For Honour. Samurai vs Vikings. For Honor - Medieval cutting of knights, Vikings and samurai! Battle of samurai and viking knights

Who is stronger?

Plot For Honor fits in a couple of lines: due to an unnamed cataclysm, three nameless armies from different times and ends of the world are thrown into one location. We do not know the names or number of soldiers. The parties are also not very interested in this and simply begin to exterminate each other, as a result, everything turns into a 1000-year war.

Savchenko: “Let's imagine who is in front of us. The people in these armies are around 20 years old. Of course, there were 50- and 60-year-old warriors, but they held the posts of serious military leaders. They grew up early in the Middle Ages, there was no concept of childhood as such, it appears only in the 19th century. A knight could receive spurs by serving as a squire at the age of 15–16. What are we, Napoleon Bonaparte at the age of 26 was already a general!

If we talk about the chances of winning, they are all more or less equal. Samurai and knights are a service army. It's no secret that no knights were born in Europe. This is a title that was obtained as a result of service. The institute of chivalry began to emerge in the 10th-11th century, when a person of ignoble origin could become a knight. But somewhere from the XIII century it becomes impossible. Young people from noble families, due to their position and social status, could devote all their free time to military training. That is, they actually prepared for battles all their lives.

Samurai in Japan is a military class that is in the service of large landowners. Vikings is a completely different product. There are many theories, according to one of them, Viking is generally the name of the profession. "Vik" means "military campaign". A Viking is any person who goes on a raid. He is hired on a ship or collects his own if he is a rich person.

Military training

In the game, the warriors of each side are ranked by speed and strength. Everyone will have to get used to, they all act differently, each has its own signature movements.

Illustration from Talhoffer's textbook

Savchenko: “Today we know that all these peoples were preparing for battles, they had special schools Hello! No luck - there is no promo code here. Look further, they are definitely still in other materials!. Little is known about the Vikings, but Scandinavian sagas have come down to us, which say that from childhood, boys shot from a bow, held an ax in their hands. But, alas, there are no textbooks left. Most likely, skills were transferred from more experienced warriors to younger ones.

In Europe, since the period of the High Middle Ages, we have a number of sources that can safely be called textbooks. The most famous is a fencing textbook by a German master. This is a set of pictures depicting certain positions, under which there are descriptions. The book has several sections: fencing without protective equipment, in armor (you will agree that it is rather pointless to cut a man in armor, he needs to be stabbed with high quality), wrestling, fencing on horseback. There you can find instructions down to how to tie up a prisoner and put him in a bag. In similar writings, situations are considered in which one person fights in armor, the other without them.

As for the Japanese school, the written culture there is much older than Europe, so there were also treatises on military affairs. But everyone prepared for different things and in different ways. Still, warriors usually more or less imagined what they would face. The weapons that will be used and protective equipment are adjusted to the likely enemy.”


The characters of the game seemed to be dressed by Hollywood fashion designers: furs, massive metal plaques, complex fantasy-looking armor. Then sets are promised and completely unearthly beauty. Things, by the way, can be purchased for real money in the built-in store.

Gjermundby - the only genuine Viking helmet found dates back to the 10th century, and it has no horns

Savchenko: “The approach to using weapons and protective equipment for our characters was different. The Vikings did not use armor because they did not want to. They just didn't have much to choose from. For the manufacture of elements of Japanese armor, leather and horn plates were not in vain used. These materials are no better than iron - there was a shortage of it in Japan. Yes, and in Europe they did not immediately come to plate plate armor. It is the product of a long evolution of craft skills and technology. Until the XIII century, the main protective equipment was chain mail, which varied in length in different periods. The Vikings also wore it with pleasure, but the cost of chain mail was extremely high. In addition to chain mail, a “combat headband” and a helmet were used. In the XIII century, lamellar reinforcement of chain mail gradually began to appear in Europe - elbow pads, shoulder pads, greaves, and during the XIV century all this already looked like a complete so-called. By the 15th century, it takes on its usual form, by the 16th century it reaches absolutely incredible forms, then it begins to slowly leave the battlefields. To be honest, samurai and vikings can't do that much damage to a fully armored knight. So I would bet on the latter in this matter.”


