Review of the game the forest. We rest in the forest with cannibals. Uncle is a developer, but I'm not afraid

Sandbox games have been in vogue for a relatively long time and still no one is tired of it. It all started with Minecraft, which offered gamers complete freedom of action, a fully interactive game world, an abundance of opportunities and the complete absence of any specific goals, except for one - to survive. This genre, called sandbox (or “sandbox” in Russian), has become incredibly popular, and up to this day more and more new games are being released that give you the opportunity to find yourself in a vast world where there are no restrictions and no goals are set for you. , do not give you quests and tasks. You are free to do whatever you please. One of latest games this kind of project became The Forest, whose review you are about to read. Unlike the same "Minecraft", this game is made in a bright realistic three-dimensional style. Naturally, you have to craft a lot, and even more - to fight for your own survival. This is the whole point of The Forest project. A review of the game may well interest you and arouse in you the desire to try it out. this game, even if you haven't been into sandbox projects before.


If we talk about The Forest project, the review should start with the fact that the game was released quite recently - it started in March 2014, but then it was in early access status, that is, people could buy the game and get the opportunity to test it and report about bugs, share your wishes and express complaints while the developers are still in the final stage of development. But even then the project received incredibly high marks and positive reviews- since launch test version The game has garnered millions of fans around the world. And if you now ask which of the horror films is the most original, unusual and impressive, then most people will answer - The Forest. The review will describe in more detail the advantages and features of this game.

The plot of the game

The review of the game The Forest should start with the plot, although it's hard to call it that. As you understand, sandbox games rarely have a pronounced storyline, so most likely it can be called a background, a description of what happened before the start of the gameplay. You are a passenger of an airplane that crashes and crashes in an unknown forest, which is many kilometers away from civilization. Only a few people survive, among which, of course, you are also present. It quickly becomes clear that there is no point in waiting for rescue from the outside, so you start collecting everything that will help you survive. After a while, a terrifying discovery also occurs - you are not alone in the forest. It is inhabited by mutant cannibals who have so far set to eating dead passengers, but soon the supply will be exhausted, and the hunt for survivors will begin. It is at this moment that the most interesting begins - and also the most terrible. However, this is not all that The Forest review can tell you.

Game process

Many gamers are starting to ask questions about the gameplay of this project, some even manage to confuse this game with another one called Ori and the blind forest. The review concerns exclusively The Forest project, where game process is a survival horror. You play as a survivor of a plane crash and gain control over him immediately after he wakes up at the crash site. You immediately need to start taking care of your future - collect a variety of supplies, look for various useful objects such as food and water, medicines and much more. You need to build a shelter where you can feel safe, look for ways to protect yourself from cannibals (for example, dirt is great at blocking your scent, by which they look for you). But at the same time, do not think that you will always be able to hide, so do not forget about weapons that you can use against attackers in case of danger. And never confuse this terrifying nightmare with the calm and measured gameplay of the Ori and the blind forest project. The review, of course, does not end there - even more interesting details await you ahead.


In the forest you will meet various opponents who will threaten your life. Naturally, the main threat comes from mutant cannibals, who are just waiting for any unusual smell or sound to immediately rush in and pounce on you. They usually move in groups - they attack in the same way. In terms of survivability, they are equal to you, in fact, as in strength, but they cannot strengthen themselves with weapons, but you can. Therefore, use any advantage, and also remember that the most important thing is to eliminate the leader of the group, then all the other cannibals will retreat and leave you alone. However, besides them, there are more terrible monsters - mutated octopuses and spiders. You can kill the octopuses with various explosives, but you can’t deal with the spider, so here you need to concentrate on running away and hiding from it. It is not difficult to do this, but if you hesitate, you will instantly be eaten. Also, the island is full of various animals that pose a little threat to you, but if you are well armed, then everything turns upside down, and you can hunt these animals to get meat for frying, although this possibility was not yet in one of the first The versions Forest 0.22. The review concerns final version, so meat is already available here - like all other food products.


