quite difficult to kill because she is wearing power armor. After her death, the armor can be removed, as well as the Tesla carbine, which fires ricocheting electric projectiles.

After that, use the terminal to open the door and go outside. We talk with Ada and move to the workbench for robots. We build a new robot and attach Jezebel's head. We talk with the robot and complete the mission.

Putting things in order

This mission is the last one in the expansion. Automatron . We talk with Ada and with the help of a workbench we cling to her satellite module. Then we go to the indicated point on the map, to the lair of the Mechanist. We go down, where we ask Ada to unlock the lock. We go forward, cope with traps and open massive doors.

You will then encounter a kebyrnetic robotic eye that will attack you. In the wake of this, several more robots will run out. We destroy them, and with the help of Ada opens the door on the right. We follow a linear path. We go down and deal with another gang of robots. We go forward until we find a room with a workbench. With it, you can pump Ada. There is a ladder on the right, climb it. We pass a little along the corridor, we find a room with conveyors. We kill a pack of robots, go forward and unlock the gate. We deal with the tank robot, climb the bridge. By pressing the red button, we move the bridge and move on.

On the way, you will meet the robo-eye again, who will attack you after a short monologue. Then reinforcements will arrive, in the ranks of which there will be a legendary junkbot. After his death, an explosion occurs, be careful. We go down, we get into the corridor with water, we go straight. We go into the room with the wagons. We clean the area and go up the stairs. Once again, we deal with the robo-eye, go to the bridge, press the red button. You will be thrown to the opposite side. We go past the cameras, press the button to open the gate, take the elevator down. We go straight and turn left.

Here, robots will open fire on you and attack turrets, we will destroy all this. We take the password of the medical terminal from the servo-driven robotic brain and open the door. Having gone forward a little, we finally meet the Mechanist.

After talking with him a little, you will be attacked by robots. After eliminating them, you will have some time to rest, while the Mechanist will make a speech. Then you need to survive another wave of robots. This will continue until the power is turned off. After turning it off, you will talk with the Mechanist. Having high level charisma, battles can be avoided. We get the password from the complex and seize control with it. Then we talk with Ada and the Mechanist, of course, if you did not kill him. Congratulations, you have completed the expansion.

After that, you will be able to complete radiant tasks to find and kill robots.