For Honor is a game about heroes, the chosen ones. Although there are dozens of privates on the battlefield, they do not affect the outcome of the battle. But they do their best to create the right atmosphere: they line up in battle formations and storm castles.

Savchenko: “The basis of the foundations of military affairs is order, order. It is always more effective than a scattered crowd. The system is comrades on the right, on the left and behind. But I can’t remember a case when knights fought in the ranks of plate infantry, there was no such thing. There was, of course, when the British hurried the knights to support the archers. But they simply inspired the mob with their presence and stopped attempts to escape.

Understand, the very word "knight" comes from the German Ritter - "rider". He is inseparable from the horse. If such a conflict really happened, the knights would have mounted their horses and trampled the enemy quite quickly. It's a shame that horses are not in the game.

Vikings rode horses too! There is mention of this in the sagas. But they really didn't fight on horseback. The Vikings went on a campaign, saddled their horses, reached the battlefield, dismounted, lined up and started the battle. Their famous formation is the shield wall. When you shield yourself and partially your neighbor with a shield. In general, even now I am for the knights.


Each For Honor hero's weaponry defines their combat style. A Viking with a heavy two-handed hammer is clumsy, but hits with monstrous force. A Japanese girl with a naginata halberd is able to make 3-4 furious jabs and run away while the enemy takes some action. You cannot change weapons, but you can improve as you complete tasks.

A good samurai sword was rare, and samurai often used a bow in battle.

Savchenko: “From time immemorial, while mankind was destroying itself hand-to-hand, the most common weapon was a spear. It is simple: a long stick sharpened and tempered in a fire, or a stick with a small bronze or stone tip. Why are Vikings usually drawn with an axe? For the same reason - it is cheaper than a sword Congratulations! You found a promo code: 252 Send it in the comments to the post and in private messages of the community. Be the very first to send this code and get a ticket to Wargaming Fest.. To get a good sword, you need a large piece of high quality steel, which must be processed in a specific way, a master works on it, so this thing is expensive. And status. The swords of the three sides of the conflict are very different, as their owners pursue different goals. The so-called Viking swords are quite wide and have a rounding, which is quite difficult to prick. It is designed to cut. The swords quickly changed their shape when full armor appeared, and it became clear that it was useless to cut them. The weapon then becomes longer and sharper.

With a samurai sword in general, the story is interesting. It is covered with myths and legends, I believe that this is the result of a very successful work of PR people in Japanese culture. There is not enough iron in Japan, and it is technologically difficult to make a good sword. All that careful dressing, packing, when the blacksmith spends a lot of time on one blade, these were forced measures in order to get a more or less high-quality blade. By the way, katana is typologically not a sword, but a saber or even a checker.

On the issue of weapons, it is difficult to make an unambiguous choice - it is more important who uses it how. It is useless to chop with rolled armor. Chasing a samurai in light armor in 23–30 kg armor is also pointless.”

Shape and color of clothes

Since the enemy in the game can choose exactly the same heroes as you, For Honor paints enemies in different colors - to distinguish between friend and foe.

Savchenko: “The shape and some distinctive colors in the Middle Ages were definitely not known. Whom to beat, and who not to beat, was distinguished by the banners. In the Middle Ages, they played an extremely important role in communication with the army. You are in the thick of the battle, there is no connection, you need to somehow navigate. Therefore, when the army lined up for battle, it was full of banners. In addition, in different cases, some identification marks could be applied to clothes. This was hardly of a mass character, military leaders or some special detachments stood out. It could be, for example, bandages. But in general, history knows battles when the allies attacked each other due to a misunderstanding.”


When you get tired of chaotic battles, go to a duel. Feints, exhausting the enemy, cold calculation and surprise attacks are all here.

Tournament. Illustration from the Manes Code of the 14th century.

Savchenko: “Fights, of course, knew all the parties to the conflict. The Vikings, for example, had a court. In Western Europe there was a culture of tournament fights Congratulations! You found a promo code: 761 Send it in the comments to the post and in private messages of the community. Be the very first to send this code and get a ticket to Wargaming Fest.. They began as very bloody events, the participants of which often died. Then all this evolved into theatrical performances. In my opinion, the peak of the development of knightly duels falls on the 15th century, and at the “Tournament of St. George” we recreate this period.

