EE Guide - Elven Oracle - Elven Elder - Evas Saint. EE Guide - Elven Oracle - Elven Elder - Evas Saint Phantom Ranger - Phantom Ranger, FR

    • Elven Elder- support class, one of the 4 classes, indispensable in any party (EE, BP, DB, SVS). EE combines a healer, buffer and recharger at the same time. The high casting speed allows you to heal Major with a heal almost like a Bishop Greater Battle heal. EE has a set of unique buffs - clarity, decrease weight, resist shock, which no other class in the game has. Recharge, combined with clarity, high speed caste and high men, makes HER the best recharger. None of the other classes has such a wonderful thing as party recall - this is an instant bsoe to the city of the entire group. In addition to everything - beautiful skin light elves =) When playing as HER, you need to understand that this is not a DD, and for pumping, as well as interesting time forwarding in the game, a good const party is needed. Words about the uniqueness of EEshek were written before the Gracia Epilogue update. Now our skills are available to CE (4) and Bishops (1), CE can apply for the place of a recharger and a second healer. Perhaps in PvE there will no longer be a difference between CE and EE, as well as between SMG and Warcryer. In pvp, the difference is obvious - BoE and 20% speed casts.

I. Elven Elder from 1 to 85

  • 1-19
    • This gap from Gracia 2 ceased to exist, because. the first pro is taken very quickly due to quests.

What useful skills do we get on these levels (I will describe the skills immediately of the maximum level):

Worth paying attention to are SA Conversion (+60% mp, -40% hp) and Mana UP (+30% mp). An additional weapon with such a sa can be useful in exp, especially in locations with herbs, where the Superior Herb of Mana restores full MP.

    • Bijouterie: common top S.
    • Tattoo: there are 2 options
      • +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +1 wit -1 men - maximum speed cast.
      • +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +4 dex -5 str - +5 running speed, compared to cast option 1, speed is 5% lower, m def is about 1% higher.

The choice of tattoo depends on the composition of the party and the style of the game. Running speed is important in pvp and can be overclocked with talismans: yellow talisman - speed gives +3 speed (sold in the store), yellow talisman of speed gives +5 speed (can be obtained for epalets in the castle/fort), yellow talisman of alacrity +3 speed (obtainable for epaulettes in the castle/fort). All three talismans can be worn at the same time (at 61+ with an A grade bracelet) and get +11 speed.

  • Exp solo: 40-44 Hardin's Private Academy, Dragon Valley, The Forest of Mirrors(on ghosts), 44+ in inquisitor around Ivory Tower, Outlaw Forest.
  • Skills:
  • Skills:

Until now, EEs of all servers have not come to the conclusion which set is better - Dark Crystal or Majestic.

Here, too, there is no consensus on what is better - ma, dk or mzh set. I think that the ideal option is a dk set +6.

Skill transfer:

After receiving 3 professions, we are given the opportunity to learn one skill or bishop. The skill can be canceled for 10kk and take another one. Skills can be sharpened. The choice depends on the composition of the constant party, pvp or pve orientation, olympiad. List of all skills:

  1. Purify is an indispensable skill in pvp for a party with two bp + ee healers.
  2. Greater Battle Heal- the best option for the Open Olympics.
  3. Magical Backfire - for KB Olympiad/party with 3 healers bp+ee+se/ee.
  4. Stigma of Shilien - in melee batches.
  5. Empower - this option is possible in magical parties, for an exp duo with a magician or solo.
  6. Mass Resurrection - might be good for a party with 3 healers.


The choice of a set depends primarily on the server and the availability of an epic bija, in fact it is a choice between resistance to the stun and paralysis. At the Olympiad it is desirable to have 2 sets - Moirai and Vesper/Vorpal.

At this stage, there may be a shortage of SP for learning skills. Therefore, it is better to skip learning some skills (for example, Health, Skill Mastery) in order to learn the most necessary ones: PoW, Arcane Wisdom, Divine Lore, Mana Gain, Mass Recharge.

II. Skill Enchantment

From the lvl of sharpening skills, the lvl of the skill (learn lvl) increases. This is important to know when sharpening debuffs (trance, block ww, wind shackle, erase) and recharge. To avoid a penalty for recharge, the difference between the lvl of the skill and the lvl of the character that is being filled should be no more than 5. Recharge +0 - skill lvl 74. To fill a character of lvl 85 without a penalty, recharge must be at least lvl 80, that is, +13. It is also worth sharpening the main pvp buffs, because. the chance of his cancellation depends on the lvl of the buff.