The forest is rich in a wide variety of food products, the most useful and nutritious of which is meat. However, it needs to be fried, which attracts the attention of the monsters. Therefore, you can focus on berries and mushrooms, which can also be found in abundance - they restore health and satisfy hunger quite well, but among them there may be a poisonous berry or an inedible mushroom that will take a lot of health from you. Also, don't forget to visit the plane, as there you can find a large number of different edible supplies, such as soda or This was also added only after one of the first versions of The Forest 0.21. This review is coming to an end - it remains only to say a few words about weapons.


There are not so many weapons in the game: explosives that you can make yourself, a pistol with flares, and several types of axes. Naturally, you can also use various items at hand, such as rocks or enemy body parts, to fend off attacks if you do not have a serious weapon with you.

The main idea of ​​The Forest is survival in the forest. The main character and some other kid crash, I don’t understand where, but obviously very far from civilization. No food, no water, no weapons - nothing. Where to go - it is not clear what to do and how to be - is also in question. The ax in the hands, as BE hints - it's time to craft. And it would be okay if you just needed to get food and warm up on cold lonely evenings, since there is enough food and firewood in the forest, but as luck would have it, the hero lives in this wild place not alone. Where the boy went and why the aggressive natives took him is a mystery.

Somewhere nearby, in dark, damp and gloomy caves, starving cannibals are hiding, sometimes resembling mutant zombies. One of them at the very beginning of the game drags the wounded boy, and after their flock returns for the GG. That's basically the whole point of the game. Do not die from cold, hunger and at the same time do not become food yourself. Not new, but in trend, so to speak, and may be of interest to modern gamers.

In the game we survive, nothing more, at least for now oh additional features nothing is known. Maybe there will be a plot (to save the same kid) or something similar, with goals and a logical conclusion.

So far, as in the famous "survivors", after death we are shown how many days our carcass lived in the forest, and this, most likely, is the only logical conclusion. Survival is put at the forefront and they are already starting to dance from it. This is now fashionable, so this scheme will most likely not change by the release.

Survival itself is more like what was demonstrated in Don't Starve, and not in Rust, as it might seem at first. We have resources, enemies, indicators with lives, satiety, temperature, etc. So it just won’t be for sure. Kraft. As I already wrote, we can craft, and quite a lot of junk. Weapons, barricades, traps, frightening signs from the remains of the natives and even real houses. The building is not blocky and not at all flexible, rather it is like building from slabs, as in game Rust. Now, for obvious reasons, the list of crafts is small. But for the finale they promise a decent assortment.

Horror. Here is my holey head, I forgot to write. It's also a horror game, from which the player should be thrown into a sweat, and goosebumps on the back should jump in flocks. At least that's how the developers position it. And so far, according to first impressions, the horror is not bad. The atmosphere is the finest.

What is the first awakening in the cave after a successful attack of freaks. I really felt like the hero of that horror movie The Descent, when cave divers were being attacked by blind ghouls deep underground.

It's dark, cold, hungry, and this damn lighter is about to go out, leaving the player alone with the darkness and the creatures living there. Thanks to the phenomenal graphics quality, all these effects are achieved very quickly. For such projects, by the way, the picture is too overdressed, in the best sense of the word. Partly. On the this moment The Forest is not just an alpha, but rather a deep beta version, where nothing really works. I would not recommend buying the game now, it's not just raw, it's not really assembled yet. Some textures are not screwed yet, water does not work, combat system lame, but I generally keep quiet about the amount of content.

At the moment, the frame of the game and its engine are being sold, which demonstrates the direction of development, nothing more. And judge for yourself, getting content bit by bit from updates, can you enjoy the game? As soon as it comes out full version those who have played enough in alpha will not be able to get the desired sensations in full.