Name: For Honor
Released: February 14, 2017
Genre: Action, RPG
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: PC
Publication type: License
Interface language: Russian, Chinese (ex.)
Voice language: Russian, English
Tablet: None (DENUVO protection)

Description: For Honor- computer game in the genre of a fighting game with a third-person view. The game is being developed by Ubisoft and will be released on personal computers, as well as on next-generation consoles: PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game was announced in 2015, and should see the light in 2016, but the exact release date is still unknown.

The game will imagine this medieval action game with elements of a fighting game. Players will have the opportunity to fight for one of three types of different warriors, each of which will differ in its unique weapons, armor, as well as abilities and skills. So the player will be able to choose between: Vikings, knights and samurai.

Each of the classes will have its own advantages and disadvantages, which makes each character unique and different from each other.
The Vikings are supposed to use deadly axes and other heavy weapons, and they will have great strength, but they may not have the best armor. They will also be quite slow.
Knights will have excellent armor that will allow them to withstand some blows. Knights will be able to use large two-handed swords that deal massive damage. The movements of the knights will be slow but deadly.
Samurai will have pretty good armor, and they will also use katanas - very sharp and deadly blades that will be much faster than the two-handed things of the knights.

The game will be team-to-team battles. The game will have the ability to use various siege weapons like a battering ram or ladders. Also, players will be able to use various skills, such as a volley of arrows, which will significantly harm any enemy.
Players should especially like combat system games. It will take into account many features, even such as the weight of the weapon, its sharpness, the material from which it is made, and much more. All this will affect the damage and speed of circulation with this weapon.
The unique combat system will be more like a Hollywood movie, the game will have a huge number of different tricks, attacks, blocks, counterattacks, dodges, which will help the player build his unique tactics and which will allow him to win.
By the way tactics and strategy will play a big role in the game. In order to win, you need to interact with other players, build defense or attack tactics in different directions of the map.

The player will fight both against bots and against real players, the latter, of course, will be much stronger than bots. As the developers say, skilled players will have a big advantage over beginners.

There is no more news about For Honor yet, but it is believed that the game will become a real masterpiece and will be well appreciated by the players. The company has also released a colorful trailer that will show some of the characters' abilities in combat. In the meantime, players can only wait for new details and when the developers will announce the release date.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10 (only x64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core i3-550 | AMD Phenom II X4 955 or equivalent
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX660/GTX750ti/GTX950/GTX1050 with 2 GB VRAM
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Free hard disk space: 40 GB

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AT gaming industry Today, session games in a competitive setting are popular, but not everyone is destined to be remembered and excel. Ubisoft has been working in this direction for a long time and threw all its forces into the Montreal branch for development For games Honour.

The setting of the game is not similar to any project. Representatives of the Middle Ages clashed in it - Vikings, knights and samurai. The game is very spectacular with exciting battles without any magic or technology, but for you to better understand what in question I suggest you review For Honour.

Three warriors - one goal

The game has a choice of representatives of three factions, which are divided into four classes. Each class has its own unique abilities and different mechanics.

Westerners boast such classes as orochi, who act as a silent killer, kensei, who stand in the forefront, shugoki, whose destiny is to hit large concentrations of troops with their club, and also nobushi.

Although the mechanics of the game differ from class to class, but the goal is the same - to kill the opponent. Fans of northerners will love playing as a raider who crushes skulls with a giant club. The warlord is ready to overcome the pain and suffering of dozens of blows. The purpose of the berserker is to invade the ranks of the enemy and sow panic.

In addition to berserkers, representatives of this wild nation - Valkyries - are also available. Representatives of the Middle Ages - knights, can boast of an overseer, whose two-handed sword can easily cut off several heads at once, and the conqueror with the help of a shield is ready to repulse the enemy, while the peacemaker was created to eliminate the enemy with the help of daggers. The lawyer closes the chain of these representatives.

The main mechanics of the game revolves around the stances that warriors take. Depending on the adopted stance, the player is able to hit the enemy from the sides or from above. The same goes for blocks.

You can distinguish the position of the attack by the adopted stance or the prompt that appears at the time of the attack, so it is very important to follow and change the stances and positions. In addition to them, the game contains acrobatic stunts in the form of dodging, parrying, rolling, jumping back and making powerful dashes that break through armor.

The combat system is very similar to rock paper scissors.