  • For skills 2 professions:
    • +1 = 76 lvl
    • +4 = 77
    • +7 = 78
    • +10 = 79
    • +13 = 80
    • +16 = 81
    • +19 = 82
    • +22 = 83
    • +25 = 84
    • +28 = 85
  • For skills 3 professions:
    • +1 = 81
    • +4 = 82
    • +7 = 83
    • +10 = 84
    • +13 = 85

Skills that need to be sharpened (the most effective ways to sharpen skills, in my opinion, are given first):

  • Recharge - cost
    • Recharge - power
  • Major Heal- power
    • Major Heal- cost
  • Clarity- power for magic skills (+6 sharpening required, further down the table)
    • +0 - 10% clarity
    • +6 - 11%
    • +12 - 12%
    • +18 - 13%
    • +24 - 14%
    • +30 - 15%
  • Resist Shock- power
  • Unholy Resistance- power, each lvl of sharpening gives 4 dark resists.
  • PoW- decrease penalty
  • Mana Burn- cost
    • Mana Burn- power
  • Trance- time, each level of enchant increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
    • Trance- chance
  • wind shackle- chance
    • wind shackle- cost+time, each level of enchant increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
  • Erase- cost
  • Block W.W.- chance
    • Block W.W.- cost + time, each level of enchant increases the duration of the debuff by 8 seconds.
  • Divine Lore- power (+1 sharpening required)
    • +0 - 5% clarity
    • +1 - 6%
    • +8 - 7%
    • +15 - 8%
  • Arcane Wisdom- power
    • +0 - 30% clarity
    • +3 - 31%
    • +6 - 32%
    • +9 - 33%
    • +12 - 34%
    • +15 - 35%
  • Wisdom- power, mental attak resistance, adds 2 for each level of sharpening.
  • Robe Mastery- magic defense, each enchant lvl (except +6, +11, +16, +21, +26) gives 1% m def.
  • Fast Mana Recovery- power (+1 sharpening required)
  • Fast Spell Casting- power, each lvl of sharpening gives 0.1% cast speed.
  • Anti Magic- powerHidden text
  • """Turn Undead - attack, sharpen +1 to level up solo in rift/pagan. You can sharpen higher to increase skill level to use on 80+ mobs (Seed of Infinity, Hellbound).

III. Subclass Skills

When your subclass reaches lvl 65 and 70, the main class can learn general skills (Emergent Ability), which increase n def, m def, m atk, p atk. When the subclass has become 75, you can learn similar general skills (Master Ability) or skills that depend on the subclass (Special Ability).

  • Emergent Ability lvl 65, 70:
    • Magic Defense: 13-15 m def
    • Physical Defense: 8-9 pdef
  • Master Ability lvl 75:
    • Great Magic Defense: 50 mdef
    • Great Physical Defense: 29-30 pdef

What to choose, p def or m def, you decide. It is obvious that the increase to m defu is greater. It is important to take one thing in order to overclock this parameter to the maximum. If you take all the skills in m def from 3 subs, you get an increase of 240 m def. If everything is in n def, then the bonus will be approximately 140 n def, which is also not small.

IV. Augmentation

  • In main weapon:
    • Any active nuke 10 lvl 110 power is required for the Olympiad in S/S80/S84 weapons 150(300) of the corresponding attribute. In order to perform well on the oli, it is desirable to have 2-3 weapons with different nukes.
    • Passive Spell Clarity lvl 3 gives 20% clarity, a good augment for pve.
  • In an additional weapon (it is better to insert it into a low c, augmentation will be much cheaper):
    • Active Refresh (spell or general) reduces the cooldown of skills by 15%, hangs for 1 minute, cooldown is 10 minutes.
    • Active Magic Barier lvl 10 +77 m def regardless of the buff, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Shield lvl 10 +71 p def regardless of the buff, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Blessed Body lvl 10 +300 hp, hangs 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Wild Magic lvl 10, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Lesser Celestial Shield - invulnerability for 7 seconds, cooldown 30 minutes, disappears with any action. The peculiarity of this augment is that it does not replace the rest of the augment buffs, all the rest replace each other.