The Forest is definitely an interesting project. It’s really worth waiting for its final version, but for now, limit yourself to watching the video and go and drive in Rust. If I failed to convince you, then you need to look for it in steam.

edited news Melford - 2-07-2014, 18:49

I expected less than others, I found out about it almost a day before the release. This turned out to be great, as I spent the next day looking forward to this video game and was one of the first customers to purchase this game. I didn’t expect almost everything from a video game: a small company of creators, a lot of innovations that few people had tried to implement before them. However, Endnight games coped with their own task! We currently have an early alpha that crashes on load for some and crashes for some. A version in which saves do not work, and there are gaps in the textures. Understand what? What we have at the moment is already worth own money! I don't sharpen. This is a great video game. This is creation!

I had different feelings during the gameplay. As of the day of writing, I have played 48 hours of the game. But even that was 48 hours of pain, insult and torment. In the video game, as I said, there are no saves. The pain that you feel when you are nailed with cobblestones by many cannibals when you were carrying the last log to complete your home, and more than 100 pieces of logs are needed, who played, realizes that after all this cannot be experienced as in Dark Souls 2 as well as in other games. At one fine moment, I got a code with a bird, the one shown in the video, when it sits on your hand, it sits, sits, sits. My nerves gave out and I committed suicide.

The AI ​​in the video game is amazingly crafted. Cannibals walk in groups, paying attention to any of your impact. They go about their business and "kill" the stranger if they see him. They have their own settlements, and they live their own lives. An emotion is formed that they are not secondary heroes, and, as it is customary for us to say, “game meat that needs to be looted”. NO! One day, I had to meet a lone cannibal. It was my first meeting with a single cannibal, I was terribly curious. He watched me and didn't come close. As I approached, he climbed up a tree and watched from there. When I tried to cut down a tree, he jumped over to an adjoining one and tried to disappear. I overtook him and cut him down. Then his partner came, and at first she kept aloof, but as she approached the place of death of her friend, she began to behave harshly and storm me. I couldn't deal with her anymore. This is strange!

Even in this video game is given a chance to survive. Subsequently, such as you were overtaken and defeated by cannibals, you do not die, but “wake up” in their cave, where people similar to you are suspended, most likely these are passengers who flew with you on the same plane. And when I found a way out of this cave, I thought that it would be better if they killed me on the spot. Terrible four-legged monsters, many dead, ceremonial things and a large number of other terrible things. When you get out of this cave, you will hide and defend yourself better. Since there, you are unlikely to try to return! The video game features 2 worlds. Nature, living creatures, the sea… What else is needed for happiness? A beautiful forest that breathes life. And... Several tribes of cannibals, ready to destroy you and eat you. A terrible forest, breathing death. The video game gives it to us in one bottle, but even that is weird!

For me, the developers managed to do what they were supposed to do. Not scary monsters are scary at all, although some inspire a nightmare, the general atmosphere of the video game is frightening. A video game keeps you in suspense at any moment, one mistake and you have the opportunity to lose your home, warmth and comfort. And for you, you will either need to design and trade everything in a new way, or die! The question is: who is the real enemy? You locate in their forest, use their resources and destroy them. Endnight games gives you the chance to think about it. If you wish.

The Forest is a game that I personally had too high hopes for. All trailers, announcements and interviews with developers looked very exciting and delicious. What did we actually get? Let's find out!

Uncle developer, but I'm not scared!

As I wrote in the preface, I was really looking forward to this game. What can I say, at one time I even pre-ordered it, I liked the idea so much. What happened in the end? Pretty fearless survivalist, which boasts a rather interesting plot (although at the very beginning there was only survival in a buggy world). The first hours of the game, which took place three years ago, did not bring anything good. The game was boring, monotonous, not scary and painfully buggy. Play in the state in which the developers rolled it out early access, was almost impossible. In those days, she was criticized by everyone who could. For stupid physics, for the main character without a head (in the truest sense of the word), for extremely small content. The developers denied it, saying: "Guys, everything will be fine, just you wait a bit." And we really waited. The most devoted fans shouted out loud that they saw the sketches and plans of the developers, and this new level horror survivalist. Yep, twice.