The game has several modes. First of all, these are single one-on-one battles, two-on-two battles with friends, as well as multiplayer battles in the capture the flag mode, where the concentration of the group contributes to the final victory on the map.

In duel battles, battles are more thoughtful and opponents have more time to create combinations of attacks and blocks, because there is no need to wait for a blow from behind. In this mode, interior items and terrain will help, for example, a successful lunge will cause the enemy to fall off a cliff, and then with the help of a special skill you can finish him off.

A battle without honor and courage

Large-scale battles are a clash between two teams, divided into four players, who fight on the front lines along with NPCs. Both squads respawn in controlled territories, only until one of the parties scores the coveted thousand points.

After that, the losing side is left with one life without respawns. Unlike other games, there is still a chance to return everything. You just need to capture one of the points. Although all the rules single player inherent in capture the flag, but they are often ignored, as it is easy to run into an enemy sword.

Video stream

Abilities and customization

RPG elements have been added to the game. Before the start of each battle, the player customizes the type and appearance of their weapons and equipment, as well as four abilities that can be used on the battlefield.

As they kill, the player gains experience, allowing them to use these skills. After the battle, players are given parts of the uniform, as well as new abilities to use.

Creations from Ubisoft, by far, the most unusual multiplayer game that incorporates interesting gameplay elements combined in multiplayer.

The last exhibition E3 2015 lit up with the announcement For Honor - Absolutely new game from Ubisoft, which is dedicated to the clash of similar, but at the same time distant knights, samurai and Vikings. With this game, the company will try to enter the waters of a new genre and do something that it has never been able to.

So what does it represent For honor? What are the closest landmarks to point out so that you understand what charms this game hides in itself? Refresh your memory and remember the Age of Chivalry add-on for the game Half life 2. Or a pretty sensational self-sufficient Chivalry: Medieval Warfare in 2012 if you don't want to push yourself too hard. These are the nearest landmarks (for you, but not for them) of the game that Ubisoft is making.

You see, the genre is not very wide, other medieval games with sword fights ( Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, mount & blade, Kingdom Come: Deliverance) is not really about that and concentrates on the ideas of another genre, be it role-playing game or strategy. It's not all that! We do not have a purebred thoroughbred action game that would allow you to cut off the enemy's head and report to your captain that the castle has been captured. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare runs on unmodified Unreal Engine 3 which is almost 10 years old with release Ryse: Son of Rome Studio Crytek has strongly sat down in a puddle, so much so that it has been two years big games does not release. The multiplayer in the game is quite unfinished and, of course, limited in scope.

In 2015, at E3 2015, Ubisoft arranged what is called a sneak peek - kindly demonstrated the finished piece For Honor, which was far from complete at the time. I remember watching that trailer as the camera over the knight's shoulder showed him taking over the castle. At any moment, it seemed that now the assassin Altair would jump out of the hay, the benefit of the action was developing at the same time. But no. Forget about any crossover universes and jokes in general - For Honor is the most serious and independent project that does not focus on the achievements of other franchises.
At the time of E3 2015, the game was announced as a multiplayer project. No one expected anything other than this, everyone saw the mess on the battlefield where eight swordsmen converged. People looked at the created splendor like fish - with their mouths open. The animation was amazing, the characters were wielding a sword... just like a real fighter would swing. The whole weight of the turned piece of steel was felt even through the screen. Knights, samurai, Vikings, as you probably already guessed, differ not only appearance, but also with abilities, each has its own Thor's hammer and Achilles' heel. Nearest Landmark - Multiplayer StarCraft, which is also based on the mechanics of "rock-paper-scissors".
And at the E3 2016 exhibition, the developers announced the good news. Yes, For Honor will not do without a single player campaign. And while skeptics grumble that it would be better for developers to concentrate on one thing, I will modestly remind you that the single player mode is a great opportunity to hone your skills so that after several days of training as a sensei, return to multiplayer and introduce offenders to the work of Sun Tzu - well, then there is how to pile on everyone. In terms of mechanics, the single mode repeats the multiplayer mode, the voice of the narrator weaves the stories of knights, samurai, Vikings into a single thread. What the fuss is about is not yet clear, other journalists have heard something about a terrible warrior who goes hand in hand with death and horror. My guess is that the story campaign is a nicely disguised training mode that introduces you to the intricacies of the game mechanics, introduces ordinary enemies and bosses, and then puts an ax in your hands and blesses you to kill recruits like yourself in multiplayer. Ubisoft has already pulled this off in you-know-what game.