V. MP Regeneration & Clarity

  • MP regen boost:
    • Majestic Robe Set +8%
    • Sigil +17%
    • AM SA MP Regeneration 3-4% (only good for pve)
    • PoW +20%
    • Magnus" Chant +4 MP per tick
    • Song of Meditation +20%
    • Embroider (crafter buff) +2 mp per tick
    • Blessing of Seraphim +35%
    • Fast Mana Recovery focused on power
    • Robe Mastery, enchanted for mp regen, +1 gives +4 mp per tick while sitting (only good for pve)
    • Talismans: Yellow Talisman of MP Regeneration (sold in the store), Yellow *** Talisman of Mental Regeneration, Red Talisman of Mental Regeneration, Red *** Talisman of Meditation (similar to Invocation).
    • Clan Clarity +3%
    • Residence Clarity +0.47 MP Regen (Aaru Fortress, Valley Fortress)
    • Infinity Rod +0.51 MP Regen, +30% MP
    • Magic Rune Clip Belt MP Recovery top A-grade belt gives about +0.5 mp per tick
  • Clarity boost:
    • Arcane Wisdom 30% (+3 - 31%, +6 - 32% ...)
    • Clarity 10% (+6 - 11%, +12 - 12% ...)
    • Divine Lore 5% (+1 - 6%, +8 - 7% ...)
    • PoW 5%
    • Song of Meditation 10%
    • Song of Renewal 5%
    • Passive Spell Clarity lvl 3 20%
    • Antharas Earring 5%
    • Magician's Will 5%
    • Enlightenment 90% for 20 seconds
    • Talismans: Red Talisman of Minimum (~4%) and Maximum Clarity (100%)
    • Holy Squad 5% clarity, 30% mp
    • Masterwork SA Wisdom 5%

Clarity has no cap (restriction), you can overclock at least up to 100%. But the amount of mp written on the skill is divided into 2 parts during the cast. At the beginning of the cast, the 1st part of the skill is spent, 20% of the cost. The remaining 80% is spent when the skill is cast. Clarity only affects the second part of the skill. For example, 90% of the clarity written on the Enlightenment skill will be 72% of the skill's total cost.

VI. Pets

It is useful for HER to have a bird Improved Baby Kookaburra(Baby Kookaburra), which fills mana and buffs emp (handy in archer / melee packs where this buff is absent). The penalty for recharging is 15 lvls, and you need to take the lvl from the kookaburra, which gives the skill, i.e. 55, 60, 65 etc. The maximum difference in lvls is 24, if the difference is greater, then recharging will not work. At lvl 55, the kookaburra pours 120 mp, at 60 - 128, 65 - 138, 70 - 144, 75 - 149, 80 - 153. It starts pouring mana if your mp is less than 60% and you are in combat mode. The bird itself can also be flooded and buffed on it by management (a kind of self recharge). It is also convenient to load spirit ore on it for quality and gcp for pvp.

  • Buffs:
    • Level 55 - Empower 3 (2 Minutes), BtS 6 (20 Minutes)
    • Level 60 - BtB 6 (20 Minutes), Shield 3 (2 Minutes)
    • Level 65 - Concentration 6 (2 Minutes), Acumen 3 (2 Minutes)

VII. Tactics in PvP

Before pvp, you need to check all the buffs of the party members and pour mp to everyone who needs it. Main pvp buffs: Mental Shield (all), Resist Shock (all), Clarity (self, bp, bd, svs, brew, over, mages, daggers), Concentration (self, bishop and mages), Improved Shield Defense (all , who has a shield), Decrease Weight (to everyone who yells "bag"), Wild Magic (to yourself, Bishop and mages), Mana Gain (to everyone you are going to pour mana on, first of all to Bishop and SVS). During pvp, you need to heal the party members, fill in mana in a timely manner, monitor the buffs of the party, to do this, play with an open buff bar (alt + f), if possible, after the cancellation, rebuff, kill the Bishop first. Don't forget to turn on Arcane Wisdom (the exception is short pvp and you are sure that you will have enough mana before it ends).

If this is not mass pvp, but for example a gang, then EE is the first target for enemy damage dealers, so that PR does not. The tactic here is simple - to live as long as possible. Celestial Shield, Turn to Stone and Enlightenment can help with this. You also need to use your position - any corner, stone, tree, pillar, behind which you can hide from the focus.

In pvp against dagger packs on enemy damage dealers, you need to use Mana Burn, Block WW and Wind Shakle. If one dagger has taken you into focus, you should definitely turn around to face him and manabern / debuff. If there are several daggers, all that remains is to kite, hoping for the heal of the Bishop and the hate bd / svs.

In pvp against a magic pack, HER and BP are usually the last to focus because of their high m def. In this case, the main thing is to heal the party members, if the canceling magicians are against you - follow the buffs and rebuff (so that everyone has a Mental Shield, otherwise the silence on the Bishop, the debuffs of the over can pass), if possible, use Mana Burn and Block WW.