Horror from the game was pumped out almost all. If at first the casual appearance of ordinary cannibals and mutants of the island was frightening, then after about two hours it became a kind of mainstream. Monsters have completely ceased to scare, and fundraising for survival ... In general, your pockets are already bursting with supplies, and survival is transferred to the natives. After five hours without death, you turn into an analogue of John Matrix and crumble these cannibals left and right.

Special thanks to the guys from Endnight Games Ltd for frequent and fairly global updates. Time passed, updates made the gameplay more fun, craft more diverse, and the story was overgrown with a good muscle cover on the skeleton of a three-year-old release.

What about horror? The co-op successfully lost it. The game has become more like all survival games, however, so far without the MMO element (and thank God). Instead of the promised horror, a pretty good survival game was received with a voluminous living world and physics sent for beer (EA still lasts). The arsenal of weapons is replenished with each new update, as are crafting items or shelters, and this is really pleasing. The plot, whatever one may say, is good even by the standards of excellent AAA projects. I will not spoil, but the whole mess will begin due to the fact that the natives took your son. Then there is a plot twist so unexpected that it will make every person say something like: “Come on!!! They couldn't wrap it up like that! Seriously?". The ending also pleased with an unexpected twist and groundwork for future project. Although some clichéd moments are not fully understood in it, the overall picture pleased.

“Dude, I have an axe! - So what? But I have a cannibal's leg! - Take it easy, bro! Put your foot where you took it!

Only those who have played the game from the very beginning will understand what I'm talking about. Do you have an ax? Good weapon. Do you have flares? It's not bad too. Do you have a campfire? You are a pyromaniac. Do you have a native's hand? Weapons of mass destruction. The gameplay of the game is no different from standard survival games. As before, we will have to look for loot and craft new weapons. You can also build a dwelling and create security system(in some way). The game has a rich system of cave labyrinths, and this is really one of the main pluses of the game.

Initially, the game was focused on a single player, but, apparently, the developers realized in time that the horror did not work out, and they urgently needed to change game concept. After these reflections, it was decided to give the lion's share of crafting, co-op and story. And if everything is clear with the plot, and it is really worth going through, then something went wrong with the cooperative. Yes, it is quite good and can accommodate several people (I don’t know the exact number), but why is it here? The game is not so large that there is a need to build entire castles or something like that. The number of cannibals is not so great that they are afraid to play the game alone.

Then why does the cooperative exist? There is one theory - the possibility of creating separate settlements. Yes, by and large, you will still live there alone, but compete with friends in buildings and craft ... Why not?

What else can be said about the gameplay and game mechanics"The woods"? Overall, she's really good. Let's say that with friends you can laugh a lot at the stupid and cardboard physics of objects and the main character. You can also laugh at the clumsy monsters of this world and the stupidity of cannibal AI, which are prone to spontaneous combustion at the stake. If you play alone, you can enjoy going through the main story, while getting a lot of fun from the ending. But the gameplay itself, unfortunately, can bore you in a single. Are the developers hinting in this way that the game is better played in co-op? Most likely, the way it is, and this makes the main idea of ​​the project a failure. After all, the developers praised the atmospheric horror about cannibals and mutants so much, and as a result we get a good cooperative survival game.

Don't be afraid of the spoon, be afraid of the fork! One hit - four holes!

The artificial intelligence in the game is already very artificial, because all the cannibals behave like ... Yes, in fact, like the stupid natives that they are. Did the developers intend this from the beginning? I think not, but after discussions we decided to leave a mediocre intellect, because ATMOSPHERE! That same feeling when, after one blow with an ax, the bodies of cannibals scattered like Christmas confetti ...

The Forest itself is really colorful and rich in flora and fauna (yeah, the game about the forest does have a forest, brilliant). The only moment when you can be scared is waiting for you in the caves. What can I say, they are drawn really well and even slightly frightening. In general, the whole picture is pleasing to the eye, and even by the standards of 2014 it looks cool.