What is the gameplay For Honor (I hope you don't think this is a standard Ubisoft game? Get that idea out of your head.) Everything is tied to precisely timed attacks, as well as timely delivered blocks. Three buttons are responsible for everything, which translate the hero into three stances: low, normal and high. You can beat and block from each, respectively, during the game you need to thoughtfully change the racks, know when it is better to hit, and when to hide behind a shield or parry a blow. There is a light blow, there is a heavy one, the latter depletes the hero more. You can carry out combo attacks, but only if you have already perfectly felt the time by now and know at what time you need to press the button again. In addition to blocking, you can always dodge or try to break the opponent's defense even before he hits.

No wonder it will be a hardcore game in the best traditions For Honor lets you recreate all the popular battles from your favorite books, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. If you haven't followed this game yet, then you just can't stand the Middle Ages. Food for thought - perhaps in your veins flow the genes of ancestors who were burned at the stake by the Inquisition.

Knights will go out to fight against the samurai while they fight the Vikings who attack the knights on February 14, 2017 on PC, Xbox One and PS4, and the developers are also planning beta testing. Which side do you choose?

A natural disaster brought together knights, Vikings and samurai in a war for resources and power. The mysterious Apollyon, leader of the Blackstone Order of Knights, believes that over time the warriors have become weak and incapable of surviving in the new world, which means that only a full-scale war can restore their former strength.

Genre: third-person action
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Age rating: 18+
Translation: full
Played on: PS4
Similar works:
Chivalry Medieval Warfare (2012)
Dynasty Warriors series

For Honor brings to mind the TV show Deadliest Warrior. Here we can find out who is stronger: a knight with a two-handed sword or a dexterous samurai with a katana, an aggressive berserker or a halberdier clad in armor. The combat system is based on duels between two warriors, each of which can strike and block in three directions. The most interesting thing is built on this simple formula - the various abilities of the heroes, thanks to which any player can find a fighter to his liking. Someone is suitable for powerful direct blows, another needs to constantly dodge and counterattack. The style of play for each hero is very easy to master. Thanks to this, For Honor is that rare case when you can win with any character, the main thing is to know his strengths and skillfully use them. Maps add interest. You must constantly monitor the environment, otherwise you can miss the moment when an almost defeated enemy with a deft kick will send your character into the abyss. In a word, the combat system was a success and will give a lot of memorable and intense battles.

Battles take place in several modes: duels, two-on-two and four-on-four battles, as well as holding points. Best of all, perhaps, duels and two-on-two battles. They have the most adjusted balance of tactics and individual skill, and battles do not turn into a general dump. Of course, massacres are fun, but the combat system of the game does not reveal itself at all in cramped quarters.

For Honor - that rare case when you can win with any character

During the breaks between matches, you can follow the global struggle between factions on the map: depending on its outcome, players will be given rewards at the end of the season. In addition, you can complete tasks and receive additional rewards - experience for character development and in-game currency that can be spent on new equipment.

Sometimes in two-on-two battles, players who have already defeated an opponent prefer not to interfere in a duel of a friend, as if justifying the name of the game

But, as often happens, things that are completely irrelevant to the gameplay spoil a good idea. First, purely technical problems. The connection with the servers is broken very often - both right in the middle of the battle, and while searching for a match. Secondly, the feeling that the network part of For Honor could well be distributed according to the free-to-play scheme does not leave. Microtransactions, random items from boxes, decorations that cost thousands of units game currency, when for the battle they give at most a couple of dozen, the need to buy heroes so that they can be developed, paid champion status - and all this in the game for a full 60 euros. It is clear that purchases are optional, but the quality of equipment affects the characteristics of the heroes, and the advantage will be with the player who has opened more boxes. And, finally, without a single-player campaign, the game would not have lost anything: all events take place on the same multiplayer maps, and tasks are limited to killing all opponents on the level. The only reason to go through the story mode is to get those same boxes with items and a few decorations for armor as a reward.

Outcome: a multiplayer action game with an original combat system and interesting characters, spoiled technical problems and microtransactions.