In pvp against archers, on the contrary, it is better to run up to dd at close range (of course, not at the very beginning of pvp to run forward and tank =)), throw Wind Shakle, Block WW at them, manabern healers. Before pvp, make sure that the shield is on, buff Resist Shock on everyone in the party.

Video games per class

© 2008-2019, Linedia - knowledge base and encyclopedia of the Lineage 2 game in Russian: quests and descriptions, walkthroughs and articles, items and monsters, classes and races, manuals and guides, skills and abilities.


  • INT-affects magic attack, magic critical strike power
  • MDR- cast speed, magic evasion, mage accuracy, magic critical strike chance
  • SPIRIT- affects magic defense, chance to interrupt casting
  • CON- number of HP, CP, weight limit, shield block chance
  • LVK- no longer affects running speed
  • FORCE- we are not interested in this parameter
Dark Elves
WIT (WIT) 84 77 78 74 72 78
MEN (SPIRIT) 77 73 78 84 81 75
INT (INT) 74 85 79 77 82 82
STR (STR) 82 92 88 88 87 88
DEX (DEX) 62 56 55 50 53 57
CON 82 77 82 87 85 80

Racial skills


Dark Elves





Sub skills

In the GoD update, unfortunately, all the old sub-skills were removed from the game, and new ones were introduced to replace them, the usefulness of which is highly questionable. But nevertheless, they give some kind of plus, it is worth highlighting the useful ones:

Of the rest, learn what you like best, there is little sense from them.

After a successful release in Korea, Netmarble is gearing up for the global launch of its fantasy MMO Lineage 2 Revolution on Android and iOS platforms. This project, expected by many gamers, is based on the engine, and promises us the highest quality graphics and realistically animated characters.

The game assumes the presence of four races well known from the main Lineage series - Humans, Elves, Dark Elves and Dwarves, as well as 24 classes, the variety of which will allow gamers to upgrade their characters according to their personal preferences. As you can see, the choice of classes is wide, so at the beginning of the game it would be desirable to know their features in order to understand which one to start with.

We will present you with popular and most convenient classes for starting, but the first thing you need to do is decide on a race. The point is that in mobile version Lineage sex of characters is fixed according to race: Humans and Dark Elves- male characters, and Elves and Dwarves - female. Each race has its pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, they can be adjusted with buffs or nerfs, but you cannot change the gender of the character during the game. Therefore, make your choice carefully. So:

Reason for choosing: fast level up and high critical damage.

Level: He is easy to build up as this character attacks from a long distance, which means he is good for auto farming.

Dungeons: Hawkeye lacks control skills, and this is reflected in the case of skirmishes with flying opponents that are able to attack your base directly.

PVP: This character is good for delivering the last blow in large-scale battles, but for battles in the 1v1 arena, he is frankly weak.

Reason for choosing: very balanced character.

Level: This class is more of a melee class, so you'll have to constantly move and maneuver to level it up. But he is good both in attack and in defense - and this is a significant plus.

Dungeons: The paladin has a lot of control functions, so it is ideal for passing dungeons.

PVP: Management is, of course, good, but the damage done is not so great.

Reason for choosing: it is very difficult to kill him.

Level: Its main disadvantage is the low damage dealt, both physical and magical.

Dungeons: Usually in dungeons there is no need for a support, but Bishop is useful during raids and boss fights.

PVP: As with most MMOs, a support is a godsend for the team.

Silver Ranger

Reason for choosing: easy to level up, attacks well and moves fast.

Level: Due to the ability to attack from a distance, this class is ideal for farming.

Dungeons: Silver Ranger is not very good against flying enemies in dungeons.

PVP: This class is similar to the Hawkeye but excels in PVP due to its movement speed and quick attacks.

Sword Singer

Reason for choosing: balanced abilities and beautiful appearance.

Level: Most of this hero's abilities are ranged, but his damage and attack aren't great for leveling up quickly.

Dungeons: This balanced character is able to bring some good buffs to the team during skirmishes in the dungeons.

PVP: Sword Singer is popular in large team fights, but not very good in 1v1 fights.

Temple Knight

Reason for choosing: Temple Knight wields a Divine Shield that grants immunity to all attacks for 5 seconds.

Level: Although the Temple Knight has passive ability increase in attack level, it does not progress quickly.

Dungeons: A tank character is not much needed in PVP dungeon fights.

Spell Singer

Reason for choosing: a wonderful mage with powerful AOE abilities.

Level: The ability to influence the whole area allows you to quickly increase the level.

Dungeons: This hero is good for dungeons due to his skills.