The soundtrack in The Forest is kept at an average level and is more like a standard set of sounds for chopping wood and collecting minerals from other survivors. It seems to me that the developers made the soundtrack purely for show, because I did not happen to hear anything supernatural. Although in combination with the graphic component, the sound looks quite neutral and fully emphasizes environment. This is especially true for caves.

The Forest looks and feels pretty good, though it's not what we expected at all. The developers promised new experience in horror games, but in the end we got a pretty standard survival with beautiful graphics and a really good storyline.

In general, the game is really good. BUT! THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED SO LONG. The Forest looks like another survival game, and as it was developed, it lost all horror. Do I recommend it? Well, yes. After all, as a survival game, the game is really good, and it has a great storyline.

The Forest - survival in the forest with elements of horror, it came out in an early version, and is still being finalized, and various updates are coming to it, and this is my review on it, but hello.

I flew to rest..

There is really no plot in The Forest game, at the beginning of the game we are shown how we are flying in an airplane, with a little boy, most likely he is our son, and suddenly the plane crashes, after we fell and woke up, we see that some an aborigine with panties made of leaves stole our son from us, then our strong dad passed out again, and after a while he woke up completely, and then the gameplay begins. They offer us an ax in the arsenal, which was nicely lying in the intestines of one lady, well, we took it, they can open various suitcases that are lying around the plane, this is its first purpose, in the suitcases we find all sorts of rubbish, such as small balls, and so on. But perhaps the most important purpose of the hatchet is ..

Kill and slash

With our hatchet, we can kill various living creatures in order to stir up our own food, or armor. We have two stripes, these are blue and red, blue is energy, and red is health. Also, we can cut down trees, bushes, twigs, and so on, to build a house for ourselves (on the water, on a tree), or a bench, a cage, a trap, a fire, and even a scarecrow from heads, arms and legs, so that it would scare away evil natives. We have all these buildings in the book, we can open it, choose what we want to build, and start extracting the resources we need for this. There are a lot of different things in the book, and quite interesting, but why do you need a house? The house is needed in order for you to live there, sleep, and at least somehow protect yourself, and for this you need traps, you can build them, and the enemies will fall into them, so you don’t have to hit them with an ax again on their brainless brains, so that they would die. Scarecrow, you need to kill the natives, and dismember them like Isaac Clarke, tear off their legs, arms, and heads to build your terrible scarecrow, from which you yourself can run to the toilet. As for living things? There are sharks, rabbits, pangolins, and cannibal natives on the island. They run back and forth, there can be both men and girls, and if they still kill you, then you will wake up in a cave in which it will be dark like in w .. Very dark, and there are some monsters that have hands ten, in the same cave we can find a bigger ax, there are various weapons in the game, such as axes, spears, flare pistols, molotov cocktails, and even a bow, and so on. We can fish, fry, build, eat, and so on. In general, the game has a good future, I think if they continue to release updates, then by the release it will still be good and improved.

The Forest is a real survival in the forest, and also with elements of horror, and I still believe that they will bring the game to mind.

Graphic arts

The graphics in the game in my opinion is beautiful, everything looks very nice. Water, sky and the forest itself, everything is cool, there is dismemberment, normal lighting, and so on. At first, there was little graphics in the game, in the sense that, for example, when we dived into the water, there was no water, there was stupidly no, there was some kind of empty space in which our main character swam, and we also didn’t have a head, we also just flew up like a rocket and died, we also got natives stuck in the tables, we also had cheat bugs with which we could simply be immortal, and in general there were a lot of bugs . But now, it seems like everything has been fixed, and you can play, but it's better to wait for the release anyway, I guess.


The game is good, but it came out very raw, it has a great future, and if co-op or multiplayer is ever added to it, then it will be generally gorgeous.

8 natives out of 10!