PVP: Spell Singer deals solid damage per unit of time and has good control abilities, which is quite suitable for battles in the arena.

Abyss Walker

Reason for choosing: Very high instant damage.

Level: High damage but low HP, which makes it easy for this character to die in auto farming, although his level is growing quite well.

Dungeons: A high DPS character is indispensable in dungeons.

PVP: Since the HP of this hero is low, to participate in battles in the arena, he requires serious control skills from the gamer.

blade dancer

Reasons for choosing: The most popular class among Korean gamers, and you will agree that they have no experience in this type of games.

Level: Blade Dancer has two active buff skills that are good for farming.

Dungeons This is a well-balanced class that is good at everything, including dungeons.

PVP: The same can be said here - the balance of parameters allows this hero to feel good in the arena.

Reason for choosing: This pretty dwarf girl is hard to refuse.

Level: High damage dealt and fast movement abilities allow for good leveling.

Dungeons: High damage, fast movement and jumping help in passing dungeons.

PVP: The Dwarf race has abilities that increase the protection of this character, which turns her into a practically indestructible heroine.

1. How to flag quickly. When the bish is flagged, this is an additional risk. Heal or buff a flagged player or any mob. Then your nickname will immediately start blinking and will soon be flagged. This applies not only to the bish, but to all classes that can cast positive spells.

2. How to use Arcane Wisdom. This skill increases the chance of passing debuffs. It turns on and off without delay. So put it closer. Turn on before debuffing - debuffed - immediately turned off. This is especially convenient when removing the legs or the shield.

3. Drain destra? 2 seconds. Place Arcane Wisdom on the bar and hold. HP will drop in a couple of seconds. Well, then we press the balance and you're done.

4. Pluses of mass skills. Mass heal, mass res and balance are 1.5 times further than normal heals and res. Use them when you don't have time to run up for a normal heal.

5. Pluses of mass skills 2. Mass heal, mass res and balance get even when the target is not visible. Use them around the corner, or hiding behind some kind of obstacle.

6. Bluffing. In pvp, often everyone focuses bish. As soon as this happens, we impose a virgin on ourselves and do not stop healing ourselves. In this case, the virgin is not visible and no one will change the target. And we can not care that they will focus the party members. That is, during the action of the virgin, the whole party does not receive damage!

7. We bluff 2. This method is suitable for opponents with a ranged attack. It is important to use the environment here. When pvp starts - do not hide, wait for everyone to focus you. Then we run around the corner, for any obstacle. At this point, opponents cannot hit. They should either switch to another target or run after you. In any case, this allows you to win a few moments.

8. We keep our distance. Stay as far away as possible from your party member if he has a ranged attack. Then the enemy will need to run up so that he can beat you. And at this time, your party members will deal damage.

9. Tired of healing magicians with a lasso? Use Greater Group Heal. It will support HP mages. Yes, and will give additional survivability for party members. You can of course use a single skill with HP regen. But the masses are convenient because you lead yourself when you need to update it.

10. Balance on pets. The balance for two in a party is not profitable. But if they have pets, then the balance will be among the four. And this is already profitable.

11. Instant self-heal. The main thing is to heal yourself, the rest can then be resurrected. So use the macro: /target %self /useskill greater battle heal to quickly switch to yourself.

12. When you need to run and heal. If you're under heavy fire, it's best to take cover as soon as possible. But if you run and do not heal, then they will quickly endure. What to do? Always take care of the big caps of HP and CPU for such an occasion.

13. Display debuffs in the party. For a Bishop, this is very important to immediately remove debuffs with a wedge.

14. We heal even faster. When you need to heal one target from very high damage, hold down the heal button on the panel. You don't have to hit it every time. It will still turn out faster if you hold down the button. Check.

15. Do not hold down the skill buttons. In all other cases, press the skills once. Because a completely different skill may be needed, and the bish will not stop right away. This is especially true for long-casting skills - mass heal, balance, etc.

16. Body of Avatar. Cast twice faster than the masses heal, heals 25% of max hp. He heals mages like mass heals, only faster (at 8k max hp, body avatar heals exactly like mass heals). And Destra, for example, he will restore much more.

17. How to win pvp 1v1. No, manaburn will not help on servers where there are mp cones. But there are some CAs that, when applying debuffs, can put fat, root, and even an anchor. Just trance the target and fat will be applied to it. Spell Breaker as an example, imposes a root.

18. Face the danger. The shield is able to reduce damage taken by approximately 30%. It will not help only from magic skills. So if you are healing yourself or using mass skills, stand facing your opponents.